Building Code Review-4 Storey

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General Approach to four story multi-

multi-suite residential occupancy plan reviews

Key focus area: residential condo or apartment.
Four Storey Residential Plan
Review ! This process will provide some insight into the general issues that should be
reviewed during plans examination for a four storey wood frame multimulti--suite
residential building, typically located above a one or two level parking garage. You
B ilding Official’s Association of B
Building B.C.
C will note that this is a long process and that is because this is one of the more
complex buildings to examine for code compliance.

Annual Education Conference ! This process will assist you in going to the right drawings at the right time, and
provides guidance on the key issues related to each type of drawing. You are not
November 22, 2008 expected to review every detail or plan, but to review the key ones for plan review.
Also, by following the suggested steps, we hope that you will save a great deal of
time by using some of the suggestions and plan review techniques we have listed in
this process guide.

! Fire Safety
Perry Halabuza, City of Coquitlam ! Life Safety
! General Structural design notes
Daryl Birtch, City of Port Moody ! Accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Start with the Occupancy Classification for the building

Determine this is definitely a four storey building:
By focussing on the Occupancy Classification of the building at the outset of your plans
examination, you will be able to know from the outset what the construction ! This involves dealing with the fundamental basics of the code:
requirements are for:
! Review the following definitions:
!Combustible / non –combustible construction (there may be an alternative solution that
clarifies this part of the process – if so, include in file and attach summary to drawings.)
This is your
your, and the building inspector’s
inspector s, snapshot of the building: ! Building Height: See Division A, Part 1 at page 7 (2006 BCBC)

Fire Resistance Rating requirements for floors, mezzanines, load-

load-bearing & ! First Storey: Same Division, same page.
! Grade: See Division A, Part 1 at page 10 (2006 BCBC)
You may find that the designer is choosing to create more than one building for
the purposes of 3.2.2. [See also and (2)] This is not always the
case, and need not be done in all cases, so you must note carefully what the ! The key here is to review all elevations to ensure that the criteria for meeting the
designer intends to do at this area. intent of four storey building height is achieved. Artificial berming and manipulation
of grades should be closely reviewed to ensure that the intent of the code has been
li d with.
ith LLocall d
i noted
t d iin th
the d
fi iti off grade
d should
h ld only
In most cases, you will be classifying the wood frame four storey component to include such things as driveway ramps leading to an underground parking garage (if this building shares a parking garage with a high building this may and pedestrian entrances and exits. This does not include such things as lower
not be the case and many provisions of 3.2.6 would apply. However, wood level decks unless specifically used exclusively for exits. Also, constructing the
frame above a slab is still ok.) building’s parking garage elevated, and then backfilling to create a new sloped area
that is not level will hinder fire fighting access to the building and does not meet the
The parking garage will have a separate 3.2.2. classification and may be intent of the code either.
designed to as well in order to consider it a separate building. (more
discussion later) (note: we do get the odd storage garage, and there is a slight
change to this occupancy – see page 862 for code references in this case)

Site plan review (continued)
Start at the site plan and orient yourself with the general location of the building on the
! To begin with, do a short review of all plans submitted, including architectural, b. Review for compliance with, and (fire
structural, mechanical, plumbing, fire suppression, electrical, civil and geotechnical.
This is of a preliminary nature, and will only give you a broad perspective of where department access routes)
things are and what is included in different drawings. Try not to focus on any specific
issue at this time. This is meant as a brief overview only (to start) go to your ! Note that this review will include such issues as: main entry within 3m to
computer program (if you have one) and enter your name. 15m max
max., turning radiuses
radiuses, turn - around for fire department vehicles
1. Start by creating a building classification form for this building. You may need to find access route width, and looking at any projections that limit the required
an alternative solution, if applicable and attach it to the plans, as well as use it as a 5m height clearances.
guideline on the Building Classification. When BC is complete, you can proceed with
other functions in your computer program, or begin plans examinations now. See end
of presentation for a sample building classification form. ! c. Look for a statement on the structural drawings that slabs supporting
driveway access for fire department will support an 80,000 pound fire
2. Locate the wall schedule, floor schedule and door schedule and make up a tab (self-
(self- department vehicle with outriggers. (or your specific fire department
sticking removable notes with a hand written label) and attach to each individual criteria) If not, make a note of this and include in letter to architect
page. (wall, floor, door schedules) You will use this later when reviewing fire /structural engineer. (don’t forget delivery truck access may be required)
separations. This allows you to locate these schedules quickly when reviewing the
individual floor plans.
Note: If the fire department vehicle will not be driving on the suspended
3. Start at the architectural site plan and review this plan for the following: slab, then of course this note may not be required and no note and letter
items are required. However, a fire lane access created new should be
! a. Review for compliance with (fire department connections) (you may capable of this loading, and a short note requesting confirmation of this
need to review plumbing/ fire suppression/ civil drawings to locate all the needed criteria would still be appropriate, especially in areas where the ground
information) may be soft (building needs piles for instance). In this case you may get
! this confirmation from geotechnical engineers rather than a structural

