Car-Chapter 1 Ellyna
Car-Chapter 1 Ellyna
Car-Chapter 1 Ellyna
Written by:
Ellyna Ade Ervanti
Cover ………………………………………. 1
Chapter I: Introduction
1.1 Background Of Study ……………………………………….. 3
1.2 Limitation Of The Study ……………………………………….. 6
1.3 Research Question ……………………………………….. 7
1.4 Objectives Of The Study ……………………………………….. 7
1.5 Significant ……………………………………….. 7
References ……………………………………… 22
Secondly, they had bad pronunciation. They tended to pronounce the letters of
the word in the mother tongue style. Thirdly, they were not interested in English class.
They thought that English is a difficult lesson, because the ways to pronounce and
write are very different.
The preliminary observation also reveals the possible causes of the problem
above, such as the technique of improving vocabulary mastery is based on the book
presentation. The students were passive. The teacher focused on the book and the
students did the exercise from the book during the teaching-learning process. Then,
the time to practice pronouncing the words is limited.
The English class was only once a week. In addition, the teacher led the
students to practice pronunciation only a few moments during whole the teaching-
learning process. And the last the material and equipment for improving vocabulary
mastery were only from a book. The students study vocabulary only by seeing small
picture from the book. The teacher never brings other teaching aids such as attractive
bigger pictures that attracted students’ curiosity to get their interest.
To master vocabulary the student should have ability in understanding and
using vocabulary. Vocabulary mastery itself deals with words and meaning. The
students are not only expected able to select the words are suitable to the context but
also they are expected to be able to use the words for communicating and expressing
their idea both in oral and written forms. To master vocabulary, students should be
able to recognize the vocabulary in its spoken and written form, spell and pronounce
it correctly, relate it to appropriate objects or concepts, use the vocabulary in the
grammatical form, recall it correctly, known in what ways it can combine with others
words, also aware of its connotation and association, and use it in appropriate level of
formality and appropriate situations (Wallace, 1982:27).
English vocabulary is one of the elements in teaching English at the
elementary school. Vocabulary is the basic competence that must be reached by
students in order to get other competencies like reading, writing, listening, and
speaking. It is difficult to master the other competences without mastering and
understanding the vocabulary. Rivers in Nunan (1991: 117) argues that the acquisition
of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because
without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and functions
we may have learned for comprehensible communication. In the field of education,
including English education in Indonesia, our education is still dominated by the view
that knowledge is a set of facts which have to be memorized. Teaching learning
process focuses on teacher as prominent source of knowledge. As a result, students
have problems to understand academic concepts as what they usually get is something
abstract and lecture method. Many students can serve good level of memorization of
teaching material but in the end of teaching learning process they actually do not
understand it at all. Actually memorization of teaching materials lasts for a short time
in their memory and knowledge is not sets of facts which have to be memorized.
To equip young learners, the teacher can bring many objects and pictures in
teaching learning process. Here, the teacher shows picture in the classroom such as
book, ball, pen, chalk, bags etc. The kinds of picture can be variety such pictures of
thing in the classroom, things in the living room, and things in our environment.
Considering the result of the preliminary observation and the theories of
vocabulary learning especially to children, the researcher notice that picture was a
possible technique in solving the problems. National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development, 2000 (in T. Linse Caroline 2005:126) Young learners make
educational gains when they are exposed to vocabulary items repeatedly in rich
contexts. To acquire vocabulary in incidental mood, many kinds of methods are
introduced. Reading comprehension is the process of receiving, constructing meaning
form, and responding to spoken or nonverbal language. Vocabulary is precisely one of
the language components that can be acquire through training in reading
Teacher can use media to enhance teaching and learning process. It is a
complements traditional approach to learning. The use of media in teaching-learning
process can help teacher to deliver the knowledge effectively. Media of learning can
be a factor to attract students to interest the lesson. There are many kinds of media
that can be used such as picture, maps, stories, real things, dialogue and tables that
present the materials.
Nowadays, there are lots of media that can be used to teach young learners.
However, teacher should choose one of media that fun and interesting, so students can
enjoy the teaching and learning process. The better way to enjoy learning the English
vocabulary is through stories, the stories can be apply in a comic on Webtoon
Comic communicate using two major media, words and images a somewhat
arbitrary separation because comic expressive potential lies in skillfully employing
words and images together. A comic strip is defined as a sequence of drawings
arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often
serialized, and usually arranged horizontally, with the text in balloons and caption
(Liu, 2004; Hainess, 2012; Mere, 2013).
