Elearning For Preschool

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The key takeaways are that the current manual blotter system used by the Philippine National Police has limitations in monitoring and tracking cases effectively. An electronic blotter system is proposed to address these issues.

The current manual blotter system has difficulties monitoring and tracking cases when suspects and evidence moves to different locations. It is also hard for businesses and the public to check the blotter for stolen goods. This makes many cases unresolved.

The goals of developing an electronic blotter system are to more effectively monitor blotter cases online, allow the public and businesses to check for stolen goods, and help the government track blacklisted individuals and wanted persons across locations.

Chapter I The Problem and its Scope

1.1 Overview of the Current State of Technology eLearning has been around since 1990s. During those times, it emerged from being a radical idea. The effectiveness of which was yet to be proven to something that is widely regarded as mainstream. Its the core to numerous business plans and a service offered by most colleges and universities. (Stephen Downes, 2005) Most of the private schools are using elearning for teaching students while only minimal public schools are using this tool, because it adds additional expense to their budget. Program used on their eLearning are spelling games, matching games, dictionary games and Microsoft Products. eLearning has been used for teaching students the basics ways on how to used computer but those teachings are limited to computer related subjects, only few schools are using eLearning techniques for teaching subjects like math, science and others. On the internet there are Philippine websites available like www.e-turo.org provides readers to encourage using elearning as teaching for schools. Through the years, the basic way of learning is through reading books or having teachers try to at least explain their lessons in a way that it would not turn things more complicating for the students. The result is usually having somebody in the class being left behind in the lesson since not all students have a hard time catching up and some are not interested to listen especially in preschool.

Children in preschool love things that has colors in it, they usually dont like books with only just words, they love graphical representation of things that brings it to life. These graphical representations they see catches their attention, and gives their full focus to the lesson. That is why we have proposed the eLearning for preschools to help the kids imagine what the lesson all about, and make the kids focus/listen on what the teacher is teaching. This eLearning tools will not only benefit the kids but also the teacher it will help the teacher to prepare his/her materials in just a clicks on the computer and can be reused on his/her next years of teachings. This section gives the reader an overview of the specific technology or field in the international or local setting. The information regarding the technology or field should be contemporary and not based on outdated sources. Discussion must not be too technical or too detailed. This section ends with a discussion on the problems faced by or that still exist in the specific technology or field (e.g., limitations of existing software or algorithms).

1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.2.1 General Objectives The general objective of this system is to create an eLearning system for preschools, in order for the teachers to boost their productivity, enhance their method of teaching, and for their students to learn new things in a more fun way.

1.2.2 Specific Objectives

1. Identify the problems needs and opportunities of the existing

2. Describe the existing processes used by the companies in the

eLearning for preschools. 3. Transform detailed requirements into complete detailed system design document. 4. Develop an eLearning for preschools for a fast and reliable service to clients. 5. Determine the level of user acceptance of the developed eLearning for preschools in terms of : Program design Usability Content Appropriateness 1.3 Scope and Limitations This research focus on the design and development of eLearning for preschool system. The system features includes author profile page, authoring, configurations, selections of game template, reports, saving or loading of contents, security, online access and generated output of authored game product. The author mode is only accessible via internet, where user

can create a game by selecting different templates, configuring the selected templates (text, colors, answers, pictures, sound, background, and

characters), save/load the game and published the generated output. The output of the authored game can be access online and offline. The author profile page of the user contains the saved authored game it can be deleted, edited, copied and shared. Our research is limited to 2 kinds of user this are the teacher as the author of the system, and the kinder 2 pupils as player of the game authored. In order for the kinder 2 pupils to play the game, the game contains bigger buttons, mouse oriented game (click, rollover, drag and drop), and bigger text. 1.4 Significance of the Research

research will greatly benefit the stakeholders of the institutions

including the teachers, the preschoolers, the schools themselves, the parents as well as the community. To the teachers, this study may help them increase their productivity in terms of making exercises for students and in giving more attentions to the needs of their students. To the parents and preschoolers (kinder 2 pupil), this study may help them be more active in learning new things in their lessons. To the school, this may help them produce competent and potential students.

To the future researchers, this may help them in being updated on the performance of their child/children at school. To the community, this study may help them in

1.5 Definition of Terms eLearning - is a new method of teaching that uses an interactive tool for students to learn. Teachers - respondents of the system, who will serve as the author and publisher of the interactive tool. Kinder 2 respondents of the system who will use the published product of the author. Chapter II Review of Related Literature

This section discusses the features, capabilities, and limitations of existing research, algorithms, or software that are related/similar to the thesis. The reviewed works and software must be arranged either in chronological order, or by area (from general to specific). Observe a consistent format when presenting each of the reviewed works.

2.1 Conceptual Framework

Electronic Blotter System Conceptual Framework

The system consists of the following. Blotter Filed, Database, Monitoring and Tracking, SMS information, Case Solve, and the people or sector that can use the system like the ( Public, Government Agencies, Business Sector). Blotter Filed are the file that are being reported by complainant and this will automatically store in the database for monitoring. The Database store all the transaction and information regarding about the blotter system. Monitoring and tracking will be activate through communication with people and business industry and if a certain people or firm reported a certain thing or any illegal issues that are being blotter. Every case that has been spotted will automatically go to the system and informs the complainant via SMS. Every solve cases will go to the database for record purposes.

2.2 Related Literature

Poverty is one of the primary reason why crimes happens, many people had been victim of buying illegal items like hot cars, stolen cell phone etc. and many people that are being victim by crime that is still unresolved and the process and respond of blotter system today could not perform and monitor every reported filed by the complainant. Electronic Blotter is the answer this kind of system could somehow monitor online crimes filed by the complainants and this kind of system could be used by ordinary people, business sector and even government agencies to monitor and investigate people, stolen materials like (vehicles, cell phone, lost and found) Electronic Blotter sounds really good but some E-Blotter system is just based via transaction using e-mail and not really a fully functional system. 2.3 Related Studies Unfortunately there are no existing studies that contains exact information regarding about the E-Blotter but the Philippine National Police conduct analysis on how they will introduce and used the E-Blotter to solve crimes Some E-Blotter information that has been applied in our country is based on email messaging and Telephone calls,

2.4 Industry Study Philippine National Police today still uses the manual system of filling a blotter case. Many of those cases are still unresolved due of manual monitoring and tracking is very difficult. And most suspects and filed case travel in different places, thats whys its very hard to track them with the use of manual system. Pawnshops and other business center are the place where in they buy products and cater pawned materials not knowing that some of those materials are stolen and filed in a blotter case, and its hard also in their part to inquire in the Police Station due to expensive worth of local cost and text. Government sometimes experience difficulties to track black list and wanted person because there are times that a certain person is blotter in different place.

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