As IEC 60645.1-2002 Electroacoustics - Audiological Equipment Pure-Tone Audiometers (IEC 60645-1-2001 MOD)

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The document discusses standards for pure-tone audiometers and their specifications.

It lists various organizations represented on Committee AV-003 including acoustical consultants, engineers, health organizations and regulatory bodies.

Periodically reviewing standards helps ensure they reflect progress in technology and remain current. Amendments may be issued and standards can be withdrawn.

AS IEC 60645.

AS IEC 60645.1

Australian Standard™
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Part 1: Pure-tone audiometers

(IEC 60645-1:2001, MOD)
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee AV-003, Acoustics Human
Effects. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on
29 November 2002 and published on 20 December 2002.

The following are represented on Committee AV-003:

Association of Australian Acoustical Consultants
Association of Consulting Engineers Australia
Australian Acoustical Society
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Australian Hearing
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Department of Consumer & Employment Protection, WorkSafe Division, W.A.

Department of Labour, New Zealand
N.S.W. Rural Fire Service
New South Wales Nurses Association
New Zealand Audiological Society
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Safety Institute of Australia (Incorporated)
Victorian WorkCover Authority
WorkCover New South Wales

Keeping Standards up-to-date

Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and
systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and
new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued.
Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves
they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which
may have been published since the Standard was purchased.
Detailed information about Standards can be found by visiting the Standards
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in the on-line catalogue.
Alternatively, the printed Catalogue provides information current at 1 January each
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Executive, Standards Australia International Ltd, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW

This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 02235.

AS IEC 60645.1—2002

Australian Standard™
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Part 1: Pure-tone audiometers

(IEC 60645-1:2001, MOD)

Originated as part of AS Z43.1—1971 and AS 1591.6—1977.

Previous edition AS 2586—1983.
AS 2586—1983 revised and redesignated in part as AS IEC 60645.1—2002.

© Standards Australia International
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the
Published by Standards Australia International Ltd
GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001, Australia
ISBN 0 7337 4959 3

This Standard was prepared by the Australian members of the Joint Standards Australia/Standards
New Zealand Committee AV-003, Acoustics Human Effects to be used as a means to demonstrate
compliance with the relevant essential principles in new medical device legislation.
After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New
Zealand decided to develop this Standard as an Australian, rather than an Australian/New Zealand
This Standard is an adoption with national modifications and has been reproduced from
IEC 60645-1:2001, Electroacoustics—Audiological equipment, Part 1: Pure-tone audiometers.
Variations to the IEC text for application in Australia are listed below and the affected text is
indicated by a marginal bar.
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Committee AV-003 considered that particular sound levels set in IEC 60645-1 were insufficient to
demonstrate conformity.
As this Standard is reproduced from an International Standard, the following applies:
(a) Its number does not appear on each page of text and its identity is shown only on the cover and
title page.
(b) In the source text ‘this part of IEC 60645’ should read ‘this Australian Standard’.
(c) A full point substitutes for a comma when referring to a decimal marker.
(d) In Clause 13.6.1, delete the existing text ‘70 dB’, and replace with ‘80 dB’. Delete the existing
text ‘30 dB or the maximum, which is lower’, and replace with ‘30 dB or at a level sufficient to
demonstrate conformity’.
(e) In Clause 13.7.2, delete the existing text ‘70 dB’ and replace with ‘80 dB’.
The objective of this Standard is to specify general requirements for audiometers and particular
requirements for pure-tone audiometers designed for use in determining hearing threshold levels, in
comparison with standard reference threshold levels by means of psychoacoustic test methods.
This Standard provides for the use of the following Australian/New Zealand Standards as equivalents
to particular International Standards referenced herein:
Reference to International Standard Australian/New Zealand Standard
60601 Medical electrical equipment 3200 Medical electrical equipment
60601-1 Part 1: General requirements for safety 3200.1.0 General requirements for safety—Parent
60601-1-2 Part 1-2: General requirements for 3200.1.2 Part 1.2: General requirements for
safety—Collateral Standard: safety—Collateral Standard:
Electromagnetic compatibility— Electromagnetic compatibility—
Requirements and tests Requirements and tests
389 Acoustics—Reference zero for the 1591 Acoustics—Instrumentation for
calibration of audiometric equipment audiometry
389-3 Part 3: Reference equivalent threshold 1591.1 Part 1: Reference zero for the
force levels for pure tones and bone calibration of pure-tone bone
vibrators conduction audiometers


INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. iv

1 Scope and object ........................................................................................................... 1

2 Normative references ..................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions..................................................................................................... 3
4 Requirements for specific types of fixed frequency audiometer ...................................... 6
5 General requirements .................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Electrical safety requirements ............................................................................... 7
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5.2 Acoustic safety requirements ................................................................................ 8

