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25 Amazing and Disturbing Facts About The Hidden History of Medicine

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intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Always work with a qualifed health professional
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This information is provided as-is, and the reader assumes all risks from the use, non-use or
misuse of this information. The information in this book is not supported by conventional
medicine or most physicians. It is, however, the truth.

Most United States citizens would opt out of getting vaccines if they understood
that natural foods, vitamins, herbs and supplements build up the immune
system enough to fight of almost any disease known to mankind. For 70
plus years, the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) has succeeded at its
malicious money-making schemes, despite a well-documented history full of
horrific lessons.
In 2006, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) was
signed into law by the Bush Administration, giving the U.S. Government the
power to declare a "national emergency" for any infectious disease they claim
is spreading and therefore require mandatory vaccinations for the entire
population of the United States. In other words, U.S. citizens can now be
denied their constitutional right of choice and be force-vaccinated or face
jail time for being a "threat to national security," all without trial, and without
any legal representation. (http://www.infowars.com)
Auschwitz, the largest German concentration camp of WWII, was the ideal
"guinea pig" testing arena for dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines

created by IG Farben (a very powerful cartel that consisted of German chemical

and pharmaceutical companies such as BASF, Bayer, and Hoechst). Jewish
prisoners of war would not be able to "sue" the government, so inhumane
testing ensued. By vaccinating Jews, homosexuals, and anyone who denied
the political views of the Nazi's (including children), Hitler was isolating his
"master race" by sickening, weakening, or killing opposition, with a passive
and silent terror campaign through vaccinations and nerve gas. (http://www.
Nazi Germany wasn't a conspiracy theory, it was real, but people
underestimated the movement as it rose up, and look what happened. Before
and during the war, the Nazi's tested Jews the same way we test and breed
animals (including the ones we eat) in the United States today. How are
GMO (pesticide-laden) foods which cause cancer so diferent from pushing
dangerous, chemical laden vaccines (like swine and flu shots) on humans? And
how similar were the Nazi concentration camp conditions to the conditions
we find many animals living in today - trapped in a horror story from birth to
miserable death - also known as Concentrated (or Confined) Animal Feeding
Operations (CAFOs)?
There is a war going on today for chemical-free food and water, and a war for
personal liberties that allow citizens the right tohave GMO foods labeled, and
to opt out of vaccinations. It's been only 70 years since World War II, and the
mad scientists didn't just go away, they went to work for corporations
and pharmaceutical companies that run the vaccine and food industries
now. Their heirs are continuing the "tradition" of making money by any
means, with complete disregard for human sanctity.
Right now in the USA, poisonous foods and vaccines cross over moral and
ethical barriers regarding basic humanity and the welfare of mankind. The
United States has become a testing arena for Big Pharma's dangerous vaccines
and pharmaceuticals. Ingredients in vaccines include toxins and carcinogens
known to cause adverse reactions that are severe and sometimes fatal.

Most vaccines go virtually untested and success rates are based

strictly on results from testing animals in a laboratory.
Many vaccines contain thimerosal, a preservative made with methyl
mercury, which is extremely toxic to the central nervous system.
Many vaccines contain chemical adjuvants, like squalene, which
cause inflammation of the central nervous system.
Autism is a neurological disorder. Vaccine ingredients break down
peptides in the body which regulate the CNS, severely disrupting
specific high cognitive functions and processes all characteristic
of autism.
Rates of autism have doubled in past decade.
More than 1 in every 100 children in the U.S. are diagnosed with
autism, which is the highest rate of any population in all of history.
H1N1 vaccine greatly enhanced health risks for elderly, children, and
those with heart disease, breathing issues and diabetes.
The main group of scientists who convinced the World Health
Organization to declare the H1N1 a "pandemic" had financial ties to
the drug companies that profited.
Australia banned flu vaccines in children after reports of seizures,
and Finland banned H1N1 vaccines after linking them to narcolepsy
in children.
Injecting genetically modified bacteria and viruses runs the risk of
causing a cytokine storm in the body, which is an exaggerated immune
system response to a highly pathogenic invader. When a cytokine
storm occurs in the lungs, fluids and immune cells accumulate and
eventually block of the airways, often resulting in death.
For most of modern mankind, medical experiments are envisioned as
happening in a laboratory environment with use of rats and mice, but modern
Western medicine has devolved into a money making scheme which outsmarts
the general public and uses them as the mice. Therefore, in the way that

Hitler's evil pharmaceutical regime "flew under the radar" of so many powerful
countries, so has allopathic medicine today.


Doctors used to think that if they drained a sick person's blood it would purge
the "evil" infection or disease right out of the body, but all that did was make
the ill person much weaker, unable to fight of whatever was invading their
body, and the patient was then highly likely to lose the battle for life, and in
less time.
Research using polls and questionnaires continue to show that 3 of every 4
doctors and scientists would refuse chemotherapy for themselves due
to its devastating efects on the entire body and the immune system, and
because of its extremely low success rate. On top of that, only 2 to 4% of all
cancers even respond to chemotherapy or prove to be "life extending," yet it is
prescribed across the board for just about every kind of cancer.
Polls were taken by accomplished scientists at the McGill Cancer Center
from 118 doctors who are all experts on cancer. They asked the doctors
to imagine they had cancer and to choose from six diferent "experimental"
therapies. These doctors not only denied chemo choices, but they said they

wouldn't allow their family members to go through the process either! What
does that say about their true opinion of this archaic method?
These surveys are having a profound efect on the general public opinion of
chemo treatments in most of Western society, especially the United States,
which uses more than any nation in the world. This lack of trust by doctors is
spilling over to patients, and the move towards natural remedies is increasing,
much the way it did in the early 1900's, before the dawn of corrupt medicine,
pharmaceuticals, and radiation.

Autoimmune disorders are mainly caused when humans ingest chemicals
from food, drinking water, vaccines contaminated with chemicals, artificial
sweeteners and environmental pollution. Chemotherapy, like the popular Cis-
platinum, fills the body with horrific toxins, and doctors and scientists know
it, but because the FDA outlaws doctors from suggesting or prescribing
vitamins, supplements, herbs and super-foods, chemical therapy is still
The way to beat cancer is to detoxify your body and build up your host
immune system, not break it down further by dousing one tumor or one
organ with chemicals that pollute the entire system. Put it this way, if an
elderly person had an injured toe and it needed a cold compress to help heal
it, would you submerge the senior in a freezing pool of water repeatedly for
days, and then wait for the toe to heal? Doctors know how absurd the ideology
of chemotherapy really is, but when a society bases the bulk of its therapy on
chronic care management, the doctors are silently coerced into suggesting it
or finding another profession.

Chemotherapy shows very little success with common solid tumors that
occur in the colon, lung and breasts, as documented over the past decade,
yet somehow doctors still push "chemo" to attempt to stave of tumors and
malignant growths in these areas of the body.
Could it be some extreme coincidence that although 75% of doctors would
refuse chemotherapy for themselves and their family members, they still
prescribe it for 75% of their patients? The costly price of chemo and the
likelihood of Big Pharma "kickbacks" is screaming the answer "no."
At best, chemotherapy should be considered alternative treatment, but for
over 70 years Allopathic medicine has warped the public perception of true
medicine, so if you happen to get cancer and your doctor tells you what to do,
you may want to ask him/her if they would do the same thing for themselves
and their family members.


In the 1970's, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski found a non-toxic gene-targeting cure
for even the most lethal forms of cancer, and he began a war with Western
Medicine over a virtually free way to heal one of the most expensive "diseases"
and money making schemes ever known to mankind. It's a wonder the FDA
did not have Burzynski assassinated, although financially speaking, that's
exactly what they did to him for 30 years.
There is no single scientist in the world who can take down the cancer scam
industry, which earns itself in excess of one hundred billion dollars every year.
The FDA is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet, and unless
your parents, uncles and aunts are all Supreme Court Justices, you won't beat
the FDA lawyers in court. When Burzynski succeeded at winning some of his
battles (not the war) against the FDA, his home was raided by them, along
with one Dr. David Kessler, and they seized all 12,000 of Burzynski's patient
records and kept them from him for 8 years.

Innocent Americans who were being cured of "terminal cancer" were
suddenly deprived of Burzynski's antineoplastons treatment, a combination
of phenylacetate and phenylacetyl-glutamine (proteins and amino acids), and
many of them died. Antineoplastons cured even gliomas, the lethal cancerous
tumors which attach themselves to the spinal cord and/or the brain. Burzynski
cured over 40 kinds of cancer, including breast, bladder, lung, and terminal
brain cancer.
The documentary film, called Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business, takes you
from start to finish, explaining how this genius proved he could cure cancer
patients who had already been through the maximum chemo and radiation
treatments the ruthless American system could dole out. His patients,
children and adults, testified in court that his natural medicines had cured
them, but the FDA still shut Burzynski down. The arguments in court weren't
even over whether his treatment worked or not, which it obviously did. The
contention the FDA had was that Burzynski was shipping his meds over state
and international lines.
The United States Government, The Texas Medical Board, the FDA and PhRMA
took on Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD, persecuting the cancer healer
falsely and eventually stealing his patent. By leaving out most of the key
ingredients in the antineoplaston formula, the FDA ran their own fraudulent
clinical trials and posted data showing the "patented" natural cure as a "big
hoax." The American Medical Association (AMA) has been calling doctors who
find natural cures "quacks" for 80 years, and the FDA used the same old trick
on Burzynski.
But Dr. Burzynski may go down in history as the most resilient and persistent
doctor, and he was able to reveal the fabricated FDA research when he
found data which they posted which revealed they had diluted his formula
intentionally so it would fail. (http://www.cancertutor.com/Other/

Finally in 1993, Burzynski won in court because the medical board had no
case, including no expert witnesses. Still the FDA pressure continued into
1995, sending the doctor summons to reappear for the same charges, over and
over, wasting U.S. taxpayer dollars by the millions. Jurors from previous cases
were astounded and actually showed up on the courthouse steps to talk to the
press about the absurdity of the FDA. Part of the whole scandal involved the
Mayo clinic and Sloan Kettering, who lied to Burzynski, saying they had only 8
patients who fit the "protocol" for his cures when actually 2,000 people were
literally dying in waiting.
Then, believe it or not, Burzynski was finally indicted in 1996. The trial cost
U.S. taxpayers $60 million. This is where your money goes when you donate
to the wrong funds, like the ACS (American Cancer Society), NCI (National
Cancer Institute) or Susan G. Komen foundation. It helps the U.S. Government
shut down natural cures. Think of that next time you get invited to a "pink
ribbon" function.


