Base Excitation

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4 Base Excitation
Important class of vibration analysis Preventing excitations from passing from a vibrating base through its mount into a structure Vibration isolation Semiconductor stepper XY stage Satellite operation Disk drives Anti-Earthquake Structural Design

Free Body Diagram of SDOF Base Excitation

System Sketch

System FBD

k c
k ( x y ) c(x y)



F =-k (x-y)-c(x-y)=mx

mx +cx + kx = cy + ky

2 2 x +2n x + n x = 2n y + n y

2 2 x +2n x + n x =2n y + n y

Let the response x(t ) = Xe jt to the base harmonic input y(t ) = Ye jt The steady-state solution:

2 n

2 2 + j 2n ) Xe jt = ( j 2n + n ) Ye jt

(1 r 2 + j 2 r ) X = (1 + j 2 r ) Y X 1 + j 2 r X j = = e 2 Y 1 r + j 2 r Y
2 r 2 1 r

Transmissibility: TR
X 1 + (2 r ) 2 , = Y (1 r 2 ) 2 + (2 r ) 2

= tan 1 2 r tan 1

The relative magnitude plot of X/Y versus frequency ratio

40 30 20 X/Y (dB) 10 0 -10 -20 0

=0.01 =0.1 =0.3 =0.7


1.5 2 Frequency ratio r


Isolation Efficiency (%) = (1 TR)x100

Potentially severe amplification at resonance Attenuation only for r > 2 If r < 2 transmissibility decreases with damping ratio If r >> 1 then transmissibility increases with damping ratio X~2Y/r

Force Transmissibility : Moving Base

From FBD: FT = k ( x y ) + c( x y ) = mx From x (t ) = Xe we obtain thus
j t


k c FT

2 j t

x = Xe



FT = m 2 X = k r 2 X
FT kr 2 X X 1 + (2 r ) 2 = = r2 = r2 kY kY Y (1 r 2 ) 2 + (2 r ) 2

Plot of Force Transmissibility (in dB) versus frequency ratio

40 30 20 F/kY (dB) 10 0 -10 -20

=0.01 =0.1 =0.3 =0.7


1.5 2 Frequency ratio r


Force Transmissibility : Fixed Base

From FBD: mx + cx + kx = F0e jt Let x(t ) = Xe jt , then we obtain

y(t) = 0
F0e jt

k c

( k m

+ jc ) X = F0

FT e jt

FT e jt = kx + cx = ( k + jc ) X

FT k + jc 1 + j 2 r F = = = T e j 2 2 F0 k m + jc 1 r + j 2 r F0
Same as displacement TR with moving base !!!

Section 5.2 Isolation

A major job of vibration engineers is to isolate systems from vibration disturbances or vice versa. Uses heavily material from Sections 2.4 on Base Excitation

Isolation: sdof concept

Two types: moving base and fixed base Three magnitude plots to consider TR used to denote the transmissibility ratio

X 1+ (2r) 2 = Y (1 r 2 ) 2 + (2r) 2 FT 1+ (2r) 2 = r2 kY (1 r 2 ) 2 + (2r) 2 FT 1+ (2r) 2 = F0 (1 r 2 ) 2 + (2r) 2

Moving base, displacement TR Moving base, force TR Fixed base, force TR

Effect & Method of Vibration Isolation

Isolator Materials

Machines Mounted on Heavy, Rigid Base ?

printing machine of 400 ton m k foundation
FT = F0 X = F0 k 1 + ( 2 r )
2 2 2 2

m k Heavy base Mm foundation

Modified mass m = m + M

(1 r ) + ( 2 r )
2 2

For r (TR) fixed, k can be increased so that X can be reduced.


