WWII Japanese Army Tactics

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OCTOBER, 1943 3


Translation of "Oyo Tenjutsu No Tanko", Revised 1938,
a Reference Manual on Applied Tactics adopted for use in
the Japanese Military Academy.

Distribution includes: HQ, CPA GHT, PT7PA

HQ, IFAFIfPA JICA, New Delhi HQ, CBI New Delhi (through JICA) GHH, CEAC (through JICA) GHO, India (through JICA) HO, CBI Chungking War Office, London NDHO, Ottawa ONI

No. of Copies
6 6 6 6 6 6

< 1 Section I. Composition I I . Examples 2-7 Chapter I I . EXAMPLES OF PUNS Section I . Plan for a Division Route March8 I I . Division Plan of Attack- 9 I I I . Division Plan of Attack (with Battle Map) 10 IV. Division Plan for Defense. - 11 V. Division Plan for River Crossing 12 VI. Cavalry Brigade Reconnaissance
Plan ,- 13 VII. Plan for Employment of Division
14 Artillery VIII. Plan for Employment of Artillery
Fire* r>-- 15 DC. Plan for Employment of Fire by a
Field Artillery Battalion 16 1 X. Plan for Employment of the Air
Units of an Army 17 XI. Plan of Employment of Air Groups 18 Chapter III. EXAMPLES OF VARIOUS ORDERS
-r 19 Section I, General~.II. Reconnaissance- 20 - 25 III. March and Security , 26-32 IV. Meeting Engagements^-r-v 33 - 44 V. Attack of an Organized Position- 45 - 55 VI. Defense of a Position ^ 56 - 62 VII, Pursuit 63 - 70 VIII. Withdrawal 71 - 72 IX. Billeting and Security - 73 - 79 r X. Transportation - 80 - 83 XI. Routine Orders84- - 85 Chapter IV. FIELD SERVICE
. 86 - 93 Section I. Marches II. Computations Pertaining to
Messengers < 94 - 96 III. Framing and Issuing O r d e r s 97 - 98 IV. Bivouacs 99 V. Means of Communication~- 100 - 101 VI. Supply - 102 - 127 Chapter V. FIRING
Section I. Infantry - 128 - 132 II. Artillery 133 - 157 Chapter VI. AIRCRAFT, GAS, TANKS, SEARCHLIGHTS
Section I. Aircraft 158 - 166 II. Gas < - 167 III. T a n k s 168 - 170 IV. Searchlights 171 Page
2 10 11 14 17


Paragraphs Page
Section I. Temporary Military Roads II. Fording-*- III. Movement on Ice IV. River Crossings Chapter VIII. .CALENDAR DAYS AND ATMOSPHERIC
Section I. Destructive Power of Projectiles II. Felling Trees , III. Field Fortifications and
Construction! IV. Materials for Field
Fortifications V. Explosives and Demolitions--- Chapter X. MILITARY MLPS, LANDSCAPE SKETCHES,
Section I # General Precautions to be Takent
in Drawing a Military Map II. Detailed Precautions to be Taken
in Drawing Various Types of
Military Maps III. Landscape Sketches IV. Military Symbols < V, Miscellaneous 172 173 174. 175 - 180 181 - 186 187 - 189 190 ~ 193 194- - 197 198 199 - 200 208
224 232

201 202 218 221 226 217 220 225 228



FIGURE I. II. III, IV. V. VI. VII. VIII, IX. X, XIv XII-XIII* Terrain Estimate for an Attack- 6a
Terrain Estimate for Defense 7
Plan of Attack of 1st Division 15
Sketch of 1st Division Route March 133
* Sketch Showing the Division Order of March134
Channels for Replenishing Rations and Forage-144
Iron Stove's -152
Types of Mess Kits 1 5 4
Construction of Cookstove^.-*,.156
Setting up Stove for Field Cooking (old type)l57
Setting up Stove for Field Cooking (new type)l59
Construction of Trench for Cooking with
,.-., -.-**-6 . - - - l l
Mess Kitsr 162
XIV. Movement of Supplies to Outposts -"167
XV. Billeting Disposition of the 1st Composite
* 282

XVI. Showing Distribution of the Advance Guard of the 1st Division * 283 XVII. Positions and Distribution of Fire of the Field Artillery of the 1st Division284 XVIII. Landscape Sketch-> 285

XIX. Landscape Sketch of Enemy Positions in

Vicinity of Shiratori-murar-t.-< 286
XX. Landscape Sketch Showing Fields of Fire of a
Field Artillery Battery<--< <287


/ 1;:

So c


- 1 : 10,000

A V V //

R.F. 1 : 25,000


lltililil!!] 1
R.F. 1 : 50,000

"t 1
R,F. = 1 : 100,000

lo t
i i

r f 5'

R.F. 1 .: S00,000

R.F. - 1 : 500,000

' 1. Although there are no specially prescribed methods in the
' writing of decisions and the various types of estimates, the forms
commonly used in the study of military' tactics and some of the
precautions to be taken, in writing them will be stated and ex plained in the following paragraphs:
. a. In- stating a decision the expression to be used is,
"The division w i J do so and so," but in stating the require jlL ments in an estimate, the expression to be used is, "The divi sion must do, so and so," accompanied in both instances by
' reasons" and lines of action. In ah estimate of the enemy situa tion, use the expression, "The enemy will probably do so and so,"
giving the reasons. In this cas it is unn'eVessaiy to specify
the lines of action, ,
b, Decisions and requirements must be simple, clear, and
concise. This is especially true when the decision is indi cated in ord3rs as the commanders plan of action. However,
when the lines of action which, accompany the decision or require ment arc not called for, but are still neoossary for indicating
the objective of tho decision or requirement, it is perti nent to annex a summary liko the following: "The division with
XX as its objective .will- advanco toward XX lino; an element con sisting*of XX Infantry Battalion and the battery commander's
-party of XX Artillery Battery will proceed-along XX road's 'and
the rjst of the main forco will'-proceed along XX road".
c. The reasons for thb decision must be written concisely
and; with logical'consistency. '-When the decisions and estimates
are made in the light of the mission, the enemy situation, the
terrain, and the condition'"of our forces, if we are to mako clear
the reasoning behind tho.'lines of action, it,-is to a certain
extent pertinent for this purpose to comparo the decisions or
estimates with other possible plans. However, when other plans
. are;rejected, emphasis must be placed upon the reasons for this
' rejection, and the explanation of factors giving riso to tho de cision or to the requirement in an estimate should-not bo ignored.
The simplest,.form pf writing decisions or estimates is a

single paragraph. To facilitate the reading and comprehension of

lon&thy matjrial, divide.the paragraph. For this purpose the
jnjmy situation, the mission, and the terrain may bo put in
separate paragraphs, or they'may be combined and then separated
into paragraphs according to some logical plan.
d. In the linos of action which accompany a decision,
units must be clearly designated and the movements of all units
rjcordod. In"the possible lines of action which accompany the
various types of estimates, it is best to indicate the order of
battle of units in a mooting engagement, pursuit, or withdrawal
and to designate the units whenever the s3ctor has a great in fluence upon th3-outcomo of the engagement. In all other casesj
however, the disposition of troops will bo shown by the number
of units, (The Infantry will be shown by battalions, other
branches by companies, batteries or troops.) In the estimates
it is also a common practice to indicate only the movement of the
main force of the combat unit, omitting all instructions relative
to communication, supply and sanitation,
o. In indicating decisions and various typos of estimates
of the situation on military sketches, utmost effort should be
made to include all matters which can bo drawn on the map. Mat ters which cannot be shown on the map should be explained in
separate notes. Decisions and requirements are ordinarily writ ten distinctly in indigo color on the right side of the map.
Usually reasons are not stated unless specifically requested.

The following are merely examplesi therefore, they should not
be taken to fit al 1 situations.
Z. Estimate of the Situation,
, AS OF 1430.
A, Requirements , The pursuit element of the division must con tinue to pursue the enemy to our front, while the main
force changes- its- direction of movement to the sector of the
left-column and engages the fresh enemy troops that appear
from that direction.


1. Fresh .enemy forces are coming to attack-our left column,

while the enemy main strength to- our front will reorganize
and -strike back at any opportune time.:
2. The enemy, main strength to our direct front has escaped

to the right bank of the G-empci River, and although it is

docirous, from the standpoint of fulfilling our mission,
to strike him again-, in order to disable and prevent hin
from fighting further, it . s questionable whether or not
i the left .oolumn can secure the rear of the division against
frosh ononiy troops- while that action is being carried out.
Therefore, tn division out of necessity must first of all
annihilate the fresh enemy troops and, after securing its
flanks and rear, will oppose the hostile elements on the
right'bank of the G-empoi River.
3, The division in order to fulfill its mission, must
maintain a firm footing on the right bank of the G-ompoi Ri ver,, and at the same time the plans of the division main
strength to halt the pursuit must bo concealed, Ther3fore,
a pursuit detachment must continue the pursuit to the right
bank of the G-ompoi River, Because the onomy has. retreated,
it is possible to crush him with the reso-lute attack of a
single element. Moreover, ovon if the enemy counterattacks
the rugged terrain of the right bank of the Gompoi River
will enable the pursuit force to hold the en6my while the
main elements ar3 destroying the frosh iioctile forces.

1. The pursuit force will continue to pursuo the enemy

which is on its front and thus protect the flanks and rear
of tho division,
2. The Units of tho left column will continue the attack,
3. The 2nd Infantry will move rapidly toward Doi under the
command of the-loft column commander,
4. The 4th Infantry will.advance rapidly toward Otakc,
5. The Field Artillory will quickly occupy positions in tho
vicinity of lit. Bes.sho, and support the main elements of tho
division in the cufctack.
6. The division commander will rttpidly proceed toward Otako,
3. Estimate of Enemy Situation.
1st DIVISION, AS OF 1600.
A. Requirement^: The enemy will probably defend stubbornly his
preTSnt position* and will await tho arrival of reinforce ments from tho rear.
1. Tho onomy is now forcod to relinquish a strategic sec tor of his.position to our forces. However, he is expected
to roly on his established position at the rear and offer
stiff resistance. Therefore, ho will await the arrival of
reserves which are rapidly approaching . from nearby, and
will plan to recover his losses.
2. If tho onomy retreats at this point from his present
position, it will bo practically impossible for him to

- 3

make a stand again in the .Yamagata-area.- Eventually, ho

is'apt to ID o annihilated, along1 with his roservos in the
defiles of the Mt Ueno area. Not only is this true, but
o" also b6ause " f the fact that the left flank of the main
force will become-exposed*1 even if he should withdraw, he
must strive to the utmost to maintain his present position
during the' day and- to withdraw under coyer of darkness,
4. Terrain Estimate for a Meeting Engagement.


A, Requirement: The division must engage in decisive- combat
in the area* of XX, east of XX, attacking the enemy in such
a way as to force him into the .swampy area west of XX,

B, Reason:
1, As yet there is no information to- determine whether
the unit equipped with cannon which is, moving in the vici nity of XX is the point of the advance guard of the main
enemy force or an advance detached unit. However, it is
definitely known that the main enemy force has crossed the
XX- River Valley and is moving steadily on the plateau south
of'the river. No matter where the forward element of .the
main hostile forco is, the enemy, after having first made
XX hill secure and obtained a firm footing in the aroa on
'the south bank of XX River, will probably attack in the di*
raction of our lft wing,
2. In its plan to engage in decisive combat in the area of
XX Hill, our main; force, after 'occupying the hill, is in a
position to take advantage of the main enemy force1s cross ing of tho XX Rivor Valley. But because our main f orco
must make a frontal attack while its loft wing is being re stricted by tho swampy area, tho success of the engagement
will bo slight." Moreover, if tho unit which is moving in
tho vicinity of XX is tho point of tho advance guard of the
main hostile force,, we 'must bear in mind that our advantage
over the enemy by reason of his delay in crossing the river
valley has been reduced, and consequently we must revise
our estimate of this advantage*
Therefore, if" is 'of advantage for the division to en gage i h decisive combat in the area of XX, east of XX, to
' " drive the * i i hostile, force into the swampy area west of
ran XX, and to annihilate him with a single attack. In order
to carry this out' and thus aid the execution of our, main
plan, a powerful element must attack .in the direction of the
XX Hill sector and drive the main hostile force into the
western sector,
C, Possib1e;'Lines of Action:
1. T he right column will immediately attack the enemy in

,'th direction of XX and move in the direction of XX.

..'e 2. The advance guard of' the left column will attack the
"enemy in the direction of XX hills and attempt to check the
main hostile force in the west in order to give our main
force an. advantage. The main elements of the Engineer Bat ' talion will from now on bo under the direct command of the
division commander,
3. i The Artillery of the main body will immediately move to'
XX, in the vicinity of XX, It will support the right co lumn and at the same time will hamper the enemy deployment*
Two1 airplanes will cooperate,
4 . The Engineer Battalion xvill bo located at XX after having
assisted, in the occupation o artillery positions,
f 5, Tho main., elements of the'left column will diverge as
2nd Infantry ,, .XX, in vieinity of XX
4th Infantry & main elom'onts
of Medical Detachment . ,,.XX, in vicinity of XX
, 6. The attachsd air unit, besides continuing its former
mission, will recormoitor all movements of the main hostile
forco. Two pianos will cooporate- y/ith the'-Artillery.
7. ' The Cavalry will shift towards XX and envelop the ene my left flank, . ;
8, The'field train will halt with the head of the column
- at XX.
9, Tho advance transport (XZXX) will move towards XX, and
tho remaining transport alomonts will halt south of XX.
10. The division commander will proceed to XX,
5, Tarrain Estimate for an Attack,(soe Figure l)

6, Terrain Estimate for Defense,(sec Figura 2)

7, Written Decision,
A, Decisions Tho division will leave the billeting area early
tomorrow morn.ing, tho 3rd, and movo toward the line con necting Kawayoke, Midaregawa-mura, and Michiman with the ob ject of attacking tho enomy in the Yamagata area.

- 5


Eigure 1, Page 6a, is a Sketch Showing Terrain'Estimate For The

1st Division Attack On The-Enemy Position in The Yokkaichi



The division will deploy in the sector extending

from the Tada area through Tamamoto and Yokota to the

Tagawa area* tfhe main effort will " e directed towards


Ko"bara from the Yoshitomi area in such a way to cut off the

enemy routes or retreat.


Our advance cavalry will harass the enemy left flank

from the lower reaches of the Minagawa,







Statute Miles


Fig. 1
Drawn in Cartographic Section. Dissemination Unit M. I. S.




Statute Miles

Fig. 2 Sketch Showing Terrain Estimate for Defense of the Yamada Area by the 1st Division. Requirement: The division will occupy the position's indicated on the sketch. After neutralizing the hostile offensive fire power, it will shift to the offensive from its left wing area in such a way as to envelop the enemy right wing.

semination Unit M. I. S.


Reasofei . . 1, The Gnemy, having occupied the area in. the vicinity of Yamagata, is awaiting the arrival, of reserves and will pro bably launch an attack.' The. m in enemy position is not a clear, but, judging by the relation between tho enemy .streng th and the terrain of the Yamagata area as well as the sec tors occupied by both main forces, i t is likely to be in the aroa south of Tendo and north of Yamagata, while a strong element will probably occupy the Tendo area, 2, In view of i t s mission, the division must quickly crush the enemy in the Yamagata area before he can be reinforced. Therefore, taking into accouiit the condition of its elements and the distance to i t s objective, the division nust leave the billeting area early tomorrow morning, 3, Since the enemy situation is not yet clear, i t is best for the division, in order to facilitate subsequent opera tions, to take as i t s immediate objective a line connecting Kawayoke, Midaragawa-mura, and Michiman, There are three .roads which can be used for this operation: the Kawashima Nagatoro-Hanyu-Narifu road, the Koshu Highway, and the Tateoka-Higashine-Harazaki road. In tho event of combat i t would be advantageous to secure a foothold on the h i l l to -the, .east. Therefore, a strong force must be moved on the last named road; the main strength, of tho division, to keep its, movement unhampered, must move on the Koshu Highway, which is a good road5 and a small, element must move along .the f i r s t named road to protect our right : 'flank,


Linos^of Actionj_ . 1, The attached a i r unit .will use the advance airfield at Obanazawa from early tomorrow morning. The main force will reconnoiter the enemy, position- in the area northeast of . Yamagata* .'An element will reconnoiter the hostile rear .echelon and maintain liaison between columns. Tivo planes will be assigned to cooperate with the a r t i l l e r y after 0600, 2, The advance guard of the division (1st Cavalry Squadron less four squads of the 2nd Troopj 1st Battalion, 4th In fantry) will maintain i t s present position and cover the movement of the division.. Its main force will reconnoiter the enemy condition in the area northeast of Yamagata and the terrain, especially that of Kuratsukawa, Sugawa, and Shirakawat. An element will reconnoiter the hostile rear echelon. 3, The right column (1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry; one cavalry .squadj 1st Batter;/, 1st Mountain Artillery; one platoon of 2nd iitagineor Company) will leavs the south end of Kawashima at 0330 and move on the Ka?rashima-Nagatoro-HanyuNarifu road towards Kawayojce.

- 8

4. The advance guard of the center column (1st Infantry Brigade less 2nd Infantry; one cavalry platoon less two sections; 1st Battalion,' 1st Field Artilleryj 1st ftigineer Battalion less three platoons; one-third of the Medical Detachment) will leave the south end of Tateoka at 0400 and move on the Koshu road tov/ards Midaregawa-mura, 5. The main body of the center column will move approxi mately 1500 meters behind the advance guard. Its forward elaments will consist of the Division Communication Unit, the Radio Platoon, and the 1st Battery of the 1st Indepen dent Heavy Field Artillery* I t s remaining elements will follow in the order listed? Division Headquarters, 2nd Infantry less 1st Battalions one platoon of 1st Engineer Company; 1st Field Artillery Ie6s 1st Battalion and ,all elements of 2nd Battalion except 6th Battery; 1st Battalion, 1st Mountain Artillery less 1st Battery; 1st Battalion, 1st Heavy Field Artillery; 4th Infantry -less 1st Battajion; Field Artillory Regimental .Ammunition Train; one platoon of Mountain Artillery Regimental Ammunition Train; two pla- toons of Heavy Field Artillery Regimental Ammunition Train; one-third of Medical Detachment3 1st Independent Balloon Company. 6. The left column (2nd Infantry Brigade less 4th Infan t r y ; one ' cavalry squadj 2nd Battalion, 1st Field Artillery,
less 6th Battaryj one platoon of 2nd Engineer Company;
one-third of Medical Detachment) will depart at 0400 from
the three-road junction located 1000 meters southeast of
Tateoka and move on the Tatooka- Higashine-Harazaki road
towards Michiman,
7. The Mobile Anti-Aircraft tions at 0500 and cover the parture:
1st Mobile Anti-Aircraft 2nd Mobile Anti-Aircraft will take the following posi division's assembly and de

Unit Natori ' Unit - .Southeastern end of Nagatoro.

Thereafter, they will provide a i r protection to-the column
by moving from one position to another along the Koshu
8. The field train under i t s commander will follow two
kilometers behind the advance transport.
9. The Advance Transport,' consisting of one infantry ammunifcitt t r a i n , one a r t i l l e r y ammunition t r a i n , and two field hos* <pitaIs, will move in the rear of the center column. The remaining elements of the Transport Unit will leave Nagi zawa at 6? 00. and move'towards- Kanaya, 10. A, summary of .decisions and lines of action as well as the
enemy situation will be reported to the Army commander,
- 9




1st Column 1st Echelon Major General X, Comdr. X 1st Inf. Brlgdess 2nd Infl 1 p i . Car. (less 1 squad) 1st Bn. 1st t. A. 2nd Bng. Co. 1/3 Med. Seteh. X Supply element (s) 2nd Ichelon Colonel X Inf., Coadr. X DIT. Hdqra. 2nd Inf. Conn. Unit Car. Begt. field Tr. X Supply element (s)

2nd Column

3rd Column

Uth Column

Major General XX, Condr. 2nd Inf. Brig. 1 squad of Car. X Supply element (s) tayozuml- Inazuml- IehlkawaSomon- Iwsxa-Hegamiki-

W i l l

Colonel XX, Coadr. 1st T.A. (less 1st Bn) r.A. Bagt ABB. t r . 1st Xng. Bn (less2nd Co.)
Med Detch. (less l/3) X Supply element (s)

Col. XX,Trans.,XX,CoBdr. Transport (less Med Detch.)

X Supply element (s)


Kofu- Suklzawa- Torotuiawa- Bakashuku- Shizuoka Road

Eofu-Usaguehi-OoBlya- Eofu-Toshlda-SotenbaToahlhara-Snlzuoka Rd. Duaatsu-Hara Road

April 1st Point of Departuri Tine of Departure Long resting plac< Billeting Area Length of March April 2nd Point of Departure Time of Departure Long resting place Billeting Area Length of March April 3rd Point of Departure Departure " : Arrival Billeting Area for each echelon 0530 1700 South of Ogoehl Between Irle A Mine 8 Rl (18.5 Biles)

Vicinity of southwestern extremity at lofu

0530 0730 Horth of Aoyagl

Vlclnity of southern extreme Tlelalty of southern extrasity of Kofu tr of Tayozunl

Vicinity of eastern extremity of east Kofu

South of Suklzava

Between ShiaoyamaA Xirllshl Between HlehiJlBaA Sukiiawa Between Ichlnose A Ochll 9 Bl (22.0 miles) 6J Bl (15.9 mile.) S Rl (19.5 Biles)

Between ShoJIn *Usaguchl Between Funatsu A Tujlnokl 6 Bl (1U.7 alles) 8 Rl (19.5 Biles)

Billeting area for each echelon


Vicinity of southern extremity of Shiro

Horth of Koshlzawa

South of Hakano

Between KoutaneA Torotumwa Between Nambe A Hilcnrlgaza- Between Hagnnukl 4 Uchlbune wa 7$ HI (18.3 ailes)
7 Rl (17.1 B i l e s )

Between Ooalya A Kltnynma 9i Bl (23.L Biles)

Between Ootenba A Subashlrl Si Bl (20.7 alles)

8} Bl (20.7 Biles)

Vicinity of southern extremity of Shiro


Long Beating place Billeting Area Length of March

Horth of Hilshihara Between Tokosuna A Nakayada 9 Bl (22 Biles) Between Doyu A Klta 8 Ri (19.5 ailes) Between Eaiiizawa A Susuklhara 7 Rl (17.1 Biles) Between Ipponmatsu A Buaattu 10 Rl (26.U Biles)

B.,ir. ***"


The supply platoons assigned to the 1st and chlo w 1 1 1 * * * * '"t!1 * Kojia during the erch on April 3 and b i l l e t there.

March so as to pass lad of column will couplets passing through Iv&- through Tujlgawa after buchi before 1200. April Jrt 1200 on April 3rd. HowHowever after 1000 hare the ever have the Prorlsloi
supply platoon nass through and forage platoon
reaaln at Tothlhara anil Onakasuto vie 0o>lya to Toshlhara and b i l l e t there billet there. Oaneral remarks: (l) Qnarterlng of troops will be by billeting. Tor supply the division will depend upon field ratlone, but will utilize l o cal resources as much as possible. *h use of local resources for the 1st column will be tunervlsed by the personnel of the Division Intendance Dwoartaent, sad for the other columns by the respective ooluan commanders. (2) Replenishment of field train will be at night, except on April 3 the supply companies (except that of the Uth column) will move with empty wagons. (3) the Division Intendanoe Department will assemble local resources In the vicinity of Xjlrl sad Shizuoka.


the l i t Cavalry (ls one platoon)will leave Iofu early on the morning of April 1 and by night of April 3 <> l*n Its main fore* to the area wast of Abegawa, establish liaison with the Cavalry Brigade, and reoonnolter the eneay situation in the Haaamatsu area, d^ending for supplies on the local resouroee.

- 10


I. Plan for a Division Route March! *II. Division Plan of Attack --* 9
III, Division Plan of Attack (with
Battle Map) -~ ----. -, 10
IV. Division Plan for Defense - - - - 11
V. Division Plan for River Crossing 12
VI. Cavalry Brigade Reconnaissance Plan 13
VII, Plan for Employment of Division
.* 14
Artillery VIII, Plan for Employment of Artillery Fire 15
IX, Plan for Employment of Fire of a
Field Artillery Battalion 16
X, Plan for Employment of the Air Units
of an Army.-'-- 17
XI. Plan for Employment of Air Groups 18


PLAN FORA DIVISION.ROUTS M R H AC 8,: Plan for the 1st Division Route March (see Chart, p . 10) SECTION I I


9, The Plan of Attack of the 1st Division,
A, Decisions At daybreak tomorrow, ^]date)_^ f the di vision will launch an attack against the hostile main
position, break rapidly through, drive the enemy toward
the XX Rivsr, directing the main attack toward XX,

3, Instructions;
the front
1. Before daybreak tomorrow^ (date) ,line units will move to XX, followed by an artillery
preparation of approximately XX hours to destroy impor tant sections of the hostile main position, especially
the obstacles, and neutralize the enemy artillery.
2. At (timej , the infantry will open the attack
and advanceTto XX liner A'major part of the artillery
fire will be nlacad on XX.sector.

- 11

3. If the hostile position is penetrated, drive enemy at once .toward X River. At this time, the main X strength of the a r t i l l e r y will change its position t o " " wards X sector* X
C, Troops',
" ' ! * "Composition of Tactical. Components.
*," Air Unit
1st. Squadron
Right' VJ ing
Commander:' Major General XX
1st.Infantry Brigade (less 2ndnInf,)
1 squad of Cavalry
1 platoon of Engineers
Left Wing '
Commander: 'Ma'^or General XX
2nd Infantry Brigade
2 squads of Cavalry
5th Battery Mountain Artillery
2 platoons of Engineers
1st Cavalry (less . platoon)
1 Artillery
Commander: Colonel XX
1st Field Artillery
2nd Mountain Artillery Battalion (less 1 battery)
. and one platoon of Regimental Ammunition Train
1st Heavy Field Artillery Battalion and 1 platoon
pf.Regimental Ammunition Tr&\in
1st'Balloon Company
Engineers,. . .
. 1st"'Engineers Battalion, (less- 3 platoons)
' Antiaircraft . . -.
1st and 2nd Mobile-Antiaircraft .
2nd Infantry
2.* ' Tactical Missions of Subordinate Units,
Air Units Tomorrow, (date) _, an element will carry
out liaison, missions while the main forge- will support
the artillery.
a. Today, j^date) , .before sunset, an element will
occupy XZ' line, wli3.ro tonight, it will covar the move ment of the main force of both wings to that area. Move ment will commence at _(time) ^ , and advance made to
the line. By _^tjLmeJ^ preparations for the attack
will be completed. Following the artillery preparation
the attack will be opened along the whole front and ad vance made to.XX line.

< 1 2

b# The boundary between the zones of action for both wings will be X line. (The area along this line X will be the responsibility of the Right Wing.) Artiller^: a. One a r t i l l e r y element and the main strength of X will take position in X area tonight, (date) , X X and at daybreak tomorrow, (date) t will begin prepa ratory f i r e . Artillery preparation will be continued until approximately (timej according to the follow ing schedule; X battalion(s) of Field Artillery to destroy obstacles
in the front of the right wing and important targets
in X area.
X X battalion(s) Field Artillery and X battery(ies) of Mountain Artillery to destroy the obstacles in front of the loft wing and important targets on h i l l on north side of XX, X battalion(s) of 15 c howitzers and X battalion(s) m of Field Artillery for countorbattcry and destruction of other important targets in the hostile position, b# After the infantry attack begins, fire will bo massed as follows: Direct support of right wing X battalion(s) of Field Artillery
X battery(ics) of 15 c howitzers
m Direct support of loft wing , X battalion(s) of Fiold (Mountain) Artilljry X battalion(s) of 15 c howitzers m Count e rbatt o ry
X battalion(s) of Field Artillery
X battalion(s) of 15 c howitzers
m However, if necessity arises, be prepared to increase the mass of firo by X battalion(s) in front of the right wing and to increase the i'ro power by X. batt'alion(s) in the z.ono of action of the 2nd Division oast of X line and X in the zone of action of the'3rd Division west of X lino, X c. As soon as both wings have moved to the vicinity of X line, the Field ArtiHoly will shift position a X once, one element to the' vicinity of XX, the main body to the vicinity of XX. d. Tho zones of action of the Corps Artillery and the Division Artillery will bo the area bounded by tho lines XX"X"A, > o, ' The amount of ammunition to be expended in attack ing the main defensive zone will be approximately five units of f i r e . Engineers: The unit will mainly cooperate with tho.arta Tlory'lbi the occupation of positions and in changing po sitions with tho progress of the attack. Anti-aireraft; Tho unit will occupy positions in the vicinity'"of"~XX and X before dawn tomorrow, (datej X ,


and furnish air protection.

Reserves: The unit will take position in the, area ZX
before* 0400 tomorrow ^(datej___ and thereafter move1
towards XX in the rear of"'the oe'nter of the left wing in
accordance with the progress of attaok.
Division Headquarters: 'Will be at XX at 0400, tomorrow
"~^ateV" ""Thereafter it will move to the vicinity
of XX~"in accordance with changes in the battle situation.
3. Communication: The communication net will be estab lished as shown in ths annex (not attached),
4, Administrative Mattars,
Medical: .
a, "The Madical Detaonment will leave XX lino at (time)
tomorrow, (date) , By 0430 it will set up dressing
stations, one by an element of the detachment in XX
area and one by the main strength in XX area,
b, The XX Field Hospital will leave XX, point at .Jti
tomorrow, (date) and will be set up at XX before
a. The ammunition supply point will be moved forward
tomorrow, _Xi^a^v3J ^ ^Q following places:
Infantry ammunition distribution points at XX and XX
Artillery ammunition distribution points at XX
b. The Field Train will
c. Tho Transport will . - -.,

10. Plan of Attack of 1st Division in the Vicinity of Uenoyama machi, August 3,1,
(This plan is written, following Japanese army practice, in
indigo jink on the right of the battle map shown in Fig. 3)..
A, Decision: Tonight under covor of darkness, the division
will approach the endmy and deploy along the crest line
of tho highland which roughly extends from the eastern
hills of Sugarida through Xuboto and Kanagamo to the vi cinity of Minami.
Tomorrow, at daybreak, on the 11th, after the preparatory
fire of tho artillery tho infantry will launch an attack.
Tho main point of attack will bo diroctod toward the hills
north of Uonoyama in such a v/ay as to drivo tho enomy in
the direction of Kanayama Pass, southeast of Uonbyama.

- 14



Statute Miles
To Yamagata^






Tanukimor To Mlyauch


To Akayu To Kanayama

Drawn in Cartographic Section, Dissemination Unit, M.I.O


Outl ine_ fpr_ Attackj_ 1 # 1st Phase: (UD to the opening of infantrv attack on tho 11th). a. O midnight of tha 10th, the infantry will start n from tho present front line and by 0200 of tho 11th will assemble along tho line indicated on the battle map, whore it will prepare for the attack that is to follow. b. B 0300 of tho 11th the artillery will occupy posi y tions, prepare for action, and open fire at daybreak. B y 0600 i t will complete preparation for offectivo fire and carry out preparatory fire for attack. Its chief mission will be to destroy the obstacles directly in front of tho center and right wing and to neutralize the onemy a r t i l lery. O o element will endeavor ospocially to destroy n tho defense installations of the hostile flank in tho area of the positions southwest, of Kubote. 2. 2nd Phase: (from the opening of infantry attaok to the preparation for the assault). a. Although the time for launching the attack by the front line infantry unit will be determined by the in crease in artillery fire, i t is expected to be roughly 0600. However the detached force on the right flank will attack at an opportune time. b. When the infantry launches its attack the artillery will give direct support with approximately two battalions to the center and with'approximately one battalion to the left wing. The fire of approximately two battalions will be directed especially against the enemy moving out from the direction-of h i l l 459.0 3rd Phase (the time for preparation of assault), a. The fire of one additional battalion will give direct rsupport to the center infantry. If necessary it will neutralize the enemy flank defenses in front of our center, 4. 4th Phase: (from tha time of assault to the exploi tation of advantages gained). a. When the assault begins, the artillery will shift its' fire to the rear of- the enemy position and make special effort to check hostile counter-attacks in tho northern sector of Uenoyama-machi. b." When the infantry penetrates the enemy position, the a r t i l l e r y will at a suitable timo move forward and cooperate in exploiting tho advantages gained. 3.

C. Notes;
1. Tho Cavalry will be in the Mogamigawa River Valley
and will continue former missions.
2. The 1st Independent Air Squadron will attach throe
Dlanes to the artillery unit, and tho remainder will

- 16

serve a liaison between the division commander and & subordinate units 5. The Mobilo Anti-airoraft Unit will occupy positions in th3 vicinity of Matsubara and will provide? a i r cover for tho main force of tho division. SECTION IV .DIVISION PIAF FOR DEFENSE
11, Defense Plan of tho 1st Division.
A. Decision: Tho division will.occupy a position between
XX arecTand XX area. After having overpowered the enemy
in front of the positions, chiefly with firo power, the
division-will shift to the offensive from the right sec tor. If the enemy should make a turning movement from
the mountain sector with a strong force the division is
expected to shift,to a decisive offensive by taking ad vantage of the separation of enemy strength.
Instruct ions;
TT The XX~fbrward element will be sent to XX area to
delay the enemy advance. It will act as a covering; force
while the main body of the division occupies a defensive
2. In the XX sector, the division flanks will be covered
by the XX detachment*
&. The main hostile attack is expected to be in the XX
sector. At1 this time the.enemy n front of the position
may be overwhelmed by fire power. After this is done,
the division will shift to the offensive from the right
seotor, push the main hostile force into the obstacle
of the XX River and there annihilate them*
4. If the enemy should make a turning movement from the
mountain sector, with a strong force, the XX detachment
will block him. Our main effort, taking advantage of the
coparation of tho hostile-forces, will .shift to a decisive
offensive.and destroy both groups.
C. Location^ of^ the^ Main Defensive Zone, Disposition of Troops
*B the, Occupation of Defensive Positions, and Assign-'
'fadBjLp?. ...Observation Posts. As shown on attached sketch.
(Emitted horej"
Reconnaissance and Security Moasures;
1. The attached air unit wiiYj at tho outsot, be assigned



- 17

to reconnoiter the enemy situation, especially as to

indications of a turning movement. Thereafter, one ele ment will be assigned to the artillery and the others to
establish liaison between the commander and other units.
2, The cavalry unit will move towards XX, reconnoitor
the enemy situation, keep in touch with the forward ele ment, and delay the hostile advance. If it is pressed
hard by the enemy it will withdraw to XX sector and
secure the X flank of the division.
3. The XX Detachment will occupy the area between XX
and XX, and will cover the X flank of the division.
E. Counterattack and Counter Offensive;
1. The counterattack which is carried out to maintain
our position will mainly be entrusted to the front lino
commander, and if necessity arises the artillery will
supporb it. And when tho front lino units carry out a
local counterattack at a favorable opportunity, tho divi sion will shift to the attack in an effort to utilize
their success,
2. Counter Offensive.
a. If the hostile main attack arrives in the XX area,
the units in the loft soctor will bocomo the left wing.
It will doal a severe blow against the enemy from its
present position and thereby support the division offen sive. x At the first opportunity it will join the right
wing, and both wings will hold the strong points on the
right and shift to the offensive. '
Units in the right sector will become the right wing,
maintain the strong points in its sector and drive the
enemy to the southwest. Most of the division reserves
will be added to the right wing.
The artillery will at first mass destructive fire in
front of the division main point of attack. After des troying the enemy offensive power, it will support the
attack of the left wing.
b. If the onemy should make a turning movement from
tho mountain sector with a strong force, the XX detach ment will stubbornly block the enemy and protect the X
flank of the division.
Tho main strength of the division will shift to the
offensive from XX area and, after first repulsing tho
enemy to p t front, will attack tho rear and flank of
.s the detachment that is making the turning movement.
F. G. Communication and Liaison: Construction of Positions: '

- 18

1. Essentials 2. Disposition of troops and... distribution.of materials 3. Amount of labor roquirod 4. " Method^ of- work and order of procedure 5. Mi seelIane ou s H. Supplying -of Ammunition;

) )

(details omitted)


12. 1st Division Plan for River Crossing*
A. Decision: At night on January 4th, the cavalry will move
from the Kyobo area to harass the hostile flanks while the
division forces the river crossing, one element moving from
the Iokaido Railway line, and the main body from Yasaku
and points alone; the tributaries of the Furukawa (rivor).
By dawn, both groups will advance, at least to the line con necting the Ikebata area, Ogawa, and Meiji Reservoir, and
'annihilate the onemy on that front before the arrival of

Ins truetions: 1. The division will move into the zones of action desig nated in ths now disposition of troop.s on the night of tho 3rd and prjpo.ro for rivor crossing. All units will do thoir utmost to guard tho socrjcy of thoir activities from on Ga ry land and air roconnaissanco. Preparation for rivor cros sing will bo completed boforo 2300 of tho 4th. 2. A lc-rgo dotachmont of tho dismounted troops will oxo cuto tho i n i t i a l crossing by boat and thon construct a bridge in tho Shikino aroa. Tho simultaneous crossings will comimneo at midnight. Tho Cavalry, howovjr, will start crossing tho rivor at an- opportune timo on tho night of tho 4th. Thj tin;> to begin tho bridgo construction will , bo tentatively sot c.t Q200. 3. Aft.r tho simultaneous crossings have "boon initiated, tho Artillery will, at opportune times, support tho river crossing and tha' o'oeratTons that follow.