On June 24, 1938, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law the Food, Drug
and Cosmetc Act, allowing the FDA authority over all drugs by mandatng pre-
market review and banning "unchecked" therapeutc claims on labels. This meant
complete control of the expensive approval process of medicine, boostng the
pharmaceutcal industry's power to an unprecedented level.
Three years later, on December 7, 1941, twenty one American ships
auspiciously exploded in the port of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, killing 2,388 Americans
and the U.S. immediately entered World War II. Conveniently, the three most

important aircraf carriers where not in the port, but had been moved to another
locaton, and the infamous "radio silence" of the Japanese fghter pilots that went
down in the history books turned out to be a massive lie.
On January 20, 2000, the 43rd President of the U.S., George W. Bush, was
inaugurated and immediately appointed his "right hand man" Donald Rumsfeld
as Secretary of Defense. Rumsfeld, the former CEO of Searle Pharmaceutcal,
was one of the most powerful and manipulatve players in the world of the "Big
Pharma" racket.
On September 11, 2001, just 20 months later, three of the most popular buildings
in the world crumbled to the ground demoliton style (htp://www.youtube.
com/watch?v=Zv7BImVvEyk) in New York City, killing over 3,000 Americans.
Rumsfeld was crucial in planning the United States' response to the "atacks," and
shortly thereafer the U.S. conveniently waged "pre-emptve" wars in Iraq and

The "Industrial War Complex" is nothing new. You may have heard before that war
is "good" for the economy, but the truth is, war is good for the politcians who
have fnancial interests in the companies that proft from it directly. Following
both World War II and the latest Wars in the Middle East, the statstcs can't
lie about the dramatc increase in demand for treatng mental and emotonal
problems, usually referred to as Post Traumatc Stress Disorder (PTSD), which led
to a massive windfall of profts for leading pharmaceutcal companies. Is it just a
massive coincidence?
Hauntngly familiar situatons and U.S. Government reactons in both scenarios
alert intelligent, ratonal citzens that American politcs is not about writng
legislaton and fulflling the democratc dream, but is rather deeply entrenched
in proftng from a "guaranteed" scheme of startng wars and then treatng the
masses with expensive drugs that rack up a fortune in profts for the elite few who
are "wielding the sickle." (htp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amC4l_gCI10)

Over 70% of Americans believed Saddam Hussein was behind
the 9/11 attacks and history proves now that he was not, and
furthermore, Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction.
FDR's General Marshall and the Secretary of State named the day of
Pearl Harbor one week before the attack.
George W. Bush was caught on film with a very
nonchalant, indiferent reaction when the secret service whispered
in his ear in a school classroom that we had been attacked by
terrorists. (http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/fahrenheit-911/)
Pre-WWII pharmaceutical giants Merck, Squibb, Lilly and Pfizer
propelled penicillin production and gained support from the federal
government, holding the CMR penicillin conference in New York
just ten days after Pearl Harbor.
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld made personal fortunes in
the tens of millions from monopolizing contract work in Iraq and
from the sale of drugs used to treat military personnel and hired
civilians who sufered injuries and traumatic stress from the Wars in
the Middle East.
Quarterly earnings of the biggest oil and gas corporations surged
after the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, exceeding the largest
gains in 30 years, with Exxon ranking #1 in total profits. Under Bush,
the passage of an oil law to split revenues with the Kurds was a
crucial benchmark to the U.S. profiting from the War in Iraq. (http://
Robert Stinnett, decorated WWII veteran, published his 1999 book,
"Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor," revealing
that FDR not only knew about the attack in advance, but that his
Administration put Japan in an economic chokehold before the war,
inciting the "open back door" attack.
Before 9/11, in 1999, Monsanto merged with the Big Pharma
giant Pharmacia, which conveniently absorbed the enormous drug

division R.D. Searle, creating a new Monsanto agrochemical (GMO)

and biotech subsidiary.
On October 7, 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum
recommended in a memorandum (the McCollum Memo) that the U.S.
provoke the Japanese into attacking America, so the American people
would change their stance on the war and support the forthcoming
In the wake of the 9/11 "terrorist attacks," Bush actively pursued the
addition of a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients.
The cleanup of all debris from Pearl Harbor and from the 9/11
destruction in New York were suspiciously cleaned up in a huge
rush and no debris was ever analyzed by the U.S. Government. (http:/
The actual jumpstart of Big Pharma was marred by the "elixir
sulfanilamide disaster of 1937," leading to the involvement of the
FDA in the pharmaceutical regime and FDR's "Food, Drug and
Cosmetic Act" just one year later.
Rumsfeld was the Chair of the Board of Directors at Gilead Sciences
before being named to the Bush cabinet. Gilead Sciences patented
and pushed the drug Tamiflu, the "wonderously popular" flu drug
that swept across America, generating billions in profit. Of course,
"Rummy" Rumsfeld still holds major shares of Gilead stock.

The backbone of Western Medicine is primarily supported by prescripton
medicaton, chemotherapy and radiaton treatments. These forms of "medicine"
are very expensive, patentable, and manipulated by the Government, the FDA, the
media, and Big Pharma. For seventy years, the American public has been coerced
into making choices between diferent toxins which are propped up and highly
recommended as mainstream medicine, and all forms of natural healing have
either been labeled as Alternatve (risky) or as a form of "quackery."

There is a reason why school curriculums and history books focus on rote memory
skills and close-ended, multple choice test questons - the Government does not
want a lot of deep thinking, critcal researchers looking into the facts of history,
which, thanks to Google and the Freedom of Informaton Act, are now readily


I.G. Farben was a powerful cartel comprised of Bayer, BASF, Hoechst, and
other German chemical companies which experimented mercilessly on
Jewish prisoners as Hitler commanded, inside the World War II Auschwitz
Concentration Camp, testing dangerous drugs and vaccines and killing
thousands. In fact, Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory
in human history (http://www.nizkor.org/faqs/auschwitz/auschwitz-faq-
Ironically, just two weeks after Germany's unconditional surrender, the
designer of the Nazi guided missile, Herbert Wagner, arrived in Washington
D.C. This was the beginning of the mass influx of "mad scientists" who would

go to work in the United States for a mission called "Project Paperclip,"

headed up by President Roosevelt to supposedly "exploit the knowledge of
Nazi scientists."
A few years later, the Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal convicted 24 of the
I.G. Farben executives for mass murder, slavery and other crimes against
humanity; however, in less than 7 years, every single murderer was released,
and began consulting American corporations. From 1950 to 1980, Bayer,
BASF, and Hoechst filled their highest position, Chairman of the Board, with
convicted mass murderers.
Currently, each of the three IG Farben "daughter" companies is far more
powerful than Farben ever was during World War II. Today, these companies
send lobbyists to Washington D.C. with millions (if not billions) of dollars to
influence regulatory decisions made by the FDA.
Fritz ter Meer, convicted of mass murder, served just 5 prison years, then
"conveniently" became the chairman of Bayer's supervisory board.
Carl Wurster of BASF helped manufacture Zyklon-B gas, the powerful pesticide
used to execute millions of Jews. He knew the use of this product was for
annihilation, and his partners in crime were convicted and hanged in 1946.
Arthur Rudolph, director of the concentration camp where 20,000 Jewish
and Polish workers died from beatings, hangings and starvation, was
granted U.S. citizenship and went on to design the Saturn 5 rocket used in the
Apollo moon landings.
Kurt Blome, who admitted to killing Jews with "gruesome experiments," was
hired in 1951 by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare.
Big Pharma's evil seeds, which the FDA calls medicine, were first planted in
the United States 65 years ago. Many of the "mad scientists" who tortured
innocent human beings in the Holocaust were hired and promoted by U.S.
Presidents to catapult what we call "Western Medicine," and its ultimate goal

of creating sickness and then treating its symptoms for profit (http://www.
The "chronic care management and disease business" of America is growing
rapidly. Take a good look at all the pharmaceutical advertisements on
television. These are synthetic, untested chemical drugs and aluminum-laden
vaccines pushed on the American public like candy, with side efects much
worse than the condition they are supposed to treat.

Simply put, most Americans under-estimate the power of the FDA and
Big Pharma's mission to control medicine and make their billions at any
cost, and prescription drugs, flu shotsand vaccines that are prominent in
advertisements that "seem normal" are culprits of bad health and disease.
Ultimately, convenience and perpetuated myths have driven the masses to
consider these corporate scams and experiments as part of their normal
array of choices for products, medicines, and treatments.
If you're still looking to cure your migraine headaches with "extra strength
medicine," your first step should be to avoid buying anything sold by a
company which hires mass murderers as their CEO's and head scientists.
Then review your eating and drinking habits. It could just be that the MSG in
your food and the Aspartame in your diet drinks and gum are what's causing
those headaches in the first place.
Put it this way, if the aspirin container had a label that read, "Warning; the
former Chairman of Bayer was a convicted serial killer," would you still give it
to your child?


For over 75 years, cigarettes have been pushed on the American masses
through advertisements on television, radio, in magazines, and on billboards,
but few people realize that the initial "evil seeds of thought" were planted in
the 1930's, when Camel convinced smokers that cigarettes aid in digestion,
beginning and perpetuating a myth that's about to be completely discredited.
The year was 1936, and the horribly misleading Camel advertisement
recommended smoking at least one cigarette between each course of your
Thanksgiving dinner "for digestion's sake." The ad was FDA approved
and appeared in Life Magazine, and was intended to infuse a psychological
addiction that convinced smokers they could build up a sense of "digestive

well-being." Camel used convincing tag lines saying they, "Never tire the taste
or get on the nerves," and (Camels) "Speed up the flow of digestive fluids,"
"Increase alkalinity," and "Help your digestion to run smoothly," and of course,
"Good food and tobacco go together naturally!" (http://www.buzzfeed.com/
How many smokers still believe today that it aids in digestion? Nearly every
smoker, if asked, will tell you they enjoy a cigarette after meals, but it's actually
the breathing pattern (long inhale, hold, long exhale) that a smoker enters
into when they light up that relaxes them, but most smokers fail to realize it.
Let's be very clear here, nicotine does not aid in digestion, and neither
do the other 4,000 chemicals in commercial cigarettes. In fact, cigarettes
are one of the most detrimental and systemically damaging legal substances
you can consume.
Every inhaled puf of smoke contains free radicals which inflict damage on
every system in the body, especially the digestive track and the intestines.
Smoking increases the risk of Crohn's disease, gallstones, peptic ulcers and liver
disease. The chemicals bond to the walls of healthy tissue in the esophagus,
windpipe, and stomach, disordering DNA and causing the cells to degrade.
According to the American Diabetes Association, cigarette smoking has
"demonstrable efects on blood sugar," making type two diabetes more likely.
Smoking also ages the tissues of the pancreas, which creates defects in the
digestive system. Smoking impairs the lymphatic and immune system, which
damages the soft tissue lining of the small intestine. That's why colon cancer
is prominent in smokers.
Although the liver doesn't seem like part of the digestive system, it actually
filters the nutrients and toxins from the blood, in a process called first-pass
metabolism. Smoking severely constricts this liver blood flow. After long term
use of nicotine, the body becomes dependent on it, recycling toxins back to
the liver, and the result is constipation. The more you smoke, the worse it gets.
The only solution is to get of nicotine and detoxify the liver, so e-cigarettes
won't help.

In 1970, Congress passed the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act, banning
the advertising of cigarettes on TV and radio, but smokeless tobacco ads
remained on the air until 1986. After 1971, tobacco ads were only in magazines,
newspapers and on billboards. In 2010, new regulations prohibit tobacco
companies from sponsoring certain types of events, or putting their logos on
hats and t-shirts. Everyone has seen the warning from the Surgeon General on
packages, but obviously the mission to prevent young people from smoking
didn't work. (http://www.classictvads.com/smoke_2.shtml)
Unethical advertising by Camel and other major brands continues today, despite
regulations to the contrary. Children and teens still recognize the Marlboro
Man and Joe Camel as being "cool," and women have consistently been a target
market for cigarette advertising, pushing the tall and slim look. The problem is
that even if you're tall and slim, you still get the same kind of cancer.
The celebrity Sammy Davis, Jr. was a smoker who died in 1990 of throat cancer.
In his final years, he courageously made several public service announcements
about the evils of smoking, but unfortunately, he forgot to tell everyone that
cigarettes do not aid in digestion.


