Maths Form 1 C1

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Form 1


Name : _______________________
School : _______________________
Class : _______________________

1 Whole numbers are a set of counting numbers that starts with 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
and so on.
Nombor bu!at ia/ah sam set nombor bemw!a 0, l,
2 Whole numbers are formed by ten digits:
Nombor bu!at dibentuk 10 d(git:
0, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9
3 Each digit in a number has a place value.
d(git da!am scsuatu nombor bu!at ni!ai
4 The value of a digit depends on its place, or position in the number.
Nilai be1;gcmtw1p pada kedudukan d(git itu daiam nombor bcrlcenaan
Hundred Ten
thousands thou$ands
Thousands Hundreds
iilm Puluh dl-q;
7 4 5 6
7 000 000 400000 50000 6000
5 When rounding off a number to a certain place value:
mcmbundar!zan scsuam nombor kcpada ni!ai
"' Look at the digit to the right of the place value to
8 9
800 90
rounded off.
lihat dipit di sehclah /;:anan nl!ai tcmpatym15' licndak dzbwtdarlmn
If the digit is 5 or more, add 1 to the digit at the place value to be rounded
off, and replace the others with 0.
atau twnbahl:an
/u:ndak talwr samw clij:;it di lcwwn itu
"' If the digit is less than 5, retain the digit at the place value involved, and
replace the others with 0.
di ni!ai
di /.:cman
(a) Round off 4 7 230 to the nearest thousand
47 230:::47 000
2 < 5,
7 and replace the others with 0.
dZA?Icl?al',\:w1 dan scbda /z
(b) Round off 47 654 to the nearest thousand
Bundarlmn 47 654
47 6_54 = 48 000
6 > 5,
:. add 1 to 7 and replace the others with o.
auamorm f !::anan
1 Addition is the process of finding the sum of two or more numbers.
eetuuJri!Jtl!w:n ia!ah proses mcncmUumlah dua atau lebih nombor
2 Subtraction is the process of finding the difference between two numbers.
proses mencari atau bale! antaro. dua nombor:
1 Multiplication is the process of repeated addition of the same number.
Pendaraban ia!ali proses mc:nambah :matu sama l:a!i.
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 3 X 4 = 12
In Multiplication, the answer is called product.
Dalam hasil dura b.
2 Division is the process of putting things into equal groups.
In division, a number which divides another number is called the divisor while the
number being divided is called the dividend, and the answer is called quotient.
vpn1nanm:wm fa!ah proses da!am yan;,;
5 :::: 85
divisor quotient
3 If a number cannot divided exactly, the leftover number is called the
suaw nombor tidal: botch
4 -<-- quotientlhasfl
2 -<--remainder/bald
nombor yaniJ itu
1 Order of operations refers to the order in which operations should be
lhtib operasi mana terlcbfh dohu!u.
The following are the steps to take:
Lanpkahlmzg!;:ahyang dian1bi!:
" First, perform any calculations within the bracket.
L a l w ! ~ a n operasi da!am wnda !wrw{E]rm da!m!u.
Next, perform multiplication and division, working
from left to right.
!a!m/::an dan dari
kiri ke Iaman.
Last, perform addition and subtraction, working from
left to right.
la!wkan dan dari kin'
Icc kcman
A. Write the following numbers in numerals or words.
'llilis nom/Jor yong /Jerilwt dalmn angka a/au pcrkataan.
1 Eight thousand six hundred and forty
Lapan rilnt cnarn ratus ern pot puluh
2 One hundred seventy-five thousand three hundred and four
Satu rat11s tujuh pu/ult lirna ribu tigo mllis etnpllt
3 42 215 >
4 3 850 071
B. State the place value and the value of each underlined digit.
'llliis niloi tempat dan nilai bagi setiap digit yong /Jergaris,
value Value of
tempat Nilai digit
1 24 560
--------------------1--- ----------------------------
2 583 991
- ~ - - - -
3 6 002 000
4 713 543
C. Round off each of the following numbers to the nearest given place value.
Btmdarkan setiop nombor yang bcrikut kepada nilai tanpat terdekat yang diberilccm.
Number Ten Hundred Thousand Ten thousand
Nombor Puluh Ratus Rilm Puluh rilm
I ~ U H LdJ.Jitif)
28 546 2H
,,_ ()
29 ()()()
:w 000
- " - ~ ~ -
------------------------------- -
1 39 175
2 52 830
------- -
3 16 758
r------------------------- ----------- -------- --------------
4 346 094
---------------- ----------
A. Find the sum in each of the following.
Cari hasil tam/;ah bagi setiap yang berikut.