Further issues to review at site plan:

Further issues to review at site plan:
4. In general terms, look for accessibility issues related to:
a .Access from street to main entry,
6. If appropriate (look at a flood - proofing map) review flood-
flood-proofing level
b. curb drops (letdowns), compliance (minimum floor levels consistent with map) Also, soil gas may
c. walkway and ramp widths and slope, be an issue if you are in a flood plain with peat bogs. Radon may also be an
d. handrails, and handrail extensions, issue to consider in some areas.
e. notes related to slip resistance and tactile warnings on stairs and
ramps, (this is a good time to have the access handbook handy) ! If shown, review retaining wall geometry and design, and note that “retaining
walls require separate permit” (if your bylaw requires this) on drawings if
5 . In specific terms, related to accessibility, review for compliance with retaining wall structural drawings are not included. If the structural design,,, and 3.8.2. 27. Also review,, includes retaining walls, then this note may not be required.,,,, and
7. Review exit paths shown related to main floor and below grade floors.
[[Note that hotels and motels are residential occupancies
p also,, and
have additional accessibility issues such as,, 8. Review Right of Ways (R.O.W.’s) and Easements (highlight if shown on,,, and especially (4) (a)]. architectural drawings, consider noting on architectural drawings (if not
Also note that the access handbook shows things that are suggested, shown there, but on civil drawings only). Note any overhead building
not necessarily required by code. projections (awnings, decks, eaves etc. –these may not be permitted) that
would interfere with the R.O.W.’s or Easements that are shown. Concrete
stairs leading to and resting on the easement or R.O.W. may need special
legal agreements or may not be allowed at all.

Review lowest floor level (usually a parking garage area –may be more than one level)
9. Highlight the assemblies using the F..R.R. color coding conventions: (start at the bottom and work your way up)

*Time saving tips: ! You may need to review section drawings and other discipline drawings, as
well as plan views, to complete these tasks. This is normally done when you
*Mark the wall type with the color coding for the listed assembly (if appropriate use review the plumbing, mechanical, civil, and electrical for fire, life safety and
of assemblies is confirmed). If you highlight the wall number, plus the actual disabled access.
g ((such as two hour),
), yyou will find that this will save you
y a lot of time when
going back and forth between the floor plan being reviewed and the schedule
page with the color coding on both of them.* 10. Note that all room areas should be identified for use (occupancy).(
*When going through the door schedules, you will need to know which walls have 11. Review travel distances. ( and and Location of exits
which ratings in order to know what the closure (or door, frame and hardware) (,
ratings will be required. Refer to for requirements. Notice that these
door ratings are not F.R.R., but F.P.R. ratings, and use the correct terminology 12. Locate and review elevator areas – does this area require a vestibule?
when sending letters to designers. [F.R.R. = Fire Resistance Rating, F.P.R. = (,,,
Fire Protection Rating]. When you have reviewed the appropriate door, highlight
it (or annotate correction) to show that you have reviewed it. (this helps you
refocus if interrupted by counter enquiry or phone) 13 Review exit widths
13. widths. (3
4 3 1 to 3
4 3 3 ) and exit heights (3
14. Review fire separations at walls where required, and beside other
*When reviewing the floor plans, one idea is to continue the wall rating through the occupancies if applicable. (remember that you have “tagged” the wall
door rating and use a yellow high-
high-lighter to indicate you have checked that the schedules before). Color code fire resistance rated assemblies using the
rating is correct. Another idea is to color code the door rating with the color coding conventions.
appropriate color for the F.P.R. rating, which will show you that you have
checked that particular door and confirmed that the rating is correct. After that, 15. Review door widths and ratings (remember that you have “tagged” the door
you can then continue the wall color code through the door opening area. schedules before also)

Review of lowest floor level (continued) Review of lowest floor level (continued)

16. Review corridor widths []

24. Review exits for continuity – see
17. Review disabled accessible latch clearances [300mm or 600 mm clearances -see] 25. Review cross section drawings as well as plans for these levels of parking garage
and note minimum height requirements per
18. Review exterior exit paths to public thoroughfares (note any pathways blocked or
changes in elevation that require special design –handrails, guards, tactile warnings, 26. Note any alternative solutions on plans. Typically, issues like assault security water
ramps, etc.
t curtains at vestibules,
vestibules (although they dondon’tt require an F
R R ) and similar items may
be included in alternative solutions. These should be noted at the affected areas on
19. Review exterior exit paths related to exit protection ( each floor plan and on appropriate elevations. For instance, we indicate where a
water curtain equivalency is at the affected window by placing a red wavy line and a
20. Review disabled washrooms and sizes (if for example a Group D or E is part of a yellow highlight on the side (or sides) of the windows needing this provision, and
residential development) provide a note “water curtain required per alternative solution.” Note also
(note that (2) applies to this occupancy). It is also very obvious on
21. Review and highlight wall and floor ratings (refer to tagged floor and wall schedules elevations if you highlight in yellow the windows that have water curtains. (this
and use color coding for F.R.R.’ s) . Continuous highlight for fire separations and applies where an exit is exposed to a window and not what you would see inside a
dashed highlight for load bearing supports are a suggested “standard”. You may garage area)
have a 45 min. F.R.R. required by 3.2.2. but might require a 1 hour to be supported,
so the
th 1 h
hour supportt color
l would ld b
be iin d
h d lilines (d
(does nott affect
ff t ddoor F
PR’ – 27 Review
R i accessibility
ibilit iissues ffor th
the ffollowing:
ll i
doors are related to the suite to suite or corridor separation requirements). ! a. Highlight accessible parking stalls in purple highlighter. (suggestion only)