The infamous "Doctor" Morris Fishbein was head of the American Medical
Association (AMA) and the editor of the AMA's Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA) for 25 years. He later became the founding Editor of
Medical World News, an influential magazine for doctors. Morris Fishbein
operated the AMA for the sole purpose of dominating medicine and
discrediting anything he could not control. He was notorious for calling
the very scientists who discovered natural cures "quacks," and convincing the
medical community that he was right.
In 1924, the director of AMA got caught in a scandal, and appointed his
scandalous friend, one Morris Fishbein, to take his place. Within 10 years,
Fishbein owned nearly all of AMA's stock. He immediately began coercing
doctors who wanted to "belong to their county medical society" to join the
new state association, and from there the AMA increased its membership to
include a majority of physicians. Anyone who refused could lose their license
to practice medicine. Fishbein was essentially the "dictator" of the AMA for
more than twenty years, until he got ousted himself by the state delegations of

doctors. Morris would continue living for 30 years. Thanks to Morris Fishbein,
the AMA still has its stranglehold on Western Medicine today.
The AMA is supposed to be a "nonprofit" agency, but is best remembered for
pushing cigarettes on the American public, beginning back in the 1930's.
Fishbein went so far as to advise cigarette manufactures how to conduct
"acceptable scientific testing" to validate massive lies about how certain
cigarette brands were healthy choices, even choices that doctor's make!
All this took place in the face of research during the 1930's that directly
associated smoking with lung cancer.
Fishbein would win landmark court cases that helped bury natural cures for
decades. In fact, rather than practicing medicine, he made silencing cures his
profession. The word quack became the corporate code word for alternative
medicine, and it worked. This powerful, evil mix of psychology and marketing
created a stage for corporate medicine, and the masses just fell in line.
Fishbein was also a master of manipulation, and he masterminded a scam
where he determined which products were "fit" to carry the AMA's new "seal
of acceptance". In exchange, Big Pharma paid big bucks to Fishbein behind
closed doors, which generated big revenue from the "quality" branding and
favored placement in the AMA publications.
Without regard to morals or ethics in medicine, the Voice of American
Medicine would begin instilling a false security in the invasive and dangerous
"mainstream" methods of treating cancer, and everything else would be
considered risky alternatives or be declared illegal. Quickly, the synthetic drug
industry became more and more entrenched within the U.S. medical system.
Was Fishbein really a doctor? Yes, and he did graduate from Medical school,
but he never practiced medicine a day in his life. Rather, he focused on stifling
cures and stealing intellectual property by controlling and manipulating the
information he deemed the American public was "ready" to understand, which
was similar to how the U.S. citizens were completely misinformed about the
massive failures during the Vietnam War due to manipulation of information.

Fishbein and the AMA buried at least a dozen encouraging cancer treatments
over several decades. Fishbein's legacy is tainted with corruption. Thanks
to him, most people haven't even heard of Royal Rife and the Rife frequency
machine, which was an amazingly efective, holistic treatment for cancer
and other infectious diseases. Fishbein shut down Harry Hoxsey, who ran
the world's largest private cancer center in Dallas in the 1950's. Even the FDA
admitted in court that Hoxsey's natural treatments cured several forms of
cancer, and were comparable to surgery and radium, without the destructive
side efects.
Morris Fishbein was later convicted of racketeering charges, but since the reign
of Fishbein, the AMA's financial existence still relies heavily on the revenue
received from advertising mostly dangerous, synthetic pharmaceuticals in
various medical journals.
With reckless disregard, the AMA pushes anything and everything that
pays the bills. One JAMA journal ad actually printed these words, "Patients
with coughs were instructed to change to Philip Morris cigarettes". How big
was that payof?

The AMA is responsible for the licensing of all doctors in America. They play
the ultimate role in suppressing alternative treatments by networking with
the ACS and FDA in identifying and punishing doctors that "step out of line."
Make no mistake, there never was a determined, no holds-barred war on
cancer. Although the Natural Cures war has been waged for centuries, there's
no "defeating" the $110 billion a year cancer industry run by the American
Medical Association. Linus Pauling, two times Nobel Prize winner, once said,
"Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud."
Today, the AMA continues to make decisions which protect corporations
and their ultimate goal of "expensive chronic care management," instead of
protecting patients and their rights to ethical treatment. The AMA supports
prescription drugs, which are killing 100,000 Americans every year, including

children. Right now prescription drugs with horrible side effects dominate
the pages of JAMA, and "Mainstream Medicine" is still fooling at least half of
America, and that AMA seal still carries all that weight!
When considering the history of medicine, if you remember anything other
than the name Morris Fishbein, remember that Harry Hoxsey and Royal Rife
were legendary in finding cures for cancer, and if you look deep enough, history
proves it. As Jonathan Swift once said, "When a true genius appears in this
world, you may know him by this sign - that the dunces are all in confederacy
against him."


The year before water fluoridation began in the United States, the entire
dental profession recognized that fluoride was detrimental to dental health.
In fact, in 1944 the Journal of the American Dental Association reported that
using between 1.6 and 4 ppm (parts per million) fluoride in water would
cause 50% of adults to need false teeth. On top of that, the world's largest
study looked at 400,000 students, revealing that tooth decay increased in
over 25% with just 1ppm fluoride in drinking water. (http://www.healthy-
Yet still, in 1945, fluoride was put into municipal water systems in Newburgh,
New York, and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Over the next 50 years, more than

60 percent of the U.S. population was "fluoridated" at a minimum of 1 ppm.

Currently, over 75% of the United States water supply contains this
deadly toxin.
One part of the hoax, "fluoride helps with tooth formation," was removed
from the "American Fluoride Campaign" early on. Realizing this might
expose the entire campaign as fraudulent, the FDA and CDC simply
removed that language, but kept the masses believing that fluoride keeps
dental cavities at bay.

Research proves that fluoride is an extremely neurotoxic chemical which
interrupts basic functions of nerve cells in the brain and can lead to Alzheimer's,
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), infertility, birth defects, diabetes,
cancer and lowered IQ. The aluminum "tricks" the blood-brain barrier and
allows chemical access to brain tissue.
Think fluoride is used by the rest of the world? France, Germany,
Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Finland, India and Great Britain have all
rejected its use after special commissions and health secretaries reviewed
the negative evidence.
Think fluoride cleanses the water? Fluoride is one of the basic ingredients
in military nerve gas. Sodium fluoride is a hazardous waste by-product from
the manufacture of aluminum and fertilizer, and it is a common ingredient in
roach and rat poisons.
Think fluoride fights cavities and strengthens bones? Dental fluorosis
is often caused by over-exposure to fluoride when the dental enamel is
mineralizing during childhood. Fluoride is unique in its ability among acids
to penetrate tissue, causing soft tissue damage and bone erosion as it leaches
calcium and magnesium from the body. (http://tuberose.com/Fluoride.html)

Think fluoride evaporates from water? Fluoride does not evaporate from
water left sitting out. Also,boiling or freezing won't help at all, and basic filters
like Brita do not remove it. Reverse osmosis does remove it, and natural spring
water does not contain it.
Because the ADA maintains a stranglehold on the dental profession, no dentists
are ever openly critical of fluoride. The ADA can influence State Dental Boards
which can take away a dentist's license, so you won't hear anything negative
about it from your dentist. Most brands of toothpaste contain at least 1,000
ppm fluoride, so if a child were to eat an entire tube, he/she would die.
Fluoride has never received FDA approval and does not meet "requirements
of safety and efectiveness." The FDA states that fluoride is a prescription drug.
Because this "drug" is put in municipal water, there is absolutely no control
over individual dosage.
So, why on earth would the USA's regulatory agencies allow such a nightmare
to perpetuate? In the early 1900's, when important vitamins (like B12) were
discovered and natural remedies became popular, medicine was basically
unprofitable. Fluoridation was a planned experiment of mass medication to
induce diseases that would later be "treated" with expensive healthcare, and that
is why government paid healthcare in America is nothing but a pipe dream.


On October 10th, 1955, several big lies about sugar were infused into the
minds of the American public via Life Magazine, and what would follow were
generations of the shifting of food modification and supply to meet the demands
of ill-informed consumers. Full page, color ads ran in major magazines such as
Life, Newsweek, and Time. Rich and famous people made claims that the public
completely bought into. It was a time when nutrition, science and health were
treated with distortion and manipulation, and the infamous sugar industry
itself was claiming that sugar was not fattening.
The advertisement in Life Magazine actually had tag lines that read, "Lose
weight naturally, eat white sugar." Another slogan told another bold faced lie,

"And sugar can help you cut down on the only kind of calories that can make
you fat - they are the ones that come from overeating."
When and how did all the nutritional lies start? Who perpetuated the myths
that still trap minds today? Following WWI, America began a demographic shift
from rural life on farms to the inner city life because the factories lured people
into urban areas. The food supply began to morph into nutrient depleted,
processed forms as science began revealing short cuts that would help foods
of commerce widen profit margins. The food supply became mostly bleached,
refined, sterilized, pasteurized, homogenized, hydrogenated, artificially
flavored and colored, highly sugared and salted, synthetically "fortified" or
"enriched," canned, and full of man-made chemicals for longer shelf life, but
shorter human life.
Of course, myths had to be perpetuated to get the public to buy into everything,
and not question the short or the long term detrimental effects to health
and happiness. Each and every lie carried a slogan which advertised the
synthetic food agent or the indulgence's greatest weakness as its strength. It
was reverse psychology at its best, and it worked.
The FDA and federal courts issued gag orders on a man named Royal Lee and
his lectures on nutrition, which included natural cures for cancer, but there
were no restrictions whatsoever regarding ads that said smoking cigarettes
and eating white sugar were good for you.
Another horrible lie in the Life Magazine Ad read, "It doesn't matter where
the calories come from, 'steak or apple pie'." They even included fabricated
research information, "According to a study at a leading university: When
they're blood sugar levels were elevated there was less sensation of hunger"
(In actuality, it's just the opposite). Also, if that wasn't enough to win you over,
you just needed to keep reading, "And if you maintain your present weight,
isn't it good to know that sugar helps to count your calories for you?"

In the early 1900's, the average American consumed only 12 pounds of sugar in
a year. Now, according to USDA statistics, including high fructose consumption,
that figure is over 150 pounds per person! Refined carbohydrates are a
hidden source of sugar. These empty calories, consumed on a regular basis,
leave the body without the materials it needs to maintain proper function,
leading to chronic disease.
Was this the sugar industry's ultimate goal since the 1950's? Are educated
consumers beginning to wake up to the fact that the FDA, the CDC, and the
commercial food industry in America purposely sicken United States citizens in
order to profit from a useless healthcare industry, chock full of pharmaceuticals
and toxic vaccines? Common sense and libraries full of research say yes.


It's only been 100 years since the discovery of some of the most vital
nutrients humans and animals need for maintaining health and
preventing sickness, yet mainstream doctors will not recommend them.
How did everything get so convoluted in just 5 generations? When did the
Western masses stop believing in natural cures that are scientifically proven
to work?
During the first few decades of the 1900's, U.S. medicine wasn't profitable.
People were eating organic foods from farms where soil had no pesticides

and wasn't depleted of nutrients. Scarce was a case of heart disease, cancer,
diabetes, Alzheimer's or arthritis, and there were no "pharmaceutical" deaths.
In 1905, Dr. William Fletcher was researching Beriberi, when he discovered
that if special factors (vitamins) were removed from food, disease occurred.
By 1912, Deficiency Disease was discovered, and the general public would
soon understand that a lack of vitamins could make you sick, and could
eventually kill you.
Vitamin B12 was discovered by accident in an efort to cure pernicious anemia.
Numerous scientists helped isolate B12 realizing that the disease was directly
related to its deficiency. Elmer McCollum discovered vitamin A in 1912. At
this time, scientists determined nutritional levels that kept cattle healthy,
and discovered the absence of vitamins had detrimental effects. By 1916,
experiments showed that fat-soluble vitamin A was necessary for normal
growth, and by 1919, Edward Mellanby proved that rickets was caused by
deficiencies of vitamin D and calcium.
Other important vitamin discoveries took place from 1920 to 1930, but by
WWII the FDA realized the threat this information posed to the pharmaceutical
industry, so the AMA called doctors "quacks" who used vitamins and minerals
to cure disease. Soon, Americans began believing there were magic pills and
vaccines for everything, and that you got all the vitamins and minerals you
need from the infamous "four basic food groups."

The best research available on these deficiencies comes from Dr. Joel D.
Wallach, author of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie." Wallach grew up on a farm where
his family fed cattle vitamins and trace minerals to prevent and cure disease.
As a veterinarian he performed autopsies on 17,000 animals to find causes
of natural death. After studying 500 species and making comparisons to

3,000 humans, he concluded that every mammal that dies of "natural causes"
actually dies of "nutritional deficiency disease."
The average human lifespan in the U.S. is 75, yet doctors only live to be 62
(according to JAMA, 1994). Wallach says, thanks to pesticide ridden soil
depleted of minerals, humans are robbed of half their life. He emphasizes, "We
must take all the essential nutrients; 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential
amino acids, and 3 essential fatty acids as supplements daily if we want to
live past a hundred. The body cannot manufacture essential nutrients, and
if they're not in the soil, they're not in vegetables. In fact, if you're missing
any one of these essential nutrients for several months, you're developing
deficiency diseases.
Dr. Wallach says you have nothing to lose by supplementing, "It may cost you
a dollar a day, but how much does disease cost you?" He compares pain to
the red light on your dashboard, "The warning light means you are low on
oil, or there's not enough coolant, etc." If you just pull over and deal with the
problem, then you don't kill the engine; however, village idiots (uneducated
Americans) who don't have time to deal with it "cut the wire and keep on
driving" when they go to a doctor and get prescription painkillers to mask the
symptoms. Without fortifying joints and bones, the doctor knows you'll be
back with a chronic problem or a disease.
Vitamin B12 is needed for healthy red blood cells, healthy nerve cells,
and to make DNA. Vitamin A is important for the immune system, helping
cell membranes resist cancer and many other diseases.
Ever wonder why allopath physicians don't prescribe vitamins and minerals?
There is no financial incentive for disease prevention, plus most doctors
have little to no training in nutritional science. Don't be fooled by cheap
"corporate" vitamins which may worsen health. This is Big Pharma making
sure you don't get cured. Theragran M, One-a-day, Centrum and Equate are
mainly unusable and synthetic, and include "other ingredients" which pollute
the system.


The evolution of disease over the last 100 years is no mystery, in fact, the causes
and the cures are glaring us all in the face. In just 5 generations, America
has gone from nearly perfect health statistics to the leader in what should be
termed simply "chronic lifestyle diseases." Heart failure is the leading cause
of death in Western countries today, yet not a single case is on record that is
more than 100 years old. In 1910, only 1 in 100,000 people had diabetes,
and there was no such thing as Alzheimer's disease, yet there are nearly 30
million people in the U.S. who are diagnosed with either diabetes or "old
timer's disease" right now, plus 80 million pre-diabetics.

Having doubts? Open the history books and look. Coronary heart disease
barely existed in 1910, but by 1930, just one generation later, it was causing
3,000 deaths per year. By 1950, it was the leading cause of mortality in the
United States, accounting for more than 30% of all deaths. In the grand 'ole
U.S. of A, every other man will get cancer in his lifetime, and every third
woman. What in the world could have changed the statistics so quickly and so
drastically, just since our grandparent's grandparents were alive?

In 1910, one out of every three people in the United States lived on a farm
and ate from their farm. Medicine was not a profitable industry. Today, only
one percent of the U.S. population lives on a farm, and just how many of the
other 99% actually buy food from farmers who do not infect it with pesticide,
and who have soil which still feeds nutrients to those living fruits and
vegetables that the body must have to stay fully functional? (http://diabetes.
The ultimate research question to ask here is, "What lethal ingredients
are Americans consuming regularly that sicken and kill over 65% of the
population? Is it margarine, fluoride, pesticide, or high fructose corn syrup?
It's all of the above, of course. And when did America start eating aluminum
and injecting it by vaccine? Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological
disease which leads to the loss of intellectual abilities, including memory
and reasoning. Let's do the simple math here: aluminum plus fluoride equals
warped brain cells. (http://www.digitalnaturopath.com/cond/C70041.html)
Most Americans consume chemicals daily. Processed food, genetically
modified and pesticide-laden food, fluoridated water, and soy and corn
products are staple diet for most, fueling disease in the quickest possible way.
The cure for the "top 4" diseases is eating organic food from nutrient rich soil,

drinking only spring water, and supplementing daily with all the essential
nutrients: 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and 3
essential fatty acids. The body cannot manufacture essential nutrients, so if
they're not in the soil, they're not in the food.

There's a war on every day to eat and drink right, and supplement. New tricky
ways of feeding the public "poisonous food" pop up every month, every year.
Cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes will continue
to be the top 4 "serial killers" in the USA as long as the masses keep eating
dead food, smoking cigarettes, taking pharmaceutical drugs, and failing to
exercise regularly.
Eating with reckless disregard and then hoping medicine and surgery will
extend your life is like playing Russian roulette with half the chambers full,
never knowing when that myocardial infarction (massive blood clot) will
park itself near your heart or in your brain, and unnecessarily begin your


The United States has an evil "tri-fecta" which makes sure the masses are
consuming foods which cause disease and receiving toxic chemicals as the
so called "cure." This practice is not accidental nor some good intention gone
awry. This political, economic and financial nightmare was thought up by U.S.
politicians and greed-driven scientists sitting around think tables over 60
years ago.
Cancer treatment is a one hundred billion dollar industry annually. The
National Cancer Institute (NCI), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are the ultimate "partners in crime,"
and their publishing catapult for misguided information has been none other
than the AMA's (American Medical Association) JAMA (Journal of the American
Medical Association), that "prestigious" journal all the Western doctors cling
to for drug deals, which turn all their patients into "clients for life."

In order to understand how "alternative methods" became mainstream, and

how proven natural cures became "alternative," true history must be dredged
up and engaged.
Just after World War II, many of the Nazi scientists were released from prison
(4 to 7 year terms for mass murder) and employed by U.S. corporations to
design slow death food and medicine for the United States' chronic care
management agenda.
What is the tri-fecta's ongoing evil mission? Feed the masses unlabeled GMO
pesticide corn and soy, antibiotic and hormone laden animals, fluoridated
water, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and
Aspartame. Then ofer treatment choices: surgery, chemo, pharmaceuticals
and radiation. Make no mistake: it's all planned.

For starters, about half of the ACS board is comprised of oncologists and
radiologists with a vested interest in the 4 slow death choices. Key officials
often sit on each other's committees and receive grants from each other. Their
job is to guarantee that funding for cancer research continues to keep America
sick and dying. It's the "good ole boys network," and the politicians running
for office right now know it.
Officially organized in the 1940's, the ACS was run by major pharmaceutical
companies, and when President Nixon signed into law the "War on Cancer,"
the ACS became unstoppable. What happens to the hundreds of millions
of dollars the ACS collects every year? When you donate money "for the
cure", it goes to shutting down the cure! For six decades, the ACS has backed
a committee to identify any doctor prescribing "unproven methods" (natural
cures), and those doctors are persecuted and shut down in courts by Judges

who previously worked for one of the tri-fecta organizations (or will be
working for them soon).
Basically, in America, if a therapy works, is cheap, has no side efects or is not
patentable, it gets shut down. The AMA is responsible for licensing all doctors
in America, so networking with the NCI, ACS and FDA serves as their "police
radar" for identifying doctors that step out of line.

There was never really any such "war on cancer" waged by the U.S. Government.
The tri-fecta knows slow death choices are where the big profits roll in, and
they've brainwashed the masses into thinking these are the only choices for
cancer treatment. Morris Fishbein, the biggest quack ever, ran the AMA for 40
years for the sole purpose of discrediting anything he could not control. The
AMA and the FDA steal natural cure patents from scientists and then dilute
the formulas, so they can post clinical trials showing the cure "doesn't work."
The Rife frequency machine, Hoxsey's cures, Dr. Max Gerson's Diet, and Dr.
Burzynski's antineoplastons are great examples of cures for cancer which
no doctor or oncologist in America dares to mention, for fear he or she will
lose their license and/or serve time in prison. There are two "wars on cancer"
going on right now that have been waged for 60 years, but the big money is
all behind the war that the U.S. Government wages to shut down natural cures
and make them illegal.
"Cancer therapy is so toxic and dehumanizing that I fear it far more than I fear
death from cancer itself." - Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.


Picture yourself in Ancient Greece, bathing in hot mineral spring water,
soaking up and breathing in all the essential elements, with not a sign of
muscle soreness or arthritis in sight. You're gazing at the Mediterranean
Sea from your gazebo, and you feel quite healthy. You have no respiratory or
muscular disorders, no allergies, no skin rashes and most of all, you simply
feel relaxed.
This healing, muscle-relaxing mineral bath isn't very expensive either. In fact,
the Greeks had "home field advantage" when it came to finding this most
valuable natural resource, because the Dead Sea is just east of Jerusalem,
about 700 miles from Athens. The Greeks and Romans also knew that the
highest quality sea salt comes from the southern part of the Dead Sea, where
the mineral concentration is highest.

It is said that Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, used the therapeutic

properties of bathing in mineral water to heal muscle pain and cure
diseases. These therapies have been known to work since 2,000 BC, when Greek
and Roman baths were daily rituals, accompanied by exercises and massage.
The waters from the Dead Sea are unique in that they contain up to 27% of
various salts as compared to only 3% in normal sea water. Minerals in the Dead
Sea salts improve blood circulation, thereby minimizing the inflammatory
response of many conditions that are prominent in the world today. Arthritis,
back pain and psoriasis have all been efectively treated through the use of
Dead Sea salts.
Now picture yourself in the United States and the year is 2012. You're
in the waiting room at the hospital, waiting for the results of another ECG
(electrocardiograph) and an EMG (electromyograph), and you've already been
diagnosed with a loss of muscle mass (called wasting). Half a dozen doctors
have told you there are no known cures for muscular dystrophy, and that the
goal of treatment is to "control symptoms." The doctors are all suggesting
surgery and "chances for minor improvements," but you're not buying it.
One doctor even suggested that you try "gene therapy," which involves
inserting your genes into a modified virus and then injecting (by the billions)
this modified virus into your muscles in order to help the body part produce
"functional" protein. This modified virus gene can be passed on to your
children and their children too.
Not one single allopathic doctor has spoken about nutrition, sea salts, or
vitamins and minerals and you are now considering consulting a naturopath
and a chiropractor, who have both written best-selling books and dozens of
professional articles on such topics.

Dystrophy is a Greek/Latin word meaning "faulty nutrition," thus referring
to the muscle degeneration associated with disease. Actual genes for muscle
proteins have defects due to deficiencies of enzymes, and some MD gene flaws
have been linked to a single chromosome. MD may be mainly an inherited
disease, but you can change your own genes during your lifetime, for the better.
Have no doubt about it, Western diet is the primary cause of osteoporosis in
most people, mainly because there is far too much calcium in typical foods
(and supplements), and not enough magnesium.
How crazy has our medical society become that we cannot call minerals
cures when they really do cure disease? Put down the calcium supplements
and research magnesium! If your magnesium levels are too low right now,
you could be losing bone density and developing osteoporosis. Muscular
Dystrophy was cured in Ancient Greece because it was all about preventive
medicine then, not "treating symptoms" after decades of nutrient deficiency.
Epsom salt baths are cheap and the ideal way to enjoy the amazing health
benefits of magnesium and sulfate. Studies have shown these minerals
are readily absorbed through the skin, regulating over 300 enzymes,
reducing inflammation, helping muscle and nerve function, and preventing
artery hardening.
Dead Sea salt minerals and their benefits:
Magnesium: helps the body utilize essential nutrients.
Sulfer: necessary for the secretion of bile from liver and filtering
toxins from body.
Iodine: vital for energy and cell metabolism.
Potassium: maintains your water balance; helps cells absorb
nourishment and expel waste. Vital for regulating muscle
contractions and balancing the central nervous system.

