Lesson Plan Cubic

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Lesson Planning Sheet Title: Plotting Cubic Graphs Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All students should be able to complete a table of results from a cubic equation. Most students should be able to plot the graph of a cubic equation. Some students should be able to plot a cubic equation and use that to solve equations graphically Key words: Cubic, Graph, Exponential, Equation, Roots, Turning points Learning Activities Starter/Introduction Recap the graphical properties of a quadratic equation by matching a parabola to its equation. Students should be urged to consider the intercept of the equation and its width thereby showing an understanding of translations using a quadratic function. Have the class present their answers on mini-whiteboards to ensure assessments can be made and feedback provided. Development Start off by completing a table of results for the function . When the table of results is completed use them to plot points of the graph. Emphasise that the graph is a smooth curve rather than joined up line segments. Discuss with the students the effect of multiple products of negative numbers in equations with an odd power and those with an even power and how this is seen graphically. Use the graph to solve the equation by taking the value of y = 5 and noting the value of x when both lines cross. Discuss with the students the level of accuracy obtained when using this method compared to solving equations graphically. The students should be able to attempt on the next slide independently and use the graph to solve the given equation. When calculating the points for students may need to be reminded about the order of operations since is often calculated as rather than . Have students plot all the graphs on A4 graph paper to ensure accuracy and correct scales. The sheets can then be held up to the teacher throughout the lesson to ensure progress and allow feedback if needed. Alternatively, use the Autograph V3.3 files. Plenary The plenary is intended to provide a real life application of cubic graphs by having the students model the volume in a container with unknown lengths. If deriving the equation proves too complex for the students this can be worked out for them so they only have to plot the graph and use it to solve the equation when the volume is 70 cm3. Students could work in pairs to model this for peer support. Differentiation More able: Students could derive the equations and model them graphically. Having students choose their own scales enables them to consider the most important properties of the cubic graphs. Less Able Students may need to have the scales provided for them in order to identify the most important features. Calculating the table of results maybe a lesson within itself. Plotting the graphs could follow the next lesson. Resources: Graph Paper, Mini-Whiteboards Calculators

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