1 793 + 6 499 2 7 058 + 45 864
14 596 + 837 + 2 751
I i5 i 84
8 3 7
2 7 5 I
8 I 8 4
3 55 + 23 463 + 922 t! 3 469 + 787 + 43 033 245 + 7 508 + 50 467
B. Solve the following problems.
Selesailcan 1nasalah yang berikut.
has 1 239 stamps. Balan has 58 stamps
than Abdul. Find the total number
they have.
ada I 239 keping setenz. Balan ada
setem lebih daripada Abdul. Carijurnlah

Lc"'j [ 153J
The diagram shows four containers filled
with beads. Find the total number of beads
in the four containers.
Rajah di atas 1nernmjukkrm empat bekas yang diisi
dengan manilc. Hitung j111nlah manik di dalmn
empat be/cas itu.
C. Calculate each of the following.
Hitung sctiap yang hcrikut.
20 000- 18 995 - 999- 4 538
12 305- 4 768- 747 085- 148 767- 8 888
D. Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah yang bcrikut.
l School K has 1 523 students out of which
856 are girls. Find the number of boys in the
Sckolah K mcmpunyai 1 523 orang pelajar.
856 orang daripadanya ialah pelajar perempuan.
Hitung bilangan pelajar lelaki di sekolah itu.
2 Halimah's monthly salary is RM1 850.
lntan's monthly salary is RM80 less than
that of Halimah's while Jalil's is RM125 less
than that of Intan's. What is )alii's monthly
Gaji bulanan Halimah ialah R.Ml 850.
bulanan Intan adalah R.M80 kurang
gaji Halimah, manakala gaji ]alil adalah
kurang daripada gaji Intan. Berapalcah
bulanan ]alil?
A. Pind the product in each of the following.
Cari hasil dara/J !Jagi sctiap yang /Jeri/cut.
'76 X 23 2 654 X 9'7
3 8 035 X 45 4 3'79 X 64 X 8 5 6 800 X 5'72
6 308 X 235 X 4'7 7 263 X 78 X 44 8 4 509 X 26 X 3()
== ------
B. Solve these problems.
Sclesaikm1 mrlSI!Iah yang berikut.
1 There are 48 rows of chairs in a hall. Each
row has 25 chairs. How many chairs are
there altogether?
Terdapat 48 /Jaris kerusi di selmah dewan. Setiap
boris mempunyai 25 buah lcemsi. Bempalcah
_iz.11nlah kerusi yang ada kesenzuanya?
3 Sulaiman can type 37 words per minute.
How many words can he type in half an
Suloiman dapat 1nenaip 37 potoh perkataan
serninit. Bempo patah perkatarmlwh yang dopot
ditaipnya dalanz ternpoh setengah jam?
C. Calculate each of the following.
Hitung setiap yang berikut.
1 768 + 16
l 599 + 34
2 A sack of groundnuts weighs 63 kg.
the total mass of 32 similar sacks
}isim seguni lcacang tcmah ialah 63 leg.
j111nlah jisin1 /){lgi 32 guni kacang tanah yang
4 A wholesaler has 15 boxes of sweets.
are 20 packets of sweets in each box.
packet has 400 sweets. How many sweets
there altogether?
Scorrmg pemborong oda 15 kotalc
Terdapot 20 peket gula-gula di dalam
lcolilk itu. Setiap peket itu ada 400 biji
gu/a. Berapakah /Jilangm1 gula-gula yang
lcescmua nya?
2 4 696 + 8
3 10 234 + 43 4 7 854 + 9
25 536 +56 26 361 + 69
D. Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan masalah yang berikut.
There are l 560 students in a school. If the
students are divided into groups of 24, how
many groups are there?
Terdapat 1 560 orang pelajar di sehuah seko/ah.
Jika semua pelajar itu dibalzagikan kepada
kumpulan yang terdiri daripada 24 orang, /;erapa
kumpulankah yang diperoleh?
5 6 939 + 27
8 17 248 + 352
2 A company pays RM403 200 a year as wages
to its 25 employees. Calculate the amount
paid in a month.
SelJUah syarikat 1nembayar RM403 200 sebagai
gaji setalnm kepada 25 orang pekerjanya. Hitung
jumlah wang yang dibayar oleh syarikat itu dalmn
scbulan. r---
A. Calculate each of the following.
1 !itung sctiap yang /Jcrikut.