22. Review stair widths , rise and run (, landing sizes ( (highlight noted ! Use a purple line to indicate path of travel from parking stall to accessible entry
rises and runs in yellow to indicate that you have reviewed them and that they are (in parking garage, this will normally be the vestibule and elevator)
compliant) ! b. Review and highlight any obstructions such as curbs, security gates and stairs
that would prevent a person with a disability from gaining access to the building.
23. Review handrail sizes and geometry for size, height, extensions. (

Main floor plan review: Main floor plan review: (continued)

! As you have already done on the lower floor, review the same issues as noted
! NOTE: By now you should have already reviewed many key issues related to fire
department access and accessibility issues at the site plan review. The process for before. (use of rooms and spaces, fire separations required, egress and exit paths,
this floor level will generally be in a larger scale than the site plan and will include travel distance, etc.)
interior details that would not normally be shown on the site plans.
31. Locate and highlight (in yellow) where fire alarm panel / annunciator will be located.
Review criteria for location of annunciator panel. ( This is normally on
28. Review key details shown for sidewalks and other related access issues leading electrical drawings, but many architects include this on architectural drawings as
someone to the main entry. Highlight accessible paths in purple from sidewalk to well. The yellow color is a suggestion so that it stands out.
front entry doors, and to the elevator. (for residential) (you may have to review
landscaping plans and civil drawings as well at this time to be sure of what is being
done) Note height for enter
enter--phone for disabled height requirements [ (2)] 32. Review exits at or near the lobby area and review Table (a four storey
residential building is required to be sprinklered), 3.4.2., 3.4.3. and specifically and
29. Review all walls for fire separation requirements and note any non-
non-continuous or
non--compliant areas. Highlight walls with appropriate colors as per F.R.R.
non 33. Look for any
y dead end corridor situations [see
[ (7)]
( )]
requirements (use standard color coding)

34. Review floor elevations for any changes and note if elevation changes affect
30. All rooms and spaces should be identified for occupancy or use and you determine if accessibility to elevators. (this may affect this floor or lower floors) (see
there are any additional fire separation requirements (such as service rooms
(, incinerator rooms ( garbage rooms and recycling rooms (
electrical rooms (, emergency power rooms (, locker storage rooms
( and similar rooms requiring fire separations.

Main floor plan review: (continued) Second, third and fourth floors plans review:
! By this time, you should be familiar with the designer’s designations for fire resistant
walls. To save time now, it is a good idea to mark up the walls that have fire
35. Look for mechanical duct shafts when you check the mechanical drawings resistant ratings on all of the remaining three floors. *This will save you time now, as
that come from the parking garage level and see how the designers have the F.R.R.’s will normally be very similar from floor to floor.* If floors are repetitive
provided closures for the two hour fire separation between the parking garage you need only mark up the first one. With more time, you can consider marking up
and the residential areas. (See the rest. Note: it is not necessary to mark up / color code repetitive floor plans.
Usually, the 3rd and 4th floor are repeats.
Many designers will provide a vertical two hour shaft wall that essentially
makes the shaft part of the parking garage. Others wish to use only a 1 hour 37. As with the main floor, you will be looking for the same issues as listed in items #26
fire separation and a horizontal fire damper. Listed assemblies are important to #35 previously discussed.
for this issue. A two hour shaft wall should have listed assemblies for
instance. Note any assemblies listed are appropriate for the design being 38. On the fourth floor, look for access to roof area. (attic access panels and attic / roof
reviewed, and if not provided with the design, we suggest that you ask for access) Normally there will be a roof access ladder (see This access is a
them. required item for the purposes of maintenance of the roof, flashings, skylights and
any roof top appliances or vents. In many designs, you will notice that the elevations
show a sloping roof, however, many buildings are designed with a 1:50 sloped
(almost flat) roof area.
area (review section drawings)
36. Note also that higher STC ratings (STC 55) are required at elevator
hoistways, or a refuse chute. (see (2) 39. Look for roofs and attic space to see if it has been divided by fire separations above
suite separations. (see and This should also occur above
corridors. If more than two suites share an attic space, then soffit protection will be
required. (see You may also want to do a review on vent areas of roof
(1/300th of insulated area) and highlight roof vents if shown on architectural roof
drawings. (by highlighting them, you can count them easier, and calculate areas)

Elevation drawing plans review: Elevation drawings (continued)

