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Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.



S. A. Ibitoye1, J. O. Olawale2 and M. D. Shittu3

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Obafemi Awolowo University
Ile-Ife 220005, Nigeria.

This investigation is conducted to assess the influence of some heat treatment procedures on the
structure and mechanical properties of cast ASTM A grade B-4 steel to which formation of grain
boundary carbides have been a major problem. Some cast ASTM A grade B-4 steel samples were
quench-hardened, martempered and tempered. The as-cast and heat-treated samples were there-
after tested for tensile strength, yield strength, impact strength, ductility and hardness. Some of
the samples were also prepared for metallographic examination and their microstructures were
studied. It was observed that in all cases, the microstructures were mainly austenite matrix with
or without carbides at the grain boundaries and in the austenitic grains depending on the heat-
treatment adopted. The measured mechanical properties varied and were greatly dependent on
the presence or absence of carbides either at the grain boundaries or at both the grain bounda-
ries and in the grains of austenite matrix. Two of the heat treatment procedures were found to be
appropriate as post-casting processes suitable for ASTM A 128 grade B-4 steel components de-
signed to function under a condition in which impact strength and hardness are simultaneously
Keywords: austenitic manganese steel, heat treatment, mechanical properties, grain boundaries,

INTRODUCTION use, or prior to service can be surface-hardened

Sir Robert Hadfield invented the original aus- by mechanical or explosive means to as high as
tenitic manganese steel, containing about 1.2% 450 BHN (Peter, 1980). Consequently, it rap-
C and 12%Mn in 1882 (Perry and Green, idly gained acceptance as a very useful engi-
1997). Hadfield’s steel was unique in that it neering material in comparison with other po-
combined high toughness and ductility with tential competitive materials. Hadfield’s aus-
high work-hardening capacity, usually good tenitic manganese steel performs best when its
resistance to wear and possession of slow crack grain boundaries are free of carbides. Works
propagation rates (Subramanyan et al, 1990; have been done to modify the original Hadfield
Avery, 1995; Rajan et al, 1999; Smith et al, steel by the addition of other alloying elements
2004). These non-magnetic steels harden in (Rittel et al, 1989; Klueh, R. L. and Maziasz,

Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, Aug., 2009 107
Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.

1990; Bayraktar et al, 1994; Miyahara et al, influence on the structure and some mechanical
1994; Takahashia et al, 1998; He, et al, 2002; properties of this alloy.
Kuc et al, 2006; Zhang et al, 1998), by varying
its composition (Zhang et al, 1998; García, EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
2005; Gavriljuk et al, 2006) or subjecting it to Sample Preparation
various treatments (Pelletier et al, 1995; John Austenitic manganese steel was prepared in
and Cornog, 1997; Owen and Grujicic, 1998; accordance with ASTM Standard (ASTM
Zhang et al, 2007; Wang et al, 2007) in order to A128/A128M-93, 2007) to conform to ASTM
meet different engineering application. Im- A 128 grade B-4 (Table 1) steel. Cylindrical
provement on the mechanical properties of aus- rod with a diameter of 20 mm and 500 mm
tenitic manganese steel over the years has not length sample was cast from the prepared steel.
been exhausted. In all cases austenitic manga- From the rod, some standard test pieces were
nese steels are generally useful engineering machined to diameter 11.4 mm by 75 mm
materials. length and notched to 3.3 mm and 45º included
angles for impact test. Similarly, standard test
However, in as-cast condition it is difficult to
specimens were prepared in accordance with
obtain an austenitic structure in austenitic man-
British Standard for proportional round test-
ganese steel that is sufficiently free of grain
pieces for tensile strength (BSI BS EN 10002-
boundary carbides. The presence of grain
boundary carbides is detrimental to strength 1, 2001). The impact strength, tensile strength
and ductility. Although carbides formed in the and hardness were determined and the proof
stress, percent elongation and reduction in area
castings that are cooled slowly in the moulds,
at fracture were also determined.
they form in practically all as-cast grades of
austenitic manganese steels containing more
than 1.0% C, regardless of mould cooling rates Heat Treatment
(Subramanyan et al, 1990). The final micros- Sixty test samples comprising twenty-five
specimens for tensile strength, twenty-five for
ture in most as-cast grade is not fully austenitic
impact, five each for hardness and micro ex-
but contains carbide precipitate and pearlite in
amination were rapidly heated inside a Bogie
an austenite grain boundary and matrix
Hearth heat treatment furnace to 340ºC. This
(Wiscers, 1980). The presence of these carbides
causes the embrittlement of the material and in was followed by slow heating at the rate of
essence affects its application as engineering 100ºC per hour to 1040ºC and held at this tem-
perature for about 1.5hr to homogenize the
material that has resistance to impact and abra-
structure (Prabhudev, 1988). They were there-
sion wear.
after subjected to various treatments as detailed
The embrittlement of ASTM A 128 grade B-4 below:
(Table 1) is major setback to its use in as-cast
Water Quenching: Forty-eight of the samples
condition for the production of products for
were removed and then quenched in agitated
which toughness at reasonable level and high
water for hardening and tempering heat treat-
hardness is simultaneously required. Though
ment operations. Out of these twelve were used
works have been done on different austenitic
manganese steels over the years, the response for mechanical testing and micro examination
in quench hardened conditions, and thirty-six
of ASTM A 128 grade B-4 (Table 1) to various
were used for tempering heat treatment.
heat-treatment procedures with respect to its
mechanical properties has not been reported. Martempering: The remaining twelve samples
Thus in this work, a grade of an austenitic were quenched in a molten salt-bath maintained
manganese steel, ASTM A 128 grade B-4 at 250ºC. They were soaked in the bath at this
(Table 1) is cast and subjected to different heat temperature for about 1hr to ensure uniformity
treatment procedures in order to evaluate their of temperature for all the samples at 250ºC. The

