Curriculum 1964 - 1975
Curriculum 1964 - 1975
Curriculum 1964 - 1975
for curriculum which is called Rentjana Pendidikan or Rencana Pendidikan Taman Kanak-kanak dan Sekolah Dasar (Education Plans for Primary School and Pre-School Level). The goals were to build Indonesian people who could be responsible to Pancasila and Manipol/Usdek that could achieve prospers society in material and spiritual aspect and also academic knowledge in the Primary School. The system of the Education Plans 1n 1964 was well-known as Pancawardhana system or the five aspects of development (Hamalik, 2004). The aspects themselves are: 1. Moral development This aspect focused on moral education for students in the courses of Society Education (Pendidikan Kemasyarakatan) and Religion and Norms Education (Pendidikan Agama). 2. Intelligence development This aspect focused on education for building intellectual and intelligence of students in the courses of Bahasa Indonesia, Local Language for each region, Mathematics, and Science Education. 3. Artistic Emotional development This aspect focused on art and creativity education for students with the courses of Music and Vocal, Dance, Literature and Drama, and Paint and Handicrafts. 4. Skills development This aspect focused on education in achieving life skills for students in the courses or lesson of Farming, Industry, Money earning and Economy, and so on. 5. Physical development This aspect focused on education and training for students in the courses of Sport and Human Health and Physical Education. All of the courses aabove were given in the first and second grade of Primary School in 26 hours with 30 minutes for each lesson, and for the third and
forth grades were 36 hours with 40 minutes for each lesson. The study time also conducted with teachers centered learning that teachers were more active to guide and teach students. Besides the five aspects above, in this curriculum, government also obligated every school to provide extracurricular activities for students including cultural activity, more specific arts, sports, and some others. This Extracurricular activity was called Krida. From the five aspects of education above, we can find the plus point of 1964 curriculum that with more focus on moral education for students especially in the Primary School level, this curriculum can trigger students to become the better Indonesian people with high morality. On the other hand, the minus point is that this curriculum didnt give enough development in the aspect of social education and science knowledge.
CURRICULUM 1968 The tragedy of September 30 1965 carried out by PKI (Indonesian Communists Party) or well-known as G-30-S-PKI had brought a great fundamental changing in politics, economy, social life and of course Indonesian education. In 1968, Department of Education and Society Culture (DEPDIKBUD) directly made a changing and revising of the previous curriculum that is 1964 curriculum by publishing a guide book of curriculum (Hernawan, 2006). It was a recovery of Rentjana Pendidikan or Rencana Pendidikan Taman Kanak-kanak dan Sekolah Dasar (Education Plans for Primary School and Pre-School Level). The main changing was on the educational goal plans based on the Pancasila principle (MPRS No. XXVII/MPRS/1966 Chapter II Section 2). Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional ialah membentuk manusia Pancasilais sejati berdasarkan ketentuanketentuan seperti yang dikehendaki oleh pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dan isi Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. To achieve the fundamental and goals of education itself, the content od education was directed to get these aspects: 1. Escalating mentality, moral, norms, and strengthen the beliefs and religion.
2. Escalating intellectual, intelligence, and abilities. 3. Building strong and health physical body.
The publishing of 1968 curriculum was a transformation to integrity of curriculum from the level of Pre-School to the level of University. This 1968 curriculum was divided into 3 general groups: 1. Education of Pancasila including religion, nationality education, Bahasa Indonesia, local language for each region, and sports. 2. Basic and primary science including mathematics, nature science, artistic education, and education of prosperity of society and family including health education. 3. Special skills education including Agrarian Education (special skills about farming), Technique of machinery and handicrafts, and Administration and service skills (special skills about managing money, cooperation, and banking)
All of lessons above were given since the first grade in Primary School except Bahasa Indonesia which was given in the third grade for schools who used local language as the delivering language in the first and second grade. The total study hours for each week in the first and second grade were 28 hours with 30 minutes for each lesson. For the third grade and above, the total study hours for a week were 40 study hours with 40 minutes for each lesson. The better of this curriculum than the previous was that in this curriculum, each study or lesson was included the teaching guide for teachers to trigger the student to be more active in the class. This curriculum was still focus on the education of individual mentality and moral as it was the recovery and revise of the previous curriculum. The minus point was still on the lack of wider social education and global knowledge as we know that this curriculum was conducted in the transition era from Orde lama to Orde baru (President Soekarno era to President Soeharto era).
CURRICULUM 1975 1975 curriculum was conducted in the time of Pelita 2 (second 5 years development of Indonesia). Many schools and other educational institutions had conducted this curriculum because as we now that the 1964 and 1968 curriculum had so many minus points especially in the aspect of education that mostly focus on individual mentality and moral. So many people wanted an innovation in education especially after knowing that the quality of graduated students who study in the schools who used 1964 and 1968 curriculum was not good and capable enough to face their future. Based on the TAP MPR RI No.IV/MPR/1973 about the Indonesian fundamentals, started from 1975, government developed a new curriculum called 1975 curriculum which was an out break of the old curriculums because this curriculum was more real and better to build national education system (Silaswati, 2005). The goals of 1975 curriculum were to create better graduated students who would have: 1. Good basic mental and attitudes as good Indonesian citizen. 2. Mentally and physically health. 3. Wide knowledge and life skills to continue study, to start working and living in the society, and to develop their selves as the whole life education principle.
The specific goals of this curriculum were to create better graduated students who would have: 1. Knowledge, including the fundamental knowledge of Pancasila, Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, religion and beliefs, Bahasa Indonesia which was the National language, basic principles of mathematic, social and nature phenomenon in society, and Indonesian cultures. 2. Skills, including the ability to study in a good way, ability in artistic aspect, sports, and social communication. 3. Attitude and norms, including responsibility to carry out the UndangUndang Dasar 1945, carry out the obligation in each religion, loving among human being, having good interest in science, becoming
discipline person who respect each other, becoming creative and productive.
From the goals of curriculum above, we can find that 1975 curriculum was a goals-based curriculum using integrity approach, system approach, ecosystem approach, flexibility principle, continuity principle, and efficiency and effective principle. This curriculum was surely better than the previous ones because it was giving more details of educational goals. The minus point of this curriculum was that there was no detail lesson for social science since it was integrated to general social education and started to be given to students from the third grade, and local language was integrated to bahasa Indonesia as the part of it in every region of Indonesia.
Norms: A principle of right action binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide, control, or regulate proper action. Principle: A fundamental truth or proportion that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. Approach: A way of dealing with educational process from teachers to students.
References: Depdikbud. 1998. Kurikulum Pendidikan dasar 1998. Jakarta: Depdikbud Hernawan, Asep Herry. 2006. Pengembangan Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Hamalik, Oemar. 2004. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara.