Occidental Grammar

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Occidental English

This grammar is complete in the sense that it
Ti grammatica es complet in li sens, que it
contains all essential rules used in the texts of
contene omni essential regules usat in li
Cosmoglotta, the official organ of the
textus de Cosmoglotta, li oficial organ del
Interlingue Union, and in the "Complet Curse
Interlingue Union, e in li Complet Cursu de
de Interlingue" (Complete Course of
Interlingue de A. Matejka. In plu omni
Interlingue) by A. Matejka. Moreover*, all
decisiones del Interlingue Academie es
decisions by the Interlingue Academy are
In contrast to all national languages, one can
In contrast a omni lingues national, on
say of Interlingue: Who applies the rules of this
posse dir de Interlingue: Qui aplica li regules
grammar and uses the proper (adequate)
de ti grammatica e usa li adequat paroles,
words, speaks and writes Interlingue correctly.
parla e scri Interlingue corectmen. Il ne deve
He does not have to fear hearing: "Yes, I see
timer audir: Yes, on ne trova un erra
no grammatical errors in your letter, but no
grammatical in vor lettre, ma null anglese
English people would express their thoughts
vell expresser su pensas per ti paroles o per
with these words or these sentence
ti frase-constructiones! E to constitue li
constructions!" And that constitutes the great
grand facilitá de Interlingue: Chascun nation
easy of Interlingue: Each nation can express
posse expresser su pensas in li cadre del
their thoughts in the frame of few grammatical
poc regules grammatical in li maniere
rules in the accustomed manner, and only
acustomat, e deve solmen far atention, ne
needs to pay attention toward not using
usar Idiotismes íncomprensibil al altri
idiomatic expressions incomprehensible to
nationes per usar cert paroles in un altri
other nations through using certain words in
sens quam li general. Ma li regules
another sense than the general one. But the
grammatical es tre simplic e sin
grammatical rules are very simple and without
exceptiones, talmen que on posse realmen
exceptions, so that one can truly master them
mastrisar les in extrem curt témpor. In plu
in a very short time. In addition* a large part of
un grand parte del regules confirma solmen,
the rules simply confirm that the already-known
que li ja conosset regules del lingue matrin
rules in one's mother tongue work (avail) also in
vale anc in Interlingue.
On posse dunc dir sin exageration, que One can therefore say without exaggeration,
Interlingue es mult plu facil quam li that Interlingue is much easier than the
precedent projectes de lingue international e preceding international language projects and
íncomparabilmen plu simplic quam omni incomparably simpler than all national
lingues national, mem in simplificat form. To languages, even in simplified form. That works
vale ne solmen por li comprension, ma anc not only for comprehension, but also for the
por li aprensíon e specialmen anc por li study and also for the application of the
aplication del lingue. language.
Winterthur (Svissia), octobre 1956. Winterthur (Switzerland), October 1956.
Li nómine Occidental del lingue The name Occidental of the international
international creat de Edgar von Wahl language created by Edgar von Wahl was in
esset 1949 viceat per li nómine Interlingue, 1949 changed to the name Interlingue, without
sin changear li lingue self, por evitar li politic changing the language itself, to avoid the
aspecte del nómine “Occidental-Union”. political aspect of the name “Occidental-Union”.
§ 1. Interlingue es scrit per 26 lítteres latin: § 1. Interlingue is written through 26 latin
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, I, m, n, o, p, q, r, letters: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, I, m, n, o, p,
s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z.
§ 2. Li alfabet es pronunciat: § 2. The alphabet is pronounced:

a, be, ce, de, e, ef, ge, ha, i, jot, ka, el, em, a, be, ce, de, e, ef, ge, ha, i, jot, ka, el, em,
en, o, pe, qu, er, es, te, u, ve, duplic ve, ix, en, o, pe, qu, er, es, te, u, ve, duplic ve, ix,
ypsilon, zet. ypsilon, zet.

§ 3. Li vocales es sempre clarmen § 3. The vowels are always clearly pronounced
pronunciat quam seque: as follows:
a quam in F (francesi), o G (german), o H a as in F (French), or G (German), or S
(hispan), o I (italian),o A (anglesi): father. (Spanish), or I (Italian), or E (English): father.
vase, batte, batter. vase, batte, batter.

e apert o cludet, quam GHI, A: bed, yes, F: é e open or closed, as GSI, E: bed, yes, F: é or è.
o è. pena, mensu, pelle, venir. pena, mensu, pelle, venir.

i quam FGHI, A: machine. nive, six,

i as FGSI, E: machine. nive, six, minute.

o apert o cludet, quam FGHI, A: door, hot. o open or closed, as FGSI, A: door, hot. modic,
modic, póndere, porta, ponderar. póndere, porta, ponderar.

u quam GHI, A: rule, pull, F: ou; pos q tre u as GSI, A: rule, pull, F: ou; after q very short,
curt, presc consonantic (w). brun, mult, almost consonantal (w). brun, mult, sudar,
sudar, quar. quar.

y pos un vocal, e in li comensa de un parol y after a vowel, and in the beginning of a word
anc avan un vocal, és consonantic, altriloc or before a vowel is a consonant, otherwise a
vocalic. vowel.
y vocalic es pronunciat quam Int vocalic y is pronounced as Int (Interlingué) i.
(Interlingué) i. physica. physica.

De du o pluri vocales succedent chascun Of two or multiple following vowels each is

es pronunciat. Inaccentuat i e u avan pronounced. Unaccented i and u before vowels
vocales e in li combinationes au e eu (u anc and in the combinations au and eu (u likewise a
li a e li e es curt) es tre curt, presc and e are short) is very short, almost like a
consonantic, e ne posse formar propri consonant, and cannot form proper syllables.
leôn *, creatôr, mêdie, mediôcri, mêdium, leôn *, creatôr, mêdie, mediôcri, mêdium,
lìngue, linguâl, lìnguìstic, trottuôre, càude, lìngue, linguâl, lìnguìstic, trottuôre, càude,
neutrâl, arcâic, vîa, revûe. neutrâl, arcâic, vîa, revûe.

* Signes ilustrativ, ne a scrir: ê: long, * Illustrative signs, not to be written: ê:

è: curt. long, è: short.

Also, a strict rule on the long or short, closed or

In plu un strict regul pri li pronunciation long
open pronounciation of the vowels does not
o curt, cludet o apert del vocales ne existe.
exist. Pronounciations similar to FGSI are
Preferibil es li pronunciationes simil a FGHI.

Qui ne conosse alcun de ti pronunciationes One who does not know some of these
posse sequer li indicationes del § 4 quam pronunciations can follow the indications in § 4
recomendation, ma ne quam regul strict o as a recommendation, but not as a strict or
complet. complete rule.

§ 4. In general vocales accentuat es § 4. In general accented vowels are fairly

passabilmen long; ma avan c final, ch, x, o long; but in front of a final c, ch, x, or in front
avan pluri consonantes (exceptet r o I con of several consonants (excepting r or I with a
precedent diferent consonant), e in li curt preceding different consonant), and in the small
grammatical paroles ili es curt. Vocales grammatical words, are short. Unaccented
ínaccentuat es plu o min curt. vowels are more or less short.
A, i, u have sempre un medial sonalitá bon A, i, u always have a medial sonality quite
distinctibil del altri vocales. Accentuat e e o distinct from other vowels. Accented e and o
es cludet, si ili es long, e avan m e n, apert are closed, if they are long, and before m and
in omni altri casus. E e o ínaccentuat es plu n, open in all other cases. Unaccented e and o
o min cludet. are more or less closed.

marchâr*, vidêr, venîr, sonôri, constructôr, marchâr*, vidêr, venîr, sonôri, constructôr,
constructiôn, chèc, iràc, depèche, paradòx, constructiôn, chèc, iràc, depèche, paradòx,
pâtre, splìttre, câble, pèlle, dilëmma, pâtre, splìttre, câble, pèlle, dilëmma, cömma,
cömma, mënte, mönte, atàcca, fòsse, mënte, mönte, atàcca, fòsse, transpòrt, idê,
transpòrt, idê, burô, cön, ë, li, më. burô, cön, ë, li, më.

*Signes ilustrativ, ne a scrir: ê: long e cludet, *Illustrative signs, not to be written: ê: long and
ë: curt e cludet, è: curt e apert. closed, ë: short and closed, è: short and open.

§ 5. Li consonantes es pronunciat quam § 5. The consonants are pronounced as

seque: follows:

b, d, f, I, m, n, p quam in AFGI, H (b = b in b, d, f, I, m, n, p as in EFGI, S (b = b in boca).

bon, editer, fratre, long, matre, null, pede. bon, editer, fratre, long, matre, null, pede.

De duplic consonantes li duesim es Of doubled consonants the second is

pronunciat solmen si it es pronunciat pronounced only if it is pronounced differently
altrimen quam li prim. acceptar, suggester. from the first. acceptar, suggester.

c avan e, i, y = ts, altriloc quam k. centre, c before e, i, y = ts, otherwise as k. centre,

reciver, cilindre, concert, acceptar, reciver, cilindre, concert, acceptar, electric,
electric, electricitá. electricitá.

ch F, A: sh, G: sch, permisset anc A: ch, H: ch F, A: sh, G: sch, also permitted A: ch, H: ch,
ch, ma ne recomendat; but not recommended;

avan consonantes quam k. machine, before consonantes as k. machine, marchar,

marchar, chec; chloroform. chec; chloroform.

g avan e, i, y: AFI, G: dulci sch quam in

g before e, i, y: EFI, G: soft sch as in generös,
generös, altriloc AFGHI (gn maxim possibil
otherwise EFGSI (gn as much as possible g-n,
g-n, ne nye). gage, gigant, garage,
not nye). gage, gigant, garage, gimnastica,
gimnastica, guvernar, grisi, suggestion,
guvernar, grisi, suggestion, magnific.
gh in some rare words before e, i, y as g before
gh in quelc rar paroles avan e, i, y quam g
a. ghetto.
avan a. ghetto.

h sempre aspirat quam AG. hom, adherer. h always aspirated as EG. hom, adherer.

j quam F, A: vision, G: dulci sch quam

j as F, E: vision, G: soft sch as Journal, thus as
Journal, dunc quam Int g avan e. jurnalist,
Int g before e. jurnalist, manjar, jokey.
manjar, jokey.

k e kh quam c dur. kilogramm, Khedive. k e kh as hard c. kilogramm, Khedive. ph as f

ph quam f (in grec paroles). telephon. (in Greek words). telephon.

qu quam k, sempre sequet de tre curt u: qu as k, always followed by a very short u: EGI,
AGI, F e H con u. quar, aqua. F and S with u. quar, aqua.

r FGHI. radie, merce. r FGSI. radie, merce.

rh quam r (in grec paroles). rheumatisme. rh as r (in Greek words). rheumatisme.

s sonori inter vocales, dur in omni altri s sonorous between vowels, hard in all other
casus. cose, position, pos, es, roses, cases. cose, position, pos, es, roses,
altesse, divers, sospirar, posta. altesse, divers, sospirar, posta.
ss quam s dur. casse. ss as hard s. casse.

sh, sch quam A: sh, F: ch, G: sch (existe sh, sch as E: sh, F: ch, G: sch (exists only in
solmen in quelc paroles por conservar li some words to conserve the natural aspect).
natural aspecte). shrapnell, schema. shrapnell, schema.

t es sibilant (quam ts) avan ia, ie, io, iu, si ne

t is sibilant (as ts) before ia, ie, io, iu, if there is
un s precede, altriloc quam AFGHI.
no preceding s, otherwise EFGSI. tolerantie,
tolerantie, tentar, tentation, hostie.
tentar, tentation, hostie.
th quam t (in grec paroles). theosoph,
th as t (in Greek words). theosoph, lithograph.

v quam AFHI, G: w. venir, dever, nive.

v as EFSI, G: w. venir, dever, nive.
w rar, quam A, curt Int: u. west.
w is rare, as E, short Int: u. west.
x dur o dulci, quam AFG, H: examinar.
x hard or soft, as EFG, S: examinar. examinar,
examinar, extra.
y consonantic quam A, F: yeux, G: j, H:
y consonantal as E, F: yeux, G: j, S: ayustar.
ayustar. yes, rayon, antey.
yes, rayon, antey.
z dulci (ds), si possibil, altrimen dur (ts).
z soft (ds), if possible, otherwise hard (ts). zefir.
zz hard (ts). plazza.
zz dur (ts). plazza.

§ 6. Li experientie pruva que litt variationes § 6. Experience proves that small variations in
in li pronunciation ne gena li comprension. in pronunciation do not encumber
Pro to it es permisset pronunciar li y vocalic comprehension. Because of this it is permitted
quam F: u, G: ù, qu quam kw, ch quam to pronounce the vocalic y as F: u, G: ù, qu as
tsch, j sempre e g sequet de e, i, y quam dj. kw, ch as tsch, j always g followed by e, i, y as
cylindre, quadre, marchar,
chef, jurnal, gengive. cylindre, quadre, marchar, chef,
jurnal, gengive.
Qui have desfacilitá in li pronunciation de
cert combinationes de consonantes final con Those with difficulty in the pronunciation of
li consonantes initial del sequent parol certain combinations of final consonent with the
posse intercalar un demimut E, ma sin scrir initial consonants of the following word can
it. insert a semimute E, but without writing it.

§ 7. Paroles extran es pronunciat maxim § 7. Foreign words are pronounced as close

possibil quam in li lingue de orígine. as possible as in the language of origin.
Champagne, cognac. Champagne, cognac.


§ 8. The primary stress is on the vowel

§ 8. Li accentu primari sta sur li vocal ante li
before the last consonant, but not on the four
ultim consonant, ma ne sur li quar síllabes bil,
syllables bil, ic, im, ul, which take the accent
ic, im, ul, queles porta li accentu al precedent
on the preceding syllable, even if this is bil, ic,
síllab, mem si ti-ci es bil, ic, im, ul. Un simplic
im, ul. A simple s and the two syllables men
s e li du síllabes men e um in li fine del parol
and um at the end of the word do not change
ne changea li accentuation del precedent
the stress of the preceding part of the word. If
parol-parte. Si ti regules ne es aplicabil, on
those rules are not applicable, one stresses
accentua li prim vocal del parol.
the first vowel of the word.

Si li natural accentuation ne seque ti regul, it If the natural stress does not follow this rule, it
es marcat per un accentu scrit (preferibilmen is marked by a written accent (preferably as
quam in é, tolerat anc è o ê). On posse in é, also tolerated are è or ê). One can omit
omisser li accentu scrit, exceptet sur vocales the written accent, except on final vowels, or
final, o usar it anc in altri casus por garantir li also use it in other cases to guarantee the
desirat accentuation. desired stress.

In parol-compositiones (anc autonom In composed words (also standalone words

paroles con prefixes) li principal parte seque ti with prefixes) the first part follows these rules,
regules, li altres posse reciver un accentu the others may receive a secondary accent..
Li pòríu *, familie, àvie, doctòr, formàr, li
Li pòríu *, familie, àvie, doctòr, formàr, li formàt, li formàte, formànt; duràbil, elèctric,
formàt, li formàte, formànt; duràbil, elèctric, lògic, li lògica, li lògico, pràctic, li práctíca, il
lògic, li lògica, li lògico, pràctic, li práctíca, il práctica, il ìndica, il èxplica, dùplic, il dùplica,
práctica, il ìndica, il èxplica, dùplic, il dùplica, multìplic, il multìplica, centùplic, il centùplica,
multìplic, il multìplica, centùplic, il centùplica, specìfic, il specìfica, felìci, ùltim, règul,
specìfic, il specìfica, felìci, ùltim, règul, hercùlic, li artìcul, il artìcula; mìnus, ìris,
hercùlic, li artìcul, il artìcula; mìnus, ìris, fòrmes, families, àvies, generàlmen,
fòrmes, families, àvies, generàlmen, enèrgicmen, li fenòmen, màximum, ultimàtum,
enèrgicmen, li fenòmen, màximum, li legùme; il plìca, il rùla, dìe, dèo, tùi, vìa, il
ultimàtum, li legùme; il plìca, il rùla, dìe, dèo, tràe, it flùe; qualitá, heróe, li logí, il logía, li
tùi, vìa, il tràe, it flùe; qualitá, heróe, li logí, il fúlmine, it fúlmina, li córpor, il incórpora, li
logía, li fúlmine, it fúlmina, li córpor, il dúbit, il dúbita; micro-còsmo, anglosaxònic,
incórpora, li dúbit, il dúbita; micro-còsmo, agricultùra, centimètre, postcàrte, manuscrìte,
anglosaxònic, agricultùra, centimètre, genú-articulation, unifòrm, li unifòrme, il
postcàrte, manuscrìte, genú-articulation, unifòrma, il internationalìsa, ínpracticàbil,
unifòrm, li unifòrme, il unifòrma, il índubitàbilmen, li fèrro-vìa, il ínvìa, it inflùe, il
internationalìsa, ínpracticàbil, índubitàbilmen, subtràe, hodíe, il contradí, il retrovèni.
li fèrro-vìa, il ínvìa, it inflùe, il subtràe, hodíe, il
contradí, il retrovèni.
* In vocabularies and manuals the writing of
* In vocabulariums e manuales li scrition del the accute is obligatory, that of recommended
acut es obligatori, ti del gravis recomendat importance* as a didactic method for non-
quam medie didactic por accentus ínscrit: written accents: ínscrit, il inscrí, ìris, ottùplic, il
ínscrit, il inscrí, ìris, ottùplic, il rèplica, il rèplica, il multìplica, specìfic, pacìfic, il
multìplica, specìfic, pacìfic, il artìcula, il artìcula, il inspùla, il ànima, li ferrovìa, li relvìa,
inspùla, il ànima, li ferrovìa, li relvìa, il refá, it il refá, it rèsta.

§ 9. In li fluent parlada on ne accentua § 9. In fluent speech one does not stress

chascun parol secun li regul precedent, ma each word according to the preceding rule, but
solmen li maxim important paroles del frase. only the most important words of the phrase.

On posse sèmpre aplicar ti règules secun One can allways apply these rules according
necessitá. Si on vole accentuàr un cert vocàl, to need. If one wants to stress a certain
on posse mem accentuar còntra li regul vowel, one can even accent it against the
grammaticàl; it esset un medicà, ne un grammatical rules; it esset un medicà, ne un
medicò. medicò.