Bromine: helps with natural repair of body and is a natural

antibiotic (doctors hate when you know this).
People are so busy today making ends meet that they don't take the time to
research natural remedies, they just run to the doctor when they get sick
or feel pain. Well, the research has been done, and its been available for over
4,000 years.


In 1906, Upton Sinclair wrote the hit novel "The Jungle," which vividly
described the corruption of the American meatpacking industry at that
time and catapulted an entire era of Journalism which exposed adulterated
food, dangerous prescription drugs, and the unkempt quarters of animals
bred for consumption. After realizing the prolific influence of Sinclair's book,
President Theodore Roosevelt was forced to react so he signed into law the
Meat Inspection Act, and then shortly after that the Pure Food and Drug Act,
also known as the "Wiley Act," named after Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the USDA's
chief chemist.

Dr. Wiley had published findings of the widespread use of harmful

preservatives, including the "embalming of beef." In addition to Wiley's
research and exposure of adulterated food, his biggest battle was against
synthetic sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners had been around since the 1870's,
and Wiley called glucose and several others "champion adulterants" because
they were not really food, just cheap fillers that poisoned the food industry,
unbeknownst to the general public.
The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) ironically fired Wiley,
the very genius who had helped originate the "landmark document" and a
health advocate who cared deeply about consumer rights. With Wiley out of
the picture, the USDA exploited loopholes and exceptions of the Pure Food
and Drug Act and began what turned out to be the ultimate undermining of
public health for profits.
Could it be that Wiley exposed too much, or was he just used as a pawn,
to create legislation that would look as if the Government was doing the
"right thing," when in reality it just opened up avenues for corruption and
adulteration? Also, the Meat Inspection Act would have mandated routine
examinations of livestock before and after slaughter, which meant ongoing
USDA inspections of processing plants. They could dig as deep as inspecting
everything from carcasses to feed and fertilizers. What quickly followed was
a "lucrative intervention" of the whole process by the "Big Pharma" and Big
Government control of the misleading marketing.
To appreciate the remarkable depth of corruption, simply take a good look
at certain exceptions and exemptions of this "pure" Act. The term "poultry
product" means any poultry carcass; meaning small portions of the carcass
have historically not been labeled as ingredients and are exempt from the
Secretary of Agriculture's "definition" of poultry product (vegetarians and
vegans beware). This exception includes the parts most meat eaters won't
even eat, like guts, brains and bones.
The history of crimes against food and drug laws runs deep, but the most notable
reign of this nature began in the early 1900's at the infamous U.S. Bureau

of the Chemistry, which later became the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA). The USDA basically was the FDA of the time, and the true motive of the
Act was to shut down any therapeutic or healing claims from food, vitamins,
supplements, herbs, and create a monoculture for medicine and the "legalized"
adulteration of meat and poultry. Strikingly similar to today's corruption of
the food and pharmaceutical industries, the most powerful companies in the
early 1900's had a vested interest in undermining regulations.


Look around and you might think the majority of people you see are fairly
healthy, just going to work, engaging in activities, even smiling and talking,
but every other person in the United States has a chronic condition, causing
immense pain most of the time, and more than likely getting a little bit worse
every day.
Over 130 million Americans are afflicted with a chronic disease or disorder,
and by 2020, that figure will increase by 20%, according to the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services. Over 90% of seniors have at least one chronic
disease, and over 75% have two or more. Over 80% of health care dollars are

spent on chronic condition "management," which only prolongs the inevitable.

Due to nutrient depleted soil, processed foods, chemicals in food, and chemical
prescription medications, including vaccines and flu shots, most Americans
sufer from immune system deficiencies which turn into an autoimmune
disorder, where the body mistakes its own cells for invading viruses or germs
and attacks them.
Viruses are easy to pick up when your immune system is weak. Viruses
can attack the whole body or just specific systems. The artificial growth
hormones given to cows, chickens, pigs, turkeys and "farm raised" fish put
millions of Americans who consume non-organic meat and fish on a regular
basis at high risk for severe hormonal imbalances, specifically of the
adrenal glands. Identifying symptoms of this imbalance is vital to defending
against full blown adrenal failure and autoimmune disorder.
The media often portrays red meat as more toxic than chicken or fish, but
that's all a huge myth. The same growth hormones that are given to cows to
make them bigger are given to pigs, turkeys, chickens and farm raised fish.
Plus, millions of cows are given the rBGH hormone, which forces them to
produce more milk than natural, which creates infection and pus in the milk,
transferring deadly hormones combined with infection to humans.
The old adage of "4 basic food groups" still drives most Americans right to
the hospital with chronic ailments that are entrenched. Immediately
upon visiting typical Western/Allopathic doctors with such issues, you are
prescribed pharmaceuticals that contain synthetic agents, chemicals, and
have horrific side efects, all in order to suppress your "complaints and
symptoms," and make sure you'll be back for further treatment (patients for
life program).

Many Americans live their lives thinking they can eat and drink whatever is
convenient and cheap, and wait for problems to arise; however, more often
than not, an autoimmune disorder rears its ugly head in the form of some
traumatic event, such as a heart attack, a stroke, diabetes onset, job loss due
to disability, divorce (yes, it's true), or death itself.
If you're not inflicted now with a chronic disorder, the person next to
you is most likely sufering from overwhelming fatigue, muscle pain,
headaches, inability to handle stress, hypersensitivity, allergies, and/or
inflammation. Systems that overload include the blood, the digestive tract,
eyes, inner ears, glands, the central nervous system, kidneys, lungs, joints, the
brain, and the largest organ of all - the skin.

An average man's skin weighs 5 kilos, or 11 pounds, and an average woman's
skin weighs 3 kilos, or about 7 pounds! Most commercial sun-block and sun-
tan lotions are just a toxic layering that holds toxins inside your body, all while
blocking out natural sunshine (vitamin D). It's not the sun that's causing
cancer, it's the toxins being cooked and held in your body. This is one major
reason why so many Americans sufer from vitamin D deficiency. Add toxic
soaps, talcs and shampoos to the mix and it's easy to see where bad choices
and cycled habits are heading.
Disease and neurological disorders are prominent mainly because people
underestimate the vicious power of synthetic, toxic ingredients in food, water,
and vaccines. Thanks to GMO's in about 90% of all corn and soy, toxic fluoride
in over 95% of public drinking water (and bottled water), aspartame in about
30% of all food and gum, toxins in cosmetics and lotions, and aluminum,
mercury and hormones in vaccines, if you're not educated and diligent about
what you ingest, you are on the fast track to chronic illness.


If you almost die from a heart attack or stroke, but go on living for a decade or
two, taking expensive medications and revisiting heart doctors regularly, are
you a burden on the health care system, or an asset to it? The United States
health care industry makes a fortune of chronic care management, so when
you find out that blood thinner meds contain toxic chemicals that kill you
slowly, should you bother to do any research to find out whether there are
natural remedies for blood clotting prevention which won't help kill you?
Maybe injecting into your veins samples from a pig's infected intestines or
from some hormone-laced cow's heart will make things much, much worse.
Most pigs and cows in the U.S. live their very short lives juiced up on artificial
growth hormones, fed GMO pesticide-laden food, and then overloaded with

antibiotics to stave off infection due to living in their own feces in confined
quarters, where they seldom, if ever, see the sun.
Or, worse yet, maybe the toxic prescription for blood clotting contains toxins
that kill rats, because it's much better to die of kidney failure than a stroke or
heart attack, isn't it? Blood thinners aren't blood thinners at all anyway, so
where has common sense disappeared to? America has the masses choosing
between these absurd poisons called "medicine" in order to prolong a
miserable, slow driven death.
Why do Americans continually fall for the same horrendous medical scam
that's been killing innocents for 50 plus years? Because they still believe the
FDA (Food and Drug Administration), CDC (Center for Disease Control) and the
AMA (American Medical Association) are looking out for their best interest
- that's why!
It's a well known fact that smoking commercial cigarettes leads to respiratory
and central nervous system disorders and disease. This is because the tobacco
contains GMO pesticides and ammonia, among over 1,000 other chemicals.
The paper that cigarettes are rolled in contains bleach and plastic (cellulose
acetate), so when burned, these chemicals infect and corrode the body, leading
to cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, heart attacks and strokes. Research shows
the same results from injecting rat poison and samples of GMO-laden animal
organs into the veins in order to "prevent blood clotting."

For over 50 years, Western Medicine has brainwashed the masses into using
the following toxic blood thinners/anti-coagulants:
Warfarin (Coumadin): given orally; works by poisoning vitamin K
receptors on platelets so that they cannot stick together; available in

the rat poison department at Home Depot. (Bristol-Myers Squibb's

warning: possible "major or fatal bleeding")
Heparin: administered by injection; causes allergic reactions;
more than 1,000 adverse events in the United States alone. FDA
has protected Chinese distributors of this tainted pig intestine-
laden drug.
Lovenox: also called Enoxaparin; just another form of Heparin.
Pradaxa: primarily prescribed for those with atrial fibrillation; side
efects include cerebral hemorrhaging, internal bleeding, ulcers.
Plavix: can worsen ulcers and cause intestinal bleeding and death.
If warfarin is used during pregnancy it passes through the placenta causing
severe birth defects, including brain malformations, mental retardation,
blindness, cardiac defects and congenital heart disease. The drug that is
supposed to stave of strokes causes babies to have deformed hearts; which
is comparable to prolonging cancer in the mother while giving leukemia to
the baby.
Toxic blood thinners react negatively with a long list of popular foods and
medicines, so even if you choose to use rat poison and infected pig guts
to keep your blood from clotting, you better scrub your new super strict
diet against the following: vitamin C, vitamin K, alcoholic drinks, garlic,
onion, celery, carrots, broccoli, alfalfa, vegetable soups, beef (because cows
are fed GMO alfalfa), aloe, antibiotics, antidepressants, antihistamines, and
thyroid meds.
Then you have the media and doctors telling everyone to just, "take a baby
aspirin or two every day." The chemical name for aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid.
Baby aspirin is synthetic and consuming even just a few can permanently
damage platelets, the kidneys, and cause bleeding ulcers.

Ever heard of daily cayenne pepper and an organic, plant-based diet? Natural
blood thinners and clot prevention nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids, oil
of oregano, apple cidar vinegar, vitamin E, ginseng, MSM (methyl sulfonyl
methane), ginger, cayenne pepper, garlic, onions, prunes, cherries, cranberries,
blueberries, grapes, hawthorne berry, and even strawberries. Foods high in
omega-3 are salmon, trout and mackerel, or just check out fish oil supplements.
Natural enzyme therapy with bromelain (crude extract from pineapple) stops
abnormal blood clotting, and it dissolves scar tissue and blood clots.


By the year 1910, medicine was quickly becoming unprofitable. Even
Americans were figuring out that vitamins, minerals, medicinal mushrooms
and herbal tinctures could prevent and cure malnutrition and almost any
virus, bacterial infection, or disease, especially with the discovery of vitamins
A, B12, C and D.
In the early 1900's, doctors had the highest suicide rate of any profession
due to low social standing and poverty. This was an era before U.S. soil had
been depleted of nutrients due to pesticides, and before processed foods and
chemical food agents had contaminated the food supply. This was before the
fluoridation of water began, so cases of arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's and heart
attacks were very rare.

