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The Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on M2 Twist Drill

S.N.Chaudhari1, Dr. G.J. Vikhe patil2


Amrutvahini College of Engineering, sangamner,Ahmednagar, Maharastra.

[email protected] [email protected]

Amrutvahini College of Engineering, sangamner,Ahmednagar,Maharastra.

AbstractM2 tool steel is well suited for twist drill, rimmer, milling cutters and hobs. This work compares the performance of untreated (UT) M2 tool with cryogenically treated (CT) tool on the basis of tool life, flank wear, power consumption, surface roughness and microstructure. The result shows that CT M2 (Twist Drill) tool steel exhibit better performance during operation than untreated M2 tool steel. I. INTRODUCTION

Alan M. Bayer [1] et al. investigated effect of alloying element on mechanical properties, heat treatment of HSS tool and their industrial application. High-speed tool steels and their requirements are defined by The American Society for Testing and Materials in Specification A600-79 The carbon and alloy contents are balanced at levels to give high attainable hardening response, high wear resistance, high resistance to the softening effect of heat, and good toughness for effective use in industrial cutting operations. M for those steels that have molybdenum additions as one of their primary alloying elements. In addition, there is a number that follows either the M or the T. Thus, there are high-speed tool steels designated Ml, M2, M41, Tl, T15, and so on. That number does not have any special significance other than to distinguish one from another. For example, M1 does not mean that it is more highly alloyed than M2 or has greater hardenability or poorer wear resistance The T series contains 12 to 20% tungsten, with chromium, vanadium, and cobalt as the other major alloying elements. The M series contains approximately 3.5 to 10% molybdenum, with chromium, vanadium, tungsten, and cobalt as the other alloying elements. being heat treated to high hardnesses. The M series steels generally have higher abrasion resistance than the T series steels and less distortion in heat treatment; also, they are less expensive. The melting point of the molybdenum steels is somewhat lower than that of the tungsten grades, and thus they require a lower hardening temperature and have a narrower hardening range. The M-type high-speed tool steels are tougher than the T-type high-speed tool steels, but the hot hardness is slightly lower. Compensation for this reduced hot hardness is partially accomplished by the addition of tungsten and, to a lesser extent, vanadium to the plain molybdenum grades. This is one important reason for the popularity of the tungsten-molybdenum grades (like M2, M3, and M4) they afford good hot hardness, which is so desirable in high-speed tool steels. Proper heat treatment is as critical to the success of the cutting tool as material selection itself. Often the highest-quality steel made into the most precise tools does not perform because of improper heat treatment. The object of the heat treating or hardening operation is to transform a fully

annealed high-speed tool steel consisting mainly of ferrite (iron) and alloy carbides into a hardened and tempered martensitic structure having carbides that provide the cutting tool properties. The heat treatment process can be divided into four primary areas, preheating, austenitizing, quenching, and tempering. The most popular lathe tools like Ml, M2, and T1 are suitable for all purpose tool bits. They offer excellent strength and toughness and are suitable for both roughing and finishing and can be used for machining wrought steel, cast steel, cast iron, brass, bronze, copper, aluminium, M3 class 2 and M4 high-speed tool steels have high-carbon and high vanadium contents. The wear resistance is several times that of standard high-speed steels. These bits are hard and tough, withstanding intermittent cuts even under heavy feeds. T4, T5, and T8 combine wear resistance resulting from the higher carbon and vanadium contents together with a higher hot hardness, resulting from cobalt content. General-purpose drills, other than those made from low-alloy steels for low production on wood or soft materials, are made from highspeed tool steels, typically M l, M2, M7, and M 10. For lower cost hardware quality drills, intermediate high-speed tool steels M50 and M52 are sometimes used although they cannot be expected to perform as well as standard high-speed tool steels in production work. For high hot hardness required in the drilling of the more difficult-to-machine alloys such as nickel-base or titanium product, M42, M33, or T15 are used. High-speed tool steel twist drills are not currently being coated as extensively as gear cutting tools because many drills are not used for production applications. Also, the cost of coating (predominantly with titanium nitride) is prohibitive because it represents a higher percentage of the total tool cost. No one composition of high-speed tool steel can meet all cutting tool requirements. The general-purpose molybdenum steels such as Ml, M2, and M7 and tungsten steel T1 are more commonly used than other high-speed tool steels. They have the highest toughness and good cutting ability, but they possess the lowest hot hardness and wear resistance of all the high-speed tool steels. The addition of vanadium offers the advantage of greater wear resistance and hot hardness, and steels with intermediate vanadium contents are suited for fine and roughing cuts on both hard and soft materials. S. Zhirafaret [2] et al. studied the effects of cryogenic treatment on the mechanical properties and microstructures of AISI 4340 steel. There are two types of low-temperature treatment, so called cold treatment CT, at temperatures down to about 800C at dry ice temperature, and deep cryogenic treatment (DCT), at liquid nitrogen temperature, 1960C. In order to evaluate the effect of DCT,

