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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position. Some people prefer to read fiction. However, others like to watch movies. Personally, I think that the question whether reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies is a controversial one. For several reasons, which I will mention below, I think each of these options has its advantages. From the one side, reading fiction brings many benefits. First of all, a book can be taken anywhere one goes. For example, while traveling or just taking a bus one can read a book. When I was a student a couple years ago I used to read books while taking a boring lecture. Second of all, reading extends ones vocabulary, improves reading and even writing skills. Reading is essential for children. It extends their range of interests, improves their imagination and helps them gain more knowledge and experience through books. When I was a child my mom always made me read a lot of books. Thanks to her I did not have a problem with writing different kind of essay in the school and I got only high grades. From the other side, watching movies has many benefits too. Firstly, movies usually have more influence on people, their behavior and mood. In addition, watching a movie in a movie theatre gives many advantages such as sound effects, a large screen, etc. Secondly, it is a good way to relax with ones friends, eliminate stress and tension and just have a good time. My husband and I like to watch a movie on Sunday evenings. We drink coffee, eat grapes or apples and make comments while watching the movie. In addition to these benefits, watching movie usually takes less time then reading the whole book. In conclusion, I think that there is no doubt that watching a movie is more enjoyable and impressive then reading a book. However, reading a book brings more benefits for people in general. Moreover, children should spend more time reading books then watching different kinds of movies because scientists say that watching movies has much less use for the growing child.

Topic 127 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Reading fiction (such as novels and shorts stories) is more enjoyable than watching a movie. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position. Some people prefer to watch a movie than to read a book, such as novels or shorts stories. I belong to the last category. Reading a book gives you a lot of satisfactions rather than to watch a movie. By reading a book you can imagine even the characters or the complete scenery, in some books the author describes the characters and the surrounding, but even thou the final real faces and surrounding depends on you. Also, reading can expand your vocabulary, spelling and grammar in all aspects. Primarily, by reading a book you will be a more creative person, because you have to imagine all that the author is describing. In my opinion as more interesting to create you own surrounding, based in the author description, than if it is already set up like in the movies. Furthermore, you can imagine that you are one of the characters of the story, even more if they have your same name. Secondly, reading fiction such as novels or short stories can expand a lot your vocabulary. Even thou we maybe has already a big vocabulary, its almost impossible to manage all the words. We can find in novels or in short stories words that we did not know and by looking up the meaning of them, we will remember them easier. Also, we can learn a lot of grammar structure and spelling by reading all kind of books, such as novels or short stories. However, there maybe people that prefer to watch a movie, instead of reading a novel or a short story. By doing this you can save a lot of time, because is quicklier to watch a movie that to read a novel, and also is easier to watch something already set up than to imagine all the surrounding. Furthermore, you can go with another person, and share the experience of watching a movie with your companion. In conclusion, I support the statement that reading fiction, such as novels or short stories is more enjoyable than watching a movie. In my opinion, imagining the characters and the surrounding is funnier that to watch a movie, and I think that it is important to expand as much you can your vocabulary, grammar and spelling.

Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position. Answer: When TV was invented last century and used popularly in each family, since most of people have changed their hobby which is reading books into watching movies. However, there are still a few others who prefer reading fiction such as novel and short stories than watching movies because of its more enjoyable, including me. There are couples reasons are explained as below. Firstly, in reading books, I can see content of a context that is more detail than in movies. For instance, Harry poster is a famous novel, and then which was transferred into series film. When I read the novel which was interesting in with a lot of things such as dialogue between characters, magic wordsetc. All these things were very clear in sentences which were written by the novelist. Though, these things are shortly cut maximum instead of images in film. If you are a faith fan of Harry poster, I think you will not fully satisfy the movie. Secondly, Not only reading fictions but also reading books, it usually makes people have free absorbability base on what we see in the story. Each reader has not same created-feeling. This is absolutely difference with watching movies. For example, in a movie, a scene describe a woman is very sad, because her boyfriend say goodbye to her. We can only see some tears and her cry of an actress that mean this feeling, but in a story, having only letters without image and sound, this helps readers have an imagination whats happened. The level of creation is never stopped by human brain. In conclusion, even movies are possiblely made as same as a real with computer engineering, but I still like reading fictions because of their specific feature such as having full details, free created-feeling.