Review spatial separations, Limiting Distance and Percentage of Unprotected Openings

45. Review windows and exit doors and their relationship. (see By now,
you should have identified all exits from the building. We find it helpful to indicate
40. Review the height of the building per and definitions at Division A, Part 1 these on the elevations and high-
high-light in yellow, so that you can plainly see where
page 7. windows near exits will be located. (i.e.: sometimes the window in the upper storey
affects exiting below.)
41. There is a fundamental difference between 3.2.3 and 9.10.15. – not appropriate for a ! (you may wish to indicate on the door face on the elevation drawing “exit door” or “exit
P t 3 building.
Part b ildi “U
t t dO
i ” –Part
P t 3 versus “Glazed
“Gl dO
i ” – Part
P t 9.
9 corridor
corridor” or “exit
exit lobby”
lobby and high
high--light in yellow – this is not necessary,
necessary but helps you
Refer to 3.2.3. for requirements related to spatial separations and note that you will orientate yourself on each elevation from a floor plan.)
be using Table C (sprinklers are required for designs).
46. Note exit doors that have sidelight glazing beside them. Note the criteria for
42. Refer to and for specific issues related to Exposing Building Face sidelight glazing next to exit doors in and, as well as criteria related
and Walls Enclosing Attic or Roof Spaces. (may affect spatial calculations). to mirrors next to exits in In these cases, it should be noted that glazing
and glass doors require physical protection in the form of guards or similar fixtures
(see and also as this Article is specifically cited in Part 3)
43. Note for limiting distances less than 1.2 m.
47. Where exits g go through
g lobbyy areas,, note the criteria in ((see also
44. Note as well as when you have a firewall in the building. You as this requires exit signs, manual stations, exit width, exit height, and ratings for
should be aware that this includes items as listed in this Article. In some cases, you fire separations.)
will notice that alternative solutions may address an alternative to a firewall, but the
criteria for parapets has not been modified in this edition of the code. (see
related to parapets) 48. If the building under review has an exterior passageway as part of the primary exit,
note that flame spread ratings may apply to combustible construction (see and -while this may be meant to apply to high buildings only, the
clause is stand alone.)

Sections plan and detail review: Sections plan and details review: (continued)

49. Review all section drawings for floor assembly designations, and if floor schedule is 53 Review landing criteria in
correct for the area you are reviewing, then color code the floor assemblies as the
floor schedule shows. Note that this will typically show a 2 hour F.R.R. (green) at 54. Review handrail criteria in (1) to (9)
the parking garage floors and the underside of the main floor. For floors above
the main floor, you will normally see a 1 hour F.R.R. designation (pink). You may 55. Review guard criteria in (1) to (7)
wish to show Suite to Suite and corridor walls in pink if they are shown on the
section drawings.g Refer to 3.3.4. for criteria for residential occupancy.
y We may
y 56. Review Treads, risers, and tactile warnings in (1) to (6)
not mark up every section and detail –choose a few representative sections and 57. Review sections that show attic access, attic fire separations and confirm that they
details to illustrate these ratings. are consistent with floor plans and elevations (fire wall parapet should show on
elevations and section drawings, and a detail should be included showing how the
Note that fire separations need to go to underside of floors or roof, and not just up parapet is projected, shrinkage allowances noted, and how the parapet is flashed.
to drop ceilings. See This includes provisions for Part 5 as well as fire wall criteria.) Make sure that
firewalls at exterior ends are not bridged by combustible projections (see
50. For loadbearing walls, you will need to “dash highlight” them as 1 hour F.R.R.’s as
well (pink). (see

51 Review fire stop details for fire separations and compliance with 3
1 9 1 (1) or (2)
(2). Note: To assist on-
on-site building g officials,, it is good
g p
practice to highlight
g g all floor p plans,,
Note: we may not request fire stopping system specifications at this time as this elevations and sections with a green (2 hour) highlighter (and annotate in red “2
may done by the on–
on–site building official during their field examinations. hour firewall”) so that it is clear where the firewall is located. As you go through
the floor plans, also note that all doors penetrating this firewall will be required to
52. Review stair details for coordination with plan views and compliance with stair have a 1.5 hour F.P.R. rating and come complete with self- self-closers. When you
design criteria in, (8), and to Note also have two doors at a fire wall, and they open in opposite directions [see also
that stairs are affected by , review landing criteria in and guard], there is a requirement in NFPA 80 that a smoke detector be located
criteria in on each side of the firewall. (See Appendix A A-- at page 567). Review also
Division A-
A-Appendix A at A A-- (1) & (2) and figure A A-- on page 32.

