Carbohydrates & Lipids Notes

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______________________s notes


Chapter 2B: Carbohydrates & Lipids

What is organic chemistry?

The study of ______________________________.

What are carbons most important traits?

1. ___________________________________________.
This allows carbon to make ____________________________________ at once.
2. _____________________________________________________________________.
This allows it to form chains, rings, chains of rings, or a combination of all.

What are the major elements of life?
____________________, ______________________, ___________________,
____________________, _______________________, ___________________
What is a hydrocarbon?
The basic carbon compound. It is made of only ______________ and ______________.



What are functional groups?
Compounds attached to carbon chains to give them special properties.
Hydroxyl (-OH)

Amino (-NH2 or

Carboxyl (-COOH or




Amino Acids


Amino Acids & Fatty Acids

What is a macromolecule?
1. Big molecule; ________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________ are macromolecules
3. Made of individual subunits
What is the subunit of a macromolecule?
1. ____________________________. ______________ = one;
________ = part
2. ____________________ = two parts; 2 monomers joined together
3. ______________________ = 3 or more parts; 3 or more
monomers joined together; macromolecules are polymers

What is polymerization?
1. Chemical process in which ___________________________________ to form dimers
& polymers.
2. A.K.A. _____________________________________ because ________ is produced.
Dehydration = ____________________________; synthesis = __________________.

Take away H2O to make something. Sometimes called ________________________.

3. It is an ____________________________ process because it takes energy & builds
new molecules.
4. ___________________________________ groups are used for this process.

What is hydrolysis?
1. Chemical process in which the ____________________ between the monomers in a
polymer are ____________________.
2. A _____________________ molecule is used.
3. Hydro = _____________; lysis = __________; using water to break something.
4. It is a _____________________ reaction because energy is released and molecules are

What are the four biomolecules?
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________

What is a carbohydrate?
1. Molecules that contain C, H, and O in a ____________ ratio (glucose = C6H12O6)
2. Carbo = __________________; hydrate = ______________
What is the monomer of a carbohydrate?
1. ____________________________
2. Mono = _____________________; saccharide = _____________________________
3. All sugars end with ____________________ (glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, etc.).

What are disaccharides?
1. __________________________________________ joined together.
2. This is done by ____________________________.
3. ________________________ (table sugar) is an example.

What is a polysaccharide?
1. _____________________ monosaccharides joined together through polymerization.
2. _____________________ &
____________________ are examples.

What are the functions of carbohydrates?
1. ______________________________________ for cells, especially ______________.
2. ___________________________. Plants use __________; animals use ___________.
3. ___________________________. Plant cell walls are made of _________________,
the exoskeletons of insects & crabs are made of ___________________.

What are lipids?
1. Compounds that contain C, H, and O, but _______________________________ ratio.
2. They are ___________, ___________, ___________, & ___________.
3. None are soluble in H2O.
4. They have no real monomer.
5. A ______________________________________ is the form of a typical fat or oil.
Tri refers to 3 fatty acids; glyceride refers to glycerol.

What is a saturated fatty acid?
1. The hydrocarbon chain only has ____________________ between the carbons (C-C).
2. It has the maximum amount of ____________________________ (saturated w/H).
3. Tend to be _____________________at room temperature (fats).

What is an unsaturated fatty acid?
1. The hydrocarbon chain has _______________________ between two carbons (C=C).
2. It has __________________________ the maximum hydrogens.
What is a polyunsaturated fat?
1. The hydrocarbon chain has _________________________.
2. They tend to be ________________________ at room temperature (oils).

What are the functions of lipids?
1. _________________________________ fats in animals
2. _________________________________________________________ (phospholipids)
3. __________________________________ (hormones). Many steroids are hormones.
4. ____________________________________________________ (waxes).

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