746- 598 + 2 008
I /l8 I 008
l ')6
(b) 84 + ]2 X 8
Calculate from loft to right when carrying
out combined operations
additim1 and subtraction or multiplication
and division.
1-/ilung dari l<iri l<e l<anan apa!Jila melal<ul<an
pengiraan oporasi !Jorga!Jung yang
meliiJall<an operasi lam!Jah clan to/a!< a tau
oporasi clara!J dan !Jahagi.
1 259 + 197 -- 388 2 4 156 -- 2 767 + 105 3 1 ()()() - 83 + 96 - 254
- -
4 544 + 16 X 8 5 128 + 8 X 9 +
-- -
- -
B. Solve the following problems.
Sclcsoilwn mosolah yang berikut.
1 A bus has 32 passengers on board. At bus
stop K, it picks up 7 passengers and at bus
stop L, it drops off 15 passengers. Calculate
the total number off passengers left on the
Tcrdapat 32 orang pcmmzpang dalmn scbuah
bas. 7 orang pcnumpang 1ncnaiki bas itu di
pcrhcntian bas [(dan 15 omng penumpang turun
di pcrhcntian bas L. Hitung /Jilangan pcmttnpang
yang masih ada dolan1 bas itu.
l2 X 48 + 1 5 + 4 X 215
2 Aini, Rani and Chan shared equally the
of buying 5 books. If each book costs RM 18,
find the amount that each of them has to
Aini, Runi don Chan /1erkongsi wang
rneinbeli 5 lmah lmlcu. ]ilw setiap /Juku
RM 18, cari jumlah wang yang perlu dilmyor olch
sctiap orang.
C. Find the value of each of the following.
Cari nilai bagi sctiap yang /Jerikut.
300 + 180 + 6 - 250
= '100 + 30 250
330 250
1 715+35x50 2 480 + 12
= --
Fitst carry out x or ~ - from left to right. Then, carry out
+ or-- from left to right.
Muianya, lai<ui<an pengiraan x a tau -: dar! ldri i<e i<anan.
Kemudian, iai<ui<an pengiraan + a tau- dar! i<1ii i<e i<anan.
3 l64+8x7 155
4 306 + 9 + 9 X 70 5 611 65 + 13 + 20() X 5 6 45 + 18 X 12 + 24
D. Calculate each of the following.
Hitzmg sctiap yang berikut.
(85 +59) + 9- 6 = 144 ' 9 ()
16 6
Carry out the calculation within the brackets first.
Laiwi<an pengiraan daiam Ianda !wrung dahulu.
1 30 - 3(18 + 2) 2 36 + 6 X (22 + 28) 3 [5 X 12 - (23- 7)
4 (248 +52)+ 25 X 14 5 (9 X 5- 12) + (165 + 15) 6 150 - (17 + 22) X 3
E. Solve the following problems.
Selesaikan nwsalah yang berikut.
1 Siva bought 9 dozen pencils. He gave 24 pencils
to his son and the remainder were distributed
equally among 7 of his neighbour's children.
How many pencils did each of his neighbour's
children get?
Siva membeli 9 dozen pensel. Dia mem/Jeri 24/JOtrmg
pensc/ leepada analmya dan baleinya dibahagilemz
sama rata leepada 7 orang cmale jirannya. Berapa
batcmg penselleah yang diterima oleh setiap cmalc
3 36 teams took part in a f()otball competition.
Each team had 15 players. If 18 players were
absent on the day of the competition, find the
total number of players present on that day.
Terdapat 36 pasulcan menganzbil balwgian dalmn
suatu pertondingan bola sepak. Setiap pasukan
terdiri daripada 15 orang pernain. ]ilea 18 orang
pemain tidak hadir pada hari pertandingan itu, cari
jumlah pernain yang hadir.
2 There are 100 visitors to a book exhibition.
40 of them are adults and the rest arc
students. If 200 storybooks 111 English
and 280 storybooks 111 Malay are to be
given equally to the students, calculate the
number of storybooks each student will
Terdapat 100 orang pelawat di suatu pamernn
lmleu. 40 orang daripadanya ialah orang dewasa
dan balcinya ialah pelajar. ]ilea sebanyak 200
buah buleu cerita /Jahasa Inggeris dan 280
lmah lmku cerita bahasa Malaysia diberi secara
sama banyale lcepada pelajar-pelajar itu, lzitung
bilangan buku cerita yong a/can diterima oleh
setiap pelajar itu.