(1 r ) + ( 2 r )

Improper Isolator Can Increase Vibration

Example 5.2.1
Design an isolator (choose k, c) to hold a 3 kg electronics module to less then 0.005 m deflection if the base is moving at y(t)=(0.01)sin(35t) Calculate the force transmitted through the isolator

Figure 5.6 Car, module and model

Detail sketch

System sketch

Free Body Diagram

TR Plot for moving base displacement


For TR = 0.5 0.01 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.2 r 1.73 1.74 1.76 1.84 2.35 4.41


=0.01 =0.05 =0.1 =0.2 =0.5 =1.2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Frequency ratio r 2.5 3

TR 0

Computing a design from formulas and the TR plot:

TR = X max response 0.005 = = 0.5 Y max input 0.01 from the plot r 1.73, 0.02 works

k 35 1.73 k 1228 N/m n 3 1.73 c = 2 mn 2(0.02)(3)(20.232)

r= = 2.428 kg/s = 2.428 N s/m


Compute the Rattle Space

mg g 9.81 = 2 0.024 m n (20.232) 2 k

X < 0.5 Y
Choice of k and c must also be reasonable so that the rattle space should be limited.

Transmitted force
FT = kYr

1+ (2r) 2 = kYr 2 (TR) 2 2 2 (1 r ) + (2r)

= (1228)(0.01)(1.73) 2 (0.5) = 18.376 N

Transmitted force, static deflection, damping and stiffness values must all be reasonable and obtainable for the application.


2.5 Rotating Imbalance

Pumps, Compressors Turbines, Generators Tires Washing machines
e = eccentricity mo = mass imbalance = rotation frequency
Machine of total mass m i.e. m0 included in m


k c

Rotating Imbalance (cont)



What force is imparted on the structure? Note it rotates at with x component:


x = e jt x = 2e jt

We only consider the imaginary part of solution.


The problem is now just like any other SDOF system with a harmonic excitation

mx + cx + kx = mo 2e jt
2 x + 2n x + n x =

mo 2 jt e m

k c

Let x(t ) = Xe jt = X e j (t + ) where mo e r2 X = m (1 r 2 ) 2 + ( 2 r )2

= tan 1

2 r 2 1 r


2.6 Measurement Devices (Vibration Pick-Up)

Vibration is measured using a single DOF vibrating system
k x(t)

y(t) c

mx = c (x y ) k (x y )

Accelerometers & Load Cells


Piezo-electric type Accelerometers


Define z(t)=x(t)-y(t) and assume y =Yejt, then

mz + cz + kz = m 2Ye jt
The response z(t) is given by z(t)=Zejt, where
Z = Y r2 (1 r 2 )2 + ( 2 r )

; = tan 1

2 r 1 r2

For an accelerometer,


1 (1 r 2 )2 + ( 2 r )

2 n

- Useful frequency range is given by r < 0.2 - Compromising between sensitivity and useful frequency range is necessary For a displacement transducer,
Z = Y r2 (1 r 2 )2 + ( 2 r )

- Useful frequency range is given by r >3. - Lower n is desirable, yet requires larger mass


2.8 Numerical Simulation and Design

Four things we can do computationally to help solve, understand and design vibration problems subject to harmonic excitation Symbolic manipulation Plotting of the time response Solution and plotting of the time response Plotting magnitude and phase

Symbolic Manipulation
2 n 2 2 n A= 2 2 2 n n


f x = 0 0

What is

An = A 1 x
This can be solved using Matlab, Mathcad or Mathematica


In MATLAB Command Window

>> >> >> >> syms z wn w f0 A=[wn^2-w^2 2*z*wn*w;-2*z*wn*w wn^2-w^2]; x=[f0 ;0]; An=inv(A)*x An = [ (wn^2-w^2)/(wn^4-2*wn^2*w^2+w^4+4*z^2*wn^2*w^2)*f0] [ 2*z*wn*w/(wn^4-2*wn^2*w^2+w^4+4*z^2*wn^2*w^2)*f0] >> pretty(An) [ 2 2 ] [ (wn - w ) f0 ] [ --------------------------------- ] [ 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 ] [ wn - 2 wn w + w + 4 z wn w ] [ ] [ z wn w f0 ] [2 ---------------------------------] [ 4 2 2 4 2 2 2] [ wn - 2 wn w + w + 4 z wn w ]

