Throughput Analysis and Debottlenecking of Biomanufacturing Facilities

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Process Development

Throughput Analysis
and Debottlenecking
of Biomanufacturing Facilities
A Job for Process Simulators

rocess simulators and other modeling computer model of the entire process can

P tools are gaining acceptance and

popularity in the biotech industry.
Such tools are mainly used to evaluate
“what-if” scenarios and to optimize
integrated processes. Tasks handled by
process simulators include material and
energy balances of integrated processes,
provide a common reference and an
evaluation framework that facilitates process
development. A model shows the effects of
process changes, and those changes can be
readily evaluated and systematically
A reliable model can pinpoint the most
Demetri Petrides, equipment sizing, cost analyses, scheduling cost-sensitive areas — the economic hot
Alexandros Koulouris, and of batch operations, environmental impact spots — of a complex process. Those spots
Charles Siletti assessments, throughput analyses, and are usually capital intensive with high
debottlenecking (removing a condition or operating cost or with low yields and
situation that limits process throughput). production throughputs. The findings from
Bottlenecks are everywhere, from
Process simulation tools can be used such analyses can focus additional lab or
the freeway overpass during the
throughout the life cycle of process pilot-plant studies to optimize those process
morning commute to the long development and product commercialization steps. Experimenting on the computer with
lines at the supermarket. But (Figure 1). alternative process setups and operating
bottlenecks in a manufacturing conditions allows a company to reduce
process are bad for business. Using Process Simulation Tools costly and time-consuming laboratory and
Computer models can help you Simulation tools can be used at many stages pilot plant efforts.
eliminate those conditions or during the commercialization process. The environmental effect of a process can
situations that are retarding your Idea generation. When product and process readily be evaluated with computer models.
progress. Whether the goal is ideas are first conceived, process simulators Material balances calculated for the
strategic planning, evaluating can be used for project screening and projected large-scale manufacturing reveal
alternatives, purchasing
selection and for strategic planning based on environmental hot spots. Those are usually
preliminary economic analyses. process steps that require solvents or
equipment, appraising a facility, or
Process development. During preclinical and regulated materials with high disposal costs.
optimizing production processes,
clinical testing of a drug candidate Environmental issues not addressed during
simulation tools can improve your compound, a company’s process process development can lead to serious
analysis. development group is looking into the headaches during manufacturing because
options available for manufacturing, after a process is approved by regulatory
purifying, and characterizing the drug agencies, it is costly and time-consuming to
substance and for formulating it as a drug make process changes. That is particularly
product. At this stage, the process undergoes true for biopharmaceutical production, about
many changes. New synthetic routes are which it is commonly said the process
investigated: New recovery and purification makes the product.
options are evaluated, and alternative Facility design and selection. When process
Demetri Petrides is president, Alexandros formulations are explored. Typically, many development nears completion at the pilot
Koulouris is managing director of Intelligen scientists and engineers are involved in level, simulation tools are used to
Europe, and Charles Siletti is director of improving and optimizing individual systematically design and optimize the large-
scheduling and planning applications at Intelligen, processing steps. scale process for commercial production.
Inc., 2326 Morse Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076, Simulation tools used at this stage can Good computer models can facilitate the
908.654.0088, fax 908.654.3866, introduce a common communication transfer of process technology and facilities
[email protected], language and facilitate team interaction. A design. If a new facility needs to be built,
2 BioPharm AUGUST 2002
process simulators can be used to size process
equipment and supporting utilities and to
Idea Generation
