Individual Reflective Report On Desertation

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The author learned about time management, working in groups, sustainability, and gained business knowledge from writing the report.

The author struggled with procrastination and motivation during the summer break. They also had difficulty selecting a topic and company for their report at first.

Discussing the report topics and arguing points in the AMP week helped provide ideas and solutions for the author when they got stuck later on. Remembering their discussions boosted the author's morale.

Individual Reflective Report

The experience of the report which has been faced by me is one of the better learning phases in my life. Its strange but whenever something related to studies with me some or the other new rules come in that year may be it was in my school or junior or degree college and now on top of that there was a change while doing my masters course too. It is funny and weird but all the experiences have been wonderful at last it can be said that. The changes that occurs is always at my last year like the entire portion has changed or this is the last year that you are having this syllabus from next year its changing so all the time it was quite different experiences in school and college life. But the experience which has been faced by me is quite different from all of them at the end can be said to be the worst at start at best at the end. Since when I came to London for my Msc.International Business Management course everything was going as usual at it goes but as month passed new rules again came in London to the government changed and the visa procedure and work permit changed so we were not allowed to work in United Kingdom after our studies so again a change while I was studying a again a strange incident in my life. But then like the students who already had arrived had discussion among themselves different universities and then finally after all the request it was decided that they can get work permit only on one basis if they complete their final report before April this was the first time something happening as such before the term people had to submit their final project and also only those who want this option can select it and I had opted for it. After our first term exams it was summer break but for us but those who had opted for work permit had to do the final project in summer break. It was in 3rd week of June we had our A.M.P as in what one needs to do for their final project what are the things and information and research which he needs to and what are the available sources what books one should refer how to use the universities websites and Harvard style was referencing where one can understand about the report has been told in that 5 days of A.M.P week. It was after that week we did not had option of clearing our doubts if we had any and it was too early for us because of the new rules it was difficult to write the project still most of them had opted it. After the A.M.P week everyone had to write a hand written notes as in how far they have reached in their report which company they have selected and submit the hand written notes on the given dates. The topic was divided in a member of 8-10 each one had to do the same topic but on different company. The topic for our group was environment and sustainability of a global company we discussed in groups about this topic in A.M.P as in how to start and all after that everyone was left on their own. As it was summers break for few them and also the first term was over we were in a holiday mood so we thought we will do as the time come as always most of them have habit of doing it at the last moment but just because of the A.M.P and also the hand written submission dates came closer everybody started thinking about the company and thinking what to write so even finally I was finding it difficult as in what to select

first I had selected blackberry company. But as soon as I started writing about the report I realised somehow that if I select this as my company so sustainability would not be a problem for me for this company but cell phones helping in the environment would be too difficult to write as equal importance had to be given to both environment and sustainability to be successful and for the overall progress of the company. After thinking I felt it was high time and the date of submission of second hand note was nearing and also I was acting too lazy to write this report since of the summer break but somehow thought a lot about it and finally selected Honda as my topic for the report. Then I had written on environment and sustainability as in general since I was not pretty sure about the company which I wanted to select for my report so about the strategies of the company different new ideas and environmental factors in general idea was given by me. After the submission of the hand written notes I realised that what had happened while writing first only I should have included in my report but nevertheless as always everything which we need to does not click at the right moment then initially as always I was not to serious about the final report as it is we had to submit in the month of December and had enough of time although we were warned that its difficult if you dont start working on it every day at least a bit it would be had much simpler that I realised it later but nevertheless my summer break was over and hardly I have completed anything. As soon as the 2nd term started we had many new assignments and different test and all so this final report as if there was no time to look into it as due to exams and different new assignments. It was during this stage that I realised that what was told to us in our A.M.P week was very important that is to daily at least write something or the other then it would be much more simpler and easier. When it was high time I began doing my research daily even though I was finding it difficult but I had no option since it was a final project and I didnt want to take any more risk so I began working on it daily. Whatever happened daily I use to research on my topic find resources from various sourced different websites I use to go to library and find different books related to my topic and write some or the other thing on it along with other assignments initially it was difficult for me to do all this daily since I was so not use to it but then I had realised the importance of the final report. Then daily few of our friend made target as in this is minimum which one needs to complete come whatever happens also we started managing time for lectures and gain the value and importance of time. We started this assignment working in groups too as in we took help of each other at times but make sure that our work is done on time and also our set targets are achieved but initially we didnt achieve but as the time passed and the deadline dates come near we tried more hard so as to make it easier for us we faced many difficulties while doing it sometimes we didnt finish our targets due to some or the other submissions deadline or exams as such and some other factors too. Then about my report what I have included about my company and topic in general.