I like to think I would always answer yes, but dang it sometimes I just get lazy. hahaha! I can't follow Stephen King to save my life. I just do not have enough bread crumbs to get out of one of his flashbacks. But his movies are a great thrill. And then there are times when I just want to know the story, so I would rather watch the movie because it doesn't take as long. I do love reading though, a LOT. My books are some of my most prized possessions. Many of my favorites books are so obscure and unknown, that they would never hit the big screen anyway. So having the book makes the story all that much more precious. Of course, I say that, knowing that years and years after I read "The Positronic Man" by Isaac Asimov and Robert Silverberg, they came out with "Bicentennial Man" which was a Robin Williams movie based on that book. And I love movies based on books. Sometimes they really disappoint me, but more often than not, its just fun to compare how you imagined it in your head, with how the director put the images together. And it is a quick retelling of the story if you already read it. The Harry Potter movies are great fun for this reason. The imagery in it is somewhat different than I would have thought...and yet I don't resent them for showing me what they thought things looked like because it is so damn cool. How could I have dreamt up Dobby the house elf? OR Gollum from Lord of the Rings?? Having said that, I can give more props to a movie maker who pulled the story out of thin air, and made a movie that was never a book...and I enjoy movies in their own right too. My favorite book and movie pairing is To Kill a Mockingbird. Both are exquisite. I also loved Silence of the Lambs...both book and movie. OH and another one? What Dreams May Come. They were very different, the book and the movie, the filmmaker pretty much turned a non-fiction book into a fictional story based on the characters in the book. Quite a few liberties taken there. But they are both great. A nice compromise to each is books on CD. Unabridged of course. Where you hear the whole written story, and there are no images to interfere with your own mental imagery...but there is sometimes a few sound effects, and different voices for the characters...and it is a lot more passive, maybe shorter way to "read" the book.

Reading fiction is more enjoyable than watching movies? Topic 127: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position. I disagree that reading fiction is more enjoyable than movies. I think movies are easily to pay attention because of visual scenes and sound, the movie stars, and you can share them with your friends. First of all, watching movies easily leads you to the context of movies. It is the same situation as watching TV at home because you can easily get the information what the images want to tell you. The words have many connotations that sometimes you need to figure out all the contexts of books to get the clue, but movies give you abundant images to find and guess what next is. Secondly, you can through watching movies to admire and support your idols. For example, Leonardo Dicaprio is my favorite Hollywood movie star. I look forward and excited about watching his newest movie. I watched first his movie is "Romeo and Juliet" of which he shot many years ago. If movies are shot by the movie stars who you like, you can easily enjoy and be touching by the stories. Last but not least, watching movies are more enjoyable than reading fiction because you can watch the movies with your friends. Going to the theatre with your friends and buying some popcorn and cola, when the plot is funny, you laugh with your friends; when the plot is sad, you cry with your friends. I think reading fiction can not be shared like this way with your friends. In conclusion, I think words themselves have magical ways leading us to another world, and they also can be portable anywhere, however, if you really want to relax yourself to enjoy the stories, why don't you choose to see a movie?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies. Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position. When one fiction, such as a novel or short stories, becomes famous, its content will be immediately used to make a blockbuster or a 3D cartoon. So, there are a lot of people who love watching movies than reading the fiction. But with me, reading it brings me a lot of new experience. After studying at school, I am always tired and sometimes I have a terrible headache. Therefore, I do not want to watch TV because it is very noisy. I just want to enjoy one quite night with a little country music and a novel. I can stop reading when I want and continue it whenever I have free time. I do not need to concentrate on TV for two hours to watch a film, which often makes me tired. Furthermore, when you read a novel, you let your imagination work. For instance, when we read a ghost novel, we often image about the dark night, rain, bolt, and even ghost. It makes the story more interesting because you are living in your own feeling. It is just like you are living the life of the character in the book you are reading. Last but not least, reading books can help you write better. I believe that there are still a lot of people who cannot write a coherent essay, a good paragraph to show other what they are really thinking. You can read books more in order to improve your writing skills because it will help you to have better structures, suitable words in different situations to express your feeling and thinking more clearly.