108 Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, Aug., 2009
Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.

samples were then taken out of the bath and Where HB = Brinell hardness number, in kg/
allowed to cool in air. mm2; P = Applied load in kg, D = Diameter of
ball in mm and d = Diameter of indent in mm.
High Temperature Tempering: Twelve of the
water-quenched samples were slowly heated to The tensile strength, also known as ultimate
550 ºC at the rate of 50 ºC per hour, holding at tensile strength (σUTS) is the maximum stress
this temperature for 1hr and thereafter cooled in that the material can withstand before failure
air to ambient temperature. and it is calculated by an expression:
Medium Temperature Tempering: Another
Fmax (2)
twelve of the water-quenched samples were σ UTS =
slowly heated to 450ºC at rate of 50ºC per hour, Ao
holding them at this temperature for 1hr and
followed by air-cooling to ambient temperature. where Fmax and Ao is the maximum applied load
Low Temperature Tempering: The remaining and initial cross sectional area respectively.
twelve of the water-quenched samples were From tensile testing, other properties of materi-
slowly heated to 250 ºC at rate of 50 ºC per als such as yield strength, elongation and reduc-
hour, holding them at this temperature for 1hr tion in area are also determined. The yield
and followed by cooling in air to ambient tem- strength is determined as the stress at which
perature. plastic deformation (elongation/extension) of
the tensile specimen takes place at a constant
Mechanical Testing load.
The Brinell hardness tester was employed for Percent elongation, ε, is a change in length per
determining the hardness of the samples. A 10 unit length of the tensile specimen expressed
mm hardened standard steel ball under a con- thus:
sistent load of 3000 kg was pressed into the L f − Lo
surface of the specimens to be tested. Having ε = × 100 (3)
removed the load, indentation diameter left on
the surface of the specimen was measured and
where Lf and Lo is the final and initial gauge
the hardness value determined using Eq. (1).
length of the tensile specimen respectively.
The tensile test was performed using Universal
Reduction in area which is often expressed in
Tensile Testing Machine. The values of proof
percentage also computed by equation:
stresses were read directly from the graph of
stress strain curve and tensile strength deter- Ao − A f
mined using Eq. (2). The percent elongation RA = ×100 (4)
and reduction in area were calculated in accor-
dance to Eq. (3) and (4) respectively. where Ao and Af is the initial and final cross-
The impact strength in this study was measured sectional area of the tensile specimen respec-
by Izod impact test method (Rajan et al, 1999) tively. Reduction in area is independent of the
using universal impact testing machine. sample gauge length and reflects the local de-
formation in the necked region. For these rea-
The Brinell Hardness Number (BHN) is the sons, it is considered as a better measure of
ratio of an applied load to area of indentation ductility.
produced by spherical steel ball pressed into a
specimen under the action of the applied load Impact strength is capability of a material to
and calculated thus: absorb energy without failure under impact
loading. In actual service, a component such as
P crusher jaw is subjected to dynamic loading for
(π D / 2)(D − ))
HB =
(D 2
which reason; knowledge of tensile strength

Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, Aug., 2009 109
Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.

alone is inadequate for use as design parame- RESULTS

ters. The results of tensile strength, proof stress,
percentage elongation and percentage reduction
Micro Examination in area for each of the as-cast and heat-treated
With the help of a hacksaw, samples in the as- samples are presented in Table 2.
cast, water quenched, martempered, low tem-
The results of micro examination are as shown
pered, medium tempered and high tempered in the optical micrographs presented in Plates 1
state were cut for micro examination to a size – 7. Plate 1 and 2 shows austenite structure
of 20 mm diameter by 20 mm and were
with carbide along the grain boundaries for as-
mounted on bakelite for easy handling. This
cast sample and Plates 3 and 4 show austenite
was followed by grinding the sample on a
grain boundaries in austenite matrix for water-
grinding wheel using various grades of silicon
quenched and martempered respectively. It is
carbide papers with increasing fineness of 180 noted however, that the austenite grain bounda-
mµ, 240 mµ, 320 mµ, 400 mµ, 600 mµ and ries in Plate 4 have almost disappeared. Plates
1200 mµ. Thereafter, the samples were pol-
5, 6 and 7 correspond to microstructure of low,
ished using rotating grinding machine with
medium and high tempered sample respectively
various grades of Selvyt cloth impregnated with
showing austenite structure with carbide pre-
silicon pastes of increasing fineness in the order
cipitates along the grain boundaries.
of 10mm, 6mm and 3mm. The final polishing
was carefully carried out on a rotating disc cov- The microstructure in the as-cast condition
ered with Selvyt cloth sprinkled with 1mm dia- shows carbides (black constituents) precipitated
mond paste. It was thereafter etched using 2.5% along austenite grain boundaries and sparsely
natal, rinsed in methanol, re-etched in 15% dispersed in the grains (Plate 1). The concentra-
HCl, swilled in running water and dried in hot tion of the carbides is clearly revealed in Plate
air. The prepared samples were then examined 2. In water-quenched condition, the microstruc-
using optical and scanning electron micro- ture also reveals austenitic grains as presented
scopes. in Plate 3. The black lines in microstructure are

Table 1: The Chemical Composition of the Prepared ASTM A 128 Grade B-4

Element C Mn Si P

Composition (%) 1.260 12.600 0.934 0.056

Table 2: Mechanical Test Results

Tensile Proof Percentage Percentage Hard-
Sample Strengt Stress Elongation Reduction ness
Strength (J)
h (MPa) (MPa) (%) in Area (%) (HB)
As-Cast 725 352 37.0 33.0 215 117
Water Quenched 705 345 40.0 34.5 209 134
Martempering 680 330 45.5 37.4 201 138
Low Tempering 765 359 36.0 30.0 228 115
Medium Tempering 820 365 32.0 28.3 241 112
High Tempering 827 380 31.0 27.7 245 100

110 Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, Aug., 2009
Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.

Plate 1: Optical micrograph of the prepared as-cast ASTM A 128 grade B-4 showing collec-
tion of carbide precipitates (darkish) concentrated at austenite grain boundaries and sparsely
distributed in the austenite matrix

Plate 2: Scanning electron micrograph of as-cast ASTM A 128 grade B-4 prepared showing
grain boundary carbide precipitates

Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, Aug., 2009 111
Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.

austenite grain boundaries but there are no and large black spots are non-metallic inclu-
grain boundary carbides. In martempering con- sions. In tempering condition, the microstruc-
dition, the microstructure also reveals austenitic ture reveals austenite grains with precipitated
grains (Plate 4) with no grain boundary car- carbide at grain boundaries and in grain as
bides. The austenite grain boundaries however, shown in Plate 5 - 7. But the proportion of vol-
have almost disappeared. The very scanty tiny ume of precipitated carbides increases with
black dots are grain boundary carbide particles increase in tempering temperature.
that have failed to dissolve during austenizing