4 Mahmud's salary IS RM 1 500. His son's
salary is 3 times his salary and his wife's
salary is RM480 less than his. Find the total
of their salaries.
Gaji Mahmud ialah RM1 500. Gaji anaknya
adaloh 3 kali gajinya nwrwkala gaji isterinya
adalah RM480 kurang daripada gajinya. Cari
jwnlah gaji mereka.
Paper 1
Answer all the questions. For each question, choose only one answer from the options, A, B, C and D.
]awab semua soalan. Bagi setiop Si)(l/an, pilih satu jowopan salwja daripado pilihm1 A, B, C dan D.
1 The place value of digit 8 in the number 728 105
Nilai tempat lmgi digit 8 do/am nom/JOr 728 I 05 ia!ah
A tens C thousands
puluh rilm
B hundreds
D ten thousands
puluh rilm
2 In the number 641 728, the difference between
the value of digit 6 and the value of digit 1 is
])a/am norn/Jor 641 728, beza antam nilai digit 6
dengan nilai digit I ialoll
A 59 900 C 599 000
B 590 000 D 640 000
3 Which digit has the correct place values in both
Vigil numakah yang mellljJIIII)'Ili ni/oi te111pot yrmg
bend dahm1 kedua-dua nombor itu?
Place value/Nilai tempat
6 124 875 6 872 145
Hundred Hundreds
A 1 thousands
Ratus rilm
- - - - - - - - - ~ - - - "
Ten thousands Hundreds
Puluh rilm ! ~ a tus
Hundreds Hundred
c 7 Rat us thousands
Ralits rilnt
------ ------------
'fens Ten
Puluh Puluh ribu
4 The number 587 530 is written as 588 000 when
rounded off to
Nonzbor 587 530 ditulis sebagoi 588 000 selepas
dilnmdarkan lcepada
A the nearest hundred
mtus yang lcrdekat
B the nearest thousand
ri/m yang terdckat
C the neareast ten thousand
pululz ri/m yang tcrdclwt
D the nearest hundred thousand
ratus ribu yang terdekat
5 Which of the following numbers when rounded
off to the nearest ten thousand becomes
2 640 000?
Antara nom/Jor /;erilwt, ynng lnrmakah apabila
dilmmlarkan kcpado puluh ribu yang terdckot menjadi
2 640 000?
A 2 634 499 C 2 646 387
B 2 635 123 D 2 647 004
6 The number that is to be added to 1 691 to get
3 000 is
Nombor yang per/11 ditom/;oh kcpada I 691 zmtuk
lncnjadi 3 000 ialah
A l 209 C 1 309
B 1 299 D 1 399
7 Album P has 246 stamps and album Q has
54 stamps more than album P. Flow many
stamps arc there altogether in the two albums?
Album P odo 246 kcping sctcm dan allmm Q ado
54 kcping setem lc/Jih daripada album I ~ Bempakah
jzunlah setem di dalam duo /mah album itu?
A 300 C 492
B 354 D 546
8 A tank contains 13 500 litrcs of water. 4 520
litrcs of it is used to wash clothes and another
3 738 litrcs of it is used for cooking. Find the
amount of water, in litres, left in the tank.
Seln111h tungki mengallihmgi 13 500 air. 4 520
liter air digunakan /.tn!Uk menwci /win dan 3 738 liter
air lagi digzmakan 1111lllk memasak. Cari isi padu air,
dalom liter, yong tinggal di do/am tangki itu.
A 4 490 C 8 980
B 5 242 D 9 762
9 Out of 13 483 people who visited an exhibition,
7 598 were men, 4 626 were women and the
rest were children. How many children visited
the exhibition?
1.3 483 omng pengunjung telah mclawot selmah
pmnerrm. 7 598 ora118 daripadanya ialali lclaki,
4 626 orang ialah wanita don yrmg scle/;i/myo krmak-
krmak.13erapakah /;i/angan kanak-lwnakyrmg mclawal
pamcmn itu?
A l 259
B 1 359
c 4 885
D 5 885
X 38 = ]7 366
The missing number in the box is
Nmnbor yang tertinggal dahlin petak di rztas ialah
A 387 C 457
B 442 D 542
11 The monthly fee for a computer club is RM45.
If the club has 263 members, find the total
amount collected by the club in a month.