Then, when a man named Morris Fishbein finagled his way into running the
AMA (American Medical Association), the marriage between big business
and organized medicine ensued, and what followed was the beginning of
the largest, most corrupt money making scheme in American history.
From Fishbein's rule forward, any scientists who discovered cures for diseases
like cancer would be crushed, not only financially and legally in court battles,
but their reputations would be tarnished forever in JAMA (Journal of American
Medical Association). Fishbein controlled JAMA, favoring only doctors and
pharmaceutical companies which slid him money under the table for the
infamous AMA seal of acceptance. He called legitimate scientists who could
cure sickness "quacks," and Western Medicine doctors just fell in line with
what made money and kept their licenses in tact. Fishbein never practiced
medicine a day in his life, but had a stranglehold on Western Medicine and the
toxic medicines that unethically generated huge revenue. (http://www.
After WWII, many of the evil Nazi scientists were hired fresh out of prison to
run the vaccine industry and work for U.S. pharmaceutical companies and the
U.S. military. These scientists who tortured Jews in concentration camps not ten
years earlier were placed in charge of developing vaccines and pharmaceuticals
for Americans who would soon become sick and in need of expensive chronic
care. Also, as more Americans moved towards urban areas and there was
less family farming, they found themselves consuming processed food which
was void of nutrition, leading to and feeding the chronic care agenda that U.S.
politicians had planned. (http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/medical-

Fishbein's reign lasted for 40 years, and organized medicine systematically
shut down alternative cancer therapies one by one. At first, surgery and
radiation were considered primitive and excessive, but Fishbein covered

up the fact that improved statistics for cancer care were really coming from
improved hospital nursing care and support systems, rather than from
expensive, dangerous toxic treatments. Nobel laureate James Watson declared
the "war on cancer" to be a total fraud, saying the American public had been
sold a "nasty bill of goods about cancer."
The hard truth is that when most people are given a few choices by their doctor,
they are most likely to choose between them, instead of questioning whether
any of those choices are even legitimate. Plus, if the average person gets a
second or even third opinion, he/she most likely gets more of the same advice,
so who would dare question a doctor who spent eight or more years in
medical school, or dare to assume that their doctor may be giving them advice
which stems from a corrupt corporate scheme which dates back 70 years?
Radiation is carcinogenic and mutagenic. Chemotherapy kills white blood
cells which makes the body weaker and more susceptible to more cancer and
other disease. Surgery often causes internal bleeding, which helps cancer
cells escape and travel to other areas in the body, but people don't want to
dispel the myths and admit that their "great country" could possibly want
them to be sick and slowly dying from an expensive disease, which profits
those who lead them down the wrong path. However, for 70 years, that has
been exactly the case.
The cancer business exceeds $110 billion per year in the U.S., and a typical
cancer patient spends over $100,000 on treatment, which simply leads to a
slower death. The FDA has yet to approve one single nontoxic cancer agent
or one non-patented cure of any kind. Are you ready to question Western
Medicine yet, or follow blindly the masses that slowly crawl toward the
same clif?


Today's broken medical system has the same exact core faw as the Flexner
Report from 100 years ago, which ofers severely limited choices and stifled
competition which is ultimately regulated and controlled by state governments,
Big Pharma and the AMA (American Medical Association). The ultimate result
of this relentless campaign of misinformation and suppressed alternative
therapies is decreased access to quality medical care.
For most Americans, the word conspiracy means having a paranoid delusion
about the Government having complete control over a situation, but as
research reveals for more than 100 years, the Flexner Report of 1910 was
the beginning of a conspiracy to limit and eventually eliminate competition
from non-drug, non-patentable cancer therapies and cures.

Pro-establishment organizations like the American Cancer Society (ACS),

the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the Diabetes Foundation control the
news and local medical boards to the degree that the old theory of "medical
conspiracy" has become a reality, oferingonly toxic therapies for cancer
that add up to billions in profits for the "organized" medical industry.
Five score and two years ago, a man named Abraham Flexner was
hired by John D. Rockefeller to evaluate the efectiveness of therapies
being taught by medical colleges and institutions, with the ultimate
goal of dominating control over pharmaceuticals. With partnerships
including Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan, a new "doorkeeper" would exist
to influence legislative bodies on state and federal levels to create regulations
and licensing "red tape" that strictly promoted drug medicine while stifling
and shutting down alternative, inexpensive natural remedies. Those medical
colleges and institutions that did not submit to this superpower of regulation
were crushed and put out of business.
The Flexner report was conveniently titled Medical Education in the United
States and Canada and the 22 page control "mechanism" was more or less a
teamsters union, and medical schools in the U.S. were cut in half by the Flexner
Report in less than 15 years, from 160 to 80, and then down below 70 by
World War II. This concentrated control is the direct cause of the majority of
problems with health care today.

The ACS and the FDA actually keep a list of what they call "unproven methods"
for cancer. The criteria for this list include any remedy which comes in a natural
form, is non-toxic, not produced by the drug industry, easily available without
prescripton, and anything non-patentable. The irony is that even though chemo
and radiation are unproven themselves and frequently cause the spread of
cancer to other parts of the body, because they are expensive and patentable,
they are deceptively the mainstream choices ofered as treatment.

The list of "victims" of this 100 year natural cancer cure suppression is
extensive, but you may want to know a few for your own research, so here
they are:
Hoxsey Remedies
Gaston Naessens
Max Gerson
Raymond "Royal" Rife
Burzynski's Antineoplastons
Live Cell Therapy
Raw Foods
Chinese Mushroom Complex
How could America, land of the free, home of the brave, become entangled in
such an ethically and morally corrupt system which shuts out natural cures?
Basically, in order for any "drug" or "remedy" to be approved by the FDA,
the manufacturer must prove years of research costing between 20 and 100
million dollars, and then present those results without a patent for approval.
Do you believe that after all of that, a company would really risk the energy,
money and research on a product that could easily be stolen and patented by
the most corrupt system in America, Big Pharma?


In order to understand and appreciate how insane Western Medicine became
a hundred years ago and still is today, one needs to look no deeper than the
story of the infamous Dr. Henry Cotton, who upon his death, was ironically
referred to as "one of the most stimulating figures of our generation" by
the American Journal of Psychiatry. To this day, this insane medical freak is
still being referred to as a "champion of conventional medicine," despite his
medieval methods that tortured innocent human beings.
Not only did Dr. Cotton use pliers to yank teeth, claiming it would "improve
mental health," but he surgically removed adrenal glands, sinuses, organs,

intestines, ovaries and testicles, wildly guessing this might cure bacterial
infections. Coincidentally though, this medieval torture is not so different
than cancer treatments today.
In just two years, from 1919 to 1921, Dr. Cotton removed over 11,000 teeth
from his patients at Trenton State Hospital (TSH) in New Jersey in order
to treat insanity. Then, after studying those results, he continued with
this "infamous" research and removed tonsils, stomachs and colons. With
women, he followed up with removal of the cervix, ovaries and fallopian
tubes, and then finally the entire uterus. His death rate was over 30% after
his butchering of the intestines.
Just like the Nazi's torturing of Jews who were enslaved and had no defense
for abusive treatment, Cotton put his skeptical theories into practice in the U.S.
during WWI, thanks to a captive audience and Western medicine's dictatorial
power. Although Cotton had no evidence that mental disorders were caused
by tooth decay or intestinal bacteria, his mental patients at his disposal at TSH
had no legal recourse whatsoever. There were no recorded attempts to gain
informed consent, and his botched theories were put to the test without any
ethical or moral concerns for the humanity or welfare of his patients.
Cotton simply lied and boasted of his successes to the gullible press and
naive American public, much the way the FDA, CDC, and AMA do today
with chemotherapy, radiation and cancer surgery. Millions of Americans
are subjected to these obtuse, crude ways of dealing with a cellular disease
which is caused by chemical ingestion. Rarely does going "under the knife"
cure cancer, but instead spreads the cancerous cells to other parts of the
body. Plus, chemotherapy and radiation break down the entire immune
system and therefore set up naive patients for infection, more disease, and an
expensive, slow, painful and miserable death.
As Dr. Cotton aged, his procedures became more radical and insane, especially
because he had no political, legal, or medical ramifications for his actions.
His reaction to the high death rate from colon operations was that he had
simply not been "thorough" enough, and believed that he missed "pockets of

infection" during the surgery. He would go on to remove more teeth and more
areas of the colon. It's a very similar story today when surgeons operate on
cancer patients, telling them "we got it all," only to hear a year or two later,
from the filthy rich doctor/oncologist, that the cancer has relocated, and the
only solution to the problem is more surgery, chemo and radiation.

Most Americans today are fear-tortured into undergoing barbaric medical
treatments by their Allopathic doctors, without any knowledge or advice about
non-invasive, natural remedies. Not much has changed since the early 1900's
in this regard. In fact, Dr. Cotton warned the public that the mental health
crisis was "threatening the nation," saying it was so serious that something
had to be done, and that "anything was better than nothing."
Dr. Cotton's insane treatments were not all voluntary either. Many patients
were ruthlessly dragged kicking and screaming to the operating table, and
then violently strapped down so the "treatment" could begin. Others actually
paid big bucks to be tortured, just like for the unnecessary surgery and toxic
pharmaceuticals administered today.
At one point, Dr. Cotton publicly announced a cure rate of 85 percent, but later
admitted that his statistic included those who died from the treatment,
because they were "no longer sufering" from the illness. This is strikingly
similar to the ACS/CDC statistics claiming they've cured cancer when post-
treatment remission lasts five years, even when patients die shortly after
that period.


Mustard gas, also known as sulfur mustard, is by far the most horrific
chemical weapon ever used in history. Hitler's genocide of more than
6,000,000 Jews (half of all Jewish people at the time) by the use of gas
chambers and ovens is still recent history. Yet, the untold irony of this lesson
is that it's actually the American political and pharmaceutical "regime" which
continued and catapulted the use of a form of Mustard gas as "therapy" for
cancer, eventually turning it into the mainstream method of treatment.
For several decades now, the United States has been making a fortune of the
misery that chemo brings to the victims of a plagued medical system best
known as "chronic care management."
Mustard gas, Bis-(2-chloroethyl) sulfide, was first synthesized in 1860 by
Frederick Guthrie, co-founder of the London Institute of Physics. Guthrie first
documented the toxic effects of mustard gas by applying his mixture of ethylene
and sulfur dichloride to his own skin. It was later mass-produced under the
name "Lost" by Bayer (a German company then) and various mutations of
the compound have been used by world powers to kill thousands of people.

After the Nazi empire fell, what came next was the well-planned onslaught
of toxic food, followed by a directly correlated chemotherapy and radiation
treatment program for chemically induced disease. This evil plan became
the perfect money making machine that tricked cancer victims into thinking
something positive was occurring, only to bring them back for more
expensive torture.

Sulfur mustard is a vesicant, meaning it destroys mucous membranes. High
doses cause nausea, vomiting, and respiratory failure. This volatile poison
prevents the normal sequence of DNA replication, depleting the lining of the
gastrointestinal tract and causing massive loss of bone marrow. In simple
terms, sulfur mustard is basically the "egg" from which chemo has hatched.
During WWII, Dwight D. Eisenhower stockpiled 100 tons of mustard gas
on the S.S. John Harvey when it was stationed in Italy's Harbor, but the Nazi
airstrikes destroyed it. Survivors died soon thereafter, and autopsies revealed
they sufered from profound lymphopenia, as well as suppression of myeloid
cell lines, which brings us to the grim chemotherapy facts.
Chemotherapy kills white blood cells, which are necessary for the immune
system to fight of infection. Myeloma is a cancer that begins in plasma cells,
a type of white blood cell. Over time, these abnormal plasma cells collect in
the bone marrow, damaging the solid part of the bone. The incidence rate of
myeloma has increased 25% in the U.S. just since 1975! Also, data on liver
cancer shows a dismal, failing program in which death rates have increased
over 280% since 1975, and more than 60% of Americans diagnosed with
leukemia die from it.