4. Before daybreak of tho 5th, the division will move to

the line connecting the Ikebata area, Ogawa, and Meiji
Reservoir, and attack hostile forces in that area,
C. Troops:
Air Squadron';
1. Preparation for river crossing: - 19

On the 3rd and 4th,

the air squadron will reconnoitsr the hostile disposition

on the right bank of the Yasaku River, especially the
disposition of the rear echelon.. Also, an element will
reconnoiter the situation of hostile reserves.
2. Execution of river crossing: Tho air squadron will
Continue its former mission. From daybreak of the 5th-,
(3) airplanes will be attached to the Artillery, Liaison
will be maintained with the Cavalry,
1st Cavalry (less one platoon and one squad)
1st Battalion, 1st Infantry (less 3rd and 4th
One battery of 1st Mountain Artillery (separate)
One squad of Engineers .
1, Preparation for river crossing: River crossing will
start at sunset of the 3rd and by'dawn of the 4th will
move to the bank owoosito Kyobo. On tho 4th, preparation
for rivor crossing will bo made.
2, Execution of rivor crossing: Rivor crossing will be
initiated at an opportune timo on tho night of the 4th
. and hostile forces to Ijlu front annihilated. Harassing
movements will be made on tho hostile roar to render as sistance to the main attack.
1st Infantry Brigade (less all of 1st Batta lion oxcept 3rd and 4th Companies of 1st
Infantry, and loss all of 2nd Infantry oxcopt
1st Company)
One cavalry squad
1st Battalion and l/3 of tho Regimental Ammun ition Train of tho 1st Field Artillery
Ono platoon of Bridging Material Company
22 local boats
1. Boundary between tho zones of action of the right wing
and the left wing: Lino connecting south ond of Wakama tsu, north ond of Zaika, north end of Kamiaono, and south
ond of"Anjo.
2. Preparation for rivor crossing will bo made in present
area on tho 3rd and 4th, and reconnaissance of the onemy
situation and tho terrain within the zone of action will
be carried out. Aft or sunset of the 4th, this unit will
movo to tho Tompaku. aroa and com.pl.yto tho preparation for
tho riv.r crossing by 2300.
3. Execution of rivor crossing: At midnight, tho crossing
will ba initiated aftor hostile rosistanco has boon ro ducod. Hosti le-forcos in tho Suwa aroa will bo drivon
out, and thoruaftor, asv our troops incroaso in number, tho
oncountor will bo moro and moro expanded. By daybroak,
this unit will advance to Yasaku and Ikobata end attack
tho hostile forcos in that area, rondoring assistance to
Right Win&; "

- 20

the main attack. 2nd Infantry Brigade Ono cavalry platoon 1st Battalion (lass ono company) of tho Ro gimontal Ammunition Train bolonging to an element of tho 1st Mountain Artillery (se parate) Ono platoon of 2nd Company of 1st Engineers 1.. Sector boundaryi Same as that of right wing. 2. Preparation for river crossing will generally be made in present area on tho 3rd and 4th, and enemy situation and terrain of tho zone of action will be reconnciterod. After sunset of the 4th, this unit will move to the Koraku area and complete tho preparation for the river crossing by 2300 3. Execution of river crossing: At midnight, the cross ing will bo initiated after hostile r3sistanco has boon ro ducod. The unit will dislodge tho hostile elements in front of i t and by daybreak will advance at least to the line connecting Ogaira and Meiji Reservoir, whore i t will attack the enemy along that front. Artillery^ ^s^ Field Artillory (less 1st Battalion and a fraction of the Regimental Ammunition Train) 1st Battalion, 1st Heavy Field Artillory and an element of the Regimental Ammunition Train, 1. .Preparation for river crossings Strictly guarding the secrecy of i t s activitios, the Artillery will, during tho night of tho 3rd and on the 4th, carry out a l l arrange ments for occupation of positions and for firing. At sunset of tho 4th, operations will begin, and by 2300 posi tions in tho Ukaku and Umbosan areas will be occupied. There tho preparations to support tho river crossing and attack of tho Loft Wing will bo made'. 2. Execution of river crossing; The Artillery will com mence firing at an opportune time to cooperate, with the Loft 1!;rir_g in tho crossing and in the encounter that fol lows the crossing. Aftor daybreak of tho 5th, (3) a i r pianos will bo attaclud. Tho employment of fire duringthe c airs o cf tho engagement is as follows: a. In tho i n i t i a l phase of tho river crossing, tho main strength will eliminate the hostilj infantry which direct ly obstructs our rivor crossing, and an element will neutralize tho hostile artillory in the Ogawa aroa. b. Thereafter, the a r t i l l e r y will support the occupation of key points of tho enemy, and then prepare to place interdiction fire on tho. front of the occupied area. c. After tho left vdng has crossed tho river, the A r t i l lory will echelon its units forward to tho right bank. Loft Wing:

- 21

River Crossing Detachment; 1st Engineers (less 1st Company and six squads of 2nd Company) 1st Battalion, 1st P O 1st Bridging Material Company (less one platoon) 2nd Bridging Material Company 10 local boats 1. Preparation for river crossing: Leaving at sunset of the 3rd, the main force will advance to the Kojima area on the Sanada-Nakajima-Kojima road to reconnoiter, survey, and arrange bridging materials along the river. The 1st Bridging Material Company, however, will leave at 1600 of the 3rd, and move to Makami where one'.platoon will be at tached to the Right "Wing, while the remaining force will, after sunset, move on to Nakajima on the Takajikara-Naka jima road and coiae under the command of the River Crossing Detachment. The 2nd Bridging Material Company will move after sunset alone; the route of the main force to Shikagoya, The commander of the Left Wing will be consulted about guarding of bridging materials, 2, Execution of the rivsr crossing: The detachment will be assigned to assist in the rivor crossing of the Left Wing and the division Reserve Artillery, Furthermore, the unit will oonstruct ^a bridge in the vi cinity of Shikiya- Although the time to bogin the con struction is tentatively set at 0200, the exact time will be given on a separata order. During the crossing opera tion of tho Loft Win^j tho unit will be undor the Loft Wing command, Antiairoraft Artillery 1, """Preparation for river crossing: Previous missions will bo continued. 2, Execution of river crossing: At dawn of tho 5th, the 1st Mobile Antiaircraft Artillery will occupy a position in tho Yonano aroa .and tho 2nd Mobile Antiaircraft Artillory in the Shimoaono aroa, to provide a i r defense. Rosorvo: 2nd Infantry (loss 1st Battalion) IT Preparation for rivor crossing: The Rosorvo will re main in tho prosont aroa on tho 3rd, but aftor sunsot of tho 4th, will leave Sanada and advancd to Kojima aroa, 2,' Exocution of. rivor crossing: Approaching tho river bank at an opportune time tho Ros.srvo will .cross tho river following tho Loft riring and advance t o F u j i i ,

Division ^ q _ _ ^
17" PropaVation for rivjr crossing: Position 6f tho hoad quartors on'the 3rd and 4th will bo at tho eastern ond of

2, Execution of rivor crossing: At 2200 on tho 4th, tho

- 22

headquarters will advance to

Communications: With Fukuoka as the center, the Communi cations Uni/tTwill maintain communications between both Wings 9
Artillery, Reserve, and the River Crossing Detachment.
One radio squad will be attached to the Cavalry. The mes sage oenter at Fukuoka will " e moved to the Kojima area
b on- the 4th at 2200. The unit will advance to the right
bank of the river together with main strength of the Left
1. Ammunition: The infantry will carry an additional
qupply of combat ammunition. After replenishment, the
Combat Train will follow the unit. Before daybreak on
the 5th, one infantry ammunition brttory will take posi tion at XX and one artill3ry ammunition company will
take position at XX,
2. Ration: Each individual will carry one day's addition al iron ration.. After the 5th, the field train will re plenish at XX.,
Medical Detachment: By noon on the 4th, the Medical
Detachment will establish dressing stations at Uewada with
X/z of its strength^ and at Shikagoya with its remaining
strength. The 1st Field Hospital will be established at
Okazaki-mura and the 4th Field Hospital at Nakajima. Th
3rd Field Hospital, at Okazaki-mura and the 2nd Field Hos pital at Koiima will prepare for departure aftsr midnight
on the 4th. Others will be informed.



Note: Relief of the front line units in the new combat zone
will begin after sunset on the 3rd, and will be completed
at approximately midnight.
13, 1st Cavalry Brigade Reconnaissance Plan,


1, One element of the brigade will reconnoiter the enemy

situation in the Mito area, and the main body, in 'the
Utsunomiya area. For this purpose thb -main body will
move on the Fuchu-Omiya Road to the Tonogawa line, where
it will seek out the main body of the hostile cavalry
and destroy it,
2. Even though pros sura from a superior hostile fcrrca is


encountered, an element will Continue to reconnoiter. At

tho same time, the main body, utilizing the obstacles of
the Tonegawa and the Arakawa (rivers) and obstructing the
movements and the reconnaissance of the. enemy, will with draw to the area of t ? e right bank of the Tamagawa end
l. support the advance of the 5th Division to the mountains.
B. Reason*
1. The enemy is now concentrating-in two areas, .and from
observation of tho terrain and other general conditions,
indications are that the unit in Utsunomiya is the main
force. The most urgent information we are after is the
activities of this main forcj, especially the disposition
Of troops for crossing the Tonegawa (river). This re connaissance must be immediately carried out, since it
has great importance for the operations of the Army, which
is expecting an engagement in the Musashi Plain. There fore, the brigade must'move towards the bank of the Tone gawa on the Fuchu-Omiya Road.
The enemy force in the Mito Aroa is inferior to that
in tho Utsunomiya area, but since the Okazaki Beach High way and Joban railway lino are vital routes loading to
the enemy, we must recognize the fact that he will move
a fairly strong force to that area. However, since the
hostile forces in both areas will probably maintain close
collaboration vri.tli each other, it is important to recon noiter tho .situation of. tho Mito area at once in order to
make it possible fo,r our army in the north to determine
the disposition of troops. Consequently, instead of more
patrols a fairly strong element must"be dispatched into
that area,
2. If the main strength of the brigade, during its ad vance, encounters the enemy cavalry and does not destroy
it, the movements of tho brigade will be groatly restricted,
and reconnaissance will be unsuccessful. Therefore, first
of all, tho main strength of the enemy cavalry must be
3. Even if Dressed by a supjrior enemy force, the bri gade must endeavor to check its advance and cover cur main
force. In order to move to the Musashi Plain our army
must travel a long distance through the mountains as well
as crops such terrain obstacles as the Sagamigawa and the
Tamagawa (rivers). Furthorrnore, in ord.jr to ch^ck tho hos tile advance, we must take into consideration the pos sibility of utilizing tho terrain obstacles of the Tone gawa and the Arakawa (rivjrs) and the terrain features of
the Tokorozawa area. If the brigade, because of the situa tion, is pressed still further and cannot prevent being
forced back, it must at least occupy the hill north of

- 24

Hino on the right bank of Tamagawa and ondoavor to held

this position in order to support the advance through
mountainous; terrain of th*3 5th'"Division, which is moving
on. -pho Koshu Highway. .
C. Distribution of H^cnmiBjo-no^Troogs^: (chart, p. 26)
of Advance^ (chart# p. 27)
Communicat i on s s 1. Yfith Matsuda Soryoas tho center, a telephone line-
will be set up, following the route pf advance of the
main body of the brigade and utilizing as much as possible
the existing lines of communication. For liaison with the
Army Headquarters and the attached air unit, radio will
also be 'used.

2. Liaison between reconnaissance and patrol elements with in tho ,brigade will be by radio, heliograph, telephone
(using the existing lines), mounted messenger, and bicycle
messenger. If conditions permit, an advance message
center will be sot up at a key nosition. Liaison with air planes will be by radio, signal panels, and drop and pick up messages,
3. Liaison between the brigade and tho 5th Division will
be by radio, existing telephone linos, heliograph, runners,
and bicycle messengers,
4. For communication between the brigade and the support ing infantry battalion, existing telephone lines, bicycle
.messengers, mounted messengers, and motorcycles will bo


1. As much ammunition as possible will ,bo taken along at

tho time of departure. Replenishments' will be sent to tho
reconnaissance elements from the main body of the Brigade.
Tho main body of the Brigade will bo supplied by the
Brigade Transport Unit and if necessary by the motorized
Unit from the advance supply depot. ..
. 2. Supplies for reconnaissance and patrol elements will
como chiefly from local sources. Although the main body
of tho brigade will also endeavor to* utilize local material,
still the shipments of supplies will be mado, depending
upon the transportation .facilities of tho'.Brigado Transport
and Motorized Units, (f rom. Hachi'oji Advance Supply Depot),

- 25


Distribution of Reconnaissance Troops

Disposition Organization

Patrol of Officer A : ,-lst Recon. Party Commander, 1st Lt. A 1 platoon 1 radio 1 heliograph Telephone equipment ______________________ 1 Company ( l officer 1 radio Telephone 5 bicycle (less 2 platoons) patrol added) equipment

2nd Recon." Party 1 Company (1 officer patrol added) 1 machine gun platoon 1 radio Telephone equipment 6 bicycle messengers 14th March 1 at 1500 '

Patrol of Officer B Commander^ 1st Lt. B 1 N O 2 Superior C , Privates, 12 Pvts. Telephone equipment 1 heliograph

Parent Unit Time of departure March 1 at 1400


Cavalry March 1 at 1500

Cavalry March 1 at 1400



To reconnoiter enemy situation in the d i rection of Mito on the Rikuzen beach highway from the western sector of Tokyo. -

To reconnoiter the enemy situation in the direction of Mito from the area east of a line connecting Tamura (5 miles south of Atsuki), Chofu, Urawa, Ka sukab e, Toho, Shuka, Shit azawa, Shitadate, and Iawase; that i s roughly, from the area of the Ichinomiya-Futako Takaido-JIatogayq-St pugaya Noda-Suikaido-Doura road.

To reconnoiter the enemy situation in the direction of Utsunomiya from the area irest of the line mentioned on the left; roughly from the Toba High way area by way " f o the At suki-Fuchu Omiya-Kuribashi road.

To reconnoiter in the direction of Ufcsuno miya from the Hachi o j i -0 gimach i ya-Yukid a Kanbayasni-Sano road area.


Employment of aircraft on the 3rd, Hiile primarily dependent upon the situation, must include
reconnaissance of the hostile cavalry on the Mu.3.shi plain south of Tonegawa.


Plan of Advance.

Date Troops 1st Ren party

2nd Ren p a r t y

Billeting March
Yoda Atsugi

Area Remarks March 2

Hatogaya Qmiya

Message Center

Southern edge of Haragi

On t h e 2nd, an advance message center will be estab lished between 0800 and 1100 at Haramachida, between 1100 and 1500 at Fuchu, end after 1500 at Owada. Fuchu V/ill leave Sono at 0600.



Main body of brigade Field Train and transport

Present area

Present area

Field trainFuchu

Supporti ng Infantry Bn.


Present area


1. Movement after Iviarch 3 will depend on the s i t u a t i o n . 2. The message center fri.ll be composed of a commander, a fraction of the communications d e t a i l including 2 heliograph sots, one platoon of cavalry, 2 motorcycles with sidee-irs attached, and 6 bicycles.

ML Y E T 14. Plan f o r Employment of 1st Division A r t i l l e r y i n an Attack on a P o s i t i o n . Right wing elements Troops ommander ield Artillery . . Mountain Artillery . . Heavy Field Artillery irect support of the ight wing Left wing elements Commander Field Artillery . . Mountain Artillery . . Heavy Field Artillery Direct support of the left wing XX Heavy Field A r t i l l e r y Commander Field Artillery . . . Heavy Field Artillery . . . Disruption of the formation of strong points, counterbattery, destruction of key points & cooperation with the left sector supporting artillery as the occasion demands. Division zone of operation

Main Mission

Zone of Action
(prepared fires)

.one of action of the right wing(east or railroad line, within the 2nd )ivl6ion zone of action)

7one of action of left wing(west of line connecting X & X within X X the 3rd Division zone of action Area between X X and X X X X

Occupation of Position

Area between XXX, XXX, & XXX; observation posts at X X X . XXX Time of All units will complete arrangements by sunset and at 2000 commence movement, occupation occupying the new positions by approximately 2400; however, a fraction of both of positions left and right artillery groups will be prepared at a l l times to furnish direct support Topographi cal preparation Based on the plan for survey operations prescribed in a separate regulation, the groups
will carry out their preparatory survey in such a v:ay as to t i e it in with the general
army survey. The various surveys will be completed by sunset of the 3rd, and a l l calcu lations and preparations by dawn of the 4th.
1. In the preparation of fire for effect, fire for adjustment aimed at direct targets and
bracketing fire will be used Jointly. Generally, one battery of each battalion will carry out
fire for adjustment and a l l necessary inspection fire for the battalion.
2. Preparation for effective firing will be completed by 0600. 3. Zones selected for fire for adjustment are as follows: (a) Both left and right artillery
groups will use their own zones of action; (b) The Heavy Field Artillery will execute fire for
adjustment, first against the enemy artillery, and then against X and X Hills. Tine and place
X X will be determined by consultation with the left and right artillery groups.
1. Generally, ground reconnaissance and observation will be carried out according to the
plan for the 3rd.
2. Air reconnaissance w i l l be used to verify information as to the condition of hostile
artillery and of Hills XX, XX, and XX.
Main force to carry out demolition of obstacles at XX, an element the demolition of critical points in X area. The X Mountain X X Artillery unit attached to the right wing will fire under the command of the unit commander of the di rect support artillery
2ND Phasi 1. To directly support the (From the right wing. Infantry ad- 2. To stop the enemy counvance in terattack from X area X attack until the assault) An element to remain in the present position and stop the enemy counterattack. The main strength to shift position to the X area & X generally support the right wing in the exploitation of i t s gains. Artillery (Artillery Brig) 155 Hotfitzer Main force to carry out de-
molition of obstacles at X X
The rx Mountain Artillery unit attached to the left
wing will fire under the
command of the unit comman der of the direct support


irea between X X & X X X X

Freparat Ion of Fire Preparation of data

Observat ion

Main force to neutralize enemy artillery and an element to destroy XX.

Execution of Preparat ions during the

various phases of infantry attack

1. To directly support the left wing. 2. To stop the enemy counterattack from X area. X

1. Counterbattery with at least X Field

Artillery Battalions.
2. Neutralize XX, X with X 155 Howitzer X battalions. 3. Execute accompanying fire with X 155 Howitzer battalions for support of the right wing in the assault. To shift position to the vicinity of X X
and X and generally support the right
X wing In the exploitation of i t s gains.

An element to remain in the

present position and stop
the enemy counterattack. The
main strength t o shift posi tion to the XX, X area and
X generally support the l e f t
wing in the exploitation of
i t s gains
Artillery Mountain Artillery

155 Howitzer


155 Howitzer

Through 1st Phase Ammunit ion (units of


2nd Phase 3rd Phase By dawn, concentrate as much ammunition as possible in the vicinity of the positions.

Communicat i on Remarks:

(Omitted) 1. Two planes, or as the occasion demands one plane, will cooperate with the Heavy Field Artillery during the attack. 2. Generally, the demolition of obstacles i s carried to Its fullest extent.



15. Plan for Employment of Artillery Fire.
A.;" Re'ei strati on Fi re
1. Firing will .commence at daybreak of the 9th and will
"be continued for approximately 40 minutes.
Zones for ranging fire:
a. 1st Mountain Artillery Battalion (separate).....
The combat zone of the Right Wing to give direct support
to the Right Wing, " "' " . ' \
' b. Antiaircraft Artillery, The combat zone of the
right Regiment of the Right Wing to" .give direct support
to the right Regiment.
c. 1st Battalion, 1st Field Artillery and 2nd Battalion,
1st Field Artillery....The combat zone of the left
Regimeni: of the Left Wing to give direct support to the
left Regiment.
d. ord Battalion, 1st Field Artillery....Within the
line connecting XX, -XX, and XX for counterbattery fire.
Also in the combat zone of the left Regiment of the
Left' W:'.ng to give direct support to the left Regiment.
e. 1st Battalion, 1st Heavy Field Artillery....The
combat zones, of the Right and Center Wings for counter-
battery fire,, also the combat zone of the left Regiment
of-the Left Wing to give direct support to the left
f. Units giving direct support to the left Regiment
of the Left Wing will use the adjusted data obtained
by the 2nd Battalion, 1st Field Artillery when opening
, Preparatory Fire
1, Following registration, preparatory fire will be
carried out for approximately one hour.
Counterbattery prior to destruction of obstacles..
a. 1st Mountain Artillery Battalion (separate) within the .combat zone of the Right Wing.
b. 1st Battalion, 1st Field Artillery and 1st Battery,
1st Battalion, 1st Heavy Field Artillery - within the
combat zone of the ri'ght Regiment of the Left Wing.
c. 2nd Battalion, 1st Field Artillery and 2nd Battery,
1st battalion, 1st Heavy Field Artillery - within the
combat zone of the left Regiment of the Left Wing,
d. 3rd Battalion, l&t Field Artillery - within its
combat gone.
3, Neutralization of hostile artillery during the
destruction of obstacles:
- 29 2, 2,

a. Within the combat zone of the Right Wing - 3rd.

Battalion, 1st Field Artillery.
ID. Within the combat zone of the Left Wing ^ 1st
Battalion, 1st Heavy Field Artillery.
4. Destruction of obstacles:
a. Direct front of the Right Wing - 1st Mountain
Artillery Battalion (separate).
"b. Within the combat zone of the Left Wing - 1st
Battalion, 1st Field Artillery.
c. Direct front of the left Regiment.of the Left
.Wing - 2nd Battalion, 1st Field Artillery.
C. Direct Su-p-port of the Attack
a. Right Wing - 1st Mountain Artillery Battalion
b. Right Regiment of the Left Wing - 1st Battalion,
r 1st Field Artillery. ^ :
c. Left Regiment of the Left Wing -* 2nd battalion,
1st Field Artillery. '
d. Counterbattery ~ same as in the destruction of
? obstacles.
Preparation for Assault
a. 1/vrect support of the Right Wing - 1st Mountain
Art ill 17- Bat-alion (separate).
b. Lurect oupport of the right Regiment of the Left
Wing - 1st Battalion, 1st Field ,-irtilleiy.
c. E n e c t support of the left Regiment of the Left
Wing - 2nd Battalion, 1st Field Artillery (in charge of
plans), 3rd Battalion, 1st Field Artillery and 1st
Field Artillery Battalion (separate)
d. Counterbattery r same units as1 those taking charge
of counterbattery prior to the destruction of. .obstacles.
E Count erp re-pa rat ion . .
a. XX, XX sector ^ 1st Mountain Artillery .Battalion
(separate) and 1st Battalion, 1st Field Artillery (the
former in charge of plans). '
b. XX, XX sector - 1st Battalion, 1st Field Artillery '
(in charge of plans) and 3rd Battalion,-1st Field Artillery,
SECTION IX... , . - .


16, Plan for Employment of Fire by Field Artillery Battalion
* (See. chart, pp. 31-33)

- 30

16-, Plan for Employment of Fire of a Field Artillery Battalion


Preparation of Fir


Order '


Demolition of obstacles at a and b;

Disrupting counterattack at c and es
Neutralization of flank defense at d and h;
Counterbattery at.f and g.
Time shrapnel to disrupt counterattacksj HE shell
with instantaneous fuze for other missions.

Type of
shell and
Number of

About 20 rounds par target

Duration of
Liaison with

40 minutes

Aerial observation for d-and p)# observation

For otii3r, ground

The Infantry regir&ental command pest is at 7CL, Liaison detachment; conaiuan'dor, 1st Lt. X ^ 1 ECO, 10 p r i v a t e s . X Equipment; general-JLXj telepi'iona-X-j radio-X; visual s i gna 11 in g-]DC.



Plan for Employment of Firs of a Piald Artillery Battalion

.(cont ! d)

Preparatory Fire for Attack


Attack fo3hind rolling

barrage . .

Relative to
a and b





t i i
Demolition of wire entanglement j

it ill

3 5L

Lieut ra 1 i zat ion

HE shell with instantane ous fuze

HS shell with
instantaneous fuze

HE shell with
instantaneous fuze

100 rounds for each breach

50 rounds per target

for en.ch battery

50 rounds for 3Qoh


50 minutes
(25 minutes for one)

3 minutsc and if nvPCDnsary, ! 2 minutes

1 Air observation: lnt
and 3 rd b - c t ?. ri ; s
a' Ground; 2nd battery


Th..) r 3.?, im HT'CC. 1 c oiranand p o at '

w i l l W V J forward behind oaircjr of r i ^ h t Battalion 1. 50 rounds for each gun 2. 50 a d d i t i o n a l rounds f o r oo.ch gun Z, Apr;rox. width of br^p.ch i s 10 motors If n Dc 3s s i t y a r i s J G d'.'.rin^ tb.3 i n i t i a l i;hc.s-3 of t.h'3 a t t a c k Top-sat t'.iis f i r o . 1. Tiiis cc.;.i b"j r'jpje.t3 2. Tiiiij f'jr i-3V)jtiti''.n of fir-Li en 3. d)signabion of


y w i l l b) by b a t c a l i e n order 3 . If i\jO3c?ai7, s h e l l s w i t h dolayjd a c t i o n fiizj w i l l


Plan for Employment of Fire of a Field A r t i l l e r y Battalion After t h e Assault


S'topoin.'c t h e Countsrattack

*0 ill)

Depth of zone 150'motors


3. 2,
Annihilation Stopping t h e ccunt9rattack . (DartreQ or axt ant of neutralization)

H s h a l l with instantanaons fuz?, E

Tim3 chra-onsl

Cno period of firos A 120 rounds f o r each F b a t t a r y 50 rounds f o r each hoavy F battory A of zt?ao t o b3 covsrod as shcn;ra. abova

120 rounds f o r sach b a t t e r y

2 periods ( l period of 3 minutes and an i n t e r v a l of 4 minutes). Repeat i f necessary

4 minutes (repeat if

Ground .Fire w i l l be oponad en c a l l from t h e front l i n e b a t t a l i o n coimnandor. Convor^.inr; f i r e ; black dragon rocket "Fu". Inorjcso ran^3: yjllosr dragon rocket !h>;ro". Repeat: \ frr0en han?inz. s t a r "Fu".


Red hanging star "Ri'

Notes This oharb is an -jxara:ol3 of a dawn attack. T-/o-;p;ra-ohical prepara tions w i l l be consolidated rrithin each I^atballon. Tine uf f i r e ; Prapara tion fire - dawn, Prepo.ratory fir.) for attack - c.b...v.t lv hcurs. Conversing f i r e - as required by infantry, ubh^r firinr; c.s in battalion orders.

SECTION X PIAN FOR EMPLOYMENT OF 'THE AIR UNITS OF AN ARMY 17. P l a n f o r Employment' of t h e A i r Unite of t h e 1st Amy. A, Decision:
1. During the concentration' of our troops, the main air
elements df the Army will destroy the enemy air power,
while one element will reconnoiter the hostile concentra tion and cooperate with the 1st Cavalry. Brigade, obstruct ing hostile concentration whenever, possible.
2. With the opening of our operation, the air elements
will one after anothsr change the main point .of action to
the direct support of ground operations, and when the
troops engage in decisive combat, they will support the
action with full strength.
B Instructions:
1. Destruction of hostile air power: The order of pre ference in destroying hostile aircraft will be (l) bombers,
(2) fighters, and (3) .raconnaissanco pianos.
2. Reconnaissance of hostile concentrations: The main ,
ieffort will bo placed on enomy railroad transportation
especially on tho XX lino. In rogard to hostile concen tration any indications of activity will be observed.
3. Cooperation with the 1st Cavalry Brigade:. One re connaissance element will be assigned to this mission,
.. and its strength will be increased if ndcossary,
4. Obstruction of enemy concentration: If the situation'
permits, the important, points along'XX line north of XX
. will- be bombd to obstruct enomy coneantration.
5. Direct support of ground operations % .After the open ing of an operation by our main force, tho main elements
will, one after another, shift to direct support of ground
operations, but in case the enemy has air superiority,
they will continue to destroy the enemy air power. How ever, when our main force is engaged in decisive combat, the
full air strength will, be dispatched to the combat area
for direct support,
C, Airfiold^: (As indicated on attached sketch). As the
Cavalry Brigade moves forward, an advance field will be
set up and utilized in tho vicinity of XX' and XX.

2istribution. of foreGs


a. At dawn, XX Group and XX Group (loss XXX) will attack

XX airfield and XX Group and XX Squadron of XX Group will
attack XX airfield. If tho situation psrmits, tho attack
will bo repeated during tho same day.
b. XX Squadron of XX Group, will rocormoiter enemy con centrations in XX aroa and XX area,

dat 2.) . a# Thj main olomonts ^vill continue th3 attack on tho onomy a i r f i o l d , and decisions' on such matters as t a r g e t s and time of attack w i l l bo dotormin^d by tho s i t u a t i o n , b JCL Squadron of TJi Group, in addition to continuing th.3 missions of tho previous day, w i l l cooporat3 with tho 1st Cavalry Brigad'j, 3. (dato)_. a# Xh-3 "distribution w i l l bo dotorrainod by tho s i t u a t i o n . b. X advc.noo a i r f i j l d vrill bi usod. X


1, Tho air dofonso of ths concentration point will bo

carried out bv ZXX and XXI. Tluir mission will be

2. Tho d i s t r i b u t i o n of Mobile A;:itia ire raft Gun units w i l l bj as indicated on the attached military skatch. 3, F. G# Obs Drvaticn for a i r c r a f t (omitted)

Coraaunications^ Supply;

(omitted) SECTION XI

PIAH OF EMPLO^STT OF AIR GROUPS 18. Plan of Smploymsnt of Air Groups. (Rafor t c section on tyoes of ordors us 3d by a i r units,).

- 3

SECTION I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX, X. XI. Paragraph
General . -..- _ _ _ 1 9
Reconnaissance -=_..., ._= -._-- 20 - 25
March and Security -= -=-- 26 - 32
Meeting Engagements r - 33 - 44
Attack of a Position 45 - 55
Defense of a Position 56 - 62
Pursuit ~ 63 - 70
Withdrawal 71 - 72
Billeting and Security - 73 - 79
Transportation - 8 0 - 83
. Routine Orders -.--. ~ .84 - 85
19. The following orders are illustrative. The outlines of
the orders and the summary of the items have been made merely as
references for the beginner. The orders, furthermore, are of value
only when they are adapted to the situation of the moment and to
the mental capacity and the disposition of the receiver. Therefore,
when giving orders the above elements must be taken into considera tion, (Ordinarily in the study of tactics the receiver's mental
capacity and disposition cannot be taken into consideration).
Emphasis on conventional forms with a subsequent disregard for
the situation at hand is not the main purpose of these examples.
Therefore, this will call for special attention.
20. Orders of the Cavalry Brigade
Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Brigade
11 March, 19 , 1700
a. The enemy which has penetrated XX is theJC division.
The foroo-advancing on XX is apparently a unit attached to
the X division. It had advanced in a westward direction
beyond the XX, YY line this morning. According.-to a recon naissance report from our air unit, a large fo^cs of enemy
cavalry had passed XX about noon today. At the samo tine the

- 36

advance party of a large enemy column had passed XX and was

heading westward.
The rail traffic between XX area and XX area is becom ing exceedingly heavier.
The Army Air force cooperating with our brigade will
with its main strength reconnoiter to determine the enemy
situation at XX area and XX area and. will with a part of its
unit reconnoiter the condition of the enemy railway transpor tation,
b. The "brigade will advance on XX tomorrow, the 12th,
to determine tho enemy situation in the XX area. The follow ing units will bo under my command from now on:
1st and 3rd Cavalry (each less a platoon)."
2nd Cavalry (iess a troop - less a platoon).
3rd Bn. of the 4th'Infantry,
A platoon of the Radio Unit.
c. 2nd Troop (loss 2 platoons) of the 1st Cavalry is
designated the 1st Scouting pcrty and will depart at 0300 from
tho billeting area, advancing on XX town via the XX-XX-XX
d. The 4th Troop, 5th Cavalry is designated the second
Scouting party and will depart from the billeting area at 0300,
advancing toward XX via XX Highway. One machine gun platoon
and one radio set will be attached.
e. The 4th Troop (less 2 platoons), 6th Cavalry is de signated the 3rd scouting party. It will depart from the
billeting area at 0300 advancing on XX- on the XX-XX-XX Road,
One radio set will be attached.
f. The scouting parties on the left will be responsible
for their respective boundaries. For each scouting party the
boundary is as follows!
Between 1st and 2nd scouting parties the line connecting


Between 2nd and 3rd scouting parties, the line connecting

g. The following patrols will depart at midnight tonight
and are assigned the following missions, details of which are
indicated separately:
1. "Officer A" Patrol consisting of 1st Lieutenant "A" and
9 men will scout the enemy situation from t'he area of the XX
highway towards, XX, 2. "Officer B!1 Patrol consisting of 1st Lieutenant "B" and
14 men will scout the enemy situation JBram the. area of the
XX Road towards XX.
3. "Officer C" Patrol consisting of 1st Lieutenant "C" and

- 37

19 men will scout the enemy situation from the area of the
XX-XX-XX Road towards XX.
h. The 5th Cavalry (less 3rd and 4th troops) will form
the advance guard and will deparb at 0500 from the XX road
marching on XX.
i. The 2nd Cavalry (less a troop, less a platoon) will
depart from the billeting area tomorrow morning to march on
XX via the X-X-X road and join the main force of the brigade.
The main body (remaining cavalry units) will assemble on
the road at 0500 in the following order with the head of the
column at the east3rn edge of the XX Village:
Brigade Headquarters
3rd Troop 5th Cavalry
6th Cavalry (less 4th Troop, (less 2 platoons))
3rd Cavalry (less one'platoon 2nd Troop)
Machine Gun Unit (less one platoon)
Horse Artillery Battery
1st Cavalry (less 2nd Troop> (less one platoon))
Signal Section.
j. The supporting infantry battalion will depart from
XX at 0500 tomorrow, the 12th, and advance on XX, ,
k. The Field Train end Transport under the command of
the transport unit commander will depart at 0700 from XX
and advance on XX.
1. I will be at the easte-rn edge of XX village at 0500,
Thereafter, I will be at the head of the main body.
Brigade Commander
DjLst ribut i on;
Assemble the following recipients of orders and issue
the printed forms. However, verbal orders will be given
to petrol leaders, and the essential contents Trill bo
telegraphed to tho Commandor of the 3rd Cavalry.
Commanding officers, 1st, 5th, and 6th Regiments
Represontativ3 of 3rd Cavalry
Representative of the Infantry Battalion
All Scouting Party Commander
Various Patrol Leaders
Horse Artill 3ry Commander
Machine Gun Commander
Signal Section Commander
Representatives of tho Field Train and Transportation

- 38

21. Various Air Fores Orders (General Information): Our

Army (S divisions) for the purpose of Annihilating t h anemy which'
's has landed in 'bwo areas will,-with ons division, protect our ri?ht
flank against the enemy and with its main fores ^ill talcs the of fensive against the hostile main strength. Should both our troo-os
and the enemy troops advance, a meeting engagedant between tha main
forces will occur about a day after tomorrow.
22. Orders of an Army Air Force*
(1st Group - two reconnaissance squadrons
2 j Group - two fighter squadrons
jd 3rd Group - 1st and 2nd squadrons (li^ht bombers)
3rd squadron (heavy bomber\)
Headquarters, 1st Army Air Unit
1 September, 19 _ , 1900
a. Ensmy situation^
The Army will protect i t s right raar flank by dispatch ing the 3rd Division in tha direction of X tomorrow, tha X 2nd, I t will move f onvard toward the XX,. 7X line1 with i t s main strength in order to destroy the enemy in the direction of'XX, The-. & Cavalry Brigade will reconnoit'er the enemy con b dition in the direction of X and should there ariso the X possibility of bain?; hard pressed by the anemv, X area will X be occupied to f a c i l i t a t e the advance of the"Army main force into the X plains. Z b. Tha Army Air Force will determine tho anemy situation by reconnaissance tomorrow, th-a 2nd, harass the advanc 3 and concentration of enemy forces, and destroy his pianos. c. Tha 1st Group will reoonnbitar tha onomy situation in the-XX and X area particularly for si^ns of 3n rmy advance. X I t will-further rac'onhcit 3r thj anemy rear in tha XI- araa and cooparats with tha Cavalry Bri^ada. d. With i t s main forca, tha 3rd Grovo will attack tha anemy airdrome in tha d i s t r i c t aast of X^ at dawn toraorrcw whila an aliment of tha unit maintains olosa liaison ifith the rjconnaissanco unit and at an appropriate tii.u, impjda tha anamy advance in tha JJ- sactor. 0. Yrith i t s main fore3, tha '2rid Grovp will attack tlu anamy airdroma in tiu d i s t r i c t ' aast of YJL at davm tc^o cooperating with tha 3rd Group.

- 39

I will be at X X airdrome at 0800.

Major General X X
Commanding 1st A i r Unit

The essential contents will be telephoned and later
distributed in printed form,
23. Form for the A i r Reconnaissance Group Order.
Headquarters, 1st A i r Group
1 September, 19 , 0830
a. Situation of friendly and enemy troops (omitted).
Tomorrow, the 2nd, this Air Unit will reconnoiter the enemy
situation in X X and X X areas and harass his advance in the
direction of XX, It will further attack his airdrome in
the district east of X X ,
b # Tomorrow, the 2nd, this grpup will principally re connoiter the enemy railway transport and his landing oper ations in X X area, and determine his situation in XX and X X
c. The first squadron less one plane, will reconnoiter
the enemy situation in the X X area particularly to determine
whether or not there are signs of an enemy advance.
d, The mission of the second squadron will Drincipally
include the reconnaissance of the enemy situation in the XX
plains north of X X , especially to determine whether or not
thoro are signs of an enemy advance. It will furthermore
cooperate with the Cavalry Brigado,
o. Captain "A" and Sergeant Major "B" (No. XX Piano
equipped with wireless) will reconnoiter tho enemy railroad
transportation and situation in tho vicinity. Detailed or ders will be issued separately,
f, I will be at the airdrome after 0430,
Colonel X X
Commanding 1st Group,
D i s t r ibu t i on_ :
^ P r i n t e d * forms will be distributed after verbal orders
are issued.

- 40

.1:..is for IPirst x=liGilts of a l l Air Units on December 7

unit s

Ko. of "Planes.

Time of Departure


Plans of action

lnt Squadron 1st Group (attached t o 2nd Division) 2nd Squadron 1st Group (attached to
. )
4th Indepen- ..: clent-'Air "
.. 5


To recbnnoiter enery situation in the Div.'s front.



Same as above



Same as


tached'- to 1st Div.) 7t!i Air c .rua f lron' .:..cayy 1. To bombard eneny aLrdrpLie at 7.7. & XX 2. To. reconnoitei? the situation of hostile rear echelon' on X (omitted) road. 3. To reconnoiter enemy situation in v i c i n i t y of xil. To bombard hostile ground, units in area bounded by ICX, XX, XX, and XX



(heavy) .3


omi t t ed)

3rd Air" G-roup


Omitt ed




Form for the Bombardment

Group Order..
Headquarters 3rd Air Group

1 Soptombor, 1 9 _ , 2130 a. Situations of the enemy, friendly forces, and the Army Air Unit (omitted), b. The main strength of the- 3rd Group w i l l cooperate with the 2nd Group in the attack on the enemy a i r f i e l d at dawn tomorrow in the d i s t r i c t oast of X in order t o destroy X his planes while one part of the group impede the enemy ad vance in the direction of XX area. c. The 1st and 3rd Groups w i l l attack the enemy airdrome X located on tho eastern side of ^ X according to the attached plans. d. The main strength of t h e 2nd Squadron w i l l bo ready for f l i g h t at any time after 0600 tomorrow, tho 2nd, to obstruct the enemy advance in tho direction of X area. X Fifty kilogram bombs (non-delay fuse) w i l l be u t i l i z e d . e. I w i l l take off aboard the commander's piano 3rd Squadron, Colonel XX Commanding 3rd Air Group Distribution: After issuing verbal orders d i s t r i b u t e printed formsNote: 25, Operation Plan of tho 3rd Bomber Group (500 chart, p . 43.)

Form for Fightor: Group Orderf Headquarters, 2nd Air Group AT XX.
1 September, 19 , 2130
a. Enemy situation and movements of our army air units
and ground forces (omitted).
b. At dawn tomorrow, tho 2nd, this group with its full
strength will cooperate with tho 3rd Group in the attack on
tho enemy airdrome in the district east of XX.
c. The 1st and 2nd Squadrons will destroy the enemy
aircraft according to the attached plan.

O E v TO . PLAT Ol' THE 3RD B M E G O P P T A I ": O BR R U PLA7:

(1st Movement - September 2)

The main force of t h e 3rd Bomber Group Trill attack the enemy airdrome at dawn tomorrow, Sept. 2nd, under the orotection of the 2nd Fighter 1st Souadron Enemy airdrome - easir _ f X _
o_ X {omitted)
Destruction of hostile a i r c r a f t s
Full strength 50 kilogram bombs (contact 0500 fuze) Full Strength
2nd Sauadron

Unit __ Target Location of target Strength Kinds of bombs &

Time of departure Time _of bombing^

Flight and

Formation Route and Altitude

Methods of bombing

] 1." Follov: approx. 500 meters in "rear of 3rd T 1. Fly at an a l t i t u d e of 900 to 1000 mesquadron maintaining an a l t i t u d e bctrecn^OO | t e r s on the XX-XX-XX-XX route, and 800 meters. j 2. Passing above X at 0530, fly in X 2. After passing X at 0530, fly p a r a l l e l X | formation directly to airdrome east t o the base squadron (3rd squadron) i; in j of X via XX. X formation, & follow coast l i n e direct to XX.;3. Movement a f t e r execution of bombing i s 3. After bombing objective, turn l e f t to 'same as that of the 1st squadron.
take cover above X & return by direct route.! X .
1. Approach target from mouth of X River. X j l . Change into bombing formation enroute 2. Altitude: .700-800 meters route f jto t h e enemy airdrome on a direct [from XX.