§ 10. Interlingue conserves as much as
§ 10. Interlingue conserva maxim possibil li
possible the international appearance ofl the
aspect international del paroles; ma it es
words; but it is recommended to change
recomendat vicear li duplic consonantes per
doubled consonantes to a single, except if it
li simplic, exceptet si ili es pronunciat
is pronounced differently or is necessary to
diferentmen o es necessi por indicar que li
indicate that the preceding vowel is short or
precedent vocal es curt o que s ne es sonori.
that the s is not sonorous. Doubled
Duplic consonantes in li radica resta anc in li
consonantes in the root remain also in the
formes derivat.
derived forms.
access, suggester, anates, annu, annales,
access, suggester, anates, annu, annales,
asserfer, aromatic, bloc, arogant, can, canne,
asserfer, aromatic, bloc, arogant, can, canne,
car, carre, present, pressent, li atacca, il
car, carre, present, pressent, li atacca, il
atacca, ataccar, cellul, cellulose, rebell,
atacca, ataccar, cellul, cellulose, rebell,

§11. Li grec gruppes de consonantes: th, §11. The Greek consonant groops: th, chl,
chl, chr, ph es in general simplificat a: t, cl, chr, ph are in general simplified to: t, cl, cr, f,
cr, f, e vice y vocalic on scri i. Ma anc li and instead of a vocalic y one writes i. The
historic ortografie es permisset. historic orthography is also permitted,
tema o thema, fonograf o phonograph,
cloroform o chloroform, simpatic o sympatic o tema or thema, fonograf or phonograph,
sympathic. cloroform or chloroform, simpatic or sympatic
or sympathic.

§12. Li separation sillabic es líber; preferibil §12. Syllabic separation is free; preferable is
es li separation usat in parlada o secun li the separation used in speech or according to
parol-componentes. the word components.

§13. Majuscules es usat solmen in li §13. Upper case is used only in the beginning
comensa del frases, in propri nómines, in of sentences, in prober names, in titles, and
titulationes, e por distincter Vu, Vos, Vor quam for distinguishing Vu, Vos, Vor as polite forms
formes de politesse, de vu, vos, vor, si on from vu, vos, vor, if one wishes to make the
desira distincter to. distinction.

Paul, London, Pacifico, Anglia, Danubio, li Paul, London, Pacifico, Anglia, Danubio, li
Senior, su Majestie. Senior, su Majestie.

§ 14. Li acurtationes maxim frequent es: § 14. The most frequest abbreviations are:
sr. o Sr. = senior sr. or Sr. = senior (Mr.)

sra. o Sra. = seniora sra. or Sra. = seniora (Mrs.)

srta. o Srta. = senioretta srta. or Srta. = senioretta (Ms.)

dr. o Dr. = doctor dr. or Dr. = doctor

etc. = etcétera etc. = etcétera

PS. = pos-scripte PS. = pos-scripte (P.S.)

v. = vide v. = vide (see)

pg. = págine pg. = págine (page)

cf. = confronta cf. = confronta (opposite?)

sq. = e sequentes sq. = e sequentes (and the following)

nró. = numeró nró. = numeró (number)

conc. = concernent conc. = concernent (concerning)

resp. = respectivmen resp. = respectivmen (respectively)

p. ex. = por exemple p. ex. = por exemple (for example)

i. e. = it es i. e. = it es (i.e. -- that is)

pl. = ples pl. = ples (please)

pl. t. = ples tornar pl. t. = ples tornar (please turn)

h. = hora(s) h. = hora(s) (hours)

am. = ante midí am. = ante midí

pm = pos midí pm = pos midí

a. c. = annu current a. c. = annu current (current year)

m. c. = mensu current m. c. = mensu current (current month)

a. p. = annu passat a. p. = annu passat (previous year)

m. p. = mensu passat m. p. = mensu passat (previous month)


§ 15. In there is a single definite article: li, for

all nouns masculine, feminine and neuter,
§ 15. In Interlingue existe un sol articul singular and plural.
definit: li, por li substantives masculin,
feminin e neutri, singular e plural. li patre, li matre, li table, li patres,
li matres, li tables.
li patre, li matre, li table, li
patres, li matres, li tables. (the father, the mother, the table,
the fathers, the mothers, the

§ 16. An indefinite article exists only for the

§ 16. Un articul índefinit existe solmen por li singular: un. For the plural the noun is used
singulare: un. Por li plurale li substantive es without an article.
usat sin articul.
Yo vide un avie. Yo vide avies.
Yo vide un avie. Yo vide avies.
(I see a bird. I see birds)

§ 17. Li articul li posse prender li plurale, si § 17. The article li can take the plural, if no
null altri parol expresse it. other word expresses it.

On deve metter punctus sur lis i. On deve metter punctus sur lis i.
Ma mult i ne havet punctus. Ma mult i ne havet punctus.
(One needs to put dots on the
i's. But many i's did not have

§ 18. A li is contracted to al, de li to del.

§ 18. A li es contractet a al, de li a del.
Il eat al scol. Li árbores del forest
es alt.
Il eat al scol. Li árbores del
forest es alt.
(He went to the school. The trees
of the forest are old)

§ 19. A partitive article does not exist. Il

§ 19. Un articul partitiv ne existe. Il trinca trinca aqua. Noi manja fructes.
aqua. Noi manja fructes.
(He drinks water. We eat fruits.)

§ 20. The definite article indicates something

§ 20. Li articul definit indica alquó ja
already mentioned or known, or the entire
mentionat o conosset, o li tot specie, li articul
species, the indefinite article something
índefinit alquó ínconosset o ne ancor tractat.
unknown or still not dealt with.
Li can quel vu conosse es fidel. Canes es
The dog that you know is faithful. Dogs are
fidel. Li can es fidel =fidelitá és un qualitá del
faithful. The dog is faithful = fidelity is a quality
tot specie can. Un can de mi fratre es
of the entire dog species. One dog of my
mordaci, ma li altris ne es tal. Fidelitá es un
brother's bites, but the others are not that way.
valorosi qualitá. Li fidelitá del can (o del
Fidelity is a valorous quality. The fidelity of the
canes) es pruvat.
dog (or of the dogs) is proven.

§ 21. Interlingue lassa al paroles lor § 21. Interlingue leaves words their natural
desinenties natural, e ne prescri cert terminations, and does not prescribe certain
vocales final por cert classes de paroles. final vowels for certain classes of words.

Cangurú, villa, radio, matre, Cangurú, villa, radio, matre,

midí. midí.

§ 22. Li neutral vocal final -e trova se in mult § 22. The neutral final vowel -e is found in
substantives por fixar li corect pronunciation many nouns to fix establish the correct
del final consonant, pro eufonie, o por pronounciation of the final consonant, for
distincter li substantive del adjectivic o verbal euphony, or to distinguish the noun from a
form simil. similar adjectival or verbal form.

Pace, image, rose, libre, cable, altruisme, Pace, image, rose, libre, cable, altruisme,
curve, centre, central, centrale, directiv, curve, centre, central, centrale, directiv,
directive, marine, circulare, cantate, infinite, directive, marine, circulare, cantate, infinite,
tangente. tangente.

§ 23. Un génere grammatical ne existe. § 23. A grammatical gender does not exist.
Omni substantives es masculin, feminin o All nouns are masculin, feminine or neutral
neutri secun lor signification. according to their meaning.

§ 24. One can indicate the gender in names

§ 24. On posse indicar li génere in li nómines
for entities: -o indicates masculine, -a the
por entes: -o indica li masculin, -a li feminin.
Anglese, angleso, anglesa,
Anglese, angleso, anglesa,
cavall, cavallo, cavalla.
cavall, cavallo, cavalla.
Paroles quam patre, matre etc. ne besona
Words such as patre, matre etc. do not require
finales de sexu, proque ili es masculin o
gender endings, because they are masculine
feminin per se self.
or feminine on their own.
In altri substantives -o indica lu special,
In other nouns -o indicates one special,
individual, singulari, concret, -a lu general,
individual, singular, concrete, -a one general,
extendet, colectiv, comun, anc action, loc e
extended, collective, common, as well as
action, location and time.
rosiero, rosiera, lago, aqua,
rosiero, rosiera, lago, aqua,
promenada, plazza, pasca.
promenada, plazza, pasca.

§ 25. Quelc substantives forma derivates per § 25. Some nouns form derivatives by adding
adjunter u resp. at al radica; ili conserva li u u / at respectively* to the stem; they retain the
resp. a anc in li nederivat formes. u / a also in the non-derivative forms.

manu, manual, sexu, sexual, sexualitá, gradu, manu, manual, sexu, sexual, sexualitá, gradu,
gradual, graduation, sistema, sistematic, gradual, graduation, sistema, sistematic,
sistematico, sistematisar, sistematisation, sistematico, sistematisar, sistematisation,
dogma, dogmatic, dogmatisme, drama, dogma, dogmatic, dogmatisme, drama,
dramatic, dramaturgo, aqua, aquatic, clima, dramatic, dramaturgo, aqua, aquatic, clima,
climatic, climatolog, climatologie, climatologic. climatic, climatolog, climatologie, climatologic.
§ 26. Por indicar li plurale on adjunte -s, pos
§ 26. To indicate the plural one adds -s, after
consonantes intercalante un -e- eufonic, u to
consonants inserting a euphonic -e-, where it
es possibil sin changear li pronunciation del
is possible without changing the pronunciation
of the word.
un líbre, du libres, un angul, tri angules, li
un líbre, du libres, un angul, tri angules, li
person, li persones, li tric, li trics, li plug, li
person, li persones, li tric, li trics, li plug, li
plugs, li album, pluri albums, li tram, du
plugs, li album, pluri albums, li tram, du trams.

§ 27. The noun remains unchanged in all

§ 27. Li substantive resta ínmutat in omni grammatical cases. Only the genetive with
casus grammatical. Es distinctet solmen li the preposition de, and the dative with the
genitive per li preposition de, e li dative per li preposition a are distinguished.
preposition a.
Yo vide li sapates de mi fratre.Yo
Yo vide li sapates de mi dat li sapates a mi fratre.
fratre.Yo dat li sapates a mi
fratre. (I see the boots of my brother. I
gave the boots to my brother.)

§ 28. Propri nómines es changeat minim § 28. Proper names are changed as little as
possibil. Por li principal nómines geografic es possible. For the main geographic names are
selectet in Interlingue li maxim international selected in Interlingue the most international
parol; altrivez on prende maxim possibil li word; otherwise one uses a writing as close to
scrition original. the original as possible.

Goethe, Shakespeare; Alpes, Danubio, Goethe, Shakespeare; Alpes, Danubio,

Germania; London, Berlin, Milano, Moskwa, Germania; London, Berlin, Milano, Moskwa,
Kharkow, Hoang-ho. Kharkow, Hoang-ho.

29. Li caracteristic vocal final -i trova se in 29. The characteristic vowel final -i is found in
mult adjectives, precipue por fixar li corect many adjectives, mainly to fix the correct
pronunciation del ultim consonant, e pro pronunciation of the final consonant, and for
distinction pos tipic finales substantivic e distinction after typical noun and infinitive
infinitivic. endings.

felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori, felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori,

amari. amari.
§ 30. Mult adjectives posse facilmen esser
§ 30. Many adjectives can easily become
substantivat per adjuntion del finales -e, -o,
nouns through addition of the endings -e, -o,
yun, yune, yunes, yunos,
yun, yune, yunes, yunos, yunas.

§31. Por formar un substantive expressent li

§31. To form a noun expressing the general
general idé de un qualitá on adjunte li finale
idea of a quality one adds the ending -um.
li novum, li bellum.
li novum, li bellum.

§ 32. Li adjective es ínvariabil in génere e § 32. Adjectives are invariable in gender and
númere. li grand filio, li grand filia, li grand number. li grand filio, li grand filia, li grand
filios, li grand filias. filios, li grand filias.

§ 33. When the adjective is used without a

noun and one needs for certain reasons to
§ 33. Quande li adjective es usat sin
indicate the plural, one adds an -s, after
substantive e on deve pro cert rasones
consonants adding a euphonic -i-, where that is
indicar li plurale, on adjunte -s, pos
possible without changing the pronunciation.
consonantes intercalante li -i- eufonic, u to
es possibil sin changear li pronunciation.
Vi pomes, prende li maturis.
Vi pomes, prende li maturis.
(Here are apples, take the ripe

§ 34. Por li comparative on indica

§ 34. For the comparative one indicates
li egalitá per tam - quam
equality with tam - quam
li majoritá per plu - quam
a greater amount with plu - quam
li minoritá per minu (min) - quam
a lesser amount with minu (min) - quam
Il es tam grand quam su fratre; il es plu
He is as large as his brother; he is larger than
grand quam su fratre; il es minu grand quam
his brother; he is less large than his brother.
su fratre. Il es plu grand quam yo. Li plu
He is larger than me. The largest book.
grand libre.
§ 35. Por li superlative on indica
§ 35. For the superlative one indicates
li majoritá per maxim (max)
the greatest amount with maxim (max)
li minoritá per minim.
the least amount with minim.
Li maxim grand del libres. Li minim grand
The largest of the books. The least large book.

§ 36. For the absolut superlative one uses:

tre, or the suffix: -issim.
§ 36. Por li superlative absolut on usa: tre,
tre grand, grandissim.
o li sufix: -issim.
tre grand, grandissim.
To compare three or more grades one uses:
Por comparar tri o pluri gradus on usa:
grand, plu grand, mem plu grand, plu grand
ancor, mem plu grand ancor.
grand, plu grand, mem plu grand, plu grand
ancor, mem plu grand ancor.
(large, larger, even larger, still larger, even
larger still)

§ 37. In omni comparationes on usa: quam. § 37. In all comparisons one uses: quam.

egalmen quam, altrimen quam. egalmen quam, altrimen quam.

§ 38. Adjectivic pronómines es tales
queles sta avan o pos un substantive por § 38. Adjectival pronouns are those that
caracterisar it; ili resta ínvariabil quam ver stand before or after a noun to characterize it;
adjectives. they stay invariable as real adjectives.

Substantivic pronómines sta vice un Noun pronouns exist instead of a noun; they
substantive; ili posse prender li plurale, quam can take the plural, as nouns, if necessary.
substantives, si necessi.
Personal pronouns.
Pronómines personal.

§ 39. It existe du formes, li un por li subject § 39. There are two forms, one for the subject
(nominative), li altri por li object (acusative o (nominative), the other for the object
dative, casu obliqui). (acusative or dative, oblique case).
subject: subject:

yo yo
tu tu
il il
ella ella
it it
noi noi
vu vu
ili (illos, ellas) ili (illos, ellas)
object: object:

me me
te te
le le
la la
it it
nos nos
vos vos
les (los, las) les (los, las)
Li formes in parenteses es usat solmen in The forms in parenthesis are used only in case
casu de necessitá. of necessity.
§40. Li pronómin de politesse es: vu (cf. § §40. The pronoun expressing politeness is: vu
13). On usa it vice tu, quel expresse un cert (cf. § 13). One uses it instead of tu, which
intimitá o parentitá. expresses a certain intimacy or kinship*.

§41. The indefinite pronoun is: on, the

reflexive: se, the reciprocal: unaltru.
§41. Li pronómin índefinit es: on, li reflexiv:
se, li reciproc: unaltru.
On vide se. Ili vide se. Ili vide nos. Vu vide nos.
Vu vide vos. Ili vide unaltru. Noi vide unaltru.
On vide se. Ili vide se. Ili vide nos. Vu vide
nos. Vu vide vos. Ili vide unaltru. Noi vide
(One sees oneself. They see themselves. They
see them. You see them. You see you. They
see each other. We see each other.)

§ 42. After prepositions one uses the

accusative, or the nominative except yo and tu.
§ 42. Pos prepositiones on usa li acusative,
Veni con me! Yo veni con te. Noi ea con le (o
o li nominative except yo e tu.
il). Vu ea con ella (o la). Noi parla pri it. On
parla pri nos. Yo veni pos vos. Yo labora por
Veni con me! Yo veni con te. Noi ea con le (o
les (o ili').
il). Vu ea con ella (o la). Noi parla pri it. On
parla pri nos. Yo veni pos vos. Yo labora por
(Come with me! I come with you. We go with
les (o ili').
him. You go with her. We talk about it. One
talks about us. I come after you. I work for

Pronómines possessiv. Possessive pronouns.

§ 43. The adjectival and noun forms are the
§ 43. Li formes adjectivic e substantivic es
same; but for the noun form one can use the
egal; ma por li substantivic on posse usar li
articule, according to nuance or the rules of
articul, secun li nuancie o li regul del lingue
one's mother tongue, and they take the plural,
matrin, e ili prende li plurale, si necessi.
if necessary.

mi mi - my
tui tui - your
su su - his/her/its
nor nor - our
vor vor - your
lor lor - their
To es mi. To es li mi. To es mi libres. To es li To es mi. To es li mi. To es mi libres. To es li
mis. To es tui. To es li tui. To es lor. To es li mis. To es tui. To es li tui. To es lor. To es li lor.
lor. To es li lores. Vi nor parapluvies; Li mi es To es li lores. Vi nor parapluvies; Li mi es plu
plu grand quam vor, o: quam li vor. Vidente grand quam vor, o: quam li vor. Vidente nor
nor canes yo constata que li tuis súpera li canes yo constata que li tuis súpera li mis in
mis in vìvacitá, o: que tuis súpera mís in vìvacitá, o: que tuis súpera mís in vivacitá, etc.
vivacitá, etc. To es lores; to es li lores. Ples To es lores; to es li lores. Ples far lu tui. Ples
far lu tui. Ples da me tui libre. Il deve far li su. da me tui libre. Il deve far li su.
Pronómines demonstrativ.
Demonstrative pronouns.
§ 44. Li formes adjectivic e substantivic es
§ 44. The adjectival and noun forms are the
egal; ma li substantivics prende li plurale e
same; but the noun forms take the plural and
posse prender li sexu, si to in rar casus es
can take a gender, if necessary in rare cases.

§45. Por monstrar alquó on usa generalmen: §45. To indicate something one generally uses:
ti. Solmen si on vole indicar explicitmen li ti. Only if one wishes to explicitly indicate the
proximitá o lontanitá on adjunte li adverbies proximity or distance does one add the adverbs
ci o ta con un strec ligant. ci or ta with a dash.

Ti libre es bell. Yo vide ti libres. Yo vide tís. Ti libre es bell. Yo vide ti libres. Yo vide tís. Ti-
Ti-ci table es solid. Ti-ci tables es solid. Tis- ci table es solid. Ti-ci tables es solid. Tis-ci es
ci es solid, ma tis-ta ne es tal. solid, ma tis-ta ne es tal.

Li sexu posse exceptionalmen esser indicat Sex/gendar can be indicated in exceptional

per li pronómin personal. cases with the personal pronoun.

il-ti, il-ci, ella-ti, illos-ci, ellas-ta. il-ti, il-ci, ella-ti, illos-ci, ellas-ta.

§ 46. Ti, tal e tant es li corelatives de quel, § 46. Ti, tal e tant are the correlatives of quel,
qual e quant. (Tant ne posse prender li qual and quant. (Tant cannot take the plural,
plurale, proque it self indica li plurale.) because it itself indicates the plural.)