estimate the required capital investment. Project Screening, Strategic Planning
Production transfer to existing manufacturing
sites can use process simulators to evaluate Development groups
various sites for capacity and cost and to
select the most appropriate facility. The same Process Development
Evaluation of Alternatives
type of model can be applied to the Common Communication Language
outsourcing of manufacturing, helping to
select a contract manufacturer.
Manufacturing. In large-scale manufacturing, Development groups
Facility Design and Selection Process engineering
simulation tools are primarily used for Equipment, Utility Sizing, and Design Corporate environmental
process scheduling, debottlenecking, and Manufacturing
ongoing process optimization. Simulation
tools capable of tracking equipment used for
overlapping batches can identify bottleneck Manufacturing
Ongoing Optimization, Debottlenecking Manufacturing
candidates and guide the user through the
Process Scheduling, Production Planning
debottlenecking effort.
Several publications are available that
address the use of simulation for evaluating Figure 1. Benefits from the use of bioprocess simulation tools
and optimizing integrated biochemical
processes (1-4). We focus here on the use of likelihood of running into bottlenecks Finding the size bottleneck. Similar to plant
such tools for identifying bottlenecks, (process limitations) from either the throughput (Equation 1), maximum batch
reducing cycle times, and increasing the equipment or the resources. Resources size (or maximum batch throughput) of a
throughput of existing biomanufacturing include the demand for various utilities, cyclical processing step can be determined
facilities. labor, and raw materials, among others. The as shown in Equation 3.
bottleneck that limits the number of batches Batch size of a semicontinuous
Using Debottlenecking Theory (or the plant cycle time) are known as time processing step (such as high-pressure
The total throughput of a batch plant within (or scheduling) bottlenecks. Those that limit homogenization or disk-stack
a given time period is equal to the batch size the batch size are known as size bottlenecks. centrifugation) is determined using
(the amount of product produced per batch) Equipment-related time (or scheduling) Equation 4.
multiplied by the number of batches bottlenecks are identified by tracking the The step that yields the lowest maximum
executed during that period (Equation 1). uses of the various equipment over time and batch size is the size bottleneck and
Furthermore, because the number of calculating the equipment cycle time. Figure determines the maximum batch size of the
batches is inversely proportional to the plant 2 shows how such information can be entire recipe. An alternative way of
— or recipe — cycle time, which represents graphically displayed using “Equipment Use identifying size bottlenecks is by calculating
the interval between the start of two Gantt Charts.” The equipment with the the capacity used, the uptime, and the
consecutive batches, the plant throughput longest cycle time (V-101 in Figure 2) is the combined use of the various processing steps.
becomes proportional to the batch size time bottleneck that determines the Finding the scheduling bottleneck. The
divided by the plant cycle time (Equation 2). maximum number of batches and the plant scheduling bottleneck is that step that has
To increase plant throughput, an increase cycle time. Auxiliary equipment, such as the longest duration or step cycle time. The
can be made in either the batch size or the clean-in-place (CIP) and steam-in-place step duration can be estimated as shown in
number of batches or both. Increasing those (SIP) skids, can also become time Equation 5.
parameters, however, increases the bottlenecks. Finding equipment use bottlenecks. Each type of
equipment is characterized by a unique
capacity measurement (such as a reactor’s
vessel volume, for instance), which
Equation 1 Plant throughput = Batch size × Number of batches determines the maximum load that the
equipment can handle per cycle. Capacity
Batch size used is defined as the fraction of an
Equation 2 Plant throughput ∝ equipment’s capacity used during an
Plant cycle time
operation. For instance, if a certain vessel
operates with a maximum liquid level of
Number of cycles 1,000 L, but the vessel operates at a volume
Equation 3 Step batch size = Cycle size ×
Batch of 500 L, the capacity used is 0.5 or 50%.
For equipment that operates in continuous or
semicontinuous mode, the capacity used is
BioPharm AUGUST 2002 3
Process Development