Comics can teach children to infer meaning form the visual first. Comics must
include pictures. The benefits of using comics to learning are certainly great, both in
increase literacy and in addressing the educational needs of differentiated learners.
Moreover, using comics to build children vocabulary not also make they enjoy
the learning process but also can improve their motivation through the pictures.
Children are more interesting when dealing with the concrete things. Through the
comics they can know the word by look in the picture. It also can build their
imagination through the stories that appear in the comics.
Related to the analysis above, the researcher conclude that the process of
learning how to understand English vocabulary consist of several weaknesses.
Therefore, I propose an alternative action or clinic to better improve the learning
process for teaching the competency of vocabulary mastery.
Based on the background above, the writer would like to conduct an action
research on improving vocabulary mastery using Webtoon application in Senior High
School to improve the student’s vocabulary mastery. Therefore the writer is interested
in conducting research in “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by Using
1.3 Research Question
The researcher would like to formulate the problem statement as follow:
1) How can teachers improve the process of teaching and learning English vocabulary
htrough Webtoon?
1.5 Significant
1). Theoretically;
a. This proposed study can be used as an input in improving students’ vocabulary mastery
especially in teaching vocabulary.
b. This proposed study can be use as the reference for those who want to conduct a
research in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.
2). practically; the teacher gets many variety of teaching technique. Because teaching and
learning process in the class without medium can make students fell bored to get the
materials. By using Webtoon technique students are interests in something new and
involve the physical activities.
Learning vocabulary as a foreign language seems easy but most students still feel fear
about that. Additionally, learning vocabulary is not an easy duty. English teacher should find
out the solution by creating an efficient and effective technique in teaching Vocabulary.
Besides, the teachers should establish condition which makes teaching vocabulary possible.
This chapter are consists and discuss some theories or research findings related to the topic
under investigation. Among of which contains Comics as media to learning, how vocabulary
is learned, technique of teaching vocabulary.
The design of comic books can be done using special software on computers. It can be
design by authors to contain information that can be learn by the students. Comics are
especially useful for English language learners. By offering a style of reading with which
students are familiar.
One of criticism leveled at comics is that the reading level is too low. It is not true.
Jim Trelease (2001) stated that, to become proficient readers, people need to master a set of
about 5000 ‘rare words’ that appear infrequently in conversation. In the average adult novel,
these words appear 52 times per 1000 words of text. In comic books, they appear 53 times
per 1000 (Hayes & Athens, 1988). Consequently, comic books do not reduce the vocabulary
demand on young readers, but they do provide picture support, quick and appealing story
lines, and less text.
2.2 How vocabulary is learned
For the most part, vocabulary growth in school occurs informally and incidentally
rather than formally and intentionally (Nagy, Perman, & Anderson, 1985). Students learn
vocabulary best in classrooms in which teachers read to them and highlight important and
interesting words. In these classrooms, students regularly read independently and in groups
and they discuss their understandings in literature circles during and after reading.
Informal and incidental vocabulary learning is quite efficient and effective. 25% of
annual vocabulary growth can be attributed to incidental learning from meaningful context
while reading (Nagy et al., 1987). Leung (1992) found read-aloud seem to be a particularly
powerful instructional strategy for supporting incidental vocabulary growth in the elementary
grades. Stahl, Richek, and Vandevier (1991) explored indirect learning of vocabulary words
with sixth graders and found that students were able to learn a significant number of
vocabulary words from reading, enhances vocabulary growth. As Nagy (1988) asserted,
“What is needed to produce vocabulary growth is not more vocabulary instruction but more
reading” (p. 3) discussing their reading, and listening to orally presented passages.
Collectively, these findings indicate that vocabulary growth occurs when we “immerse
students in words in a variety of ways and get them personally and actively involved in
constructing word meanings” (Duke & Bennett-Armistead, 2003, p. 182).
According to Lado (1979), teachers should conduct a classroom activity that may
enjoyable for everyone (teacher and students). He also suggests that good classroom activity
can be reached if the teacher does this following statement:
1) The teacher should be creative in selecting and using the interesting and appropriate
technique to the students. So that it make the classroom activity more enthusiastic and
2) The teacher must know and understand what is common that is faced by students as
she or he could decide which technique will be used to solve that problem.