conventional hardening was used as a reference. In this regard, a group of specimens were subjected to conventional hardening including, austenitizing at 8450C for 15 min in a tube furnace under flowing argon atmosphere, followed by oil quenching. Then tempering was carried out at three temperatures of 2000C, 3000C and 4500C, using the same protective argon atmosphere for 2 h. The DCT treatment consisted of slowly cooling oil-quenched specimens to approximately 1960C and holding at this low temperature for 24 h and gradually bringing the specimens back to room temperature. In order to avoid thermal shocks from rapid cooling and heating, the specimens were cooled down and heated up slowly, to and from the cryogenic temperature (1960C), over a 2 h period with the temperature being monitored by a thermocouple attached to the specimen. This gives an average heating/cooling rate of 1.80C/min. This treatment was used directly after oil quenching from the austenitising temperature and was followed by tempering, In this study, eight different heat treating sequences were used to evaluate the response of the steel to cryogenic treatment. Mechanical testing involved hardness and charpy impact tests for the specimens in all sequences. The effect of cryogenic treatment prior to any subsequent tempering process, showed that performing the cryogenic treatment directly after quenching caused a slight increase in the average hardness. The slight improvement can be attributed to the transformation of a small amount of the retained austenite to martensite It is observed that for both conditions (cryogenic and conventional ) by increasing the tempering temperature, toughness first decreased to around 11 J at 300 0C, and then increased to higher values at 4550C This behaviour is the well-known temper embrittlement of steel when tempered in the temperature range between 2500C and 4000C DCT specimens showed higher fatigue stress levels than those without this treatment.Mechanical tests, including rotating fatigue, impact and hardness were carried out, after various heat treating conditions and the results were compared. Main macrostructural effect of the cryogenic treatment was a small reduction in the quantity of retained austenite, which was transformed to martensite by applying the cryogenic treatment. This led to an increase in hardness due to the higher amount of martensite. This effect remained even after tempering. Employing the cryogenic treatment showed slightly detrimental effects (14.3% decreases) on the impact energy toughness prior to tempering. The fatigue limit of the steel was improved after cryogenic treatment and tempering. This was attributed to the higher hardness and strength of the material due to this treatment. [5] N.B. Dhokey [3] et al. carried out hardness, wear rate, SEM, and residual stresses for the investigation of the cause of failure of cryogenically cracked M35 tool steel. Hardening of M35 tool steel was done in the sintering tubular furnace in steps viz. 5500C, 9000C for half an hour in argon atmosphere and finally 12000C for 2 min followed by oil quenching. The triple tempering was carried out at 4000C for 2h followed by air cooling to room temperature. The specimen quenched in oil is designated as H. The cryogenic