Yuran bulanrm bagi sebuah kelab /computer ia/ah
RM45. ]ilea kelab itu ada 263 orang ahli, cari jum/ah
yuran yang dapat dikutip oleh lcelab itu dalanz
A RM10 935
B RM11 835
C RM12 845
D RM12 945
l2 A factory supplies 10 540 radios equally to
124 shops. How many radios does each shop
Selmah lcilang mengedarkan 10 540 lmah radio secam
sama banyak kepada 124 buah kedai. Bempalcah
bilangan radio yang diterima oleh setiap kedai?
A 65 C 85
B 75 D 95
I3 Jamilah has 52 oranges, 48 apples and 60
m1l mangoes. She needs to pack them into fruit
parcels, each of which consists of 4 oranges,
3 apples and 5 mangoes. Calculate the
maximum number of parcels obtained.
]amilah ada 52 /Jiji oren, 48 /Jiji epa/ dan 60 biji
numgga. Dia perlu menzlnmgkus 4 biji oren, 3 biji cpa/
dan 5 biji rnangga di dalam suatu bungkusan buah-
buahan. I-litung bilangan maksirnurn lnmgkusan yang
A 12 C 15
B 13 D 16
14 A box contains 50 packets of sweets. If there are
25 sweets in each packet, find the total number
of sweets in 96 boxes.
Sebualz kotak mengrmdungi SO peket gula-gula. ]ilea
terdapat 25 biji gula-gula di dalan1 setiap peket, cari
jumlalz bilrmgan gula-gulo di dalmn 96 lmah kotak.
A 110 000
B 120 000
c 125 000
D 135 000
] 5 I ()() - 60 + 4 X 3 ==
A 30
B 55
c 60
D 255
16 130 85 + 63 + 9 X 1 0
A 115
B 120
c 240
D 520
17 (28 + 16) + 4-2 X 5 =
A 45 C 12
B 18 Dl
18 Which of the following is not true?
Antara berikut, yang n/mwkah tidak benar?
A 40 + (2 + 3) = 8
B 4 + 5 X 9 = 49
c 27-6 + 3 = 7
D 100 - 40 + 5 X 2 = 84
19 The table shows the toll rate at a toll plaza.
]adual di bawah memmjukkan lcadar to! di sebuah
plaza to!.
Vehicle Fee
Kenderaan Bayaran
Find the total toll collected from 1 247 cars and
84 buses.
Carijumlah bayaran to! yang dipungut daripada l 247
buah lcereta dan 84 !Juah bas.
A RM7 243 C RMS 145
B RM7 468 D RM8 260
20 A sum of money is given to three boys. Each
mn boy receives RM76 with RM6 remaining. Find
the sum of money.
Sejumlah wang telah diberi Icepada 3 orang budak
lelaki. Setiap budalc menerima sebanyak RM76 dan
wang itu masilz bcrbaki scbanyak RM6. Cari jumlah
wang itu.
A RM222
B RM228
C RM234
D RM240
Answer all the questions.
]awab semua soalan.
l Round ofi 67 359 to
Hundarlcan 67 359 lcepadn
(a) the nearest hundred,
ratus yong tcrdelwr,
(b) the nearest thousand.
ribu yang tcrdekat.
2 The difference between two numbers is 138.
If the smaller number is 999, find the other
Bezn antara dua nomhor ialah 138. }ilw no111bor
yang le/Jih !cecil ialoh 999, mri nmn/Jor yang sntli
lagi. [2[
3 There are 5 428 durian trees in a plantation.
How many more durian trees must be planted
to get 10 000?
Terdapat 5 428 pokok durian di sebuah ladang.
Berapakah bilangan pokok durian yang perlu
ditmnbah supaya jumlalmya 1nenjadi 10 000? [2[
4 A digital camera costs RM1 450. Find the total
cost of 12 such digital cameras.
Sebuah !camera digital /Jerharga RMI 450. Cari
jumlah harga bagi 7 2 buoh kamem digital itu.
5 48 beads arc needed to make a necklace. Find
the number of necklaces that can be made with
79 200 beads.
Sebanyak 48 biji manik diperlukan untuk 1nem/Juot
seutas mntni lchcr. Cari /;ilungon rantai lehcr yang
dapat dibuat daripada 79 200 biji manik. [2]
6 180-72 + 6 = [2)
7 715+35x50= [2[
8 23 X 15 + 35 + 5 = [2]
9 ( 246 90 + IS) X 4 = [2]
10 18 X (37 15) + 4 + 33 = [2]
11 Dollah had 876 oranges. He sold 698 oranges at
the market and received another 180 oranges.