In the first part of my report I have given a brief introduction about the environmental and sustainability of the company as per the topic we had to act as a consultant and given an advice to the C.E.O of the company as what are the things they should give to any global company for their success in the organisation sand what are the environment and sustainable strategies they should adopt for the better future of the company. As told earlier I started with the Blackberry but as soon as I read articles and journals about various things on sustainable and environment I realised that I am going in the wrong direction since cell phones company can do various measures for sustainable but not it could much for the environment just recycle and all but not much as I wanted to give equal importance so I decided to change my topic then after reading articles and journals on sustainability and environment related I finally decided to take any automobile company and as I am found of all the Honda cars I decided to take that as my topic. This was the basic reason I selected Honda as my topic and also I am found of sports cars which are manufactured by them. An selecting an automobile company after thinking all the aspects it was thought by me that this would be perfect according to me in relation with environment and sustainability as every automobile company face increasing competition in todays world. While writing the report initially I use to think why this a long report we have to write what is the use of such things and found it very irritating and also thought that as in how much time it will take to complete this thing many questions raised in my mind and many other things. It was even find frustrating to me at times like so much of research at that point when too many things came together even the thing that why I have opted for this work permit came in mind and thought that it would have been better that if I would have submitted my report after the 2 nd term so I would have more time and more knowledge this and many other several questions arise in my mind. But slowly as the report so far reached at a point when I began to find things and became easier for me to write words and had completed a lot of research and also written a lot of words then I began to feel relaxed and also felt the importance of time and management of things. The report which I made it can be said that was a long but at last an experience and proved out to be wonderful and will remain the best part of my master course and increased my knowledge and taught me many new things such as how sustainable strategies are used in an organisation and how it motivates its employees and increase the productivity in any company. Also not only the how to remain sustain but also what are the environment hazards and how to take care of them and what are the things you can do to prevent it.The other main thing which this report thought me about how company analysis its problems and what are the solutions provided to it that is how they plan their strategies and how they also plan about the future vision and think for the progress and growth of the organisation. Also how they decided a fix price of the product and be flexible depending upon the market making sure that they do not suffer loss and if they suffer what are the new techniques and ideas they can develop and solve the issues.

At the initial stage when this report was given in group to discuss each and every member gave their suggestion and discuss and gave opinions as in how to go about it. In the 5 days of A.M.P everyday someone or the other would come up with some research and discuss topic in general which was very helpful to go about and write the report but it was only for the initial 5 days. In this we discussed various topics and even argue at times if one didnt find the opinion correct and then find the suitable solution on which everyone agreed. I remember one such incident while writing my final report on my topic one fine day when I was writing something and somewhere I had stuck on a particular sustainability thing then it was that day it clicked me about the points which we had discussed in the A.M.P week and had an argument so I felt the importance of that week discussion and I happily started with my report remembering that incident which cheered me up and helped me in my report. As a overall experience while writing this report it can be said that a journey which a long part of my report I have the best of the experience of my life truly amazed by it never thought it to be so wonderful. This is because it has taught me a lot of knowledge about the different aspects of life business how to behave what are the factors to be taken care of how to manage your time and how important it is and a part of life today i see myself as a person with an immense knowledge which will be useful to me in future to work in any organisation it also to some extent made me understand how to deal in a group what are the disputes faced and how it can be resolved and find various solutions and opinions which brings better results. It can also be said that sustainability and environment these are one of the most promising factors in todays competitive world that I have learned through this report and Honda Company as per my report and even many other automobile company and different organisation as such if these factors are followed it motivates the people working in the organisation and also helps in increasing the productivity of the employees working in the organisation creating a favourable environment. In last I have given few advice as a consultant to the C.E.O of the Honda Company as in what measures he should take so that company remains sustained and also provide with useful environment and sustainable strategies which he can use in the business I have also shown the vision of the Honda Company as they continuously developing new hybrid products and also remaining sustained in the market from their competitors due to the quality products and the customer satisfaction and services provided them to the people also how their research activities are carried out and take care to see that environment remain free from pollution. Thus putting an end to my report once again I can say that it just like a journey of life where you face all ups and downs which is like very much of my personal feeling since in life also you go throughout different phase of cycles such as good or bad in similar way while writing this report when you in a good mood you can do proper research and write things accordingly but if you are not in a right frame of mind even when you have all the references and resources you cant even write 500 words in 2

or more hours and start cribbing about things also you learn many different things just as in life how to behave in groups what are the basic things and responsibilities one have what are the opinions of different people learn about new ideas different culture background. At the end most important is the relation you develop among the people through each phase of life and how you maintain that and what are the new things you learn and inculcate in your life similarly this report thought us new ideas and different practices and how you use them in the real world and also in the business and many other practices.

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