5.3 Environmental conditions ...................................................................................... 8
5.4 Warm-up time ....................................................................................................... 8
5.5 Power supply variation .......................................................................................... 8
5.5.1 Mains operation ........................................................................................ 8
5.5.2 Battery operation ...................................................................................... 8
5.6 Immunity to power and radio frequency fields ....................................................... 8
5.7 Unwanted sound ................................................................................................... 9
5.7.1 General..................................................................................................... 9
5.7.2 Unwanted sound from an earphone ........................................................... 9
5.7.3 Unwanted sound from a bone vibrator ....................................................... 9
5.7.4 Unwanted sound radiated by an audiometer .............................................. 9
5.8 Testing of automatic recording and computer-controlled audiometers ................... 9
5.9 Interface connections............................................................................................ 10
6 Test signal sources ........................................................................................................ 10
6.1 Pure tones ............................................................................................................ 10
6.1.1 Frequency range and hearing level range ................................................. 10
6.1.2 Frequency accuracy .................................................................................. 10
6.1.3 Total harmonic distortion........................................................................... 11
6.1.4 Rate of frequency change ......................................................................... 11
6.2 Frequency modulation........................................................................................... 12
6.3 External signal source .......................................................................................... 12
6.3.1 Signals...................................................................................................... 12
6.3.2 Frequency response ................................................................................. 12
6.3.3 Electrical sensitivity .................................................................................. 13
6.3.4 Reference level for external signal source................................................. 13
6.3.5 Operator to subject speech communication ............................................... 13
6.3.6 Subject to operator speech communication ............................................... 13
6.4 Masking sound...................................................................................................... 13
6.4.1 General..................................................................................................... 13
6.4.2 Narrow-band noise .................................................................................... 13
6.4.3 Other masking sound ................................................................................ 14

7 Loudspeaker output ....................................................................................................... 15

8 Signal level control ........................................................................................................ 15
8.1 Marking................................................................................................................. 15
8.2 Signal indicator ..................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Accuracy of sound pressure level and vibratory force level ................................... 16
8.4 Hearing level control ............................................................................................. 16
8.4.1 Manual audiometers.................................................................................. 16
8.4.2 Automatic-recording audiometers .............................................................. 16
8.4.3 Computer-controlled audiometers ............................................................. 16
8.4.4 Accuracy of control ................................................................................... 17
8.5 Masking level control ............................................................................................ 17
8.5.1 General..................................................................................................... 17
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8.5.2 Masking level ............................................................................................ 17

8.5.3 Accuracy of masking levels ....................................................................... 17
8.5.4 Masking level range .................................................................................. 17
8.6 Tone switching...................................................................................................... 18
8.6.1 Tone switch for manual audiometers ......................................................... 18
8.6.2 On/off ratio for manual audiometers .......................................................... 18
8.6.3 Rise/fall times for manual audiometers...................................................... 18
8.6.4 Automatic pulsed presentation .................................................................. 18
8.6.5 Subject’s response time with computer-controlled audiometers ................. 19
8.6.6 Subject’s response system........................................................................ 19
9 Reference tone .............................................................................................................. 20
9.1 General................................................................................................................. 20
9.2 Frequencies .......................................................................................................... 20
9.3 Reference tone level control ................................................................................. 20
9.3.1 Range ....................................................................................................... 20
9.3.2 Intervals .................................................................................................... 20
9.3.3 Marking..................................................................................................... 20
9.3.4 Accuracy ................................................................................................... 20
9.3.5 Operation .................................................................................................. 20
10 Calibration ..................................................................................................................... 21
10.1 General................................................................................................................. 21
10.2 Supra-aural earphone headband ........................................................................... 21
10.3 Bone vibrator headband ........................................................................................ 21
11 Electrical output ............................................................................................................. 21
12 Audiogram format .......................................................................................................... 22
13 Demonstration of conformity with specifications and test procedures ............................. 22
13.1 General................................................................................................................. 22
13.2 Environmental conditions and power supply variation ........................................... 22
13.3 Immunity to power and radio frequency fields ....................................................... 23

13.4 Unwanted sound ................................................................................................... 23

13.4.1 Earphone .................................................................................................. 23
13.4.2 Unwanted sound from a bone vibrator ....................................................... 24
13.4.3 Unwanted sound radiated by an audiometer .............................................. 24
13.5 Test signal sources ............................................................................................... 24
13.6 Signal accuracy .................................................................................................... 25
13.6.1 Accuracy of sound pressure level and vibratory force................................ 25
13.6.2 Accuracy of control ................................................................................... 25
13.7 Masking sound...................................................................................................... 25
13.7.1 Narrow-band noise .................................................................................... 25
13.7.2 Masking level ............................................................................................ 25
13.8 Headbands ........................................................................................................... 25
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13.8.1 Supra-aural earphone headband ............................................................... 25