How many oranges did he have left?
Dollah mernpunyai 876 biji oren. Dia menjual
698 biji oren itu di pasar dan menerima 180 biji oren
lagi. Bempa biji orenkah yang rnasih ada padanya?
12 A box contains 25 toothbrushes. If 5 packets,
each containing 12 toothbrushes, are then
put into the box, find the total number of
toothbrushes in the box.
Terdapat 25 batang berus gigi di dalam sebuah
leota/c. }ilea 5 pelcet berus gigi yang setiapnyn berisi
12 batang bents gigi dimasuklcan lee dalam lcotalc
itu, cari jumlah berus gigi di dalam lcotalc itu
sekarang.. [4]
13 6 pens cost RM 150. What is the cost of 10
]umloh hargo hagi 6 batong pen ialoh NM750.
Bempalcah jwnlah harga bagi 10 hatang pen yang
Sillllil? . [4]
14 Azman has 256 mangosteens. He tics them in
rmn bundles of 12. Find the number of mangosteens
left after 15 bundles of mangosteens are
Azmm1 ada 256 hiji mrmggis. ])ia rnengikat manggis
it11 do/am ikatan di numa sctiap ilwtan 1nempunyai
12 /;iji 1nanggis. Cari /Jilangan manggis yang tinggal
sclepas 15 ilwton telah di/Juat. [4]
15 Prices of tickets to a show arc RM8 for an adult
mlii and RM3 for a child. Chan buys 5 tickets for
adults and 7 tickets for children. He pays for the
tickets with a RM 100 note. Find his change.
Harga tiket untuk 1ncnyaksikan suatu pcrsembalum
ialah RM8 untuk orang dewasa dan RM3 untuk
kanak-kanak. Chan mern!Jcli 5 keping tiket untuk
orang dewasa dan 7 keping tiket untuk kanak-kanak.
Dia me1nbayar tikct-tiket itu dengan sekeping wang
R.MIOO. Cari baki wangnya. [4)
Instruction: Each question below isfo!lowed by.fbur possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the
correct answer.
soa!an diilwli oleli cm;)(t/
1 345 678- I23 456 =
A 222 C 22 222
B 2 222 D 222 222
2 A publishing company sends 398 2 I 8
copies of a magazine to northern Peninsular
Malaysia, 273 927 copies to southern
Peninsular Malaysia and 316 799 copies to
Sabah and Sarawak. How many copies of
the magazine does the company publish?
yan,l!, diterhitlwn o!ch
A 590 726
B 672 145
c 715 OI7
D 988 944
3 Write 'one million four hundred seventy-
three thousand five hundred and six' m
'l/rlis 'salt! empal ra/1/S lujllli pn!trh
rihu li111a !'a/us cnom du!mn
A 1 743 560
B 1 473 560
c 1 473 506
D I 437 506
4 The number 579 981 becomes 580 000 after
rounding off to the
Nom/)()r 579 981 alwn
A nearest hundred
rat us yang terdekul
B nearest thousand
rihu )'1111,1', tenlclwi
C nearest ten thousand
puluh rilm Fang todekar
D nearest hundred thousand
rat us rihtr yang tcrdclwf
580 (}(){)
ioi!tt dan D. l'i!ihjawupun .vang
5 The diagram shows two number cards.
duo fwd nom!Jor
538 420 834 520
Find the difference between the values of
'5' in the two numbers.
Cari heat ni!ai anfltro
nonil)()r itu.
A 296 100
B 400 500
'5' dalam dua
c 499 500
D 500 500
6 Which of the numbers when rounded ofT to
the nearest ten thousand is 2 800 000?
Nombor vung 1!11.!/lolwh upahi!a dihundar!um
pu/uh l'ilm yang terdc!wt ialah
2 800 ()()() :'
A 2 794 279
B 2 795 18I
c 2 807 691
D 2 890 188
7 8 7 I 4 +53 I 08 + 269 789 =
A 3136I1 C 333611
B 331 6II D 336111
8 Uncle Bob's farm collected 330 961 apples,
321 740 oranges and 342 865 strawberries
every month. How many fruits are collected
from the farm every month?
330 96 I hiji
7!0 hfii oren, dan 3/.:' 865 hiji stmwheri
!mimi. !J/ji
dilurmpulkun di!l'i
A 956 956
B 959 656
22 4 7 6 7 ] 2 X 24
A 49 524
B 44 952
c 11 240
D 11 204
c 995 566
D 996 655
10 (218-37) X (79---65)--210
A 2 324
B 2 744
c 3 360
D 3 953
11 372 + 204 + 12 X 3 =
A 144
B 334
c 418
D 423
12 How much should be added to 429 607 to
become 900 000?