Plate 3: Optical micrograph of sample quenched at 1040 ºC in water showing austenite

grain boundaries (lines) in austenite matrix (homogeneous grayish background)

Plate 4: Optical micrograph of martempered sample (heated to 1040 ºC and quenched in

salt bath at 250 ºC) showing grain boundaries (lines) in austenite matrix

112 Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, Aug., 2009
Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.

and tempered conditions.

DISCUSSION The as-cast steel is characterized with carbides
The as-cast and tempered ASTM A 128 grade precipitates at the grain boundaries (Plate 1 &
B-4 steel show high tensile strength, yield 2). The formation of carbides along grain
strength and hardness but low ductility and boundaries in as-cast condition is due to devel-
toughness (Table 2). In water-quenched and opment of carbide during the slow cooling in
martempered conditions, the steel show higher the mould [Perry et al, 1997; Prabhudev, 1988).
toughness and ductility with lower tensile The rate at which the casting is cooled in the
strength, proof stress and hardness than as-cast mould is slow and this leads to saturation of

Plate 5: Optical micrograph of low tempered sample (heated to 1040ºC, water-quenched

and re-heated to 250 ºC) showing the precipitated carbide (blackish) at the grain bounda-
ries and in the grain of austenite matrix

Plate 6: Optical micrograph of medium tempered sample (heated to 1040 ºC, water quenched
and re-heated to 450 ºC) showing the precipitated carbide (blackish) at the grain boundaries
and in the grain of austenite matrix

Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, Aug., 2009 113
Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.

Plate 7: Optical micrograph of high tempered sample (heated to 1040 ºC, water
quenched and re-heated to 550 ºC) showing the precipitated carbide (blackish) at the
grain boundaries and in the grain of austenite matrix (grayish)

manganese and carbon, and hence prevents the

austenite with manganese and carbon that re- development of carbides along the grain
sulted in development of manganese carbide boundaries. Holding at this temperature until
(Mn3C) along grain boundaries (Prabhudev, the temperature of the whole section thickness
1988). In water-quenched condition the rapid is constant at 250ºC in addition, decreases the
cooling throughout the entire section thickness overall thermal gradient thereby reducing the
prevents the saturation of austenite with manga- residual stresses associated with heat treatment
nese and carbon and consequently discourages operations (Rajan, et al, 1999). This may have
the development of carbides (Plate 3). Hence, explained its superior toughness compared to
there is reasonably homogeneity of austenite water-quenched sample (Table 2).
with respect to carbon and manganese, and
there is no favourable condition for the devel- However, by re-heating the quenched samples,
opment of manganese carbide (Mn3C) along the that is, subjecting the hardened austenitic man-
grain boundaries. This probably explains the ganese steel to tempering operation, carbide
reason for the formation of the observed fully precipitation is induced at the grain boundaries
austenitic structure that is virtually free of car- and in the grains (Plate 5 - 7). During the re-
bides (Plate 3). heating operation, carbon and manganese pre-
cipitate out along the austenite grain boundaries
In martempering condition, the usual transfor- and within the austenite matrix (Prabhudev,
mation of austenite to martensitic structure is 1988). The volume of this precipitation how-
suppressed because of high manganese content ever increases with tempering temperature
in the austenitic manganese steel (Table 1) and (Plate 5 – 7). Hence, when slowly cooled in air
rapid quenching in salt bath from 1040ºC. The the precipitated carbon and manganese saturate
rapid cooling in a salt bath at a temperature of austenite grain boundaries and matrix, and pre-
250ºC also prevents the development of car- cipitated out as manganese carbide, Mn3C
bides (Plate 4). The rapid cooling in salt bath at (Perry et al, 1997).
a temperature of 250ºC like in water-quenched
also prevents the saturation of austenite with It is observed from the outcome of the results

114 Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2, Aug., 2009
Mechanical properties of Quench-Hardened, Martempered ... Ibitoye et al.