Quel libres vu prefere? Ti libres, queles anc vu

ama. Qual libres vu prefere? Tal libres, queles
raconta de viages. Yo ama tal homes. Yo ama
tales. Il es sempre tal. Quant persones esset
Quel libres vu prefere? Ti libres, queles anc
ci? Tant quam yer. Tant quant yer.
vu ama. Qual libres vu prefere? Tal libres,
queles raconta de viages. Yo ama tal
(Which books to you prefer? These books that
homes. Yo ama tales. Il es sempre tal.
you also love. What kind of books do you
Quant persones esset ci? Tant quam yer.
prefer? Those books that tell of voyages. I like
Tant quant yer.
those people. I like them (those types). He is
always like that. How many people were here?
As many as yesterday. As many as yesterday.)

§47. The neutral form for things and facts is:

to, responding to the question: quo, from
§47. Li neutri form por coses e factes es:
which one forms: to-ci and to-ta.
to, respondent al question: quo, de quel on
forma: to-ci e to-ta.
To es mi libre. Yo save to (li facte, que to es tui
To es mi libre. Yo save to (li facte, que to es
tui líbre).
That is my book. I know that (the fact that that
is your book).

§ 48. The pronoun or article lu serves to

§ 48. Li pronómin o articul lu servi por express what is impersonal, neutral or abstract.
expresser to quo es impersonal, neutri o It generally signifies: that which is (the)...
abstract. It significa generalmen: to quo es
(li) . . . De lu sublim a lu comic es sovente solmen un
passu. Lu nov de ti conception es . ..
De lu sublim a lu comic es sovente solmen
un passu. Lu nov de ti conception es . .. From the sublime to the comic is often only
one step.What is new of this conception is...

Pronómines relativ e interrogativ. Relative and interrogative pronouns.

§ 49. On usa li sam pronómines, relativ e § 49. One uses the same pronouns, relative
interrogativ, adjectivic e substantivic. and interrogative, adjectival and substantive.

§ 50. Li maxim general es: quel (plural: § 50. The most general is: quel (plural:
queles), usat por coses, factes e persones. queles), used for things, facts and people.

Quel cité es li maxim grand? Quel es li Which city is the largest? Which is the largest
maxím grand cité? Queles es li maxim grand city? Which are the largest cities? Which cities
cités? Quel cités es li maxim grand? Li are the largest? The most beautiful flower that I
maxim bell flore quel yo conosse es li rose. know is the rose. The largest cities that I know
Li maxim grand cités queles yo conosse es are New York and London. He doesn't know
New York e London. Il ne save, quel grand
cités il va vider. which large cities he will see.

§ 51. For things and facts one uses: quo, for

§ 51. Por coses e factes on usa: quo, por people: qui.
persones: qui.
What do you see? What do you want to do? I
Quo vu víde? Quo vu vole far? Yo ne save, don't know what I want to do. I don't
quo yo vole far. Yo ne comprende to quo il understand what he has said. Who is that?
ha dit. Qui es ta? De qui es ti chapel? A qui Whose (of who) is that chapel? To whom are
tu dat li moné? Qui vu saluta? Qui saluta you giving the money? Who do you salute?
vos? Li amico, a qui vu dat li libre, esset Who salutes you? The friend, to whom you
content. Beat es tis, qui (o queles) ne vide, gave the book, was content. Happy are those
ma támen crede. Nor lingue fa un constant who do not see but believe. Our language
progress, quo (quel facte) tre joya me. makes a constant progress, which (the fact of
which) much pleases me.

§52. If multiple relationes of a relative

§52. Si pluri relationes de un pronómin pronoun are possible, the immediate* one
relativ es possibil, li ínmediat vale. Si un altri counts*. If another should count, one indicates
deve valer, on indica to per pronómines it with personal or demonstrative pronouns, or
personal o demonstrativ, o per comma. with a comma.

Yo videt li fratre de mi amico quel arivat yer. I saw the brother of my friend which arrived
Yo videt li fratre de mi amico, il quel (o il qui) yesterday. I saw the brother of my friend, he
arivat yer. To es li sestra de mi amico, ella that arrived yesterday. That is the sister of my
qui arivat yer. Yer yo videt li possessor del friend, she who arrived yesterday. Yesterday I
dom, qui (o il qui, o ti qui, o li quel, o ti quel) saw the owner of the house, who (or he who,
es in li cité. Yer yo videt li possessor del dom that who, he which, or that which) is in the city.
quel es in li cité. Yer yo videt li possessor del Yesterday I saw the owner of the house which
dom, quel es in Ii cíté. is in the city. Yesterday I saw the owner of the
house, which is in the city.

§53. To express quality one uses: qual, for

§53. Por expresser li qualitá on usa: qual,
quantity: quant.
por li quantitá: quant.
What sort of people here here? How is the
Qual homes esset ci? Qual es li aqua hodíe,
water today, hot or cold? I don't know how it is.
calid o frigid? Yo ne save qual it es. Qual
What a composer, that music. How much of an
compositor, tal musica. Quant il deve dar vos
encore should he give you? I don't know how
ancor? Yo ne save, quant il ha dat le. Quant
much he gave him. With life there is hope (lit.
vive, tant espera.
how much life, that much hope).

Pronómines índefinit. Indefinite pronouns.

§54. Li prefix: al- da pronómines indicant §54. The prefix: al- gives ndicating* pronouns
alquó índeterminat, li prefix: ne- tales something indetermined, the prefix: ne-
indicates the absence or negation and the
indicant li absentie, li negation, e li sufix: suffix: -cunc makes definite pronouns relative
-cunc fa definit pronómines relativ índefinit. indefined**.

alquel, alqual, alquant, alquó, alquí, alcun, alquel, alqual, alquant, alquó, alquí, alcun,
nequel, nequal, nequó, nequí, necos, nequel, nequal, nequó, nequí, necos, necun,
necun, quelcunc, qualcunc, quantcunc, quelcunc, qualcunc, quantcunc, quocunc,
quocunc, quicunc. quicunc.

Si alcun fémina parla pri alquó, ella pensa If some girl talks about something, she thinks
pri alquí. Quicunc va venir, yo ne es in hem. about somebody. Whoever will come, I won't
Quocunc vu di, ples dir li veritá! Quelcunc be at home. Whatever you say, please speak
labor vu fa, e in qualcunc maniere e por the truth! Whichever task you do, and in
quicunc, ples far it bon! A quicunc tu da li whatever manner and for whoever, please do it
moné, da it solmen contra quittantie. well! To whomever you give the money, give it
only against a receipt.

§55. Altri pronómines índefinit es: §55. Other indefinite pronouns are:

On, self, li sam, quelc, null, chascun, On, self, li sam, quelc, null, chascun, omni,
omni, omnicos, ambi, altri, altricos, céteri, omnicos, ambi, altri, altricos, céteri, pluri,
pluri, mult, poc, un poc, cert, un cert, mult, poc, un poc, cert, un cert, mani,
mani, singul, tot. singul, tot.

Yo prefere far it self. Ili retornat in li sam loc. I prefer to do it myself. They returned in the
Chascun hom es forjero de su propri fortun. same location. Each person is the forger of
Ples dar me quelc libres; yo have quelc líber their own fortune. Please give me some books;
hores por leer. Pleser a omnes on ne posse, I have some hours free for reading. One
es arte quel nequí conosse. Ja pluri annus cannot please everyone, it's an art that no one
yo vive in ti cité. Il have poc espera. Il have knows. I have lived in the city for many years.
un poc espera. Yo conosse un cert senior He has little hope. He has a little hope. I know
Blanc; ma yo ne es cert, esque il es ci. It es a certain Mr. Blanc; but I'm not sure if this is
tot egal, ca vu vide li tot munde o quelc him. It's all the same whether you see the
partes de it. whole world or some parts of it.

0 null 1 un 2 du 3 tri 4 quar 5 quin 6 six 7 sett 0 null 1 un 2 du 3 tri 4 quar 5 quin 6 six 7 sett
8 ott 9 nin 10 deci 11 deciun 12 decidu 13 8 ott 9 nin 10 deci 11 deciun 12 decidu 13
decitri 14 deciquar 15 deciquin ... 19 decinin decitri 14 deciquar 15 deciquin ... 19 decinin
20 duant 21 duantun 22 duantdu . .. 30 triant 20 duant 21 duantun 22 duantdu . .. 30 triant
40 quarant 50 quinant 60 sixant ... 90 ninant . 40 quarant 50 quinant 60 sixant ... 90 ninant . .
. . 99 ninantnin 100 cent 101 cent un 102 . 99 ninantnin 100 cent 101 cent un 102
centdu... 110 centdeci 111 cent deciun ... 119 centdu... 110 centdeci 111 cent deciun ... 119
cent decinin 120 cent duant 121 cent duantun cent decinin 120 cent duant 121 cent duantun
... 130 cent triant ... 199 cent niantnin 200 ... 130 cent triant ... 199 cent niantnin 200
ducent 201 ducent un ... 210 ducent deci 300 ducent 201 ducent un ... 210 ducent deci 300
tricent ... 999 nincent ninantnin 1000 mill 1001 tricent ... 999 nincent ninantnin 1000 mill 1001
mill un ... 1099 mill ninantnin 1100 mill cent mill un ... 1099 mill ninantnin 1100 mill cent
1101 mill cent un ... 1999 mill nincent 1101 mill cent un ... 1999 mill nincent
ninantnin 2000 du mill 2001 du mill un . . . ninantnin 2000 du mill 2001 du mill un . . .
2345 du mill tricent quarantquin . . . 99000 2345 du mill tricent quarantquin . . . 99000
ninantnin mill ... 100 000 cent mill ... 100 999 ninantnin mill ... 100 000 cent mill ... 100 999
cent mill nincent ninantnin 200000 ducent mill cent mill nincent ninantnin 200000 ducent mill
... 201 000 ducent un mill . . . 299 999 ducent ... 201 000 ducent un mill . . . 299 999 ducent
ninantnin mill nincent ninantnin . . . ninantnin mill nincent ninantnin . . .
456 789 quarcent quinantsix mill settcent 456 789 quarcent quinantsix mill settcent
ottantnin ... 1 000 000 un million 1000001 un ottantnin ... 1 000 000 un million 1000001 un
million un . . . 2000000 du milliones ... million un . . . 2000000 du milliones ...
mill milliones = un milliard mill milliones = un milliard
un million milliones = un billion un million milliones = un billion
1 000000 = un million 1 000000 = un million
1 000 000 = 1 000000000000 = un billion 1 000 0002 = 1 000000000000 = un billion
1 000 0003 = un million billiones = un trillion 1 000 0003 = un million billiones = un trillion
1 000 0004 = un million trilliones = un 1 000 0004 = un million trilliones = un
quadrillion quadrillion
§ 57. Li númeres ordinal es format per § 57. Ordinal numbers are formed by adding
adjunter li finale: -esim. unesim (apu prim), to the end: -esim. unesim (also prim),
duesim (apu secund), triesim, etc. duesim (also secund), triesim, etc.

§ 58. Fractional numbers are the same as

§ 58. Li númeres fractionari es egal al
ordinals, but ordinarily one replaces the first
ordinales, ma ordinarimen on vicea li unesim
four with: un tot (whole), un demí (half), un
quar per: un tot, un demí, un ters, un quart.
ters (third), un quart (quarter).
du ters, tri quart, quar quinesim, etc.
du ters, tri quart, quar quinesim, etc.

§ 59. Li fractiones decimal es pronunciat § 59. Decimal fractions are pronunced

3,78349 = tri comma sett ott tri quar nin, 3,78349 = tri comma sett ott tri quar nin,
0,25 = null comma du quin. 0,25 = null comma du quin.

§ 60. Li numerales multiplicativ es format § 60. Multiple numbers are formed by adding
per adjunter li finale the final -uplic (after vowels: -plic):
-uplic (pos vocales: -plic):
unuplic (simplic), duplic, triplic, quaruplic
unuplic (simplic), duplic, triplic, quaruplic (quadruplic), quinuplic (quintuplic),
(quadruplic), quinuplic (quintuplic), sixuplic, settuplic, ottuplic, ninuplic,
sixuplic, settuplic, ottuplic, ninuplic, deciplic, deciunuplic, deciduplic,
duantuplic, centuplic, centunuplic, etc.
deciplic, deciunuplic, deciduplic,
duantuplic, centuplic, centunuplic, etc.
(single, double, triple, quadruple, etc...)

§ 61. Iterative numbers are formed with: vez.

§ 61. Li numerales iterativ es format per:
du vez o duvez, tri vez, centvez, mult vez o
multvez o mult vezes.
du vez o duvez, tri vez, centvez, mult vez o
multvez o mult vezes.
(two times, three times, etc...)

§ 62. Collective numbers are formed with the

final: -ene.
§ 62. Li numerales colectiv es format per li
finale: -ene.
li unité, pare, triene, quarene, quinene,
decene, deciduene, centene.
li unité, pare, triene, quarene, quinene,
decene, deciduene, centene.
(pair, trio, dozen, etc.... most collective
numbers do not exist in English however)

§ 63. Other numeral expressions are for

§ 63. Altri numeral expressiones es p. ex.:
chascun triesim vez, tri e tri, quar e quar. Li
soldates marcha quar e quar.
chascun triesim vez, tri e tri, quar e quar.
Li soldates marcha quar e quar.
(every third time, three and three, four and
four. The soldiers march four and (by)

§ 64. Calcul aritmetic. § 64. Arithmetic.

Addition: 12 + 10 = 22 decidu plus deci es Addition: 12 + 10 = 22 decidu plus deci es

duantdu. duantdu.

Subtraction: 21 - 3 = 18 duantun minus tri es Subtraction: 21 - 3 = 18 duantun minus tri es

deciott. deciott.

Multiplication: 3 x 8 = 24 tri vez ott, o tri Multiplication: 3 x 8 = 24 tri vez ott, or tri
multiplicat per ott, o tri per ott es duantquar. multiplicat per ott, or tri per ott es duantquar.

Division: 69 : 3 = 23 sixantnin sur tri, o dividet Division: 69 : 3 = 23 sixantnin sur tri, or dividet
per tri es duanttri. per tri es duanttri.

Potentiation: 62 = 36 six quadrat, o six in Powers: 62 = 36 six quadrat, or six in duesim

duesim potentie, o six in duesim es triantsix. potentie, or six in duesim es triantsix.
23 = 8 du in cub, o du in triesim potentie, o du 23 = 8 du in cub, or du in triesim potentie, or
in triesim es ott. du in triesim es ott.
Radication: sqri (49) = 7 radica quadratic, o Square root: sqrt (49) = 7 radica quadratic, or
duesim radica ex quarantnin es sett. duesim radica ex quarantnin es sett.
(cube root) 8 = 2 radica cubic, o triesim radica (cube root) 8 = 2 radica cubic, or triesim
de ott es du. radica de ott es du.
§ 65. In Interlingue existe un sol e unitari § 65. In Interlingue there is a single and
conjugation per adjuntion de cert unitary* conjugation for adding certain
consonantes al tema presentic. consonants to the present theme.
§ 66. Li tema presentic es format per § 66. The present theme is formed by adding
adjunter un del tri vocales (a, i, e) al tema one of the three vowels (a, i, e) to the verbal
verbal (radica plus prefixes e sufixes). Ti theme (root plus prefixes and suffixes). This
vocal es caracteristic por chascun verb e vowel is characteristic for each verb and
resta ínvariabil in omni formes del remains unchanged in all forms of
conjugation. conjugation.
Tema verbal: Verbal theme:
fabric fabric
exped exped
construct construct
Tema presentic: Present theme:
fabrica fabrica
expedi expedi
constructe constructe
Li concernent vocal caracteristic apari in omni This characteristic vowel appears in all forms
formes del conjugation; on posse dunc basar of conjucation; one can therefore base all
li tot conjugation sur li tema presentic, e far li conjugation on the present theme, and make
distinctiones solmen per li final consonantes, distinctions only by final consonants, identical
identic por li tri gruppes de verbes. for the three groups of verbs.
§67. The first, second and third person,
§67. Li unesim, duesim e triesim person,
singular and plural, are distinguished only by
singulare e plurale, es distinctet solmen per li
the pronoun; the verb itself remains
pronómin; li verb self resta ínmutat.
§68. Li infinitive es format per adjunter -r al §68. The infinitive is formed by adding -r to
tema presentic: the present theme:
fabricar fabricar
expedir expedir
constructer constructer
§ 69. The presente is equal to the present
§ 69. Li presente es egal al tema presentic:
yo fabrica
yo fabrica
tu expedi
tu expedi
il constructe
il constructe
Li verb esser have un special abreviat form The verb esser has a special abbreviated
del presente: es, vice esse, pro su grand form for the present: es, instead of esse, due
frequentitá. to its large frequency.
§ 70. Li participie passat (anc participie § 70. The past participle (also passive
passiv) es format per adjunter -t al tema participle) is formed by adding -t to the
presentic: present theme:
fabricat fabricat
expedit expedit
constructet constructet
Li participie passat es usat anc quam The past participle is also used as the simple
passate simplic: past:
noi fabricat noi fabricat
vu expedit vu expedit
ili constructet ili constructet
§ 71. Omni composit témpores passat es § 71. All composite past tense is formed by
format per li verb auxiliari har. lli indica the auxiliary verb har. It indicates actions that
actiones terminat. have terminated.
Li passate composit es: The composite past is:
yo ha fabricat yo ha fabricat (I have made)
tu ha expedit il tu ha expedit (you have sent)
ha constructet il ha constructet (he has constructed)
The anterior past is:
Li passate anteriori es:
noi hat fabricat (we had made)
noi hat fabricat vu hat expedit ili hat
vu hat expedit (you had sent)
ili hat constructet (they had constructed)
§ 72. Li future simplic es format per li § 72. The simple future is formed by the
auxiliare va: auxiliary va:
il va fabricar il va fabricar (he will make)
ella va expedir ella va expedir (she will send)
on va constructer on va constructer (one will construct)
The anterior future is:
Li future anteriori es: yo va har fabricat (I will have made)
yo va har fabricat tu va har expedit il va tu va har expedit (you will have sent)
har constructet il va har constructet (he will have
§ 73. The simple conditional is formed by
§ 73. Li conditionale simplic es format per li
the auxiliary vell:
auxiliare vell:
noi vell laborar (we would work)
noi vell laborar vu vell expedir ili vell
vu vell expedir (you would send)
ili vell constructer (they would construct)
The past conditional is:
Li conditionale passat es:
il vell har fabricat (he would have made)
il vell har fabricat
il vell har expedit (he would have sent)
il vell har expedit
ili vell har constructet (they would have
ili vell har constructet
§ 74. Li participie presentic (anc participie § 74. The present participle (also active
activ) es format per adjunter -nt al tema participle) is formed by adding -nt to the
presentic: present theme:
fabricant fabricant
expedient expedient
constructent constructent
Li verbes con -i prende -ent vice -nt por Verbs with -i take -ent instead of -nt to
retrovar li derivates international, p. ex. recover* international forms, for example
convenientie, provenientie. convenientie, provenientie.
Li adverbial form es usat quam gerundie (= The adverbial form is used as a gerund (=
durant que o per to que) per adjunter -e: while or by that) by adding -e:
fabricante fabricante
expediente expediente
constructente constructente
Existe anc formes progressiv: There are also progressive forms:
il es fabricant il es fabricant (he is making)
il es expedient il es expedient (he is sending)
il es constructent il es constructent (he is constructing)
§75. Li imperative es egal al presente sin §75. The imperative is the same as the
pronómin: present without the pronoun:
fabrica! fabrica!
expedi! expedi!
constructe! constructe!
Del verb esser on prende li complet form: From the verb esser one takes the complete
esse. form: esse.
Existe un form de politesse per ples (de There is a polite form with ples (from pleser)
pleser) con infinitive: with the infinitive:
please fabricar ples fabricar
ples expedir ples expedir
ples constructer ples constructer
§ 76. Li optative es format per mey con § 76. The optative is with mey with the
infinitive: infinitive:
il mey fabricar il mey fabricar (he may make)
il mey expedir il mey expedir (he may send)
il mey constructer il mey constructer (he may construct)
li hortative per lass: The hortative with lass:
lass nos fabricar lass nos fabricar
lass nos expedir lass nos expedir
lass nos constructer lass nos constructer
§ 77. Li formes passiv es format per li verb § 77. Passive forms are formed with the
auxiliari esser: auxiliary verb esser:
it es perlaborat it es perlaborat (it is transformed*)
ili esset perlaborat ili esset perlaborat (they were
it ha esset perlaborat transformed*)
it ha esset perlaborat (it has been

