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ITEC 1 Intro to Computer Concepts Spreadsheet derived from a large piece of paper that accountants used for business

ss finances The accountant would spread information like costs, payments, taxes, income, etc out on a single, big, oversized sheet of paper to get a complete financial overview a document that contains rows and columns of text and numbers Ledger a book of spreadsheets containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from books of original entry Spreadsheet program is an application that helps the user to create spreadsheets commonly used for budgets, forecasting, and other finance-related tasks Electronic spreadsheet electronic equivalent of an accounting worksheet, comprised of rows and columns to allow you to do many tasks in the organization of numbers in a clear, easy to understand format used in almost every profession to calculate, graph, analyze and store information used for What-if calculations. Change one number in a spreadsheet and all the calculations in a large spreadsheet will re-calculate, will automatically change. Examples of Spreadsheet usage : - tracking personal investments budgeting Invoices inventory tracking statistical analysis numerical modeling address books telephone books printing labels, etc Advantages of an Electronic Spreadsheet Support good design and accurate results Program can quickly edit and format data Perform calculations and create graphs Perform what-if analysis by changing independent values in the spreadsheet Support simultaneous use of multiple sheet Worksheet A page organized into rows and columns appearing onscreen and used for constructing a single Workbook A file containing a number of related worksheets Brief History of Spreadsheets 1978 The worlds first electronic spreadsheet program, VisiCalc, was invented. Daniel Bricklin is considered to be the father of electronic spreadsheet. He had some help from Bob Frankston Daniel Fylstra, founding Associate Editor of Byte Magazine, joined Bricklin and Frankston in developing VisiCalc 1979 VisiCalc was released to the public by Fylstras company, Personal Software (later renamed VisiCorp). It became the first computer spreadsheet program and the first killer application for PCs. (killer means, strikingly impressive or effective)

ITEC 1 Intro to Computer Concepts 1980 SuperCalc, the first spreadsheet that ran on computers using the CP/M (Control Program/Monitor) operating system, was introduced. The DIF (data interchange format) was developed. This format allowed spreadsheet data to be shared and imported into other programs. 1981 Multiplan, the first spreadsheet to handle multiple spreadsheets simultaneously, was released by Microsoft. Context MBA, the first spreadsheet program that handled five tasks (spreadsheets, graphs, databases, word processing, and telecommunications), was invented and released by Context Management Systems. 1983 1-2-3, the spreadsheet program that can handle three tasks (spreadsheets, graphs, and databases), was released by Lotus Development. Lisa Calc, the first spreadsheet program to use a mouse, was released by Apple Computer, Inc. 1985 Excel, the spreadsheet program that can handle three tasks (spreadsheets, graphs, and databases) in a graphical environment, was released by Microsoft Corp. Excel can run on both PC and Mac. 1987 Quattro Pro, the spreadsheet program that has the combined features of 1-2-3 and Excel and runs in a graphical environment, was released by Borland. Newer versions of Quattro Pro are now being developed by Corel Corp. 1987 Up to Present, new spreadsheet programs and updated versions of the old ones have flooded the market. Im not rich because I invented VisiCalc, but I feel that Ive made a change in the world. Thats a satisfaction money cant buy. Dan Bricklin What is Calc? Calc is the spreadsheet component of (OOo). You can enter data, usually numerical data, in a spreadsheet and then manipulate this data to produce certain results. Spreadsheet terminology Row - hori ontal a is (designated by numbers) Column - vertical a is (designated by letters) Cell - intersection of row and column (designated by an address comprised of the column letter and row number e.g. ) Block/Range - a rectangular group of one or more cells (identified by block coordinates (e.g. A1:G4) Parts of the main Calc window