Berapakah yang per!u ditamhah kepada
429 607 untuk menjadi <)()()OliO?
A 407 393
B 470 393
c 470 933
D 470 993
13 3 506 + 60 =
A 53 remainder 26
53 bald 26
B 58 remainder 23
58 haki 23
C 58 remainder 26
58 baki 26
D 59 remainder 60
59 bald 60
14 (88 X 14) + (27 X 9) =
A 1133
B 1 475
c 1 745
D 11 331
15 Henry baked 38 cakes which weighs 700 g
each. How heavy are the cakes altogether?
llemy memhuat 39/nJ'i kek yang heratnyo 700 .'s
sefiap biji. Berapakah hercrf kesemua kck itu!
A 22 600 g
B 26 600 g
c 226 000 g
D 266 000 g
16 45 X 32 + 2 076 + 2 =
A 1 758
B 2 478
c 2 831
D 47 430
17 A ia.ctory that operates cvcty day produces
3 142 computer chips per day. In a particular
week, 4 72 computer chips are found to be
faulty. How many of the computer chips
produced in that week are not faulty?
5ielnwh ki!ang, yang hari
mengcluar!wn 3 f.:f?
!wri. Dulam satzr
Jwmputcr rosa/\.
kom;mfer vang dihasi!kan padu
yang tidak rosa!.:;
A 18 690
B 21 522
18 5138-(45
A 4 874
B 5 402
c 21 994
D 22 466
23) X 12 =
c 60 840
D 61 392
19 The number of visitors who visited the Super
Carnival Mall on Friday and Saturday are
6 108 and 9 63 8 respectively. On Sunday, the
number of visitors is double of the number
of visitors that visited on Friday. Calculate
the total number of visitors who visited the
Super Carnival Mall on the three days.
Jumaar dan S'ahtu
I 'u.wrt
6 108 orml.'s dan 9 638 orwl,$),. Puda hari
Ahad, hilan,c;an adu!ah dua ka/i
hi!angan pcngunjung 11oda hari Jzmwal.
jumlah pengunjung
it II.
A 15 746
B 21 854
c 27 962
D 31 492
20 A terrace house in Taman Jaya cost
RM2 328 600 in 2000 but depreciated to
half of the actual price in 2002. If Ahmad
bought two houses in Taman Jaya, one in
the year 2000 and another in 2002, how
much did he spend for both houses?
Sclmali mmah teres di Taman yang
R:\12 328 600 dalam talum 2000 tdah
jaluh harganya kepada daripada
sebenar da!am tah1111 ]()()_?. Jika Ahmad membe!i
rlua /mah rumah di '!i.l!lll/11
ra/wn 2000 dan sch11ah lag)
lwrapakah. vmzg
A RM3 492 900
B RM3 429 900
C RM3 392 900
D RM3 499 200
21 There are 25 questions in a quiz and
participants are required to answer all
questions. 8 marks will be given to each
correct answer but 3 marks will be deducted
for each wrong answer. Angela answers
19 questions correctly and Samantha
answers 13 questions correctly. Calculate
the difference between their scores.
25 sou/an daLam suatu kuiz
mesti menjmvah kesemua soa!an itu. 8 morlwh
a/am diberi hagi setiap soalan yang dijawab
dcn.l!,a/7 betu! dan 3 markah a/\CI/7 dito/ok
jawapan yang sa/alt. menjmvah
19 soalan dengan betul dan Sanumtlw mcnjmvab
13 soalan denp;an betu/. Hitung hc:::a marlwh
antara merelw.
A 66
B 68
c 134
D 202
22 123 - 264 -;-- 3 + 11 =
A 45
B 46
c 47
D 48
23 Which of the following numbers when
rounded off to the nearest thousand does
not become 534 000?
Antara nombor hcrikut. yang tnanalwh apahila
dihzmdarkan kepada rilm .vang terdekar bulum
534 {){}()?
