Quants Quantitative Comparison Directions: Each of The Questions 1-10 Consists of Two Quantities, One in Column A

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QUANTS QUANTITATIVE COMPARISON Directions: Each of the Questions 1-10 consists of two quantities, one in Column A and one

in Column B. You are to compare the two quantities and choose. A B C D If If If If the the the the quantity in Column A is greater; quantity in Column B is greater; two quantities are equal; relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

One fifth of the articles produced by a certain factory are defective. While 1 rejecting the defectives articles, erroneously of the non-defective articles 20 were rejected and same number of defective articles were mixed with the nondefective articles which were later sold to the customers. Column A Column B

1. Percentage of the defective articles sold 5 ___________________________________________________________________ The sum of three numbers is 102. the ratio between the first and the second is 2:3 and that between the second and the third is 5:3. Column A Column B

2. Second number 44 ___________________________________________________________________ The mean marks of all 50 boys of a class is 32 and that of the whole class consisting of boys and girls is 35. the mean mark scored by the girls of the class is 41. Column A Column B

3. Number of girls in the class 24 ___________________________________________________________________ In an examination, a student should get 36% of maximum marks to pass. A student got 113 marks and was declared failed by 85 marks. Column A Column B

4. Maximum marks 600 ___________________________________________________________________

The average of marks obtained by 120 candidates is 35. the average of marks of passed candidates is 39 and that of failed candidates is 15. Column A 5. Column B

Number of candidates who passed 100 the examination ___________________________________________________________________ The cost of sending a telegram to a certain city is 70 cents for the first 15 words and 3 cents of each additional word: Column A 6. Column B

Difference between the total cost of four 20 words telegrams and the $0.75 cost of one 80 word telegram. ___________________________________________________________________ The mean yearly salary of an employee of a company was $20,000. The mean yearly salaries of male and female employees were $20,800 and $16,800 respectively. Column A 7. The ratio of males to females employed by the company A can do a work in 32 days and B in 40 days. They worked together for 10 days and then B leaves. Column A 8. Column B Column B

3 1

Number of days A can finish the remaining work 13 ___________________________________________________________________ A man covers a distance of 40 km in 6 hours; partly at 6 km/hour and partly at 8 km/hour. Column A 9. Column B

Distance covered at Distance covered at 8 km/hour 6 km/hour ___________________________________________________________________ A factory produced 3000 articles in 1982. the production increased by 20% in 1983 and then by 15% in1984. Column A Column B


Percentage increase in the number of articles produced in 1984 over the 36% production in 1982. ___________________________________________________________________

PROBLEM SOLVING 11. The hands of a clock are 10 cm and 7 cm long. What is the approximate distance between their tips at 2 o clock? (A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10 (E) 4 Which of the following is true statement? (A) The difference of two natural numbers is always a natural number. (B) The difference of two integers is always an integer. (C) The product of two integers is a natural number. (D) The quotient of two rational numbers can be irrational (E) None of these Mary spent 20% of her monthly earnings on house rent. Out of the balance, she spent 75% an other expenses. If she had a balance of $250 at the end of the month, what are her monthly earnings (in dollars)? (A) 1000 (B) 1250 (C) 1500 (D) 2000 (E) 2500 A and B can do a piece of work in 45 and 40 days respectively. They began the work together but A leaves after some days and B finished the remaining work in 23 days. Then A has worked for (A) 6 days (B) 8 days (C) 9 days (D) 10 days (E) 12 days Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 6 hours and 8 hours respectively. the pipes are opened together, then after how many hours B should be so that the tank is full in 4 hours? 2 4 (A) (B) 1 (C) (D) 2 (E) 3 3 If both closed,





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Two trains start at the same time from two stations 200 km apart and go in opposite directions on parallel tracks. They cross each other at a distance of 110 km from one of the stations. The ratio of their speeds is: (A) 11 : 20 (B) 9 : 20 (C) 11 : 9 (D) 11 : 10 (E) 8 : 11 Two trains start at the same time from X and Y stations and proceeds towards each other at 40 km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively. When they met, it is found that one train has traveled 60 km more than the other. The distance between the two stations (in km) is (A) 540 (B) 580 (C) 640 (D) 600 (E) 460 A shopkeeper allows 10% discount on his articles. What price must he mark on an article, which costs him $750, to make a profit of 20%? (A) $500 (B) $700 (C) $900 (D) $1100 (E) $1000 A man borrows a sum of money and agrees to pay it off by paying $3150 at the end of the first year and $4400 at the end of the second year. If the rate of simple interest is 5% per annum, the sum borrowed is: (A) $7550 (B) $7000 (C) $6000 (D) $6500 (E) $7500





1 1 and parts of two cans of equal volume are filled with milk. The cans are then 3 4 filled to capacity with water and the mixture of two cans are poured in a big pot. The ratio of milk and water in the new pot is (A) 3 : 16 (B) 7 : 17 (C) 9 : 22 (D) 11 : 23 (E) 6 : 13

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