2.3 The techniques and activity in teaching vocabulary
There are many approaches, activities, and technique that can be use to help students
develop and increase their vocabulary. It is important that the teacher include and involve
vocabulary items which are part of the curriculum as well as provide students with
opportunities to work with items they find meaningful.
This section reports on research results aimed at investigating the techniques used by
a teacher of English in presenting the meaning and form of vocabulary. Commonly, there are
several techniques concerning the teaching of' vocabulary. However, there are a few things
that have to be remembered by most English teachers if they want to present a new
vocabulary or lexical items to their students. It means that the English teachers want students
to remember new vocabulary. Then, it needs to be learnt, practiced, and revised to prevent
students from forgetting. Techniques employed by teachers depend on some factors, such as
the content, time availability, and its value for the learners (Takač, 2008). This makes
teachers have some reasons in employing certain techniques in presenting vocabulary. In
presenting one planned vocabulary item, the teacher usually combined more than one
technique, instead of employing one single technique. Teachers, furthermore, are suggested
to employ planned vocabulary presentation as various as possible (Pinter, 2006). Here are
some techniques and activity of teaching vocabulary as stated by Linse and Nunan (2005).
The teacher asks the students questions that frequently will help them to relate new
word to their own lives. For example, “Which farm animal would you like to take home?” or
“When you are hungry, what do you want to eat?”. This technique may help them to
remember and to use the words in their own speech and writing. The question is used to
prompt vocabulary development have to carefully phrased to help students develop their
cognitive skills.
Also, this is a good technique for remembering new words. The questions should be
help students increase higher-order thinking skills by having them analyze information in
order to answer the question as well.
The teacher selects a specific word that will focus on each day. The teacher can pre-
select the word, or the students can have decided what word will be featured. For example, if
the students are studying jungle animals, they can learn a different species each day, or the
teacher ask them to bring a new word that relate to the jungle on their particular vocabulary
day. Afterward, when the teacher takes attendance, instead of having students say here they
can say the word of the day. In addition, when the students are waiting for the bell ring or the
end of school, teacher can ask one or two students to use the word of the day in a sentence.
2.3.3 Categories
In this technique, students have to create a set of picture cards or word cards with
different vocabulary items on them. Then, they put one vocabulary item on each card. Ask
them to work on their sets of cards, walk around and discuss the different words. The students
who are 4-7 years old might be easily cope with 16-20 words, while elder students may cope
with up to 40 words in this activity. The teacher can then ask their students to sort the words
into 2-5 different categories of their own choosing. For younger or less advanced students,
the teacher may want to allow and other or miscellaneous category that students can put a
few in.
Scavenger hunt is technique teaching vocabulary that teacher give the students who
are 6 years old or elder an English as Foreign Language or English as Second Language
course book that is appropriate for their age and language level. Give the students a word to
find in the book, such as banana. Particularly, young learners have to use cognitive skills to
determine which unit the word will be found in. this technique would help students to classify
words according to different categories. In addition, teacher can simply show them a picture
of the target word, especially for students who do not have literacy skills. For other students,
the teacher can write the target word on the board. Then, students have to tell the teacher the
path that they took to find the word, and the word should be listed on several different pages.
At the end of the course, the teacher or a student be a volunteer to write all of the page
numbers on the board.
2.3.5 Picture
McCloud (1993: 51) says that pictures are received information; people do not need
formal education to get the message, the message is instantaneous. Writing is perceived
information; it takes time and specialized knowledge to interpret the abstract symbols of
language. When pictures are more abstracted from “reality”, they require greater levels of
perception, more like words. Moreover, when words are bolder and straight, they need lower
levels of perception, more like pictures. The need for a combined language of comic sends
the theory to the center where words and pictures are like two sides of one coin. However,
comic seems to lead the theory away from, when pictures and words are most separate. In
spite of this, they can still be accepted. In comics, pictures take up a great amount of space
available on the page. Pictures are a vital element of comics so that reading materials cannot
be called as comics as far as no picture is available to illustrate the story. In this study, the
pictures used in the comics are taken from three-dimensional animated cartoons. Pictures
captured from such cartoons will relatively look more eye-catching and livelier than pictures
captured from two-dimensional animated cartoons. Those two features may serve as a
powerful tool to pull students’ first attention to the reading texts presented.
The teacher read or says a sentence aloud and leaves out a word on front of the class.
The students have to guess the mystery word that has been omitted. For example, teacher
might say, I like to put ________ and sauce on my meatballs.