(omitted) 1. Join "the 2nd Fighter Group at 0500 above XX. Thereafter maintain contact" with both fighter and bomber groups and proceed to enemy airdrome east of XX. Coorjeration 2. The 2nd Fighter Group v/ill generally be bctroen t h e 1st and 3rd Squadrons at an with a l t i t u d e of 1200 meters. Fighter 3. The 2nd Fighter Group and t h e 3rd Bomber Group return on the same rout
Group Comrnun i c at i o n et c. (omitted)


I w i l l be at tho airdrome a f t e r 0430,

Colonel X X Commanding 2nd Air Group D.istribution: After verbal orders are issued printed forms w i l l be distributed. Kotos Operation Plan of the 2nd Fighter Group (see chart, p. 45.) SECTION III


26, Items to bo Covered in a Division March Order
a. Summary of conditions of enemy and friendly forces.
(Only information necessary for the recipient).
b etc.)
Plan of tho commander, (mission, routes, objectives,

' c. Matters pertaining to the aircraft, (time of ini tial movement, scouting zones, and other items).
d Matters pertaining to tho cavalry, of departure, areas to be scouted, etc.) (time and place

0. Matters pertaining to the right flank guards (detach ment) and the right column, (time and place of departure,
routes, objectives, zones or areas that must be especially
scoutjd, places and their important points,, and tho time and
place to receive information).
f. Matters pertaining to the Advance Guard of the left
column (main .force), (include information, same as
.above for right flank units).
g. Matters pertaining to the main ^body of the.left
column, (assembly areas, time of assembly, tine and place
of departure, and distance from the advance guard)..'
h. Matters pertaining to movements of signal units
(the removal of signal communication systems in the billet ing areas, and signal communications used during march, etc.),
1. Matters pertaining to field anti-airoraft gun units,
(time and place of departure, routes, dispositions for air
protection, e t c )
j. Matters pertaining to balloon units, place of departure, routes, objectives, etc.)
(time and

- 44

Operation Plan of the 2nd Fighter Group (1st Movement on Sept ember 2)


T]le 2nd

Fighter Group (full ptrength) will escort the 3rd Bomber Group t o a t t a c k the enemy airdrome east of XX.



Mission' D'orcna- J Departure ! Cou- Liaison j tion ; rse between sqs

Coopera tion with Bomber |Group

12 P 1 a n e s !
i Group Cmdr

u a d r o n


Destruc tion . of
en emy

| i j

12 P 1 a n e

air craft


At 0510, the planes will take off succes-. sively. in the f o l lowing order: . Gp Comdr 1st So 2nd So

0 m i t t e d



l.From XX, 1st sq will be base sq,&2nd sq will take i t s : position At 0530 600 follow 3rd met ers Bomber G p above leaving base sq. XX, & pro ceed t o 2. In enemy a i r combat drome east .2nd sq of X at X will," altitude cooper of 1400 ate t o meters facili midway tate between move1st 8 2nd c ment s bomber of 1st sqs. 3v0n re turn flight, maintain same liaisonJ

- 45

k. Matters pertaining to allocated troop units. (Move ments of units which have boon allocated from tho army for tho
march, etc.)
1. Matters pertaining to the field train, (assembly
place, time, instructions to the commander, distance to
follow behind the main force or tho advance transport, etc,)
m. -Mat-bora pertaining to transportation, (time and
place of departure, route, objectives, on A if necessary mat ters portaining to tho advanco transport).
n. Location of the commander during the march. If ne cessary, tho method for liaison, and place, of dispatching
messages, etc,
27. Example of a Division Route March Order

Headquarters, 1st Division

1 (month) 1 9 _ , 2400
Operation Order A, Wo. X
a. The enemy is concentrating in tho XX .area with a
strength approximately equal to one of our'divisions.
b. Tomorrow, the 2nd, the main str wigth of th3 division
will form 4 echelons and advance, on the XX Route debouching
into th3 area in the vicinity of XX on the 4th. Preparations
will be made for coming operations,
c. The advance party will move out as soon as possible,
occupy a position in the vicinity of XX and cover division
movement into the area.
d. The left flank force will maintain contact with the
advance party .and occupy XX vicinity. It will protect the
left flank of the division from the direction of XX.
e. The plan of march for the division main force will
be as indicated on a separate chart.
f. Matters relevant to supply and replenishment will be
as follows:
1, The main force of the division will use the field
ration, while the advance force will make every effort to
utilize local resources,
.2. The transport will replenish supplies from the line of
communication at the points listed below:

- 46

XX - May 3rd
XX - May 4th
g. Wireless and existing telephone lines will be re lied on to effect liaison between Division Headquarters and
the Advance Party. Motorcycle messengers for liaison be tween Division Headquarters and the Left Flank Force will be
h# The wireless platoon will as soon as possible,
establish a signal station at XX and maintain liaison with
Army Headquarters,
i. Tomorrow, the 2nd, I will bo with the 1st Echelon,
Lieutenant General XXX
Division Commander
(omitted) Supplementary Chart (see
28, Orders, relating to the arrival and departure (several places.) of tho Division, when contact is expected t h j next day, 1st Division Operation Order "A"rNo. 1 (SOJ 1st Army Operation Order "A"). Dist^ibution^ of^troops: Air Unit 1st Air Squadron
Cavalry Unit
1st Cavalry (loss one platoon)
Advance Guard of Right. Opium.
Major General XX, Commanding 1st Infantry Bri gade (less 2nd Infantry)
(2) squads of cavalry
1st En 1st Field Artillery
1st Bn Engineers* (loss 2nd Co)
(l/3) of Medical Unit
in^ Body ofRight Column
Communication Unit ) " follow the rear of the
Wj.roloss Platoon ) Advance Guard
Division Headquarters
2nd Infantry
2nd Co 1st Engineer Bn (loss 1st Platoon)
2nd Battalion 1st Pack Artillery (loss 6th Battery)
1st Field Artillery (less 1st Battalion)
4th Infantry-
Ammunition Train 1st Field Artillery
Distribution^ of orders:

- 47



May 2nd - 3 r d
Eclie I o n s

Second Div H o - 1st Bn, 3rd Inf Div C m Unit 1st F A (less o Radio Plat 1st Bn) 2nd Kobile 1/3 Regtl A 1st Div Aa Train A rm 2nd- Inf 1st Engr 3n ( l e s s 1st Co) X Highway X South end of TJ, 0600 uorth of X village X Between X & X :_X villages i 9 Hi(2? mi) (omitted ) (omitted) (omitted) North end of X X 0600 Between X X villages Vicinity o 1\A town >% Ri(23 mi) omitted) omit tod] (omitted) Vicinity of X X

Third 2nd Inf Brig Transport, (les= 1st Bn, (less l.Isd 3rd Inf and Dct) 2nd Bn, 4th Inf^-lst Bn, Hv F A, 1/3 Regtl A m I m Train; i Mod Dot( loss' 1/3) ! I-io r t h end of XX South end of X X


Route Point of Departure Time of Departure Rocting Point Billeting Area Distance

0700 0630 ' Betneon X & South of " X X villages X village South of Bet r;c en X X village & X JX village X

10 Ri(25mi; 11 Ri(27mi (omittod) (omitted) (omitted) (omitt od^ (omitt od) (emitted) South of X X (omitted) Point of
LI Tine of
j Departure
Billeting Area Distance




Remarks: 1. One platoon v;ill be attached t o each echelon t o handle rations. Each platoon v;ill replenish i t s supply of rations from toiu field train on the r.ight of Lay 2nd, ?.nd trill remain in the billeting area u n t i l the jchclo:-: moves out. Thereafter, i t will come under the coumand of the Battalion Transport Commandor. 2*- The mov^ient of the 4th i,ill be decided according to the situation. 3. The billeting aroa for Division Headquarters on the night of the 2nd will bo "R" village.

- 48

(J).Ammunition Train, 1st Pack Artillery

Modioal Unit- (loss, main strength)


J p ^

lifajor General. XX, Commanding

2nd Infantry Brigade (loss 4th Infantry)
(l) platoon of Cavalry (less (2) squads)
6th Battery, 1st Pack Artillery
(1) platoon, 2nd Co - 1st Engineer Bn
Medical Unit

Note: When recording the distribution of troops on a

separate paper, it is best to have it in front of
the written order so as to make it easier to under stand. Number all essential orders in accordance with
Article (62) Field Service Regulations (on others it
is omitted.)

Headquarters, l?t, Division

AT XX . .t
18 September, 19 , 2000
a. The leading elements ofv the enemy, about oho divi sion, entered XX today at 1300 anal part of its; infantry
occupied 'XX and XX, Other elements arrived at; XX this
evening. An additional force which arrived at XX this
evening,,scorns to have about-60 to 70 artillery pieces.
Our Cavalry Brigade is in the XX vicinity opposing
the enemy cavalry of about the same strength. The support ing infantry battalion has occupied the. XX vicinity and is
opposing the enemy infantry and cavalry.
Tomorrow, the 19th, the Army will advance toward XX
River line for the purpose of attacking.
b. Tomorrow, the 19th, this Division will attempt to
advance, toward XX River line for the purpose of attacking.
The boundary line with the 3rd Division will be the lino con necting X, X, X and X, (Aroas on the line will be the res ponsibility of this Division).
c. The air unit will begin operations from early
morning, mainly to roconnoitor the situation of the enemy
advance into the zone of operations. During combat, with
X number of pianos, cooperate with the artillery and with the
remaining planes bo prepared far liaison and control missions.
The Reconnaissance boundary between the Army Air Unit
and our Air Unit, will be/ the line connecting X, X, and X,

- 49

, , d# - -The- o.ava-lry -will'"depart -from" tho" billot ing area

early tomorrowr m6irri;in,g and with it's*'main strength will ro acbnno.itGrv.the; enemy situation in'tHc direction of X, while an
element .will rjQonno it or' tho area of X Y Road.
G, Tho Advance Quard of the Right .'Column will depart from
the eastern edge of X .at' 0600 and advance toward the X Rivor
by-way ofX-Y-Z Road, It1 is essential that liaison bo main tained with the Loft'Flatik Unit of tho 3rd Division.
f. Tho head of tho. Main Body of tho Right Column will
maintain a distance of approximately (1200) motors in rjar
of tho Advance Guard, in the listod order of march, aftjr
assembling as follows:
The cavalry billotod in tho vicinity of XX will assemble
on tho road by 0630 with tho hoad of tho column at XX.
Tho billotod units, in tho vicinity of X will assemble
in tho dry paddy field oast of that place, at 0700, oxcopt
the artillery, which will assemble on th3 road in the vici nity of its billeting area with the hoad of tho column at
XX, units being allottjd positions by tho artillery commandor.
g. The will advance .is essential Guard of the Loft Column Unit will depart from X.at 0600 and
toward the XX River by way of X-Y-Z Road. It
that liaison be maintained with the Advance
Right Column. ' One wireless set will be attached,

h. Tomorrow, the 19th, the Communication Detail with

its main strength will assemble at 0630 and follow the Ad .vance Guard. An element of the Unit will maintain'radio com munication as follows, since the existing communication lines
will be removed at 0600:
From 2400 - 18th to-0630".- 19th those between the Rio;ht Column at XX and Div. Hqrs, At 0700 - 19th those 'between X and X Message 'Centers, i. The Bridging Company will assemble on the oastem
bank of XX Rivor tomorrow morning and wait further orders.
j . The Field Train will assemble on tho oast bank of
XX River at 09Q0 and prepare for departure under the super vision of tho Division Train Commandor, leaving tho billet ;
ing areas.as follows:.-. That part of the train attached to tho Advanced Guard
of the Right Column, -from the western part of XX area at
XX hour. .. --.
That part of the train attached to the main
body. of tho. Ri.frht Column, from the northern part of
..XX .area at XX-hour. "- ' ' '
.That part- of tho train attached to tho Loft Column, from
the eastern part .of XXarea at XX- hour.

- 50

k. .The Transport Unit " y 1000 will, detail (2) asamini b tion platoon !ach, to the infantry and field artillery, (l)
platoon, to the pack artillery, and two. field hospital units
to XX, The remaining units will " e held at the "billeting area
b in readiness.
Hote: This order is issued with the expectation of en countering th,e enemy soon after departure. However if other .wise, the order for the movement of the field train and trans* p.ort should have previously been issued,
X. I will " e at the eastern edge of XX at 0630 and will
b march at the head of the Sight Column,
The various units will be able to use the XX message
center (equipped with wire, wireless, air ground radio* and
heliograph) which should be established by 0700 and in addi~
tio]Q use the mounted relay posts which should be established
between XX town and XX by that time.
Major General XX
Division Commander
Assemble the representatives of X, Y, and Z units and
issue printed orders, but to the Air Squadron Comma.nder
send an outline of the order by telephone"through
Army Headquarters, giving him the printed copy upon his
Hotel Chart showing Quota of ^Distribution (see p. 52)..
9.', Example of an order relating to successive arrivals at and de partures from.a point on t h route of march, in the-presence of
,e . .. -. ..
/ the enemy. (Refer to Chapter._(4) Section (ll) Field Service Regulations).
30, Orders given to the Air Squadron-.
Headquarters,, list Division


18 September, 19 DIVISION FLIGHT ORDERy. W 2 * .


a. Tomorrow, the 19th, this- Division wi-th the purpose

of attacking the. enemy will form two^-qolumns' and advance to ward the .XX River line. The main-force.will advance via X-X
highway and other elements via X-X highway. b. ,The air unit will commence flying- early tomorrow
morning, the 19th. The main force will first of all recon noiter the probable route of the enemy advance: XX highway
or XX highway. Other elements will.reeonnotter to determine

- 51


Unit Army Headquarters Division Headquarters Staff Section Adj. Section Intend. Section Baggage Master Intend. Dept. Medical Dept. Vet, Section



Unit Other Units 1st Cavalry 1st F. A. 2nd Bn, 1 s Mt. A. -t 1st Engineer Bn Comm, Unit Medical Unit Transport Unit Air Squadron Third Division Hdq.







4 1 1 2 1 1

3 1 3 2 1 1
60 64

Infantry Brigades 1st Brigade 2nd Brigade Note: 1.

22 11 11

Div. Total Grand Total

In all orders distribution quota will be shown. (Refer to

Field-,Service Regulations, Article #25),
2, This chart will be made up in advance. It" is best to make a
notation of the number of copies for distribution to all
units, including those to special organization.
3. This chart will be omitted in other orders.

- 52

the presence of enemy units in the vicinity of XX and will

make immediate report. Later, the enemy advance and disposi tions will be reconnoitered in detail. The reconnaissance
boundary between the Army Air Unit and the 1st Division Air
Unit will be the line joining X X and X X .
o # Aft-sr 2000 be prepared to furnish on call (2) planes
to cooperate with the artillery,
d, Drop stations for message tubes will be as followss
Until 0700 North edge of X
0700 - 0800 South edge of Y
0800 - 0900 South edge of Z
a. I am at XX and tomorrow, the 19th, I will ba at the
head of the column.
Lieutenant General XX
Division Commander
Pi s t r ibut i on t
Summon the Squadron Commander and issue varbal instruc tions.
Note: This order is issued after assuming that condi "tions"' are difficult for contact between the Air Squadron
and the Division. Predicting that difficulties will
arise in communication, the missions assigned to the
air unit should cover long periods of time,
31, Items to be recorded in Orders to the Advance Guard
a. Outline of the Enamy Situation (only matters re quiring the attention of subordinates). The mission of this
unit and matters pertaining to the Cavalry and the Plank
b The plan of tho Advance Guard*

c. ' Matters pertaining to the Cavalry of the Advance

Guard (time of departure, place, and especially the direc tion in which to rsconnoiter, eto.)


Matters pertaining to the withdrawal of outposts.

e. Matters pertaining to the support of the Advance

Guard or tho Flank Guard, (indicate only when necessary.
Generally given verbally at the assembly point).
f. Matters pertaining to the main body of the Advance
Guard, (Same as above).

- 53

g. Matters pertaining to the Field Train,

h. The location of the Advance Guard Commander,
32. An Example of Orders to the Advance Guards
1st Brigade Operation Order No. 1
(See 1st Divl Op. Order "A" - No l)
Headquarters, 1st Brigade
1 May, 19 , 2100
a. No sign of enemy movement. The Army will advance
towards the X A line tomorrow, the. 2nd, This Division will
advance towards the X L line for the purpose of attacking the
/ enemy while tha Cavalry Brigade will continue reconnaissance
in tho vicinity of XX.
b. The Advance Guard will march towards X tomorrow,
the 2nd, by way of the XX-XX Road,
c. Tho Cavalry of the Advance Guar4 (2 squads 1st Caval ry) will depart from X at 0600 and will contact the Cavalry
Brigade immediately aftor the reconnaissance of the enemy
situation in tho X dirsotion is made.
d. The support of the Advance Guaird (1st Battalion,
1st Infantry; ( r Infantry Artillery, 1st Infantry; (l)
|) Squadron, 1st Cavalry) will leave X at 0600 and march to wards XX following the route of the Advance Guard.
e. Tho Loft Flank Guard (9th Company, 1st Infantry and
(2) mounted messengers) will leave XX at 0600 and march
towards XX by way of tho X-X Road*
f. The Outguard (2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry and (l)
squad, 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry) will -be relieved at 0800
and assemble in the vicinity and upon tha arrival of the Ad vance Guard Reserve, will join tha column, in the- order of
march. The cavalry squad will revert to the control of its
Regimental Commander aftor 0500,
g. Tho remaining units which are designated as tho Ad vance Guard Reserve will assemble by 0700, as follows:
1st Infantry (less the 1st and 2nd- Battalions, and (J)
Infantry Artillery) in tho woods southwest of XX village.
1st Field Artill>ry on the road, with the head of the column
at the XX village,
(l) Squad of Cavalry at XX. (l) Squad of the Medical Unit on the road with the head of

- 54

tho column at tho oast odgo of XX villago,

h. Tho field train will complete tho preparation for
doparturo at each bivouac aroa before 1000 and will await or ders of the division Train Commander*
i. I will be at XX from 0700 and later Twill march at
the head of the Advance Guard Reserves,
Major General XX
Dis tributi on:
Assemble the recipients of each unit and have them take
notes. Written instructions will be delivered to the
Note: The order of march of the Advance Guard Reserve
will be designated at the assembly area tomorrow.
33, Items to bo Covered in an Order Issued Prior to Deployment
for a Meeting Engagement,
To the Advance Guard Commander:
1, The enemy situation,

2. Tho Commander's plan (indicating especially the aroa planned for the decisive b a t t l e ) , tho routes of tho u n i t s advancing separately, mission, and objectives, 3, -Mission of the Advance Guard. 4. Tho CommandjrTs movement or position. To a l l Coluim_Commanders:
1, The enemy s i t u a t i o n and the movements of tho Advance
Guard and the Cavalry,
2. Tho Commandjr's plan (indicating especially the area planned for the decisive b a t t l e ) , 3, Direction of march to a l l columns, 4. The Commander's movement or position^ and time and place where recipients of orders should be sent. To the Various Unit Commanders of tho Mqin Force and Those Commanders Who Order Separate Advances. 1. Enemy s i t u a t i o n , movements of the advance guards, the cavalry and other columns. 2. The Commander's plan (indicating especially tho direction planned for the decisive b a t t l e ) . 3. The routes by which the units should advance, t h e i r


mission and objectives. (If necessary,, indicate the aroas that

should bo especially protected.)
4. The location of th:> Command or, and if necessary tho method
of liaison, and tho time and place wluro rocinionts of orders
should bo sent.
34. An Example of a Division Order Issued to tho Advance Guard and
Cavalry Commanders to Cover the Deployment of the Division (Single
Column) Participating in a Coordinated Attack,
Headquarters, 1st Division
10 October, 19_ , 1800
Operation Order A, No. 2, Parb I.
1, The enemy has formed two columns and is advancing northward
along the XX-XX and YY-YY roads, and at 0730 heads of both
columns had passed the XX River line,
2, The Division will plan for a docicivo battle in the XX
area. The 4th Infantry and one battalion of Field Artillery
will pass through XX a n d Y Y and march toward XX. Tho other
main force will move toward XX on the XX-XX road,
3, The Advance Guard with its main strength will occupy tho
vicinity of XX and the line along its western hills, and with
other elements T'ill occupy the vicinity of XX, covering tho de ployment of the Division,
The Engineer Battalion, after assisting the Advance Guard ar tillery to occupy positions will come under my direct control in
the vicinity of XX. The reciioient of orders will be sent to XX at
4, The Cavalry will remain in its present position and delay
the enemy advance. If enemy pressure is encountered, it will
withdraw to the XX area to protect the Division left wing,
5, I will now proceed to XX.
Lieutenant General XX
To the Advance Guard Commander, the order -"ill be given
verbally by army staff officer", and to the cavalry a
written order will be delivered by mounted messenger.
35. An Example of a Division Order Relative to Separate Advance,
Issued to Subordinate Unit Commanders Prior to Deployment of the
Division (Single Column) Participating in a' Coordinated Attack.
Headquarters, 1st Division
10 October, 19 , 0800

- 56

Operation Order A, No. 2, Part I I . 1, The enemy has formed two columns and;is advancing north ward along XX-XX and XX-XX roads res-o-ctivaly. The naads of both columns have probably pas sad ths X River' line" a t 0720. X The main strength of our Cavalry and on3 element of which are-.currently engaging enemy infantry and cavalry in the v>. and Y v i c i n i t i e s respectivly, w i l l l a t e r withdraw to the,XX v i c i n i t y and protect the loft flank of t h e Division, 2, The Division w i l l plan for a decisive b a t t l e in t h j XX sector. The main force of the Advance Guard w i l l occupy the ar^a in the v i c i n i t y of XX and the western l i n j of h i l l s , v h i l s another element w i l l occupy the X v i c i n i t y covering the deployment X of the Division. . ' 3, All units of t h 3 main forco w i l l move ac indicated DJIOWJ
Signal Unit )
Div. Hdqrs. . )^ 4th Infantry ) 1st Bn - 1st F.A. )
Advance toward X on tlu X-*X Road
from thj sector of th.3 4th -Infantry.

Field .Artillery (less (2) Bns) 1st Inf. Brig, (less 2nd Inf)

) )'"'

Advance to'iZifrom the

sector-of ths 1st Inf.
in;. by way of X and X.

2nd Infantry lied. Unit (less l/3)

) J

Advance toward X through tb.3 X-X X Road from the' sector of the 2nd Inf Itegt.
Send a messenger to this

4. From now on I will be at XX. point at 0900.

Lieutenant General XX
Division Commander

p i s t ribut i on s Verbal ord3rs w i l l be given t o a l l unit commanders or t o messengers previously summoned. 36, An Example of a Division Order Issued .to- tlae Field Train and Transport Troops Prior t o Deployment of the Division (Single Column),. : P a r t i c i p a t i n g in a Coordinated Attack. .. Headquarters, 1st Division
AT 7J[

10 October, 19 Operation Orders A, ISTo. 2, ?arb I I I 1.

, 0810

The Division w i l l -olan for a decisive engagement in the

XX 2. 3. 4.

sector* The'Advance Transport w i l l advance toward -XX. The Field Train w i l l halt when the head .reaches XX. From now on I w i l l be at XX, Lieutenant General X X Division Commander

Distribution: Written orders w i l l be dispatchad by mass-sugars. Note: 1. I t w i i l be assumed t h a t the halting point for th3 Trans? port w i l l have already been indicated by an ordsr on the previous night. Bssantial points ralavant to th3 situation w i l l be indicated at t h i s time. 2. This order is concomad with the carrying out of opera t i o n s and not with the order of supply. Tharafora, i t is t o be included in t h e operation order Ho, A . 37. An Example of a Division Order Issuad t o tha Advance Guard of the Main Column, A r t i l l e r y , 3n?-;inaars, a t e . , Prior to Deploy ment of the Division (Two Columns) Participating Successively in in an Engagement, Headquarters, 1st Division AT X X 10 October, 19_ , 1720 Operation Orders A, No. 2, Part I
1. Enemy situation (omitted),
2. The Division will plan a decisive engagement in the XX
and XX highway areas.
The Right Column will advance to the XX area after attack ing the enemy in the XX vicinity.
3. The Advance Guard will move to the XX area a - e r attack ffe ing the enemy in the XX vicinity.- However the main strength
of the Engineer Battalion will
4. The main strength of the artillery will deploy in the
XX and XX vicinities and cooperate with the Advance Guard in
the engagement to obstruct the enemy deployment. (2) air planes will cooperate,
5. After assisting the Artillery of the main body in occupy ing positions, tho strength of the Engineer Battalion will be
located at XX.
6. I will now proceed to the X hill.
Lieutenant General XX
Division Commander

- 58

D i s t r i b u t i on: ~liferbal~"orders w i l l be given t o t h e Commander of the Advance.Guard and both the A r t i l l e r y and Engineer Unit Commandors. 38, " An. Example--of a Division Order Issued t o the Cavalry Prior t o Deployment of the Division (Two Columns) P a r t i c i p a t i n g Suoces ,sively in an Engagement, Headquarters, 1st Division AT X X 10 October, 19 , , 0750
. Opefation.Order A No, 23 Part II
1, Enemy situation (omitted).
2, The Division will plan a decisive engagement in the X
and X directions.
3, The Cavalry Unit will turn toward tho direction of X and
will attack in rear of tho enemy loft flank.
The Right Column after attacking the enemy in th3 vicinities
of X and Y will advance -toward XX while the Advance Guard of
the Left, Column after attacking tho enemy in tho vicinity
of XX will advance toward XX,
4, I will now proceed to X hill.
Di s t r i but i ^ . _
Adjutant "B" will issue" verbal instructions,
39, An Example of a Division Order Issued to the.Right
Column Prior to Deployment cf the Division (Two Columns) Participat ing Successively in tho. Engagement.
Headquarters, 1st Division
10 October, 19 _, 0735 Qp-aration Order A, No, 2, Part . I I I 1, Enemy s i t u a t i o n (omitted)* 2, The Division w i l l ' plan a deci:sivo,.engagement in the III. and X areas, X ' 5. The Right Column w i l l advance 'toward*XX direction a f t e r attacking the enemy in XX and X v i c i n i t i e s . X The Advance Guard of the Left Column w i l l advance toward X direction aft or attacking the enemy in X v i c i n i t y . The Cavalry Unit w i l l turn toward X direction and attack the rear of the enemy loft flank. Tho main strength of the A r t i l l e r y w i l l cooperate in the en gagement of the Advance Guard of the Loft Column, After

- 59

occupying positions in X and X v i c i n i t i o s , i t w i l l obstruct tho onomy doploymont. 4, I w i l l now proc33d t o X H i l l , Lioutjnant Gon^ral X X Commanding

~ TTcfr~staff officer w i l l givo verbal instructions. 40 An Example of a Division Order Issued t o the Subordinate Units Prior t o Deployment of the Division (Tiro Columns) P a r t i c i pating Successively in an Engagement. Headquarters, 1st Division AT X X 10 October, 19__, 0745 Operation Order A, No. 2, Part IV 1 # Enemy s i t u a t i o n (omitted), 2. The Division w i l l plan a decisive engagement in X and X areas. The Right Column aftor attacking the enemy in the v i c i n i t i e s of X and X-will advance toward X while the Advance Guard of the Left Column a f t e r attacking the enemy in the v i c i n i t y of XX w i l l advance toward XX. The nain strength of the A r t i l l e r y w i l l supnort the Advance Guard of the Left Column in the engagement aftar occupying positions in XX v i c i n i t y , obstructing the enemy deployment. 3. The 2nd Infantry w i l l proceed t o X by way of X and XX. X X The 4th Inf and the Medical Unit (less 2/3) w i l l advance t o X via X and X roads. 4. The Division Signal Unit w i l l maintain liaison with the Right Column, the Advance Guard of the Left Column and the A r t i l l e r y of the Main Body, with the Division Command Pest as i t s base, 5. The Mobile Anti-aircraft Gun U n it w i l l angaga in a e r i a l defense'after occupying positions in X and X v i c i n i t i e s . 6. J. will-now proceed t o X h i l l . Lieutenant General X X Commanding Di st ribut i on_:
Verbal orders w i l l bo issued r e c i p i e n t s .
41, Items t o be covered in- Attack Orders for a Mart ing Engag^m-ant 1# Enemy s i t u a t i o n The s i t u a t i o n of tho Advance Guard,

P J t p


and other advance u n i t s , 2. The plan of the Commander (especially those indicating clearly the plans for a decisive b a t t l e ) . 3. For the infantry on the front line: The direction of an advance in an attack and the objectives of the attack* (the enemy to be attacked, the direction of an advance in l a t e r attack if the necessity a r i s e s ) . Depending on the situation, the area of deployment and if possible the ccmbat zone, 4. For the A r t i l l e r y : A summary for the basis of dirscting fire. The areas to be used for positions. The strength of the artillery that, is to be attached to the infantry if the necessity arises, Matters pertaining to the air units cooperating or attached to the Artillery, 5. Matters pertaining to the Engineers, 6. Matters pertaining to the Cavalry. 7. Matters pertaining to the Reserve. 8. Matters porbaining to the Medical Unit. 9. Matters pertaining to the Field Hospitals. 10. Matters pertaining to the replenishment of infantry and artillery ammunition. 11. The location of the Commander and the liaison methods to be used for the movement. Usually orders are issued separately r t first concerning the
v above matters depending upon urgency. If the necessity arises
for immediate deployment or movement in a desired direction
for an attack, the movement of the whole force will be coordin ated under a combined order,
42, All Example of an Attack Order for a Mooting Engagement of a
Division (Single Column) Participating in a Coordinated Attack,
Headquarters, 1st Division
A X T X 10 October, 19_*^, 0920 Operation Order A No. 3 1. I t appears that the enemy Is deploying in the X and X v i c i nity. Z. The Division with i t s main strength w i l l s^.3k a decisive X b a t t l e in the area along the X road. 3. The 2nd Inf Brigade (less 4th Inf. ?.nd ( l ) squad of Cavalry attached) is designated the Right vring; Unit and w i l l X deploy in the vicinity of X and the lino of h i l l s on the west. The Brigade w i l l attack the enemy deploying at XXt 4. The 1st Inf. Brigade, with the 9th Pi/id A r t i l l e r y attached

- 61

is 'designated the Left.Wing Unit and will deploy along the X-X lino, - The Brigade, will attack in thj direction of X I < . ' Villago so as to. envelop tho hostile right flank. 5. Tho boundary between tho combat zones of both wings ox~ tonds along a lino joining the eastern extremity of X and tho oastorn extremity of XX. 6. Tho 1st Field Artillery (lass 9th Battery) from positions in the vicinity of XJt with i t s main strength and positions in the vicinity of X with .other elements, will'obstruct the de X ployment of the enemy, and, cooperate in.the attack of the Left Wing. From now on the Advance Guard Artillery will re vert to control of the Artillery Commander. 7. The Cavalry will harass the enemy right flank. 8. The Air Unit will reconnoiter the enemy condition in the area east of X road and cooperate with both 1;ring Units, es~ X pecialljr the Left Wing, It will also c dope rate with the Ar tillery. 9. The -Engineers after assisting the Artillery in the occupa tion* of positions will remain in the vicinity of X and later X proceed to XX, '. 10. The 4th,'infantry as the Reserve will remain in tho v i c i nity of X ^ With the progress of tho battlo i t will advance X, toward X in the rear of tho Left WjUig. X 11. The Communication Unit with XX'as its base will maintain liaison between Division Headquarters, both r 'ing Units, the Artillery, and the Resorvo. 12. The Medical' Unit will establish a dressing station at X with a. part of i t s unit, while the main strength will estab lish dressing station at.XX,. & 13. The 1st Field Hospital, will be established at Xj the 2nd Fiold Hospital, at XX. 14. The Infant 17/ ammunition platoons will establish distri'-* . buting points at X ' and XX, while the Artillery ammunition X platoons w i l l -establish distributing 1 points at X and XX, X 15. I will be at XX, Lieutenant General X X Commanding. D i st ribution; """Tho recipients of orders from the various units will be assembled v.nd verbal instructions will b> issu3d. IIciv : ovor, tho -r.ir forco will be sent written orders..after tho essentials havo boon givm b,r-tjlor>hono.# 43, An Hxamplo of an Attack Order for a Hooting *Sngag smont of a Division (Two Columns) Participating Successively in an Snga^oment. (Hoto: When the main force diverges, orders tc attack r.dll bj given to tho Advance Guard, tho Right Column, tho Artillery

- 62 f

of t h e Main Body, and the Cavalry). Haadquartars, 1st Division AT X X Dato X, Time X 1. Tho onomy i s apparently planning an attack in X direction X with certain elements and a decisive engagement in t h e area west of XX with i t s main force. 2. With i t s main st'rongbh, tho Division w i l l envelop tho^ enemy loft flank from tho araa oast of ]IX road and attempt t o crush and annihilate tho onomy main forco in tho marshy aroa west of XX and XX. Tho Cavalry w i l l attack tho roar of tho onomy loft flank from the XX and XX aroas. 3. Tho 4th Infantry (loss 3rd Ba) w i l l form t h i Sight Wing Unit and w i l l .attack tho onomy loft flank from t h j X and X XX a r e a s , 4 . Tho right column vrill form tho Center Unit and attack t l u onomy in XX and XX v i c i n i t y so as t o onvolop tho h o s t i l o loft Wing and drive i t towards tho direction of Ul, Release the X Field A r t i l l s r y 3n and one t h i r d of the Kedical Unit, and attach the 2nd Infantry (less 3rd En) in i t s place. 5. Hereafter,, the Advance Guard of the Left Column as t h s Left Wing Unit w i l l continue on former missions. I t w i l l en deavor t o divert as much strength as poss-ibl? t o tho same area t o a s s i s t the main foroe of t h e Division in the engagement. Release the X Field A r t i l l e r y En. and one t h i r d of the Medical Unit. 6. Tho 1st Field A r t i l l e r y (The X and X Battalions reattachec}) w i l l continue on former missions and d i r e c t l y support the Right and Left Wing Units with a portion of the strength and at the same time support the Center Unit with i t s main strength. Be prepared during the progress of tho attack t o shift approx imately- ( l ) Bn and fron ( l ) t o (2) b a t t e r i e s t o the Center"and Right Wing Units. 7. The Enginoers during tho progress of attack w i l l rovnain with the Resorvos a f t e r a s s i s t i n g tho a r t i l l e r y in changing positions. 8. The 3rd Battalion 2nd Infantry and 3 3n. . 4th Infantry v.dll comprisa the Reservos, romain in XI. v i c i n i t y and advanca toward XX behind tho right flank of tho Cent or Unit with,tho nrogross' of the engagomant. 9. Tho Communication Unit w i l l maintain liaison batwaon t h s front Una u n i t s , tho A r t i l l e r y , tho Cavalry and Division iload quarters. 10. The Modical Unit w i l l astablish dressing s t a t i o n s at X and X with i t s main strength and an clamant of tho unit r a s pactively,
11. Tho 1st and ths 4 th Field Hospitals will bo established
at,X and X respectively.

- 63

12, Bach Infantry Ammunition Platoon and two Artillery Ainmunition Platoons will establish distributing points at X and X, and at X vicinity respectivoly, 13, I am. now at X.