A 533 509
B 533 816
c 534 486
D 534 501
24 Which of the following numbers is not
538 000 when rounded off to the nearest
;1nrara nomhor berikut, yang mana/wh bukan
538 000 apabila dibundarkan kepada ribu yang
A 537 098
B 537 574
c 537 999
D 538 118
25 299 x 17 rounded off to the nearest hundred
.?99 x /7 dibzmdarlwn kepada ratus yanp,
terdekat ialah
A 5 000
B 5 080
c 5 083
D 5 100
26 The diagram shows a number card.
Rajah tnenunjuklwn sekeping fwd nombor
7 682 369
What is the difference between the values
of the two digits 6 in the number?
Bempakah he:::a nilai antara dua digit 6 da!am
nomhor itu?
A 60
B 599 940
c 600 000
D 600 060
27 Which of the following is true?
Antara herikut, yang manakah henar:
A 30 X 0 = 30
B 30 X 1 301
C 30 X 30 = 900
D 300 X 300 = 27 000
28 Pak Long has 27 rambutans. Pak Ngah has
15 rambutans more than Pak Long. Pak Su
has 9 rambutans less than Pak N gah. What
is the total number of rambutans they have
Pak Long mempunyai 2 7 hiji rambutan. PakNgah
mcmpunyai I 5 biji rambutan /ebih daripada
Pak /,ong. Pak S'u mempunyai 9 hiji rambutan
!wrang daripada Pak Ngah. Berapakahjumla!z
rambutan yang ada pada mereka.
A 122 C 112
B 120 D 102
29 448-9(47+18)+5=
A 311 C 331
B 313 D 333
30 98 765- 5 176- 1 143 =
A 92 446
B 92 466
c 93 446
D 93 464
Instruction: Answer all questions.
A.ntlum: Jawah soalon.
5 176 2Q4
Find the place value of the underlined digit
of the number above.
Cari nilai tempar
nomhor di a/os.
2 Write 2 552 007 in words.
Tit !is 007 dulam pcrfwtaan.
3 2x6x4x3=
4 1 4 73 862 + 518 863 - 6 199 =
do fum
5 There are an average of 319 240 numbers
dialled per day in Johor. How many numbers
are dialled in March?
l'umta nomhor vang didail
di Johor ialah 3 I 9 :!40.
nonihor)'wig didai! doh1111 bulan Mac
6 741236x8+32-(15x20)=
7 Each class has 54 students which consist of
28 girls. Find the total number of boys in
school if the school has 42 classes.
54 orang, pel ajar yang
rerdiri 28 pcnmJman.
Cari jumlah pclajar leluki di sckoluh il11
se/wlali il11 udu buuh ke/os.
8 1 696 + 3 X 75- 1 274 =
9 35 X (25 17 + 9 11 - 6) + 39 =
10 123 + 4 567 + 24 689 =
11 A cup can hold 234 g of rice. 55 of the
similar cups are poured equally into 6 bags.
What is the mass, in g, of each bag?
Scbiji cawan dapat diisi dcngan 234 g bcras.
55 cawan hems itu dituangkan sama banyak ke
da!am 6 peke/. Berapakahjisim, dalam g, setiap
peket itu?
12 Calculate the value of98- 4(10 + 42 + 7).
Hi tung nilai hagi 98 4(1 0 + 42 ' 7).
13 In the year 2007, a university has 36 427
students. In the year 2008, 4 963 students
left the university and 5 319 new students
join the university. How many students are
there in the university in the year 2008?
Dalum tahun 201!7, se/1Uah univcrsiti mempunyai
36 427 orang pelajar Dalam tahun 2008. 4 963
orang pclajar meningga!kan universiti itu dan
5 319 orang pelajar bam masuk. Bcrapakah
hilangan pelajar di univcrsiti ifu da!am tahun
14 Round off713 054 to the nearest thousand.
Then :find the difference between the
number before and after it is rounded off.
Bzmdarkan 713 054 kepada rihu yang terdckat.
Kemudian cari beza antara nomhor sebelum
dan selcpas pcmbundaran.
15 A publishing company publishes
483 716 magazines in Januaty. In February,
it publishes 14 829 magazines less than in
January but in March, it publishes 23 085
magazines more than in February. What is
the average number of magazines published
by the company in one month?
S'elmah syarikat penerhitan menerhitkan
483 716 naskhah majalah dalanz bulan Januari.
Dalam bulan Fcbruari, syarikat itu menerbitkan
14 829 naskhah majalah lwrang dartjJada bulan
Januari tetapi dalam bulan Mac, pcnerhifan
maja!ah itu ada/all 23 085 naskhah lebih
daripada bulan Februari. Berapakah pumta
bilangan maja/ah yang diterbitkan syarikat itu
da!am satu hulan?

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