CKMLCP Versus Ck40n
CKMLCP Versus Ck40n
CKMLCP Versus Ck40n
Ashok Backiaraj Aug 30, 2010 9:23 PM Hi, Once Material Ledger has been activated for actual costing in a Plant, do we need to run costing run only using CKMLCP. Can we use CK40N as usual to determine the future price. My question is can we use CK40N to plan future price, though ML and actual costing activated in a Plant Z. The requirement is ML and actual costing is only for Plant Z and this configuration should not disturb Global template. Could you suggest some solution please? Thanks.. Ashok
Correct Answer by Udo Werner on Sep 16, 2010 9:45 AM > > Now my question is, can I run normal Standard Costing Transactions for Standard Prices (though I configured those materials price determination as 3 and price control S), parallel to periodic unit prices but not valuated periodically and keeping them only for information purpose, for now? > Hi Ashok, The answer is yes. Standard costing and actual costing can run completely separate from each other without any conflicts. The only decision to be made is, what price you use for material valuation. You can mark and release your cost estimations from CK40N as standard price to be used during the period. After the period is over and you run your CKMLCP you can decide in the closing entries if you want to revalue the inventory (of last month) by the periodic unit price. best regards, Udo See the answer in context Helpful Answer by Young Sun
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Waman Shirwaicar Aug 31, 2010 10:09 AM (in response to Ashok Backiaraj) Hi, CKMLCP is to calculate the actual cost of the material (ML costing run) CK40N is to generate the standard cost estimate for a material The sequence in ML should always be the following: 1) Create and mark cost estimate in period 1 for period 2 2) Do the period shift from period 1 to 2 3) Release the cost estimate 4) Do ML period end closing of period 1 A costing release with CK40N or CK24 also contains a price change of the material. And this price change is not allowed if ML is active with price determination 3 and you already performed transactions to the material during the current period. From this position, the only possible workarounds at this point are: - Postponing the costing release to next month - Reversing transactions and usage of note 574930 - Using the Late Price Change (LTPC) option from note 555176 regards Waman
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Young Sun Sep 1, 2010 9:48 AM (in response to Waman Shirwaicar) Hi, With ML active, you may use CKMLCP to calculate the actual price and mark it as the further price (but only for two periods later. that's say, if you do post closing for period 06 and get a periodic unit price, this price can only be marked as future price in period 08 or later). This marked future price can be released via ck40n, ck24, CKME. You may decide whether or not to use the PUP (actual price) as future price. If you don't want so, just go ahead with the normal PCP process to use ck11n/ck40n. btw, normally SAP will recommand to activate all the plants in a company code to ensure the data consistency. Best Regards Young
Ashok Backiaraj Sep 8, 2010 12:11 PM (in response to Waman Shirwaicar) Dear Waman, If the company decides to go for periodic unit price every period, then CKMLCP and further processes till release of periodic unit price from period 6 to 7 is standard process where the material price determination marked as 3 and S. Your answer gives me understanding upto 70%. (I still have grey area, whether to use 3 and S for all materials in Plant where ML implemented (or) can we use 2 and V for materials not involved in FG and SFG) But, if the company doesn't like to release periodic unit price for the period 7, but it wants to use standard price for period 7 using ck40n ck24 and ckme for materials with price determination marked as 3 and S. Is this possible?