Lieutenant General XX ' Commanding Distribution:

Give verbal orders to the Artillery and Engineer Unit
Commanders and the rociuionts from the remaining units
will take notes of verbal orders9
44, An Example of a Division Artillery Attack Order to Sup-port a
Moot ing Engagement.
Headquarters, 1st Division

10 October, 19_.,, 0950 The enemy is apparently deploying in the vicinitv of X and . . . . . . . Tho main force of the divisi'.n will attack so as to envelop the right flank of the -enemy from the sector east of the X X road. To execute t h i s , the Right T'ring Unit (less 4th Infantry, plus (l) squad of Cavalry) will deploy from the vicinity of X X along the western line of heights and attack the enemy wnioh is in tho progress of doplo2ring at XX, The Left w ing Unit (plus 9th Field Artillery and (l) squad of cavalry) will deploy from the line of X to that of X and will attack toward the direc tion of X village so as to envelop the right flank of the enemy. The boundary line of both wing units in the combat zone will be the lino connecting tho eastern edge of X and the X eastern edge of XX. 2, One element of the Regiment (less the 9th Battery and the reattached 1st Battalion) will occupy positions in the v i c i nity of XX, the main strength in the vicinity of XX. The re giment will delay the enemy deployment and, later, the main strength w i l l support the left Wing in i t s attack, 3, The 1st Battalion will primarily delay the enemy deploy ment and neutralize enemy a r t i l l e r y from i t s present positions. It will directly support the Right Regiment of the Left rri.up; in i t s attack. For the ourpose of giving direct support to the Infantry i t will be necessary to make preparations to direct the main mass of f i r e in the sector east of XX, (l) airplane will cooperate* 4, The 2nd Battalion will immediately deploy in the vicinity of XX, This Battalion will delay the enemy deployment and will neutralize enemy a r t i l l e r y . The Battalion will directly 1, X,

support tho a t t a c k of tho-Loft Rogiimnt cf ,t!u Lift T "ing. One airplane wi-11 cooperate. 5. "Tho 3rd Bn (loss 9th Battery) w i l l immediately take posi t i o n s in tho v i c i n i t y of X and w i l l dolay tho ?n -m deploy X -y ment. I t w i l l principally givo diroot sup-'-orU t-. th3 '-tight "Ting Unit in i t s a t t a c k . 6. The 1st Battalion and tho 2nd Battalion t r i l l proparo t o move forward without dolay t o positions in t h J v i c i n i t y of XX, and XX, 7. Saoh battalion w i l l use tho t jlr-^lu-nJ to-communicate rom the Loft Battalion t o the Right Battalion,, 8. Tho Regimental Observation Dotail wijll uso telephones t o communicate with tho Commandor of the Loft r "ing, as wo 11 as establish telephone communications botvr J ra X and X. 9. The Regimental Aimnunition Train w i l l bo stationod a t X. After supplying ammunition i t w i l l move t o tho Division D i s t r i bution Po:;nt a t X and X and receive rsplonishmont thoro. 10. I shall be at my present position and shall move in the rear of XX. Colonel XX, A r t i l l e r y Commanding DL s t r i but i on s J Assemble the Commanders of the 2nd .and 3rd Battalions, tho Messengers from .the 1st Battalion and Rogimontal Ammunition Train and-issue verbal instructions*
45. Items to be Covered in Orders for the Development of tho
1. Summary of, enemy situation and condition of friendly
troops, etc*
2. Plans of the commander.
3. Matters concerning tho movement of security detachments
(occupied area, nocoss&rv instructions for tho control of the
movement according to tho situation,,matt ors pertaining to
changes in organization and strength, and instructions cencorn ing scouting and oatroling.)
4. Matters concerning oaoh column, (instructions relative to
scouting and -oatroling and the area that will bo occupied by
the main forco). Details will bo basod upon tho preceding
5. Matters concerning t?:o main body of tho main-column.
(Matters pertaining to tho aroas to "DD occupied by various

- 65

u n i t s , and if necessary, ins'tructions oertaining t o the sup port of the security detachments by the a r t i l l e r y of the main body,) 6k Mattors r e l a t i v e t o a e r i a l defense and communications. 7, Matters r e l a t i v e t o t h j lialting of the Field Train. 8, Matters r e l a t i v e t o the halting of the Transport and the movement forward of the Advance Transport. 9, blatters r e l a t i v e t o the location of the Commander and dispatching recipients of orders, 46. An Example of a Division Order to Develop the Main Force in the Rear After Hostile Outpost Has Been Captured by the Advance Guard. Headquarters,1st Division AT X X Date X, Time X Operation Order "A", No, X
1, Information of the enemy and friendly troops (omitted),
2# After seizing the hostile outpost position, this division
will reconnoiter the enemy situation and terrain for the
purpose of attack.
3. The Cavalry with its main strength will reconnoiter the
enemy condition from the left bank of the XX River while an
clement will reconnoitor the hostile right flank.
4. The Right Column (One Infantry Regiment as' the attack unit*
commanded by the Brigade Commander) will deploy* in the area ex tending from the vicinity, of XX to the area in the vicinity of
XX, attack the onemy in the vicinity of XX, seize the area
between X and Y, and reconnoitor the enemy situation and the
terrain on our front,
5. The Advance Guard of the Left Column will deploy in the area
extending from the vicinity of XX to the area in the vicinity
of XX, attack the enemy in the vicinity of XX and XX, seize the
area between X-X-, and reconnoiter the enemy situation and tho
terrain on our front,
6. Tho boundary between units is tho line X-X (tho area along
the lino is the responsibility of tho right unit.) The time
of the attack will be announced,
7. The Field Artillery Regiment (less (2) battalions) and tho
Heavy Field Artillery Battalion under the Field Artillery
Regimental Commander from positions in the vicinity of XX will
bo prepared to support both units in tho attack.
8. The main force of the division will develop as followss

- XX, XX vicinity

- 66

) )

- XX, X v i c i n i t y X

9, Tho 1st Mobile Antiaircraft' A r t i l l o r y w i l l deploy a t XX, and tho 2nd MobilJ Antiaircraft A r t i l l o r y w i l l doploy in tho v i c i n i t y of XX; Both w i l l ongago in a i r dofonso. 10. Tho 1st Air Group w i l l roconnoitor tho positions in tho
v i c i n i t y of X and determine tho onomy s i t u a t i o n in t h o i r
X roar,
11, Tho 1st Balloon Grout) w i l l ascond from tho v i c i n i t y south
of X and obsorvo t h e onomy s i t u a t i o n ,
X 12. Tho Division Communication .Unit boing bet sod at X w i l l
X e s t a b l i s h l i a i s o n with tho attachod u n i t s ,
13i Tho Wirolesc Unit w i l l oontinuo t o carry out former
.14, Tho'Fiold Train w i l l h a l t a t tho c out horn Jdgo of XX.
15, Tho Transport w i l l h a l t with tho hoad of tho column a t
XX, while tho Advance Transporb w i l l halt, a t XX,
16, I w i l l bo a t XX. At X PM nond a raoipijnt for ordors,
Lioutonant Gonjral X X Commanding Distributi^onj Assemble X, X, X, X, X recipients of ordors and X and X Commanders for tho issue of verbal orders, Tho adjutant w i l l deliver w r i t t e n orders t o the X unit while a mounted orderly 'will deliv3r w r i t t e n orders to the X unit, 47. An Example of a Division Order t o Execute i t s Development With out Seizing t h e Hostile Outpdst 'Position, Headquarters, 1st Division, X AT X (Date, time) \

Operation Order A, No. _ ' X

1, Since yestordav moraine; the onemy iniiia vicinity of X is X constructing positions from the area in the vicinity of X X to the area in the vicinity of X as outlined on the attached, X sketch. The enemy rear ocholon is at X. The Army, with thg purooso of annihilating tho onamy at a l l points before he can receive reinforcements', will advance to the X X lino to prepare for the attack. X 2, For the ourpose of development" and attack, in the vicinity of X and X this Division, with i t s mani strength, will rocon X X

- 67

n o i t e r tho h o s t i l e s i t u a t i o n and t e r r a i n , while other alaments w i l l seize tlie X X l i n o , X* X 3. The advance guard of the right column w i l l aaiza the area between XX-and. X and reconnoiter tiij en emy. s i t u a t i o n and Xj. t e r r a i n on that front. Immediately aftor contacting the 2nd division,, tha main strength of the Cavalry w i l l come under ray control in. the v i c i n i t y of X while the main strength of X .the Engineer Bn. w i l l come under my control 'in the v i c i n i t y Of XX,' ' 4 . Tho Left Column, with an element w i l l seize tho area ba~ tween XX-XX, while tha main force w i l l assemble in the v i c i n i t y of X and reconnoiter tho on.omy situation end the t e r X rain on his front. . Clarify tho enemy situation as soon as possible in "the v i c i n i t y of XX mountain and if nocccsary cooperative vrith tho 3rd Division in tho occupation of the high ground in t h i s area. Especially in t h e advance in the area north of the X X River, maintain contact with tho Ad X vance Guard of the Right Column, 5. The reconnaissance and security zono boundary between units w i l l be tho line XX-XX---OT.X. 6. Tho various units of the Main Body of the Right Column w i l l pass into assembly positions as follows: In the area botweon X X " X X X X 2nd Infantry 2nd Field A r t i l l e r y (less let and 2nd Bus, ( l ) el xrajut of the'Regimental Combat Train) 1st Bn and elements of the Regimental Combat Train, let Heavy^ Field A r t i l l j r y 1st Bn and elements of the Rogimentcl Combat Train, 1st Independent *rb. A r t i l l e r y In the area between }f.--XX 4th Infantry Independent Units (lees main irbrongth) Tho Engineer Platoon at i t s present position w i l l reverb t o the control of i t s organisation coilraiandjr, Th:> Field Arbillenr Regiment and the Heavy Field A r t i l l e r y Battalion taking into consideration the .possibility of debouchment by the enemy, w i l l each roconnoitor for a battalion position in the v i c i n i t y of AJZ and XX, The u n i t s , under the command (of tho Infantry ibgimontal Commandjra w i l l commenco devjlopmDnb upon roachin^. ~SL'\. 7. Tho 1st Antiaircraft ^ n i t w i l l occupy tho position at 73Z/I, while tho 2nd Antiaircraft Unit r i l l occupy tha positions

^ 68

at XXX, both being changed with air defense missions.'

0. The Engineer Battalion taking into consideration the
future deployment of the Division is charged with t he estabr-.
lishment of communications in the zone of advance and if neoe ssary, with certain elements,, will assist the Artillery of the
Right Column in the occupation of positions.
9. From XXX as .a base, the Communication Unit will estab lish a communication net betw3en the Advance Guard of the
Right Column, main force of the Left Column, and the 4th
10. The Advance Transport will halt with tli3 head of the
column at XX.
11. .The Field Train will be at 7.-ZI
12. The Transport will be at XXX
13. I will bo at XXX
Send recipients of the order at X hours. X Lieutenant Gen oral X Commanding Distribut ions: (omitted)

48. Items to..be'Covered in Orders to Attack an Organized -'-iostile Position 1, 2, 3, a. b line c. d 4, Friendly and enemy situations. Plans of the Commandjr. Instructions to the front lino Infantry, Z one s of dop1oyment, Attack objectives #(usua'lly the hostilo front line and the of final advance) Boundaries - zones of action.
Timo to advance to the attack,

Instructions to Artillery. a. Fire to be delivered in diroot support of tho infantry during; .ea.c'l: c r i t i c a l r<oriod> b. Otbjr desired fires and the purpose. c. Areas to be utilized for nocitiens. d. Approximate am- unt of ammunition to b3 usod. o. Time to bo^in proparatory firo (scheduled firas) and f i r e for offoot, f. Items pertaining to ohan/^o in positions, g. Units ivliioh should bo attached to infantrv.

- 69

5, Instructions to the tin^^,

a, Y-ork required at oaoh staq;e of the battle and, if neces sary, time for completion,
b, Methods of protecting labor detachments z.nd. their work, etc,
6, Instructions to the Air Force,
The missions at each stage of the battle, and if necessary
the tima and number of pianos to bo used,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Cavalry missions. Movements of the iteservo, Duties of~Communication Units. Instructions to the Hodical Unit,
Instructions to tho Field Hospitals,
Matters pertaining to ammunition supply.
Location of Commander,

Note: Time at which deployment is to bo completed1 and items per taining to- preparations for attack, especially fi those re lating t o the destruction of obstacles, etc, 49, An Example of a Division Order for a Daylight Attack on an Organized' Hostile Position. Headquarters, 1st Division A X T X (Date and Time) Oporation Order A, No. X Distribution of troops Right v'ing Unit; Commander - Major General X X 1st Infantry Brigade X X X Units XX (2) Squads of cavalry XX X X Units (2) platoons of Engineers Left Wing Units Commander - Mai or General XA 2nd Infantry Brigade -(loss 4th Infantry) X X Units XX ( l ) squad of cavalry (1) platoon of Si-u;iii3 3rs Artillory Commandar - A r t i l l e r y Col, X X 1st Field A r t i l l e r y 1st Batbalj.cn Haavy Field A r t i l l e r y 1st Battalion Mountain A r t i l l e r y

- 70

i t t t i a i r o r a f t Units: 1st and 2nd Mobile Antiaircraft Gun Units. Cavalry Troopst ' 1 s t Cavalry (loss 3 squads) Engineers* 1st Engineer Battalion*, (less 3 platoons) Air Unit: 1st Squadron Reserves'*
4th Infantry
1, The outline of the hostile position is as shewn on separata sketch. 2, After seizing the hostile outpost position and making; tha necessary preparations, the division w i l l pans-brat3 the anomy main defensive position, advance to- X lino directing the main X effort against XX, 3, The Right Wins; Units w i l l dealoy bstwesn XX>and I S and C after sciizing the hostile outpost position,will advance to X and X l i n e . After making the nacussary preparations, thoy Z X w i l l attack the hostile^main defensive position aarb of ZZ and advance to X and X l i n e . X X 4, The Left Wing Units w i l l deploy botwoen X and X and after X X seizing tho hostile outpost position w i l l advance t o X and X X l i n o . After making the naoassary proparat ions, w i l l attack X the hostile main dofunsivo position on th;> wont side of X X and advance t o X and X lino, X X 5, The soctor boundary brbwoon b - t Wing Units w i l l bo tho <>h lino passing through tho oast3rn odgo of XX, X and XX. X 6, Although tho timo of attack of both Wing Unit,? is :>.xr> 5ct~ od to bo at X hour, tho dofinito h<-.ur w i l l hi prjncrib^d bv X Y special instructions, Tho advenco from ZX, XX, 70r, Y l i i u s w i l l also bo givon by spooial- instructions, J(f Thj Artillory w i l l occupy position i:: th > vicinity of XX-XZ with i t s main strength and in tho vicinity f'71'..with othor "jlsraonts, and as soon as p o s s i b l j , c..'rnin.jncinn; f i r j for ad^uctmqnt, w i l l suoojsciv^ly nautralizj bhj hocitilo a r t i l l Dry, Follovrinf!; t h i s tho indicat jd miasionc w i l l bv oarrijd uut: a. An ol-jraont will aosist in tlu attack en t h j hoiitilo out** poet zon.) and during soizur-j^ .will chen^o pc-riiti-.-nn f-;ucc jenivj ly to tho aroas in t l u vicinity of 7Cx and. 7JLf b, ( l ) battalion of mountain a r t i l l e r y rrill bj c/otachod
to tho Right Win"; Fore 3 for sp-joidl mifisiens,
c# During CIOSJ combat against th.; .'.-,.,rfcil; vo.ain lin.j of
r.jsirtanco, attach ap 'roximat .dy (2) battul:1; ens 'c(- t h j Rirht Wing and (1) br.ttalicn tr. th3 Lift ' i n g f-;r oir^ot nropurt, and in t l u JV rat of attack ( l ) additi'.-nal bc:bbali'.:a for direct s np-oort to. t : u Hi^ht ^*ing, . d. T'itli. th.; objoct of iuutralizing hostilD 'ffjnciiv,; action,

- 71

bo-prepared to place ,tho fire of (2) battalions between XX

and XX.
.0, Ammunition to bo usod......#.#....
Tho boundary of zones of action botwoon tho army artillery and
tho division artillory is lino XXXX,
8. Tho Antiaircraft Gun Unit will occupy positions in'tho
vicinity of XX and will ongago in air dofomso missions.
9. Cayalry troops (omittod).
10. Tho Enginoors will assist the Artillery in tho occupation
of positions and aftor tho penetration of hostilo linos will
facilitate tho passage of tho Artillory.
11. Tho Air Unit will roconnoitcr tho onomy positions es pecially in the vicinity of XX and tho situation north of XX.
It will further cooperate with tho Artillory with throe pianos.
12. Tho Rosorvo will occupy a position in tho vicinity of
XX, and an both Wings advance, will march on XX,
13. The Communications Unit will establish communications
botwoon Division Headquarters and both Wings, tho Artillury
and tho Rosorvo.
'14. The main strength of tho Medical Unit will establish a
dressing station at X A , while another element will establish
a station at XX.
15, 1st Field Hospital will bo established at XX and tho
4th Field Hospital at YY.
16. ThJ Advance Transport will establish a distributing
point for infantry ammunition with (l) platoon jach at VX and
XX - and with (l) "battery for artillory ammunition at XX,
ltf. I am now at XX and as the front lino advances I will be
at XX and XX. Tho message center will bo established at XXXX.
Lieutenant General XX
Division Commander.
AssombT/o the recipients of orders from XXWW units and
iosuo verbal instructions.
Condition of the onomy positions is indicated on tho sketch,
50. An Example of a Division Right Wing Order for a Daylight
Attack on an Organized Hostile Position,
Wing Unit
2 July, 1 9 _ , 1050
Operation Orders No. X
1, Enemy condition (omitted). Tho Division will attack th

onomy on our front from now on, and will advanco to lino X X and XX, 2. The 1st Brigade (with X Unit, X Z Unit, ( l ) platoon of
X X cavalry, 1st Company., 1st 3ngineors, (loss (2) platoons
attached) designated tho Right Wing Unit, will ,soizo tho hos t i l e outpost position and main lino of resistance in the area
from XX~X;:to~XX-XX, and advance to the lino of X Village
X and X Village, directing the main effort against XX. The
X 2nd. Infantry Brigade, (less 4th Infantry) is designated tho Left wing Unit and will attack the positions oast of Z from Z the area oast of tho line passing through tho shrino 1000 meters southeast of XX, eastern edge of XX, and the western edge of YY. Tho Left Flank Detachment will harass tho onomy roar from tho aroa west of WM River, Tho direct sup porting Artillery of the Right 1/Ting, after occupying positions west of WT and in the vicinity north of W mountain, as tho front linos advancq, will push forward into the vicinity of X and XX. After seising tho outpost position, ono battalion X of mountain a r t i l l e r y will be attached t,o the Right Wing, 3. The 2nd Infantry (less 3rd Battalion, plus ono platoon of X Engineers, and (4) mounted messengers) as tho Right Front X Unit will deploy in the area between tho southern edge of X X and the river bridge across the X river at a point 300 meters north west of X mountain. From X attack tho hostile elements X west of that point and advance to X - X line, XX 4. The 1st Infantry (1st Company - Engineers (loss (3) pla toons and (4) mounted messengers attached) on tho left, generally keeping in contact with the loft flank of the 2nd Infantry will doploy in the area in the vicinity of tho shrino which is located 1000 motors south east of X * attack X t h j enemy in the vicinity of X village and advance to lino X

5# The boundary of the zono of action between regiments is tho line passing through tho south oastorn edge of XX, tho western edge of X and tho eastern edge of XX, The definite X time of attack w i l l be at X hour. Aftor seizing tho hostile X outpost position advance will bo made to the lino XX-XX, For ward movement from t h i s point will bo directed separately. 6. Tho Cavalry Platoon (less (2) squads) will advance in
the direction of XX, and directly protect the right flank of
the brigade. It will further maintain liaison between tho
brigade and the unit on the loft flank.
7. ' The 3rd Battalion, 2nd Infantry is designated the Reserve and cif! the actioxr. progresses will advance through tho area

- 73

along tho XX highway to the vicinity north of XX.

8. Tho Ammunition Distributing Point will lator be established
at tho northeastern odgo of }X, tho Dressing'Station X^, and
tho Field Hospital at XX,
9, I will advanco along tho XX highway.
Major General XX
. Right Wing Commandor

Dis t ribut ion: Xssomblo tho Rogimontal Coinmanders, Cavalry Platoon Commandor, Enginoor Company Commander, and issuo vgrbal i n s t r u c t i o n s ,
' If possible, includo tho 3rd Battalion Commander, 2nd
Infantry for vorbal instructions,
51-. An Example of a Division Artillery Ordor to Support a Day light Attack on an Organized Hostile Position,
1st Fiold Artillery
X day, X time
Operation Ordor, No, X
1, Condition of tho hostile position is as shown on sketch
attached. (omitted).
Tho Division will direct the main attack towards XX, attack ing so as to envelop the left flank of tho hostile position,
and advance to the line XX,
2. The Right Wing (1st Infantry Brigade, Hdqrs., 1st Infantry
Brigade) will deploy between XX and XX and after seizing tho
hostile outpost position, will advance to the lino XX-XX,
Afber making the necessary preparations it will further attack
tho main hostile defensive zone east of XX and advanco to
the lino XX-XX. Tho Left Wing Unit (2nd Infantry Brigade
(less 4th Infantry) Hdqrs. 2nd Infantry Brigade) will deploy
between XX and XX and after seizing the hostile outpost posi tion, will attack tho main hostile dofensive zono west of XX,
and advance to the line XX-XX. The boundary of tho zono of
action botwjon both I^ing Units is the line passing through
the eastern edge of XX, XX and XX, The definite time of
attack is XX hour. The advanco from XX-XX-XX lino will be
directed by separate order.

- 74

5. The Artillery will occupy positions in the vicinity of Y Y and X v/ith its mam strength and in the vicinity of X - X X XX with ether elements and as soon ;as possible, commencing f iro for adjustment, will successively neutralize the hostile a r t i l l e r y . Thereafter, i t will mainly furnish direct support to the Right Wing in the attack. Three aircraft will cooper ate with tho A t i l l e r y , 4. 'The 1st Battalion 1st Field Artillery will deploy be tween ZZ, and X j and YY, furnish direct support, to the right X regiment of tho Right Wing in the attack. 5. The 2nd Battalion 1st Field Artillery will occupy positions in the vicinity of X and YY, and will neutralize the hostile X a r t i l l e r y . Thereafter i t will furnish direct support to the left regiment of the Right Wing in tho attack, and will further be prepared tc obstruct at the. proper time enemy offensive action from the directio:-.: of X village. Utilize X the crest-lino east of.XX-XX for observation posts, Tho com bat zone will be on the direct front of the Division, After seizure of the outpost position i t is planned to immediately meve forward an element to tho vicinity of XX, 6. Th'o 3rd Battalion 1st Field A r tillory from positions in tho area between X and Z will neutralize the enemy artilleiy X Z and furnish 'direct support to tho Loft Wing in the attack, 7 The 1st Mountain fafcille-ry Battalion from positions in tho
vicinity of X - X will furnish support to tho Right Wing in
XX title attack and after seizure of the hostile outpost position
will be attached t c the Right WingV.
8. The 1st Heavy Field Artillery Battalion from positions in tho area between X and X will neutralize tho hostile ar X X t i l l e r y and aftor tho assault on the hostile front line has begun, furnish direct sup?orb with, the main strength tc the Right Wing in the attack, and will further be prepared t o obstruct at the proper time, enemy offensive action from the X direction of XX. The area in tho vicinity of X may be used for the obsjrvaticn posts. Tho combat zone is a l l the area on tho front of the Division.' One airplane will cooperate, 9. Each battalion will independently execute an area survey and for the purposes of uniformity in future survey operations, tho 2nd Battalion is designated tho base organization. The commandDr cf tho Regimental Observation Party will furnish tho dotcils croncoming tho survey. 10. The Regimental Communications Officer will furnish details

- 75

concerning tho coirnn.unico.tion not which will bo established as fcllows; a. Wire Communication^: Each battalion is responsible for establishing communications with Regimental Headquarters. Tho Regiment is responsible for establishing communication between Regimental Headquarters and both Wings, The Battalion on the left will establish communication with tho adjacent battalion. The Heavy Field Artillery Battalion will establish communi cation with tho 1st and the 3rd Battalions, 1st Field Artillery, b. Radio Communication^ Establish an air-ground communi cation station at Regimental and Battalion HoadquartDrs, c. 1st Battalion 1st Field Artillery with the right Regi ment of tho Right Wing Unit, 2nd Battalion, 1st Field Artillery with the left Regiment of the Ri-ht V.'ing Unit. 3rd Battalion, 1st Field Artillery with tho front line Regiment of the Left Win,-; Unit, 11. Ammunition allotted in this engagement will bo five units of f i r e . 12. Tho Ammunition Trains will take positions as follows:
Regimental Field Artillory Ammunition Train at XX,
Regimental Mountain Artillery Ammunition Train at ZX,
Regimental Hoc.vy Field Artillery Ammunition Train at XX,

13. Division Artillery Anniunition distributing points will

bo established at. X X for part of the Field Artillery and at
X Z fcr others.
Z 14. The battalion ammunition train of tho 3rd Battalion 1st Field Artillery will receive replenishment directly from the X distributing point. 15. I will be at X X X . Colonel X X 1st Field Artillery Commander Distribution: Assemble recipients of orders for each battalion and issue verbal instructions. Note: A sketch of installations, indicating on a map the situa tion, will be printed and distributed lat^r down to and including batteries. The target numbers will be listed.

- 76

52. An Examplo of an Infantry Battalion Order to Deploy for Attack

on an Organized Hostile Position/
( At XX.lino after capturing outpost position)
1st Battalion, X Infantry
26 December, 19__, 0930
Oporation Order No. X
1, Tho hostile position is at XXXXX. Thoro is an enemy
sentry pest established on the ncrth bank of a large depres sion south of Tsukamigaoka, Unless one uses tho road running
through tho paddy field in the depression, it seems that the
area will be difficult to cross, Tho Regiment is at XXXJCG1.
2, This Battalion will deploy in the sector extending from
the'model house to the western edge of the Daikyaba-zutsumi
which is north of Tsukamigaoka, and attack tho enemy between
XX and XX. It will then advance to the sector north of
Sakura. The direction of tho main attack will be irowards
XX, The sector boundaries between the battalion and adjacent
units on both" flanks will be as follows:
Rightj; A lino passing tiie east side of Gonganoka and the
' model hi-usc southeast of Dainichizan (274) northeast of
Left: A line passing through the eastern security sign at
Nagaiiuma (26-4) approximately 400 meters north of the eld
fort, Naganuma pond, tho western edge of tho Daikyoba zutsumi north of Gbngonoka and (27*1) north of Unagayoroka#
The 1st Battalion, 1st Field Artillery which is to sup-port
the attack in the Hoppcya area is occupying a position in
the vicinity of Hagidai with, its main strength. Tho 3rd
Battery from a position in the vicinity of the old fort, is
expected tc furnish direct support to this battalion in the
a ccac.tr,
3. The Companies will take positions in linp from right to
left in the order 1st Company, 2nd Company, 3rd Company, and
make preparations for the attack* Tho 1st Company will deploy in the depression area ncrthoast
of Hagidai, XXX is the attack objective.
2nd Company will doploy in the present area of the
1st Company, XXX is tho attack objective,
3rd Company will doploy in tho vicinity of the old Naganuma
kanteki. XXX is the attack objectivo.
4. The Machine Gun Company and tho Infantry Gun Unit will
follow in the roar of the 3rd Company under the supervision
of tho Machine G-un Company Commander.


5. The Rapid Fire Gun X Unit will follow in tho roar of the
2nd' Company.
6. Tho tin of' attack cf tho front lino units will bo desig natod later,
7. Tho Reserve, 4th Coftpanyi will " e located in the
b doprossion oast of tho old fort, and following tho advanco
of tho front lino in tho roar *.- tho 2nd Company, will bo como tho. antiaircraft unit for air security. Completing tho
'distribution of ammunition, tho Combat Train will procjod to
tho ammunition distributing point at Hagidai, and after re plenishment, will bo locatod in tho vicinity of tho security
sign north of tho old fort.
9. I will bo in my prosont position and as tho front lino
advene as, I will follow tho 2nd Company through tho platoau
on tho eastern side of Eigonchi (27-7) to tho vicinity west
of Hachigobayashi,
Major X X Battalion Commander Distribution: Assemble a l l Company Cornmandors, Infantry Gun Unit Commandor, Combat Train Commandor and issuo verbal instructions, 53. . n Example of a Field Artillery Battalion Order to Deploy A to Support the Attack on an Organized Hostilo Position, 1st Battalion, 1st Field Artillery AT: "A" HILL 10 March, 19_^ 110Q Operation Order No, X 1, I t appears "that the enemy has deployed in area in the vicinity of "D" nBn and "C" since this.morning with his ar t i l l s r y in the vicinity of XZ, The Division will from now on attack the enemy in the vicinity of "C" with i t s main strength and advance to the "N" River line. The Right Wing Uriit (1st Infantry Brigade) will deploy on the "EF" line and attack the enemy east of "Gff while the Left Wing (2nd Infantry Brigade less 4th Infantry (less 3rd Battalion)) w i l l deploy on the "HJ" line and attack the enemy west of "G". The sec t o r "boundary is the line M-N. The Field Artillery from positions in the vicinity of "L" with other elements will generally furnish direct support to the Right Wing in the attack.

- 78

2. This Battalion will occupy positions in the vicinity of

"L" with its main strength and in the vicinity of nUn
with an
element so as to " e able to fire in the sector west of the
b line K-C-IVand in the sector north of the line X~Y~Z. It
will mainly furnish direct support to the Left Wing,
'3. 4th 5th 6th Batteries will occupy positions as follows?
Battery -(. in woods right of the mound,
* Battery - in woods left of the mound.
Battery - in woods south of "Mw, As the action develops,
the position will be changed to the vicinity
' of 8.

4. Observation posts of all Batteries and the Battalion will

" e on plateau ttAn in the order from the right to the left,
b 4th Battery, Battalion Headquarters. 5th Battery, and 6th
Battery. As the action develops it is planned to move for~
ward the observation posts of the Battalion Headquarters,
and those of the 4th and 5th Batteries to the vicinity of

5. 4th 5th 6th

Reconnaissance zones will "be as follows! Battery T right of reference point No. 1. Battery T "between 1st and 3rd reference points. Battery. - left of reference point Ho, 2.

6. Jloute of advance:
R-L route for the 4th and 5th Batteries, R-fy-M route for the
6th Battery, After completing the reconnaissance for posi tions move out in order of sequence.
7. The Battalion Ammunition Train will " e in the pine woods
b south of "Q". It will dispatch two ammunition carts to the
6th Battery,
8. The Regimental Ammunition Train will " e located in the vi b cinity of 'i".
9. Ammunition Consuming Rate:
XX number of rounds Of HE shell per gun.
XX number of rounds of shrapnel per gun,
10. The Battalion Headquarters will be at this place. To
assist the Battalion Observation Party (l) officer, (l) non commissioned officer, and (3) privates and one B.C. telescope
will be sent to T Hill from the 4th Battery.
Major XX; Artillery
'Battalion Comnander

- 79

Distribution^ . . , .
Assemble Battery Commanders and the Commander of the
Battalion Ammunition Train at Hill "A" and issue verbal
instructions, pointing out on the ground the various
terrain features.
Note: """*"** p r i o r t o issuing of orders,' the reference point of the battalion w i l l be pointed out, and orders w i l l be issued indicating actual positions, 54. Ail Example of a Division Order for Dawn Attack on an Organized Hostile Position. Headquarters, 1st Division AT X X 13 June, 19 , 1500 Operation Order A No. 1 , 1, The situation of the enemy positions on our front is as shown on sketch on separate sheet, (omitted) 2. This Division w i l l attack the main position of the enemy extending from east t o west on X Mountain at dawn tomorrow, X the 14th, and w i l l attempt t o advance t o the line extending from XX Mountain t o 00 Mountain. Tho main attack w i l l be directed towards XX Mountain. 3, The Right Wing w i l l commence movement at sundown and imme diately seize the enemy positions-established on the right bank of the ZZ River in the v i c i n i t y of the plateau oast of ZZZZ# From positions on this line preparations w i l l be made for attack on t h e following dawn., 4, At sundown, a part of the Left Wing Force w i l l occupy the line of ZZZ and X X and'prepare for the debouchment of tho X enemy. I t w i l l cooperate in tho attack of the Right Wing, Upon seizure by the Right TiTing Force, of tho area in the v i c i n i t y of tho p l a t e a u ' e a s t of Z.ZZZ, the main strength w i l l make contact with the Right Wing, deploy in the sector wost of ZZZ by 0400and prepare for the following dawn attack, 5. Tho boundary of the zone of action of both Wing Units is the lino extending from the eastern edge of X X through the X eastern f o o t h i l l s of XX Mountain t o the Wostorn edge of ZZ, The boundary lino w i l l bo included in tho sector of tho Right Wing Force*

- 80

6. Tho timo for both Wing Units to attack is scheduled at approximately 0700 and will bo by separate order, 7. Tho Artillery after cooperating in the seizure of the hostile outpost position on tho right bank of the Z River at Z dusk today/with an effective part of i t s strength will be gin movement at 2300. An element will occupy positions in the vicinity of 00 while the main force will occupy positions in the area between Y and XX, Firing will commence at day Y break with approximately a (40) minute preparation. After neutralizing the enemy a r t i l l e r y , i t will coopJrato directly with both wing units as follows: - approximately (2) battalions (approx. (3) batta lions during the assault). Loft Wing_ - approximately (l) battalion. During the attack by both Wing Units detail for support (l) battalion Mountain Artillery (less (l) battery ) to the Right Wing and (l) BattDry (left ovor^from above Battalion) to the Left Wing, Make preparations so as to be able to placo the fire of approximately (2) Battalions in the X sector X with tho purpose of obstructing an enemy attack. During the attack on the hostile position (80$) of the ammunition car ried may be expended. B dawn tomorrow, smoke shells will y be supplied as follows: 100 rounds to each gun of mountain and field a r t i l l e r y , 50 rounds to each 155 m howitzer. m 8. Tho Cavalry Unit will advance towards the direction of Z Z
and harass the hostile flanks,
9. Tho Engineers after assisting the Artillery in the occu pation of positions will be in the X vicinity and as the X action progresses, will assist the Artillery in crossing tho X River, X 10. Upon tho advance of tho Ri^ht Wing the Resarvc will move to X X and follow in rear of the Right Wing, X 11. The Antiaircraft Unit will occupy positions in the v i c i nity of X by 0400 and engage in a i r defense missions, X 12. The Air Unit will coramonco operations early tomorrow
morning5 (3) planes will cooperate with tho Artilljry while
the remainder will roconnoitor the onomy situation, and the
condition of the rear echoIons.
13. The Balloon Unit will ascend from X early tomorrow X morning and cooperate with the Artillery during tho action, 14. The Conmunication Unit will establish a communication
net betw3on the Division Headquarters and both Winer Forces

- 81

by 1700 today. It will . further establish a communication not

between tho Division Headquarters and tho Artillery, tho
Balloon Unit, and tho Rosorvo tomorrow, tho 14th, at 0400.
15. Tho Medical Unit with its main strength will establish a
dressing station in the XX area and with othor elements es tablish a station in YY area,
16. A field hospital will be established at YY and XX f
17. Tomorrow the 14th after replenishing rations and forage,
the Field Train under'.its Commander will prepare to move to
the arpa north of ZZZ.
18. By dawn tomorrow, tho 14th, the Transport will establish
ammunition depots as follows:
One infantry ammunition platoon at-XX and one at !W, One
artillery ammunition platoon at ZZ and ono at YY,
19. At 0500 on tho 14th, I will be at the, plateau south
of XX, and will later nove to ZZ through XX.
Lieutenant General XX
Division Commander
(Tho distribution orders and disposition of tro.ops is omitted).
55, An Example of a Regimental Order for Night Attack of an Or ganized Hostile Position, 1st Infantry AT XX .(Dat e and t imc) Operation Order No. X 1, The Division will penetrate the hostile position in the
vicinity XJl and .XX at 2100 tonight, and will further oxploite
its success towards XX fron these areas at daybreak, annihi lating the enemy in the Shinkawa River gulch. The Loft 1i7ing
will penetrate the hostile position in vicinity of ZZ and YY
tonight and advance to tho XX-XX line.
2, This Regiment will form tho The XX positions will be seized tho main strength will seise the of assault is 2100* The sector as tlaat during the day*
Right Unit 6f 'the Loft Wing*
by an element of the unit while
XX and XX positions. The timo
boundary will be the same

3, The 1st Battalion en the right of tho lino, with an element

- 82

cf i t s strength, will cpvor tho right flank of tho rsgimont against tho enemy in tho X vicinity, and with tho- nain^ X strength, will soizo and hold tho hostilo positions at XX, 4, Tho 2nd Battalion on tho loft of tho lino, will penetrate tho X position, capture and hold tho hostilo positions in tho X X vicinity. . X 5, Tho 3rd Battalion will assonblo i t s main strongth in tho depressed area oast of X after sundown, and will become the X Reserve. An element will remain at tho present location and cover tho movement of tho Rogimont, Withdrawal timo will bo given by separate order. During tho progress of the attack, advanco in tho direction of X in tho rear of tho X 2nd Battalion, 6, Tho regimental guns will destroy enemy searchlights that appear at-XX, XX, and XX, while preparations for the night attack are being made in the vicinity of the present positicn. Movomont to X will bo made after tho hostile linos X have boon penetrated, Time of tho movement will be announced l a t e r . Attach a rifle squad from tho 12th Company for cover ing purposes. As progress in tho night attack of the Regiment is made the rapid-firo guns will movo to XX, Tho time for movement will bo announced l a t e r . Attach a riflo squad from tho 4th Company for covering purposes, 7, Dostruction of obstacles bv stealth will be completed by 2000 8, The pass words for tonight will be X and X X X

9, I will bo at m present location until sun-down and y thoroaftor, 1 will proceed to tho position of tho lino of departure of tho 2nd 'Battalion, Re gimonta1 Connando r. Distributions Assemble a l l unit cornmandors if possible, or the adju tants when this is impracticable and issue verbal orders. Notify tho direct support a r t i l l e r y through tho liaison officer, Noto_:
Depending upon the situation, items-after the 3rd may bo
stated as follows: "Each unit will maneuver according to tho
night attack plan as indicated on separate shoot." The nin-ht
attack plan may be attached*

- 83


Items to bo Covered in Orders for Defense of a Position.

1. 2. Situation of oneny and friendly troops.
Plan of the Commander.

3. For Units, (which are) occupying areas.

a # Front lino of the zone of resistance.
b Zone of action: so as to clarify the position bound aries, disposition of the foreground,- assignments of areas
for reconnaissance and security, demarcations in the zone of
action will be made from the rear edge of the zone of
resistance to the front of the security zone,
c. Items pertaining'to the Security Units. (indicate the
approximate location, "withdrawal positions, and if necessary
the movements and strength).
d. If necessary, list matters concerning flank defense,
4. For the Artillery:
a. Distribution of the mass of fire in the desired, direction
and location during each period of support, and the r/urpone.
b. Areas1 to be occupied.
c. Approximate number of rounds of ammunition to be used.
d. Time to commence preparation fire.
e # Items pertaining to cooperation with the infantry,
f. If necessary, duties at the initial phase of the
5. For the E&gineers: Type, degree, time of completion,
etc., of work to be carried out.
6. 7. 8. 9. Duties of Cavalry Units.
Duties of Air Units
Duties of intiaireraft Units
Duties of Balloon Units.

10. Positions and movements of Reserve Unit.

11. Duties of Signal Unit.
12.. If necessary, special dispositi .ns and time of starting
and completing construction, as well as matters relating to
the posting of observation parties.

13. Matters pertaining

to Modioal Units.

14. Matters pertaining to Field Hospitals.

15. Matters pertaining to replenishment of ammunition,
(Typos of ammunition and location of distributing points.
If necessary, the time to begin replenishment.)
16. Location of the Commander, and if necessary method of
c ommun icat i on,
57, An Example of a Division Order for Occupying a Position,
Distribution of troops * .
; ' , Air- Unit.:. ' '
. 1st Air Squadron-
Cavalry; " . ,
1st Cavalry (loss one platoon)
^ ^ ^
Commander - Major X - 1st Batt'alion Commander, 1st t Infantry Tho 1st Battalion 1st Infantry (less 3rd and 4th Companion ( l ) Infantry Artillery platoon 1st Infantry ( l ) Mountain Artillery Battery ( l ) ICnginper Platoon,. ^ ^ S ^ e c t o r Units Commander - Major General %9 2nd Infantry Brigade Commander The 1st Infantry (less 1st Battalion, less 3rd and 4th Companies)
2nd Infantry
( l ) Cavalry/ Squad ( l ) Engineer Platoon ,
Left Sector^ Uniti
Commander - Major General X, 2nd Infantry Brigade Commander

3rd 4th (1) (l)

Battalion 3rd Infantry

Cavalry Squcd
Engineer Platoon.

Commander - Colonel X, 1st Field Artillery, Commander, 1st Field Artillery (joss 3rd Battalion), 1st Battalion, 1st Pack Artillery (less (l) Battery) 1st Battalion 1st lleavy Field Artilleryi Antjmircjaft Unit: let and tho 2nd Mobile-Antiaireraft Units,

Engine or Unit_:
1st Shginoor Battalion '(loss (3) platoons).

- 85

The Reserve: ""3rd" Infantry (loss 3rd Battalion and ono-half Infantry Gun Unit) ( l ) Cavalry Squad* Headquartors 1st Division * AT: PIATft'JJ NORTH OF XX 10 May, 19 , 1100 Op oration Ordor A'N,o. X 1, .Tho enemy with approximately a" division is advancing on XX, YY, ZZ Road-while a force with a strength of a t l e a s t (6) or (7) infantry battalions with about (20) guns is advancing on the road X v i l l a g e X town X v i l l a g e , At 1000 today the 10th, h o s t i l e elements had passod X and Y with t h e infantry loading. X Y At present time the main strongth of our Cavalry in the v i c i - f nity of X and other elements in tho v i c i n i t y of X v i l l a g e are: X X "encountering s l i g h t l y superior h o s t i l e cavalry u n i t s , 2 #( The Division w i l l occupy positions in the area from tho v i c i n i t y of X mountain t o the v i c i n i t y of X and at tho oppor X X . tun-o. timo, from the loft flank, will shift to tho counter . offensive. The 1st Battalion 3rd Infantry with ( l ) battery of f i e l d a r t i l l e r y , w i l l occupy the plateau on the north side of X v i l l a g e and a s s i s t the Division in tho occupation of X position, 3. The Air Unit w i l l continue on former missions and w i l l especially roconnoiter tho movements of the enemy' a f t e r ad van'oe into the v i c i n i t y of X Village. X .4, If the Cavalry is pressed by the enemy i t w i l l withdraw t o tho v i c i n i t y .of X Village and protoct the Division right X flank,. .,,-. 5, Tho Right Sector Unit w i l l strongly occupy tho area in the v i c i n i t y of X and the olateau southeast of XX* I t w i l l espe X c i a l l y protect the area in front of the Center Sector Unit with a r t i l l e r y (will designate if nccosscry), '6. The Center Sector Unit w i l l occupy the area extending from jZi to Y through the ncrthem- edge of 00 end ZZ, Y 7. The Loffc Sector Unit w i l l maintain contact with the loft flank of the Center Sector Unit and w i l l occupy tho area ex tending from the northern edge of X to Hill No, 205 and along X the c r e s t line t o the plateau west of- XZ Village. I t w i l l especially defend t h e depressions t o the front of t h e loft flank of the Center Sector Unit, (Designate if necessary).