Sections plan and detail review: (continued)
Structural Drawings review:

! Key issues that are reviewed on structural drawings:

58 . Review insulation factors if Part 9 applies (part 3 building size with firewall
dividing building into two part 9 buildings –Table applies, but as a
Design notes should include:
Part 3 building with multifamily, Part 9 does not apply to Part 3.) In the case of
Part 3 application only, you need to refer to Part 5 at,, and 60. Edition of B.C. Building
g Code and allowances for fire department
p apparatus
pp and
other loads. (delivery trucks may need to be considered in design for instance, but
the building code does not specifically deal with this)
! Note: it is important that you read and become familiar with Part 5 as well as the
Appendix notes to Part 5. Of particular note is Appendix., A -,(all) and
A- The designer must also deal with and, as well as 61. Snow loads consistent with building bylaw. Should you note omissions related to these issues, you need to include
them in the letter to the architect. 62. Rain loads consistent with building bylaw.

59 R
59. Review
i access tto exit
it h
i ht (3(,
3 1 8) exit
it widths
idth (3
432 3
433) 63. Wind loads consistent with building bylaw.
headroom clearance ( and note that this will apply to parking garage
access to exits as well.
64. Seismic loads consistent with building bylaw.

Structural Drawings review: (continued) Mechanical review

65. Note on welding: – confirm CWB certified welders required if building has steel ! For this review, what is important to remember is that many ducts will pass through
structural assemblies requiring welding. (may be dealt with by on-
on-site building fire separations. The ratings of the fire separations are important to know, both for
official) your plan check and for the on-
on-site building official to review what needs to be done.
66. Note on parking structures designed to CAN/CSA
CAN/CSA--S413 “Parking Structures”. ! To make it easy to plan check, and easy for the on- on-site building official to review, you
This standard typically requires portions of the slabs to include epoxy coated re-
re- should highlight walls that require F.R.R.’s and color code these walls using the
enforcing bars for instance. Also, review Appendix D at D.1.1.3 to D.1.2.1 to appropriate highlighter colors per the color code standard
standard. (you may choose to not
understand limitations on the use of Appendix D. For the purposes of review of highlight the F.R.R. rating of the walls, and instead just yellow highlight the fire
coordination between architectural and structural drawings for determination of damper.) The on on--site building official can then compare the F.R.R. of the wall
F.R.R., we want to focus on Appendix D at D.2.2.1 and Tables D.2.2.1 A, designation on architectural drawings to the F.P.R. rating of the damper.
D.2.2.1.B and D.2.2.3.B. (please note that there is criteria listed here that
requires that reinforcing has a minimum cover of concrete, both at the top and at
the underside.) Ensure that this cover is consistent with the listing provided. 69. Review and Table for F.P.R. ratings (highlight if compliant) relative
to F.R.R. requirements. Review relative to fire dampers. Notice that fire
67. For firewalls present in the building, quickly review how the design compensates damper ratings (F.P.R) relate directly to Table as they are “closures” in a fire
for the collapse of one side during a fire. (see definition on page 9, 3.1.10..1 at separation.
page 7878, and
4 1 5 18 at page at page 193)
70. To assist on-
on-site building officials, you will find that a short note can be added, noting
68. General coordination (general form and shape only) between architectural, the F.R.R. of the wall it is penetrating and the F.P.R. rating of the fire damper. (ie: “2
structural, mechanical and other designs that create holes or voids in horizontal hour F.R.R. wall” (optional), “1.5 hour F.P.R. fire damper” with an arrow going to
each.) This will also save you time when you are interrupted, as you will be able to
or vertical assemblies. This is a quick review and is only meant to see if there are see what you have checked and noted readily.
similar situations shown. The key is to see if a large opening is accounted for in
structural drawings. (especially important at suspended slabs)

Plumbing review
Mechanical review (continued)
! 71. Of particular importance is ductwork leading to exit stair shafts, and especially in ! These drawings will normally be in your Plumbing department’s hands to do
the parking garage areas. Review For exit stairs, it is normal to pressurize
the stair shafts. This will place a higher air pressure in the stair shafts than adjoining the plan reviews, however if you are a “dual inspector” it is yours to review
spaces, and will force any smoke or other contaminants from entering the exit stair as well. Normally, they contact the designers (mechanical engineers)
shaft areas. In order to get a supply duct into the exit stair shaft space, the designer directly and let us know what was said by providing us with a copy of the fax
normally needs to go from the mechanical room serving the stair shaft to the stair cover sheet and letter. We are not going to cover the plumbing review as
shaft with duct work. It is important that we see that the shaft surrounding the duct part of this process module.
i separating
is ti ththe d
ductt work
k from
f the
th restt off the
th floor.
fl (often
( ft a 2 hour
h shaft
h ft wallll is
required) The duct should serve only the stair shaft, and not anything else within the ! When separate plumbing departments are satisfied that the drawings meet
floor area. (The concept is to not let any smoke from a fire within the floor area or the requirements of Part 7, they will let us know and sign off their portion of
another mechanical room contaminate the exit stair shaft) Of special note, please the permit process area. We will then receive the approved, stamped
review (1) to (9) related to ductwork in a stair shaft, and note that the ducts drawings, and insert them in the plan set after reviewing the comments.
cannot supply other portions of the building. This provision is to prevent smoke
contamination from other portions of the building. ! Our key focus in reviewing the plumbing drawings is not to review Part 7
requirements, but instead to observe the type of plumbing piping that is
! 72. In order to maintain the integrity of the exit stair shaft, the designer will need to being used, and specifically, if the pipe is combustible or non-
enclose the duct work that runs through the parking garage with a shaft wall equal to In this case there are a number of issues yyou need to be aware of:
the required fire separation of the slab (normally a 2 hour, but may be less if the
design allows it) In this case, the designer should have a note at the duct stating that ! The parking garage is most often designed as non- non-combustible
a shaft wall enclosure is necessary, and you should highlight the shaft wall rating and construction, but not always.
make sure that the shaft wall is designed to be complete from the mechanical room ! The four storey residential portion is normally designed as combustible
right to the stair shaft. Any deviations or areas that are incomplete should be noted construction,
and included in the letter to the CRP (architect usually).
! There will be penetrations to F.R.R. assemblies that affect which type of
piping is permitted, and what type of fire stopping components are
required (