Because, in the global template, for all other company codes Standard Price calculation is implemented. But in only one company code ML is going to be implemented. There should be a work around to equalise the prices with global template. This is the requirement. Kind Regards, Ashok
Ashok Backiaraj Sep 8, 2010 12:16 PM (in response to Waman Shirwaicar) Dear Waman, If the company decides to go for periodic unit price every period, then CKMLCP and further processes till release of periodic unit price from period 6 to 7 is standard process where the material price determination marked as 3 and S. Your answer gives me understanding upto 70%. (I still have grey area, whether to use 3 and S for all materials in Plant where ML implemented (or) can we use 2 and V for materials not involved in FG and SFG) But, if the company doesn't like to release periodic unit price for the period 7, but it wants to use standard price for period 7 using ck40n ck24 and ckme for materials with price determination marked as 3 and S. Is this possible? Because, in the global template, for all other company codes Standard Price calculation is implemented. But in only one company code ML is going to be implemented. There should be a work around to equalise the prices with global template. This is the requirement. Kind Regards, Ashok
Waman Shirwaicar Sep 10, 2010 2:11 PM (in response to Ashok Backiaraj) Hi, Material ledger has 2 basic purposes: 1. To do actual costing. 2. To maintain materials in parallel currency and do parallel valuation. You have do decide for what purpose you implement material ledger. Now with ML active and price determination 3 you can have only standard price (S) and do actual costing. If with ML active you use price determination 2 then you can have both standard or moving average price (S or V) but cannot do actual costing. So in your case if you decide to use 2 and V then the purpose of ML would only be for parallel valuation (not for actual costing). regards Waman
Ashok Backiaraj Sep 10, 2010 3:08 PM (in response to Waman Shirwaicar) Hi Waman, The purpose of ML active is, the client wants only one type of valuation. SAP recommends actual costing as a solution. Now, we have our global template to be implemented. They would like to use standard costing parellel to actual costing. This means, the client wants to maintain standard costing in parellel to actual costing. The solution is I should be able to run CKMLCP for all Materials (no revaluation entry for stock updation, but will take place at year end) at the same time I should be able to estimate (ck11n), run (ck40N), mark (CK24) and release (CKME) Standard Prices for all materials. (Now the option is with Client whether they want to mark and relase
Periodic Unit Price (or) Standard Price depending Material types, during the current year) The requirement is not clear cut, but some how they want to manage their Global template. Now my question is, can I run normal Standard Costing Transactions for Standard Prices (though I configured those materials price determination as 3 and price control S), parellel to periodic unit prices but not valuated periodically and keeping them only for information purpose, for now? Sorry to confusing too much.... yet I need some firm solution to put forth my client. Kind Regards, Ashok
Waman Shirwaicar Sep 13, 2010 4:48 PM (in response to Ashok Backiaraj) Hi, For a material at a plant level you can have either standard price (S) or moving average price (V). You cannot have both in parallel. However if standard price is active then there is a statistical moving average price which is filled by default. MBEW-STPRS : standard price MBEW-VERPR : moving average price MBEW-SALK3 : stock value (using standard price) MBEW-SALKV : stock value (using MAP) you can check if the above meets your requirements. The other option is to create some dummy materials in parallel with MAP. For example for product ABC (S) you can create ABC_DUMMY (V).
Another option is to have split valuation. This is used when a material could be procured externally as well as made in house. Then you can have both V (procured externally)and S (made inhouse) for the material. But actual costing will happen only with S. regards Waman
Udo Werner Sep 16, 2010 9:45 AM (in response to Ashok Backiaraj) > > Now my question is, can I run normal Standard Costing Transactions for Standard Prices (though I configured those materials price determination as 3 and price control S), parallel to periodic unit prices but not valuated periodically and keeping them only for information purpose, for now? > Hi Ashok, The answer is yes. Standard costing and actual costing can run completely separate from each other without any conflicts. The only decision to be made is, what price you use for material valuation. You can mark and release your cost estimations from CK40N as standard price to be used during the period. After the period is over and you run your CKMLCP you can decide in the closing entries if you want to revalue the inventory (of last month) by the periodic unit price. best regards, Udo
Ashok Backiaraj Sep 17, 2010 12:54 AM (in response to Udo Werner) Hi Udo, Thank you for the pricise answer. I thank everyone who had enthusiasm to clarify. Cheers, Ashok
renhua liu Jul 24, 2012 4:07 AM (in response to Udo Werner) hi Udo,as mentioned by Young, CKMLCP can update the future price for 2 periods later only,it means CKMLCP can not update price for the next period,is it ture?