- 86

8. Each Sector Unit will distribute security detachments along the--lino of tho X River. Timo of withdrawal will bo given X in a later order, Sector boundaries will bo as follows: Botwoan tho Right and Center Sector Units: A lino passing through tho eastern edge of XX, xvostorn odgo of Y and eactora Y edge of ZZ. Tho aroas'along the lino will bo included in the responsibility of the Right Sector Unit, ' Between the Left and Center Soctor Units: A line passing through eastern edge of X and YY, X 10. +#i element of the Artillery will occupy positions in the vicinity of X and Y so as to furnish support to the Loft X Y Sector Unit while the main strength of tho Artillery will occupy positions in Y and Z areas, so as to furnish support to Y Z the Center Sector. Fire support will bo rendered as follows: a. B sunsetj the Field Artillery will detail (2) batteries
y to X vicinity and (l) battery to Y vicinity to cover our ad X Y vancing units and interrupt the enemy approach,
b. The enemy will bo checked in front of the outpost posi tions with the fire of (4) batteries. The main strength will
use every opportunity to neutralize tho hostile a r t i l l e r y ,
c. The preparations, for an attack by the enemy will be hind ered,* In the ovent onemy movements indicate imminent attack,
mass fire upon XX, YY, and Z areas and interrupt hostile plans
Z to the maximum.
d. The Artillery will check the enemy in front of the main
battle position. For this purpose the fire of (3) battalions
will bo massed in front of the Center Sector, while the fire of
(l) battalion will be massed in-front of the Loft Sector. De pending upon the situation, be prepared to mass tho fire of an
additional battalion on tho front of the Loft Sector.
e. The J.rtillcry will check the enemy penetrating the main
battle position. The fire of approximately (2) battalions will
be massed on the front of the Center Sector, while the fire of
approximately (l) battalion will bo placed on the front of the-
Left Sector,
f. Furnish direct support in order to shift to tho offensive. To tho Center Soctor furnish tho fire of approximately (l) battalion, while to tho Loft Sector furnish the fire of approx inc.t ely (3 ) batta 1 i ons g. B sunsot an element of the field a r t i l l e r y will bo y assigned to flank'defense of the Center and.Loft Sector Units while (l) battery of Mountain Artillery will be prepared for attachment to the Center Sector for the purpose of anti-tank defence. The time for attachment will bo given in a later orders 9.

- 87

h. Preparations will be fired on YY today, between the hours

XX and XX,
i. For the purpose of this engagement the ammunition allotted
will be (6) units of fire,
11, The Engineer Unit will assist the Artillery in the occupa tion of positions q n will take steps to repair the road from
.d XX to YY,, The 3rd Battalion, 2nd Infantry will assist the Cen ter Sector in construction work.
12, The Reserve will take positions in the XX vicinity,

13, T e : Antiaircraft" Unit will occupy positions in the aroa

h.. XX and YY'.and engage in air defense missions,
14?.. The Communication Detachment will establish oannmmi&ations
between the Division Command Post at XX, each Sector Unit Com .mander, Artillory Commander, and the Reserve,
15. The Medical Unit .will establish dressing stations at XX
with an element and at XX with the main strength.
.A l6f ' . Field Hospital will'be established at XX' and YY,
,17, By 1300 the Advance Transport will establish ammunition
distributing points as indicated below:
, Infantry ammunition 1 XX and YY Artillery ammunition ~ X X Village 18. I will bo at XX. Village Lieutenant General XX
Division Commander. Distribution: 50, (Omitt Gd).

An Example of a Division Order for Occupying a Position,

Center Sector Unit
10 May, 19__, 1230
Enomy situation (omitted) Tho Main Strength of our Cavalry is at the present time engaging slightly superior enomy forces in the vicinity of X X whilo other elements are engaging slightly superior enemy forces at X Village, In case the enemy exerts pressure (at both X points) tho Cavalry will i/it lid raw to the vicinity of X X Vil X lage" and .protect the right flank of the Division, The Division Trill seize the positions oxtending from tho vicinity of X X 1,

- 88

h i l l (mountain) through XX, YY, and Z to the- vicinity of Z SS, await an opportunity, and attack from tho direction of tho Right Wing. 2. Tho X Brigade will form tho Center Sector Unit and will X X attempt to soizo tho positions in the area extending from X through the northern edge of X and X to XX. X X Tho^ Right Sector Unit (2nd Bn (less (?) Companies) Tst Infantry; (l) "platoon Mountain Artillory) will seize tho area in the vicinity of X and tho plateau southeast of XX, X The a r t i l l e r y platoon will especially cover'this sector front from the flank. The Loft Sector Unit ( X - X Units) will maintain contact with X X 'oho loft flank of t h i s Sector and will seize the area extending from northern edge of X through the crest lino of the plateau X west of X Village to h i l l 205, It will especially covor the X depression area on the loft flank of t h i s Sector. The main strength of the Division Artillery will occupy positions in the area to our roar and will ohiefly support this Sector in the action. 3. 1st Infantry (loss 3rd.Battalion) will deploy in the area extending from X through the cemetery southwest of X to the X X vicinity of tho northern edge of the woods, ncrthoast of XK, With an element i t ' w i l l cover the area on the left front of the Right Sector Unit as well as the area on the right front of the 2nd Infantry. 4. The 2nd Infantry will cooperate with t^io 1st Infantry in seizing the positions extending through X . and Z and X and es X Z X pecially, with certain elements, seize tho area in the vicinity of XX, and cover tho front of the 1st Infantry. 5. The boundaries twtwjon the Right and Loft Sector Units of tho Division and both Regiments and tho boundary between Regiments : arc C.Q folloi/s: Right Sector Unit and 1st Infantry: 1st Infantry and 2nd Infantry: 2nd Infantry and Loft Sector Unit: ' The lino connecting t h j east odgo of XX, west odgj XX, and tho oast odgo of X X The lino connecting tho west edges of J . XX, Z and YY. Z Tho lino connecting tho eastern odgo of X and 00. Tho aroa along tho lino is X tho responsibility of tho unit on tho right,

6f Both front lino regiments will establish outguards as fol lows :

- 89

1st Infantry_ with, approximately. ,(l) Company of Infantry and ( l ) machine gun platoon a long the loft bank of X river with i t s X maiii strength located at -ZX. End Infantjry with approximately ( l ) Battalion (loss (2) com panies") along tho loft bank of X riv^r. A dotaohmont located X in tii i v i c i n i t y of the right bank of XX river w i l l roconnoitor tho XX area. The Division A r t i l l e r y with an element w i l l occupy positions in t h j v i c i n i t y of X during thJ.- i n i t i a l stages of tho action X t c interrupt tho h o s t i l e communications and with approximately ( l ) b a t t a l i o n of tho zone of 4ofonso a r t i l l e r y w i l l support tho out pest in i t s action. A dofinite hour for withdrawal of out .guards w i l l bo announced l a t e r . 7. Each unit w i l l conceal i t s positions with tho utmost care and' a l l construction w i l l tako place a f t e r sundown. Tho construction material for positions w i l l ' bo distributed at X X at 1700. * 8* ' -The 3rd b a t t a l i o n 1st Infantry and a platoon of Enginejrs will'form the Sector Reserve and w i l l bo located at XX. Hi7w:/vor, the Infantry/ and Enginjors v/iil proceed t c YJl after constructing pcsiti^L.3 in tho direction of XXi in the areas of"-XX and XX, -before dawn, tom&rrovr. 9. Communications Detachments of both regiments w i l l construct the' following n e t : The 1st Infantry communication d e t a i l w i l l e r t a b l i s h communi cations betT/.,en Brigade Headquarters 'and th^ Reserve in the v i c i n i t y of X before dawn, tomorrow. X The 2nd Infantry communication d e t a i l w i l l establish communi cations between Brigade Headquarters and the Commander of the Outpost, 2nd Infantry, in the XX v i c i n i t y . 10, I w i l l now go t o ZZ through X X ,and YY. At 2100 send a XX messenger t o t h e above location, Major General XX, Centsr Sector Commander Distributions Assemble the recipients of orders of a l l units verbal i n s t r u c t i o n s . and issue

59, An Example of a Division A r t i l l e r y Order t o Support the Occu pation of a Position. XX A r t i l l e r y AT: IX 10 -May, 19 ; 1200

- 90 -,

1. Approximately one division of the enemy is- advancing on the XX-YY-ZZ roads, while an additional force of at least (6) or (7) infantry battalions with approximately (20) guns ars ad vancing on X village, X town, and X village roads. At 1000 X today, ths. 10th, the leading elements consisting of an infantry unit passed XX-and YY. At present the main strength of our cavalry is located in -the. vicinity of XX, while othor elements of tho unit are located in the vicinity of X village. Slightly superior enemy forces X have been encountered. If pressed by the enemy the cavalry will withdraw to tho vicinity of X X village and protect the rifdit X flank of the Division. 2. Tho Division will occupy positions in.tho area extending
from tha vicinity of X mountain, through ZZ, YY, and XX, seiz X ing t i u opportunity, it will take the offensive from tho direc tion of tho Loft V/ing Sector.
a. Tho Right Sector (1st Battalion, 1st Infantry (less 3rd
and 4th Companies), (1) platoon Mountain A r t i l l e r y ; w i l l
strongly occupy tho area in the vicinity of X and the plateau
X southeast of XX.
b. The Center Sector (1st Infantry (loss the 1st Battalion
(loss 3r3~crn3~"^n""~Comp"anios)), 2nd Infantry) will occupy tho
aroa extending from X to X through tho northern odgo of Y X X Y
and ZZ.
c. Tho Loft Sector^ (3rd Battalion 3rd Infantry, 4th Infen try) will"ccbJDjrc.tb'"wr5ch tho loft flank of tho Contor Sector and occupy tho aro'a oxtonding from tho north odgj of X t o Hill X 205 through.tho crest lino along tho platoau west of X village, X d. Each Sector will post security detachments along tho /I'"
o, Tho boundaries botwo^n Sectors aro as follows:
, Rj.^i^nd_ ^Cont jr Sootorsj Lino connecting the eastern odgo of XX, western jdgo of XX, and tho oastorn -dgo of Loft and Center Sectors % Line connecting tho oastjrn edgb' OFYY ancf XX." 3. The Artillery will occupy positions rath an olomont in tho vicinity ...f IX and SI, and with i t s main ctrongth in tho Z Z and Y aroas. It will covor tho Advanco Body and harass tho Y hestilo approach. As tho onom}r approaches, tho main strongth will support tho Contor Soctor while othor olaments support tho Ljft Soctor in tho action. 4, ^}^^^'bMJtetta.lion will revert to the control of the Regiment after occupying and withdrawing from covering positions and will occupy the area between YY, ZZ, and TT, t o carry out the follow ing missions; a. One batten/ will be immediately dispatched to the X X

- 91

vicinity to cover the Advance Party and harass.the hostile

b. To delay the enemy in front of the outpost position of
the Center Sector.
o. To furnish direct support to the Center Sector as the
enemy attacks the main defensive zone,
d. At the time of the shift from the defensive to the
offensive, the main strength will furnish direct support to the '
Center Septojp while one element will neutralize the hostile
L artillery.
i. ' ' ' . '

5.. The 2nd Jtattalion will occupy positions in the area

between XX, " Y and Z and carry out tho following missions;
Y Z a. Two battorios will be dispatched immediately to the X X ; vicinity to cover the Advance Party and -harA&s the hostile approach, , V b. Obstruct the. enemy preparations for attack in the vi cinity of YY, Z and. T and neutralize his a r t i l l e r y .
Z T e. .During tho onomy attack on our-main defensive zono, fur nish direct supnort to tho Center Sector, and at tho ap-oro;oriate timo furnish diroct- support to tho Loft Sector, d. During the shift from tho defensive to offensive, tho
main strength will 'furnish direct supDO.rt.to tho Loft Soctor,
S. T h 1st Mountain _Artillory Battalion (loss one platoon) _o will occupy,, posit :;.ons in th3 vicinity ; of X and carry out tho X
missions: ', -;:=.

..Oiio battery will chock tha onomy in. front of tho outpost of thp Ljft Sector, ' " . . b , , Furnish, diroct support, to tho Cmtor Soctor during tho hostllo attow.ck on our main djf onsivo zon-o, . c. Purni.sh diroct sunport IJO'tho Loft Soctor during tho
shift from.'.tho dofonsivo t a tho offonslvo.
7,- Th^^lst^ H_javy^ F^?}r-^J^^^?,^F. ^^^J:PJ^^^ occupy posi tions in tho aroa botwoon ZZ, YY" and TT and carry out tho f ollowi ing missionss
a. Obstruct tho hostile preparations for attack in tho vici-.
nity of TT, YY, cmd ZZ and neutralize tho Jiiomy artillory.
b. Uoutralizo, tho hostile artillory and succossivol^r fur nish diroct support to thu Center Sector during tho onomy
attack on cur main defensive zone,
o. At the time of shift from defensive to offensive action
the main strength will furnish direct support to the Left
Sector while an el3ment' will- neutralize the enemy artillery.
8. The details concerning the massing and execution of fire
by each battalion during each phase of action will be indicated


The zone of action of each battaliojn will be as follows:

1st Battalion - Zor.3 of action of the Cent or and Left

2nd Battalion^- Entire zone of action. pFMpuntain_ Artillery__ BattaJLion_ - Zone of action of the Center and Left Sectors, 1st Heavy Field &rbi}-}25L J^*ii5. " E"tire zone of action,

10. The reconnaissance zone of'each battalion will be the same as the zones of action but the 2nd Battalion and the 1st Heavy Field Artillery Battalion will pay particular attention to location of hostile a r t i l l e r y , 11. Each battalion will conceal i t s preparations for establish ment of positions as much as possible during daylight and 'at sundown.the main strength will move *to positions, completing occupation by 2000. The 2nd Battalion and the 1st Mountain Artillery Battalion will prepare to r>lace' harassing fire on the billeting area and interdiction f i r e on the hostile communica tions- in the areas ZZ, TT4 X and PP, simultaneously. For X this puriDOs-3 i t is permissablo to move into positions before sunset if it-, is necessary. 12. Survey operations will be coordinated and executed by
a l l units.
Tho officjr in charge of the Regimontal Observation Detail will tak.3 charge of the Regimental Observation Party and such parts of tho details of oach battalion as aro necessary to carry out th-j survey operations, GO as. to enable the Artiiljry to execute transition firos by dawn tomorrow. Successive operations will bo carried out during tho time available so as to increase tho accuracy of tho survey as much as possible. Tho ossontial area for survey is that area wost of tho ZZ-TT road, between tho outpost positions and tho main defensive zone-. Captain X, tho Commandjr of tho Rop; 3m .natal Observation Doto.il will fur nish th3 information concerning the orientation and work to bo TJorformod, 13. Tho Communications Not will be completed by 1700 in accord ance v/ith tho following plans
a *
Ylj-Tj p.opmwnipfition: Lines botwjon Regimental Headquar t e r s and various battalions to bo installed by oacrh battalion. Lines between Regimental Headquc.rtors and sectors to bo insto.llod by Rogimont. Linos between battalions will bo installed by tho unit on tho I j f t . Linos botv/jGii the floavy Fiold Artillory Battalion and tho 1st Fiold Artillory and tho 1st Mountain Artillery Battalion

- 93

w i l l bo installed by tho Hoavy Field Artillory Battalion. Linos between tho 1st.Battalion and tho Heavy Field Artillery Battalion will bo installed by the 1st Battalion. b. Wireless Communication: Air-greund liaison will bo ostabli'shod* by* tho Rogiment" and oaoh Battalion Headquarters by 1500. Communications will bo established between Regiment and Battalions by 1700, c. Liaison; 1st Battalion will establish liaison with the Left Regiment, Cent ^r Sector. ' .. 1st Mountain Artillery Battalion will establish liaison with. both regiments of tho Loft Sector, Tho Regimental Commuriicaticns Officer will furnish tho neces sary d e t a i l s . 14. A (30) minute preparation will bo carried out commencing
at X hour, today, tho (date) and details will bo indicated
X separately,
15. I.ho ammunition to b..; .expended in this engagement will be
approximately (6) units of f i r e .
16. Tho Ammunition Trains of tho Fiold Artillery Rogimont,
Mount a in Artillery Regiment, and th~ Heavy Fiold Artillery
Rogimont will bo located at XX, YY, and Z respectively.
Z The ammunition distributing points for the Division will bo at
X and XX,
X 17. I am at YY. Sund'a recipient for orders at 1700,
Colonel X X :Commo.nder, Fiold Artillory Unit Distributions UnitCommanders will be assembled and verbal instructions : issued, 60., An Example of cin' Infantry Battalion Order for Occupying a Position. H- 2nd "Battalion 1st Inf. C 4 Plateau south of M E A A AH H 1 February, 19_ , 0930 1, The enemy directly on our front began-a v/estrirard movomont at about 0700. The Divisi'.n will occupy positions in the area extending from the platoau southwrest cf Shoshiga Pond to Ebigacaki through -(plat jau south of Maohara), Takidai, and Shichirin and upon the arrival of a l l units v/ill shift, to the offensive.

- 94

The Cavalry is opposing tho enemy cavalry at tho lino Usui - Noborito, Ono Infantry Brigade will form tho Right Sector Unit of t h Division with tho 1st Infantry on tho right front. 2. This battalion on tho loft front of tho regiment attempt to occupy tho .position botwoon Fudaba and tho eastern odgo of Maehara, Tho front of the barrage will bo along tho lino X X X XX, Tho Infantry Gun Unit (less (l) Platoon) and (l) platoon of Engineers will be attached. The 1st Battalion will occupy the plateau southwest o Shoshiga Pond and part of i t s machine gun unit will defend the right flank of this battalion. The unit on the left will occupy positions extending from X to X X and with an element of i t s strength will cover the X X front of this Battalion, The boundary between the 1st and 2nd Battalions will be the line joining the western edge of Fuclaba, southern edge of the Railroad Regiment9 Eokuda Shrine which is located on the northern edge of Kukuda, and the northern edges of Nakanogi, Maahara, and Fujisaki, The 3rd and the 4th Companies will be posted as out guards in t i p vicinity of the plateau west of Fujisaki, The 2nd Battalion X Field Artillery will occupy positions X in the X and X X vicinity, and will cover the area on the X X direct front of this Battalion, Besides covering the area of the depression directly in front of the position and the western edges of the depressions in the vicinity of Fujisaki and Kukuda, the fire of (2") batteries will be placed on the front of the 5th and 6th Companies, while the fire of (3) batteries will be placed on tho front of the 7th Company, In caso of necessity the fire of (6) batteries will be placed in the area couth of tbo lino connecting Shojigaike (on the Map) and tho northern edgo of Fujisaki plateau. The observation posts for the a r t i l l e r y units may be established on the line of tho front line units. In anticipation of an attack by hostile tank units a position for ono gun w i l l be selected in the v i cinity of tho ncrfchorn odp^o of Maehara, 3. Tho front lino will be occupied by tho 5th4 6th, and tho 7th Companies. Tho 5th Company will occupy positions extending from the southorn odgo of Fudaba to tho octet era odge of Bosa (a fruit orchard on tho S T odgo of Maohara), V Tho field of f i r e will bo tho aroa inclosed by tho lino connecting the wostern edgo of Fudaba with tho oastom edgo of Tanizu and tho lino connect ing tho odgo of.that village (in tho vicinity of tho gendarme station) with Bosa, An olomont will protect the front of tho

~ 95

61*fa..Company Against"..,.a flank attacks :'A"squad of Engineers

w i l l fee sELtttccJidd-. 'v . -. ..Thereth .Company:'Vill occupy cue center oi-tiie sector on
. the lfcftToiF'tEie 5th Company- with positions extending from the f lc-nk'.of'that Company to the main road e<_st of the plateau. The field of f i r e will "be the aroa cxt^-ding-fr-oa the shed used, aa a lookrout, 100 meters r i ^ t of the station to the line connecting the left flank- of t h i s Company posi tion with the northern edge of the v i l l a g e , (south of . Fujisaki plateau.) The; flank .'of the 5th Company will "be covered ;by an element
of the unit to furnish protection from a hostile attack.
The 7th Company on the l e f t will occupy .positions extend-
in g~TrorOfhirTTcTnity of the plateau "beyond the eastern side
of tho main road to the northeastern jdge if Kaohara. [The
plateau approximately 150 motors high is a .*.th of the T shaped
road junction ou the ftijo Rood, on tha eastern edgj-of
Maehara). The field * f i r e will "be the arcn "betvreen the l i n e
> connecting the left flank of tho position t > tiw northern edge
: of Fujisaki plateau caic the line along- the main road on the
right flank of the company position.
]a'Ch front line company will establish listening po'sts on "' the X . -ncl Y li;-- < n k^ep and^r otservatio.- th area "betwvien X Y ^d t h i s linp. .and the lihzi I C Y S3.;arate instruct ions will "be G "Y ibVujd "covering the withdrav;al. 4. One platoon of the" Machine Gu Company will occupy a posi -n tion in the v i c i n i t y of the southern <2dg^ of Fudaba and deliver sweeping f i r e in the area, s mth of the railroad l i n e , on the right front'6f t h i s battalion, wh^le the lowlands directly in front of the.position w i l l also be'covered. The remainder of the Machiae Gun Company will occupy positions in th*= v i c i n i t y south of the grammar school (right flank posi-. tion of the 5th Company) ana bring under fir6 hostile elements advancing towa-rds.-the" right flank-of the b a t t a l i o n , while-the lowlands directly".iii'fryu t t of thi-positi-jn '.-ill r.lso be. covcrrcd. 5. Th3 Infantry (Jun Unit will occupy positions as follows: a. Ihe 2nd Platoon will occupy a position "in the" vicinity of" the.T shopud road junction a t ' N i j o , .southeast of M&vhara, so as-to firo against j'n^my .. machine guns appearing on'inw lft front of the __... battalion in thj- aroo uast of the Tsudahuma Village. b. T 1st Platoon will occupy a position in the h3 vicinity of tho southern edge of.Fadaba so as tp_# fir<^ against <jn<3my .ma-chihe' guns appearing'.in front of t h e ' r i g h t flank, of ths 'battalion in t,he ~area south o-f :tii<3 "Hig^shi^Gand Road'. . : * ' '

6 > During the construction of positions the possibility

, of enemy tank attacks will " e carefully considered. As
b soon as possible.a wire entanglement supply detail will
" e .sent to the railroad'crossing (300) meters'north of
b Daishufcu. The amount of material allotted is (300) meters
~ 5 )
for the 5th Company (350) meters for 6th Company, and ( 3 0 meters for 7th Company. This material is sufficient for
the installation of (3) lines;
7. The 8th' Company is designated the Reserve and will " e
b located at" Nakanogi.
.8. The Battalion Headqua'rters will be located at Hakanogi.
I will be at Hakanogl after inspecting the positions.
Major XX . ; . .
Commander 2nd Bri, 1st. Inf.
I will assemble4the unit Commanders and issue verbal
instructions,making the necessary changes after inspect ing- the position,
61. An Example of a Field Artillery Battalion Order for- ecupy* ing a Position..
Hq. 1st Field Artillery Bn
10 March 1 9 _ , 0900
1. The head of the enemy column which is'advancing on- the
1r lf A road will reach XXX at 1100. :
. . The detached force will occupy a positionvalong the -line
- . C, G, D, and E, After the enemy is overwhelmed by fire power
the offensive will be assumed in the direction of D-and 3 .
P 'The Eight Sector Unit ( 1 t Infantry less (l).Battalion) will
.s occupy positions in the area between" C and G; the Left Sector
Unit (2nd Infantry) will occupy positions in the area between

' H and E. ' ' .

3, This Battalion will occupy in the vicinity of Q, and with of B, so as to concentrate i t s ,. between H Road and If River and f the vicinity !of Et 3.

positions with the main strength other elements in the vicinity entire fire power in the area especially-cover the area in

Each Battery will* occupy po~sitions as follows; , 1st Battery In woods east of Q with then Observation Post in the vicinity of the eastern edge of Jn Plateau.. 2nd Battery -* In the pine grove west of ^ with the Obseiv vation Post in the vicinity of tyie western edge of "J? Plateau. 3rd Battery *t Jn the depression area southeast of C. Make preparations to cover the front of the positions in the vicinity of Dt - 97

As the enemy approaches, the 1st'and 2nd teatttrios vrill be prepared to change positions successively to the aron. iT: the ; . ' ' '" ' ' , vicinity of Q ?md G-. 4, The route of approach to be follo'-ed. by. tee .,1st ^nd 2nd Batteries is the FQ Roed. _As soon as the reconnp.ifrsar.ee has been completed, the occupation of positions will be made.. 5. The Reconnaissance'Officer r i l l indicate the areas to be reconnoitered and the preparations to be.made<for, open- : ing f i r e . 6. The Battalion Ammunition Train './ill be located in the area on the south side of X Village. 7. Allotment of 'ammunition: For each 'gun, X rounds (Shrap nel, X rounds, Shell,1 X rounds). 8. The Battalion Command Post will be established in the center of MJn Plateau. The 1st Battery \ ; i l l d e t a i l (l) officer, (1) non-comis sioned'officer, and (2) privates with (l) B. C. Telescope as an' observation party at T Plateau. The telephone lines botv/een the Battalion Command Post and the Observation Party at T^Plateau will be installed by the Battalion Detail. AH Batteries will lay telephone linos t c the Batt al^ioii Command Post. Major X,
Commanding .
Distribution; "Assemble all Batt-ery' Commanders and the Bat-. ,
talien Ammunition Train-Commander'oh the<" "J" Plateau and issue-
verbal instructions. . >
62. An Example of a Division OrdeT Relative- to. a Counter Offensive,
HQ-.lst Division
' Place' ,XX
: Day, mdnth, 19_ , 0,900
Operation'1 Order""Mo"'.- 2
1. The enemy situation (omitted)

2. At dav;n tomorrov the Division vail assume the- offensive from the area of the lUght u'ing, forcing the enemy nain strength into'X/. "and'annihilating him1. - The main direction of attack \;ill-bfo from V to XX.

-- 98

3. The 1st Infantry Brigade Commander will command tho Right Wing composed of the former Right Sector Unit and the former Center Sector Units. At the present positions preparations v;ill be made for tho attack tomorrow morning. The 1st Bat tery, Mountain Artillery in the X vicinity, will be attached.. X 4. Tho 4th Infantry Regimental Commander r i l l command the Loft Jing composed of the former Left Sector Units.. Prepara tions for the attack on the following morning at the present positions, 'Till be made, T:ith special emphasis placed on the right flank, 5. The definite time of the-attack of both "ing Units v.dll
be indicated in separate orders.
6. The boundary of the zones of action between both ining Units vtf.ll be the line passing through the eastern edge of XX, east ern edge of Y and the rest em edge of ZZ. Y 7. Tonight, elements of the Artillery (less? tho 1st Battery Mountain Artillery) r i l l move positions to the vicinity of X to comnicnce firing at darn tomorrov. After neutralizing X the enemy a r t i l l e r y the fire of rpproximately (3) battalions will b..i placed in direct support of the Eight I.ing and approximately (1) battalion v.lll furnish direct support to the- Left .'/ing. If both Vving Units advance to the X vicinity, X tho Artillery v;ill advance successively to that' vicinity. It "..'ill support the subsequent attack and ;,ill especially be
prepared to attach approximately 11) battalion of iviountain
Artillery to tho Right wing and approximately (l) battery to
the Left .Ving.- 8 The Engineer Unit \.ill be located in the vicinity of X X
and at the opportune time '.;ill assist in the movement' of the
Artillery, ' '
9. A squadron of the Air Unit u i l l rcconnoiter the enemy
situation in thcYY area at da:;n, tomorrow. Tv;o planes r a i l '
cooperate vith tho Artillery.
10. The Reserve './ill move to the vicinity of Y by da-.m, t o Y morrow;. Prepare to move to tho right flank of the Right Wing. 11. The Cavalry - i l l harass tho hostile left flank from the direction of XX. 12. The Communications Unit v i l l make preparations to extend a single circuit from X to XX, X 15. The Medical ^nit located in the rear of the Left Sector v;ill complete the evacuation of casualties a? soon ar possi ble and by dam, r i l l be established at X X . X X

- 99

14. I Trill be at my present location and vrill move t o the XX plateau by davm tomorrow. Lt. G-onoral XX, Coiamandi ng Distribution: Assemble recipients of orders of a l l units and issue vorbr.l i n s t r u c t i o n s . SECTION VII PURSUIT 63. An Example of p Division Order to Designate the Zones of Action for Pursuit, Hq 1st Division At X X 16 May 19 , 1630 Operation Order No. X 1. The enemy on our front has begun to r e t r e a t .

2. This Division ' - i l l poize and annihilate the enemy in the are--1. e~st of the pl~toau, north of Village A. 3. The O v a l r y -."ill immediately move t o the vicinity of e B and cut the enemy route of r e t r e a t .

4 . The 4th Infantry ( I G P F 3rd 3-ttalion) - i l l form the Right Pursuit force end ' " i l l pursue the enemy so ns to cut off iiiimedi-tely his. route of r e t r e a t from the area Village G - Village D i-voad. (l) squad of Cavalry, (2) Batteries of Field A r t i l l e r y , one platoon of J&igineers and one wireless set will bo attached t o the 4th Infantry at X hour in X area. 5 . The Right '"ing unit -..ill rapidly pursue the enemy t p '.;ards Village A. 6. The Left '/ing Unit T ..ill rapidly pursue the enemy to-..-r:rds the l i n e E-F. 7. The boundary between the zones of action of both V/ing* Units v i l l bo extended from XX to XX. , 8. The Artillery, -s the front l i n e u n i t s continue the pur suit, r i l l make displacements for.;ard in the area along the XX highv/ay and support them in the action. Fire v i l l be

- 100

particularly placed in the vicinity of YJL bridge in order to intercept tho hostile r e t r e a t . T\/o Batteries of Field Artillery u i l l iMiicdiately be attached at X place to the X Pursuit Unit. 9. The Engineer Unit (less (2) platoons) v.ill' as soon as possible remove tho obstacles from the route of advance and \ d l l f a c i l i t a t e the movement-of the Artillery in particular. 10. The 3rd Battalion 4th Infantry comprising the Reserve -.Till advance in tho rear of the Left Wing in the direction of XX. 11. I r i l l for the time being remain at m present location, y and u i l l l a t e r proceed t o the northern edge of Village A via X the X Ro?d. I t . General XX, Commanding D^istjribut.ion: Aii outline ^ i l l be sent by telephone and s i multaneously, a ptiff officer -111 be dispatched t o each Wing Unit and the adjutant to the Artillery and Engineer Units to issue verbal instructions. Written orders r i l l be fur nishod the Cavalry, instructions to the 4th Infantry (Right I-ursuit Force) v;ill be ir-uod through tho Liaison Officer of tiict Unit. 64. Items to be Covered in a division Order t o Organize a Pursuit Unit. 1. 2. Enemy situation

CommarELor's Plan. When nocossary items pertaining to the pursuit of adja cent u n i t s . *

3. Organization and mission of the Pursuit Unit. (The composition, tho location v;here the Artillery and other units come under control of the Pursuit Coiamander, routes, pursuit objectives, and boundaries e t c . , if necessary). 4. Location of Division Commander and if necessary, the movements, tho methods of liaison, the place to v;hich messages are to be delivered, etc. Essential factors to be indicated in the order to a l l . u n i t s at the time of pursuit. I. i^.ieny situation

- 101


Command er ? s Plan lteris pertaining to the movement of the Pursuit i t s subordinate u n i t s .

r_it and

3 . movement of e l l (regiments) u n i t s . (designation of the pursuit sector end indication of the objectives, instructions concern ing the assembly, and the place uhoro the Cavalry and A r t i l l e r y come under the control of the Pursuit Commander.) 4. -Location of the Conraander, llf necessary his movements, the method of communication and place t o which messages are to be sent.) 65. An ibcaiiiple of a Division Order Issued t o the Cavalry Com mander ( Jho Has Been Assigned t o Harass the Hostile Right Flank and Roar) EQ, 1st Division North Edge of A Village 16 May 19 , 1200 Operation Order I o - Part I T 1. The enemy is <;;ithd raving in the direction of N tov/n, passing through the area along t he XJ- road, J, i,j, N, v i l l a g e roads and K, IvI, N, village roads and K, M, N, torn roads. 2. The- Division is preparing t o pursue the oiiomy to-rare? the l i n e of the X r i v e r . The Right J^]^rsuit_JJ_n_lt m i l pursue so ->s t o close in on the left rear flnnk of the enemy from the direction of C-D Village road r h i l e the Center^ and Left Pursuit Unit? pursue in the are P p a r a l l e l to the E, M, I K torn road and the Z^ I i h 3. The Cavalry --.-ill iirmiediately pursue the enemy in the area extending from the right bank of t h e S lUver in the direction of "Zvt tovv-n and cut off h i s route of r e t r e a t . The 3rd Battalion, 4-th Infantry (light pack) one battery of Field A r t i l l e r y , and one platoon of Lnsineurs i^ill over take and come under the control of the Cavalry in the d i r e c tion of Village B. 4. I -.;ill be in r;_ar of t h e Center Pursuit Unit and '.Till ad vance on the X road. X Lt. G on oral ILL, Commanding ' Distribution: Verbal orders by t h e adjutant.

66. An Example of a Division Order Issued to the Comr/iander, 4th Infantry (Reserve) Coiamanding Tho Right Pursuit Unit.

- 102

H 1st Division Q Northern edge of Village A 15 May 19__, 1200 Operation Order A 1. Enemy situation (8 ame as above)

2. Tlio Division r i l l prepare to pursue the enemy toward X River. The Cavalry r i l l pursue the hostile force fron the area along the right bar.k of the S River in the direction of Z town and cut off hip route of r e t r e a t . The Center and Left Pursuit Parties v/ill pursue the iiemy in the- area along the X Road and K, l^ 11 torn roads, to X . ward the X River line. 3. The 4th Infantry I less 3rd iir.ttalion) is designated the Right Pursuit Unit, c;id \ , i l l pursue the enemy toward E toun so as to cut off his route of retreat from the are* C v i l lage D Villago Road. Tv;o battories of the /iold a r t i l l e r y and one Platoon of the Engineers will COLIC under tho command of the Infantry Comr/iander at XX. 4. I u i l l be in roar of tha Center Pursuit.Unit and will proceed on X Highway. X Lt. General XX, Commanding Distributiont Verbal instructions v.lll bo issued to the Regimental Adjutants after telephoning' an outline of tho subject n a t t e r . 67. An Example of a Division Order Issued to the Commander,
1st Infantry Brigade (Right wing) Commanding the Center Pursuit
H 1st Division Q North .edge of Village A 16 May 19 , 1220 Operation Order Ko. 2A Pert III 1. Eiieriy situation (same as above)

2. The division is preparing to pursue the enemy, tovrnrd the line of tho X .uiver. The Right rUrsuit force r i l l folio;: the road "from C Vil lage to D Village, wliile the Left Pursuit force -.111 follow' the roaci from K-iv, Towns, both moving in the direction of thehigh ground oast of I mov/n. V

- 103

3. The 2nd Infantry Brigride Commander will command the 4th Infantry, ono squad of Cavalry, one b a t t a l i o n of Field A r t i l lery, one Battalion of Engineers (loss one company) and as the Center Pursuit Force, will foil017 the XX Highway toward the high ground oast of N Town. 4. I will proceed on XX Highway at the rear of the Center Pursuit Force. Lt General XX, Commending Distribution: Staff officer X v;ill issue verbal instructions,

68. An. Example of a -Division Order Issued t o the Commander, 2nd Infantry Brigade (Loft 'ing) Commanding the Left Pursuit Unit; and other Unit Commanders, KQ 1st Division 1'Iorth edge of Village A 16 May 1 9 _ , 1220' Operation Order iTo. 2A, P r r t ' I V 1. Enemy situation (same as above)

2. The -.division is preparing t o force the enemy to r e t r e a t in the direction of the line of X River. The Center Pursuit force Trill proceed or. the XX1 Highway, towards the high ground east of U Toun. 3. The 2nd Infantry Brigade Commander will command the 4th Infantry, one squad of Cavalry, one b a t t a l i o n of Field A r t i l lery (loss one b a t t e r y ) , and one platoon of Engineers, as the Center Pursuit Force. This force w i l l proceed on the road K-M-N towns toward the high ground east of N Town, 4 . The A r t i l l e r y will a l l o c a t e a part of i t s strength for attachment t o t h i s Pursuit Force while the remainder will proceed t o E Village and await further orders. 5. The remaining units will assemble in the v i c i n i t y of Village P and await further i n s t r u c t i o n s . 6. I w i l l proceed on the XX highway at the rear of the Center Pursuit Forco. Lt. General XX, Commanding Distrjbutijon: A staff officer w i l l issue instructions. TeTbaTly to~the 2nd Infentry Brigade Commander. The Adjutant

- 104

and a Unison Officer Trill transmit the orders to t h e A r t i l l e r y , Engineers, Connuriication Unit, o.iod tho Reserve* Note: I t i s understood that a l l units arc already familiar with the above pursuit force.

69. Arx.Exar.iplc; of c Division Order Issued t o t h e Medical Troops and i iold Hospitals. HQ, 1st Division North edge of A Village IS May 19 , 1230 Operation Order D - iMo. 2 - Part I 1. The "iJ" enemy.has retreated in tho direction of K To:;n.

2. This Division ; ; i l l attempt to pursue tho h o s t i l e elements along tho X River *..ith i t s main strength on the XX Highway and i.lth other olenonts on tho K-K-IJ tov:n road and C-D V i l lage road. 3. The Medical unit -..ill e.s soon as possible complete the treatment of p a t i e n t s raid folio-.; in the rear of the Division main strength by T.ay of tho XX X1ighv:ay through Village A. 4. The 1st and 2nd Field Hospitals, vrill assume the duties of the Mcdic.pl ^nit upon i t s departure and remain at prosent locations. 5.' I u i l l proceed on the XX Hi^hvay at the rear of t h e Center Pursuit Force. Lt. General XX, Coon ?. nd ing ij.i.stributi r pn: senger. V.'ritten order r i l l be- d i s t r i b u t e d by a mes .

70. Art Exawnlo of a Division Order IsFued-to the Field. Train and Transport Troops. HQ, 1st Division Horth. odge of A Village 6.1v'iay 19 , 1230 Operation Order D, IMO. 2 - Part 2 1. 2. iincny s i t u a t i o n loi.iittod) Sccic as in above order (omitted)

- 105

The Field Train will proceed toward Village A. 4. The Advance Transport will cove forward t o Village C for replenishment of ammunition. 5f The Transport will move out at once and proceed on the XX highway while one Field ^ s p i t a l will rapidly move forward. 6. I w i l l proceed along XX road at the r e a r of the Center Pursuit Force, Lt. General XX, Commanding Distribution: Forward through l i a i s o n personnel. SECTION VIII
v7ITHDRAi7AL 71. Items t o be Covered in n.n Order R e l a t i v e t o Withdrawal

A. Essential n a t t e r s which must be streesed in the orders given t o the Commander of the Covering Force in the event of with 1. General s i t u a t i o n .

2. Commander's plan, march objective of each column, withdrawal zone (or the road, and if necessary, the s t o r t i n g t i n e of rithdrawal, and order of withdrawal .etc,) 3. The mission and the positions of the Covering Force (composition and place where the A r t i l l e r y and. other units come under the control of the- Commander of the Covering Force.) 4. Location of the-Commander (especially his present location t i n e of departure and novorient will be clearly indicated) and methods of l i a i s o n . B. Essential matters which must bo streesed in the orders given to each unit in the event of withdrawal: 1, I f necessary, t h e general s i t u a t i o n . .

2. Commander's plan, covering troops, and t h e i r locations.

' 3 . Movement of each unit (each column) (march objective, withdrawal zone, or road, s t a r t i n g time of withdrawal, order of withdrawal, e t c . ) - 106

4. Commander's location. (Indicate the time of departure, present location, and. his movements.) Method of Liaison. (The tine and place to send the recipient to receive orders, as Trell as the location of the message center.) G. Essential natters rhich must be recorded in Joint Orders for vrithdraval. 1. 2. .3. 4'. 5. 6. Situation of enemy and friendly troops, Commanderf s plan. Items concering the Transport. Items concerning the Meld Train. Items concerning the Medical Troops. Items concerning the Covering Force (\;hen established.)