treatment was carried out immediately after hardening (HC) and followed by tempering (HCT). It was found that ashardened (H) specimen when cryotreated increases hardness and residual stresses. The kinetic of carbides precipitation is found to be governed by the amount of cryosoaking time (4 48 h). It was concluded that excessive accumulation of residual stresses at cryogenic temperature is the prime parameter for the cracking to occur by way of shear fracture and the responsible factors are resolved using the proposed failure mechanism. Flavio J. da Silva [4] investigated the performance of cryogenically treated M2 high speed steel tools. The tools were cryogenically treated at 1960C followed by three cycles of heating to temperatures in the order of +196 0C for tempering, lasting a total of 43 h. The hardness and the microhardness of the M2 HSS samples were not significantly affected by the cryogenic treatment. The cryogenic treatment increased the performance of the M2 HSS twist drills. The gain observed during drilling steels adopting catastrophic failure as the end of tool life criterion varied from 65% to 343% depending on the cutting conditions used. Depending on the application the cryogenic treatment may be a good alternative for having productivity enhancement. Rupinder singh [5] et al. studied enhancement of tool material machining charactrestics with crogenic treatment..Cryogenic processing is a supplementary process to conventional heat treatment of tool steel for industrial applications like HSS centre drill, carbide insert for CNC turning, U drilling, face milling and keyway milling. The cryogenic process conducted at -1840C .After ramping down to -1840C, material is soaked at 18 hour and brought up to room temperature in 9 hour. Total duration of cryogenic treatment was about 36 hour. Then material is tempered at 1500c.This temperature is achieves in 1.5 hour and kept this temperature at 4 hour. Then it brought back to room temperature in next 1.5 hour. Cryogenic treatment improves mechanical properties like wear resistance, toughness and resistance to fatigue cracking. This is due to the, transformation of retained austenite into stable martensite. The phase transformation leads to the increase in density of dislocations and vacancies which in turns enhance the diffusion coefficient of carbon. This microstructure evolution induces the precipitation of very tiny carbides during the cryogenic treatment. The result of cryogenic treatment shows enhancement of tool life HSS centre drill, carbide insert and HSS cutter by 5% to 22.2%. S. Sendooran [6] et al conducted metallurgical investigation on cryogenic treated HSS tool. Investigation was carried out about change in microstructure and hardness of the AISI M2 (or) HS 6-5-2 tool before and after the deep cryogenic treatment (DCT). In this method called deep cryogenic tempering, subjects tools placed in a specially constructed tank to temperature around (-1960C) for thirty minutes using liquid nitrogen as the refrigerant. Slowly cooling the tool steel to deep cryogenic temperatures and soaking it at this low temperature for 20 minutes changes the materials microstructure is to improve mechanical property

of material. Transformation of retained austenite at low temperatures in tool steels generally is believed to be dependent only on temperature, not on time. Thus, merely reaching a suitably low temperature for an instant would produce the same effect as holding for several days. Cryogenic treatments can produce not only transformation of retained austenite to martensite, but also can produce metallurgical changes within the martensite cryogenic treatment of high alloy steels, such as tool steel, results in the formation of very small carbide particles dispersed in the martensite structure between the larger carbide particles present in the steel. This strengthening mechanism is analogous to the fact that the concrete made of cement and large rocks is not as strong as concrete made of cement, large rocks and very small rocks, (coarse sand). The small & hard carbide particles within the martensitic matrix help support the matrix and resist penetration by foreign particles in abrasion wear. The reported large improvements in tool life usually are attributed to this dispersion of carbides in conjunction with retained austenite transformation. Lakhwinder pal Singh [7] et al. compared performance of cryogenically treated HSS tool with untreated HSS tool. The cryogenic treatment was carried out on turning tool. The parameters like surface finish of work specimen, weight loss, flank wear and power consumption were selected for comparision.The microstructure obtained from SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)shows that microstcture of cryogenically treated HSS tool get more refined ,with uniformly distributed fine alloy carbide in tempered martensite. The result of wear i.e. flank wear vary widely. Wear of UT HSS tool war more than CT HSS tool.Power consumption of UT HSS was more as compared than CT HSS tool. The surface roughness of workpiece CT HSS tool represents the positive scope of cryogenic treatment on tool steel. Alava L.A. [8] studied about basic fundamental of cryogenic treatment and its effect and application from different industry. In conventional cryogenic treatments the materials are slowly cooled down to a temperature around -1800C and maintained for a period of time that lasts from eight hours to two or even more days. After the soak, the materials are slowly heated up to ambient temperature. Sometimes the treatment is completed with a soft tempering. The entire process typically needs two to three days to be completed. The multistage cryogenic treatment is a more advanced process that has been developed as an evolution from the conventional ones. In this treatment the isothermal soak at cryogenic temperature is substituted by several cryogenic cooling/heating phases. This process is more effective but its main advantage is that it is much faster (an average of fifteen hours for the whole process) than the conventional ones. It is possible to find applications in practically every industrial sector:

