BRP Dark Sun House 2012

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DARK SUN for Basic Roleplaying

[house rules -- updated 04-Aug-2012]

Core Characteristics Changes

1.Intuition is derived from Wisdom. Intuition rolls can be used to
represent your character's leaps in reasoning in-game. An intuition check might give hints as to why something is (as opposed to what and how something is, as revealed by an idea check). Intuition makes leaps in reasoning, and may read into things that aren't readily available. Intuition may reveal global contexts and tie loose ends together. 2.Spirit is derived from Power. Spirit rolls are used to represent force of will, morale, and mental discipline. Characters with high POW tend to be adept at being effective leaders; their strong spirit carries them to places the meek will not go.

Levels are used to track how much your character can reasonably carry. 1 ENC is roughly 1/6 of a SIZ point. Encumbered characters find it hard to be effectively mobile, and are slowed by their carried equipment.

Operable (carrying up to STR 2). No penalties to skill checks except

Dodge (see below).

Encumbered (carrying STR 2 to STR 3) MOV is 3/4; Manipulation,

Physical, and Combat skills are rolled at -20% or difficult (whichever is less of a penalty; this does not stack with penalties from wearing armor). Checks made to resist fatigue are -20% or difficult (again, whichever is less harsh).

Overburdened (carrying STR 3 to STR 4) MOV is 1/4; All skills and

rolls are difficult (some are impossible depending on the scenario). Checks made to resist fatigue are difficult.

Max Capacity (carrying up to STR 5) MOV is 1. Most skills cannot be

used because of the weight being carried. Fatigue checks automatically fail.

Dodging while encumbered: Subtract your ENC value from your Dodge skill.

Levels are used to track how fatigued your character is. Fatigue is also gained by not getting enough food or water. Fatigue levels are as follows:

Fatigued: Skill checks are at -10% (or difficult, whichever is less).

Very Fatigued: Skill checks are at -20% (or difficult, whichever is less). -2
MOV (minimum MOV 1).

Extremely Fatigued: Skill checks are difficult. -4 MOV (minimum MOV 1,

this doesn't stack with previous MOV penalty). Fatigue and dehydration: Fatigue checks are often made each hour or even more frequently when characters travel outside during the sun's peak hours with no water (10 am - 3 pm). Most characters can only go a day or so without water before risking serious injury or death.

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