Motion Generation Tumbling Robot Using A General Contact Model

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Pmcmlingr oftha 2004 IEEE 1nt.

matlorul Conhnnse on RobO(lcs 6 Automdlon New Orleans, LA nprll2004

Motion Generation for a Tumbling Robot Using a General Contact Model

J. V. Albro and J.E. Bobrow Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697
Abstrnct-The goal of this research was to develop a general approach for the generation of motions for robots that make and break contact with the ground, such as hopping, walking, or tumbling robots. We first develop a general contact model and show how to smooth the forces arising from this contact to make them C functions of the state. This is essential for our motion generation algorithm, which relies on the solution of an optimal control problem for different phases of the motion. We apply our approach to the generation of motion primitives to a simple experimental robot that is capable of producing hand-stands and tumbling.

Many interesting physical systems have changing dynamics because they make and break contact with their environment, e.g.- robots that are not fixed to the ground, legged robots, and legged organisms. The aim of this work is to model such systems in a general way. To do this in the context of our previous work, which relies on an optimal control approach to generate trajectories for robots, we had to develop a general model for the forces arising due to contact between physical bodies. For the optimal control problem to converge reliably, the forces in the contact model have to be C, so some functions are introduced to smooth the contact forces. Another requirement for the general contact model is the derivative describing how the distance between two bodies changes as a function of the robot joints motion. The resulting general contact model is presented in this paper. Optimal control has been used many times to generate trajectories for physical systems (including robots), ([17],[9],[8],[15])but the complexity of the governing dynamics equations often renders the problem intractable. For this approach to succeed, it is important that analytic gradients of the equations of motion be used; approximate gradients are particularly problematic for systems that make and break contact with the ground, or have nonholonomic constraints. The implication for the system model is that the forces and accelerations it defines need to have continuous derivatives whose analytic form can be determined.

Park, Bobrow and Ploen [lo] used the matrix exponential formulation of the dynamics and Lie group thwry to express the equations of motion so that their analytic gradients come automatically from the formulation of the equations. This was implemented in the software p m gram C-STOm4 [12], and used to solve hopping robot[l] and human walking [16] problems, but in both these cases, modeling the interaction with the environment was specific to the particular system being simulated. This formed the foundation for the current research the general contact model would be implemented as an extension to C-STORM. There are two general ways to deal with dynamic models, that change due to making and breaking contact with the environment: (1) having different dynamic models for the different phases of motion and switching between them as needed; or (2) having one dynamics model throughout the motion, and modeling interactions with the environment as external forces acting on the system model [2], [4]. We.have chosen to use the latter, as previously indicated. Yamane and Nakamura [I81 give a good overview of how contact models are implemented. There are two categories of contact models, penaltybased methods and analytical methods. In the penaltybased methods, which we use, contact forces are modeled with virtual spring-damper systems at points of contact. Wang, Kumar, and Abel 114) looked more closely at the rigid body assumption in contact and how it can lead to violations of conservation of energy and other conservation laws. They simulate mechanical systems undergoing multiple frictional constraints with local, linearly elastic properties at points of contact. Our contact model bas similarities to this approach, as well as that of [ll],and is a modification of the approach described in Tenaglia et al [13]. 1 . GENERATING 1 MOTIONS We use an optimal control approach to generate motions for our robots. The motions include the internal paths of the actuated robot joints, which we specify, along with path of the robot through space that result from these internal paths. Using optimal control to generate paths allows the paths to be good according to some