7. Items concerning each Unit (each column.) Matters to be indicated t o units other than the Cover ing Force., (march objective, zone of ..ithdrav;alor the road, departure time for withdrawal, order of withdrawal, et c.) 8. In the event of a withdrawal of front line units, the units v;hich must remain- and their movements. 9. Items concerning Signal Units (time of removal of communications net'. ) 10. Commanded s location or movement,s, (time of departure, present location, vrithdraral route)'.and methods of liaison. Note: Joint orders are usually issued in situations which .call for independent vithdraral at night. Before issuing this order, if it i s necessary, a gist of it r i H be furnished the proper coromander in advance. 72. A Example of a Complete Division Order for a tfight Withdrawal n H 1st Division Q At X X 19 Sept'"19_, 1700 Operation Order'A No. 2
1. The enemy strength on our front is composed of approxi mately two divisions and is generally'increasing in strength

- 107

on our Right Wing. The Army will temporarily withdraw to

the vicinity O the lino X, X, and X await the arrival of
f * rear elements, and formulate plans for future action*
2. This Division will avoid a decisive engagement with the enemy, withdraw toward the vicinity of X town, and protect X the flank of the Main Body of the Army. 3. The Transport will await sunset before commencing i t s movement, and will withdraw toward the area west of X X via the valley of the X River. I t r i l l cooperate with the X Field Hospital in evacuating patients to the rear. 4. The Field Train will await sunset before starting i t s
movement, follow the Transport, and withdraw toward the
X vicinity.
X 5. The Medical u n i t and Field Hospital r i l l , as soon as possible, complete treatment of patients, and withdraw re spectively towards the elementary school in X town and the X X XX X village via the X highway and X - X roadf. The Transport X Battalion Commander will be consulted pertaining to the eva cuation of patients. 6. Immediately after sunset, the Antiaircraft Unit will commence movement, engage in aerial defense in the vicinity of X bridge and cover the passage of the various units. X 7. The Artillery will move at 2200 from positions, withdraw ing toward X to the south edge of X town via X town. One X X X platoon of Engineers will be attached. 8. The Cavalry will withdraw at 2200 from i t s present posi tions to the vicinity of X via XX, and protect the Division X right flank. During withdrawal i t will maintain contact with the Right Sector Unit. 9. The Right Sector Unit will leave the front line at 2200 and withdraw to X and XX, one kilometer south of X X X town, -through area v;cst of X - X road. An element will XX X X withdraw to X via the area north of X highway and contact the Cavalry. 10. The Left Sector Unit r i l l move from the front line at
2200 and withdraw to X through the area east of XX, XX,
X and X roads (inclusive.) X '
11. Upon the withdraral of each unit from the front line, ' units will leave a small force in important points in the vicinity of present positions to cover the withdrawal move ment. These units r i l l rithdraw at daylight.

- 108

12. The Engineers w i l l demolish t h e b r i d g e s i n t h e v i c i n i t y X of X and XX, i n t e r c e p t t h e enemy advance and .at t h e same" t i m e , w i l l be e s p e c i a l l y assigned for t h e s e c u r i t y of t h e withdrawal r o u t e , t h e XX highway. 13. The Signal " u nit w i l l remove t h e cosimunication n e t , upon t h e withdrawal of various u n i t s . The 2nd Hadio Platoon v a i l , a f t e r sending deceptive messages, withdraw at 2300 t o XX. x 14. I w i l l remain a t my present p o s i t i o n and depart at 2230 for XXX. Dispatch r e c i p i e n t s t o XX a t 1600 t o r e c e i v e o r d e r s . Lt. General XX, Commanding D i s t r i b u t i o n : A summary w i l l f i r s t be d e l i v e r e d by t e l e 'phone and v e r b a l i n s t r u c t i o n s w i l l be i s s u e d t o r e c i p i e n t s of v a r i o u s u n i t s . SECTION IX


73. Items, t o be Covered in-an Order Relative t o B i l l e t i n g end Security. 1. 2. Summary- of enemy and friendly situations. Plans of the Commander.

3. The approximate positions of the Security Units (if necessary separate into cavalry, advance guard, outpost guards, flank guards, etc.) and duties (security zones, direction and areas to be especially scouted, and areas to be occupied, otc.) 4. Indicate .'the method's of billeting of billot ing area's, and ;t..hoir . sub-divisions, tary preparation necessary, Commander of and assembly point in case of emergency, various units, the degree of mili tho billeting area, otc.

5. If necessary matters pertaining .to communications and air defense. 6. Matters-pertaining .to .the typos of supplies and the re pienishnont of provisions and forage. 7. Matters pertaining, to t h e . b i l l e t i n g ar.ea..of tho Transport, tho supply of rations, and forage, and if necessary, tho"' '"' " billeting area for the Field Trains. 109 -


Location of the Commander.

Essential natters to be recorded in Advance Guard Orders nhich P.re issued- for the purpose of billeting. To the Outpost Commanders: 1. General situation (enemy situation, the location of our forces, condition of -cavalry, e t c . , unit vrithwhieh contact is to bo maintained, and the locations of i t s out guards) 2. The plans of the Advance Guard Commander and the loca tion of the M a'in Body of the Advance Guard 3. Composition, duties, and movements of the Outpost. ^especially indicate matters pertaining to reconnaissance, security and air defense, and precautionary actions t.o be taken in case of hostile assault, etc.) 4. If a separate security detachment is 'despatched directly from the rear echelon ('such as the'Main Body' of the Advance Guard) the number of t h i s unit and mission will be indicated. 5. 6. 7. Items concerning communications. Items concerning supply. Location of tho Advance Guard Commander.

Noto: If there are to be two or more outpost areas designated, the boundaries must be-shovn. Important items concerning liaison will also be indicated. For the unit not used as an outguard , 1 , General Situation (matters pertaining to outmost units, enemy situation, .p.nd location of friendly, main force.) , 2. Plan of the Advance Guard Cowmand^er

3. The billeting area and the billeting orders of the Main 3ody of the Advance Guard. If necessary include the appointment of a billeting officer. The decree or ex tent of military precautions. 4. The steps v;hich should be takoii by the i-Ir.in -Body of the Advance Guard in cast of emergency. 5. bupply methods; if necessary include items pertain ing to a i r and gas defense.

. - 110.

6* The time at which the recipients of the order should be sent out and the location of the Advance Guard Commander etc. Essential items to be recorded in the Outpost Order. 1. General situation (the enemy situation, the positions of-..the friendly Main Froce, thfa Main Body of the Advance Guard and the situation of the Cavalry and other units on the front and the location of the adjacent outposts*) 2. 3. Plan of the Advance Guard Commander* Mssion of tfhe Cavalry.

4 The composition, duties, and movements of, the .security detachments dispatched from an Outpost Company ard those dispai/ched from the Outpost Reserve. (The items include the location,security zones and the steps to be taken in case of enemy assaults, if necessary the outpost line'of resistance,, and in some cases the out&uard line, especially the key positions to be i ecor.noitered, and the dispositions for air and gas defense.) 5 6. 7. Location of the'Outpost Reserve. The f a c i l i t i e s for communication.

The location of the Outpost Commander The following orders are toiven irmodiately at the actual position or simultaneously with the issuing of the above orders: ' . " . ' ; ' a. If a unit is dispatched to assist the Outpost Company, order i t s movement. b . Order those matters which corcern the action of machine j_.uns, infantry b uns, a r t i l l e r y , engineers, e t c . , which have relation to the Outpost Company and Pickets,. c. Order essential matters concerning the degree and extent of security. cU Order special actions pertaining to barricading of roads, constructing obstacles, and establishing commun ications, e t c . Essential items to bo recorded in Billeting Orders. 1. The designation of billeting andt bivouac areas of of- each u n i t . 2. The appointment of b i l l o t ing, and billeting area patrol officers (and IvCO's).

.. - 111.

3. Strength and distribution of the billetin^ and bivouac

guards and, if necessary that of ear guard sentries for
Antiaircraft Units. Also the special actions to be taken
by various Unit Cormanders concerning these items.
4. Special action to be takon by personnel with reference
to the various types of warning, sibnals; if necessary, the
special movements to be taken by mounted, wagon, and train
5. The degree or extent of security preparations.

6. The" location of the message center and the quarters

of the senior Commander of troops and the Billeting area
C own ander
7. If necesary indicate the alarm post and the roads lead ing to it. Indicate the essential items pertaining to
alarms, liaison, sanitation, fire and gas defenses, and
the general public.
74. An Example of a Division Order Issued to Various Units.
HQ, 1st Division
11 March 19 , 1500
Operation Order A No. X
1. Although the enemy columns arrived at XX and a unit of its infantry arrived at XX and same time, there aro no indications of later Cavalry was attacked by hostile ir-fantry and in the XX vicinity at 1300 and has withdrawn at about 1400
XX at about the
movements. Our
cavalry units
to XX.

2. This Division will be billeted at XX town and in its

vicinity tonight.
3. The 1st Cavalry (less two platoons) will change direc tion and advance towards the vicinity of XX and will patrol
the XX highway area.
4. The Advance Guard of the Right Column will billet in
the XX vicinity and will patrol the area from XX vicinity
to the XX vicinity (exclusive).
5. The Loft Column will billet in the vicinity of XX,
make contact with the Advance Guard of the Right Column
and patrol the area, covering to XX.
6. The security and scouting boundary betvreen the Right
and Left Column units is the lino passing through XX, YY,

- 1X2 <

and ZZ. The area along the lino will be under the res- possibility of the Loft Column. yVhen encountering, hostile-
attack, hold the ZZ XX line.
7. The remaining unitf* will billet as follows:
2nd Infantry - in the vicinity of XX ,
4th Infantry - in the vicinity of XX
The regiments will arrange for bivouafc.n<-, their respec tive battalions*
In the vicinity of XX town and in the vicinity of XX
Division Headquarters
C ornmunicati ons Unit
Wireless Platoon
Fiold Telegraph Unit .
4th Field A r t i l l e r y (less* 1st & 3rd batta'lions)
3rd Battalion, fountain A r t i l l e r y
Antiaircraft Unit
2nd Company, Engineers (less ov.e platoon)
Medical Unit (less one t h i r d )
Colonel :Zij Field A r t i l l e r y is designated the B i l l e t i n g Area Commander. 8,''The Antiaircraft Unit w i l l b i l l o t at XXXX. 9. The Field Train w i l l b i l l e t at XX, I t w i l l d i s t r i b u t e rations and forage- to each organization, and replenishment will-bo made at X with the Transport Unit-'after 2100 X 10 The Transport Unit w i l l bivouac in the area between X and YY A company w i l l be dispatched t o XX with the X ordinary rations Cv.nd f o: a b e by 2030 and w i l l b i l l e t at X after delivery to the Division Intendence Personnel. X 11. I am at XX. Send out written orders at 2100. Lt. General XX, Cor-ma-nding ' " Distribution: A staff officer and the adjutant w i l l f i r s t bo dispatched to the Advance Guard of the Hi b ht Column, the Left Column and t o the A r t i l l e r y , coiiimunicating a summary of the orders, after which assenblo a l l unit r e c i p i e n t s and issue verbal instructions" " '/Vritten orders w i l l be sent to the Field Train and Transport Unit 75 An Example of a Division Order Issued t o the Field Train. H 1st Division Q At X X 11 March 19 , 1330 - 113


Summary of enemy situation (omitted)

2. This Division will billet in XX town, and its vicinity

tonight. The Cavalry will engage the enemy in the XX
3. Outline for the billeting of various units is as
Advance Guard 2nd Infantry 4th Infantry , Loft'Column Units Division Headquarters Communications .Unit Wireless Platoon Field Telegraph Unit 4th Field Artillery (less 1st & 3rd Bns) 3rd Bn Mt. Artillery XX vicinity
XX vicinity
XX vicinity
XXYY village vicinity
XX town & XX village
XX town & vicinity of
XX village
XX town & vicinity of
XX village
XX town & vicinity of
XX village
XX town & vicinity of
XX village
XX town & vicinity of
XX village

2nd Co Engineers (less one platoon) One element Medical Unit

X town & v i c i n i t y of X X village X X town & v i c i n i t y of X X village X

4. The Field Train will billet in the vicinity of XX. It

will distribute provisions and forage to each unit, and at
2100 will receive replenishment at XXXXo
5. I will be at XX.

Lt. General XX, Commanding D i s t r i b u t i o n ; The written order will be delivered by liaison personnel. 76. An Example of an Advance Guard CormandorTs Order Issued to the Outpost. H Advance Guard Rifaht Column Q At X}r.
11 March 19 , 1530

1. Enemy conditions and the situa:ion of friendly Cavalry (same e,s in the Division Order). This Division will billet tonight in the vicinity of X X village and X t X - 114

2. The Advance Guard will billet tonibht in the vicinity

of XX village r n will cover the i.rea from XX vicinity to
,d XX vicinity (exclusive)
The Loft Column v/ill billet in XX vicinity", cooperate
with this Advance Guard and covo-r the area extending to
XI* vicinity.
The 1st Cavalry is later expected t o change its posi ; tion to the, XX vicinity and 6uard the area of the XX
3. The 1st Battalion, XX Infantry is designated the Out post and from positions in the vicinity of XX will covor
the area extending from the vicinity of XX to XX village.
It will reconnoiter the enemy situation in the area be tween XX town and XX village.
The boundary of the reconnaissance ,and security zone
with the Left Column will be the lino connecting the east ern odge of the XX., YY, and ZZ.
In caso of enemy assault, strongly defend the line ex tending from the left bank of the XX River, to plateau(45.2)
west of X village.
4. One platoon of the 5th Company will be detailed as a
picket, and take position in the XX vicinity. It will
covor the X villo- XVillage road.
5. Only the Outpost Reserve will be permitted to use
tents and charcoal fires. t
6. The 1st Infantry Communicatior s Detachment will estab lish communications with the Outpost Reserve.
7. Supply will be /1cpendent upon the rations and forage
carried by the Field Train. Tho Train after distributing
the rations and forage will march to XX for billeting.
8. After arriving at YX, I will, inspect^ tho installations
and will then proceed to ZZ.
T f j r General XX,
'co Commanding <
Distribution: The Adjutant will successively forward the
order to tho Outpost Commander and the Picket Commander.
77. An Example of an Advance Guard Commander's Order Issued to
the Advance Guard Reserve.
HQ Advance Guard Right Column

11 March 19 1.

, 1550

Elements of ar." enemy column have entered X about 1400. X

- 115

One element of hostile infantry entered XX al

the same time, but since then, there has been no indication
of forward movement. This Division will billet tonijrb in
the vicinity of 7 X town and XX village.
. 2. The Advance Guard will billet tonight in the vicinity
of XX village and will cover the area from XX vicinity to
XX vicinity, (exclusive)
The 1st Battalior I3C Infantry is designated the Outpost and
will take positions in the vicinity of "3 and cover the
"C area from X X vicinity to tho vicinity of XX village. - In
cafo of enemy assault, it will strongly defend the line
extending from the left bank of the SS River to plateau
(45.2) west of X village,
X platoon of tho 5th Company will form the picket and
take position in tho vicinity of XX, and cover X villago-
YY village road.
Tho Left Column will billet in XX vicinity and will
coopcrato with this Advance Guard, covering tho area ex tending to the vicinity of XX.
3. The remainder of tho Advance Guard will billet in the
village of 7J1 as follows*
1st Infantry (loss 1st r n 3rd Battalions)
.d will bivouac in XX vicinityo
The 3rd Battalion will billet in XX vicinity.
The 5th Company (less one platoon) will be held on
tho 'alert'.
Other units - billet in XX village.
Tho 1st Infantry Commander, Colonel XX, is designated tho
Bivouac Area Commander.
4. Tho 1st Infantry Communications Detail with one element
will establish communications between Brigade headquarters,
Billeting Area Commander, and the Outpost Commander..
5. Supply will be dependent upon tho Field Train for rations
and forage, but the'Train after delivering the rations and
forage will march to XX to billet.
6. I will be at JIX. At 2100 recipients for orders will
be dispatched to XX.
Major General XX.#
C ommanding
Distribution: Assemble tho Infantry Regimental Commander,
Artillery Battalion Commander, and the recipients of orders
for tho Medical Unit and the Regimental Communications
Detail and issue vorbal instructions*

- 116


An Example of an Outpost Order

At -XX
11 March 19

, 1550

1. The situation of the un^my and friendly Cavalry (same

as above)*
2. Tho 'Main Body of tho Division will billot near XX
town and'XX village. The Hain Body of the Advance Guard
will billet in the vicinity of XX and tho Loft: Column Unit
will billet in the vicinity of XX. ' The main force of tho
Cavalry will at a later time change direction to tho vici nity of XX i,nd will cover the area along XX road.
3 This battalion (with \ of a-cavalry platoon attached)
will become tho Outpost, and occupying, positions in the
vicinity of XX, will cover the area from Z to the vicinity
of Y (exclusively), '
The Outpost of tho Left Column will maintain,contact with
this Outpost and cover tho area-extending to XX. The
boundary of the reconnaissance and security zones between
Outposts is :ho line that passes through the eastorn edges
of XX, YY, and ZZ.
One. platoon of tho 5th Company will form an independent
picket in tho vicinity of XX and cover Y and Z village roads
4. The Cavaliy Platoon (less one half) will occupy a
position in th^o1 Vicinity of its present location before
sunset. The platoon vd.ll return to XX after a continued
reconnaissance of the enemy .situation.
5. The 1st Company, designated an Outpost Company will
occupy positions in th.. vicinity of 7Z~X, and cover tho
area east of tho lino passing through the eastern edges of
XX, YY, and ZZ. It will especially reconnoiter the enemy
.situation in the direction of XX town.; One machine gun
will bo attached to this company.
6*. The 2nd Company designated an Outpost Company will
occupy positions in the XX vicinity. It. will coveV the
area west of the line allotted t o the 1st Company and
' cooperate particularly with the Loft Column Outpost> re One
connoiter in^ in the direction of XX village. machine gun will be'attached.
7. In case of an enemy attack .both .Companies will firmly
hold the left bank- of-XX RivurV. ' 0. Tho Outpost Companies will not use. torits- and charcoal
9. The remaining troops will be under tho command of tho
3rd Company Commandor and vail be at ZVLX. Dispatch to mo
- 117 .

from the 4th Company an officer and Z men.

10* After inspecting the present area, I vri.ll " o at -the
b location of the Outpost Reserve.
Major XX,
Distribution: Verbal orders will be issued to tho 1st and
2nd Company Commanders. A written message vd.ll bo sent
by mounted r-ossonger to tho Cavalry Platoon Commander*.
Verbal orders will bu issued to the Machine Gun Unit by
tho Adjutant.

a.. In order to facilitate the execution of emergency actions

in the disposition of outposts all necessary instructions have
boon ordered.
b. After the units selected for the Outpost Reserve have
taken their proper station, instructions concerning, antiaircraft
defense, gas defense, security Measures and supply will be
given in order to facilitate their actions.
79o An Example of a Billeting Order.
At XX.
11 March 19 ,1700
1. Units will billot as follows, {indicate with sketch)
2. The Officer of the Day at the billeting area will be
Captain XX Infantry.
3. The Infantry Battalion ,.r:rl tho Pi old ^rtillory Battalion will each send a 1st Lieutenant (or 2nd Lioutenant) by 2000 to report as patrol officers 4. Battalion personnel to act as billeting guards from each infantry battalion will report at 1900 to tho Billet ing Officer of the Day at the crossroads as follcws: 1st Battalion - 1 Non-coi nissioncd Officer 3 Superior rrivatcs i 13 Privates ((1) bugler)
. 2nd Battalion - 1 Superior private
6 Privates
3rd Battalion - 1 SUJorior Private
6 Privates
5. ..The 2nd Battalion will send a machine gun detachment
to tho eastern edge of the billeting area. Its1 duty will


bo a i r defense u n t i l sunset. 6. Antiaircraft observation sentries from the irifantry battalions w i l l take orders from the Billeting'Officer of the Day, after being posted out as follows: 1st Battalion - 1 Non-cos^nissioncd Officer 1 Superior Private 4 Privates At the northeast edge of tho road junction ' 2nd Battalion * 1 Non-conmissi onod Officer : ; 1 Superior i-'rivato 7 Privates At the eastern side of the Ryotan Eashi (bridge) ; > 3rd b a t t a l i o n - 1 1 iv.-;-oo;.Tf.isaioncd Orficer 1 Superior Private 4 Privates At the southwest edge of nameless shrine* Include one bugler anong the privates from each b a t t a l ' ion. 7. All rj'on balow nnn-coi r:issioi,ed officer grade v a i l bo . r e s t r i c t e d 1 t o tho b i l l o t i n b area because of an outbreak of typhoid a t JZZI* 8* Division Foadquartors vjill be at tho Central Grammar School at ~Z~. town. The nessagc center w i l l be at XX. I w i l l be at VCi village office. Colonel XX, Comrjanding Distribution: Asscjoble recipients of orders and issue ver bal i n s t r u c t i o n s .

SECTION X TRANSPORTATION 80. An Example of a Detachment Ur.'bark a t ion OrderH Detachment A Q At X X 15 January 19 , 1000 1 . This d c t a c h n e n t w i l l embark a t XX h a r b o r toriorrow, fc 16th. 2 Assignment of v a r i o u s u n i t s t o s h i p s w i l l be a s p e r attached l i s t (omitted)o. 3.-' The- various units will ombark according to the attached

- 119

embarkation orders from the First Embarkation Headquarters.

4 The assembly area before embarkation will be as indicated
on the attached chart, (omitted).
Instructions for the assembly are as follows:
a. The 1st Battalion, 1st Field Artillery vail depart
from the billeting area and move to the south of XXX
at 0500.
b At 0500 the heed of the 1st Cavalry will pass the
south edge of XX.
5 By 1800 today, the 15th the detachment will dispatch
personnel to report to the district coast office as guards
to be assigned to posts by personnel of the Embarkation
Headquarters as shown in to following: [
First Embarkation Area -~ XX, Infantry Regiment, non commissioned officer - (l)tsupcrior privates - (2), Privates
- (9).

Second Embarkation Area X Infantry Regiment X X X XX (omit ted) The morning and noon rations for tomorrow, the 16th, w i l l be provided by the Embarkation Headquarters 6 . I w i l l rcane.in here for the present and tomorrow, the 16th, at XX tiroo, I w i l l embark on X lfe.ru. X
Major General
Distribution: Assemble recipients of orders from various
units and distribute printed forms.
Attached Embarkation Regulations:
1. Embarkation will commence at 0600 on the 16th at XX
and will bo completed by XXXX time*
2 For the purpose of embarkation, the Army Assembly Center,
the anchorages of each transport, and the pier will bo, as
indicated on attached chart (omitted).
3. Officers in charge of loading arc as follows:

Loading Area No. 1 - Captain A from Embarkation HQ

Loading Area No. 2 - Captain B, XX Coast Office
Loading Area N o . 3 - Captain C, XX .Coast Office
Loading Area iyo. 4 - Captain D, XX Coast Office
. The, above officers will be at tlieir respective places on
the 15th a - 1500.
-; 4, At 1500 each Transport Co*wander will dispatch neces sary personnel as follows to report to the above officers,

- 120

t o confer on.details' and to''inspect, the interior of the ships: ' , ' *

X'Ma.ru, X Maru - to X Embarkation Headquarters

. X X Maru, . I 3 ar - to Coast Office
X 1X W .u TZl Maru, X lla.ru - to Coast Office
X X Maru, X Maru - to Coast Office

5. Each unit w i l l make a'detailed lis,t, showing the numbers of nen, horses, and types of materiel to be transported and i n ediate'ly dispatch i t to the- Trans port Commander. 6 O the ship, the ship owner w i l l provide the r a t i o n s , n while the government w i l l provide the forage, from supper time tomorrow evening, the 16t.h* * 7. -The assignment of the b uard for the Loading Areas will be as shown in tha appended, chart and"their d i s position will be designated at each Loading Area* 8.0. Liaison bo two en transports and land will depend upon
local c ommunications 'essencer boats will be dispatched
as follows: *
Number Number .. K'uijibo'r Number 1 2 3 4 Loading Loadinb Loadii;b Loading Area Area Area Area (2) (2) (1) (1) boats

9# Messenger boats, (with Red Cross' Flag) to be used as

l i f e boats are assigned as follows:
Number Number Number Number 1 2 3 4 Loading Loading Loading Loading, Area, Area Area Area ~ (2) boats
(2) ; boats
( l ) b o a t
(l) boat

. The -rescue duty in the vicinity of each transport will be carried out personally under tho command of the Trans port Commander corcerned. For this purpose one small boat, flying a white flag, will bu attachod to oaoh transport before embarkation. Horsos that f a l l overboard will be taken to JX and Xii beaches w&ich v/ill bo indicated by rod
flags . .

10,. Tho distinguishing mark pr si^n (brajsard) of each man'ion duty, is as follows:' . cv. At Embarkation Headquarters red cloth b . O Arrny Duty white cloth* n > Colons 1 XX, 1st" Embarkation Commander

- 121

81, An Example of an Embarkation Order of 1st Infantry.

HQ ldt Infantry
15 January 1 9 ^ * 1530
1. . Tomorrow, tho 16th, tho Regiment will embark,from ZZ
harbor. The chart showing ships assigned to each unit is
attached hereto, (omitted)
2 Each unit will emuark as directed-by its respective
Transportation Commander.
3. The guards for tho 2nd Loading Area composed of (1)
n on-conn is si onud* officer end (15) privates ((2) superior
privates, (l) bugler) from the 2nd Battalion.will report
to Captain B at 7X office in ZZ Anchorage Headquarters by
1800 today, the 15th.
The Anchorage Headquarters will bo responsible-for tho
morning and noon meals on the 16th.
4. , The rations on board ship for tho personnel will too
provided by the ship owner, while tho forage will be
provided by the government, starting With the evening
moal tomorrow,' tho 16th vVhon embarking, individual
.noon meals will bo carried by each individual.
5. I will remain here end will embark on XX Maru to morrow morning at X hour.

Colonel XX, Commanding ,' . Distribution: Assemble X recipients from each unit and X distribute printed forms. 82. An "Example of a Transport Commander's Order' Relative to

Headquarters Z .Maru Z
At XX - '


i5 January 19

, JL600A\

1. The Embarkation Unit for tho ZZ Maru will embark t o morrow, tho 10th. Distribution of troops' for embarkation w i l l bo, as per attached chart, (or i t t e d ) . , _ 2. Various units will- ess crib It, as follows, and details w i l l be given ai> thd respective places:

Field & Comba-t t r a i n of) Equipment wi.ll -.be *the; 3rd ^Battalion 2nd' ) . assembled at the head Machine Gun of Pier #16 by 0530. Company'2nd Infantry/ Animals w i l l bo hold 2nd Battery 1st Field at tho assembly point Artillery. at western side of Pier

- 122

Combat Personnel of the 3rd) To be at tho assembly .

) point on t; e western side
Battalion 2nd Infantry. ' ) of Pior # 15, by. iO3O.
3. Men on duty will serve according, to the attached chart
No. 1 (omitted).
4. Tho various units vd.ll embark according to the embarka tion outline on the attached chart No.. 2.
5. The units, upon.their arrival at tho assembly point,
will immediately prepare for embarkation.
6. Supply for uni'js from the evening of the 16th on will
be as follows:
Personnel: Provided for by the ship owner. .
Animals: From forage on hand*
.7. I will be in the vicinity of Pior # 15 at 0600. Units
will send their recipients for orders to me at that time.
Major XX, Transport Commander, Z lfci.ru Z Distribution: Assemble recipients from various units and issue verbal orders. X Ilaru Embarkation Outline X General: ,' This outline indicates in d e t a i l i;ho order of moving horses, r T<torials. provisions end forage, and personnel, fro land to the transport and' tho distribution of loads on each barge in tho order of departure from the pier* Example: (Usually shown by chart) The f i r s t two barges departing will each carry (40) men. The following three barges will each carry (6) animals of the Infantry Battalion Field and Combat Train. (Attached Sheet) Loading Regulations for X I'iaru X 1. Place of loading will be on Pier No. 5

2. This Unit will be lined up in columns parallel to tho embarkation units of other transports with the head of the column at the far end of the pier, in the orderj equipment, horses, and personnel.

- 123

3 . The personnel and ijqu'ipracnt w i l l be loaded on ( l ) small stoamor and (18) horse barges (Each with & loading capacity , of (40) men, (6) horses, ( l ) gun carriage, (80) sots of horse equipment, (50) pieces of ba o gage or tho equivalent of (25) carts and (15) transport c a r t s ) . . 4 . Regarding barge novonon1^ i t is satisfactory t o tow bargos.-as follows'por t r i p : (4) barges with personnel; (3) barges with horses; (2) barges with equipment. Gen e r a l l y there will'bo (40) minuto intervals between de*. parturog, 5* On board,, the Look-out N.C.0. v a i l be Master Sorgoant XX and the Pilot N.CO. Serjeant XX. 6.. Place and time for d e t a i l to report:
Equipment detail(barge 0530
Animal d o t a i l (land (barge (ship 0730
1030 nc^o 0530


(land n d Personnel ., e.t a.i,l )(ship , .

", Animal emergency attendant First Aid personnel

! -Loading will be in orderj equipment, animals,'forage,

and personnel.
8. Loading preparations will begin at 0530,

Captain B,
2nd Loading Area Coromandor
83. An Example of an Order Puolativo to Railroad Transportation" X Transport Command X At X X X day, X month, X hour 1. X X w i l l be transported from X s t a t i o n to XX s t a t i o n X X on X t r a i n toinorrow^,X day. I w i l l bo Transport Commander. 2. Entraining Officers' are detailed to duties as follows-: For Personnel For Animals For Equipment X X (Kamo of officer) X X X (Maine of officer) X X X (Name of offloor; X

- 124

3 . Each entraining officer m i l allocate personnel to report as follows for a loading d e t a i l :

a. Assistant in charge X X b . Individuals XX, XX, XX, XX.
Assembly Time X X
Assembly Place X X
4. The Machine Gun Company, Infantry Gun Unit^ and the Infantry Signal Detail will be under the jurisdiction of the Infantry Gun Unit CoMnandor. It vail assemble in front of the loading platform by X o'clock. The equipment X will be loaded on freight cars under the direction of the equipment entraining officer. Following t h i s , animals will be led to the horse depot by X o'clock and instructions X will be issued by the animal entraining officer. 5. The remaining troops will bo under the command of X X X and will assemble at the locatiors shown on the following chart by X X hour, (omittod)o X After the saddle horses arrive at the station, instructions concerning them will be issued by the animal entraining officer. 6. The X Company Commander will detail a railroad station guard composed of (l) 1T.C.C, (6) privates, and a bugler to X place. 7. I will bo at the station master's office at X PM. Each unit will send a recipient to receive orders at X o f clock. Colonol XX,
Trans port ati on C o m and er,
m SECTION XI ROUTINE ORDERS 84.. An Example of a Routine Order of tho 8th Infantry H 8th Infantry Q At SAKURA-MACHI 9 March 19 , 1300 1. Released from 1st Company and assigned t o X, Company; 1st Lieutenant X, Infra t r y . 2 Promoted t o 2nd Class pays Y/arrant Officer XX Infantry by order dated J/Iarch 5 t h , Hdqrs, 4th D i v i s i o n . 3 . The following schedule w i l l be i n effect during t h i s period: ' Rcvuille & Morning Roll Call 0600

- 125

Medical. Examination Routine Meeting Evening Roll Call and Taps


85 An Example of a Routine Order of the 2nd Division

HQ 2nd Division
1 March 19 _ , 1400
1. Colonel X, Infantry/appointed Major General and
assigned to the XX Infantry Brigade
2 f From tomorrow, the 2nd, each unit will police the
battlefield in the X area for X days and report its
3. i, citation, copy attached hereto, was awarded this
Division by the Army Commander for distinguished service
in the battle of X area. Ec.ch Unit Cor.mander will bring
this to the attention of all Personnel.
4. Each individual will receive as extra, (l) g o (approx "~ imately 1/3 pint) of refined sake and (10) cigarettes in
addition to thu rogu3f:. r supply. These items will bo
issued tomorrow, the 2nd, at 1000 at X ple.ee.
5. Tomorrow, the 2nd at 0800 at X place the men and animals
arriving today as rcplacements will bo allotted : s follows:
. (omitted). Send recipients to X place..
Lt. General XX,
(attached sheets omitted)

- 126 ^

CHAPTER 4 FIELD SERVICE Paragraph* Marches > 86 - 93 Computations Pertaining t o Messengers 94 - 96 Framing and Issuing Orders > 97 - 98 Bivouacs 99 Moans of Communication 100 - 101 Supply * 102 - 127 SECTION I MARCHES 86. Example of T i Order R e l a t i v e t o Successive A r r i v a l s a t rjad Dvp^rturop from ~ P o i n t on the-Route of l l r r c h ( v i t h C a l c u l a t i o n s f o r Asp-uiribly.) EQ, 1 s t D i v i s i o n SAKJRA1.&CHI l i larch 19 Operation Ordor A ii'o. X TROOPS Cavalry: -1st Cavalry ( l e s s 1- platoon-) Advance Guard (i.Iajor General X, Commanding) : 1st I:ifaJitry Brigade ( l e s s 2nd Infantry) 1 platoon of Cavalry , 1st Battalion, 1st Field A r t i l l e r y 1st Battalion*Engineers(loss o n o platoon) 1/3 of Medical Detachment Main Body: Communications Unit (follous the last unit of the advanco guard) Division Headquarters 2nd Infantry 2nd Company, Engineers 1st Field Artillery (loss 1st Battalion) 2nd Infantry Brigade Field Artillery Regimental /jnraunition Train I led i c a 1 Dot achinent (lc s * 1/3) , 1800



1. Enony cituition Tomorrow, tlio 2nd, tho Army ' / i l l move toward X lino; tho X 2nd Division will move on the Konyo Highvay toward XX. 2. Touorro.,, tl:~ 2nd, tlio Division ./ill move on tho Chuo *Aiglr ay toward .n-sahimachi for the purpose of carrying out :u attack. Tho boundary between tho zones of action of the 1st end 2nd Divisions will be the Arimiiya-^sunoki-I'-iotoyama l i n e . (The 1st Division will bo responsible for tho area alons t h i s lino.) 5. At 0600 tho Cavalry v.ill depart from the Yoshitsuncbashi (bridge) and rcconnoitcr the enemy situation in the direction of Asahimachi. 4. At 0630 tho Advance Guard Trill leave tho Yoshitsuncbashi (bridge) on tho Chuo Highly raid move toward Asahimachi with tho Infantry at the head of the column. I t v.ill maintain close contact with tho 2nd Division. 5. The elements of tho Main Body will as son bio successively at tho wostern end of Sn.kurar.iachi and move off according to the following schedules, tho head of tho column keeping an interval of approximately 1500 motors behind tho Advance G-uard: At 0700: Division Headquarters
2nd Infantry 2nd Battalion, Engineers
1st Field Artillery (loss 1st Battalion)
At 0800:
2nd Infantry Brigade
At 0850:
Fiold Artillery Regimental Ammunition Train
medical Detachment (loss 1/5)
Th^ Communications ^nit, hevrever, will bo at the eastern
end of Tsubakida by 0720 and uill move behind the last unit
of the advance Guard.
6. The Fiold Train v.ill leave its billeting area according
to the following schedule, and \,ill assemble by 0920 in
the uostcrn end of Sakuramachi, and move off under tho com mand of the Division Fiold Train Commander at a distance of
approximately 2000 motors behind:
X billeting area field train at (time)
XXXXXXXXX at "(time)
The Field Train elements attached to tho troops in the Tsu bakidamura billeting area, however, uill assemble at the
;:ostern end of that village under the command of the Division
Field Train Commander-. (Ifoto: Where tho name of tho Field
Train Commander is -/ell knoni, it no od not be recorded.)

- 128


Transport . . . .

8. I v.111 be at the assembly area on the uostom side of Sakura nachi at 0700, and thereafter at the head of the Liain Body. Lt. General XX,
Distribution: (omitted)
5400m 10600m .A 1500m j



(BRIDGE) '' Adv-o.cc C-u~rd

OF- COLUMN LEAVc. AT O 6 3 O r '


Distance bot^co::' Advance G-U'-rcl ?,nd

Distance bet-eon -starti:^ p'.-ints ' of

5400 ciot6rs__>__J._5QO_j^c1tors 7 ,3000 neteg,^ . '- 45 n i n 86 n o t e r s por n i n u t o . ' " Sinco'tli-.j i:ic\iii Body i s to l^avo tlio assu.ibly ar^a .at 0.630. 4 45 ninutos z 0715, i t Liist c^mplwto i t s rsscnbly a l i t t 1J bef^ro tlion, that i s , by 0700. jsocausc. of tlio fact tliat tlic nain body ont-io rare!: extends on the r^ad for a distance of 10,600 uotors, i:h021 ever a l l tlio troops' ar-w to assoublo sir.mltaneously, tLe roar units r.iust not .;itliout reason causu- a-y long delay, once tlio loading units liave moved off, Tlicrofcre, t lie troops -v;ill bo divided in such a T.:ay as t o enable then to assenble and depart in .rdorly succession. Tlio f i r s t group (Division Headquarters, 2nd Infantry, 1st Field a r t i l l e r y less 1st Battalion, cue platoon of Engineers) should bo ordered t o r.iovc t^ the. assonbiy area at 0700. Since i t s road space u i l l bo about 5300 meters, the t i n e required for de parture; v.lll bo 5500_ - 62 i.iinutcs. Therefore since the 2nd Infan "86 try Brigade should depart at 0715 f 1.02 = 0817, the second group (2nd Infmtry Brigade) should be .rr-iorodtc assemble a l i t t l o before, that i s , at 0800. 2nd Inf Brigade road space = 4200m. .^u.u.- Z 49 nin. 86 0817 f 49 = 0906. Therefore, the Field Artillc-ry Roginental ;jnuniti:-n Train and the Medical Detachment should be ordered to assenble at 0850. 1000 motors ( r ^ d ro-.cc f :-r this gr^up) 4 2000 reterp (interval) = ^OOpIl - ab:.-ut 35 minutes. Therof r e , the Field Train should assemble by 0920, and the timo for departure 36 from each billeting area should bo designated in :rder not t j interrupt the ixvemeiit of the other units. - 129

87.Approximate Road Space and Distance Between i'/Iarch Units Infantr:^ i nit
Cc vr ilry -~


o o o o is1.



FA |

.1t .Lrty

Hv j 'A : -(


"B o
Pi M

O 0 o H H H




-U p






Hi W

,lx, W


-P EH bi fA O


bD - p r-l O H P PQ P-l






s o


o o o o to

o o o

o o






C Trs

5to in to r H

o o o LO O o o

- o *o
o o o H o o H

to o o to

o o o

o. o o!

b2 b b C to o V N H

C\2 *& o o if -;f O o2 LO O CO C V o





o LO





t .

o o



o H

Dipt. bet. Unit s

(X> . in H i

Qio o O w|to to to

o o



o o


to tOlbO

. . . i

= .

I T c A
190 400

Notes: 1. Figures with (*) arc road spaces for units excluding combat trains.
2. Figures v i l l be in irctors.
Pi t/3

i |~)



! Hoc

o o M

O /*** I4


3 . Numbers in p ar ont he s i s i nd i c at e pack horse organizations*

4. D i snounted inf ant ry troops a r e indiea ted in column of fours
i !

O !"o RS
of o C Trs b b o o .o to o CO to

* /






. i

i i




5 . The intorvc.l bctuoorj units -.ill bo the distance bet\;ccn that unit and the u:-.it follouing.


of F Tn Dist. bet. Units

" o



* '*



o to

1 j


J ;


- 130


Approximate Road Space in a March Column



One infantry regiment and one field a r t i l l e r y battery as ' the nucleus.
Advanc e
G-uard , 1600

700 m '<


Main Body


About 4500


Four infantry battalions and one field a r t i l l e r y battalion

(less one battery) as the nucleus.
Advanc e


Main Body ^ - 3200

- - 2000 About 6000

(3) One infantry brigade and one artillery battalion as the

Support of k .. 7 Q 0 _ .. Advance Guard!
- - 1050 ^
3 1 0 0

r in Body of ^ . 1 0 0 Q >

Advance G-uard j'


Main Body
' " -4000

About 8,100

~ >(


Division Combat Team

r _

Support of

Gd f

L _ ?00 - Main Body of > Advance Guard


|s _ 1500 <.
M a i n

.| - - 1400 - ->i .^ 1. ^ ' _ 5400


3300 - - '



- 131


Rat of March (victors per minute) Orlin-vry Quick Time or Trot Double Time Or Gallo-o

Route StoT) Ui sinount eel Tro-ODs Mounted Troop: A r t i l l e r y Soldier

Lxouat efl oza. limber
Cccribined. Arms _ ...lutomobile Corps related uniti 1. Rciinrks 2.