Plumbing review (continued) Electrical review:

76. To start the electrical plans review, go through each page as a general overview of the drawings
! You need to review and understand the following: to compare with architectural floor plans and check for coordination. While you are doing this,
locate the schedule that shows the symbols used. *(time saver tip)* Attach a self –sticking
note and label it “schedule” or “legend” to easily find it, and highlight all fire and life safety
! Standpipe systems (see and Table Is it a “Type I” (2’1/2”) or “Type components in yellow. This should include:
II” (1
(1--1/2”) that is required ?
77. Exit signs (see and Place yourself (in your mind) on each floor level and
f ll
follow th
the access tto exitit routes
t through
th h the
th building.
b ildi Y
You should
h ld b
be able
bl tto see ttwo exitit signs
! Review standpipe system design (see Note that a fire department from any given point.
connection is required for every standpipe system – and
78. Emergency lights (see to Consider how the access to exits are lit with
emergency lighting, including the stair shafts.
! Hose connections (see
79. Manual stations ( Look for the symbol that will indicate manual stations next to each
exit. Also look for fire alarm gongs. *time saver tip* place a tab in your code to find this one
! Hose Stations (see and locations [specifically (3), (4),and (5) and
NFPA 14 for hose lay spacing and coverage] 80 Smoke alarms (
80. (3 2 4 20) (top of exit stairs
stairs, elevator shafts
shafts, close to bedrooms in suites)

81. Carbon Monoxide detectors ( Look for compliance with the criteria for proximity to
bedrooms and also that there are smoke alarms at the top of stair shafts and elevator shafts.
Note also that C.O. detectors are required in underground parking garages, which will activate
exhaust fans after a certain level is reached. *time saver tip* place a tab in your code to find
this one easily.

Electrical review: (continued)
Electrical review: (continued)

82. Fire detectors ( - Look for compliance with the criteria in (2), (a). 86. Start at the lowest floor, review and highlight the location of each fire and life safety
83. Fire alarm panel (3.2.4..1) fire alarm (,, You
should read this section and be familiar with how the fire alarm panel and fire 87. You should be able to follow each egress to exit path and see exit lights and
alarm will be installed within the building. You will usually see a drawing page emergency lighting as you follow the path. If you observe an area that isn’t covered,
with the fire alarm panel layout on it. Check to make sure that the required mark it on the drawings
g and include in the letter.
devices are monitored on the panel layout, and that the system complies with the
above--noted articles. Verify and note if the system is a single or two stage
above 88. At each “exit door”
door”,, you should find a symbol for a manual pull station. If not, mark
system. (should normally be single stage only for this occupancy) one on the drawings and add this to the letter to architect.

84. Electrical hold open devices for doors (, Review the 89,. Smoke detectors should be at the top of each exit stair, top of each elevator shaft,
location of these in relation to the articles noted, and ensure that there is a and within or close to bedrooms.
smoke alarm noted on each side of the doors. (a fire alarm panel connection
should be evident on electrical drawings - must release and close on F/A
actuation) 90. Fire detectors should be located in storage rooms, service rooms, janitor’s rooms, at
elevator hoist ways,
y , and laundryy rooms. ((when areas are not sprinklered)
p ) ((sprinklers
are fire detectors so a design may not require them in certain areas)
85. Any Electromagnetic locks (see for criteria) (also As these
devices become more popular for solving security and access issues, it is
important that these do not delay exiting from a building. Review the articles 91. Locate the fire alarm panel (should be at or near the main entry to the building along
carefully and note any deviations from the requirements in the code. Note that with enter phone complying with (2) (accessible height) and highlight the
an electric strike is different and is not code compliant for fire separation closures see also –this relates to annunciation and zone indication)
locations. ((see
–must be a positive latch at required F.P.R. doors (see (NFPA
(NFPA 80 is
also a document that should be referred to)

Electrical review: (continued) Landscape drawing review:


92. Electrical hold open devices on doors: You will normally see these
doors paired and they will be in the main corridors leading to exits. (these ! This review is focussed on the following issues:
should also appear on the door schedule as well) The key issues to note
here are that the door hold open devices (see 94. Are there indications of any changes in sidewalk access to the main entry (3.8)
! must be connected to the fire alarm,
95. Review site plans and details that show ramps and sidewalks. Note any non-
! must close on any signal, and compliant
li areas related
l d to accessibility,
ibili stairs,
i stairs
i without
ih guards,
d etc.