Magnitude plots: Base Excitation

%m-file to plot base excitation to mass vibration r=linspace(0,3,500); ze=[0.01;0.05;0.1;0.20;0.50]; X=sqrt( ((2*ze*r).^2+1) ./ ( (ones(size(ze))*(1-r.*r).^2) + (2*ze*r).^2) ); figure(1) plot(r,20*log10(X)) The values of can then be chosen directly off of the plot. X/Y (dB) For Example: If the T.R. needs to be less than 2 (or 6dB) and r is close to 1 then must be more than 0.2 (probably about 0.3). 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Frequency ratio r 2.5 3 Design value

=0.01 =0.05 =0.1 =0.2 =0.5


Numerical Simulation
We can put the forced case:

mx (t ) + cx (t ) + kx (t ) = F0 cos t
2 x (t ) + 2n x (t ) + n x (t ) = f 0 cos t

Into a state space form

x1 = x2
2 x2 = 2n x2 n x1 + f 0 cos t

0 x (t ) = Ax (t ) + f (t ), f (t ) = f 0 cos t

Numerical Integration
Euler : x(t i +1 ) = x(t i ) + Ax(t i )t + f (t i )t
Using the ODE45 function
>>TSPAN=[0 10]; >>Y0=[0;0]; >>[t,y] =ode45('num_for',TSPAN,Y0); >>plot(t,y(:,1))
Displacement (m)

Zero initial conditions

5 4 3 2

Including forcing
function Xdot=num_for(t,X) m=100;k=1000;c=25; ze=c/(2*sqrt(k*m)); wn=sqrt(k/m); w=2.5;F=1000;f=F/m; f=[0 ;f*cos(w*t)]; A=[0 1;-wn*wn -2*ze*wn]; Xdot=A*X+f;

1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 2 4 6 Time (sec) 8 10


Example 2.8.2: Design damping for an electronics model

100 kg mass, subject to 150 cos(5t) N Stiffness k = 500 N/m, c = 10kg/s Usually x0 = 0.01 m, v0 = 0.5 m/s Find a new c such that the maximum transient value is 0.2 m.

Response of the board is;

0.4 0.2 transient exceeds design specification value

Displacement (m)




20 Time (sec)




To run this use the following file:

Create function to model forcing
function Xdot=num_for(t,X) m=100;k=500;c=10; ze=c/(2*sqrt(k*m)); wn=sqrt(k/m); w=5;F=150;f=F/m; f=[0 ;f*cos(w*t)]; A=[0 1;-wn*wn -2*ze*wn]; Xdot=A*X+f; >>TSPAN=[0 40]; >> Y0=[0.01;0.5]; >>[t,y] = ode45('num_for',TSPAN,Y0); >> plot(t,y(:,1)) >> xlabel('Time (sec)') >> ylabel('Displacement (m)') >> grid

Matlab command window

Rerun this code, increasing c each time until a response that satisfies the design limits results.

Solution: code it, plot it and change c until the desired response bound is obtained.

Meets amplitude limit when c=195kg/s

Displacement (m) 0.2




20 Time (sec)




2.9 Nonlinear Response Properties

More than one equilibrium Steady state depends on initial conditions Period depends on I.C. and amplitude Sub and super harmonic resonance No superposition Harmonic input resulting in nonperiodic motion Jumps appear in response amplitude

Computing the forced response of a non-linear system

A non-linear system has an equation of motion given by:

x (t ) + f ( x, x ) = f 0 cos t

Put this expression into state-space form:

x1 (t ) = x2 (t ) x2 (t ) = f ( x1 , x2 ) + f 0 cos t
In vector form:

x ( t ) = F( x ) + f ( t )


Numerical form
Vector of nonlinear dynamics Input force vector

0 x2 ( t ) F( x ) = , f (t ) = f ( x1 , x2 ) f 0 cos t
Euler equation is

x(ti +1 ) = x(ti ) + F( x(ti )) t + f (ti ) t

Cubic nonlinear spring (2.9.1)

2 x + 2n x + n x x 3 = f 0 cos t

Displacement (m)

-1 Non-linearity included Linear system 0 2 4 6 Time (sec) 8 10


Superharmonic resonance



Cubic nonlinear spring near resonance

2 x + 2n x + n x x 3 = f 0 cos t

3 2 Displacement (m) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 2 Non-linearity included Linear system 4 6 Time (sec) 8

Superharmonic resonance




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