Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
STANDARD OF COMPETENCE 1. Solving some problems related to exponents, root, and logarithm.
BASIC COMPETENCE 1.2 Manipulating algebraic problem related to exponents, root, and logarithm computation
INDICATOR(S) 1.2.1 Simplify an algebraic expressions related to exponents, root, and logarithm 1.2.2 Proving some simple properties of exponents, root, and logarithm TIME ALLOCATION : 2 x 45minutes INSTRUCTIONAL GOAL 1. Students are able to prove some simple properties ofexponents, root, and logarithm INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Some properties of exponents 1. am x an = an+m 2. an : am = an-m 3. a0 = 1 4. (an)m = anm
log x = blog x / blog a log xy = alog x + alog y log (x/y) = alog x - alog y log xr = r alog x
INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACHES Model Methods : Cooperative learning : Expository, ask and answer, group discussion, and discovery
Introduction (10 minutes) Apperception : Checking prerequisite skills about the the meaning of exponential number, properties of some operations on real number. Motivation : This material must be comprehended by students in order to help them learning the next material Presenting instructional goals and keywords which will be used often during the lesson
Main Activities (75 minutes) a. Exploration 1. Teacher gives explanation about the instructional material, for example what is 23 x 24?. 2. Teacher asks students to creates some groups, each group consist of 3 member. b. Elaboration 3. Teacher gives each group a worksheet about how to prove some properties of exponents and logarithm 4. Students make discussion in each group to prove the properties
c. Confirmation 5. Teacher asks some students who readily volunteer to present their result of discussion 6. Other students give some questions or comment for presenters answer 7. Teacher guide students to prove some properties and lead the presentations way toward the correct answer. 8. Teacher assess about the result of presentation of each group.
Closing (5 minutes) 9. Teacher and students make reflection about the materials
10. Teacher guides students to make conclusion about some properties of exponents and logarithm. 11. Teacher gives students homework 12. Teacher remembers students to learn the next materials
SOURCES/MATERIALS AND TOOLS Sources : Adinawan, Cholik. 2000. Matematika Untuk SMA Kelas 10 page 91-105. Jakarta: Erlangga Cunayah, Cucun, dkk. 2009. Pelajaran Matematika Bilingual untuk SMA. Kelas X. page 196-204. Bandung: Yrama Widya Tools Worksheet : paper, pencil,
ASSESSMENT (INVOICE) 1. Type 2. Form 3. Example : : : Non-test, discovery and observation Rubric (activeness, teamwork, communication skills) Worksheet (In attachment)
: Mathematics : Senior High School : Solving some problems related with exponents, root, and logarithm : Manipulating algebraic problem related with exponents, root, and Logarithmic computation
Basic Comptence
Indicator Grade/Semester
Tools Prove!
log xy = alog x + alog y log (x/y) = alog x - alog y log xr = r alog x log x = blog x / blog a if a > 0, a 1, b > 0, b 1
n times
= an-m 3. 1 = am : am = am-m = a0
4. (an)m = ( a x a x a x ... x a )m
n times
5. let m = alog x, then am = x let n = alog y, then an= y am x an = xy = am+n, then alog xy = m + n = alog x + alog y 6. let m = alog x, then am = x let n = alog y, then an= y am / an = xy = am-n, then alog (x/y) = m - n = alog x - alog y 7.
log xr = alog (x.x.x...x) r times = alog x + alog x + alog x + ... + alog x = r alog x r times
ASSESSMENT RUBRIC Standard of Competence : Solving some problems related to exponents, root, and logarithm : Manipulating algebraic problem related to exponents, root, and logarithmic computation Indicator Grade/Semester : Proving some simple properties of exponents, root, and logarithm : 10th/Ist
Basic Comptence
Individual No. ASPECT INDICATOR DESCRIPTOR a. Asking question b. Give response if the teacher ask 1. Activeness c. State opinion C1 or C2 C3 or C4 C5 or C6 0 d. Intensity participate in class 1-3 4 a. Answer teachers 2. Understanding Material question - Yes - No - Yes - No C1 or C2 C3 or C4 C5 or C6 C1 or C2 C3 or C4 C5 or C6 SCORE 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 1 3 0
- Having interesting and Good interaction be able to do interaction with other fiends Communication 3. and cooperation skill Enough interaction - Having interesting and do less interaction with other fiends - Having less interesting Less interaction and do less interaction with other fiends Note: a. C1 is the knowledge b. C2 is the comprehension c. C3 is the application d. C4 is the analysis e. C5 is the synthesis f. C6 is the evaluation 1 2 3
Group No. 1. Aspect Reasoning Weight 3 Scale 1 2 3 4 Score Rubrics 1. Not good 2. Good enough 3. Good 4. Very good 2. Ability to tell the idea 5 1. Not good 2. Good enough 3. Good 4. Very good 3. Ability to present the work 10 1. Not good 2. Good enough 3. Good
4. Very good 4. Tools preparation 6 1. Not good 2. Good enough 3. Good 4. Very good 5. Ability to make conclusion 3 1. Not good 2. Good enough 3. Good 4. Very good 6. Teamwork 3 1. Not good 2. Good enough 3. Good 4. Very good Total 30