Debottlenecking Strategy based on information available in patent and

technical literature. We used the SuperPro
If the goal is to increase plant throughput, in which equipment is used (for shared Designer (Intelligen) simulator in our
changes that increase the batch size or equipment) can create opportunities for example. (Readers can obtain an evaluation
reduce the plant cycle time can be reducing cycle time and sometimes for copy of the software at the company website
effective. In general, we recommend the batch size increases. (
following strategy. • If the time bottleneck is caused by a Process description. Our example analyzes
• Increase batch size until at least one step that has a very long cycle time, new the production of a therapeutic monoclonal
cyclical step operates at 100% use equipment should be operated in a antibody that is required in large doses. The
capacity. staggered mode based on the cycle time Figure 3 flowchart shows how
• If equipment uptime is low, try of the next time bottleneck. approximately 70 kg of purified product is
increasing the number of cycles per batch • If the time bottleneck is caused by produced each year in 29 batches before
for that equipment. This may create equipment, it can sometimes be debottlenecking strategies are applied. To
opportunities for additional increases in eliminated by moving secondary simplify the flowsheet, the media, buffer,
batch size. A side benefit of increased operations from bottlenecked to and inoculum preparation steps were
batch size is the reduced cost for quality nonbottlenecked equipment (1). For removed from the recipe.
control (QC) and quality assurance (QA), instance, instead of heating material in a The volume of bioreactor broth generated
which depend on the number not the size vessel, heating can be done using an during each batch is about 4,000 L and
of the batches. external heat exchanger during the contains four kg of product (the product titer is
charge and transfer of material into the 1 g/L). Total volume of the bioreactor vessel
• If a process operates at its maximum (V-101) is 6,500 L. A cycle time of 255 hours
batch size, work to reduce plant cycle vessel.
(240 hours for fermentation and 15 hours for
time by eliminating time bottlenecks. • If bottleneck analysis suggests buying the turnaround) was estimated for the
Long process steps and equipment new equipment, the final purchase bioreactor. Because the bioreactor is the time
sharing cause time bottlenecks. decision should be based on an bottleneck, a new batch can begin every 264
• If bottlenecks are created by equipment evaluation of overall project economic hours (11 days). Figure 2 shows the equipment
sharing install extra equipment that criteria, not simply on throughput use during two consecutive batches.
reduces the sharing. The size of the new considerations. Biomass and other suspended compounds
equipment should be chosen to create Reference generated are removed using a 0.65-µm
opportunities for batch size increases (1) T.M. Minnich, “Use Process Integration for membrane diafilter (DF-101). Product
(basing the equipment size on the most Plant Modernization,” Chem. Eng., 70-76, recovery at this step is 95%. The filtration step
demanding step). Rearranging the order (August 2000). takes about 12 hours using a filter with a
membrane area of 30 m2. Clarified solution is
concentrated 15-fold using a 50,000 MW cut-
the operating throughput divided by the we recommend that two approaches (the off diafilter (DF-102). Recovery yield at this
maximum possible throughput for that step batch size and the combined use) be step is 95% and takes 6.35 hours using a filter
particular process material or equipment. used in conjunction to identify the true batch with an 80-m2 membrane.
A measure of how effectively a piece of size bottleneck. We recommend the steps Concentrated product is stored in an
equipment is used is given by the equipment outlined in the “Debottlenecking Strategy” agitated tank (V-103) with a total volume of
uptime defined as the ratio of that sidebar for biomanufacturing facilities 1,200 L. The bulk of the contaminant proteins
equipment’s occupancy time over the plant are removed using protein A affinity
cycle time. For example, if the cycle time is An Example of Debottlenecking chromatography (C-101). The column handles
100 hours, and a certain vessel is only used A cell culture plant that produces a the material from each batch in two cycles
for 20 hours during a batch, its uptime is therapeutic monoclonal antibody (MAb) can lasting 8.8 hours each. The column has a
0.2 or 20%. The equipment occupancy time be used to illustrate throughput analysis height of 0.25 m and a diameter of 0.9 m. The
is the sum of the time that particular methodology. MAbs are used in diagnostic binding capacity of the resin is 15 mg of
equipment takes to execute the tasks hosted tests as well as for therapeutics. World product per mL of resin, and product recovery
in that equipment. demand for approved MAbs is now a few is 90%. The protein A elution buffer is
Combined use is the product of the kilograms per year. However, with new exchanged with phosphate buffer (P-7) using
capacity used and the uptime, and combined therapeutic MAbs that require doses the same diafilter (DF-102) as in the
use is a clear indicator of how much of the between several hundred milligrams and a concentration step (P-4). The multiple
time and capacity of particular equipment is gram during the course of a therapy, the rectangles on the Gantt chart at DF-102
actually being used. world demand for MAbs is expected to rise (Figure 2) show that the same equipment is
Using these equations as indicators, the to hundreds of kilograms per year (5). used by two different unit procedures. Product
processing step with the highest combined This example illustrates how to increase recovery at this step is 95%.
use is most likely the batch size bottleneck. plant throughput with only modest capital Purification continues, using a cation-
Because of time constraints in most plants, expenditures. The flowsheet we generated is exchange column (C-102), operated for two
4 BioPharm AUGUST 2002
Figure 2. Equipment use chart