0-7803-8232-3/04/$17.00 @XI04 IEEE


objective measure, does not require a large amount of a priori information about the motion, and allows the motion to be specified in a more high-level manner. For example, rather than try to figure out what a fuel efficient path might look like, the objective measure (or cost function) being minimized in the optimal control problem can include the total fuel used throughout the motion. By using different objective measures, motions can be found with different characteristics, such as minimum effort used, minimum time to travel a given trajectory, or the maximum payload that can be moved from one position to another (151. To get the trajectories of the actuated robot joints (the controls in the optimal control problem), we assume the trajectories minimize some cost function, subject to certain constraint equations. The cost function together with the constraint equations define the optimal control problem. Each unique cost function corresponds to a separate motion, so specifying the cost function equates to specifying the motion. The cost function is minimized subject to the equations of motion of the system, boundary conditions on joint positions and velocities, and joint limits on the robot model. The ceneral form of cost

are parameterized with quintic B-splines of the form


q"(t) =

where Bz,J are the spline basis functions, and a, are the scaling coefficients. This q"(t) also defines the active joint velocities and accelerations q"(t),q"(t). Moving the active joints of the robot also causes the passive (unactuated) joints q p to move along some trajectory which can he solved for hy integrating the equations of motion for the system. Because all the terms in the cost function are then determined, the problem is transformed into one of static parameter optimization. The spline parameters defining q"(t) are the parameters that are varied during the optimization. In our C-STORM software, we have a recursive hybrid dynamics algorithm [E]which solves the dynamics equations for the active joint torques T O and the passive joint accelerations qp. This algorithm takes as input the current state ( q , q ) along with the active joint accelerations qa and passive joint torques TP. Let the recursive algorithm be referred to as g with
"P) ' "0 , q = 9(q,4,4 >+).


Given an input q"(t), rP(t), and initial conditions q(O),q(O), we use (7) to solve the differential equation

where J is the cost function, q"(t) is the position of the actuated joints of the robot, qP(t) is the position of the unactuated joints of the robot (some of which are used to keep track of the position of the robot in space), q p is the velocity of the unactuated joints of the robot, q = (qa,qP), the set of all robot joints, and T" is the motor torques on the active joints. The matrix is the Jacobian of the contact point, and F is the external force applied at the contact point (the normal and/or friction forces, obtained from our contact model). The summation of G$F represents the contribution of all the external forces applied to the system. We solve the optimal control problem with a direct method: guess a solution qn(t), integrate the equations of motion with the guessed solution, evaluate J , and use gradient information to correct the solution so that the cost decreases until a minimum value for J is found. The guessed solutions to the paths of the active joints qa(t)

for q P ( t ) . The purpose of the third equation is to compute L(qP, q p , T")dt. the second term in the cost function The exact form of L differs depending on the cost function being computed. Once the system has been integrated forward in time, using this algorithm, the cost function can be evaluated, and then the derivative of the hybrid algorithm is used to get the gradient of the cost function. The derivative of the hybrid algorithm 1121 is used to solve for the active joint torques, the passive joint accelerations, and the derivatives of both of those with respect to all of the current joint positions, velocities, and accelerations. This algorithm takes the same inputs as g , with the additional inputs of the derivatives of the torques applied on the passive joints T P with respect to all of the current joint positions, velocities, and accelerations. Let the derivative of the recursive algorithm he referred to as dg with:

S , '

3271 -

Fig. 1. Virtual Spring-Damper System Modeling Cant& Forces.

Fig. 2. Points, Vectors, and Unit Vectors used in General Collision ~ ~ d ~ l ,

Because the dg algorithm requires the inputs and the applied forces to the robot from the environment must be continuous and continuously differentiable. The analytic gradient of the cost function can be calculated with the output from dg and passed to MATLABs BFGS SQP function that performs parameter optimization. With the cost function and its gradient, the spline parameters can he varied so as to find the local minimum value of J , and the corresponding controls.