I think that in the majority of cases books are better than films, unless the original book isn't very good and the film version enhances the story/experience. I think that books allow you the time to really relate to the characters and understand their character fully whereas films don't have the same timeframe to do this. Also, humans absorb more information from reading text than they do from watching film so you could argue that your mind is more focused on a book and if it takes up more of your thoughts then you may find the experience of reading a book more enjoyable, as it holds your thoughts more than a film would. Another thing I enjoy about a book is that because it takes a lot longer to read a book than watch a film, I find it more of a journey and often look forward to carrying on that journey the following day or whatever. I also like reading factual books, so sometimes its nice to have the luxury of being able to look back and re-read a section. This is all just personal opinion though, and I don't know if it will apply to your debate. Good luck with it though I love books and I like movies. I'm also one of those people who have a few books that I would absolutely hate to see turned into a movie because I have my own picture of the characters in my mind. Books force a person to use their imagination to create a world, rather than handing the world to you Books expand vocabulary in a way that television never can (there are studies on this that you can look up, and there was a recent study that showed that if kids are going to watch television, at least having the subtitles on will help them learn some) Books allow the reader to explore, much more intimately than a movie can, the inner workings of a character-their thought processes, their personality, their nasty little hidden thoughts, their motivations... Books are easily transportable. Books don't depend on a power source. You can pass a book down to your children; you can't do that with a DVD First of all I would argue that movies are more of a short story format. It is very difficult to get everything in a novel into a movie. There have been exceptions of course, but usually the book is a much richer experience for the reader the movie. Second movies are primarily a visual medium. Books, through their use of description, tend to engage more of the senses then movies at their best ever can. This, again, gives the reader a much richer experience then going to a movie (or renting DVD). Books can explore emotions and thoughts much better then movies. Movies attempt to enter the characters mind by having the character look quizzical then we hear a voiceover of his voice telling us what he/she is thinking. At best this is clumsy, at worst annoying. Books enter characters though process much more naturally and unobtrusively.

Issue: watching TV and reading books In the age of television, reading books is not as important as it once was. People can learn as much by watching television as they can by reading books." ================================================== =========== My response I agree with the author insofar that watching television has become a more valuable means in learning skills than reading books; in other fields of learning, however, I disagree that the watching television has a equal value with reading books; one the contrary, reading books is still much more important than watching television. To begin with, reading books is better than watching television because it provides an active learning for learners while the latter is a passive one. The difference of these two kinds of learning originates from the disparity that books are a static medium, whereas television program is a dynamic medium. Consequently, book readers can control the speed and the interval of their leaning activity: they can stop to think freely if they want, and continue their reading at any time. In contrast, TV views cannot control the rhythm of the process; they have to follow the program passively, lacking much free time of thinking. In US, Japan, Canada, and other developed countries where watching television is a very common thing among the public, there is rising a deep concern about the indulging of children in TV programs, which would prevent to some extend the mental growth of children; many parents refuse to install cable TV in their houses because they are worrying that their kid would become more passive and more stupid if watching too many programs. In a word, active learning is cherished by the modern education, and reading book can achieve this goal while watching TV cannot. Moreover, reading books is better than watching television because it can learn much more knowledge than the latter does. Understandably, books have existed as a medium of recording knowledge of the world for thousands of years, whereas television is not only a modern invention existing for no more than half a century. Therefore, the number of knowledge in books greatly exceeds that in TV cassettes. We can find so many books in all fields of academic efforts: humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, while in TV cassettes or discs, we can just find much fewer of them. Accordingly, if we want to learn more knowledge with broad scopes and diversified contents, we have to turn to read books rather than watch TV programs. Nonetheless, in the learning of techniques, watching TV programs ar e better than reading books. As mentioned above, the nature of TV programs is dynamic while that of books are static; at the same time, the process of learning techniques require a dynamic show of how the techniques are being conducted. Thus,

the TV programs can provide a perfect medium for learners in this concern. Consider students in art, architecture, music, design, dance, and drama, all pay much attention on the training of skills in their fields. They rely much on watching videos and TV programs to imitate and practice the skills that are the focus of their study. Without these media, it is difficult for them to achieve their learning goals In conclusion, in most cases, as a means of learning, reading book is still much more important than watching television because of its active nature and its extensive content. However, in the learning of skills, watching TV and video is more important than reading books because of its dynamic nature.

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