ili hat esset expedit (they had been sent)

ili hat esset expedit it va esser expedit (it will be sent)
it va esser expedit ili va har esset expedit (they will have been
ili va har esset expedit sent)

it vell esser constructet it vell esser constructet (it would be

ili vell har esset constructet constructed)
it mey esser constructet ili vell har esset constructet (they would
have been constructed)
it mey esser constructet (it may be
This manner of forming the passive is
common to most national languages. But
Ti maniere formar li passive es comun al sometimes it is necessary to distinguish if an
maxim mult lingues national. Ma quelcvez it action is still going or is finished. In those
es necessi distincter, ca un action dura ancor cases one uses other verbs, for example:
o es ja finit. In ti casus on usa altri verbes, p. Li dom ea constructet. (The house is being
ex.: constructed)
Li dom ea constructet. Li dom sta constructet. (The house
Li dom sta constructet. stands/is constructed)
Li libre eat printat. Li libre eat printat. (The book was being
Li libre stat printat. printed)
Li libre stat printat. (The book was (stood)
In mult casus li passive posse esser
In many cases the passive can be expressed
expresset per substantives o per li form
by nouns or the reflexive form:
Li dom es in construction. (The house is
in/under construction)
Li libre esset in printation. (The book was
Li dom es in construction.
being printed)
Li libre esset in printation.
Li jurnal printa se rapid. (The journal prints
Li jurnal printa se rapid.
Li cose explica se simplicmen.
Li cose explica se simplicmen. (The thing
explains itself simply (It's self-
§ 78. Vice li subjuntive on usa in general li § 78. In place of the subjuntive one in
indicative. Solmen in rar casus exceptional (p. general uses the indicative. Only in rare
ex. in juristic documentes) on posse usar un exceptional cases (ex. in legal documents)
form subjuntivic per adjunter -ye al presente one can use a form of the subjunctive by
del verb o del verb auxiliari: adding -ye to the present of the verb or the
Il di que il la amaye. auxiliary verb:
Il dit que il la haye amat. Il di que il la amaye. (He says that he would
love* her)
Il dit que il la haye amat. (He said that he
would have* loved her)

Verbal derivation Verbal derivation

§ 79. In omni lingues millenes de § 79. In all languages thousands of nouns and
substantives e adjectives es format ex li adjectives are formed from the verbal root by
radica verbal per adjunter finales. Ti paroles adding suffixes. Those words seem to be
sembla esser format tam ínregularimen, que formed so irregularily that the most well-known
li maxim conosset anteriori lingues international languages until now have
international ha renunciat incorporar les in su renounced incorporating them in their system
sistema de derivation e ha viceat les per of derivation and have exchanged them with
artificial constructiones. artificial constructions.

Al creator de Interlingue, Prof. Edgar de The creator of Interlingue, Prof. Edgar de

Wahl, reveni li merite, har decovrit quelc Wahl, has discovered how simple rules are for
simplic regules por formar ti paroles forming the known international words by
internationalmen conosset per adjunter adding international endings to international
international finales a internàtional radicas. roots.

§80. Li sufixes: ion, or, ori, iv, ura ne es §80. The suffixes: ion, or, ori, iv, ura are not
adjuntet al tema verbal o al tema presentic, added to the verbal theme or the present
ma al tema perfectic. theme, but to the perfect theme.

Ti unesim gruppe de finales es adjuntet a That first group of endings are added to verbs
verbes expressent un action o transformation, expressing an action or transformation, to the
al talnominat verbes dinamic. so-called dynamic verbs.

Li tema perfectic es trovat per li Regul de The perfect theme is found by De Wahl's
Wahl, li clave al unic lingue vermen Rule, the key to the only language truly
international e in sam témpor regulari: international and at the same time regular:
One suppresses the r / er of the infinitive. If
On supresse li r resp. er del infinitive. Si li
the remainder finishes with a vowel, one adds
rest fini per vocal, on adjunte t, si it fini per d
a t, if it finishes with d or r, one replaces the
o r, on vicea ti consonant per s, in omni altri
consonant with s; in all other cases the
casus li rest self es li tema perfectic.
remainder itself is the perfect theme.
crear - crea - creat crear - crea - creat
expedir - expedi - expedit expedir - expedi - expedit
distribuer - distribu - distribut distribuer - distribu - distribut
exploder - explod - explos exploder - explod - explos
adherer - adhed - adhes adherer - adhed - adhes
constructer - construct - construct constructer - construct - construct
On posse anc dir, que li sufixes: ion, or, ori, One can also say that the suffixes: ion, or, ori,
iv e ura es adjuntet che li verbes con ar e ir al iv and ura are added to the verbs with ar and
ir as passive participle, and to the verbs with
participie passat, ye li verbes con er al radica, er as the root, adding a t after the vowel
intercalante t pos vocal final e mutante un ending and mutating a final d to r to s.al
final d o r a s. radica, intercalante t pos vocal final e mutante
un final d or r a s.
crear crear
creat creat
creation creation
creator creator
creatori creatori
creativ creativ
creatura creatura
expedir expedir
expedit expedit
expedition expedition
expeditor expeditor
expeditori expeditori
expeditiv expeditiv
garnitura garnitura
constructer constructer
construct construct
construction construction
constructor constructor
constructori constructori
constructiv constructiv
structura structura
distribuer distribuer
distribut distribut
distribution distribution
distributor distributor
distributori distributori
distributiv distributiv
scritura scritura
exploder exploder
explos explos
explos explos
revisor revisor
revisori revisori
explosiv explosiv
tonsura tonsura
adherer adherer
adhes adhes
adhesion adhesion
precursor precursor
cursori cursori
adhesiv adhesiv
Quin verbes forma ti derivates un poc Five verbs form these derivatives a bit
diferentmen, usante li international formes: differently, using the international forms:

seder -- session -- vice sesion seder -- session -- instead of sesion

ceder -- cession -- vice cesion ceder -- cession -- instead of cesion
verter -- version -- vice vertion verter -- version -- instead of vertion
venir -- vention -- vice venition venir -- vention -- instead of venition
tener -- tention -- vice tenion tener -- tention -- instead of tenion
§ 81. Che li tri verbes: far, dir, scrir on posse § 81. In the three verbs: far, dir, scrir one can
formar li derivates per li complet radicas: fact, form the derivitives by the complete roots:
dict, script. fact, dict, script.

Che li verbes con li consonantgruppe -nct- on With the verbs with the consonant group -nct-
posse omisser li c, precipue in nederivat one can omit the c, mostly in nonderived
formes. forms.

Contrafaction o contrafation, factor o fator, Contrafaction or contrafation, factor or fator,

malediction o maledition, prescription o malediction or maledition, prescription or
prescrition. Distincter o distinter, distinction o prescrition. Distincter or distinter, distinction or
distintion, conjunction, conjunter. distintion, conjunction, conjunter.

§ 82. Li finale -ntie es adjuntet al tema § 82. The final -ntie is added to the present
presentic de verbes expressent un statu, al theme of verbs expressing a state, to the so-
talnominat verbes static. called static verbs.
tolerar -- tolerantie tolerar -- tolerantie
provenir -- provenientie provenir -- provenientie
exister -- existentie exister -- existentie
Quam in li participie presentic on intercala e As in the present participle one adds e after i
pos i del verbes in ir. Ti finale es solmen un of verbs in ir. This final is only a combination
combination del finale del participie presentic of the final of the present participle -nt with the
-nt con li sufix -ie. suffix -ie.
§83. In analog maniere adjunte se li sufix -nd §83. In an analogous manner the suffix -nd is
al tema presentic: added to the present theme:
demonstrand demonstrand
vendiend vendiend
leend leend
§84. Li sufix -ment anc es adjuntet al tema §84. The suffix -ment is also added to the
presentic: present thema:
fundar -- fundament fundar -- fundament
experir -- experiment experir -- experiment
mover -- movement mover -- movement
Si li radica de un verb con er fini per vocal, li If the root of a verb with er finishes with a
e desapari: vowel, the e disappears:
arguer -- argument arguer -- argument
compleer -- complement compleer -- complement
§ 85. Two suffixes add themselves to the
§ 85. Du sufixes adjunte se al radica verbal in
verbal root in two different forms according to
du formes diferent secun li vocal caracteristic:
the characteristic vowel: -abil, -ada to a and
-abil, -ada ye a resp. -ibil, -ida ye i o e:
-ibil, -ida to i or e:
durar -- durabil durar -- durabil
promenar -- promenada promenar -- promenada
audir -- audibil audir -- audibil
vomir -- vomida vomir -- vomida
posser -- possibil posser -- possibil
currer -- currida currer -- currida
§86. Li altri sufixes es adjuntet directmen al §86. The other suffixes are added directly to
radica verbal: the verbal root:
criticar -- criticachar criticar -- criticachar
lavar -- lavera lavar -- lavera
furter -- furtard furter -- furtard
spiar -- spion spiar -- spion
valer -- valore valer -- valore
reservar -- reservuore reservar -- reservuore
rafinar -- rafinage rafinar -- rafinage
viver -- vivaci viver -- vivaci
§ 87. Substantivation direct: On posse anc § 87. Direct noun creation: One can also use
usar quam substantive li radica verbal con li the verbal root as a noun with the noun
desinenties substantivic, o li tema perfectic endings, or the perfect theme with or without
con o sin desinentie substantivic: noun ending:

li pense, li pensa (plu proxim al action), li li pense, li pensa (closer to the action), li
vende, li crede, li response, li vise, li flut, lì vende, li crede, li response, li vise, li flut, lì
resultat, li extracte, li tribut. resultat, li extracte, li tribut.

Li tema perfectic sin finale es usat anc quam The perfect theme without final is also used as
adjective: an adjective:
devot, apert, pervers. devot, apert, pervers.

§ 88. Por indicar un qualitá de un § 88. To indicate a quality of a noun one uses
substantive on usa un adjective, de altri an adjective, of other words an adverb.
paroles un adverbie.
Un prudent mann acte prudentmen. (A prudent
Un prudent mann acte prudentmen. man acts prudently.)

§89. In Interlingue on posse usar li §89. In Interlingue one can use the adjective
adjective vice li adverbie, si li sens es clar. instead of the adverb, if the sense is clear.
Il ha bon laborat. Noi serchat long. (He has
Il ha bon laborat. Noi serchat long.
worked well/good. We searched long.)

§ 90. There exist primary adverbs with no

§ 90. It existe adverbies primari sin special ending, and derived adverbs from
special finale, e adverbies derivat de adjectives by adding the unaccented final -men.
adjectives per adjunter li ínaccentuat finale
-men. tre, sempre, deman, natural, naturalmen,
respectosi, respectosimen.
tre, sempre, deman, natural, naturalmen,
respectosi, respectosimen. (very, always, tomorrow, natural, naturally,
respectful, respectfully)

§91. Instead of special abverbs one often uses

§91. Vice special adverbies on usa multvez
adverbial expressions, made by prepositions.
adverbial expressiones, format per
ex memorie, in general, in fine, per hasard.
ex memorie, in general, in fine, per hasard.
(from memory, in general, in the end, by chance)

§ 92. The comparative and superlative are

formed in the same manner as with adjectives.
§ 92. Li comparative e superlative es
format in li sam maniere quam in li Il parla li lingue fluentmen. Il scri in min elegant
adjectives. maniere. Il salutat le maxim respectosimen. Si
vu es fatigat, vu labora min rapidmen quam si vu
Il parla li lingue fluentmen. Il scri in min es reposat.
elegant maniere. Il salutat le maxim
respectosimen. Si vu es fatigat, vu labora (He speaks the language fluently. He writes in
min rapidmen quam si vu es reposat. the least elegant manner. He saluted most
respectfully. If you are tired, you work less
rapidly than if you are rested.)

§ 93. Secun li sens on posse gruppar li § 93. One can group adverbs according to
adverbies in adverbies de maniere, de sense in adverbs of manner, of quantity, of
quantitá, de loc, de témpor, e adverbies location, of time, and affirmative, negative and
afirmativ, negativ e de dúbite. doubtful adverbs.
§94. Li adverbies de maniere responde al §94. Adverbs of manner responde to the
question: qualmen? question: how?

qualmen, quam, talmen, tam, alquam, qualmen, quam, talmen, tam, alquam,
nequam, solmen, apen, tot, totalmen, nequam, solmen, apen, tot, totalmen, totmen,
totmen, ne totmen, totmen ne, presc, ne totmen, totmen ne, presc, poc, poc a poc,
poc, poc a poc, mem, precipue, junt, mem, precipue, junt, anc, denove, tamen,
anc, denove, tamen, malgré to, dunc. malgré to, dunc.
I don't know how he can work as rapidly as a
Yo ne save, qualmen il posse laborar tam
machine, because he works so fast that one can
rapidmen quam un machine, nam il fa tant
barely keep up. He said that like a king. He
rapid, que on presc ne posse sequer. Il dit
doesn't act like a king. It is impossible to do it
to quam rey. Il ne acte quam un rey. It es
that way. He has done it somehow (alquam) = in
impossibíl far it talmen. Il ha fat it alquam =
some manner (in alcun maniere). He cannot do
in alcun maniere. Il posse far it nequam =
it at all (nequam) = in no manner (in necun
in necun maniere. It es tot egal, esque vu
maniere). It is all the same whether you see the
vide li tot munde o quelc partes de it. Il ha
entire world or some parts of it. He has totally
totalmen miscomprendet ti libre. Ma tamen
misunderstood that book. But however one
on ne deve judicar solmen la, proque ella
shouldn't judge only her, because she doesn't
ne totmen comprende li lingue, e to es
completely understand the language, and that is
totmen ne su propri culpa. On posse mem
entirely not her own fault. One can even say that
dir que to es precipue li culpa del altris.
that is mainly the fault of others.

§95. Li adverbies de quantitá responde al

question: quant? §95. Adverbs of quantity respond to the
question: how many?
quant, tant, sat, suficent, nequant,
alquant, tre, tro, circa, mult, poc, un poc, quant, tant, sat, suficent, nequant, alquant,
quelcvez, multvez, sovente, plu, adplu, tre, tro, circa, mult, poc, un poc, quelcvez,
sempre, sempre plu, sempre plu mult, multvez, sovente, plu, adplu, sempre, sempre
sempre plu mult ancor, min, plu o min, plu, sempre plu mult, sempre plu mult ancor,
maxim, admaxim, minim, adminim, min, plu o min, maxim, admaxim, minim,
maxim possibil, minim possibil, adminim, maxim possibil, minim possibil,
maximal, minimal, proxim, ancor, plus, maximal, minimal, proxim, ancor, plus,
minus. minus.

Quant persones esset ci? Tant quant yer. How many people were here? As many as
Circa duanti persones sedet circum li table, yesterday. Around twenty people sat around the
adminim tri persones tro mult, proque li table, at least three people too many, because
table havet plazza solmen por admaxim 17 the table had places only for at most 17 people.
persones. Poc a poc ili va observar un poc, Gradually they will see somewhat, that they
que ili labora per un metode poc apt por ti work with a method hardly* apt for that scope.

§96. Li adverbies de loc responde al §96. Adverbs of location respond to the

question: u, a u, de u? (Li preposition a es question: where, to where, from where? (The
in combinationes viceat per ad.) preposition a is in combinations replaced with
u, ci, ta, alcú, necú, partú, ucunc, supra,
infra, circum, éxter, extra, intra, ínter, u, ci, ta, alcú, necú, partú, ucunc, supra,
detra, levul, dextri, proxim, lontan. A ci, infra, circum, éxter, extra, intra, ínter, detra,
a ta, adavan, retro, up = adsupra, a bass, levul, dextri, proxim, lontan. A ci, a ta,
adinfra, de infra, préter. adavan, retro, up = adsupra, a bass, adinfra,
de infra, préter.
Where have you bought that book? In a
U vu ha comprat ti libre? In un librería u on
bookshop where one always finds the most
trova sempre li maxim recent libres. Alcú
recent books. Somewhere you will certainly find
vu certmen va trovar li tant serchat flor. Ma
the flower so sought. But wherever you search,
ucunc vu sercha, ples nequande obliviar,
please never forget, that there are beautiful
que partú es bell flores. Yo espera que to
flowers everywhere. I hope that that is finally
es finalmen partú sat conosset. In vor
known well enough everywhere. In your recent
proxim lettre vu deve scrir un poc plu del
letter you should write a bit more of the church
eclesia proxim vor dom. Il venit de infra,
close to your house. He came from below,
passat préter nos, e eat adsupra. Ma
passed by us, and went up. But perhaps he will
fórsan il va bentost ear retro in su cava.
soon go back into his basement.

§97. Li adverbies de témpor responde al

question: quande?
§97. Adverbs of time respond to the question:
quande, unquande, alquande, nequande,
quandecunc, alor, tande, ínterim, nu,
quande, unquande, alquande, nequande,
strax, subitmen, just, justmen, bentost,
quandecunc, alor, tande, ínterim, nu, strax,
tost, tard, temporan, solmen, ne ante,
subitmen, just, justmen, bentost, tost, tard,
sovente, sempre, ne plu, antey, poy,
temporan, solmen, ne ante, sovente, sempre,
depoy, desde, in ante, ja, ancor, ne
ne plu, antey, poy, depoy, desde, in ante, ja,
ancor, adplu, ulteriori, hodíe, ho-annu,
ancor, ne ancor, adplu, ulteriori, hodíe, ho-
ho-témpor, deman, posdeman, yer,
annu, ho-témpor, deman, posdeman, yer,
anteyer, unvez, durante, finalmen, in
anteyer, unvez, durante, finalmen, in fine.
When I visited him, he told me that once he had
Quande yo visitat le, il racontat me, que
met her, but never again since then. Now he is
unquande il ha incontrat la, ma nequande
old and meanwhile he has worked a lot. Just
plu desde alor. Nu il es old e ínterim il ha
now you can do it, because you are early, but
mult laborat. Just nu vu posse far it, proque
soon it would be too late. He is here almost
vu es tost, ma bentost it vell esser tro tard.
always, only tomorrow he will depart and return
Presc sempre il es ci, solmen deman il va
not before ten o'clock at night, and maybe only
departer e retornar ne ante deci horas del
tomorrow*. I can only tell you that beforehand,
vésper, e fórsan solmen posdeman. In ante
because it is still uncertain if he shouldn't
yo posse dir vos solmen to, nam it es ancor
suddenly change his plans.
íncert, ca il ne deve subitmen changear su

§98. Li adverbies de afirmation, §98. The adverbs of affirmation, negation,

negation, dúbit es: yes, no, ne, ne plu, si, and doubt are: yes, no, ne, ne plu, si, ya,
ya, fórsan, sin dúbite. fórsan, sin dúbite.