! must be provided with smoke detectors on each side of each pair of 96. Are there any indications that landscaping areas (trees, shrubs, etc.) will block
doors per NFPA 80 Appendix B. (you should see a smoke detector fire department direct access to the fire department connection or other fire
lined up on the centerline of one door in one direction, and centered on department required access points? (see This may be the time to spot
the opposite door on the other side.) a issue related to exit exposure (exit path guided by landscaping
features past a window in another fire compartment). This may occur where the
designers have included raised planters which guide a person exiting an area
93. Electromagnetic Locking Devices (EMLD’s): The key issues with past another fire compartment. (If this does not allow two directions of exiting)
EMLD’s are that yyou need to understand all the requirements
q for this
type of appliance. There tends to be a trend to want to create more 97. Are there indications of retaining walls? This will require you to write a note
security from parking garages into elevator vestibules, and from certain “retaining walls require separate permits” if not included in the structural drawings
areas within the main floor area. It is key that you understand set for this permit and include in your letter to the architect. Highlight any
and The description in the electrical design should indicate retaining walls in yellow so that you can easily see where they are located on the
that full compliance with all clauses in (a) to (g) will be site.
required. (note the “and” at the end of sentence (f). (see also Appendix
A- (4) at page 567)

Civil Drawings review:
review: Geotechnical review:

! The key focus areas for the civil drawings will be:
! 101. The key issue to look for is what type of footing and foundation system is being
recommended by the geotechnical engineer. You need to be aware if there will be
98. Coordination with other drawings, such as plumbing. (service entry to building some piling required and you should see that there are pile caps and grade beams
same on both sets) showingg on the structural drawings.
g This is most often consistent between the two
design disciplines, but should be compared.
99. Noting where the fire hydrants are, and that they are consistent with the
requirements in Compare these fire hydrant locations with landscaping ! One other issue to focus on is the areas that may possibly contain methane or radon
drawings and architectural drawings (if shown). gas. The geotechnical engineer should provide a statement that confirms that no soil
gas or radon gas is present on the site, or provide design criteria to deal with
100. Review grades shown on these drawings and note any steep grades that may potential methane gas problems. (Dealing with soil gas may require additional sub-
affect fire department access. [see (1), (d).] surface piping and an exhaust system) Soil gas areas are typically low lying
p p that may
y have some swampy py areas or were swamps p at one time. Areas
with radon may not be easily identified, however, Health Canada may be able to
provide some guidance on this issue.

Confirmation of acceptance of Alternative Solutions: Finalizing the permit for a four storey building

102. Before a permit can be issued for a four story residential building, you must find out
if there were alternative solutions for the building, and if the alternative solutions have 103. You have the duty of ensuring that all departments have signed off on their
been accepted and approved. (if you aren’t the one doing the approval). In some respective areas of the process. This will take some time to get to know who
situations, your plan review may create the need for an alternative solution. needs to sign off and close and who doesn’t. If you are not sure, contact
your supervisor.

103. Although you may not be involved in the acceptance process of the alternative
104. All “notes transfers” (your red - lined notes that are critical for compliance)
solution, the solutions proposed will affect how you will view the building code must be done, and all required stamps, stickers, cut and paste code issues,
approvals for this building. As the process gets close to finalizing, you should seek and alternative solution summaries or key principles should be attached and
out the proposal, and if possible, obtain the summary of the alternative solutions. should be completed on both sets prior to issuing the permit. (as with all
other permits)
We recommend cutting and pasting the summary (final accepted version) to one of the
front pages of the architectural drawings, and color coding any fire separations, water 105. Check with your building clerk to ensure that all fees required for this type
curtains and other alternative solution issues that are indicated on any section of permit have been accounted for (includes DCC
DCC’s s, Engineering fees
drawings or plans that are included in the alternative solutions report. damage bonds, rock bolting de-
de-tensioning bonds, and utilities if applicable
to your operation).

106. Sign the bottom of the BC form and provide the file to the Building Clerk
advising that this permit is now ready to issue. (optional depending on
departmental organization)