machining, casting, injection moulding, forging, welding, automotive, aerospace, electronics, steel, timber industries, mining, agriculture, motorsports, etc. Some examples of parts that can improve their performance and increase their lives are: knives, cutting tools (drill bits, carbide inserts, mills, hobs, broaches), saws, punches, dies, rolls, moulds, electrodes, gears, shafts, bearings, springs, cables. Another typical application of this technology is the treatment of gear cutting tools like hobs. A company specialized in the manufacturing of flywheel starter ring gears for the automotive industry uses inserted blade hobs. These hobs are made of HSS (M35) and coated with TiN. This kind of tools cannot be coated every time they are sharpened because the coating temperatures are too high for the resins that accurately fix the blades in its position. Nevertheless, the multistage cryogenic treatment avoids this problem and, in this case, the cryogenically treated hobs cut between 50 % and 100 % more ring gears than the untreated ones. During the it was found that cryogenically treated drill bits was, as an average, three times longer than the untreated ones Peter Jurci[9] et al investigate effect of sub zero treatment after and between quenching and tempering vanadis 6PM ledeburitic tool steel .The structure ,hardness and three point bending strength was investigated as a function of heat treatment. The experimental material selected was the PM ledeburitic steel Vanadis 6. Five specimens were used for the investigation at each processing parameters. The specimens were then subjected to the heat treatment in selected processes, the sub-zero treatment at a temperature of -900C for 4h was inserted between the quenching and tempering. Three point bending tests have been carried out. Heat treatment leads to a substantial hardness increase. With increasing austenitizing temperature the hardness increases. It is natural to expect this fact because higher austenitizing temperature induces better dissolution of secondary carbides and higher supersaturation level of the martensite after quenching. The three point bending strength decreases with the increasing austenitizing temperature,. This is natural to expect because increased austenitizing temperature results in coarse grains and, generally growth of structural constituents, which makes the bending strength obviously lower It was found that higher austenitizing temperature results in a hardness increase of the Vanadis 6 steel and lowering of the three point bending strength. Principal explanation is given by the fact that increased austenitizing temperature results in the grain coarsening, which makes the material more brittle. Increased tempering temperature beyond the secondary hardness peak increases the three point bending strength and lowers the hardness. J. Jelenkowski et al [10] compare microstructure of cryogenically treated HSS 6-5-2 steel with conventional treated tool. Transmission electron

microscopy and scanning electron microscopy observations were carried out. Studies of thermal stability in range of temperatures from -1960C to 4000C were performed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).The HS6-5-2 high speed steel was heat treated in a conventional mode for secondary hardness or was processed in a mode with use of DCT, with and without next tempering. In first mode, Austenitizing (12000C) + Quenching + Tempering (550 0C, 2 h) sequence was carried out. In second mode Austenitizing (1200 0C) + Quenching + DCT (-1800C, 24 h) carried out. In third mode Austenitizing (12000C) + Quenching + DCT (-1800C, 24 h) + Tempering (5500C, 2h) sequence was carried out. Transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy observations were carried out. Studies of thermal stability in range of temperatures from -1960C to 4000C were performed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).The result shows that Deep cryogenic treatment doesnt alter the amount, size and distribution of special carbides, whereas it refines the substructure of martensite laths and plates. Zbigniew Zurecki [11] reexamines effects of various heat-treatment schedules including liquid nitrogen (-1960C) and liquid helium (-2690C) quenching on microstructure and selected properties of A2-grade tool steel. There were five sets of A2 samples of each type treated within each condition in order to produce statistically valid averages. The same austenitizing and oil quenching procedure was used in all seven conditions. The austenitizing was carried out at 980oC for 0.5 hrs in dry nitrogen gas atmosphere, cryogenic quenching involved direct dipping of samples in liquid nitrogen bath, and tempering was run at 250oC for 2 hrs in dry nitrogen atmosphere and completed with water quench. Examination methods include SEM, EDS, microhardness, Charpy impact and wear resistance measured using the standard pin-on-disk as well as a diamond stylus microscratching technique adopted from the field of thin-film technologies. Experimental heat-treatment schedules applied to A2 steel confirmed that cryogenic quenching results in a moderate improvement of wear resistance and hardness, at the cost of impact resistance. Results confirm that, in order to be effective, cryogenic treatments need to be carried out soon after martensitic quenching from austenitic temperatures and before tempering. V. Firouzdor et al.[12] studied the effect of deep cryogenic treatment on wear resistance and tool life of M2 HSS drill. Investigate effect of deep cryogenic treatment on M2 tool steel. The austenitizing temperature of drills was 1100 C and gas quenching was performed in a cool nitrogen gas and consequent tempering was done at 600 C for 2 h.Cryogenic treatment was performed by placing drills in an isolated alumina chamber immerged gradually in a liquid nitrogen reservoir by means of an electric motor. The isolated chamber was designed according to heat transfer equations to estimate the thermal gradient of the chamber. Deep cryogenic treatment consisted of slowly cooling drills to approximately 196 C and holding at this low-temperature for 24 h and