Esque vu ne ha videt le? Si, il esset ya in li Esque vu ne ha videt le? Yes, il esset ya in li
scol e sin dúbit ne plu va retornar ante scol e sin dúbit ne plu va retornar ante midí.
(Haven't you seen him? Yes, he was in the
school and certainly will not return before

§ 99. All prepositions are located immediately

§ 99. Omni prepositiones sta ínmediatmen in from of their complement. They are
avan lor complement. lli es ínvariabil. invariable.

Pos prepositiones on usa li acusative del After prepositiones one uses the accusative
pronómines, o li nominative except yo e tu. of the pronouns, or the nominative except yo
and tu.

§ 100. The use of prepositions in natural

§ 100. Li usation del prepositiones in li
languages is often contradictory.. Because of
lingues national es multvez contradictori. Pro
that one should always use prepositions
to on deve sempre usar li prepositiones
according to their proper meaning.
secun lor propri signification.
In cases where one cannot find a preposition
In casus, u on ne trova un preposition con li
with the exact sense to be expressed one uses
exact sens a expresser, on usa li preposition
the preposition ye, which indicates an indefinite
ye, quel indica un relation índefinit. Ma tre
relation. But very often one can use the
sovente on posse usar li prepositiones a, de
prepositions a, de and in, which have multiple
e in, queles have pluri significationes.

§ 101, Often the relation is clear even without

a preposition. Verbs are for example used as
much as possible without proposition, with an
§ 101, Multvez li relation es clar anc sin immediately following object, if the relation is
preposition. Li verbes es p. ex. usat maxim clear, but the use of a preposition is always
possibil sin preposition, con ínmediatmen permitted.
sequent object, si li relation es clar; ma li
usation de un sensconform preposition es Il intrat li chambre. Il intrat in li chambre. Il
sempre permisset. montat li monte. Il montat sur li monte. Yo
memora li cose. Yo memora pri li cose. Il
Il intrat li chambre. Il intrat in li chambre. Il prepara un viage. Il prepara se por un viage.
montat li monte. Il montat sur li monte. Yo
memora li cose. Yo memora pri li cose. Il (Lit. He entered the room. He entered in the
prepara un viage. Il prepara se por un viage. room. He climbed the mountain. He climbed on
the mountain. I remember the thing. I
remember about the thing. I prepare a journey.
I prepare myself for a journey.)

§102. Li maxim frequent prepositiones es: §102. The most frequent prepositions are:
a: (in combinationes anc ad.) Il dat li flores a a: (English to in combinationes also "ad".) He
su amata. Yo dat un libre a Paul. Yo dat le gave flowers to his lover. I gave a book to Paul.
un libre. Yo dat un libre a le. Un epistul a nor I gave him a book. I gave a book to him. An
societé. Yo viagea a New York. Li vapornave epistle (letter) to our company. I journey to New
ea a Lisboa. Clar a departer. Un error a York. The steamship goes to Lisbon. Clear to
regretar. Quo vu di pri mi arme a foy? Yo depart. An error to regret. What say you about
selectet it de tri armes a frs. 40.—. Yo va my firearm? I selectet it from three arms at 40
atender vos a tri horas al exeada nord del fr. I will wait for you at three hours at the north
station. exit of the station.
ad posse esser combinat con altri ad can be combined with other prepositions
prepositiones e adverbies por far plu clar li and adverbs to further clarify the sense:
sens: adavan, adsur, adin, ad-in, etc. adavan, adsur, adin, ad-in, etc.
along: Ili promenat along li rive del lago.
along: Ili promenat along li rive del lago.
(They walked along the shore of the lake.)
ante (temporal "before"): Il vivet ante Christ. Li
sestra venit tri semanes ante su fratre, ante tri
mensus (o tri mensus ante nu). Ella va departer
ante (temporal): Il vivet ante Christ. Li sestra ante fine de tri mensus. Felicitá veni ante
venit tri semanes ante su fratre, ante tri richesse. Il incontrat le ante li dom.
mensus (o tri mensus ante nu). Ella va (He lived before Christ. The sister came three
departer ante fine de tri mensus. Felicitá weeks before her brother, three months ago (or
veni ante richesse. Il incontrat le ante li dom. three months before now). She will depart
before the end of three months. Happiness
comes before wealth. He met him before the
apu (beside): Li dom sta proxim li eclesia, ma
ne apu it. Li turre de nor eclesia sta apu li
eclesia, ma ne al eclesia, proque it ne tucha li
apu: Li dom sta proxim li eclesia, ma ne apu eclesia self, ma lassa un passage inter li du. Li
it. Li turre de nor eclesia sta apu li eclesia, dolore fisic es nequó apu li dolore mental.
ma ne al eclesia, proque it ne tucha li (The house stands close to the church, but not
eclesia self, ma lassa un passage inter li du. beside it. The tower of our church stands
Li dolore fisic es nequó apu li dolore mental. beside the church, but not towards the church,
because it does not touch the church itself, but
leaves a passage between the two. Physical
pain is nothing beside mental pain.)
avan (in front, before): Li patre promenat avan
li dom. Li patre promenat a avan li dom. Li
avan (local): Li patre promenat avan li dom. patre venit de avan li dom. Il incontrat le avan li
Li patre promenat a avan li dom. Li patre dom.
venit de avan li dom. Il incontrat le avan li (The father walked in front of the house. The
dom. father walked to the front of the house. The
father came from the front of the house. He met
him before the house.)
caus: Caus vor intervention yo arivat ante caus (because of): Caus vor intervention yo
minocte avan mi dom. arivat ante minocte avan mi dom.
Due to your intervention I arrived before
midnight before my house.
che (at, like French chez): Il logiat che su
fratre. Durante long témpor il vivet che li
che: Il logiat che su fratre. Durante long germanes. Che li canes on distincte divers
témpor il vivet che li germanes. Che li canes rasses.
on distincte divers rasses. (He stayed at his brother's. For a long time he
lived with the Germans. One distinguishes
diverse races with dogs.)
circum (around): Circum li eclesia stat alt
circum: Circum li eclesia stat alt árbores. Li árbores. Li terra torna circum li sole.
terra torna circum li sole. (Around the church stand old trees. The earth
turns around the sun.)
cis (on this side): Francia es situat cis li
cis: Francia es situat cis li Pirenés.
(France is situated on this side of the
con (with): Li filio ea con su patre along li
fluvie. Ella stat con lacrimes in li ocules con su
con: Li filio ea con su patre along li fluvie.
marito avan li station.
Ella stat con lacrimes in li ocules con su
(The son goes with his father along the river.
marito avan li station.
She stood with tears in her eyes with her
husband before the station.)
contra (against): Li unes laborat contra li
altres. Il exchangea su bicicle contra
combustibiles. Li aeroplan aviat contra li gratta-
contra: Li unes laborat contra li altres. Il
exchangea su bicicle contra combustibiles.
(They worked against each other (lit. the ones
Li aeroplan aviat contra li gratta-ciel.
worked against the others). He exchanges his
bicycle for combustibles. The airplane flew
against the skyscraper.)
de: Li dom de mi patre. Li dramas de de (of, from): The house of my father. The
Schiller. Un senior de Paris. Li maxim grand dramas of Schiller. A gentleman from Paris.
de omnis. Un vase de aure. Ti lettres es scrit The largest of all. A vase of gold. These letters
de un poet per scri-machine. Li moné de un are written by a poet by a writing machine. The
povri vidua ha esset furtet per un escapate money of a poor widow has been taken by a
del prison, nascet de rich genitores. Il vivet prison breaker, born from rich parents. He lived
lontan de su patre, de quel il nequande audít far from his father, of which he never heard
alquó. anything.
desde (since, for): Desde du annus il neplu
posse laborar. Il vendi chapeles desde frs. 20.
desde: Desde du annus il neplu posse
—. Il prendet li tren de Roma desde Milano.
laborar. Il vendi chapeles desde frs. 20.—. Il
(He hasn't worked any more for two years. He
prendet li tren de Roma desde Milano.
sells hats from 20 fr. He took the Rome train
from Milano.)
detra (behind): Detra li dom esset un grand
detra: Detra li dom esset un grand corte. corte.
(Behind the house was a large court.)
durante (during, while): Durante li estive li
infantes ludet sur li plazza. Li un de su filios
durante: Durante li estive li infantes ludet
studiat medícina, durante que li altri ne volet
sur li plazza. Li un de su filios studiat
medícina, durante que li altri ne volet
(During the summer the children played in the
square. One of his/her sons studied medicine,
while the other didn't want to study.)
ex (from, out of): Il venit ex su chambre. Yo
trinca ex li glass. Traductet ex german a
Interlingue. Li vestiment es fat ex pur lane. Noi
ex: Il venit ex su chambre. Yo trinca ex li audit in li radio un concert de Beethoven ex
glass. Traductet ex german a Interlingue. Li London.
vestiment es fat ex pur lane. Noi audit in (He came out of his room. I drink from the
li radio un concert de Beethoven ex London. glass. Translated from German to Interlingue.
The clothing is made out of pure wool. We
heard on the radio a concert by Beethoven
from London.)
extra (without, outside): Il vivet extra su
patria. Soledí ili devet luder extra li audir-
extra: Il vivet extra su patria. Soledí ili devet
luder extra li audir-distantie.
(He lived without his father. On Saturday they
had to play outside of hearing distance.)
in: Mult persones vive in li cité. Multís vell
preferer viver in li rure. In omni ocasion il eat al
in: Mult persones vive in li cité. Multís vell forest vice al scol, adminim decivez in min
preferer viver in li rure. In omni ocasion il eat quam un annu.
al forest vice al scol, adminim decivez in min (Many people live in the city. Many would prefer
quam un annu. to live in the country. In every occasion he went
to the forest instead of to school, at least ten
times at least in a year.)
ínfra (under, below): Li aviones vola infra li
stratosfere. Il sedet intra li fable, e li patre
ínfra: Li aviones vola infra li stratosfere. Il supra. Sub li table esset un can. Súper li table
sedet intra li fable, e li patre supra. Sub li esset li lampe e sur li table un libre.
table esset un can. Súper li table esset li (Airplanes fly below the stratosphere. He sat
lampe e sur li table un libre. under the table, and the father above. Under
the table was a dog. On the table was the lamp
and on the table a book.)
inter: Ili esset li sol tranquil scoleros inter inter (within, between): Ili esset li sol tranquil
mult bruiosi. Inter New York e Paris. Inter du scoleros inter mult bruiosi. Inter New York e
e tri horas. Un conversation inter du amicos. Paris. Inter du e tri horas. Un conversation inter
Divider un heredage inter li filios. Un guerre du amicos. Divider un heredage inter li filios.
inter du nationes. Un guerre inter du nationes.
(They were the only quiet pupils between many
noisy ones. Between New York and Paris.
Between two and three hours. A conversation
between two friends. To divide an inheritance
between the sons. A war between two nations.)
intra (inside): Ili ne posset penetrar intra li
intra: Ili ne posset penetrar intra li mures del mures del cité. Yo va retrovenir intra tri hores.
cité. Yo va retrovenir intra tri hores. (They couldn't penetrate inside the walls of the
city. I will return inside three hours.)
malgré (in spite of): Malgré su grand efortíes
malgré: Malgré su grand efortíes il ne il ne posset perforar li mur.
posset perforar li mur. (In spite of his large efforts he couldn't break
through the wall.
per (by, with): Il defendet se per un gladíe. Il
salvat se per natar. Li moné esset furtet per un
per (medie): Il defendet se per un gladíe. Il
ínconosset hom.
salvat se per natar. Li moné esset furtet per
(He defended himself with a sword. He saved
un ínconosset hom.
himself by swimming. The money was stolen
by an unknown man.)
por (for): Un líbre por omnes e por nequí. On
manja por viver, on ne vive por manjar. Yo
por (scope): Un líbre por omnes e por comprat un líbre por frs. 10.—, grand por su
nequí. On manja por viver, on ne vive por precie. It sufice por long, ne solmen por
manjar. Yo comprat un líbre por frs. 10.—, deman.
grand por su precie. It sufice por long, ne (A book for everyone and for none. One eats to
solmen por deman. live, one does not live to eat. I bought a book
for 10 fr., large for its price. It suffices for a long
time, not just for tomorrow.)
pri (about): Noi parlat pri politica. Yo ha mult
pri (dominia): Noi parlat pri politica. Yo ha pensat pri vos.
mult pensat pri vos. (We talked about politics. I have much thought
about you.)
pro (for, due to): Ella plorat pro joya. Yo mersía
pro (cause): Ella plorat pro joya. Yo mersía pro vor auxilie.
pro vor auxilie.
(She cried for joy. I thank you for your help.)

pos (after): Pos quelc dies ili tamen atinget lor

scope. Li capitano vení pos li major.
pos: Pos quelc dies ili tamen atinget lor
scope. Li capitano vení pos li major.
(After some days however, they attained their
goal. The captain comes after the major.)

préter: Ili passat préter li dom de mi patre. préter (by): Ili passat préter li dom de mi patre.
(They passed by the house of my father.)

proxim (close to): Il habitat proxím li cité.

proxim: Il habitat proxím li cité.
(He lived close to the city.)

secun (according to): Secun li prescription to

ne es permisset.
secun: Secun li prescription to ne es
(According to the prescription, that is not

sin (without): Il fat to sín saver pro quo.

sin: Il fat to sín saver pro quo.
(He did it without knowing why)

sub (under): Sub li árbor on trovat mult fructes

sur li table. Li carre vacilat sub li carga. Il havet
plu quam 100 persones sub su autoritá. Il scrit
sub: Sub li árbor on trovat mult fructes sur li sub un pseudonim, que mem sub Napoleon on
table. Li carre vacilat sub li carga. Il havet ne devet laborar sub tal mal conditiones.
plu quam 100 persones sub su autoritá. Il
scrit sub un pseudonim, que mem sub (Under the tree were found many fruits under
Napoleon on ne devet laborar sub tal mal the table. The car faltered under the load. He
conditiones. had more than 100 people under his authority.
He wrote under a pseudonym, that even under
Napoleon one should not work under such bad

súper (over): Súper li árbor volat un avie;

quelc altris sedet sur it e celat se detra e sub
súper: Súper li árbor volat un avie; quelc su folies.
altris sedet sur it e celat se detra e sub su
folies. (Over the tree flew a bird; some others sat on it
and hid themselves behind and under the

sur (on): It venit de sub li table súper it e poy

sedet sur it.
sur: It venit de sub li table súper it e poy
sedet sur it.
(It came from under the table to the top of it
and then sat on it.)

til: Yo laborat til decidu horas. Til li extrem til: Yo laborat til decidu horas. Til li extrem fine
fine del munde, su influentie es sentibil, til del munde, su influentie es sentibil, til que un
altri va vicear le.
(I worked until 12 o'clock. Until the extreme end
que un altri va vicear le.
of the world his influence is felt, until another
will replace him.)
tra (through): Yo ha videt le tra li fenestre
promenante* tra li campes.
tra: Yo ha videt le tra li fenestre promenante
tra li campes.
(I have seen him through the window walking
through the fields.)

trans (through): Li tren ea tra li túnnel del

Sanct Gotthard trans li Alpes.
trans: Li tren ea tra li túnnel del Sanct
Gotthard trans li Alpes.
(The train goes through the tunnel of Saint
Gotthard through the Alps.)

ultra (besides): Ultra francesi e german il parla

anc ínterlingue.
ultra: Ultra francesi e german il parla anc
(Besides French and German he also speaks

vers (toward): Li avie volat vers li sole.

vers: Li avie volat vers li sole.
(The bird flew toward the school.)

vice (instead of): Il venit vice su patre, ma

solmen pos tri semanes vice intra du semanes.
vice: Il venit vice su patre, ma solmen pos
tri semanes vice intra du semanes.
(He came instead of his father, but only three
weeks after instead of within two weeks.)

vis a vis (facing): Vis a vis li eclesia on vide li

vis a vis: Vis a vis li eclesia on vide li scola.
(Vis a vis the church one sees the school.)
ye es usat, si exceptionalmen null altri ye is used exceptionally if no other preposition
preposition es apt: is apt:

Ye (in) omni ocasion il eat in li forest vice al In (in) every occasion he went in the forest
scol. Yo va atender vos precisi ye (a) tri instead of to school. I will wait for you precisely
horas sur li plazza del scola. Yo vide la ye at (a) three o'clock in the square of the school. I
(che, avan, al) li triesim dom. Ili pariat ye see her at (che, avan, al) the third house. They
(per, de) quin francs. bet (per, de) five francs.

§ 103. Many prepositional expressions are

formed by adverbs and adjectives:

§ 103. Mult prepositional expressiones es Mersí vor auxilie, yo posset fìnir li labor ante li
format per adverbies e adjectives: fixat termin, exceptet li ultim págines, queles ne
es conform al programma. Concernent vor
Mersí vor auxilie, yo posset fìnir li labor ante ultim question, yo posse solmen dir, que il
li fixat termin, exceptet li ultim págines, esset in medie del chambre ínter su infantes.
queles ne es conform al programma.
Concernent vor ultim question, yo posse (Thank you for your help, I was able to finish
solmen dir, que il esset in medie del the work before the fixed end date, except the
chambre ínter su infantes. last pages which do not conform to the
program. Concerning your last question, I can
only say that he was in the middle of the room
with his children.)

§104, Conjunctiones de coordination es: §104, Coordinative conjunctions are:

e, e ... e, o, o ... o, ni, ni ... ni, sive ... sive, e, e ... e, o, o ... o, ni, ni ... ni, sive ... sive, ma,
ma, nam, tamen, ergo, dunc, plu ... plu, nam, tamen, ergo, dunc, plu ... plu, nu, nu ...
nu, nu ... nu. nu.

E li patre e li matre devenit ciec. O il veni o Both the father and the mother became blind.
noi deve cluder li porta. Il certmen ne va Either he comes or we have to close the door.
manjar ni trincar, nam il ni manja carne, ni He certainly will not eat nor drink, because he
trinca alcohol. Sive tu consenti, sive tu ne neither eats meat nor drinks alcohol. Whether
consenti, noi tamen va far it; ma plu tu you consent or not we will still do it; but the
obstina te, plu tu va esser isolat. Nu, tu more stubborn you act, the more isolated you
posse far quo tu vole. Il ne plu es normal in will be. Well, you can do what you want. He is
li cap, nam nu il ride, nu il plora sin visibil no longer normal in the head, because he
motive. laughs and then cries with no visible motive.
§ 105. Conjunctiones de subordination es: § 105. Subordinate conjunctions are: que, si,
que, si, quam, esque, ca, quasi, benque, quam, esque, ca, quasi, benque, etsí.
One cannot know if he comes or not, because
On ne posse saver, ca il veni o ne, nam though he's the husband, he is more or less his
benque il es li marito, il es quasi li sclavo de wife's slave. If he comes, one shouldn't question
su marita. Si il veni, on ne deve questionar him about that, as if one would know nothing.*
le pri to, quam si on vell saver nequó. Il ne He can't say beforehand if he can come;
posse dir in ante, si il posse venir; nam ca il because whether he can come or not, that
posse venir o ne, to depende de su marita. depends on his wife.

§ 106. Mult conjunctiones e conjunctional

§ 106. Many conjunctions and conjunctional
expressiones es composit ex prepositiones
expressions are composed from prepositions or
o prepositional expressiones o adverbies o
prepositional expressions or adverbs or
adverbial expressiones con que e quam.
adverbial expressions with que and quam.
per que, por que, pro que, pos que, ante
per que, por que, pro que, pos que, ante que,
que, durante que, sam quam, desde que,
durante que, sam quam, desde que, sin que,
sin que, tant que, suposit que, in
tant que, suposit que, in condition que.
condition que.

§107, Quam interjectiones on posse usar §107, As with interjections one can use all
omni interjectiones del national lingues, interjections of national languages, which are
queles es comprensibil per se self o es understandable by themself or internationally
internationalmen conosset. known.

Halló! Holá! Hé! Huzza! Hurrá! Yuhé! Halló! Holá! Hé! Huzza! Hurrá! Yuhé! Huhú!
Huhú! Hu, Hu! Ba! Ay! Uf! Via! Nu! Hopp! Hu, Hu! Ba! Ay! Uf! Via! Nu! Hopp! Hoppla!
Hoppla! Ve! Ho ve! Sus! Psit! Pst! Shut! Ve! Ho ve! Sus! Psit! Pst! Shut! Sht! Crac!
Sht! Crac! Paf! Plump! Hm! Hum! Fi! Paf! Plump! Hm! Hum! Fi!

Anc paroles de altri grammatical categories Words of other grammatical categories can also
posse esser usat quam interjectiones: p. ex. be used as interjections: for example:

Bon! Ad-avan! Retro! For! A-bass! Ad-up! Bon! Ad-avan! Retro! For! A-bass! Ad-up!
Halt! Auxilie! Adío! Silentie! Corage! Halt! Auxilie! Adío! Silentie! Corage! Bravo!
Bravo! Vi! Vive! Mey viver! Salve! Salute! Vi! Vive! Mey viver! Salve! Salute!

Huhú! Quant li vent ulula circum li dom! Hu, Huhú! Quant li vent ulula circum li dom! Hu, hu!
hu! fanfaron! Holá! veni che me! Ba! quo to fanfaron! Holá! veni che me! Ba! quo to fa, si il
fa, si il ne vole venir! Uf! finit ti desagreabil ne vole venir! Uf! finit ti desagreabil labor! Ay!
labor! Ay! quel dolore! Sus! Sus! al bestie! quel dolore! Sus! Sus! al bestie! Subitmen yo
Subitmen yo audit, que un person dit pst! audit, que un person dit pst! detra me. Ma ho
detra me. Ma ho ve! il ne atentet e plump! il ve! il ne atentet e plump! il cadet in li aqua. Shut
cadet in li aqua. Shut (o shit!) vi li professor, (o shit!) vi li professor, silentie! Fi! quel
silentie! Fi! quel malodore! malodore!

§108. Li position del paroles in li frase es in §108. The position of words in a sentence is
general líber til un cert gradu. Ma li regulari generally free to a certain extent. But the
órdine del frase-partes es: regular order of the parts of a sentence is:
subject - predicate - acusativ object - subject - predicate - acusativ object - dativ
dativ object. object.
Li patre - da - li libre - al filio. Li patre - da - li libre - al filio.
§ 109. A phrase is easiest to understand if all
words stand as close as possible to the word to
§ 109. Li frase es maxim bon comprensibil,
which they relate. Because of that all parts of a
si omni paroles sta maxim possibil proxim li
sentence are immediately followed or preceded
parol a quel ili relate. Pro to omni
by their attributes.
frasepartes es ínmediatmen sequet o
precedet de su atributes.
Li bon patre sovente voluntarimen da bell libres
a su diligent filio.
Li bon patre sovente voluntarimen da bell
libres a su diligent filio.
(The good father frequently voluntarily gives
beautiful books to his diligent son.)

§110. De to seque, que li adjective o atribut §110. From that it follows that the adjective or
adjectivic deve preceder o sequer
adjectival attribute should immediately precede
ínmediatmen li substantive relativ. In
or follow the relative noun. In general it
general it precede, si it es curt o
precedes, if it is short or characteristic, but
caracteristic, ma seque, si it es long o
follows if it is long or complementary.
He prefers the delicate fruits of the South. That
Il prefere li delicat fructes del Sud. Ti mann,
mann, clear in his thoughts and pure in his
clar in su pensas e pur in su intentiones. Su
intentions. His/her father and mother had made
patre e su matre hat fat omni
all arrangements necessary for his/her voyage. I
arangeamentes necessi por su viage. Yo
just now received the most recent approximate
just nu recivet li maxim recent raport
report on commodities, important in our land
aproximativ pri merces, importat in nor land
during that summer.
durante ti estive.

§111. Li adverbies: ne, tre, tro, solmen e

§111. The adverbs: ne, tre, tro, solmen and
anc deve sempre preceder ínmediatmen li
anc should always immediately precede the
parol concernent, che témpores composit
concerning word, at times the auxiliary verb is
ordinarimen li verb auxiliari; li altri adverbies
ordinarily composed**; the other adverbs can
posse ínmediatmen preceder o sequer li
immediately precede or follow the concerning
parol concernent.
Ne yo ha prendet vor libre — ma un altri
It was not I that took your book — but another
Yo ne ha prendet vor libre — ma yo va
I have not taken your book — but I will take it.
prender it.
I have not taken your book — but one has given
Yo ha ne prendet vor libre — ma on ha dat
it to me.
it a me.
I have taken not your book — but another.
Yo ha prendet ne vor libre — ma un aItri.
I as well love you. (others love you) I also love
Anc yo ama vos. Yo anc ama vos. Yo ama
you (love + other verbs) I love you too (I love
anc vos.
other people too)

§112. Li verbes auxiliari (anc: dever,

§112. Auxiliary verbs (anc: dever, posser, voler
posser, voler etc.) deve sempre preceder li
etc.) should always precede the participle
participie respectivmen li infinitive
immediately relative to the infinitive, or be
ínmediatmen, o esser separat solmen per
separated only by related adverbs.
concernent adverbies.
Our friends have worked much, but couldn't
Nor amícos hat mult laborat, ma ne posset
completely finish their work. I should learn those
completmen finir lor ovre. Yo deve aprender
words from memory. I should quickly learn
ex memorie ti paroles. Yo deve rapidmen
those words from memory. I immediately should
aprender ex memorie ti paroles. Yo strax
learn those words from memory.
deve aprender ex memorie ti paroles.

§113. Negativ pronómines e adverbies §113. Negative pronouns and adverbs receive
recive li sens positiv solmen si ne sta the positive sense only if they do not stand
ínmediatmen avan les. Li talnominat duplic immediately before them. So-called double
negation es permisset, ma ne recomendat. negation is permitted, but not recommended.
Yo videt necos. Yo ne videt necos. Yo videt I saw no one. I didn't see no one. I didn't see no
ne necos, ma solmen tre poc. one, but just a few.

§114. Anc in li frases relativ on usa li sam §114. Also in relative phrases one uses the
órdine del frase-partes e li indicative quam same order of the parts of phrases and the
in li frases principal. Li subjuntive es usat indicative as in principle phrases. The
solmen in rar casus u li distinction es subjunctive is used only in rare cases where the
important, p. ex. in juristic documentes; in distinction is important, for example in legal
cert casus on posse anc usar li optative. documents; in certain one can also use the
Il di, que il es malad. Il pensat que yo ha
venit. On esperat, que il bentost va venir. He said that he is sick. He thought that I had
Ella questionat, pro quo yo es tam alegri. Il come. One hoped that he soon will come. She
di, que il haye amat la. Yo desira que il mey asked why I am so cheerful. He said that he
venir. would have loved her. I hope that he may come.

Por indicar li condition, on deve sempre To indicate a condition, one should always use:
usar: si. si.

Si ella vell har savet, quo ella save hodíe, If she would have known what she knows today,
ella vell har actet altrimen. Si yo vell esser she would have acted differently. If I were sick, I
malad, yo vell restar in hem. would stay at home.

Indirect frases es comensat per: ca (viceat Indirect phrases are begun with: ca (often
sovente per esque). replaced with esque).

Yo ne save, ca yo comprende vos corect. I don't know if I understand you correctly. We

Ca il veni o ne, noi va comensar. Esque vu will begin whether he comes or not. Do you
savet, ca il va venir? Si on vell saver, ca il know if he will come? If one were to know if he
veni! comes!*

Por vicear relativ frases on posse multvez To change relative phrases one can often use
usar li infinitive ínmediatmen pos li verb. the infinitive immediately after the verb.

Yo crede que yo ha videt le. Yo crede har I believe that I have seen him. (all three are
videt le. Yo crede vider le. different ways of saying the same thing)

§ 115. Li acusativ pronómin seque § 115. The accusative pronoun immediately

ínmediatmen li verb; li dativ pronómin follows the verb; the dative pronoun
precede it ínmediatmen o seque li acusativ immediately erecedes it or follows the
pronómin, con o sin li preposition a. accusative pronoun, with or without the
preposition a.
Yo videt le. Yo te dat it. Yo dat it te. Yo dat it
a te. I saw him. I gave it to him. I gave it to him. I
gave it to him.
§116. Li regules indicat por frases direct
vale anc por frases interrogativ queles es §116. The rules indicates for direct phrases
apply also for interrogative phrases which are
format per esque o altri paroles interrogativ.
formed by esque or other interrogative words.
Sin li “esque” on posse formar frases
With the "esque" one can form interrogative
interrogativ per posir li subjecte pos li
phrases by posing the subject after the
predicate, resp. pos li verb auxiliari.
predicate, relatively* after the auxiliary verb.
Esque vu ha comprendet me? Ha vu
Have you understood me? Have you
comprendet me? Quant persones tu crede
understood me? How many people you believe
vider? Crede tu vider mult persones? Qui tu
you see? Do you believe you see many people?
vide? Qui vide te? Posse vu audir me?
Whom do you see? Who sees you? Can you
Pensa vu o dormi?
hear me? Are you thinking or sleeping?

§ 117. Verbes es usat maxim possibil § 117. Verbs are used transitively, personally
transitivmen, personalmen e activ; ma it and and actively as much as possible; but it is
sempre es permisset usar un sensconform always permitted to use an indirect(?)
preposition. preposition.

Yo mersía vos. Ples auxiliar li povri mann. Il I thank you. Please help the poor man. He
menaciat su ínamicos. Yo memora li cose humiliated his enemier. I remember the thing
tre bon. Il prepara un viage. Il prepara se very well. He prepares for a voyage. He
por un viage. To il solmen imágina. Yo es prepares himself for a voyage. That he only
conscient pri to. Yo senti dolore. Yo regreta. imagines.I am aware of that. I feel pain. I
Yo cale, yo frige. Yo successat far it. On regret/am sorry. I am hot, I am cold. I
dansat e ludet. succeeded in doing it. One danced and played.

Ye li impersonal verbes li pronómin it posse On the impersonal verbs the pronoun it can be
esser omisset, si li sens permisse to. omitted, if the sense permits it.

Yo crede que pluvia. Existe mult I believe that it is raining. There are many
exceptiones. Pluvia. It pluvia. It deveni frigid exceptions. It's raining. It's raining. It becomes
(li temperatura o un cert cose). cold (the temperature or a certain thing).

§118. Li signes de interpunction deve esser
§118. Signs of punctuation should be used in a
usat talmen, que li comprension del textu
manner that makes it easier to understand the
es afacilat. Proque lor usation in li lingues
text. Because their use in national languages is
national es multvez contradictori, on deve
often contradictory, one should use them
usar les secun li principie natural, to es
according to natural principle, that is to indicate
por indicar, u on deve stoppar in li leida,
where one should stop in reading, relatively to
respectivmen por separar li partes del
separate the parts of a sentence.
§119. Li punctu (.) indica un stoppa §119. The period (.) indicates a fairly large stop.
passabilmen grand. It es usat por separar
It is used to separate complete phrases,
complet frases, expressent un pensa
expressing a completed thought.

§120. Li punctu-comma (;) indica un §120. The semi-colon (;) indicates a stop less
stoppa min grand. It es usat por separar large. It is used to separate complete phrases
complet frases con pensas coherent. with jointed thoughts.

Por hodíe il es content; nam noi laborat del For today he is content; because we worked
matin til li vésper. from morning to the evening.

§ 121. The comma (,) indicates the smallest

§ 121. Li comma (,) indica li minim grand
stop. It is used to separate the diverse parts of a
stoppa. It es usat por separar li divers
composite phrase, or diverse jointed phrases so
partes de un frase composit, o divers frases
many that one does not want to separate them
coherent tam mult, que on ne vole separar
with a period or semi-colon.
les per un punctu o punctu-comma.
For today he is content, but tomorrow we will
Por hodíe il es content, ma certmen deman
certainly have to continue the work, if the
noi va dever continuar li labor, si li tempe
weather will permit it.
va permisser to.
With the comma it is in many cases possible to
Per li comma it es in mult casus possibil far
make clear the sense of a phrase, indicating
plu clar li sens de un frase, per indicar, ca li
whether the words are to separate in a certain
paroles es a separar in un cert loc o in un
place or in another, or are not to be separated.
altri, o ne es a separar. Specialmen on
In particular one needs to pay attention to what
deve atenter, que atributes, queles es
attributes are necessary to define a certain
necessi por definir un cert notion, es
notion are added without a comma, and that
adjuntet sin comma, tales queles descripte
those that simply describe are separated with a
solmen, es separat per comma.
Il ha racontat me to quo li altris ne deve
He has told me that which the others should not
Il ha racontat me to, quo li altris ne deve
He has told me that, what the others should not
saver (que il ha racontat it a me).
know (that he has said it to me).
Il ne ama li infantes queles fa brui si ili ne
He does not love the children which make noice
es controlat.
if they are not controlled.
Il ne ama li infantes, queles fa brui si ili ne
He does not love the children, which make noise
es controlat.
if they are not controlled.
Il ne ama li infantes queles fa brui, si ili ne
He does not love the children which make noise,
es controlat.
if they are not controlled.
Il ne ama li infantes, queles fa brui, si ili ne
He does not love the children, who make noise,
es controlat.
if they are not controlled.

§122. Por indicar li paroles maxim §122. To indicate the most important words in a
important del frase on posse usar li phrase one can use the written accent.
accentu scrit.
Yó ea con la (ne tú). Yo éa con la (yo ne fa I go with her (not you). I go with her (I do not do
quam li altris, queles né ea con la). Yo ea as the others, which do not go with her). I go
con élla (ne con li áltris). Save vu, de u il with her (not with the others). Do you know
veni? from where he comes?

§ 123. Li altri signes de interpunction: § 123. Other punctuational signs:

Colon (:), punctus suspensiv (...), parentese Colon (:), punctus suspensiv (...), parentese ( ),
( ), crampones ([ ]), imbrassamentes({ }), crampones ([ ]), imbrassamentes({ }), strec
strec ligant (-), strec separant (—), signes ligant (-), strec separant (—), signes (hocos) de
(hocos) de citation (" "), signe de citation (" "), signe de exclamation (!), signe
exclamation (!), signe interrogativ (?) e interrogativ (?) and apostrof (') are used more or
apostrof (') es usat plu o min less internationally. (! and ? are only found at the
internationalmen. (! e ? sta solmen in li fine beginning of the phrase, not at the beginning as
del frase, ne anc in li comensa.) well.)


§124. Nov paroles es format per §124. New words are formed by
A. Adjuntion de desinenties. A. Addition of terminations.
B. Adjuntion de prefixes. B. Addition of prefixes.
C. Adjuntion de sufixes. C. Addition of suffixes.
D. Composition de du o pluri paroles. D. Composition of two or multiple words.
§ 125. Li adjuntion de desinenties es ja § 125. The addition of terminations is already
tractat in li concernent paragrafes del dealt with in the concerning paragraphs of the
grammatica: grammar:

1) Desinenties substantivic: -e (§22, 30,

1) Noun terminations: -e (§22, 30, 87)
-a (§ 24, 30, 87)
-a (§ 24, 30, 87)
-o (§ 24, 30)
-o (§ 24, 30)
-u (§ 25) -um (§31)
-u (§ 25) -um (§31)
2) Adjectival terminations: -i (§29).
2) Desinenties adjectivic: -i (§29).
3) Adverbial terminations: -e (§74) -men (§
3) Desinenties adverbial: -e (§74) -men (§

§ 126. Ti desinenties es un consequentie

§ 126. These terminations are a consequence of
del caracterisant vocales final de
the caracteristic final vowels of Interlingue:
-e es li finale general, sin special
-e is the general ending, without special
signification, usat por fixar li corect
meaning, used to fix the correct pronunciation of
pronunciation del precedent consonant, pro
the preceding consonant, for euphony or to
eufonie o distinction de simil paroles
distinguish similar words (mostly of nouns from
(precipue de substantives del egalform
adjectives of the same form).
Pace, image, rose, libre, cable, altruisme, curve,
Pace, image, rose, libre, cable, altruisme,
centre, central, centrale, directiv, directive,
curve, centre, central, centrale, directiv,
marine, circulare, cantate, infinite, tangente,
directive, marine, circulare, cantate, infinite,
adherente, manjante, denove.
tangente, adherente, manjante, denove.

-a trova se in paroles indicant activitá, loc o -a is found in words indicating activity, location or
témpor de it, alquó extendet, universal, time, something prolonged, universal, collective,
colectiv, con vivent entes lu feminin. and with living things the feminine.

dansa, dansada, plazza, imperia, era, dansa, dansada, plazza, imperia, era, pasca,
pasca, rosiera, liga, secta, posta, rosiera, liga, secta, posta, americana, filia,
americana, filia, studianta, cavalla. studianta, cavalla.