If students come up with a word other rather than what the teacher had in mind, the
teacher can tell them that it was a good guess but not what the teacher was thinking. For
example, if the teacher says, I wear a _______ on my head and students says cap, the teacher
can say that you were thinking of another word but that cap also rights. By using this
technique, students would give creative answers often leads to existed discussion and
gathering. The students might be given different mystery words and asked to come up with
their own sentences for their other students to guess.
2.3.7 Concentration
Teaching with Concentration technique with a new vocabulary words can be made
using picture or word cards. There are two sets of cards, one set, the words should be printed
or illustrated with pictures and the second one should be matching pictures, definitions, the
word, or the word used in a context-rich sentence. At least, there should have total of 16-24
cards in this activity. This is a good strategy or game that can use when students learn for test
their vocabulary.
When use this activity, the cards are placed face down on a table. The first student
turns over two cards and pay attention them aloud. If they match, the student keeps the cards.
In other hands, if they do not match, the word must put it back on the table face down in the
same place from which they were taken. Then, the next student turn over two cards. The
player take turns till there are no more cards on the table.
In this technique, teacher gives a word card. For students who lack of literacy skills,
the teacher will want to use picture cards. Meanwhile, for elder students, it is depend on upon
the vocabulary items that the teacher might want to include words and pictures or just words.
The students have to sit with their chairs in a circle, and should sit in a chair and hold their
card so that the end of the class can see it. The teacher stand in the middle of the circle
holding a card, call two word cards such as mango and apple. Afterward, two students hold
the cards with mango and apple on them race to change seats, although, one is left standing
because the teacher sit in one of the empty chairs. On one hand, the teacher sit in one of the
chairs that has been vacated, and students who without a chairs is left standing and calls must
out the next two words.
Based on the previous discussion, it is realized that teaching EFL or EFL in classroom
activity is not easy for the teacher. Teacher needs to provide, to facilitate and to make
interesting activity to conduct successful teaching and learning process.
One of interesting teaching activity that teacher can do in the classroom is by using
Webtoon as the alternative activity in learning English vocabulary. By implementing this
activity, students are able to master new English vocabulary easily and in a fun way. This is
an easy, fun, and very useful social skills game to help students to learn how to encourage
others. In other word, children who in this level mostly like to play and play than thinking.
The object is to remember vocabularies from what the stories was told by the researchers.
This activity can be used either in individual or group battle.
Also, using Webtooon is an interesting activity that makes every student enjoys
learning without any pressure. The students can learn something when they read the comic in
the classroom. This activity is appropriate with senior high schools students characteristic
who like to play, read, work in group and do something directly. The step in conducting this
activity is really easy to apply in classroom.
This chapter present the description of the researcher method employed in this study.
It presents the researcher design, subject and setting of the study, procedure of the study,
preliminary observation, and planning, implementing, observing, data analysis and reflecting.
the change, reflecting on these processes and consequence and then re-planning, acting and
observing, reflecting, and so on.
The purpose of this classroom action research was to improve students’ vocabulary by
using webtoon. The researcher wants to know how far webtoon can improve students’
vocabulary since it deal with the classroom setting. The researcher gets the data by
observation form they are observation check list and test. The researcher conducted the
research in cycles, each of which consists of four steps: planning, implementation,
observation, and reflection. If the students can get the score more than the standard of criteria
its mean that the cycle that made by researcher is success.
1. The subject of this research is the students in 10TH class of SMA N 4 Tanjung
Jabung Timur with 25 students in total, there are 15 male and 10 female students.
The place of this study is in SMA N 4 Tanjung Jabung Timur which is located in Kec.
Dendang, Tanjung Jabung Timur.
The length of the study starts from cycle I until cycle II is around 31 days. The study
was conducted for one month for study in SMA N 4 Tanjung Jabung Timur.
In the classroom action research, there are four stages within one cycle. They are
planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The procedures of the study refer to the
stages in how the study is conducted covering preliminary observation, planning,
implementation, observation and reflection. It was intended to find out practical problem of
the class.
3.4 Preliminary Observation (Reconnaissance)
The teacher identified the problems before planning the action. The problems referred
to students’ difficulty in learning English especially in improving vocabulary. The
preliminary study was done before the researcher conducting the classroom action research.
The preliminary observation was done because this very important. Before doing the research
the researcher choose the material that gives to students based on the level of the students.
And then the researcher gives a picture and gives to students as preliminary test. After doing
the preliminary observation the researcher known that there are some problems faced by the
students in improving vocabulary.