13.8.2 Bone vibrator headband ............................................................................ 26
14 Maximum permitted expanded uncertainty of measurements .......................................... 26
15 Marking and instruction manual...................................................................................... 26
15.1 Marking................................................................................................................. 26
15.2 Instruction manual ................................................................................................ 27

Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 28

Figure 1 – Rise/fall envelope of test tones ............................................................................ 19

Table 1 – Minimum facilities for fixed-frequency audiometers ............................................... 7

Table 2 – Minimum number of frequencies to be provided and the minimum range of
values of hearing level for fixed frequency audiometers........................................................ 11
Table 3 – Maximum permissible acoustic total harmonic distortion, expressed in
percentage of sound pressure or vibratory force for supra-aural, circumaural, insert
earphones and bone vibrators .............................................................................................. 11
Table 4 – Narrow-band masking noise: Upper and lower cut-off frequencies for a sound
pressure spectrum density level of –3 dB referred to the level at the centre frequency
of the band ........................................................................................................................... 14
Table 5 – Reference standards for obtaining audiometric zero ............................................. 21
Table 6 – Symbols for the graphical presentation of hearing threshold levels ....................... 22
Table 7 – Values of U max for basic measurements .............................................................. 26


Developments in the field of hearing measurements for diagnostic, hearing conservation and
rehabilitation purposes have resulted in the availability of a wide range of audiometers. In
addition it is possible to consider the audiometer in terms of a set of functional units which
can be specified independently. By specifying these functional units it is then possible to
specify the performance of other audiometric equipment which uses these units. IEC 60645
consists of a number of parts. IEC 60645-1 is the first in the series and covers the
requirements for pure tone audiometers.

Due to the development of the later parts of IEC 60645, part 1 now confines its scope solely
to the requirements of pure tone audiometers. One consequence of this is that no reference is
now made to the use of broad-band noise for masking. Requirements for broad-band masking
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noise now only relate to its use with speech signals as described in IEC 60645-2.

This second edition now specifies performance requirements separate from the test
requirements to show conformity. Conformance to the specifications in this International
Standard is demonstrated only when the result of a measurement, extended by the actual
expanded uncertainty of measurement of the testing laboratory, lies fully within the tolerances
specified in this International Standard extended by the values for U max given in table 7. By
this, the tolerances that are to be met by the manufacturer of an audiometer are essentially
the same as in the first edition of IEC 60645-1, while the tolerances as applicable to the use
of the audiometer are increased by U max compared with those of the previous edition.

Electroacoustics—Audiological equipment
Part 1:
Pure-tone audiometers (IEC 60645-1:2001, MOD)

1 Scope and object

This part of IEC 60645 specifies general requirements for audiometers and particular
requirements for pure-tone audiometers designed for use in determining hearing threshold
levels, in comparison with standard reference threshold levels by means of psychoacoustic
test methods.
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The object of this International Standard is to ensure:

a) that tests of hearing, particularly threshold, in the frequency range 125 Hz to 8 000 Hz on
a given human ear performed with different audiometers which comply with this
International Standard using methods described in ISO 8253-1 and ISO 6189 shall give
substantially the same results;
b) that the results obtained represent a valid comparison between the hearing of the ear
tested and the reference threshold of hearing;
c) that audiometers are classified according to the range of test signals they generate,
according to the mode of operation or according to the complexity of the range of auditory
functions they test.

2 Normative references

The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this part of IEC 60645. For dated references, subsequent amend-
ments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to
agreements based on this part of IEC 60645 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO
and IEC maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.

IEC 60126, IEC reference coupler for the measurement of hearing aids using earphones
coupled to the ear by means of ear inserts

IEC 60268-3, Sound system equipment – Part 3: Amplifiers

IEC 60318-1, Electroacoustics – Simulators of human head and ear – Part 1: Ear simulator for
the calibration of supra-aural earphones

IEC 60318-2, Electroacoustics – Simulators of human head and ear – Part 2: An interim
acoustic coupler for the calibration of audiometric earphones in the extended high frequency

IEC 60318-3, Electroacoustics – Simulators of human head and ear – Part 3: Acoustic coupler
for the calibration of supra-aural earphones used in audiometry

IEC 60373, Mechanical coupler for measurements on bone vibrators

IEC 60601-1, Medical electrical equipment – Part 1: General requirements for safety  Standards Australia

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AS IEC 60645.1-2002, Electroacoustics -

Audiological equipment Pure-tone audiometers
(IEC 60645-1:2001, MOD)
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