-o trova se in paroles indicant lu concret, -o is found in words that indicate something

material, special, individual, con vivent concrete, material, special, individual, and with
entes lu masculin. living entities the masculine.

forso, humo, rosiero, posto, americano, forso, humo, rosiero, posto, americano, filio,
filio, cavallo. cavallo.

-u indica alquó abstract, neutri, un relativitá, -u indicates something abstract, neuter, a

o es usat por reciver li international relativity, or is used to receive international
derivates. derivatives.

statu, casu, unaltru, manu, gradu. statu, casu, unaltru, manu, gradu.

-i es li finale adjectivic, por fixar li corect

-i is the adjectival final, to fix the correct
pronunciation del consonant final, pro
pronounciation of the final consonant, for
eufonie o por distinction de simil paroles.
euphony or for distinction of similar words.
felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori, amari,
felici, sagi, porosi, organisatori, amari, curvi,
curvi, vacui.
e, a, o, u, i: rose, rosi, rosiero, rosiera;
e, a, o, u, i: rose, rosi, rosiero, rosiera; porte,
porte, porta, portu, portuari, portale;
porta, portu, portuari, portale; posta, posto.
posta, posto.

§127. In many international word formations

§127. In mult international parolformationes li
the prefixes and prefixed expressions lose
prefixes e prefixial expressiones perdi su ultim
their last consonant or assimilate it into the
consonant o assimila it al sequent consonant;
following consonant; in that case doubled
in ti casu duplic consonantes es viceat secun
consonants are replaced according to § 10 by
§ 10 per simplics, exceptet pos ín- (ma anc li
single ones, except after ín- (but other
altri ortografies es permisset).
orthographies are permitted)
adtracter — attracter — atracter, conlaborar
adtracter — attracter — atracter, conlaborar
— collaborar — colaborar, conoperativ —
— collaborar — colaborar, conoperativ —
cooperativ, conposition — composition,
cooperativ, conposition — composition,
disfuser — diffuser — difuser, exmigrar —
disfuser — diffuser — difuser, exmigrar —
emmigrar — emigrar, coneducation —
emmigrar — emigrar, coneducation —
coeducation, ínregulari — irregulari, ínlegal —
coeducation, ínregulari — irregulari, ínlegal —

§ 128. Li prefixes es: § 128. The prefixes are:

bel-: parentitá per maritage: belfratre, bel-: kinship by marriage: belfratre (brother-
belfilio. in-law), belfilio (son-in-law).

des-: cessation, contrary: desabonnar

des-: cessation, contrarie: desabonnar, (unsubscribe), desinfecter (disinfect),
desinfecter, desavantage. dis:- separation, desavantage (disadvantage). dis:-
dispersion: dismembrar, dissemar. separation, dispersion: dismembrar
(dismember), dissemar (disseminate).

ex-: ex-, previous: expresidente (ex-

ex-: ancian: expresidente, eximperator.
president), eximperator (ex-emperor).

ho-: sam témpor: hodíe, hosemane, ho-: same time: hodíe (today), hosemane
hoannu. (this week), hoannu (this year).

ín-: negation in adjectives: ínoficial

ín-: negation in adjectives: ínoficial, ínvisibil
(unofficial), ínvisibil (invisible) (not to be
(ne a confuser al inaccentuat preposition: in-:
confused with the unaccented preposition: in-:
inpaccar, pack in).

mi-: short form of demí (half): midí (midday),

mi-: curt form de demí: midí, minocte,
minocte (midnight), mihor (half-hour),
mihor, mifratre.
mifratre (half-brother).
mis-: false, inconvenient, failing:
mis-: fals, ínconvenient, fallient: miscomprender (miscomprehend),
miscomprender, misalliantie, misdirecter. misalliantie (misalliance), misdirecter

non-: negation in substantives: nonsens, non-: negation in substantives: nonsens

nonfumator. (nonsense), nonfumator (non-smoker).

per-: tra, til fine: perforar, percurrer. per-: through, to the end: perforar
(perforate), percurrer (run through, run all
the way).

pre-: before, in front: previder (preview),

pre-: in ante, avan: previder, preparar,
preparar (prepare), prehistorie (prehistory),
prehistorie, presider.
presider (preside).

pro-: ad avan, ad extra: progression, pro-: to the front / outside: progression,

producter. producter (produce).

re-: again, to the beginning: revider (review),

re-: denove, ad comensa: revider, revenir.
revenir (return).

step-: kinship by a second marriage:

step-: parentitá per un duesim maritage:
stepmatre (stepmother), stepfilio
stepmatre, stepfilio.

§129. Quam prefixes on usa anc §129. As prefixes one also uses
prepositiones, adverbies e li presente de prepositions, adverbs and the present of
quelc verbes: some verbs:

adaptar, abreviar, atirar, antedatar, avanbrass, adaptar, abreviar, atirar, antedatar, avanbrass,
circumscription, consentir, coeducation, circumscription, consentir, coeducation,
coroder, compresser, contrasignar, depender, coroder, compresser, contrasignar, depender,
excluder, expectar, extraordinari, forear, excluder, expectar, extraordinari, forear,
infiltrar, iluminar, importar, intervenir, infiltrar, iluminar, importar, intervenir,
preterpassar, retromarchar, retroactiv, preterpassar, retromarchar, retroactiv,
selfconfidentie, submisser, transportar, selfconfidentie, submisser, transportar,
transpirar, tradition, ultraclerical, transpirar, tradition, ultraclerical,
vicepresidente, parapluvie, portamoné, vicepresidente, parapluvie, portamoné,
tirabuton. tirabuton.

§ 130. Mult international paroles es format per § 130. Many international words are formed
grec prefixes: by Greek prefixes:
decametre, decilitre, hectolitre, hemisfere, decametre, decilitre, hectolitre, hemisfere,
hipermodern, kilometre, monoplan, hipermodern, kilometre, monoplan,
panslavisme, pseudocrist, telefonar. panslavisme, pseudocrist, telefonar.

§ 131. Li sufixes adjunte se al radica § 131. Suffixes are added immediately to the
ínmediatmen o med vocales o consonantes root or with ligative vowels or consonants.
ligativ. In infra es indicat li complet finales, ma Complete endings are indicated below, but
sin alquel desinenties facultativ. without any facultative terminations.

On posse adjunter pluri One can add multiple

sufixes in li sam parol. suffixes in the same word.

§ 132. In mult international parolformationes § 132. In many international word formations

existe un contraction de du simil succedent there is a contraction of two similar following
sones o songruppes a un sol. sounds or groups of sounds into one.

p. ex. minera(lo)logie, popular(i)isar, ex. minera(lo)logie, popular(i)isar,

pacif(ic)isme, infanter(i)ist, ambiti(on)osi, pacif(ic)isme, infanter(i)ist, ambiti(on)osi,
religi(on)osi, ident(ic)itá, nu(tri)tresse, religi(on)osi, ident(ic)itá, nu(tri)tresse,
mum(i)ificar. mum(i)ificar.

§ 133. Taxant sufixes. § 133. Rating* sufixes.

-ett: diminutive, frequentative, micri objectes: -ett: diminutive, frequentative, small objects:
filietto, statuette, cigarrette, pincette, filietto, statuette, cigarrette, pincette,
inflammette, rosette, foliettar, volettar, inflammette, rosette, foliettar, volettar,
saltettar. saltettar.

-illio, -innia: caressiv: fratrillio, matrinnia, -illio, -innia: caressive: fratrillio, matrinnia,
carinnia. carinnia.

-issim: in maxim alt gradu: grandissim,

-issim: highest grade: grandissim, bellissim.

-ach: pejorativ, despreciant: cavallacho, -ach: pejorative, condemning: cavallacho,

linguache, criticachar. linguache, criticachar.

Verbal sufixes. Verbal suffixes.

§ 134. Finale -ar. Omni modern formationes de § 134. Final -ar. All modern verb formations
verbes fini per -ar, ne per -ir e ne per -er. Li finish with -ar, not with -ir and not with -er.
Most verbs are derived from other words
with indirect* derivation, i.e. through
adding the -ar ending of the infinitive,
maxim mult verbes es derivat de altri paroles without suffix.
per li ínmediat derivation, to es per adjunter li
finale del infinitive -ar, sin sufix. Those derived verbs
have diverse meanings:
Ti verbes derivat have
divers significationes: 1) of objects, materials, abstracts: provide
with: coronar (coronate), armar (arm),
1) de objectes, materiales, abstractes: provider motivar (motivate).
per: coronar, armar, motivar.
2) of utensils, instruments: use, handle with:
2) de utensiles, instrumentes: usar, tractar per: brossar (brush), martellar (hammer).
brossar, martellar.
3) of organic products: secrete: lactar
3) de organic productes: secreer it: lactar, ovar, (lactate), ovar (lay eggs/spawn), sanguar
sanguar. (bleed).

4) de persones e entes: acter quam: dominar, 4) of people and creatures: act as: dominar
serpentar. (dominate), serpentar (creep).

5) de adjectives e participies (sovente con 5) of adjectives and participles (frequently

prepositiones): far tal: plenar, siccar, exsiccar, with prepositions): act in such a manner:
abellar, calentar, sedentar. plenar (fill), siccar (dry), exsiccar
(wizen*), abellar (embellish), calentar
In mult casus existe altri relationes (heat), sedentar (seat).
internationalmen conosset: beson, besonar,
cure, curar, risca, riscar, don, donar, matur, In many cases there are other
maturar. internationally-known relations: beson,
besonar (need), cure, curar, (cure) risca,
riscar (risk), don (gift), donar (give),
matur, maturar (mature).

§ 135. Altri verbal finales. § 135. Other verbal endings.

-isar: far tal, far quam: electrisar, idealisar, -isar: act in a manner / as: electrisar
canalisar, terrorisar, rivalisar, judeisar. (electrify), idealisar (idealize), canalisar
(canonize*), terrorisar (terrorize), rivalisar
-ificar: far tal, constatar quam: verificar, (rivalise), judeisar (judaize).
simplificar, mumificar, pacificar. forma anc
adjectives: pacific, magnific, specific. -ificar: act in a manner*: verificar (verify),
simplificar (simplify), mumificar
-ijar: devenir, far se: verdijar, rubijar. (mummify), pacificar (pacify). Also forms
adjectives:: pacific, magnific, specific.
-ear: statu dinamic de vade e retro: flammear,
verdear, undear. -ijar: become, make oneself: verdijar (turn
green*), rubijar (blush).

-ear: dynamic state of coming and going:

flammear (blaze), verdear, undear

§ 136. Suffixes for verbal nouns.

§ 136. Sufixes por verbal substantives.
a) added to the perfect theme as with § 80:
a) adjuntet al tema perfectic secun § 80:
-ion: action, also result and location of it:
-ion: action, anc resultat e loc de it:
administration, expedition, construction,
administration, expedition, construction,
distribution, explosion.
distribution, explosion.
-or: acting person, thing or factor:
-or: actent person, cose o factor:
administrator, expeditor, distributor,
administrator, expeditor, distributor,
constructor, ventilator, compressor,
constructor, ventilator, compressor, divisor.
-ura: concretisat action e su resultate:
-ura: concrete action or its result:
reparatura, garnitura, lectura, creatura.
reparatura, garnitura, lectura, creatura.

b) adjuntet al tema presentic secun § 84: b) added to the present theme as with § 84:

-ment: concret action o su resultate, o servient -ment: concrete action or its result, or
a, servient quam: fundament, nutriment, serving to / serving as: fundament,
movement. nutriment, movement.

c) adjuntet al radica verbal secun § 85: c) added to the verbal root as with § 85:

-ida (verbes in -ar: -ada): action in durada: -ida (verbs in -ar: -ada): continuing action:
promenada, perdida, currida. promenada, perdida, currida.

d) added to the present participle as with §

d) adjuntet al participie presentic secun § 82:
-ie: statú in durada: tolerantie, provenientie,
-ie: continuing state: tolerantie,
provenientie, existentie.

§ 137. Personal sufixes. § 137. Personal sufifxes.

-er-: person professional: molinero, lavera, -er-: professional person: molinero, lavera,
librero, vitrero. librero, vitrero.

-ist: person ocupant se pri, adherente de: -ist: person occupying themself with,
calvinist, socialist, librist, telegrafista. adherent of: calvinist, socialist, librist,
-or: cp. § 136.
-or: cp. § 136.
-ari-: person caracterisat per alquó external, p.
-ari-: person characterized by something
ex. un function: millionario, functionaria,
external, ex. a function: millionario,
bibliotecario, pensionaria.
functionaria, bibliotecario, pensionaria.
-on: person caracterisat per un intern o natural
-on: person characterized by an internal or
qualitá: dormon, savagion, spiona, pedon.
natural quality: dormon, savagion, spiona,
-ard: persones con mal qualitá: falsard,
dinamitard, mentard.
-ard: people with a bad quality: falsard,
dinamitard, mentard.
-astr-: persones de valore interiori:
medicastro, poetastra.
-astr-: people with internal value:
medicastro, poetastra.
-es-: habitante (anc adjectivic): francese,
franceso, francesa, francesi, borgeso.
-es-: inhabitant (also adjectival): francese,
franceso, francesa, francesi, borgeso.
-ane, -ano, -ana: cp. § 140.
-ane, -ano, -ana: cp. § 140.
-essa: féminas con special dignitá o function:
princessa, diaconessa, actressa,
-essa: women with special dignity or
function: princessa, diaconessa, actressa,
-ell: yun animale: agnell, leonello.
-ell: young animal: agnell, leonello.

§ 138. Qualitative suffixes.

§ 138. Qualitativ sufixes.
-ie: abstract nouns, state (cp. § 82, 136):
-ie: abstract substantives, statu (cp. § 82, 136):
anatomie, maladie, elegantie, existentie,
anatomie, maladie, elegantie, existentie,
furie, tirannie.
furie, tirannie.
-itá (-etá, if the root ends with i): quality:
-itá (-etá, si li radica fini per i): qualitá:
homanitá, yunitá, quantitá, proprietá,
homanitá, yunitá, quantitá, proprietá,
-ore: of verbs: state, of adjectives:
-ore: de verbes: statu, de adjectives: qualitá
measurable quality: amore, terrore, calore,
mesurabil: amore, terrore, calore, longore,
longore, grandore.
-esse: pregnant quality or state: altesse,
-esse: pregnant qualitá o statu: altesse,
grandesse, finesse, yunesse,
grandesse, finesse, yunesse, delicatesse.
§ 139. Local e colectiv sufixes. § 139. Local and colective suffixes.

-ia: loc, land: dormitoria, Germania, dominia, -ia: location, land: dormitoria, Germania,
abatia. dominia, abatia.

-eríe: profession e su productes (-er + -ie), -eríe: profession and its products (-er + -ie),
metaforicmen anc maniere de acter, caractere: metaphorically also manner of an actor,
vitreríe, potteríe, bigotteríe, diaboleríe. character: vitreríe, potteríe, bigotteríe,
-ería: loc de profession (-er + -ia): librería,
juvelería, vitrería. -ería: location of a profession (-er + -ia):
librería, juvelería, vitrería.
-iera: vast loc contenent alquo: torfiera,
pisciera, rosiera. -iera: vast location containing something:
torfiera, pisciera, rosiera.
-iere: vase etc. contenent alquo: incriere,
tabaciere, butoniere. -iere: vase etc. containing something:
incriere, tabaciere, butoniere.
-iero: portant alquo: rosiero, candeliero,
pomiero. -iero: carrying something: rosiero,
candeliero, pomiero.
-atu: institution o situation social o legal,
dignitá, anc loc, témpor o dominia de it: -atu: institution or situation social or legal,
viduatu, proletariatu, secretariatu, califatu, dignity, also its location, time or domain:
episcopatu. viduatu, proletariatu, secretariatu,
califatu, episcopatu.
-uore: loc, utensil: trottuore, lavuore,
reservuore, tiruore. -uore: location utensil: trottuore, lavuore,
reservuore, tiruore.
-ade: multitá, serie, contenida: colonade,
boccade, olimpiade. -ade: multitude, series, content: colonade,
boccade, olimpiade.
-allia: colectives sin órdine, o despreciativ:
antiquallia, ferrallia, canallia. -allia: collectives without order, or
depreciative: antiquallia, ferrallia, canallia.
-age: colectives con órdine, coses fat de:
foliage, plumage, boscage, tonnage, -age: collectives with order, things made by:
plantage, lanage, linage. foliage, plumage, boscage, tonnage,
plantage, lanage, linage.
de verbes: activitá, precipue industrial o
professional, anc su resultate, loc o témpor, anc of verbs: activity, mainly industrial or
li custas por it: rafinage, abordage, luage, professional, also its result, location or time,
viage, doanage. also its expenses*: rafinage, abordage,
luage, viage, doanage.
-arium: colection ordinat, precipue scientic o
tecnic: herbarium, planetarium, aquarium, -arium: ordered collection, mostly scientific
rosarium. or technical: herbarium, planetarium,
aquarium, rosarium.

-ité (-eté, si li radica fini per i); totalité de -ité (-eté, if the root finishes with i); totality of
persones o coses: homanité, yunité, societé. people or things: homanité, yunité,
-un: singul exemplare: grelun, sablun, scalun.
-un: single example: grelun, sablun,

§ 140. Adjectivic sufixes.

§ 140. Adjectival suffixes.
(Li concernent substantives, format per
(The concerned nouns formed by noun finals
desinenties substantivic, es indicat in
are indicated in parenthesis)
-al: general adjectival relation: musical,
-al: general adjectivic relation: musical,
cordial, central (centrale), ideal (ideale).
cordial, central (centrale), ideal (ideale).
-ic: being that way: metallic, fanatic
-ic: essent tal: metallic, fanatic (fanatico),
(fanatico), fantastic, scientic.
fantastic, scientic.
Greek nouns ending with -ma add a -t-, those
Grec substantives finient per -ma intercala -t-,
ending with -se (x = cs) mute the s into t:
tales finient per -se (x = cs) muta li s in t:
problematic, dramatic, elipse, eliptic,
problematic, dramatic, elipse, eliptic,
hipnose, hipnotic, sintax, sintactic
hipnose, hipnotic, sintax, sintactic
With -ica one indicates sciences or arts, with
Per -ica on indica scienties o artes, per -ico
-ico those that do them: fisic, fisica, fisico,
lor executores: fisic, fisica, fisico, aviatica,
aviatica, aviatico, politic, politica, politico.
aviatico, politic, politica, politico.

-an: apartenent a: american (americano, -an: pertaining to: american (americano,

americana, americanes), homan. americana, americanes), homan.

-at (pos substantives): providet per: barbat, -at (after nouns): provided by: barbat, foliat,
foliat, talentat (talentate). talentat (talentate).

-ut: tro rich in, exuberant: barbut (barbute), -ut: very rich in, exuberant: barbut (barbute),
armut, sandut. armut, sandut.

-osi: rich in, havent: famosi, musculosi, -osi: rich in, having: famosi, musculosi,
respectosi, spinosi. respectosi, spinosi.

