Summer Holiday Homework of Session 2023-24 (1) Newwwwwwwwwwwww

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Dear Parents,

Warm Greetings!
Its SUMMER TIME again!
Use Summer Vacation as an opportunity to spend quality time
together. Let your child take the lead and use his/her
imagination, creativity and knowledge to do the assigned task.
The role of the parents is to be a facilitator and guide to steer the
child in the right direction. Let’s share some tips to make this
period a fruitful and happy period for them.
1 Encourage your child to wish ‘Good Morning ‘and ‘Good
Night’ to everybody.
2. Motivate the child to use polite words such as ‘Please. Thank
You, Sorry May I’.
3. Talk respectfully with the child and encourage her/him to do
the same.
4. Make sure the child brushes his/her teeth twice a day,
morning and before going to bed at night.
5.. Play the game “I can touch”. Ask the child to touch his/her
legs and say “I can touch my legs”. Do the same with different
body parts.
6. Encourage the child to keep the surroundings clean by
throwing the waste in the dustbins and respecting mother Earth.
7. Recite all the rhymes done in the class so far with action and
voice modulation.
8. Have at least two meals together with your children. Teach
them the importance and hard work of farmers and ask them
not to waste food.
9. Encourage your child to get up little earlier to have a talk with
nature, it can be a exercise, yoga, watering your potted plants or
filling up the feeder for birds.
As a teacher/parent or elder at home it’s our duty to pass on
values to our kids.
Make this summer holiday a memorable one for you and your
child. Give lots of love to your child.
❖To keep you and your family
members fit we should do
yoga daily. We celebrate
World Yoga Day on 21st June
every year. The art of
practicing Yoga helps in
controlling an individual's
mind, body and soul. It brings
together physical and mental
disciplines to achieve a
peaceful body and mind. It
also helps in increasing
flexibility, muscle strength
and body tone. Yoga is fun.
Try this pose The sun
salutation Just breathe in
Just breathe out....
Solve the following.



Odd & Even Numbers
On a coloured A4 sheet with decorated borders
➢ Write your roll number, house number, vehicle
number, parent’s mobile numbers etc.

➢ Mention odd and even number besides them.

➢ Arrange them in ascending and descending

Your body is a brilliant machine with many important parts. It is
more than what you see when you look in the mirror- there are
different parts that have different jobs, but each part works
together so that you can sleep, eat, sit in class and play with your
friends. Your body is a pretty amazing thing! While there is a lot
happening on the outside that you can see, there is even more
happening inside our body.
• Make a scrapbook showing any 4 internal and 5 external
parts of the body. You can draw or paste pictures and write
the functions and importance of each body part.
• Find out 5 amazing facts of the human body and write them
in the scrapbook.

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are the five sense organs that
help us to know the world around us. Each sense organ is
important. The sense organs are our windows to the world. You
must take care of your sense organs and prevent them from
• Make a plate of 5 sense organs using paper plate. You can
refer to the images shared for your reference.
ह द
िं ी
ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य
• A4 शीट पर एकवचन और उनके बहुवचन शब्दों
के 10 चचत्र चचपकाएों तथा उनके नाम भी चलखें।

• प्रथम च ोंदी व्याकरण और अभ्यास पुस्तिका में

करार्ा गर्ा समि कार्य र्ाद करें ।
• प्रथम ह िंदी व्याकरण और अभ्यास
पुस्तिका में कराया गया समि कायय
याद करें ।

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