gradually bringing the specimens back to room temperature. In order to avoid thermal shocks from rapid cooling and heating, the specimens were cooled down and heated up slowly, to and from the cryogenic temperature (196 C), over an 8 h period with the temperature being monitored by a thermocouple attached to the specimen. This gives an average heating/cooling rate of 0.5 C/min.Three types of drills were tested, reference drills (R) with no extra treatment, cryogenictreated drills (CT) and cryogenic with a 1 h temper at 200 C treated drills (CTT). The heat treatment cycle of each drill category. Drilling test was performed on a rigid instrumentdrilling bench. Blind holes were drilled in normalized CK40 carbon steel blocks. Hole depth, feed rate and cutting speed were kept constant at 50 mm, 0.11 mm/rev and 350 m/min, respectively. Five drills were tested for each group. One can notice the influence of cryogenic treatment on hardness values which are 2 and 1 points higher in CT and CTT drills in comparison with R one, respectively. It is also noticeable that drill life increases approximately 77% in CT drills whereas it improves about 126% in CTT ones. Comparison of the flank wear width developed on the flank surface after drilling of 10, 15, and 20 holes It is seen that the wear width enhances with increasing in the number of drilled holes. It is also imperative to note that CCT drills show the least wear rate while R drills show the most in the matrix. II CRYOGENIC TREATMENT During recent years studies, interest has been shown in the effect of cold treatment on the steels, particularly on the tool steels. Cold treatment is generally classified as either so called sub-zero treatmentat temperatures down to about -800c or deep cryogenic treatment at liquid nitrogen temperature(-1960C). More recent evidence shows that the wear resistance is further enhanced by virtue of cryogenic treatment at liquid nitrogen temperature. Most researchers believed that there are two mechanisms to improve the mechanical properties of the work that has been treated cryogenically. The first mechanism is attributed to the transformation of retained austenite to martensite. The second is to initiate the nucleation sites for precipitating a large number of fine carbides in the matrix of martensite. The microstructure is composed of the metallurgical-phase austenite plus the primary carbides. Austenitising is followed by quenching, or rapid cooling, which transforms some or all of the austenite into the higher-strength martensitic structure, supersaturated with carbon. Tempering allows the supersaturated carbon to form carbides, called transition carbides, that relieve microstresses in the martensitic matrix and prevent the cracking of the part. The transformation from austenite to martensite begins at a well-defined temperature called the martensite start temperature or MS. For most practical steels, the transformation is isothermal and progresses smoothly as the temperature falls to the martensite finish temperature, or MF. MS and MF are characteristic for particular alloys and can be found on steel specification sheets, heat treatment guides and standards, or metallurgical reference texts. Some austenite, called retained austenite, is

always present after hardening. Higher martensite contents and carbon percentages increase the hardness of steel. The amount of carbon also affects the temperatures where the martensite transformation begins. (MS) and is completed (MF) The MF or even MS temperatures can be lower than room temperature, so the steel might only partially transform to martensite with the remaining structure being retained austenite. MS and MF temperatures are also depressed with increasing grain size. Therefore, higher austenitising temperatures can lead to higher levels of retained austenite. Cooling to sub-zero temperatures makes it possible to promote further transformation of retained austenite to martensite in order to increase the hardness and strength of the steel. III. EXPERIMENTAL WORK The experimental work was carried out in Indian Tool Manufacturers Ltd. and Nasik Cryogenics Ltd. Nasik.The drilling operation was carried out on work specimen using cryogenically treated and conventionally treated HSS drill. Conventional heat treatment was carried out at 12000C hardening temperature and 5600C tempering temperature. Cryogenic treatment was carried out at -1850C temperature for 24 hour in liquid nitrogen tank after hardening at 12000C and quenching. IIII METHODOLOGY Following steps are involved in evaluating the performance of cryogenically treated M2 drill. Samples of M2 tool steel were subjected to three different heat treatment processes. Step 1. 1. Flank wear of both UT and CT M2 drill was measured . Step 2. 1. Power consumption of both UT and CT M2 drill was measured. Step 3. 1. Surface roughness of hole drilled by work specimen (EN8) of both UT and CT M2 drill was measured after catastrostetic failure of tool. IV. PARATEMER MEASURING TECHNIQUES AND EQUIPEMENTS Surface roughness was measured by surface roughness tester,model Supercom 130 roughness tester. Flank wear was measured by height gauge with dial indicator of least count 0.01mm.Power consumption was calculated by measuring the current (amperes) and voltages (volt) directly on display of drilling machine. Microstructure of both UT and CT M2 drill was taken using Metallurgical microscope ,magnification X100. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The microstcture analysis was carried out to study the microstcture changes in M2 UT and CT drill due to cryogenic treatment. Microstructure shows that after cryogenic treatment microstcture get more refined with uniformly distributed alloy carbide in tempered martensite.