ITEC 1 Intro to Computer Concepts Toolbars for OOo calc Main Menu toolbar that gives you access to many of the basic commands used in Calc. Function Toolbar contains icons (pictures) to provide quick access to commands like New, Open, Print, Copy, Paste, etc. When you place your mouse cursor over any of the elements of a toolbar, the name of the element appears on your screen. The Formatting Toolbar has icons plus drop-down menus that allow you to select a font, font color, alignments, number formats, border options and background colors The Formula Toolbar contains the Name Box drop-down menu and a long white box called the Input Line or formula bar. A cell is the fundamental element of a worksheet. This is where things are added and where things are seen. A cell address in a spreadsheet identifies the location of the cell in the spreadsheet. A cell address is a combination of the column letter and the row number of a cell, such as A1 or B16.etc. Using drag and drop Mouse Pointer Moving Copying

3 types of cell entry Constants 5, a Formula - A1+A2+A3+A4+A5 Function SUM(A1:A5) Error Values

1. ##### - the numeric value entered into a cell is too wide to display within a cell. The formula in the cell produces a result that is too long to fit in the cell. 2. #DIV/0! the formula is attempting to divide by zero. 3. #N/A the formula refers to a cell the data of which are not yet available. 4. #REF! the cell reference is not valid. This usually occurs when cells referred to by a formula is delete. 5. #NAME? it does not recognize the name entered in a formula. This usually occurs when the name is deleted, misspelled or does not exist. 6. #NULL! the formula specifies two areas that do not intersect. This usually occurs when the comma is omitted in an argument that contains ranges. #NUM! the formula has a problem with a number. This usually occurs if the formula receives a numeric argument that is unacceptable.


Spreadsheets includes four different types of calculation operators: Arithmetic Comparison Text Reference

ITEC 1 Intro to Computer Concepts Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operator + (plus sign) (minus sign) * (asterisk) / (forward slash) % (percent sign) ^ (caret) Meaning (Example) Addition (3+3) Subtraction (31) Negation (1) Multiplication (3*3) Division (3/3) Percent (20%) Exponentiation (3^2)

Text operator & (ampersand) Connects, or concatenates, two values to produce one continuous text value ("North"&"wind") The Comparison Operators The comparison operators that can be used in a logic test are: Equals ( = ) Less than ( < ) Less than or equal to ( < = ) Greater than ( > ) Greater than or equal to ( > = ) Not equal to ( < > )

Reference operators Combine ranges of cells for calculations with the following operators. Reference operator : (colon) Meaning (Example)

Range operator, which produces one reference to all the cells between two references, including the two references (B5:B15) Union operator, which combines multiple references into one reference (SUM(B5:B15,D5:D15)) Intersection operator, which produces on reference to cells common to the two references (B7:D7!C6:C8)

; (semicolon) !(exclamation point)

Order of Precedence Operator : (colon) (single space) ; (semi colon) Description Reference operators Negation (as in 1)

ITEC 1 Intro to Computer Concepts % ^ * and / + and & = < > <= >= <> Percent Exponentiation Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction Connects two strings of text (concatenation) Comparison

Some basic functions for an electronic spreadsheet The sum function takes all the values in each of the specified cells and totals their values. =sum(first value;second value; etc) Blank cells will return a value of zero to be added to the total Text cells can not be added to a number and will produce an error The average function finds the average of the specified data. (Simplifies adding all of the indicated cells together and dividing by the total number of cells.) The syntax as follows: =average(first value;second value;etc) Text fields and blank entries are not included in the calculations of the Average Functions This min function will return the smallest (min) value in the selected range of cells. =min(first value;second value;etc) Blank entries are not included in the calculations of the Min Function Text entries are not included in the calculations of the Min Function This max function will return the largest (max) value in the selected range of cells. =max(first value;second value;etc) Blank entries are not included in the calculations of the Max Function Text entries are not included in the calculations of the Max Function This count function will return the number of entries (actually counts each cell that contains number data) in the selected range of cells. =count(first value;second value;etc) Blank entries are not counted Text entries are not counted This counta function will return the number of entries (actually counts each cell that contains number data OR text data) in the selected range of cells. =countA(first value;second value;etc) Blank entries are NOT counted Text entries ARE counted The IF function will check the logical condition of a statement and return one value if true and a different value if false. The syntax is: =if(condition;value-if-true;value-if-false) Value returned may be either a number or text If value returned is text, it must be in quotes

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