1. 2.

Based on th& spe^d of a slt'V/ unit, one kilometer -..ill bo covered in 13 LiinutoS, ur 15 uiiviitos if the bro-k is included. Or;Ain~rily tlio speed is Tappr^xiii toly IS kilonotcrs per hour, but t h i s speed ciiiii-t bo r.r.i:.:tai3ieS. long by naounteil or Si,s2D0unti. troops.

This ch.~rt i s based on Fiold Service Regulations, 260. The rat of march during the night differs according to tho situation, Ihen ap proaching the enemy, a rate of one ldLl@aotor per hour i s sometimes necessary.


The Pace of Mounted Troops. 1/4 7 kilometers per hour In Ordinary Llarch
- |

Pace Crate of march) Distance Use





| i

Wien it is urgent for short distances




NOTES l/l 2/1 II 1st Echelon of the 1st Column 2nd Echelon of the 1st Column 2nd Column I 3 Position on night of April 1st Position on night of April 2nd Position on night of April 3rd

The field warehouse is being established in Numazu, and in the future the Division's rear communication line will be the Tokaido (highway). Fig. 4
Drawn in Cartographic Section, Dissemination Unit, M.I.D.


CAVALRY 1st Cavalry less 2 squads of 2nd troop 1 squad 2nd troop 1st Cavalry Distance unfixed 1st Infantry Co. less one platoon Infantry Battalion Hq 1st Engineer Reg't less One Platoon of 2nd Co: Direct Firing Inf. jQun Inf. Brigade Hq Inf. Regimental Headquarters 3nd Bn 1st Inf Infantry Gun (less Inf Cannon Unit) of 1st Inf. 1st Battalion of 1st Arty Independent Transpo Wagon Train & one third of Medical Detachme MAIN BODY ARTILLERY
Division Hq One Company
2nd Engineers
1st Artillery
less 1st Bn.
Division Signal Unit .Formation of Field Artillery Ammunition Train


One platoon it Infantry Two cavalry ADVANCE PARTY men (privates)
Machine Gun 1st Battalion less 1st Co. INFANTRY DETCH and Infantry Cannon Unit (SUPPORT-AD VANCE oi 1st Infantry GUARD) 1st Infantry Ammunition Section (plat) in column One Squad of 2nd Troop of First Cavalry 2nd Battalion 1st Infantry Infantry Howitzer MAIN BODY Detachment of Inf
AD VANCE GUARD Gun of 1st Bn

2nd Inf. Brigade



Field Artillery Ammunition Train Medical Det. less one third Independent Ammunition Train One Platoon Field Ammunition Train Two Platoons 2 Field Hospitals

Statute Miles



Qrawn in Cartographic Section. Dissemination Unit M.I.D.


Speed : f Ta:iks Types

Tank Lights

Tanks v/ill operate at cruising speed unless otherwise specified. Hoirevor, speed can be re gulated accordiisg t- the terrain and other factors, Full speed v i l l be usod for a short tiino v.hon necessitated by special cir cunstances.

3 kil'jnotcrs per h.ur 100 iioters per niiiute

Crui sing Speed


12 kil~notcrs pur hour 200 motors per ninuto

High Speed

18 kilcT.ict ors per hour. 500 rioters per ninuto

Full Speed

Haxiuun speed allowed by


Precautions: a. Light tanks riust r/ove at lov speed until the not or i s sufficiently vramicd up. b. (at least 5 ninuto s after starting the not or.)

Tanks \;th a speed ~ f 50 kil:r:oters par li^ur have nade t h e i r appearance in > Eur~'pe ^rA .\nerica.


Speed of LIcssongors



Mount ed

Di snountod

R .utino

Ab.ut 8 lea. per h rur. R"uglily r.t 1/3 T.cc; i that i s , in the proportion ^f t^: ralking an^l I -no t r o t t i n g . I

^ b o u t 5 1^- P - r hou-T> orally in quick t i n e .


. Priority

About 10 fc.i. por li^ur. Roughly at 2/3 paco; that i s , in tlio prDporti^n of ,.:io valking a:id t\:-; trotting.

About 6 kn. per hour in a coribi3ntir.n of quick nnd i double t i n e .


Higliost spo^d attainciblo \.itli rospoct to the horse's endurance. (Use enly for distances of net norc than 20 kilonctcrs.)

Double t i n e within lir.iits of "hunan endurance (use only for short distances)


Under good conditions 12 km. per hour is the. standard speed.

Motorcycle: Aut-nobilc:

40 kn. per hour. 50 kni. por hour.

180 kn. per day. 250 kn. per day.

95. Method of Computing the Time Required for Message Trans mission by Courier

(a) The recipient at a halt

//VF #G/MENT/AL Hd f"

(b) Recipient being overtaken

(c) Messenger and recipient moving towards each, other

("V~z '> i/V. HQ.


T x

Transmission time
Speed of messenger per minute
Spoed of recipient per minute

m n' -


Time Required for i.Iessage Transmission by Courier Distance in _ 100 m Routine


10 12





50 56


83 75



18 23
15 20

35 30

94 100 118 ,


5 ! 10

54! 64

13 ;

Urgent ! 3 | I 1 [ ^ (Routine 4 8 p w :Priority

,O G) ;_

12 i 18 ( 24 ] 32
I j j

38 46

45 I 56 j





15 13


31 25 12



62 70



! 3 6

32 I 37


50 ! 57
30 j j


17 j 21 i 25 i j. 29 36 j 42

% +3 CD &

Routine 'Priority & " Urgent


9 I 12
i j


47 ! 53

59 55 40

H O ,
-H ^ , O O
Cti i

3 i 6 j , 8 11
! _..


22 i 27


38 I 43 ; 49

2 ' 4

g i-Routine, 2 .


10' i 14


251 30 ! 34

4 2 ' 47


g priority 1
[Urgent i

4 j 6 /3 ;

16 211 24 ! 29 I 33
13 i 15 i 18

41 26

7 j 10

20 : 23

IRoutine I ^Priority! 53 |jJrgeiit




16 34 20

25 ! 38 44


71 92 117 1 3 3 156 i167
27 ! 35


.H O !
O <D

u 'Routine 11 22 CD CD-I 'S S Priority! 7 ; 13 ority 7 p co


67 j 89; 111)133 155 177 200 I 222 57


27 ! 41

"P. C D


7 i 12 ; 17; 21


56 I 63

1. R E M A R K

The approximate speed per minute used in t h e above calucation i s ae follows: /"Routine 85 m. j Routine 130 m. Dismounted <{ P r i o r i t y 100 m. Mounted i P r i o r i t y 160 m. 180 m. \ Urgent 350 m. 2. The speed of priority and urgent message transmissions diminishes as time elapses.

- 138

SECTION I I I 1HAMKG A D ISSUING ORDERS M 97. Average T i n e R e q u i r e d t o *t,ame and I s s u e Orders ( P a r t 1) I! Unit ' Typ es N i Orders
o f

Brigade j Headquarters ; | Headquarters


Battalion Gompany Total

Headquarters { Headquarters

Complicated ii 2:40

! Average } ; ; Complexity _|]



















T h i s t a b l e shows t h e time r e q u i r e d ( i n hours and minutes) f o r framing and i s s u i n g o r d e r s i n t h e v a r i o u s h e a d q u a r t e r s and u n i t s , but i t does not i n c l u d e t h e time r e q u i r e d i n t h e movement of a d jut a n t s , messengers, e t c . I n t h i s c h a r t , t h e f i g u r e s f o r o r d e r s of " a v e r a g e complexity" r e p r e s e n t t h e average of s e v e r a l t y p e s of o p e r a t i o n s orders,, u h i c h a r e c o n s i d e r e d t o be c o m p a r a t i v e l y a c c u r a t e , i s s u e d d u r i n g p a s t grand maneuvers nnd maneuvers w i t h i n d i v i s i o n s . T h i s average was t a k e n by p i c k i n g o r d e r s t h a t were n e i t h e r v e r y complicated nor very s i m p l e , The i n d e x numbers f o r column (2) and (b) a r e o b t a i n e d froit t h e most complicated and t h e most simple o r d e r s i s s u e d d u r i n g - t l i 3 above ae:;tiorip maneuvers. The v a l u e s f o r columns (2) and (3) a r e i n c r e a s e d and d e c r e a s e d v a l u e s of t;he ir/'.er. number of ( 1 ) ; t h a t i s (2) i s i n c r e a s e d by r.6 of ( 1 ) , and (3) I s d e c r e a s e d hy 0.4 of ( I ) .



Average Time Required to Frame and Issue Orders (Part 2}

(under favorable conditions)


REvIAHKS: 1. This chart is applicable only when orders are framed and issued by experienced personnel
working under favorable conditions.
2. This chart shows the time required for framing and issuing orders in various headquarters
and units, but it does not include the time required in the movement of adjutants, messen gers, etc,

3. Taking these conditions into consideration, the time required from the issuing of an order
until the front line goes into action i- "approximately 3- hours for an army and 2 r hours
"s | for a division.



Area Required for Bivouac s



UNIT Batt alion Regiment (2 Trs) Battalion Regtl A Tn m

" '




Infantry Cavalry Field



240 370 300 330 300 260 460 360 270 210 600 260 |

| j

220 230 100



Battalion Regtl A Tn m Battalion

_ ;

230 110 230 190 240 120 100 160




Heavy Field Artillery Independent Heavy Field Artillery


Regtl A Tn m Bn within Regt Regtl Ani Tn


Transport Company Mtr T C for the L o C

NOTE: The machine gun company i s not included i n the calculations for the Infantry "battalion.



General Data for Wire Communication. Time Required to

Types of Apparatus

Establish a Station


Maximum Range (km.)



Approximately 20 minutes

60-70 u n i t s (Icana or
Jap an e s e sy l l a b 1 e s)
Semi-permanent wire > fTwo stations180 400 km. j msgs A c i r o j c u i t ' o f three Uninsulated wire
o Lstations--150 msgj 200 km. (100 u n i t s or l e s s !
T>er message)
100(clear) 40(rain) 1. I n a l l these cases a single ti* rect communication wire i s laid on the ground.
2 . } indicates buzzor telephone.

|Heavily Insulated <

Vfire & I Medium Insulated o Wire i l i g h t l y Insulated j

Several minutes-

40(clear) 20\rain)

clear]] j J40( clear) 30(rainJ]


Rate of Laying. Telephone Vires (in kilometers) Semi-permanent Wire j4~ per day {approx.) Uninsulated TJire Heavily Insulated Wire
Medium Insulated


The rate of laying wire is that of one linesman detail

for the semi-permanent wire, and that of one labor
detail for each of the others.
The rate of laying wire during the- night is approxi mately half of that shown in this chart.

2 per day (approx.

3 per day


4 per day [ ! 5 per day

l i g h t l y Insulated "wire

:j . I j j

-3. The removal rate of uninsulated wire and heavily insu-

late a wire is approximately the same as the rate of
laying. Removal rate of medium and lightly insulated
wire is approx. throe to four kilometers per hour.


General Data for Visual Communication, etc. Speed of Communication Semaphore Signalling Semaphore (Morse) Signalling Wig-wag Signalling Sun 10-cm. heliograph Fire 15 units a minute Same as above 15 units a minute 15-17 u n i t s a minute. Three messages of about 100 u n i t s an hour Range of Coramunication 700 meters (1,300 meters)* 500 meters (1,000 meters) j

1,200 meters (3,000 meters)

30-40 kilometers Night 12 kilometers (Day 2 kilometers; Night 20 kilometers) 200-300 kilometers 50 kilometers

Loft Pigeons Carrier \


S e o n s trained for mobile l o f t s


Night loft Pigeons Round Trip Pigc ons Dogs

Flying speed approximately 1 kilometer per minute Same as above Same as above
200-300 meters -per minute 2 kilometers (approx.)

* **

shows range when binoculars are used.

The pigeons.which are trained for mobile l o f t s upon a r r i v a l in the new position can be u t i l i z e d for a comnunication distance of 5 kilometers after only one day t r a i n i n g .

SECTION VI SUPPLY 102. Channels for Replenishing Rations and Forage.

i "' i

7 """ I
- j ^ ^

! V. ~J \

" I f . - ' '

Fig... 6

Jj' j j i 1'i JJ

-rp I.'' T-i

Field Train I j Assembly of Transports i. Repleni shnent of 5bod


Line of Communication Unit., . Line of Communication Relay Point, and Transient Men and Horses.

6. * Replenishment 7. -:V

Field Warehouse. Line of Communication Hqs.

Field Victualling Depot. O occasions. n
Material Collecting Depot.' Field General Depot. General Provision Depot,


* , Orders
- ^

8. 9.

> Requisitions 1. 2. 5. 4. Units

10. 11. l.

Supplied by householders Portable Purchase or Confiscation

13. Provision Denot.

- 144


Fixed Quantity of Rations and Forage for Men and Horses in the Field. Ordinary rations and fodder (one day)

MEN Rice Barley Canned meat Salt Soy sauce extract Vegetables, pickles, seasonings,

HORSES Riding horses Draft horses (except those attached t o trains or transports) Barley Hay Rice straw Draft horses of t r a i n s and t r a n s ports

T' E M S


Full Ration Limit to be carried in " . the field

640 (.882 litre) s ante as above

200 (.342 litre) same " as above

130 (5.3 oz.) same as aboveJ

12 (0.39
02. )

20 (0.66


5250 (9.0 litres) same as above /

4200 3750 3750 (132.88 (132.88 (7.2 litres) oz.) oz.) / same as above /

Rice straw 3750 3750 (132.88 (132.88 oz.) 02,) Hay

sme as above /


a. b .

lumbers are shovm in approximate gram measures. The full ration of barley for transport draft horses i s 1050 ( l sho - 1.8 l i t r e s ' less, than that for riding and other draft horses.


Time Required for Cooking* A* Cooking by means of the kitchen equipment of the field t r a i n . "I/hen five sets (one set consisting of three iron p o t s , two iron stoves and accessories).of regulation type cooking equipment (inside! pot) are used, the feeding of 1000 men requires approximately 4g hours. The d e t a i l s are as follows:. Number of men to:be fed . .o...... Amount of r i c e and barley ......... (Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . o o o . , . . . Use of stoves - ( ;, ' (li'iscel lane pus ;... . Volume of one pot . . . . . . . . > . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . ITumber of cooking times < . . . . . . (To (To (tTo (.To (To 1000 30 Bushels 6 stoves 4 stoves 4 gals. 9 (approximately)

set .'up equipment; % 20 minutes build f i r e ' i HO minutes Time brir.^ water t p a boil 20 minutes Required : Cook (20. win each q coking) 3 hours change v/ater:(15 win each time) 30 minutes 1 Total .... 4 hours, 20 minutes 1/Vhen the apparatus .to prevent scorching (naka<zoko) is used instead of the . ::ns ide jpot':, and one oven' is : added t o each set of cooking equipment, th^r r e s u l t is as follows;: 1 Amount of- rice per pot . . . i . . . . . . ....<>....... 7 gallons
2. Amount of. time, required in icooking . ' .rice; per pejt . o . . o . . . . . . . . . . 4-0 minutes Vfith the above, it- is possib-le-rtoec-onomize approximately . one-third on the; cooking ,oquipmen"ti and time. (By experi ments of the Central Proviso.on Depot). f .'
r .

Cooking with moss kit equipment. .;._.,. : ;

It takes approximately 40 minutes to cook two reals with
mess kit equipment t*uohly as follows:
Preparation tine(distributing and washing
rice and barley .................. Cooking time of rice Steaming time of rice Total o 15 minutes
18 minutes 7 minutes 40 minutes

105.) 106 ( 107 The Effect of Cold Upon the Kuman Body.

Temperature Effect ('in degrees Centigrade) Vihen there is no wind, cold is not notice, About 15 and above able*
-20 and below Breath freezes on the rustache , -and a
freezing sensation is particularly notice.
able on the hands and feet
(continued on Pago 148) "" *"
- 146


Normal Requirements of Water for Men and Horses


Bivouac. For cooking,

Long Halt
For cooking and
6.5 gal.
For washing and
laundry: 4 gal.
For bathing and
other uses: 3.7gal.
14. 5 gal.


1.06 gal.

drinking, and washing hands: 2.89 gal.

5.78 gal.


5.31 gal.

. R

Based on war- 1. Based on the Bivouac Manual. time supply 2. Water horses regulations.



1. 2. 106.

According to tests
conducted during
the Chinese Inci twice daily each dent of 1928, it
time for about was found that a
5 minutes with 2/9 man' uses an average
gal. of 13.5 gal. per
3. During bivouac day and.that horses
it is best to dis- use maximum of 19.3
tribute one approgal. and a minimum
priate -si z e t rough of 8.2-gal. per
to each company. ' day.

Ihen cooking with mess kit, 1.45. gal,. o.f water is re quired for- three meals. 'The (l-sho--1.8 l i t r e s ) measure is S.SS inches square and 3.24 inches high, with, a volumnc of 111.6 cubic inches, Standard Capacities of the Transport Cart, Ordinary Cart, and Pack Horses in Use at the Present Time. Model 59 Transport Cart A (regular typo):
Weight Length 157.7 kgs.
3.21 m.( with horse, 4.20 m.)

G-augc Loading l i m i t

1.30 m. 190 kgs. (420 l b s . ) 413.4 l b s . maximum load limit

Pack horse:

206.7 lbs, maximum load limit

- 147

1Q7. (continued) Temp. about 27 and be low

Effect Eyebrow? and hair within the nostrils freeze. Not only does one havo a queer sensation in the opening, and closing, of the eyes and in breathing, but the tongue cannot be used freely and speech becomes difficult. In addition to the above effects, the instense cold severely attacks the body, ..causing a sensation of stron 6 pressure being applied oni'the'top of the head Ifccon s ci oas 1 y. the.., b ody shake s c ont inu ous 3jy... I t is., of course, difficult to sleep or to stand s t i l l even for a short time. For protection against co-Id, wear hood, gloves, socks, and underwear.

/.About -35and below


1G8.; '

The Relation of Extreme Cold to the Rearing'of Special ., Clothing. .' \ . ; '""', ; Relation t o '.' Extreme-Gold '

Special Clothing Hood

.. .

By nature the head and face are groatly r e s i s t a n t t o cold, therefore, a simple wooleri Hood is 'sufficient protection even ' at -18, 'if the wind i s not strong. If special protective underwear is worn
underneath ,tho* uniform, i t is possible t o
withstand temperatures as low as - 5 a .
If the wind i s not strong, the use of overcoats and jackets is hardly necessary at temperatures between -12 and -18, but they should bo worn at lower temperatures or in a strong wicid. I t is necessary 'co uso winter shoes and socks at temperatures under 18 below zero. But when they are worn, caution must be used to change socks from time t o time. This i s . because the f e e t , worm at f i r s t , p e r s p i r e , causing the socks to become moist, then cool, and f i n a l l y t o freeze. (continued on next page)


Winter overcoat and jacket Shoes and socks .

- 148


Relation to Cold Even when there is no strong wing, it is
difficult to withstand temperatures oelow
-20 with, ordinary winter gloves as long as
30 minutes. At temperatures below -30, it is essential that large gloves be worn over the other gloves. It rust be remembered, however, that this will make loading and firing difficult.

Clothing, Ordinary winter gloves and largo overgloves

109 The Relation of Extreme Cold to the "Wearing of Special . Clothing While on Stationary Duty.


Winter Clothing

Summary One is able to withstand the cold for- 40 minutes',' but t h e r e a f t e r one begins t o f e e l cold below the hips and pain in the face and fingor t i p s . At temp e r a t u r e s below -25, i t i s d i f f i c u l t t o stand outdoors for more tLa:r, 30 minutes without moving around. No fouling of extreme pain
from the cold as long as 2
. hours <

0 to- -10 Winter gloves underwear

0 to -10

Winter underwear, overcoat, cap, sacks, shoes,

and gloves

-15 to -20*

Although the feet become pi.inful Add c.-winter jacket (sleeve-. a f t e r 2 hours,. exercise w i l l r e l i e v e the c o n d i t i o n . less) to above list.


Winter gloves, underwear, and


I t is possible t o withstand the cold for 2 continual hours while on s t a t i o n a r y d u t y . For longer periods i t i s necessary t o add winter shoes and j a c k e t .

(continued on next page)

- 149



Tcnpcrajjurc to 30'

Winter Clothing, Add long-sleeve wint e r jacket t o the clothing designated above for -15 to -20 and wear large over-gloves and 2 or three pairs of winter socks.

Summary Ordinary winter gloves when worn at temperatures of about -23 make i t possible for f i r i n g t o be continued for approxi mately 20 minutes.

t o -35

Add t o the ab ove l i s t a : At/a temperature of -35 woolen overcoat, 3 pairs pain will be felt in the of .socks.,and .fur-lined feet after approximately boots i. . one hour and gradually the^ feet will lose their

-Below -35

In addition to the above, put hay or cotton in the fur-lined boots, or wear leggings

In temperatures below -40 the pain which occurs after approximately 30 minutes renders difficult the per formance of duties last ing more than an hour. In a strong wind thirty minutes is the maximum time of duty.

REMARKS: Iv This t a b l e - i s - a - s y n t h e s i s of r e p o r t s on experiments made while wearing Japanese ..style c l o t h i n g . 2* 110. I t i s p r e f e r a b l e for mounted men t o wear a l l types of s p e c i a l w i n t e r c l o t h i n g . a t t e m p e r a t u r e s below - 1 0

F i e l d Cooking Equipment C a r r i e d by Troops. 1T0TE: ; ': In a l l d i s c u s s i o n of Japanese food, i t must be r e rnembered t h a t t h e main d i s h i s r i c e or r i c e and b a r ley mixed, and t h a t t h e secondary or s i d e d i s h i n cludes a l l other food such as v e g e t a b l e s , f i s h , e g g s , m e a t , e t c * Kitchen equipment used i n t h e f i e l d c o n sists of that carried by troops and that obtained from local resources*

- 150

Articles (in sets)

Hemispherical iron pot
Inside pot and lids

Used for cooking rice and
other food and for boiling
Collapsible modol (5 parts)
Used for washing rice, bar ley, and ingredients for
side dishes, and also as a
water container.

Iron stove
Rice washing tubs,
largo and small

Hot water tubs,

largo, medium & small
Pail stand
Steel dipper
Handles for large ladles
For -serving side dishes

'A hemp palm brush

For rinsing or washing

pots & other equipment
For storing miscellaneous
A hemp cloth, approximately
5'6" by 2' used in serving
rice after emptying from
Used as container for hot
wator, soy sauce, etc*
Used to filter water


Rice cloth

Large dipper

Small wollen bag


Used to weigh rice for

apportioning the amount per
Used for washing rico and

Rice sieve


- 151



Articles (in sots) Rain cover Large ladle Food convoying sack Rico 'wrapping cloth V gut able wrapping, cloth o
Rope .


A waterproof cloth 7 3?f sq#

" : ' . .

Used to convey-rice;, and; other food in packages ; Used in wrapping rice for distribution to troops* Used in wrapping vegetables for- distribution-to- tr.dops For use us'-wo-llropo-a-nd also for tying purpose's* . ;
: . . . .


Apparatus to pre vent scorching of rice

* 7
- 152

111. Moss Kits Carried by Troops* (SQQ pig. Q) The 2-meal moss k i t , being in common use at tho present time, is too wo11 known for description. Therefore, tho 3 meal k i t will be described below. A. Merits of tho 3<-mcal moss k i t . 1. With this mess k i t , i t is possible to ooolc a whole day's ration at one" cooking. -... 2 . ' I t - i s a double typo' w i t h . i n n e r and o u t e r p a r t s * B e c a u s e of t h o f a c t t h a t ' i t has a space between t h e two p a r t s , i t offers protection for tho contents against: freezing in the winter and spoiling in the summer. . 3. Graduations on the moss .kit: O the inner side of both n tho outer and inner mess k i t s , the following is indicated: Water for two locals upper mark; v/atcr for one meal lower mark, Tho graduation on'the inner.side of the outer moss k i t shov.'s -.thu capacity for one day's full ration of rice and barley in wartime. Capacity of the inner tray is 0.63 litr.es .17 gallon).; and the combined capacity of tho inner and' outer parts of the mess..kit--is. 1.8 l i t r e s ' ';. (5 gallon). B. Packing and.carrying rethod. : 1. The method of packing and carrying this mess k i t is cho sawo as for others. However, when i t is required to pack and carry rations for meals in both outer and inner mess k i t s , cover tho outer mess kit with the inner t r a y . O top of this put the inner rr.ess kit with the cover on. n Place the complete mess kit in the leather case and strap i t to tho pack. 2. W e placing the mecs kit^in a pack or a carryall bag, hn lock tho handle ov^r the outer cover. 112. Kitchen Wagons, Electric Field Kitchon nounted on Motor
Cars, Etc.
Besides the equipment described abovo, there are also kitchen wagons, e l e c t r i c fxold kitchens mounted, on motor cars and others, which will bo described l a t e r . 113 Menus

Suitable menus should include the following: 1* 2. Foods that are easy and simple to cook. Foods that arc easy to serve and convenient to carry.

- 153

Two- Meol Mess Kit


Cover Three Meal Mess Kit (Double Type)

Inn^r Tray


Inner Tray

Inner Mess Kit

Outer Mess Kit

51 g. 8. Sketch of Mess Kits (Two Types)

- 154


Foods that will not spoil easily.

4. Easily obtainable local resources as well as regu lar supplies. Note: Conforming to the above instructions, the principal menus used up to now include the following* Gomokumeshi (rice mixed with eggs or vegetables) In summer add a small amount of vinegar to the mixture Fukujinzukemoshi (sliced.vegetables preserved in soy sauce and mixed with rice) Cook the rice longer than usual, sprinkle fukujinzuko over the rice and mix* Kannilcunochi (canned moat mixed with rice) Follow . the above procedure* Mushihan (steamed rice) If a bamboo basket is placed over ; the hemispherical pot, the rice may be easily steamed. These may he easily prepared with field kitchen equipment ( Nimamc (boiled beans) ( Tsukudani (food boiled in soy ( sauce ( -Misoni (food cooked in soy boan
p ( Tekkamiso (food cooked in tekka ( . boan paste) (Shio-kombu (salted sea wood) ( Kanroni (various kinds of food ( cooked with sirup) ( Misoyaki (food baked in soy bean paste)

Ageroono (fried food) - select such food as pork which can

be fried plain.

Daikon-hayazuko(fcLdIah pickled for a short time.) The radishes which are cut thick can bo eaten immediately after soaking them in a vinegar & sugar solution (a small amount of spice may be added if available.) 114, Setting Up of Field Kitchen. a. The field kitchen is ordinarily divided into a place to prepare food for cooking and a piece to cook i t . b . Particular attention is given to drainage where the kitchen is set up, and if necessary, ground should bo covered with boards or matting to protect against mud. First of a l l , select the site for the kitchen, and then construct the cookstovo After the allotted supplies (any shortage of materials will be met from the supplies of the individual outfits) and fuel have boon received, proceed with the operation of the, kitchen.

- 155

115. Construction of Cookstovo (on Ground) Cooks tovos aro cons true tod as sketched Jbclowt

Cross Section of A and B



Cross Section of A pnd B



Cross Section of A and B

Fig. 9 156


Kitchen Detail for Fiold Cookinb with Stove.

The personnel required to cook for 1000 men is generally as follows: 1 N O is in charge of a l l kitchen personnel, incoming and C outgoing rations, and meals. 1 Superior Private in charge of side-dishes and fuel. 16 men on duty. The number of men required will depend upon the situation, especially upon the variation in menus and the convenience in obtaining water. The duties of the 16 men, which follow the usual procedure of f i r s t serving supper and later preparing and d i s t r i b u t ing breakfast and dinnor (food to bo carried along) for the following day, arc divided as follows* 1st step: before beginning to cook Coakstove construction detail 3 men Rico and barley y/ashing detail ' 5 men Detail to prepare other food 5 men Fatigue detail (water and wood) 3 men 2nd step: after beginning to cook Detail to handle main disli (rico) 7 men Dotai1 to handle side dishes (other food) 5 men Fatigue detail 4 men 3rd stop: Details for thu distribution of bi eakfast and dinner aftur supper has boon served. To distribute rice 8 men To distribute other food 5 men To clean up 5 men 117. Setting U of Stove (Portable-old type) for Cooking in Field. p Vl c assembling the cookstove, f i r s t of a l l remove the ih n plates from the package and then assemble than in a spot selected ~by the person in charge of supplies. Place the s t e e l plate which forms the front of the stovo so that i t faces the wind. Then, on the opposite side, place the two stool plates to which the chimney is a t tached. First s t a r t with figure ( l ) as illustrated on the sketch and then assemble the other parts consecutively in order (1*2,3,4,5). In case of a strong wind i t is better not to face the mouth of the stove at r i b h t angles v/ith the direction from which the wind blows. The fire will burn more satisfactorily if the foundation of the stovo is dug in an X shape about, 2|- to 3= inches in jr depth before assembling the parts of the stove

- 157



direction of the wind


Fig. 10.

roaster (new model) - 158

old model)

Setting Up of Stove (Portable-new typo) for Cookii:g in Field, The following chart i l l u s t r a t e s the assembling of a coalburning new nodol stove and the essentials of building.the f i r e . Fig. 11.


Burn with door closed.

(3) Piece stovo cis illustrated u sot the grating

(7) V h n i t is de impossible to dig trench,' place grat ing on bricks or stones.

(1) Insert chimney in to s l i t s located abovo & below vent

(4) First place a kind ling bas'O &'thori coal upon,it. (2) (5) Set the pot & i b nitc f i r e , but if no. draft & difficult to kindle f ire. s t a r t i t without ing pot _on stovo

Dig a s l i t trench

^-it 1

PrecautionsJ ( l ) In order to prevent damage to steel sections from heat, bank, as much d i r t as possible aroung inner walls of the stove, (2) Any kind of kindling wood such as kaoliang, dead wood, &tovibSmay be used to start fire, (3) Vi/hen throwing coal on kindling wood, be sure to leave space for air circulation (draft).. .


Procedure in Cooking Rico with Stove* In a l l cases, a common method of cooking side dishes is used; since this process ia very complicated however, only the ncthods of cooking the main dish (rice) will be described*

Soloct the more suitable' of the following methods of cooking the main dish (rico) in a hemispherical iron pot, taking into account the s k i l l of the men and the equipment on hand* V/ o using an inside pot: ih n Put 45 l i t r e s (25 sho) of wr.ter in the pot and boil. Put 10 kilograms (8 sho) of rice md barley in the inside pot. .and place i t in the boiling water for approximately 10 minutes* Remove the inside pot and place i t on a stand to Met the excess moisture evaporate. Add 18 l i t r e s (.10 sho) of water in. the .. hemispherical iron pot and place the next inside pot on for a ' second cooking; , '' Precaution: I t is easy for oven an in experienced person to cook rico with an -inside pot. However, if possible i t is best not to have an inexperienced pers-on to f. the cooking because if the r i c e ' is extremely unpalatable the nutritive value will be lost* W e using the apparatus"t.-o prcvqnt scorching (nakazoko): hn Put 36 l i t r e s (20 slid) of water in;pshe hemispherical iron pot' and bring i t to a b o i l . Put 1 5.ki.lograms of ri.ee ancliharloy (17 sho) in the boiling water Cfook-.ifor about 5..minutGsj then either remove the fire or the pot from the stove and stoam for about fivo minutes ' ' ' N.B. Just,, as in the' use of the inside pot, there is ho fear of scorching when this equipment is used. only the iron pot is being used:. Put 36 l i t r e s of water into the- pot and brin{J i t to a boil Put 2.15. kilograms (17 sho) : of rico and barley into the hot water to cook. As soon as the rice bcgiiis to boil over* immediately remove the pot'and place it aside or set an asbestos pad-under the pot and let i t steam. Precaution*
1 By this method, the rice will scorch if the fire is not
withdrawn within five minutes after the rice has begun to boil# Thereforej as mentioned above, i t is best to canplcto the cook ing by removing the pot from the fire and letting the rice ab sorb the moisture of the steam. ' 2. If the essential points of the procedure are thoroughly ; understood and practiced, rice can be cooked fast, economically and without scorching.



Construction of Trench for Cooking with Moss K i t s .

a . Trenches, embankments or supports are used when cooking with mess' kits in the f i e l d . Cooking -by t h i s not hod'is ' > simple; when firewood is used' as fuel, however, i t is advis able t o use supports or embankments. When using, fuel that is brought along, use supports if there is no wind,,but if there is a wind, i t i s advisable to dig a ainplo trench. In place of a trench, stones can be used* (Coi struction Manual flo73) b . The kitchen will be arranged as much as possible in a. single .row of trenches sot approximately 2 rioters a p a r t . However, i f the t e r r a i n d:oos not permit t h i s , dig 2 rows of trenches.

'z ~



Cookin | "Trench
\ T"


\ '2.00
t t' i i

. 2 , QQ. " i

Section Vi'eV; A-B 0.10 .

Fig. 12 ' , . The width of "the trench will vary "with the number of moss k i t s t o be hung dn'the 'c:,-osspiocc For example, when four .or five arc used, the width v a i l "be 50 to 60 centimeters'. The length w i l l be 20 centimeters t o each crosspicco; thus, the entire length w i l l be determined by the number of crosspieces to be used. However, for the"convenience of cooking, i t w i l l .be' limited to two rooters.' The depth of the trench measured from the top of the embank ment to the bottom of the tronch should be as follows: /I/hen using charcoal 'as fuel ' about 40 cm. iihon using,'wood as fuel about 50 cm. Ifi/hon using fuel that is brought along, the distance between moss k i t and fuel should be about 3 cm. If necessary arrange the support so a s ' t o ' p r o t e c t the c r o s s p i e c e . The embanfc'nont should bo so constructed as to follow the course'of the"tronch. Supports for crosspioces w i l l consist of e i t h e r simple tripods constructed of bamboo or twigs, about 50 cm. in length, or of


forked branches and such, which are to .bo driven into the ground. . m



Fig, 13 121. Kitchen Dot a i l for Field Cooking with Moss K i t s . Generally one cooking section w i l l bo composed of 10 men (cooking for 60 men) selected each day in t u r n s . . Special d u t i e s : . , ... .. One officer (pr warrant officer).-, i n gdrjcral cdnpna.ndv Ono NCO t o a s s i s t ' t h e officer and take charge of cooking..-: F i r s t s'top (unt.-il preparation for cooking begins) Ration'and fuel d e t a i l -? -------..-: - 6 men Hoss kits'''and canteens collect ing d e t a i l - 2. men Detail t o prepare cooking, place -.-_ -. :2 non Second stop"'(cot)kin^ propagations) ; .' Rice and barley d i s t r i b u t i o n d e t a i l - Z men Side-dishes'distribution detail *-*.-- 3 mon * Fuol d i s t r i b u t i o n d e t a i l ' - , - - 1 man Fire kindling r.nd niscollanoous d e t a i l -*r> 3 mon Third step (cooking)
Main dish detail 6 men
Side dishes dotail -----.--. 3 men
Fireman for trenches and boiling water .-- 1 man
Fourth stop (distribution)
Main dish detail '- > - ---.--*--,- 6 men
Side dishes detail ----I 3 men "
' Clean up detail - - - . - ----r.-^>- l


Procedure in Cooking, with Moss Kits. " h n cooking, side dishes with the- ness k i t , i t is best We to select those kiiids of food which, do not have'to be cooked thoroughly. It is not always possible, however,to follow this in regard to-such items of food as the ingredients for nixed rice (rice nixed.with meet and vegetables) :.nd raw food obtaircd fror local resources. The following statements are based on tho ruthods used in such conditions: a. Cook the.main dish and the side dishes at the sane tine*

b . Collect several ress.ki ; :s and use some of then to cook the main dish and the others to cook the side dishes. c. In a l l probability the amount of heat absorbed by the main part of the rcas J"it will differ fror. thi.t reaching the inner tray pieced over i t . If both dishes are cooked at the sane t i n e , unless the food for the side dish is such as can bo cooked within the time required for cooking r i c e , they v a i l not get done together. Therefore, the former method (a.) r.iust in principle be based upon tho l a t t e r nothod (b,)# However, there arc two exceptions to this principle; 1. Cooking nixed rice (nazoneshi) 2 . ( Cooking those side dishes which only require warni ^ ing before they arc eaten. In a l l cases hang tho ness kit at a height who'ro the flanes barely touch the bottom of the k i t ; and after i t has boiled for approximately five minutes remove i t from the f i r e . If i t is plain rice that is being cooked, turn the kit over arid let i t steam for approximately 10 minutes. More over, after removal fror.1 the f i r e , do not lay t h e ' k i t directly on the cold ground, but lay i t on-something such as pieces of vood or straw to keep .thu food fromgetting coIcU 123. Utilization uf Kitchen Equipment and Fuel obtained from v Local Resources* Equipment obtained fr;.>r; local resources refers to cooking utensils used by the inhabitants of the battle area* In Manchuria many h ^ e s use Jar b e pots, end as a result i t is possible to make extensive use of them in group cooking. Pots usod by the Chinese. The twokirds of pots usually used by the Chiroso are hemi .shorical pots with cooking capacity of approximately 2 4/5 gallons and 5-3/4 .gallons respectively. These two are gen erally found in each household. However, in those establish ments, such as inns, which house many people, four of the - 163

larger pots ( >r of a s t i l l larger type with a capacity of abr.ut 7 3/5 gallons) arc usually i'./and* Deodorizing i' Chi-cso pots

Chinese pots have'a certain offensive snc/ll ard an. oily film* The easiest no thud of removing, this is to wash i t with laundry, soap before i t is' used, . Another method is to boil water in i t once before i t is used. S t i l l another nothod is to rub salt on the inside >f the pot. Thoso pots rz.y. be Wull used during the winter t.o cobk side dishes * t.I -re -vor, i t is important to boil a largo quantity of h t water prior to co-lcin^* Yn n wash in, the rice, add fe sonc of this hot water to the rice washii^ water until luke warm. This will facilitate the process of washing the rice*. Peculiarities of cooking r.ico (with the Chinese pots) It.vd 11 take less tine to. cook rice in a Chinses pot thaia in a Japanese pot* Since the pot cannot be removed from the cooking stove, the fire must be carefully watched (use a strong fire until the pot b'oile over)* Furthermore, w h n cooking, rice, in the. Chinese pot, because tho pot is shallow and has no fixed capacity, do not n sure the amount of water u by the depth of the water above the rice; but always measure* i t out in prop or tier, to the amount of r i c e . Since Chinese Pleasuring cups vary ^rer.tly from place to place, use the mess kit as a measuring, cup* Provisions for buckets, p a i l s , etc* Chinese households have few ut-ensils such as buckets or pails, .and i t is very inconvenient when one wants to use warn water. .Therefore, have- the field trr.in carry 2 buckets and 2 dippers for each platoun and i t will be most convenient to have them .issued at thu time the materials are distributed to each platoon. However, households in i:ar-churia generally have 1 or 2 larg^ basins (l^-r-2 gallons) and a large dipper (called suihyo) made of gourds* 124* Miscellaneous Use of kaoliang stalks as fuel. In burning kaoliang stalks, i t is best not. to throw them in * largo quantities into ? f i r e . It would" bo bettor to* f i r s t . build up the fire by stirring the ashes well and then: to feed the fire with only a few stalks at a time. In case natives are present in the vicinity i t would be 'convenient to get their help* ,, Compared with charcoal, the kaoliang stalks burn faster, and heat given out varios.more greatly* If the kaoliang stalks are moist or if there' is insufficient combustion

^ 164

booauso of the direction of the wind, tho snoko nay make cooking, d i f f i c u l t . Facts on local cookings a . Tho kaoliang, n i l l c t and have fine sand mixed in 'the able vessel (a very good one t o wash the grain. Pour the another container, and throw ing t h i s process a number of c :>ok tho grain* other staple foods of the locality grain* Therefore, use a s u i t w i l l bo a cone shaped vessel.) contents while being shaken into away t he sec" imc nt Aft or r epoafc times and ronovin b a l l the sand,

b . In L'anchuria and M rgolia water is very scarce, and so " i t i s especially necessary t o economize on water when cook i n g . For this reason, if possible, use clean white r i c e (polished rico) which does not require washing, c . Generally the grain becomes cxtroroly dry (except for the rainy season of July and August, i t becomes increasingly d r i e r after tho harvest season); thorefore, thcro arc occasions when i t i s best t o use a l i t t l e moro water in cooking than i s used in Japan proper* d Ihon relying on local stapla foods, employ Chinese to do the cooking i f p o s s i b l e . Show them the menu and have then cook according t o t h e i r customary rothods. This w i l l ^ive the m i l i t a r y personnel sufficient rest* Furthermore, Chinese cooking with i t s many kinds of food rich in n u t r i t i o n wi11 s u i t everyone's t a s t e f THE REQUIRED VOR COOKING WITH FIELD TRAIN
KITCHEN EQUIPMENT CLASSIFICATION /linen using l n s i a e pots.(9 pots, 6 cookstoves) When not using i n s i d o pots ( 9 pots r 9 cook* stoves) TIME FOR PREPARATION 50 n i n . NECESSixRY COOKING THE Per Round For one I n f , B n , ( i n c l u d 20 min,'

ing time for preparation) 4 h r s , 30 min.