Clinical trials prove that nitrogen mustard helps tumors temporarily

recede, but that medication cannot continue perpetually, because it induces
neutropenia (the severe reduction of white blood cells in bone marrow that
ingest bacteria). Therefore, after mandatory withdrawal of medication, there
is an abrupt return of the tumors. This temporary "miracle" is nothing more
than a medical "supernova," and the end result is more horrific news for the
patient. (http://natamcancer.org/page65.html)

Long story made short, American politicians and Big Pharma's clan of highly
paid executives (Nazi scientists) sat down and planned the use of chemical
warfare as a "treatment" for cancer, knowing it was not a cure at all. This
evil, conspiring conglomerate of medical villains used all of the invaluable
information German scientists already discovered and tested about food
and pharmaceutical toxins which cause cancer, and they designed an empire.
This is now the driving force of the great cancer epidemic in America; the
silent, undercover genocide that functions like a huge corporation.
Most Americans have no idea that chemotherapy has a miserable 5% success
rate, and that is with only a few, rare cancers. Despite increased use of
multiple drug chemo, breast cancer survival rates have not improved at all
over the past decade, and there is no documented proof of improvement from
first metastasis. On top of all of that, survival time has actually been shortened
for some patients given chemo.
It is a researched fact that very few doctors would take their own medicine
or give it to family members if they contracted cancer. In one survey, 75% of
doctors, surgeons and oncologists said they would never take chemotherapy
due to its high toxicity and inefectiveness.

When a Sloan-Kettering chemotherapist found out he had advanced cancer,

he told his colleagues, "Do anything you want, but no chemotherapy." (http://


Imagine going to the doctor because you have symptoms of some illness
and you just can't figure out what's wrong. The doctor prescribes some
pharmaceutical you've never heard of before, and sends you to the drug store
to pick it up. The next day, you wake up in a hospital bed, and the doctor is
telling you that your heart stopped, and you nearly died last night from the
prescription medicine, even though you took the exact dose prescribed.
Now let's say you already know that every third person in the U.S. is
diagnosed with cancer and/or heart disease at some point in their lifetime,
so you've been taking real good care of yourself, watching what you eat and
drink, only to find out that your prescription for that minor rash, allergy or
headache almost killed you! So what went wrong?

Most prescription drugs have a long list of other medications and foods that
are NOT to be combined with them, but how can you cross-check it when most
food and medicine ingredients are so convoluted that you need a medical and
nutrition degree to interpret them?
Did you know that gelatin capsules are made from animal's connective
tissues? Many heart medications warn patients not to mix them with beef
products. Did you also know that most vaccines and flu shots also contain
gelatin, along with mercury, aluminum, GMO bacteria, live viruses, sorbitol
and formaldehyde? What if you take your allergy or heart meds one morning
and then go get a flu shot or the next swine flu (scam) vaccine? (http://www.
The greatest irony in the United States is that no person is legally allowed
to say that any food, vitamin, mineral, antioxidant or supplement of any
kind can CURE anything, especially a disease or ailment, even though there
are thousands of natural remedies which have proven success rates, even
since biblical times. In fact, nobody is dying from natural remedies, but 400
people in the U.S. are dropping dead every day from "medicine" which is
prescribed by doctors who went to school for 8 years or more to learn how to
scribble the name of a new drug on a pad of paper. If they dish out their "quota"
for the month, it gets them front row seats at their favorite sporting event, or
a trip to the Bahamas, or maybe even a week of free golf at a luxury hotel at
Hilton Head.

250,000 Americans are hospitalized each year from prescription
drug reactions
3 billion prescriptions were filled in 2011
Over 60,000 Americans contracted Parkinson's as a side effect of
prescription meds in 2011 (ie: Stelazine or Haldol)

7000 deaths a year due to medication errors in hospitals

Over 80,000 deaths/year due to infections in hospitals (prescription
drugs suppress symptoms of the real problem)
Over 100,000 deaths per year due to side efects (including heart
failure and suicide)
Taking 3 or more prescriptions at once exponentially increases
chance of death

Although healthcare costs are rising quickly, the quality of drugs and vaccines
is deteriorating rapidly. Many blood pressure and cardiac drugs actually
suppress the heart's muscular function, which is the LAST thing a weakened
heart needs.
The American medical system provides no advice on natural remedies,
therefore coercing millions of people every day into making choices between
toxins that pose as medication. It's now a cold, hard fact that pharmaceutical
drugs kill more people every year than traffic accidents. Still, it's very difficult
to convince the general public they cannot continue to eat and drink toxic
foods while searching for a miracle cure through magic pills, but 400 humans
in the United States will "see that light" at the end of the tunnel in the next 24
hours. (http://www.cancure.org/medical_errors.htm)


Many Americans have visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. to
learn more about the 6 million person massacre that took place in Germany
during World War II, and to pay respect to the human beings who sufered and
died in the gas chambers at the hands of the world's most psychotic terrorist
to ever live, Adolf Hitler. Other Americans simply visit the grocery store, a
restaurant, or fast food establishment to unknowingly purchase and ingest
some Zyklon B, the same exact nerve gas used for genocide just 70 years ago.
Over the next 8 years, at least 6,000,000 Americans will die from cancer,
a disease caused by the ingestion of chemicals. Will the history books 50

years from now mention the fact that the U.S. hired Nazi Scientists fresh out of
prison, the same ones who created Zyklon B and the gas chambers, to create
pesticides for U.S. agriculture and chemotherapy treatment?
Politics is about money, not people's livelihood. Most Americans who have
heard the term GMO have no idea what it means. It flies under the masses'
radar. Many people think GMO means watermelons or lemons that have no
seeds, or gigantic strawberries and tomatoes. Some people think it means the
fruits have more vibrant colors. The truth is hard to handle, and this horror
story must be told correctly to appreciate the depth of destruction and plague
that GMO engineering besets upon our world.

You would never drink an ounce of pesticide as part of a bet, because just
from the odor, you know you would end up in the hospital getting your
stomach pumped or sufering from cardiac arrest. But consuming food made
of pesticide contributes to central nervous system disorders in the short term
and cancer in the long term. (http://seedsofdeception.com/65-health-risks-
Most people who get cancer have no idea why and wonder what they did to
"deserve" such a horrible fate. People who consume balanced, healthy meals
think they are safe from harm's way, not knowing their food is loaded with
pesticides from the inside out. Even beef, chicken, pork and turkey comes from
animals that have consumed GM alfalfa, corn meal, and other pesticide-
laden feed their whole lives. This toxic feed causes cancer in ALL mammals,
and you are what you eat.
Molecular engineers are working right now in laboratories for Bayer and
Monsanto, two of the largest biotech companies in the world, gene-splicing
vegetable seedlings with poisonous pesticides. The majority of non-organic
products Americans eat daily contain Zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide), and

research shows that GM vegetables lead to the mutation of cells, fueling

the development of malignant tumors and various forms of cancer. (http://

Pesticide is the toxic umbrella of all pest control for agriculture. It contains
up to 4,000 chemicals, most of which have never been tested for safety for
animal or human consumption. Pesticide is meant to destroy all living things
which cause loss to agriculture, including insects, weeds, rodents, fish, turtles,
rabbits, and so on.
GMO vegetables and all of their by-products are not labeled as GMO in the
United States. There are over 350 million acres of Zyklon B-treated
agriculture in America. Currently, 93% of soy, 95% of canola, 86% of corn,
and 95% of sugar beets contain Zyklon B, and you can't just "wash it of." Why
sugar beets? They are used to make MSG, which causes migraine headaches,
cancer and obesity.
The most lethal efect of Zyklon B is destruction of the enzyme system
responsible for cell respiration. However, cancer cannot survive in well-
oxygenated cells, and that's why juicing organic (non-GMO) vegetables is the
ultimate prevention and cure for cancer.

In 1941, the Nazi SS at Auschwitz (the main extermination camp) used Zyklon
B poison gas for the mass extermination of human beings. Disguised as shower
rooms, the SS pushed 2,000 prisoners at a time into underground rooms which
filled up with the deadly gas, without an odiferous warning agent.

Bayer, BASF and Hoechst manufactured chemical weapons during WWI and
WWII (Bayer even marketed heroin in 1898 as a cough medicine for children).
The 3 companies merged to form the massive German conglomerate IG
Farben (Interessengemeinschaft Farben), which funded Hitler's election
campaign. These evil companies catapulted Hitler to power, and now Bayer
and Monsanto function as the I.G. Farben of yesterday.
In fact, Bayer CropScience was formed in 2002 when Bayer AG acquired
Aventis CropScience and named it Bayer Crop Protection, a wolf in sheep's
clothing. When you see any of the following names, you should recall that
the companies which enabled Hitler's genocide are the same conglomeration
which is feeding Americans pesticide today and then using the same exact
poison as chemotherapy to finish the job:
RoundUp & RoundUp Ready Crops
Liberty Link (ie: long grain rice)
Chemotherapies (Insecticides): Adriamycin, Carboplatin, Paraplatin,
Cisplatin, Platinol, Cyclophosphamide, Cytoxan, Neosar, Docetaxel,
Taxotere, Doxorubicin, Docetaxel, Taxotere, Doxorubicin, Erlotinib,
Tarceva, Etoposide, VePesid, Fluorouracil, Gemcitabine, Gemzar,
Imatinib Mesylate, Gleevec, Irinotecan, Camptosar, Methotrexate,
Folex, Mexate, Amethopterin, Paclitaxel, Taxol, Abraxane, Sorafinib,
Nexavar, Sunitinib, Sutent, Topotecan, Hycamtin, Vincristine,
Oncovin, Vincasar, PFS, Vinblastine, and Velban. (Also research blood
thinners as rat poison).
Bayer is the world's leading pesticide manufacturer and the world's
seventh largest seed company. Bayer's Glufosinate Weedkiller (CropScience) is
mutagenic and causes premature birth, intra-uterine death and abortions in
the lab rats that have been tested.

So how does America "treat" tumors that are caused from ingesting pesticide?
With more of the same! The logic is so far from sane, its no wonder any person
in there right mind is coerced into accepting it. Chemo destroys trillions of
healthy cells just to get to a billion cell tumor. It's like if you have a poisonous
spider in your house, do you pour 100 gallons of bug killer all over the floors
and set of a couple hand grenades?
Nothing has changed in terms of Conventional cancer therapy in 50 years and
cancer statistics are rising. In fact, 94 out of every 100 patients die from
chemo and radiation within a 10 year period. The cancer holocaust is well
under way.


You've heard all the slogans by organizations supposedly raising funds for
research to find a cure for the top 4 killing "machines" in the United States of
America, including "Walk for the cure," "March for the cure," and "Rally for the
cure," but cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's already have cures,
so why not change the slogan to "Walk for the release of the cure?" It's not
hard to find people who support the abuse of animals, including live dissections
and maximum radiation tests, which put animals through unbearable pain, all
in the name of medical research and "saving human lives," but is that what's
really going on?
You may want to ask yourself why there are so many organic food fanatics
lately, screaming for rights to have toxic GMO foods labeled as such, and for the
state and local governments to stop fluoridating water, and to protect the right
to sell minerals and vitamin supplements without any FDA "regulations." The
uninformed masses, that the Western Medicine Dictatorship leads directly
towards disease, are getting educated quickly about how conventional disease

is bred and fed, rather than existing as "genetic" and "incurable." Not only does
preventive medicine go a long way, but it eliminates the need for abusive
animal testing to find cures for diseases which are caused by chemicals in
foods, water, prescription medicine, and the environment.