In our contact model, contact between two bodies results in two forces: a force in the direction normal to the shared contact surfaces, and a friction force in the plane tangential to the contact surfaces and in the opposite direction of the velocity of the contact point. As in the contact models of Tenaglia et al. [13],objects are modeled as though they have a rigid core inside a uniformly thick layer of compliant material. (This is like the small region of interpenetration in Reichler et al. [ll].) The contact forces from the interpenetration of two objects in the compliant layer are modeled with virtual spring-damper systems at the point of contact. For simplicity, the robot is assumed to he rigid, the compliant layer is assumed to be on the obstacles it encounters (see Fig. l ) , and the obstacles are assumed to remain stationary. Additionally, the forces are scaled by smoothing functions, to ensure that they are continuous and continuously differentiable, and that they begin at zero when contact is first made. ~To know when the robot first makes contact with the compliant layer (which is when to start applying contact forces), and how far into the layer it has penetrated (which determines the deflection of the virtual spring), the distance between the two bodies must be determined. The relative velocity of the two bodies must also be known, to calculate the virtual damper term in the contact force model. For the contact model to be general, it must be formulated in terms of the local directions

and ?it, where & is the direction of the unit vector between the near points and defines the normal direction, and ?it is a unit vector in the direction perpendicular to f i d , in the plane tangential to the contact surfaces, pointing in the direction the robot is moving (see Fig. 2). The robot and obstacle may contact in more than one place, hut for clarity the model will he discussed for just one pair of bodies that is contacting in one location. We use a distance algorithm which finds the near points on each body in the pair - that is, the point on body A that is closest to body B, and vice versa. The point on the robot body closest to the obstacle is denoted prob, and the point on the obstacle body closest to the robot is denoted p,bs (see Figure 2). The length of the vector from pda to prob, denoted d,,,, gives the distance d between the two bodies, and is used to define the unit vector iid:

The other value needed for the contact model, the velocity of p,& can be obtained using the Jacobian @(q,prot,) and the vector of joint velocities q as follows:

1 1

= @.p(q,Prob)q


where v is the linear velocity of prob. The linear velocity v is then decomposed into components in the normal direction &, denoted U& and the tangential direction fit, denoted ut. The unit vector ?it is defined from the tangential vel0city component as
ut =

ut llvtll


where ut = U - ( U . ?id)&. With these quantities defined, the normal contact force can be written as:

N = P(k(don - d ) - CIIVdll)?id


where P is the smoothing function, k is the virtual spring constant, e is the virtual damper constant, and do, is the


thickness of the compliant layer around the obstacle. The contact forces.are only calculated when d 5 don, as that is when contact is defined as occurring. The smoothing function P(d) operates in a thin outer layer of the compliant,.region.P(d) is defined suchthat it becomes active when the contact forces become nonzero, a t do,, but has no influence past a depth of d o f f . It is defined as follows:


Within our optimal control approach, we need the derivatives of the contact forces N , ffric with respect to the robot joint positions q ( t ) . N and ffric are functions of the distance between the two bodies in contact, so the necessary derivatives are those that describe how the distance changes between the two bodies a the joints of s the robot move. If ap,,b/aq, ap,b,/aq are known; that is sufficient to define the derivatives a N / a q , affr.ic/Oq; therefore, those are the derivatives that will be formulated here. The change in the distance between bodies in contact is not just a function of the robot joints q, but is also affected by the shape of the surface of the robot and obstacle. This means that ap,,b/aq is a function of both the robot shape and the obstacle shape, and the same holds true for a p d s / a q . Therefore, the equations that describe the movement of p , d , p , b , for each shape pair will be different (i.e., the equations for a pair of spheres will be different from those for a sphere and a cylinder). For obtaining the derivatives (ap,,b/aq, ap,a,/aq), we require a set of equations that define prob,pobs in terms of q and in the context of the shapes on which they exist. One such set of equations can be obtained by defining an optimization problem for which the solution is p , , b , p ~ , and where the surface shapes of the robot and obstacle are expressed as constraints on the optimization [SI, [7]. The general optimization problem is set up a follows: s

P ( d ) is constructed so as to ensure that the analytic gradients of the equations of motion are continuous. The coefficients (a0,a1,a2,a3) written in terms of are (rlO,~doff), and the constants do,, doff are set by the user. The friction force ffrie is defined using the normal force, and has the form:
ffric =



where p is the Coulomb friction coefficient ( p = .3 for our example), N is the normal force defined above and y is the smoothing function for the friction force. y is given by:

subject to h(ProbrPobs) = o g(Pmb,Pobs) 5 0

y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 1 y(urn,z) = 1, -/'(Urnaz) = 0