-aci: inclinat a: mordaci, tenaci, vivaci. -aci: inclined to: mordaci, tenaci, vivaci.
-ari: conform a, convenient a: populari, -ari: conforming to, convenient* with:
regulari, militari (militare). populari, regulari, militari (militare).

-atri: simil a: spongiatri, verdatri. -atri: similar to: spongiatri, verdatri.

-esc: amemorant a, in maniere de: infantesc -esc: reminding of, in the manner of:
(infantesco), gigantesc. infantesc (infantesco), gigantesc.

-in: consistent de, provenient de: argentin, -in: consisting of, parentage of: argentin,
alpin, matrin, svinin (svinine). alpin, matrin, svinin (svinine).

-iv (adjuntet al tema perfectic secun § 80): -iv (added to the perfect theme as wel § 80):
actent talmen, capabil: decorativ, obligativ, acting as, able: decorativ, obligativ,
consolativ, definitiv, constructiv, ofensiv consolativ, definitiv, constructiv, ofensiv
(ofensive), directiv (directive), alternativ (ofensive), directiv (directive), alternativ
(alternative). (alternative).

-ori (adjuntet al tema perfectic secun § 80): -ori (added to the perfect theme as with § 80):
destinat a, devent acter talmen (adjective de destined toward, should act as (adjective of
-or): decoratori, obligatori, consolatori, -or): decoratori, obligatori, consolatori,
ilusori, preparatori, instructori. ilusori, preparatori, instructori.

-ibil (verbes in -ar: -abil, cp. § 85): de verbes -ibil (verbs in -ar: -abil, cp. § 85): of transitive
transitiv: quo on posse far, de verbes verbs: what one can do, of intransitive verbs:
íntransitiv: quo posse far: formabil, audibil, what can do: formabil, audibil, íncredibil,
нncredibil, visibil, explosibil, combustibil visibil, explosibil, combustibil
(combustibile). (combustibile).

-nd (verbes in -ir: -end) adjuntet al tema -nd (verbs in -ir: -end) added to the present
presentic: a far: leend, dividend (dividende). theme: to do: leend, dividend (dividende).

§141. Mult paroles international contene grec §141. Many international words contain greek
e latin afixes: and latin affixes:

ab-: for: abducter. ab-: afar: abducter.

anti-: contra: anticrist, antisocial. anti-: against: anticrist, antisocial.

arch(i)-: gradu maxim superiori: archangel, arch(i)-: highest grade: archangel,

archiepiscop, archifripon. archiepiscop, archifripon.

auto-: self: automobile, autodidacte. auto-: self: automobile, autodidacte.

pseudo-: fals, semblant: pseudoscientie, pseudo-: false, seeming: pseudoscientie,

pseudocrist, pseudomala-die. pseudocrist, pseudomala-die.

-isme: doctrin, sistema, movement: -isme: doctrine, system, movement:

catolicisme, centralisme, socialisme. catolicisme, centralisme, socialisme.

-oid: simil: negroid (negroide), elipsoid. -oid: similar: negroid (negroide), elipsoid.

§142. Ultra li indicat productiv afixes existe §142. Beyond the productive affixes exist
quelc ínproductiv afixes, queles ne forma some nonproductive affixes, which do not
nov paroles, ma explica existent paroles form new words, but explain existing
international. P. ex.: -id, -ore. international words. Ex: -id, -ore.

friger, frigid, frigore, valer, valid, valore, riger, friger, frigid, frigore, valer, valid, valore, riger,
rigid, rigore, rigiditá, rigorosí, rigorositá. rigid, rigore, rigiditá, rigorosí, rigorositá.


§ 143. Maxim frequent es li metode plazzar li § 143. Most frequent is the method of placing
complement sin preposition avan li the complement without a preposition in front
substantive resp. li verb, con o sin strec of the noun relating to the verb, with or without
ligativ. a dash.

scri-table = table por scrir, vent-moline = scri-table = table for writing, vent-moline = mill
moline movet del vent, chapel-bux, nota- moved by the wind, chapel-bux, nota-librette,
librette, postcarte, scrimachine, tippmachine, postcarte, scrimachine, tippmachine, mult-
mult-lateral, circumnavigar, contraproposition. lateral, circumnavigar, contraproposition.

In nov-formationes it es recomendat ligar li du In new formations it is recommended to link

paroles per un strec ligativ. In compositiones the two words with a hyphen. In compositions
ja international li du paroles multvez es ligat already international the two words are often
per un o o i. joined with an o or i.

ferrovia, agricultura, uníform, li uniforme, ferrovia, agricultura, uníform, li uniforme,

aeroplan, electromotor. aeroplan, electromotor.

Pro simplicitá e plu grand comprensibilitá e For simplicity or more comprehensability and
claritá it recomenda se in mult casus usar clarity it is recommended in many cases to
atributes vice compositiones. use attributes instead of compositions.

animale domestic, premie de assecurantie, animale domestic, premie de assecurantie,

comunication per vapornaves. comunication per vapornaves.

Li sequent unic págine de frases in Interlingue The following unique page of phrases in
contene por chascun essential regul del Interlingue contain for every essential rule of
grammatica de Interlingue, inclusive li sintax, the grammar of interlingue, including syntax, a
un frase specimenic. Tam simplic es li specimen phrase. The mechanism of this
mecanisme de ti lingue international, que un international is so simple that a much larger
mult plu grand circul de persones es capabil circle of people is capable of really mastering
realmen mastrisar ti simplic mecanisme sin this simple mechanism without exceptions,
exceptiones, quam to vell esser possibil in than it would be possible in any national
alquel lingue national con su mult plu language with its much more complicated
complicat regules e con omni li exceptiones e rules and with all the exceptions and the mass
li amasse de special manieres de expression. of special manners of expression.s However
Tamen Interlingue possede li plen expressivitá Interlingue possesses the full expressivity of
del lingues national; nam it ne renuncia a cert national languages; because it does not
possibilitás de expression, it solmen selecte in renounce certain possibilities of expression, it
chascun punctu li maxim simplic o li maxim only selects in every point the most simple or
conosset form de expression. most well known form of expression.
1 1

• Yo manja un pom. • I eat an apple.

• Li pom es un fructe. • The apple is a fruit.
• Tu manja un pir. • You eat a pear.
• It anc es un fructe. • It also is a fruit.
• Noi manja du bon fructes. • We eat two good fruits.
• Mi fratre manja prunes; il manja tri • My brother eats prunes; he eats three
prunes. prunes.
• Mi sestra manja cereses; ella manja • My sister eats cherries; she eats many
mult cereses. cherries.
• lli manja prunes e cereses. • They eat prunes and cherries.
• Vu manja pires, prunes e cereses. • You eat pears, prunes and cherries.
• On manja li mult bon fructes. • One eats the best fruits.
• Yo prefere li dulcis. • I prefer the sweet ones.
• A mi patre yo di “tu”, ma tu di “vu” a mi • To my father I say "tu", but you say "vu"
patre. to my father.
• Li patre es grand e li matre anc es • The father is big and the mother also is
grand; ili es grand. big; they are big.

• I see you.
• Yo vide te.
• I give you a pear.
• Yo da te un pir.
• I give the pear to you.
• Yo da li pir a te.
• The pear is mine.
• Li pir es de me.
• The father gives an apple to the
• Li patre da un pom al filia.
• Ella es li sestra del filio.
• She is the sister of the son.

3 3
• Yo lava me.
• Yo lava te. • I wash me.
• Tu lava me. • I wash you.
• Tu lava te. • You wash me.
• Tu lava le. • You wash you.
• Il lava se. • You wash him.
• Il lava le. • He washes himself.
• Il lava la. • He washes him.
• Il lava it. • He washes her.
• Il lava nos. • He washes it.
• Ella lava se. • He washes us.
• It lava se. • She washes herself.
• It lava it. • It washes itself.
• On lava se. • It washes it.
• Noi lava nos. • One washes oneself.
• Vu lava vos. • We wash us.
• Vu lava nos. • You wash you.
• lli lava se. • You wash us.
• lli lava les. • They wash themselves.
• Yo da mi pom a te. • They wash them.
• Tu da tui pir a nos. • I give my apple to you.
• Vu da vor fructes a les. • You give your pear to us.
• lli da lor fructes a le. • You give your fruits to them.
• Yo da te mi pom, etc. • They give their fruits to them.
• I give you my apple, etc.

4 4

• Mi pom es plu grand quam su prunes, • My apple is larger than your prunes,
ma it es min grand quam tui pir. but it is smaller than your pear.
• Li maxim grand de vor fructes es tui pir, • The largest of your fruits is your pear,
li minim grand su cereses. the least big its cherries.
• Nor pom e pir es tam bell quam lor • Our apple and pear is as beautiful as
prunes e cereses. their prunes and cherries.
• Nor fructes es tam bell quam li lores. • Our fruits are as beautiful as theirs.
• Lu maxim bell es li bellissim • What is most beautiful is the very
composition del colores. beautiful composition of colours.

5 5

• Yo es ci. • I am here.
• Tu anc es ci. • You also are here.
• Ma il es ta. • But he is there.
• Ti fructes es bell. • Those fruits are beautiful.
• Ti-ci pom es verd. • This apple here is green.
• But that pear there is yellow.
• Ma ti-ta pir es yelb.
• These cherries here are red, those
• Ti-ci cereses es rubi, tis-ta es nigri.
there are black.
• To es bell colores.
• Those are beautiful colours.

• Who comes?
• Qui veni? • The daughter.
• Li filia. • Which daughter?
• Quel filia? • The neighbor's daughter.
• Li filia del vicino. • Which is the house of the neighbor?
• Qual es li dom del vicino? • His/her house is large.
• Su dom es grand. • What does the daughter want?
• Quo li filia vole? • She brings fruits for the children that
• Ella aporta fructes por li infantes queles love them.
ama les. • I don't know what to do, because all
• Yo ne save quo far, nam omnes ama love them.
les. • Those which have worked the most
• Tis qui ha laborat maxim mult, recive li receive the largest fruits; those which
maxim grand fructes; tis queles ha have worked little receive the smallest
laborat poc, recive li min grand fructes. fruits.
• Talmen on save tre rapidmen qualmen • That way one knows very quickly how
distribuer li fructes. to distribute the fruits.
• Ti metode functiona bon; it es corect. • That method functions well; it is

7 7

• Hodíe yo labora ci. • Today I work here.

• Yer yo ha arivat. • Yesterday I have arrived.
• Yo arivat per li tren de Paris, u yo hat • I arrived by the train from Paris, where I
laborat antey. had worked before.
• Deman yo va departer per auto pos har • Tomorrow I will depart by car after
finit mi labor. having finished my work.
• Yo vell restar plu long, ma on telegrafat • I would rest longer, but one
me: Veni tam bentost quam possibil! telegraphed me: Come as quick as
• Dunc lass nos finir nor maxim urgent possible!
labores. • So let us finish our most urgent work.
• Li altri labores queles yo ancor vell har • The other work that I still would have
devet far, yo va dever far plu tard; ples done, I will have to do later; please
excusar to. excuse that.
• Quande yo fa bon mi labores, yo es • When I do my work well I am
estimat e yo va esser bon payat. appreciated and I will be well-paid.
• In Paris yo hat esset honorat per un • In Paris I had been honoured by a
special premie. special prize.
• To mey suficer. • That may suffice.

8 8

• Li patre da li libre al filio. • The father gives the book to the son.
• Li bon patre sovente voluntarimen da • The good father often voluntarily gives
bell libres a su diligent filio. beautiful books to his diligent son.
• Il da ne li fructe, ma li libre. • He gives not the fruit, but the book.
• Ne il da li libre, ma ella. • It's not him that gives the book, but her.
• Anc yo ama vos. • I also love you.
• Yo ama solmen vos. • I love only you.
• Yo videt le. • I see him.
• Yo te dat it. • I give it to him.
• Yo dat it te. • I give it to him.
• Yo dat it a te. • I give it to him.
• A te yo dat it. • To him I give it.

• Had you understood me
• Esque vu hat comprendet me?
• Have you understood me?
• Ha vu comprendet me?
• How many people do you believe you
• Quant persones tu crede vider?
can see?
• Crede tu vider mult persones?
• Do you believe you can see many
• Qui tu vide?
• Qui vide te?
• Whom do you see?
• Il di que il es malad.
• Who sees you?
• Il pensat que yo ha venit.
• He says that he is sick.
• Ella questionat, proquo yo es tam felici.
• He thought that I have come.
• Yo desira que il mey venir.
• She asked why I am so happy.
• Si yo vell esser malad, yo vell restar in
• I hope that he may come.
• If I would be sick I would stay at home.
• Yo ne save, ca yo comprende vos
• I don't know if I understand you
• Ca il veni o ne, noi va comensar.
• We will start whether he comes or not.
• Si on vell saver, ca il veni!
• If one would know whether he comes!*
• Yo crede que yo ha videt le.
• I believe that I have seen him.
• Yo crede har videt le.
• I believe I have seen him.
• Yo crede vider le.
• I believe I have seen him.

Accentuation: Li poc articules del grammatica Stress: Li poc articules del grammatica e li
e li vocabularium de Interlingue es facilissim e vocabularium de Interlingue es facilissim e
representa índubitabilmen li maximum de representa índubitabilmen li maximum de
simplicitá. simplicitá.
Textu de un disco de grammofon recivibil del Text of a grammophone disk available
Interlingue-Centrale from Interlingue-Central
Car auditores! Dear listeners!
I speak to you in the international
language Interlingue. The centre of the
International Interlingue Union has made
the edition of this grammophone disk to
Yo parla a vos in li lingue international Interlingue. demonstrate to all interested that
Li centre del international Interlingue Union ha fat li Interlingue does not sound like an
edition de ti disco de grammofon por demonstrar a artificial or constructed language, but as
omni interessates, que Interlingue ne sona quam a language completely natural and
un lingue artificial e constructet, ma quam un similar to national languages. And if you
lingue tot natural e simil al lingues national. E si vu study a text in Interlingue, you will
studia un textu in Interlingue, vu va constatar, que confirm, that printed and written, the
anc printat e scrit, li aspecte de ti lingue es egal a ti aspect of that language is the same as
del grand lingues cultural del occidente con scrition those of the large cultural languages of
per lítteres latin. Ti lítteres latin es usat in li the Occident written with Latin letters.
maniere ja acustomat al maxim grand númere de Those Latin letters are used in the
europanes e americanes, e li unitari pronunciation accustomed manner to the largest
es garantit, proque omnes have ja nu li ocasion number of Europeans and Americans,
acustomar se al normal pronunciation per li medie and the unified pronounciation is
del discos de grammofon. E certmen pos un curt guaranteed, because everyone now has
témpor on va anc in li radio-emissiones sempre plu the opportunity to get used to the normal
e plu audir discurses e novas parlat in li lingue pronounciation through grammophone
international Interlingue. disks. And certainly after a short time one
will also hear in radio broadcasts always
more and more discourses and news
spoken in the international language
Si noi parla a un person pri Interlingue, on If we speak to a person in Interlingue,
questiona nos sempre: Ma it existe ya ja altri they always ask us: but there already
lingues, queles nómina se mundlingue. Yes, on fat exist other languages that call
un grand reclame por ti lingues, e mult homes con themselves the world language. Yes,
imens entusiasme ha sacrificat durante plu quam there has been much advertising for
sixant annus mult labor e enorm summas por li those languages, and many people with
ideale de un lingue comun por omni popules del immense enthusiasm have sacrificed
terra. Ma regretabilmen omni ti penas ne posset much work and enormous amounts over
haver success, proque li munde ne accepta un more than sixty years for the ideal of a
lingue artificial, un lingue quel fa necessi reflecter common language for all peoples of the
in un maniere contrari al acustomation de omni Earth. But regretably all these efforts
nationes. Pro to on devet in prim trovar un lingue, have not been able to have success,
quel contene li vermen international paroles, ma in because the world does not accept an
lor formes natural, ne deformat per artificialmen artificial language, a language which
adjuntet vocales e consonantes e síllabes. E anc li makes it necessary to think in a manner
grammatica deve esser tam simplic quam possibil. contrary to the habit of all nations.
Because of that it was necessary from
the beginning to find a language that
contains the real international words, but
in their natural forms, not deformed by
artificially added vowels and consonants
It ne deve contener regules complicat, queles mem
and syllables. And also the grammar
ne existe in li majorité del lingues national, quo
needs to be as simple as possible. It
pruva, que ti regules ne es necessi por li clar
should not contain complicated rules
expression e comprension del pensas.
which do not even exist in the majority of
national languages, which proves that
those rules are not necessary for the
clear expression and comprehension of
Pro to Edgar de Wahl, professor in Tallinn, Estonia, Because of that Edgar de Wahl, a
separat se del lingue-projectes artificial e serchat li professor in Tallinn, Estonia, removed
solution del problema in un altri direction. Il studiat himself from the artificial language
denov li lingues national self, e serchat li paroles e projects and searched for the solution to
li regules grammatical ja existent in li maxim mult the problem in another direction. He
lingues cultural. Per li decovrition del talnominat studied national languages once again
“Regul de Wahl” il regularisat milles de extrem himself, and searched out the words and
frequent paroles, queles li precedent projectes de the grammatical rules already existing in
lingue international devet excluder e vicear per most cultural languages. With the
artificial parol-constructiones. Ti Regul de Wahl es discovery of the so-called "de Wahl's
li miraculosi clave al sol lingue vermen Rule" he regularized thousands of
international e in sam témpor regulari. Edgar de extremely frequent words, which the
Wahl ha studiat scienties exact, linguistica e bell preceding international language projects
artes. Fórsan just ti mixtura de interesses e had to exclude and change with artificial
saventies fat possibil, que il trovat un lingue word constructions. This de Wahl's Rule
ínataccabil del vispunctu scientic, e in sam témpor is the miraculous key to the only
ne desagreabil por li lingual sentiment. Interlingue language really international and regular
es un lingue autonom e harmonic, e contene omni at the same time. Edgar de Wahl has
essential elementes del principal lingues de studied exact sciences, linguistics and
Europa e America. It es mult plu facil quam li the fine arts. Maybe just that mixture of
precedent projectes de lingue international e interests and knowledges made it
íncomparabilmen plu simplic quam omni lingues possible for him to find a language
national. Un lettre scrit in Interlingue es ja hodíe unattackable from the scientific viewpoint
comprendet de omni persones del munde con and at the same time not disagreeable
relationes international. E proque nequí va serchar for linguistic sentiment. Interlingue is an
paroles plu international quam li paroles autonomous and harmonic language,
international self, nequí va far un proposition por and contains all essential
un nov projecte de lingue international, pos li elements of the principal languages of
seriosi studie de Interlingue li sol lingue vermen Europe and America. It is much easier
international. than the precedent international
language projects and incomparably
easier than all national languages. A
letter written in Interlingue is already
today understood by all people in the
world in international relations. And
because none will search for words more
international than the international words
themselves, no one will make a
proposition for a new international
language project, after serious study of
Interlingue, the only truly international

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