cycles lasting 8.95 hours each. The column’s

height is 0.25 m, and its diameter is 0.8 m.
The binding capacity of the resin is 20 mg of
product per mL of resin, and the product
yield is 90%. Using an agitated tank
(V-103), ammonium sulfate is then added to
a concentration of 2.0 M, increasing the
ionic strength of the solution and preparing
it for hydrophobic interaction Figure 3. Monoclonal antibody production flowsheet (s  stream, p  procedure,
chromatography (HIC). The HIC column v  vessel, df  diafilter, and c  column)
(C-103) handles the batch material in two
cycles that each last 20.6 hours. The column This provides an opportunity for
has a height of 0.25 m and a diameter of increasing the batch size by 54.4%. Such a
0.7 m, with a binding capacity of 20 mg of move is in agreement with the
product per mL of resin. debottlenecking strategy that recommends
Sodium chloride and acetic acid are an “increase in batch size until a batch size
added to inactivate any virus particles bottleneck is reached.” When that is done,
(P-11/V-104), and the solution is pushed however, all three chromatography columns
through a 0.1-µm membrane diafilter become unable to handle the amount of
(DF-103) that captures viral and other material using only the two cycles that was
suspended particles. As a final diafiltration assumed at the beginning (the software we
step (P-13), reusing an existing diafilter are using displays error messages to warn Figure 4. Capacity, time, and combined use
(DF-102), the HIC and virus inactivation the user about such discrepancy). chart
chemicals are replaced with PBS buffer. To accommodate the new batch size, the
Final product solution is about 9.5 g/L, and number of cycles per batch for all columns After increasing the batch size, the
the final amount of product is 2.3 kg, which has to increase from two to three. bioreactor (P1/V-101) is fully used both in
corresponds to an overall recovery yield of Fortunately, that increase has no negative size (capacity) and in time. At this point, the
56%. affect on plant cycle time or the annual bioreactor constitutes the batch size as well
Options for increased throughput. Assuming number of batches (which remains at 29) as the plant throughput bottleneck. The only
that the market demand for the product in because of idle time in downstream way to increase plant throughput beyond the
our example is rising, options need to be processing. current level is by installing extra capacity
considered for increasing the plant’s The bioreactor remains the time bottleneck. The for procedure P-1 (that is, by installing an
throughput. Figure 4 shows the capacity, new plant throughput is 3.5 kg of product additional bioreactor) and by staggering the
time, and combined use for all per batch, which translates to 102.8 kg of operation of the second bioreactor so that it
procedure–equipment pairs as our process product per year. This first debottlenecking starts during the middle of the first
now stands. The bioreactor (V-101) has the step clearly shows that oversized equipment bioreactor’s cycle time.
highest combined use (62.6%) and is offers opportunities for increased plant Making those changes are not yet feasible
identified as the first throughput bottleneck throughput without capital expenditures. because the DF-102, which is the new time
candidate. However, the bioreactor capacity Although the diafilters (DF-101, DF-102, bottleneck, has a cycle time (196 hours) that
used is only 65.3% because the maximum and DF-103) are shown (Figure 4) to be at is more than half the cycle time of the P-1
working volume is 6,175 L (0.95  6,500), 100% use capacity use, they are not the (260 hours). Consequently, the starting
whereas the broth volume is only 4,000 L, batch size bottlenecks because their uptimes times of the two bioreactors are staggered
4,000 are rather low, and increasing their batch 196 hours apart, and this is the new plant
= 0.653 or 65.3%
6,175 size simply increases their uptime. cycle time. Figure 5 shows an equipment use
chart for the new scenario. Under these
BioPharm AUGUST 2002 5
Process Development

Figure 7. Labor demand as a function of

Figure 5. Equipment use chart with two Figure 6. Equipment use chart with three
time (six consecutive batches)
bioreactors operating in staggered mode bioreactors and no equipment sharing