(24) (25)

(21) (22)

where U,, is the value of llutll a t which y goes to unity. The normal and friction contact forces are found for each pair of bodies in contact with each other, and are included as F in the summation term in Eqn. (2) in the optimal control problem formulation. To use these forces with the algorithms g and dg (Eqns. (7) and (S)), the derivative of the contact forces with respect to the joint positions and velocities ( q , q ) must be found. As the contact forces are functions of the distance between colliding bodies and the relative velocity of those bodies, their derivatives can be written with just the derivatives ap,,b/aq, ap,b,/aq, and by evaluating the force expressions directly for the derivatives with respect to 4. The next section discusses how the derivatives ap,,b/aq, apobs/aq were evaluated.

where f is the objective function, h(prob,pobs) are the equality constraints and g@rob,pob.) are the inequality constraints. Not all of the inequality constraints apply to p,,,,,,p,b, at the same time, so the subset of active inequality constraints is denoted gi,i E I where I is the set of indices of active inequality constraints. For will be used compactness, the vector x = [ prab pobs in place of probi p d S . The specific form of the constraints h, g depends on the particular shapes of the robot and obstacle. However, for all the shapes that can be modeled in this approach, the constraints are linear in z which allows them be factored as follows:


h ( x ) = K X bi

gi(z)= DZ

+ + bz

(26) (27)

To obtain the solution x = (probrpobs) for the constrained optimization problem, the Kuhn-Tucker condi-


tions are solved:

o ( ) + XTVh(z)+ p T V g i ( x ) = 0 f.
h ( z )= 0
g,(s) = 0, i E I


Eqs. (28) - (30) can be written as Q KT


Fig. 3. The Tumbler Robot

where K , D,b l , and bz are functions of the robot joint positions q, and Q is obtained from v f T @ r o b , p o b a ) =

Q[ P ~ A


To get ap,*/aq, @p,b,/aq, we take the partial derivative of Eq. (31) with respect t o q and rearrange it to obtain


We have expressions for H , b l , b z as functions of q, so those partial derivatives are defined. The vector [ z X p IT equals H - [ 0 bt ba IT, so the equation can be solved to obtain 8x184 = [ aP&% aPob8laq I T . V. SIMULATION RESULTS Once our method was implemented in software, we chose a robot with which to test it. Initially, to check that the general contact model equations were correct, we duplicated some previous results with the hopping lamp simulation [l]. The general contact model gave the same final motion as the contact model specific to the hopping lamp, confirming that the equations were correct. This also showed that optimizations with the general contact model took the same amount of time, or very little more, to converge as optimizations with a contact model specific to the robot being simulated. To see that the contact model was in fact general, we generated motions for the tumbler robot, a robot with three links actuated by two motors, as shown in Fig. 3. This is based on a real robot that has been built in our lab and is still undergoing design iterations. Its ongoing purpose is to serve as a testbed for the motions generated through this method. From the position shown in Fig. 3, each of the links with feet was allowed to rotate until they impinged on the middle link. Three motions were generated for the tumbler with this method. These three motions, referred to as the handstand, the roll, and the downstand, can be concatenated in a particular order to form a longer sequence. Specifically, the handstand can be following by the downstand, or the handstand can be followed by the roll. The first of these patterns can be repeated in a loop, to form

Fig. 4. The Tumbler Robot going up into a handstand.

a gait for the tumbler. The individual motions can be seen in Figs. 4 - 6. The optimizations took between six and thirty minutes to converge to a local minimum, depending on the motion. The simulations were run on a Pentium 700 MHz PC, integrating seven state equations and seventy-seven gradient equations for every iteration of the process. The handstand motion was generated using the cost function