BOABC Disclaimer Statement:
Guide for types of required revisions:
When revisions are required to drawings:
! Major fire, life safety or construction issues.
issues. Things that affect the layout, or
physical shape of the building, or other “big picture” items. ! The presenters have provided this PowerPoint presentation to BOABC
Major design revisions to the plans such as: members for educational purposes only and BOABC and the presenters are
! fire department access, not responsible for any errors or omissions that may result from the
! exits, processes described in this training module.
! exit protection,
! spatial separation, ! The responsibility for code compliance remains with the design
! wall construction (combustible/ non-
non-combustible construction, professionals undertaking designs for buildings and with the owner
! improper disabled ramps, undertaking the construction of a given project.
! stairs and handrail design/ details,
! door latch clearances
! This presentation is based on the original published version of the B.C.
When written confirmations work ((smaller
smaller issues that don’t affect the layout) : Building Code 2006 and does not address any revisions or errata that may
Minor changes such as: be published. Changes resulting from revisions or errata may change the
! door ratings, intent of various cited code references in this presentation. It is the user’s
! missing exit signs/ emergency lights
lights, responsibility to observe the changes that result,
result and adjust the plan review
! fire dampers, process according to any changes that may result from revisions and errata.
! some wall ratings,
! self--closers,
self ! This module may be invalid when a new version of the building code is
! wired glass sizes, issued.
! grab bars,
! auto door openers,
! fire detectors.

Recommended Color Coding Standard For F.R.R.’s and accessiblity.

Note these colours can be provided by using standard hi-hi-lighter colour
Sample Building Classification form
! Building Address: _________________________ Date: ____ _____ _____
pack and are available at most office supply outlets. The chart shown can ! Legal Address: ___________________________ Zoning: ______________
be easily created on an Excel program.
! Proposed Use: (example – four storey wood frame residential apartment)
! Applicable Building Code Edition: (example 2006 BCBC)

! Building Area (m2)___________ Building Height: 4 Storeys

! Major Occupancies: __________(ie: (ie: C/ F3) Subsidiary Occupancies _____
! Building Classification Requirements: ((example
! Major governing Occupancy Classification
Classification:: Group C (
! Construction Requirements:, up to 4 storeys, Sprinklered
! Max. Permitted Building Area: 1800m2 Floor Assembly: 1 hour F.R.R.
! Construction: Combustible / non-
non- combustible Mezzanine: 1 hour F.R.R.
! Sprinklers: Required Roof: No requirement
! Loadbearing Components: F.R.R. same as supported assembly
\ ! Common Parkade: Yes Occupancy on Roof: No
! Parkingg Sprinklers:
p Required
q Hose Stations: Class II
! Fire Detection: Required Smoke control: not required
! Fire Alarm: Required ( monitored Emergency Lighting: Required
! Sprinkler Standard: NFPA 13 / NFPA 13R Exit Lights: Required
! Standpipe System: Required Panic Hardware: Required
! High Building: No Disabled Access: Required to entrance only
\ ! Interconnected floors: No.

Plan Checker/ Building Official providing review: ___________________________

(or by chief building official if appropriate) Signature

Communications with designers –some suggestions:
Communications with designers:
! Remember that communications should be in written form, and that they will become
legal records as part of the building file.
! You should consider providing point by point comments, and all communications
should be addressed to the CRP, with possible cc’s to the designated design ! Remember to keep your comments professionally worded and in the proper
discipline. wording related to Part, Section, Subsection, Article, Sentence, Clause, Sub
! Time saving g suggestion:
gg clause (hint – copy the format from page xiv and paste on the inside front cover
! List each item as a numbered item. of your code so you have a ready reference.)

! Include the code reference that is at issue.

! Request that all replies come back as one coordinated package rather than piece
! Provide grid lines or room number / description if possible.
possible. meal replies, which are more time-
time-consuming to deal with.

! Divide correspondence into design disciplines A, S, M, P, FSS, E, & ! Remain professional and non-
non-judgemental in the wording of all correspondence.
Geotechnical (hint: you can cross reference the issue with the item # on the
! Request that the designers reply in the same numbering sequence as used in
! To aid in finding the items, you may want to consider bolding the referenced your letter. (This will save much time when reviewing all issues and responses)
page number and issue (ie: “ Page A A--4 at Grid line 6 and B, at corridor 103” –
then include item being discussed in non-
non- bold print) Note: This typically does
not take a lot of time, but focuses the reader and yourself on finding the item
later. (you may want to also cross reference the item with a mark up on the city
copy of the plan review –then check it off when response is appropriately
answering the question or issue)

Possible Six Storey Residential Building Code Adoption

Communications with designers:
– Jan.1/09
! We suggest that you keep a “working copy” of the correspondence on ! We were going to provide you with a list of what will be adopted
the building permit file so that in later years the issues can be reviewed in the five and six storey building code that is now on the
and see that the corrections or clarifications have been dealt with and
documented. One method of doing this is to keep a “clean copy” with no
Building Policy Website for public consultation. However, the
t and d a “working
“ ki copy”” with ith titick
k marks
k and
d an iinitial
iti l ((and
d possibly
ibl list of code changes that are posted are only part of what the
date) of when the issue was dealt with satisfactorily. technical advisory group made as recommendations. We
urge all participants to provide individual comments to the BPB
! For correspondence to a CRP, you may wish to include the owner in the on the proposed changes. The public consultation ends
correspondence, so that they are aware of any issues, and also the
timelines involved in the responses. This often can serve as evidence
December 15, 2008.
that the building permit was not held up as a result of City Hall
procedures but rather in timelines not being met by designers
procedures, designers.


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