Bain Capital

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‘TWELFTH CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT Ec) RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF LIMITED PARINERSHIP oF ‘THE BAIN CAPITAL FUND LIMITED PARTNERSHIP WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, wishing to continue a limited partnership organized under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts under the nane and style of the Bain Capital Fund Limited Partnership by the filing of a Certificate of Limited Partnership with the office of the Secret 241964 Of State of The Comonveaith of Hassachusstts cn Samaideasline aac —~Npy Restated Certificate of Limited Partnership fildi with such office on June 14, 1984, as, amended through the date hereof (the "Certificate"), and ie wishing to provide for the admission of those limited partners with an asterisk next to their nanes on Exhibit I attached hereto and the withdrawal of limited partners whose names are no longer on such Exhibit I and to indicate the amounts of capital contribution now paid in to the partnership as set forth in such Exhibit I, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: 1, Exhibit I to the Certificate is hereby amended and replaced in its entirety and Evnibit I to the partnership's certificate of limited Partnership shall henceforth read as and be the Exhibit I attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Twelfth Certificate of Amendment as of this ist day of March 1988. General Partner AL those Limited Partners named on Exhibit I hereto) Bain Capital Partners, By Bain Capital Partners, A California A California Limited Partherhip Limited Partnership as Attorney-In-Fact By: “ Robert F. white Z General Partner General Partner AN EXHIBIT I Partners and Capital Contribution capital Contributions Initial cash Balance of Name and Address Capital contri- capital contri- capital of General Partner bution Payable bution Payable Contribution Bain Capital Partners 273,708.37 54,741.67 328,450.05 A California Limited Partnership Two Copley Place Boston, MA 02116 General Partners! Total 328,450.05, . Capital Contribution Names and Addresses of Limited Partners Jean Overseas Limited, Inc. 2,082,667.00 417,333.00 2,500,000.00 c/o M. Elfen 8 Rue de Candolle 1205 Geneva, Switzerland SFA Investors 166,666.67 33,333.33 200,000.00 c/o E. L. Mulliner 233 Post Street Sixth Floor San Francisco, CA 94108 St. Francis Associates 3,833,333.33 766, 666.67 4, 600,000.00 c/o E.L. Mulliner 233 Post Street Sixth Floor San Francisco, CA 94108 Melvin G. Alper and 166, 666.70 33,333.30 200,000.00 Jane L. Alper 5309 Edgemoor Lane Bethesda, MD 20814 Barcel Corporation 2,500,000.00 500,000.00 3,000,000.00 P.O. Box N-4843 Nassau, Bahamas Miguel A. Duenas 2121 $.W. 3rd Avenue Miami, FL 33129 Miguel A, Duenas, Trustee 2121 $.W. 3rd Avenue Miami, FL 33129 John W. Hanley Roaring Gap Club Sunrise Lane Roaring Gap, NC 28668 Tropical Investment Corp. c/o Sr. Luis Endriquez 1001 S. Bayshore Drive Suite 1808 Miami, FL 33132 Velof Trust c/o Ms. Leonora Saurel 156 East 81st Street New York, NY 10028 Katsura, S.A. Edificio Omanco Apartado Postal 4297 Panama 5 Panama Jolla Edificio Interoceanic Apartado Postal 10-287 Calle 50 y La Alameda Zona 4, Panama Graham Anthony Lyons 23 Ormonde Gate London, SW3 4EX ENGLAND Suzanne Lyons and Harold Ivor Connick, Trustees of the G.A. Lyons Trust 56 Portland Place London, WIN 4BD ENGLAND The British Printing & Communications Corp. Maxwell House 74 Worship Street London EC2A2E England 625,000.00 625,000.00 833,333.34 833,333.34 416,666.67 291,666.67 166,666.07 125,000.00 62,500.00 1,666, 666.65 125,000.00 125,000.00 166, 666.66 166,666.66 83,333.33 58,333.33 33,333.93 25,000.00 12,500.00 333,333.35 750,000.00 750,000.00 1,000,000.00 1, 000,000.00 500,000.00 350,000.00 200,000.00 150,000.00 75,000.00 2,000,000.00

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