The United States continues research on live animals for one main reason:
to perpetuate the myth that Western Medicine is still searching for cures to
diseases, so the masses will continue donating money to foundations, which
puts millions of dollars in the back pockets of the CEO's and "Vice Presidents"
who run them. If testing toxins and chemicals on animals were to come to
a grinding halt, the "sheeple" of America might start to question the
establishment, and stop giving money to filthy rich "non-profit" organizations
which simply make matters worse.
No parent would ever sacrifice their child "in the name of medical research,"
and let doctors use archaic methods to test out new drugs, new chemo and
radiation treatments, and do live dissections in order to see how organs react
to toxic meds. Despite old theories that animals can't feel pain, we know they
do. We also know that babies who are separated from their mothers will
experience intense psychological withdrawals, so we don't need to test that
either. (http://teachkind.org/pdf/animalind.pdf)
Studies published recently in medical journals reveal that animal experimenters
are wasting lives and resources. Plus, rats have 96% of the same genetic
makeup of humans, so to test any other animals is a complete waste of time
(not to say that's even ok). Even when the FDA claims new pharmaceuticals
are safe because they've been tested on animals, there is no correlation to say
they're safe for humans, and the FDA knows this. Testing drugs on animals is
simply smoke and mirrors; a ploy to convince humans everything is "under
control" and that Western Medicine and Allopathic doctors are to be trusted.

In 2011, the United States gobbled up billions of dollars (40% of all research
funding from NIH/National Institute of Health) for animal experimentation,
and as funding in 2012 continues to increase, the U.S. ranks 49th in the
world in life expectancy and 2nd worse in infant mortality in the developed
world! Still support animal testing? It's a complete hoax.
In the U.S. right now, over 4,000 chemicals used to manufacture cigarettes
are legal, including ammonia! Over 70,000 synthetic, chemical agents are
approved by the FDA as food ingredients (gelatin and pink slime included).
Genetically modified food dominates, with over 90% of popular vegetable-
based products (corn, soy and canola) containing toxic pesticides. So while
America feeds its citizens toxic waste in order to drive disease statistics
higher, how can any person ever believe that animal testing is legitimate
and excusable?
The only U.S. law that governs the use of animals in labs is the Animal Welfare
Act, which allows animals to be shocked, poisoned, isolated, starved,
burned, addicted to drugs and brain-damaged with chemo and radiation.
No experiment is considered "out of bounds" ethically or morally.
The medical community and science in general can perform all necessary
experiments on cell cultures and cancer samples and receive much faster, more
accurate results than these outdated, cruel methods of animal experimentation.
Vivisection, the sickening process of operating on a live, fully conscious animal
is medieval. Many animals kill themselves just trying to escape (http://www.
Still, every year, tens of millions of animals are dissected, infected, injected,
gassed, and burned in laboratories all in vain. Medical students have
numerous alternatives. Students and teachers can choose from a wide range
of exciting and humane programs, such as computer and CD-Rom programs,
which have stunning graphics and accurate information about anatomy,
biochemistry, genetics, physiology and ecology.

Remember, we're not living in 1912, but 2012. It's time to treat every living
creature with the respect and humanity it deserves.


When Gaston Naessens, a gifted, genius scientist from France, began playing
with wavelengths of light, magnetic fields and polarized filters over 70 years
ago, he ended up developing a microscope which provided a 30,000 diameter
resolution, which was like inventing the Hubble telescope for cancer
prevention. Naessens called his microscope the Somatoscope because of his
theory of somatids (meaning "little bodies" in Greek), which are shape-shifting
organisms originally responsible for cancer and many other degenerative
diseases. For the first time in history, cancer's insidious stages of development
were visible, thanks to the new cancer "hubble."
Cancer is actually a simple disease with a simple cause and a simple cure, but
Western Medicine makes billions upon billions of dollars keeping Americans
in the dark and breeding fear, the only motive that works for coercing millions

of naive people into choosing between treatments which only perpetuate

and worsen a chemically driven killer.
The cause: Cancer is caused when cells are deprived of oxygen. Those cells
then become mutations and multiply uncontrollably, winning battles and
wars with your good cells, until they take over a vital organ or ultimately
break down the immune system, leading to death. But cancer is caused and
fueled by chemicals. Chemical "agents" in food, water and the environment
help cancer cells "feed themselves." Yet when cells are oxygenated, cancer
cannot survive. So, the question is, how do you oxygenate cells to keep them
from mutating?
The cure: After 40 years of research in bacteriology and biology, Gaston
Naessens discovered that cancer cells go through many stages (at least 16),
which he could now view in action through the Somatoscope. His research
was not some overnight miracle either, but had roots in research from another
French scientist, Antoine Bechamp, who postulated in the 1870's about these
shape-changing micro-organisms, which he named microzymia. Naessens
figured out a way to keep the cancer cells from feeding themselves after the
first few stages of development, before they had a chance to invade neighboring
healthy cells and steal their nutrients. Naessens documented with great detail
the 16 stage somatid mutation cycle.
In his view, cancer was a controllable illness which was preventable and
curable, and he was right. The Somatoscope enabled Naessens to observe,
identify and classify bacterial forms as they evolved and devolved. The
first 3 stages of this development of the somatid are seen in the blood of all
individuals, but whether or not these bacteria devolve further is based on the
internal environment, namely the presence of carcinogens in the blood. The
somatid can then develop "trefons," or hormone-like substances which initiate
cell division.
Basically, when a body's biochemistry becomes unbalanced from toxins,
such as from excessive alcohol, smoking, a poor diet, stress and/or chemical

poisoning (like chemo), the somatids undergo 13 extra stages of mutation. He

tried killing these cells with radiation, but it did not work.
Naessens then developed a substance he named 714X (after his initials),
which he fed to the mutating cells. He discovered that the reason cells
attacked neighboring cells was to rob them of nitrogen compounds, which
in turn paralyzed the immune system. The 714X was composed of camphor,
ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate, sodium chloride, ethanol and
water. He would inject it into a lymph node to provide for the most efective
distribution throughout the body. It worked. The cancer cells stopped attacking
neighboring cells, the immune system came back to life and that was the
end of the cancer.

Naessens breakthrough in cancer research can also be attributed to his
"unorthodox" use of the dark-field microscope, which creates a field of vision
so dark that the organisms are lit up, usually in outline form, which was like
going from looking for stars during the daytime to seeing them at night.
In the 1940s, while experimenting on horses, Naessens developed an anti-
cancer, antibody serum he called Anablast. It was so successful in Europe
that the French medical authorities dropped the hammer on him, closing his
laboratory, fining him relentlessly, and confiscating most of his equipment.
Fortunately, Naessens escaped with his Somatoscope and fled to Quebec.
Naessens kept a low profile for years, afraid of further persecution. Then,
in 1971, fortune smiled upon him. David Steward, head of the prestigious
McDonald-Stewart Foundation, ran into Naessens serendipitously, and decided
to help him further his research at a secret lab in the countryside, just outside
of Montreal, far from the orthodox cancer-cure-suppressing establishment.
Patients who were previously on cancer's "death row" testified at trials on
behalf of Naessens and his 714X treatments. Patients who were dying of
stomach and prostate cancer swore in court that Naessens treatments saved

them, and rightfully so, since the court cases were more than ten years after
the witnesses were diagnosed as terminal.
Even as late as 1981, one witness from California, Gary Diamond, testified he
had been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease and given the maximum doses of
chemo and radiation, after which his condition worsened. The patient later
received 60 days of 714X injections and made a complete recovery.
"There is not one, but many cures for cancer available. But they are all being
systematically suppressed by the ACS (American Cancer Society), the NCI
(National Cancer Institute) and the major oncology centers. They have too
much of an interest in the status quo." - Dr. Robert Atkins, M.D.


Plant and mineral-based medicines have been preventing, treating and curing
disease and illnesses since mankind has been making calendars. Yet, Western
Medicine would have the masses believe that because a few vaccines and
some surgical procedures came along in the mid-to-late 1900's, that now only
Allopathic doctors should be wholly trusted with health and medicine advice,
when in fact, it's just the other way around.
Indigenous, traditional healing is an ancient, deeply rooted practice
worldwide, and the body and its complex systems are best nurtured by
Mother Nature herself, not by synthetic chemical agents and rough-shod
surgery, which pollute the body with toxins and cut out body parts when they
are weak or "malfunctioning," as if there is no alternative.

Right now in America, 400 people die every single day from taking
pharmaceuticals, and since Allopathic doctors have no training in nutrition,
the choices they give their patients do not include natural remedies of
any kind, which is a complete insult to thousands of years of proven
healing "medicine." Indigenous medicine comes directly from nature, not
some laboratory where scientists need masks and gloves to concoct your
"treatment," that which they would never even take themselves or give to
their own family members.

Take a moment right now and imagine yourself walking through the
rainforests of Ecuador, surrounded by the soothing harmonies of birds and
the canopy of distant rustling of millions of tree leaves in the breeze. You
glance around at the wild foods and medicinal plants, and then you realize
you're standing next to a 50 foot Sangre de Drago tree. That's when your
tour guide makes a small incision on the tree bark and some anti-cancer tree
sap flows right out (proanthocyanidins). The Shuar Indians have been using
it for centuries, just raw and wild, right out of the tree! You wish you could
just fill a thousand bottles and take it back to all the children in America who
have cancer right now.
Now take a mental hike, high up into the Andes Mountains in Peru, where
a root vegetable called Maca (Lepidium mayenii) grows, similar to radishes.
This herb, also known as Peruvian ginseng, is an aphrodisiac which enhances
both the male and female libido! Not only does maca improve a man's sperm
flow and sperm count, it even relieves womens' post-menopausal symptoms
(depression and anxiety) without side efects.
Now, did you know you can take a little "indigenous" healing plant
and herb adventure without leaving your own neighborhood? It's true.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) can be used for dozens of medicinal
purposes. The whole plant is useable before it flowers, but only the leaves

while the plant is in flower. Both the leaves and the roots are high in the
essential minerals potassium and calcium, and can be used as a diuretic.
Plus, dandelion is unlike Western Medicine's over-the-counter diuretics, which
conversely deplete the body of those same essential minerals. Also, the fresh
roots are one of the oldest known remedies for constipation, and for kidney
stones and gall stones! Plus, the sugars levulose and inulin make dandelion
beneficial for the treatment of diabetes. On top of all that, the milky juice has
been used to remove warts. You certainly won't hear any of that advice from
your Allopathic doctor, even if he/she did know.
Now without thinking of cigarettes, drift back to a time when tobacco was
being used for dozens of medicinal purposes. The Aztecs used it to calm
nerves and quell chills caused by fever. The leaves (poultices) were used as
decongestants, anti-inflammatory agents (toothaches) and emetics. Leaf teas
were used to treat urinary tract infections, diarrhea and even convulsions.
Tobacco was also utilized as an antiseptic and as antivenin for snake bites
after the poison was sucked out.

Now, you may be thinking that indigenous foods, herbs and tinctures sound
great, but that they can't hold a candle to what modern biologists and chemists
have discovered about DNA and cellular function as applied to curing disease
and infection, but you're wrong. For centuries, Chinese healers have used
a medicinal plant called Thunder God Vine (botanical name Tripterygium
wilfordii Hook F) as an anti-inflammatory, and now as an anti-tumor agent,
mainly because it contains the active compound (triptolide) which helps
control the "machinery" of genes on the cellular level.

This natural medicine, Triptolide, has been researched heavily by molecular

scientists at Johns Hopkins, who have discovered that it blocks the growth of
over 60 cancer cell lines, and even causes many of those cancers to die.
Watch out though, don't let the FDA or the CDC find out you're using a
natural cure for cancer, or you might be introduced to a different kind of
"cell" for treason.

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