conditions, the annual number of batches sharing), and V-105 (a storage tank added to
increases from 29 to 39 and the annual replace V-103 in P-9) becomes the new time
throughput from 102.8 to 138.3 kg. bottleneck. However, the bioreactors are again
Figure 5 also shows how the two approaching 100% uptime. The same is true
staggered bioreactors alternate in handling for one of the diafilters (DF-105).
consecutive batches. The first line (V-101) Furthermore, the chromatography columns
represents the first bioreactor (handling the are approaching a combined use of 70%.
first and third batches and all subsequent Further throughput increase modifications are
odd-numbered batches), and the second line probably impractical at this point. If additional Figure 8. Water-for-injection consumption
(STG01>>V-101) represents the second plant throughput is required, a new production rate and storage tank levels (six
bioreactor (handling the second and fourth line should be designed and built. consecutive batches)
batches and all subsequent even-numbered Floor space. In the previous analysis, we
batches). In other words, we use the same assumed that floor space was available for such a case, labor can be the time
recovery train to handle both bioreactors. installing a second and third bioreactor and bottleneck.
That is possible because all recovery steps additional recovery equipment. If that is not Labor demand analyses (such as that in
had cycle times considerably lower than the the case, then a new building may need to be Figure 7) are also useful in staffing a
cycle time of the bioreactor. constructed, and our best throughput facility. If the facility is dedicated to
Removing time bottlenecks. Because the scenario may not necessarily be the most manufacturing a single product, then the
process now operates at its maximum batch economically attractive. number of operators in each shift should be
size, all additional debottlenecking actions Resource bottlenecks. Another characteristic based on the peak demand during that shift.
should focus on the elimination of time of batch processing is the variable demand In multiproduct facilities, each production
bottlenecks. Figure 5 clearly shows that the for resources (labor, utilities, and raw suite can employ a dedicated number of
diafilter DF-102 is the current time materials) as a function of time. For operators and use floating operators during
bottleneck. Addition of a new diafilter to instance, Figure 7 shows the labor demand periods of peak demand.
replace DF-102 in P-13 removes that time (expressed in number of operators) for six Figure 8 shows the water-for-injection
bottleneck and increases the number of consecutive batches. As shown, for short (WFI) demand for six consecutive batches.
batches to 44 and the annual production to periods, up to 17 operators are needed. If The blues lines represent the demand for
156 kg. At that point, V-103 becomes the that labor is unavailable, then certain WFI (averaged over an eight-hour period)
new time bottleneck with a plant cycle time operations need to be delayed to distribute and correspond with the y-axis on the left
of 171 hours. Adding an extra storage vessel the demand for operators more evenly. In side. The red lines represent the liquid level
to replace V-103 in P-9 increases the
number of batches to 58 and the annual
throughput to 205.7 kg. With those changes, Equation 4 Step batch size = Continuous throughput × Plant cycle time
the bioreactors (V-101 and STG01>>V-101)
again become the time and throughput
bottleneck, and the new cycle time has been
lowered to 130 hours. Step cycle time
Equation 5 Step duration =
Plant throughput can be increased further Number of units available
with the addition of a new bioreactor and a
new diafilter (to replace DF-102 in P-7).
Under those conditions, the number of batches
becomes 84, and the annual throughput goes Equation 6 Combined use = Capacity used × Uptime
up to 298 kg (Figure 6). At this point all steps
now use dedicated equipment (no equipment-
6 BioPharm AUGUST 2002
in the WFI storage tank and correspond with enabling engineers to calculate new profiles Having access to a simulator that quickly
the y-axis on the right side. WFI demand is a and optimize the size of new equipment. performs the repetitive calculations allows
frequent bottleneck in biopharmaceutical facility engineers to focus more of their time
manufacturing. It is commonly used during Tooling Up to Maximum Efficiency on creative aspects of design and to achieve
multiple processing steps simultaneously to Use of computer-aided tools for process optimized solutions that would be
prepare fermentation media and purification design and simulation is increasing in the impossible otherwise.
buffers and to make equipment cleaning biotech industry and affecting engineering
solutions. activities at all stages of commercialization, References
If the WFI storage tank runs dry at a from initial idea screening to process (1) D.P. Petrides, J. Calandranis, and C.L.
Cooney, “Bioprocess Optimization Via CAPD
certain point (because of low capacity in the development and manufacturing. and Simulation for Product
still or the tank), one or more process steps Simulators that are capable of tracking Commercialization,” Genet. Eng. News,
will be delayed, and the WFI can become and displaying the capacity and the time of 16(16), 24–40 (1996).
the time bottleneck. The red lines in equipment and resource use can be (2) F. Hwang, “Batch Pharmaceutical Process
Design and Simulation,” Pharma. Eng., 28-43
Figure 8 (showing the liquid level in the indispensable in identifying and eliminating (January–February 1997).
storage tank) stay within certain limits bottlenecks. In revamping existing facilities, (3) D.P. Petrides, R. Nir, J. Calandranis, and C.L.
because the WFI still, which has a capacity such tools enable management to visualize Cooney, “Introduction to Bioprocess
of 1,000 L/h, was programmed to turn on the plant operating at maximum practical Simulation,” Manual of Industrial
Microbiology and Biotechnology, A.L.
when the level drops below 35% and to turn capacity and to evaluate process Demain and J.E. Davies, Eds. (ASM Press,
off when the level exceeds 85% of the vessel modifications required to reach that goal. In Washington, DC, 1999), pp. 289-299.
volume of 45,000 L. During retrofit projects, designing new facilities, simulation tools (4) R.G. Harrison et al., Bioseparations Science
such as the one described in this example, can be used to judiciously introduce and Engineering (Oxford University Press,
New York), in press. The chapter “BioProcess
design engineers should consider new utility overcapacity for certain steps and the ability Design and Economics,” is available at
profiles to make sure adequate production to expand easily for others, so that increased
and storage capacity is available to meet future market demand can be readily (5) S.S. Seaver, “Monoclonal Antibodies: Using
New Techniques to Reduce Development
new demands. Process simulators can play accommodated. Time,” Genet. Eng. News 17(1), 13–28 (1997).
an important role in retrofit projects by BP

BioPharm AUGUST 2002 7

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