J = (Qdtf) 2)2 -


where 93 is the rotation of the middle link, and the position shown in Fig. 3 is where q3 = 0. This cost function rewards motions that end with the middle link vertical, which resulted in the motion shown in Fig. 4 . The initial and final positions for the motors, and thus the legs of the robot, are specified when the initial guess is made for the active joint paths q(t),and is done so for all motions. The intermediate positions for the path q a ( t ) are defined by the a, in (6) which are the parameters that are varied during the optimization. The roll motion was generated using the cost function
J = 5 0 ( q l ( t j ) )- 9 d t j )


where q1 measures translation in the horizontal direction and q3 is the rotation of the middle link. The first term rewards motion that travels to the left, and the second


Fig. 5. The Tumbler Robot going from a handstand into a backwards roll.

model in conjunction with the optimal control a p proach require. We simulated a tumbling robot to verify that this method is valid. This research shows that it is possible~ incorporate a to general contact model into an optimal control approach to generating robot trajectories, and still have optimizations converge reliably to a local minimum with exact gradients of the cost function. Our contact model was able to resolve multiple contacts between a robot and its environment, and the use of smoothing functions on the contact forces did not distort the plausibility of the resulting motions. Despite adding some calculations to the computational burden of the optimization, the time taken to reach convergence was generally comparable to that of our previous work. Our future research will involve using this approach to generate gaits for the tumbler robot mentioned bere, and also to generate some motions for a hopping robot currently under construction in our lab. Another application for this method is simulation of walking robots, studying human locomotion, or finding trajectories for multiplylegged systems. An intelligent way to connect the pieces of motion generated with this approach is also an area of interest for our ongoing research. VII. REFERENCES
111 J . V. AIbru m d 1. E.Babror. "Optimal Motion Priniitivra for s 5 DOF Expertmeneat H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . POOI IBEB ~ ~ ~ ~ tc~a n~ ~ r mnobai8csand d ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ h ~. i ~ ~ i


Fig. 6. The tumbler robot going from a handstand into a position with both feet on the ground.

term rewards rotation. The number of contact points with the ground change several times throughout the motion. The downstand motion was generated using the cost function

I21 J . B s t t r . "Suruw af Nvmcriral Methods for Trsj'lory Opch13sa'l-n~. l a u d 0IG"idOon. CO"<ral.nd Dynam... "SI. 21. 2. p ' 0 - 0 . p132, ,887. 131 A . Bryson and Y . Ha.A m u e d Concml: O ~ ~ x m u a % . aEd.moixon and Canlrd n, nmlisphere ~ ~ b i i carp..r ~i ~PA.. ~ i 5 . ~ h i~ ~ ~ 1 ~ . 141 M B ~ DC. ~ ~ i ~ ~ . M.~ nnrdt.~o."Dm .sirYk. R. ~ k ~ ~ i i G . srhn.idi. h ~ ~ ~ "Nonlinear Hybrid Dynamical Sy8Lims: Moddin%. Optimrl Control. and APp l i r a t i o n a ' ~M d d ' l ~ *noiy.u on< D..lgn d H " b n d Sw,,nL.. . . ""I. 2 7 0 . n. 111-535. F* S p r i n s s r - v ~ r l a gmoz. , 111 Elmer 0 . Cilbert and Daniel W. Inhnann. ' ' D i s t m o o functians and bhsir appliction ID robat pech planning jn %he P'F'""CD afabstlclaa-. ,EBB l o v m d d I R 0 b O t i C .


where 93 is the rotation of the middle link, which started this motion a t a value of r/2, so this term encourages another rotation of r / 2 from the initial position (or ending with the middle link horizontal again, but rotated x from the home position). The second term penalizes the amount of motor torque used to perform the motion, so it encourages a minimum amount of effort to be used in completing the motion.

VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, we presented an optimal control a p proach to generating paths for robots, extended our contact model to apply generally rather than specifically, and discussed the derivatives that the general contact


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