that in as-cast condition ASTM A 128 grade B- the presence of carbides at grain boundaries
4 is harder (215HB) than in water-quenched and in the grains makes the castings to be very
(209HB) and martempering (201HB) condi- hard with characteristic low toughness. The
tions. This may be due to the presence of car- impact strength is also noted to be decreasing
bide along the austenite grain boundaries of the with increasing tempering temperature (Table
as-cast sample (Plate 1). This may also explain 2). This may be attributed to the observed in-
its inferior toughness (117J) when compared crease in the volume fraction of carbides as the
with martempered (138J) and water-quenched tempering temperature increases. This however,
(134J) conditions. favours increase in hardness and decrease in the
ductility and consequently, low impact
As noted earlier, water-quenched and martem-
pered samples do not have carbides precipitates
at the grain boundaries (Plate 3 and 4). How- Two of the opposing mechanical properties,
ever, the high hardness (Table 2) exhibited in hardness and impact strength, are reasonably
water-quenched condition as compared to mar- exhibited simultaneously in the water-quenched
tempered may be attributed to well defined and martempered conditions compared to other
austenite grain boundaries in the microstructure heat treatment procedures conducted. Therefore
of water-quenched samples (Plate 3) which these two heat treatment procedures fairly rep-
have almost disappeared in the microstructure resent post-casting processes suitable for
of martempered samples (Plate 4).Holding the ASTM A 128 grade B-4 steel components de-
matempered samples in salt bath until the tem- signed to function under a condition in which
perature of the whole section thickness is con- two properties, toughness and hardness are si-
stant at 250ºC also decreases the overall ther- multaneously required at a reasonable level. In
mal gradient thereby reducing the residual spite of higher tensile strength and hardness of
stresses associated with heat treatment opera- components produced from as-cast and tem-
tions and hence reduction in hardness. pered ASTM A 128 grade B-4 steel, they are
susceptible to embrittlement. This susceptibility
In tempered conditions, the hardness values
to embrittlement can therefore lead to early
(228HB-245HB) are higher than in water-
quenched condition (215HB). The reason may failure by brittle fracture and consequently limit
be due to the presence of carbide both at the their sphere of engineering applications.
austenite grain boundaries and in the matrix as
seen in the microstructure of tempered sample CONCLUSION
(Plate 5 - 7). The hardness in tempered condi- The presence of large carbides either at the
tion, however, increases with tempering tem- grain boundaries or at both the grain boundaries
perature (250ºC /228HB, 450ºC /241HB and and in the grain of ASTM A 128 grade B-4
550ºC /245HB). The reason for this can be ad- austenitic manganese steel affects its unique
duced to increase in volume fraction of car- resistance to impact and abrasion wears. Its
bides as the tempering temperature increases as wear resistance becomes high but very suscep-
shown in microstructure of tempered samples tible to earlier brittle fracture under an impact
(Plate 5 - 7). and abrasive wear condition.

In water-quenched and martempered condi- Tempering a hardened austenitic manganese

tions, the absence of carbides improves the steels promotes precipitation of carbides at the
impact strength. However, this is more pro- grain boundaries and in the grains. The volume
nounced in martempered condition (138J) than fraction of these carbides also increases with
in water-quenched condition (134J) because tempering temperature.
residual stresses associated with heat treatment In quench hardened and martempered condi-
operation have been reduced in the former. In tions, austenitic manganese steel is free of car-
the as-cast and tempered conditions however, bides both at the grain boundaries and in the

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grains. These make it a good post-casting treat- 717-720.

ment for ASTM A 128 Grade B4 components John, T. A. and Cornog, D. G. (1997). Sput-
meant to work under a condition in which resis-
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tion, austenitic manganese steels have better Klueh, R. L. and Maziasz, P. J. (1990). Tensile
plastic flows attributed to decrease in overall and Microstructural Behavior of Solute-
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stresses associated with heat treatment opera- Steels, Materials Science and Engineering
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ness and toughness than when it is in water Kuc, D., Niewielskia, G. and Cwajnaa, J.
quenched condition. Consequently, martemper- (2006). Influence of Deformation Parame-
ing is considered a better post-casting treatment ters and Initial Grain Size on the Micro-
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