3.5 Planning
Before doing the strategy in the classroom teacher should prepare the equipment that
will use in teaching and learning process. Each of the activity in the planning above must be
illustrated in separated parts or in separated subheading. Planning was a phase done for the
purpose of preparing the media to solve the instructional problem found during the
preliminary study. The media was selected based on her belief that the media could solve the
problem. Narrative comic strips that one media to improve the vocabulary. In the planning of
cycle 1, the researcher socialized the researcher procedure, designed a lesson plan, prepared
the research instrument, the instructional material, and set the criteria of success. While in the
cycle 2, the researcher made a revision and designed new lesson plan.
Before conducting the research on the class, researcher asks permission to head
master in Senior high school. After that the researcher meets with one of the English teacher.
Then the researchers interviewed the English teacher about the strategy that the researches
used to improve students vocabulary. The researcher also prepares the test and observation
checklist to measure the student’s process during teaching and learning process to take place.
Is there any difference between students’ ability before and after give this treatment to the
students’. The test in the form of answer the task such as fill in the blank.
b. Providing a suitable Strategy
Based on the result of preliminary observation, the researcher found that there were some
problems. So the researcher prepares strategy to solve it. The media that used in this strategy
that is a webtoon. There are any steps to apply this strategy:
a) First, the teacher chooses one of the genre stories in the webtoon that is slice of life.
c) And then the students write the conversation of the conversation of the story as a
Thus all the strategy that used by the researcher to improve students’ vocabulary using
Designing a lesson plan means the researcher write the plan in implementation of
research in form of lesson plan. To improve students’ vocabulary by using webtoon, there are
many criteria that must be reaching by students at senior high school. These are the criteria:
b. Students are able to write down the words that were in comic.
The researcher will made the lesson plan consist of course identity, objective, method
of teaching learning process, instructional media, media, evaluation and assessment.
3.6 Implementing
The researcher implemented the teaching learning activity using Direct Instruction
based on the lesson plan that made. In this step the researcher implemented the materials with
the strategy that had been planned before. This steps and activities in implementing the real
action research to solve the students’ problem after doing the preliminary observation. The
first cycle was done in three meetings. The first and second meeting the researcher explained
and practice about comic and webtoon. The researcher gave a picture of what is webtoon. In
the third meeting was given the exercise. Students did the exercise after download webtoon.
Finally the researcher reviews of all a student’s assignment and the researcher ask the
students to learn about the material.
Cycle 1
Steps Activities
Opening Greeting and asking students conditions
Distributing the story that have been
choosing from the webtoon
Whilst Asking the difficult vocabulary
Wrote the difficult vocabulary
Drill the difficult vocabulary related to the
Divided students into some groups
Give the assignment
Peer discussion
Closing Teacher ask students’ difficulties in learning
Teacher give some motivation in learning
3.7 Observing
1) Test
Test is a set of questions that used to measure students ability in improving students’
vocabulary. Test also used by researcher to know how far student’s progress in
learning English vocabulary.
2) Observation Checklist
Observation checklist is a set of list about the student’s activity during the teaching
and learning process. It was used to know how far student’s active and enthusiasm in
teaching and learning process when in the class. There were seven criteria of
observation checklist. They were the criteria of students’ activities: (1) Students paid
attention with the instructions, (2) Students enthusiastic to response the teacher
question, (3) Students able to understand about the story, (4) students are active to
doing the task, (5) Students active and enthusiastic to join the class, (6) Students
joined the class from the beginning until the end. The observation checklist was filled
by the teacher or the observer based the student’s activities during the teaching and
learning process.
3.8 Reflecting
This stage has purpose to reflect or evaluate from three stages before, it is done based
on data that have been collected to hold evaluation for continuing the next cycle. If there are
still some problems, it needs to move on to the next cycle until the problems are solved.
These are the reflecting stage of this research. Reflecting is the final steps that done by the
3.9 Data Analysis
After the data is taken, the researchers continue the process by analyzing the data. In
analyzing the data, the researchers identify the score from all students by comparing the
result of student’s score before they learn without using webtoon and after they learn by
usingwebtoon. Another problem such as motivation, lack of media and inappropriate
technique of teaching will be included into consideration but the focus is still the vocabulary
skill of the students. In analyzing how far the students participate in learning process, the
researcher will compare the video which consist student’s participation who teaches before
they learn without using webtoonand after they learn with using webtoon.
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