Fig. 1.1 Microstcture of Untreated M2 tool

Fig. 1.1 Microstcture of Crogenically treated M2 tool The parameter chosen to study the performance of CT M2 drill were change in flank wear, power consumption by drilling machine and surface roughness of work material after drilling..Results of all above said responses are shown in table 2. TABLE I.EXPERIMENTAL CONDITION/M/C TOOL AND EQUIPEMENT SPECIFICATION TABLE II VARIOUS RESPONSES The results for wear i.e. flank wear and roughness and power consumption vary widely From analysis ,it can be seen that the wear of UT M2 drill is more than CT M2 drill.

Parameter/Item Machine tool Cutting Tool Chemical composition of cutting tool material Tool Geometry Work Materal Chemical Composition of Work Materal

Experimental condition/M/C Tool and Equipement specification Witzig & Frank make Drill machine, 3phase, and 18KW motor. HSS M2 Twist drill(UT) HSS M2 Twist drill(CT) C-0.954,Mn-0.450,Si0.411,P-0.030,S-0.003,Cr4.045,Mo-5.65,Ni-0.225,V1.790,W-6.45 Flute Length-120mm,overall Length-220mm,Point Angle 1180 ,Helix angle 300 EN 8(75x75x20 mm) C-0.410,Mn-0.807,Si0.132,P-0.025,S-0.024,Cr0.009,Ni-0.004,V-0.002 22m/min 0.13mm/rev 8mm

5Cutting Speed
Feed Rate Depth of Cut

[4] Flavio J. da Silva , Sinesio D. Franco b, Alisson R. Machado , Emmanuel

TABLE II VARIOUS RESPONSES Type of treatment UT CT UT CT UT CT UT CT Result 25 70 5266 4981.29 2.759 5.808 0.45 0.25

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Sr. No. 01 02

Parameter Tool Life (No of hole drilled before failure) Power Consumption(Watt) Surface Roughness Ra(m) Flank Wear (mm)

03 04

Power consumption of drilling machine using UT M2 drill was also more than that of CT M2 drill. The surface roughness of workpiece machined with UT M2 drill is more than that of CT M2 drill, which indicate that surface Machined with CT M2 drill is smoother as compared to UT M2 drill. VI. CONCLUSION The experimental results shows that cryogenic treatment significantly enhance the performance of tool. Less wear , more uniform distribution of meatal particles,more refined microstcture of CT tool and lower value of surface roughness of workpice machined with CT M2 drill represents the positive scope of cryogenic treatment on M2 tool steel. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
I am very thankful to Indian Tool Company for allowing me to do project. I earnestly express my sincere thanks to my guide Prof. Dr.G.J.Vikhe Patil for his valuable help and guidance also I express sincere thanks, to Prof. A. K. Mishra, Prof.V.S. Aher, Prof.V.D. Wakchuare and Prof. Dr.Satish Ragit for their kind co-operation. I highly obliged to entire staff of Mechanical Engineering and my friends for their kind co-operation, help & encouragement me for present this paper in International Conference.

[1] Alam M. Bayer, Bruce A, Becere R and Teledyne vasco High Speed Tool Steel ASM Handbook, Volume16, 1989, Pp- 51-59. [2]. Zhirafar, A.Rezaeian and M.pugh in their work Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on The Mechanical Properties Of 4340 Steel Journal of Materials Processing Technology Vol. 186 ,2007, Pp -298303. [3]N.B. Dhokey , J. Dandawate, H. Gangurde, A. Harle Metallurgical Investigation of Cryogenically Cracked M35 Tool Steel Engineering Failure Analysis Vol-21,Pp5258,2012.

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