50 m i n .

40 min.

3 h r s 30 min.

- 165


Proccduro Proparation Two mods with innor noss k i t Cooking Ono mod with outer DOSS' k i t St.oo.qing TYro'nec.ls with innor mess k i t Total Ono'Doc.l with, outer DOSskit .'
39nin. ,

Tir'o Required in Minutes 15 n i n . 22 min 17 .nin. 7 nin. 44 n i n .

- 166


Sentry Group (under NCO)

[1 Plat of
3rd Co.
1st Bn (less 1st Co
1 Plat of 2nd Co
1 Plat of 3rd Co
1 Plat of MG
Aerial OP Distribute at 0800, Field. Trairf""> 1st Troop less 2 plats (7 squads) 3 squads of 1st Troop

The main body of the

Advance Guard of the
1st Inf will billet at
the location of the
Field Train.
SUPPLY ORDERS: 1. The various supplies will be distributed from 2400 on. The evening meal of the outpost reserve will be cooked separately for each company while the others will be prepared by joint cooking. '2. In order to supply the necessary personnel for joint cooking, the 4th Company will assign 3. will be assigned as guides for the field train. 4. After issuing provisions and forage to the intendance officer at the position of the outpost reserve, the field train will . Instructions to the Intendance Officer: 1. The quantity and variety of the distributed supplies, their allocation and use, and the list of menus will . 2. The time for distribution of food on joint cooking basis will be . 3. Cooking of the evening meal for the outpost reserve will be . 4. Bivouac materials . 5. Field train . Supplementary instructions: Necessary supplies will be procured and classified as follows: Rice , Barley , , .
D r a w n in C a r t o g r a p h i c Section, D i s s e m i n a t i o n Unit, M I D

Fig. 14 167

126. Kitchen Layout for Cooking with. Mess Kits of Company X in the
Vicinity of XX. (night of (date) )


Rat ion & Fuel Distribution Poi nt Remarkr: ( l ) This exarm^e i s for a cpnrps ratlvely narrow area S place '-'here fees?, if Yn^% in Wnboc "baskets, tubs, r e l s . (3) @ ^dic^ates where vrrter i s i-e-nt in tubs and "barrels. (4.) /^ indicates tne place of gnpuea l i ^ u s that cannot be observed from the a i r . (5) Use door-type boards for kitchen t a b l e s . (6) Lay door-type boards and mats where mess k i t " are to be arranged.
- 108


Kitchen layout of 7Z Infantry Battalion in the Vicinity of (nir-ht of (date))

H +3


O I"

4^ H




JJ'ield Train Ration and Forage Unloading Depot

H c O



di K I,!T C E E 1 water drai n ! di st i 11 e i r


i fu^J.

/ f plo.co for ! ->. / i^wa^L^d r i a e j >"" " v''t 7/ate3Tfuel 1 D water


O 0 0 0 CXX3 OOOO OCX)

pot water fuel pot water fuel pot

d -Tih"

hot Yiater



~i r

-' U

distributing place



CO O - H rH t ; C O 1 Hri^ r ^ g f, " j ^ OJ-H O & r-H CD 0 , CD IS'- +i rM

% U &j O

CO ci-H 4J CQ CD CD ""CO r ir? ,-Q ,O


. Ki +3

CO O CD pr4


Assembly for Mess


H cc' T-t ' fn nd CO Pi


w cci cp -d O > C O 05 <H CD r d O: CD Pi rQ p . .,_, EH f 4 3 H p H l H S / H O tij p- ^ - P O y !t-i P' p

S cd + D CQ H CO P- O C >-> H H H WJ re!


in C D > O

to re! fH C O O

j>i p| pi "d +3 C CQ D C I rt D
O rd

p , . H 0 1 4J ^


- 169

a o

CD O -i tQ +3 Q ^ P ,


CHAPTER 5 FIRING SCI NI E TO II Infantry Artillery NI Paragraphs 128-132 133-15?

128. 1.

Rifles and Light Machine

Overhead f i r e It is possible to execute overhead fire rlien friendly troops are rithin a range of 150 meters and Then the line of sight passes more than 3 meters above their heads.

Gap fire It will "be necessary to leave an interval between the line of sight and the flanks of friendly troops as shown in the diagram below.


^ rM'4'',' / f r A?'

/ c ' . ^ /V//M-1

7h'AN 50 M \

- 170

129. 1.

kachine Chins and -tf'lat Trajectory Infantry Guns Overhead fire on level terrain W e the distance to .the target on level terrain is less than hn 1300 meters in the case of .machine guns and less than 800 meters in the case of flat trajectory infantry guns,^overhead fire should ordinarily be avoided as friendly troops may be endangered.

- >*ii e r-.> r I . v



. _ TT""

, ace"1 - -


v, ;/.//////// ?T-,. '/

>7 e the machine gun is firing at distant objects of more than . hn 1300 meters, the limit? of the safety zone will be as shovrn in the diagram above. ir hen the infantry gun is firing at distant objects of more thpn 800 meters, the limits of the safety 7one T"ill be as indica ted, in the di-sr,--^


2. Overhead firing on sloping terrain (machine gin and flat tra jectory infantly gun) W e the target is above the line connecting the gun position hn and the height of friendly troops, overhead firing must be execu ted within the limits of the safety zone as shown in the following diagram to avoid inflicting casualties to friendly troops.


v Tyji''W
" 3r>c wi




Gap firing (machine gun and flat trajectory infantry gun) To avoid danger to friendly troops in gap firing, the limits of the safety zone are indicated in the following diagram.

f R1 t.K: nLV f ROOPJ \ V A \ oftI "f h A H *,0C A ' \ E ~ * R 3

130. Overhead Fire of High Angle Infantry Guns over Friendly Troops and Obpt^cle 13 .

1. Firing over friendly troops

To avoid endangering friend ly troops v;hen the range is less
than 1000 meters, tho ..standard
distance between the target and
friendly troops is 150 meters.




- 172

Firing over a. mask I t i s usually necessary that the horizontal distance ( a - c ) ,

from the gun position (a) to the
grazing point (b) be greater than
the height of mask (b-o).



I i-OHGEP.. ~ - '

131. Overhead -.nd Gap Firing of the 3attalion, the Regimental, and the Rapid ifirinii Gun 1. Overhead firing



f~ ~ --


I* " t THAN (

Note: (1) The height of a tapn' is the standard for friendly troops,

{?,) This diegrpm is for level terrain. (3) ( ) refers to Regiiaental Gun. (( )) refer? to ]>?id Firing Gun.

- 173


Gap firing

(1) The figures within
parenthesis ( ) indicate
Regimental Guns.
(2) Gap firing of the
Rapid Firing Gun is the
same as that of the ma chine gun.


Length of defilade of the Infantry Gun a. Battalion Gun

1 D - 10 a II...-. .D - 5 a III....D r 3 a '
I V . . . . . D 2 a


' '

D. ......... "Length of defilade (meters)

Angle of defilade (mils) :
a.; I. II Powder charges . ::

; '. '!


Regimental Gun D - 20 a. '"


4. Minimum permissible ranges with instantaneous fuzes sflfl. tie- ! layed action fuzes are: a. Battalion gun Instantaneous fuze ; Delayed action fuze;-* 1 1000 m e t e r s . . . . . . . . . S00 meters 600 300' II III 200' con,?ider?tion unnecessary, IV 100] b. Regimentql gun Instantaneous -PJL
Effective over approximately 1000 meters.

Deleyed action fuze':' Effective rithin 2500 meters, but projectilemay ricochet.
: '

(1) (2)

Above computation i s made for l e v e l ground p,f medium hardness. ; '.'.;:. Computation f o r ' B a t t a l i o n Gun i s for executing' liow angle f i r e . " " ' .- 174


Firing Data for Aerial Targets Rear

sight (clov.)

Armament s

Effective range

Aiming point When a plane i s beyond

the effective
U l i V \_/J> -L. V* \ ^ _ \J -L. V <S

The visibl e distance of airplanes under ]Qorrnal conditions

Rifles and Ordinarily light machine within 600 guns meters


1000 m

600 m

200 m I t i s possi ble to count the crew members and to distinguish t h e i r head gear.

i . CJ_iiR^V/

the target length lead should be generally 1/100 of i t s estimated



Though the I t i s possible outline of theto d i s t i n plane can be guish the i n seen, each signias and' wing struts, j>art i s indistinguisha and identify ble. the various parts of the plane.

Heavy ma chine gun

Ordinarily within 1000 meters


600 800

The coinciding point of the antiaircraft sight and the target in re spect to the speed of aircraft (Outer piece 300 kilometers per hour, middle piece 200 kilo meters per hour, inside piece 100 kilometers per hour)


133. 1. Time Required for Surveying
Estimate of time necessary for the regiment to make a survey
;These are the totals for both general and. detailed reconnais sance. The former does not require much time; however, Reconnaissance - about 3 hours < the time necessary in accom Field work about 6 hours \plishing the latter varies ac i cording to the terrain, and ; usually will be carried on with I the field work.

a. b.

c. Calculations about 11 hours after the beginning of the field work. (With (4) survey details locate about (10) base points. Headings of horizontal movies nr'e -taken once. In "base line surveys fore sight and "ba6>: sipht readings'will "be taken. . twice.) 2. Estimate of time necessary for the battalion to make a survey 'These are the t o t a l number of j hour* for both general, and. de ., : tailed reconnaissance. The \ former doer not require much about 2 hours .'time; hot/ever, the necessary a. Reconnaissance about 4 hours '\ time- in accomplishing the l a t b. Field work . 1-te-r- varies according to the /.terrain, and usually is i l l . be \ ;carried on rith the field work, v c. Adjustment, graphic representation, and calculation: When essential matters are calculated and Mothers of lesser importance are graphically illustrated, the time required is ap proximately 6 hours after the beginning of field work. When nearly everything i s dependent upon calculations 10 hours after the beginning of field work; (With ^2) survey details lac ate (6) or (7) base points in the vicinity of the positions and (2) or (3) more in the forward area* Headings cf horizontal angles are taken once. In "base r.nrv.':rs for- si^ht and back sight readings will "be , . twice.)

- 176

Effects Accompanying the Burst of Time Shrapnel This varies according to type of gun, range, powder charge, height of burst, slope of the lpnd, etc. P o i n t o f burst ^aCe covered by shrapnel


Leng ith of dispe rsion > ^--Within t h i s f one, shrapnel does a t- Length j of not possess suffi effective , area cient power against (personnel


j Shape"of 'beaten ""^tP^T^

Shrapnel density
great in t h i s area
135. Effective Area of lima "Shrapnel Depth (meters)
50 25
200 350 100 300 25

35 .



3000 200 150

5000 100 50 100 50

155 mm
Koivi t z er

200 100 50 500


105 mm Gun 155 m m Gun ,



1. This chart indicates the effective area of one shell against personnel'when i t s 'bursting height corresponds to 'that'which" is - shown in the'table of Height" of Burst. 2. Generally, the depth of the effective area against animals should be one-half of the figures shown in t h i s chart. 3. The v/idth indicates the area at the point of impact of a shell.

- 177


Effective Beaten Zone of Coupon Shell Fragments

Type of guns
Effective radius
in direction of flight

Field and
Mount ain Artillery

105 mm gun

155 mm how

155 mm

20 meters




Not e:

The fragments in the lateral radii

are less effective then those in the
forward radius.


Effectiveness of Smoke Shells and Flares


SkOKE SHELL Width of Smo ke Screen

FLARE Speed of Descent Area of Illumination


Persistency Persisof tency Illumination

Field and

art il iery guns
155 mm how 105 mm gun

30 m

1 rain 2 min
30 sec
1 min
30 sec

20 sec

1-15 m per sec

Approx. 100 m

100 50


This i s applica ble when the wind velocity is either 3 or 4 meters per second (approx. 7 miles
per hour)

The area of illumination surround? the point of burst ?'hen the height of burpt i s 150

- 178


Size of Shell Craters Nature of ground Shell crater Di ?onet er Depth Penetrating Maximum depth of power
"DOsfible de structive effect of a shell

Kind of shell

Shell {common) Armor piercing shell ifote:


Ordinary soil Concrete structure

20 D 25 D

5 D
6 D
2 D 3 D

6 D

1. 2.
' ' "

"J>r i s the c a l i b e r of t h e gun. The penetrative power increases as t h e angle creases. I t also v a r i e s with t h e range.
' ' ' ' " " ' * ' ' " i l l i

of f i r e in
- I ' . . . /

* '

' '


Calculation Relative to Length of Defiladed Spaces

.'/ OR 17 0 V TA L PI A Mr.

D -

40 a (Field a r t i l l e r y , horse a r t i l l e r y , 105 m i gun) a

D.Z ._. 20 a (Mountain artillercy gun)

30 a Jo. 1 powder charge

25 a ivo. 2

15 a No."3 12 a ::o. 4 9 a IMO. 5

(155 Em howitzer) In high t r a j e c t o r y i f i r e , i t i s not necessary, t o consider , the minimum elevation.

- 179

(l) Method of 'determining (A) gun position (field artillery) when the
length of defilade space (d) is known

D = 1000m, when a * J2. 40 a r 25 j = h/d x 1000 d


a = i2L = 25 #i 40

But; h - 10 Therefore, d = 10, x 1Q,00

= 400m

Therefore the gun position will be 400 meters in the rear of the
(2) Method of calculating the length of defiladed space (mountain

Determine*"a" first. terrain.)

with d = 200 m

(This cai; readily be measured on the actual

. . . .

a - h/d x 1000 - 10/200 x 1000 - 50 EIBy using formula D ~ 20 a the length of the defiladed space, D : 20 x 50 - 1000 m 140. The Length of Defiladed Space Id/hen the Line of G-uns i s in the Rear of a Cliff.

- 180











40 , 60 970 850 760



100 1000 200 300 400 500 1000 1500 2000

1300 1500 1700 1900

100 760 200 580 400 530 200 490 500 460 1000 310 1500 200 2000 120

800 700

1200 1400 1600 1800 1100 1300 1500 1700 1000 1200 1400 1600 900 1100 1300 1500 700 900 1100 1200 500 400 700 550 900 1000 700 800

1170 1350 1520

1030 1200 1350
930 1100 1220
880 1000 1100
830 640 500 400 950 1050
760 860
600 500 700

670 500 360 270

400 300 200

Application of Chart 1. The retractable distance X is obtained in order'to direct fire the distance' of 7'D" beyond the cliff when the ground: on top .and at the base of the cliff i s generally level Hypothesis:
Then, for Field gun for Mt. gun Hypothesis: H - 40m D - 1200m X - 200m
X - 3.00m or less (not on chart)

H - 20m X = 300m D - 800m D = 530m

Then, for Field gun for.Mt. gun

141. The Length of Defiladed Space When the Line of Guns i s in the Rear of a Cliff Lined with Trees (simplified method)



- 181

Assume a horizontal line A3C through A and B to C so as to obtain D' by the formula in paragraph 139. Let d-|-D - X, then D" i s obtained from the chart in paragraph 140. But, andDfl-+ D " - D D i s the required length of defiladed space. a d hf
h d -r D1 D'+D" - minimum elevation
- 1000m
= 10m - 20 m - X =D

An example (field gun):



by mil formula, a r h'/& x 1000 - 10/1000 x 1000 - 10j/i by formula in par. 139, Df - 40a - 40 x 10 - 400m by hypothesis, X - d 4- D' - 1000 400 - 1400 by chart in par. 140, D " * 320 then, D = D ' + D ft - 400 .320 = 720m

142. Method of. Determining tHe Minimum Elevation, the Length of t h e Defile'ded Space, and Gun Positions 1. To measure tho angle of a minimum elevation, doti-orrriino tho mils from a kneeling position (corresponds to the height of a gun) with an ami extended forward.in the direction of the obstacle. (Width of one finger equals approximately (30) mils.) In t h i s case, i t i s necessary that lowor finger" bo on'ifho horizontal lino of s i g h t i n g .

2. In.calculating the length (horizontal) of defiladed space (D),

the: formula,- * " 40-a is us.ed, "aj1 being measured as above.
D 3.- To find.a gun. position which' corresponds to a certain length of
defiladed "space, calculate" "a" by the formula a - D/40 (field gun.)
. Then, the gun position will be determined by taking "a" as the
minimum elevation,' ' ' ''

\ 143".' Height of Defilade" Required t'b GoncealFlaSh rO'f Ouns

' > ; ' ! ' . ' .

' 'The minimum height' of defilade required to- conGeal the flash of guns i s the distance between the a r t i l l e r y piece and the l i n e of sight ing from the enemy. I t v a r i e s according -to- the types of guns as follows: Field," Horse, and Mountain A r t i l l e r y pieco....4m !155mm Howitzer.. 105mm Gun.'.' .... 6m 5m

- 182

144. Simplified Formula for Determining Angle of Elevation and Fall of the Field and Mountain Artillery Guns Field Artillery Angle of Elevation Angle of Fall Note: Example: Hypothesis, Range - 2.5km Field Artillery Then to find the angle of elevation / a - 5X(X -h 4) . . . .by the formula But X - 2.5km : i . : 5 x 2 . 5 ( 2 . 5 4 4) - 81 mils Mountain Artillery Then to find the rmgle of fall by the formula A = 13X(X -h 3) But X z 2.5km : . 4 ; 13 x 2 . 5 ( 2 . 5 4 3) = 179 mils 145. 5X(X-f 4) 10X(X> 2) Mountain Artillery 7X(X-j- 5) 13X(X-j- 3)

X i s the range in kilometers and the angle i s in mils.



Formula to Calculate the Time of Flight of a Projectile (X = Range in kilometers) Time of flight: T(sec) T(se.c).

^ J L i J l _ ..,.Heavy Artillery 4 - 3 X Field Artillery Mountain Artillery

T(sec) = 4X - 1 146. 1.

Overhead Firing of Field and Mountain Artillery Pieces. Method of determining the height of trajectory ^ x ^ FA 100 100

h x

h - -h x - L . x - 2 - MtA
- ^ 100 100 d distance between a r t i l l e r y ajid fri-endly troops. D = distanoe between friendly and enemy troops. ^ j L/ Friendly ' troops d. ._ . .. _ ^ 'f

- 133

Example: The distance (D) between the a r t i l l e r y and the enemy i s i 2000 m, | The distance (d) between the a r t i l l e r y and friendly troopjs i s about 1800 meters. . ,The height of the t r a j e c t o r y over the friendly troops is: 100 100 Notes concerning overhead firing

h -


m m



a. Overhead firing over friendly troops who are within 300 ' meters of the gun and not protected from our fire by terrain ' or construction works should be avoided as much as possible. : b. When friendly troops are about 150 meters from the target: at a firing range of 2000 to 3000 meters, shrapnel fire at !' the standard height of burst may be carried out without if i t is 'accurate and the tangent, sights are set properly. c. Field or mountain artillery shells passing more than one \ meter over the heads of friendly troops will not cause any . j physical damage. ' : 'r>" ,'d. When .obtaining "h" (height in. meters) by the above formu la, i t is necessary to fix the height above the heads of the friendly' troops in positions to the arc ..line connecting the muzzle-and the point of impact. 3. Minimum distance from target that may be approached by friend ly infantry during artillery fire * Type of Gun .Field orjMountain
105mm Gun 155mm Howitzer

Minimum Approachable Distance (meters) Not e: 1.

150 (Shell and Shrapnel)

200" (Shell) 250 Shrapnel)

'250 (Shell) 300 (Shrapnel)

This chart applies in the case of a target within an average range distance.


his distance must be increased when the target is not yd thin the average range distance.



A-rrrniunition Required for Fire Against Personnel Exposed When planning for annihilation

continued on next r>age) Cover ed Against personnel f i r i n g from behind, f o r t i f i cations Annihilation Neutralization

Target Situation and Purpose of Firing



Field and

155inm How

155inni Gun

Fi eld and MtA

105mm How

105mm Gun

Guns suitable to inflict casualties on per sonnel and guns responsive to varying strengths of constructions.

Ammunition and Fuzes Number of Rounds Re quired (per hectare 2.5 acres) R e m a r k s

Shell with instantaneous or delayed action fuze or amor-piercing shell*

.Ammunition and fuzes will be in accordance with the target situation and will be se lected in conformity with firing objectives, Practically same as Practically same as the number required to the number required to annihilate exposed neutralize exposed personnel-. personnel.




Less than Less 16 than -oer rain 6 per min

Less than 12 per. min

" hn enemy fails to with We In order to neutralize the draw from sector, it i s enemy so that our infantry usually necessary to fire will not suffer heavy los rapidly, for i t is possible ses, it is usually neces to inflict casualties upon sary to fire for approxi enemy to such an extent mately three (3) minutes, that he will not escape the maximum values given completely from our fire above. power.


(continued) Interdiction Fire Movement .of concentrated f i r e ' .Absolute . Temporary check" (an chock nilation) Standing
Barrage Fire
To impede ene,.my reconstruc tion work Interruption of Communicat ion T cut off an To cut off, o element of u absolutely f nit passing traffic at through a a certain certain, point point

Target Situation and Purpose of firing


Harassing fire


155mm howitzer
105mm "Gun.
F i e l d & I,ItA Gun

Field 5 MtA Gum. c .155mrii HoT/itzer Field and MtAGuns.

Field and MtA Guns

105mm Gun

F & MtA Guns 155mm How

Ammunition and Fuzes

Number of Rounds Re quired ( p e r hectare 2.5 acres)

Usually, with less Approx, 100 A than one battery, rds. F shells repeat rapid fire per hr per with less than 3 hectare for armor-piercing and
rounds per gun per every point common s h e l l
hectare at appro that should .v'Jhen one battery priate -intervals. be-checked. Continuous 3ame as the i s charged with number re-f During demise fog neutraliza frontage of 290m, ired to fgpidr-MtA- will fire at night, fire tion fire 150 rdn. "Der hour. .for 3 min annihilate more than 4 rds/ min""per- gun. exposed Instantaneous and d layed a c t i o n fuzes Corresponds ..to . t h e l e f t column

Approx. 200 rds. FA shells per hr per hectare for every point that should be .checked.

Usually based upon the neu tralization fire against exposed per sonnel .

R e m a r k s

Fire several tines having each

period last over' 2 min, repeating , fire if neces sary.

1. - During a
dense fog, fire in irregular in t ervals:- .for. one hour as de scribed above.

1. Fire will be based up on that fire to hinder the enemy reconstruction work. 2. 1 5 m guns are approx. 0m 80./? .of field and mountain a r t i l l e r y guns.


Shells Required to Make Uniform the Density of Effective Fire with Time Shrapnel
Type of~Gun "and
155 Howitzer (low) .^ Powder . Field Artillery, Horse, or arge Mountain Gun 105 m Gun m II i III 1000-5000' Equivalent to the range in kilometers 15 times the range i n kilometers
03 O

155 m Gun m

At several ranges At a single range


Note: 1. This chart i s based on the table of average height of burst. The chart i n d i cates the number of rounds required f o r one ( l a t e r a l ) direction, when t h e width of d i s t r i b u t i o n of f i r e i s 25 meters f o r f i e l d , horse, and mountain a r t i l l e r y guns and 30 meters for-other guns. When f i r i n g for effect at several ranges (range graduated to 100 meters) t h e number of rounds required at each range i s found by calculating the average density between each l i m i t of the "bracket. When f i r i n g for effect at one range, calculate t h e average density f i f t y meters in front and in rear of the average "DQint of inroact of a l l -orojectiles.




Ammunition Required to Make Uniform the Density of Effective fragments in Firing Field Artillery and Piercing Shells \

Field, Horse, Mountain Art. Firing (with in 5000m) Common shell Several Ranges

155mm Howitzer (within 5000m)

105mm Gun (within 6000m)

instantaneous Delayed Action {ri cochet) 2.5 low angular fir 2.0 high angular fire

Armor Piercing shell

Not e:

About 1.5 times more thnn.thet of several ranges. ' When firing for effect at several ranges when the difference in range and the width
of . distribution is 3 times the deviation in calculating the fragmentation distri bution, the number of rounds necessary for each target in one direction will then be
calculated by taking the .average density between each limit of the "bracket-.
When firing for effect at a single range, calculate by taking the deviation of each;
fragmentation distribution in front and in rear uf the point of impact of all -projectiles
from the average density Of the rest-of the area.


Area of Beaten Zone of Various Moving Targets

Dismounted Troops T a r g e

Shielded ArtilleryPersonnel

Mount ed Troops


e e 1 P

d i n g



n e

Personnel Firing from behind Emplace ments

When Firing from Flank


Firing from Direct Front


Area of Time Shra'onel (Square meters)

1 1/2 1/3 1/5 1/10 1/8 1/10

Area of Shell (Square



net ers)


Table of Average Number of Direct Hits and Casualties Shrapnel Shell Z% Shrapnel Shell Shrapnel n
2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

57 69 71 73 75 76 77 78

n 0.1
0 . 2 0 . 3 0 . 4




42 45 47 50 52 55 57 58 61 63 66


14 20
25 30 34 38 42

1.2 -5 10 ' 1.3

62 66

_j ,

14 L 1-4 1.5 18
1.6 1.7

0.5 ,



86 87 88 89

-6 j

6.IP 0.9 "T,.o 1.1

46 . . 50 54

L 25 28 "1. 1 . 8 1 32 'Li.'9~1 2.0 34 37. "2Y3J 2.2 40

74~ 76 ^ 78 80

2.8 90 ' 2.9 r- 9 1



3.5 4.0

" 95 96 '.

84 89

Note: J

n - The average number of direct h i t s on each t a r g e t . z x. The percentage of'the beaten zone of the t a r g e t . To i n f l i c t a 5 -o casualty, t h e average number of direct O, h i t s necessary would be one per person with shrapnel,, 'and 1.5 per person wijth shell*

p of confuting the required rounds of ammunition. (Using paragraphs 147, -148, 149, and 150) . ..;. . /, Example: To determine the number of rounds required by one . battery of f i e l d a r t i l l e r y t o inflict 50$ casualty upon hostile infantry in prone position directly in front at 100 meters j Providing t h a t : The firing range - approx. 30Q meters ; Number of ranges t o fire - 2 i . ^ Width of distribution (of-fire)--- - 25-meters :-- Kinds of p r o j e c t i l e s shrapnel (shell) ^ = Calculation: (numerals in parenthesis indicate.the | number of shells) In order t o make the average density uniform at a
range of 3000 meters when firing at several, ranges, one gun '
requires 3 (7) rounds for one range in one direction (paragraph,
148 'and 149.) Therefore, tyro ranges requires 6 (14) rounds.j
Now; in order to i n f l i c t .50/S.,casualties, i t i s necessary t o ;
have an average hit of 1 (1.5) shrapnel (fragment) per man. !
(paragraph 151) I
Again, since t h e . t a r g e t area of- the infantry'in , the "prone .posi tion i s 1/5 (l/3) square meters (paragraph 150), to average! one h i t per t a r g e t necessitates f i r i n g with an average density at 5 (.3). Therefore, the-laecessary number of. rounds per. guii i s

5 x 5 x 1 (14 x 3 x 1.5) - 30 (63) rounds

For a battery of 4 guns 120 (252) rounds are necessary.

-' 190


Ammunition Required, to Demolish Wire Entanglements

FA or (MtA) Gun Ordinary Shell ^^^^1 10 100 (100) 200 (200) 300 (300) 400 550 100 150 200' 300 200 250 300
155 mm. liow Armor Piercing

105 m m Gun Armor Piercing Shell 15


sificaX Range (meter) tion \

2000 Spi der
(lQm i n depth)
Doubleapron ; Fenc e (8m in .depth) Concertina Spiral (8rn i n depth) Note: .3000 4000 5000 6000


Same a s spider wire Aoprox. 1/2 o f spider wire

Approximately 1/3 of spider wire

1. This chart shows t h e ammunition required for continuous

f i r e concentration on an average range by a battery,
2. To enlarge any breach, the number of rounds of ammuni tion are increased proportionately.
3 . The number of rounds of ammunition required for the depth remains the same up t o twice the possible deviation of the
' range.
4. For general demolition, approximately half the number
of shells of t h i s chart will be sufficient.
5. The standard number of shells for general demolition
is approximately 10 and for complete demolition approximately

- 191


Direct Hits Necessary for the Demolition of Field Fortifications

Type of Fortifi cations

Covered Machine Gun Em placement Cover cornposed of 4 layers of logs 25cm i n diame t e r and embank ment 65cm thick " ' "'

S h e 1 t

- i

e r



Fortifi , cations


Shelter composed of
a gravel layer lm i n
width, a d i r t layer cover ,
55cm in width, and two layers of logs less than :
each.25 cm in diame- ' lm thick '
- t e r . Shelter may a l so be of concrete lm in thickness.
" " ' *

Type of Gun

FA or MtA Gun

' . F A o p

155mm Howitzer

-ifftA- Gkui'

240mm How

Type of Shell

Delayed ac Combina tion fuze tion fuze attached to attached to '. shell shell

Delayed action fuze attached to shell.

Armor iereing - shell

Number of Rounds
A-tryrin n-nrf-n--


several rounds Creates . large c rack s

l' Pierces through roofs and walls


Complete destruc tion

Complete destruc tion

Complete destruction


Hits directed toward' corners cause greater destruction than those falling on any other area of concrete field f o r t i f i c a t i o n s r

- 192


Ammunition f o r Smoke S h e l l F i r e

Rounds to be Hounds per


Approx. number for pract i c a l use

Type of Gun

Frontage assigned to one battery

i fired by one gun to lay a smoke screen

minute f i r e d

I by one gun t o maintain a smoke screen 1. 100 rounds for a battery of field or mountain ar t i l l e r y to ' cover a front of 100m.for 10j minutes. j 2. Add 100 j rounds for i each 100m ad- : ded to the frontage.

FA and MtA Gun

100m (During e mergenci es 400m)

6 12)

2 (6)

155ram How



105mm Gun


1 1/2

Kote: This chart is computed on a 3.meter per second wind from 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock.

- 193



Type of Gun

"Maximum, number of rounds to be fired for illumination

Number of rounds required to con-

tinue illumination

Field and Mountain

Artillery Gun

one round per ten seconds


Flares are ineffective

in 7m "oer second wind or more.


Average Number of Antiaircraft team it ion Required t o Shoot DOTOTI an Enemy Plane .

Altitude .
(Ki lomet er)

Number of rounds

Number of Guns






157. A.

Gas Shells Fired by Foreign Armies

Destruction Fire Purpose , To take advantage of an unguarded moment against a minor moving objective and to destroy it swiftly by a cover of dense gas clouds. 2. Targets a. Artillery position b. Observation posts c. Machine gun positions d. .Skirmisher trenches or intersections of communication trenches, etc. 1.


Required rounds of ammunition . 'when the wind, velocity is below 3 per second, quick m acting, non-persistent shells are used' for each "hectare" as follows: Field and Mountain Artillery 105,rnrn Gun , 155mm Howitzer 100 50 25

Remarks ' . I t is- necessary t o make a thorough preparation by t h e employment of a l l observation techniques t o swiftly open a concentrated f i r e so that f i r e may -cease usually mittiin a minute. B. N e u t r a l i z a t i o n Fire Purpose To cover a desired area with gas clouds and t o compel t h e use of gas masks for several hours, hindering enemy maneuverability. 2. Targets Minor Targets a. b. c. d. Observation posts Artillery positions Vital points of conmunication trenches and skirmisher trenches The passage through deep ravines of forests, etc. 1.


Major Targets a. b. Fair concentration'of hostile infantry troops Bivouac areas, etc.

- 195

Required rounds of ammunition To place neutralization f i r e on an area of 1 hectare, for one hour with non-persistent s h e l l s (lachrymatory and sternu tatory) in a wind less than 5m per second, the ammunition requirement i s approximately as follows: Field and Mountain A r t i l l e r y 105mm Gun r: 155mm Howitzer 4. 100 50 25


Remarks Surprise f i r e concentration with approximately half the number l i s t e d above w i l l be executed. Thereafter, repeat f i r e on the same target v-ith the remainder of the s h e l l s . The time and the number of s h e l l s required for t h i s repeated f i r i n g should be i r r e g u l a r . In case a target covers a wide area, i t should be divided into one or more hectares and f i r e should be in succession from the windward side. C. Use of Poison Gas Shells 1. Purpose
To compel the enemy to retreat from his position, to make
it impossible for him to utilize a key position for any length
of time and to disrupt communications.

Target .Areas desirable for contamination by gasforests, bridges, entrances to v i l l a g e s , intersections of roads and narrow paths. 5. Required rounds of ammunition When'wind velocity i s below 5m per second, use persistent s h e l l s for an hour per hectare. Field and Mountain A r t i l l e r y 105mm Gun < 155mm Howitzer 4. 100 50 25


Remarks In order to gas a desired area, i t i s necessary to drop a s e r i e s of shells uniformly within that area. Fire should be continued t o maintain a gas concentration.

- 196

Paragraphs SECT I O I . K II. Aircraft Gas . . 158-166 -167


.Tanks S e a r c h l i g h t -.: SECTION I AIRCRAFT

168-170 171

158. Important Data on M i l i t a r y A i r c r a f t "\Typc o f Fighter Re c onnai s sanc e Li&ht ^"\t)lane Bomber Spoci- ^ \ ^
fi cat ion ^ s > \ v
Ceiling Rate of climb 10,000 m 5,000 m in ti min

Heavy Bomber

8,000 m 5,000 m in 20 min


7,800 m

5,000 m

4,000 m 5,000 m in 15 rnin in 30 min

300 200

Maximum 3peed(Km/hr) Duration of flight (hrs) Rema rks



Carry bombs occasionally

Bomb load ab out 500 kg

Bomb load about 1,500 kg

159. Visual I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Prop a Plane at a 45 An^le of Depres sion Under Clear Weather Conditions. 400 600-1,000 800 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,500 3,000 Guards in trenches Group of mounted and dismounted troops Deployed troops and skirmishers Guns and vehicles Column on road or infantry or cavalry smaller than a company or troop Type and number of cars in a t r a i n (column of cars) Line of each independent trench Large column of Army transports

- 197


Data on- Captive BalloonsAmount

Specifications Envelope:
Overall length Kaximum diameter Buoyancy Ascensioji power ifVind velocity
within which a balloon can be raised' Ascension Altitude Favorable obser- . v,ation area . ' " *


27 mtrs.
8 " .
1100 km(apprca) 250 km(appro>0
20 mtrs per. sec. 1200 r-trs
. . ' ' ' * " ' . *

A crew of two with

100 kilograms
of sand bags

Maximum 25 Vntrs

Within radius of 15 km

Equ ivfc. 1 oat. t o-. 10 i times the altitude; varies considerably depending onweather conditions 15 min are requiroji for the inflating, but this may vary according to' atmospheric pressure and tempera ture '

..Gas cylinders necessary for in-. ' fiation Time required f or:. replenishment i Gas cylinders necessary for re. plenishment aftor ascending to 1500 m Operating crew


40 min(appr)


1 Officers 4 N.C.O.'s;
7 ,Superior P r i v a t e s ; 50 privates
Total; 62


Classification of Various Typos of Aerial Photographs ( Chart on following page)

- 198

Successive overlapping

Photogr aphy

- Oblique
High and low
Successive oblique



Usage of Aerial Photographs

Tvpe mainly used
! Crosswise
.2, Estimate of line of advance
2 B Circumferential
the terrain along both sides
3. General estimate of the
3. Crosswise
terrain for conducting a
Tiajor engagement
Vertical and
4. Detailed estimate of the
oblique reduced
terrain for conducting
a battle . Situation
1. Landing point
(selection of river
crossing point)


of the

Estimate of

1. .2. 3. 4.

Estimate of vessels
Estimate of troops
Estimate of positions
Estimate of works or
other construction

Vortical or oblique
photographs taken
to the necessary

Preparation of

.1. Accurate surveying

2. Correcting maps
3. Surveying combat zone


for map

Corrected and re vised vertical

mosaics of required
The following types of uncorrectod and unrevised
photographs are used as substitutes for maps:
1 Composite or single vertical
2* Reducod composite vortical
3/Lengthwise successive oblique
4. Photo maps (for this purpose, correct
and revise oblique photographs

- 199 .


Data for use i n Aorial Photography F.025 18 x 24 I n t e r v a l between courses H/2 I n t e r v a l between exposures H/3 I n t e r v a l between courses H/3 I n t e r v a l botweon exposures H/4 Central width B H 1.5H' - 2--H H i s the photographing altitude. Both vertically & horizon t a l l y the successive photo graphs should overlap by -g to form a mosaic* For a F050 camera the values to the loft must be divided by (2) The maximum error by this chart is l/25 Nearer side depth D 0.35H CU.ZH..._,
1 . 4 H "'- ;>-

Vertical F.0.25 13 x 18

Angle a Oblique

Depth C H 2.511 . 8H

Photographing horizontal distance : A





- 200


Important kattors Regarding Photographs 1. 1'tfhen observation aviation is ordered to take aerial photo graphs, particulars to be pointed out are the purpose of its
use, the area to be photographed, the relative importance of
objects within that area, the date for submitting photographs,
and the number of prints to be submitted. Vfrion necessary,
further items to bo included are the scale and type of photo graphs, and for obliquo photographs the altitude and the direc tion from which the photographs arc to be taken.
2. The time required by observation aviation for photographs
is about one dozen per hour up to ton dozen.
3. liothod of and time required for receiving aerial photographs from observation aviation.


Items Relative to Bombing Horizontal bombing with instruments by heading toward the objective from the desired direction at the necessary altitude j

General Methods


Horizontal Low

Approach.from desired direction

and bomb by relying on in-
struments or estimation by eye
Approach from desired direction
and bomb by relying on esti mation by eye


Single Methods

Adjus t b omb s ight

for each bomb to
bo released

Desired pattern
bombing can be
executed by these1

Drop required number

of bombs simultaneously
Drop boribs succes sively at fixed

methods with the

use of single



planes or forma-
tions of planes

- 201


Items Relative to Bombs Typo


Exposed personnel and animals, gun carriages, fiold
vehicles, pianos, wire ontaglononts, light installa tions under construction.


Light , ,

Field fortifications, wooden installations, adobes,

airfiolds, railroad stations, rolling stocks, " !
railroad tracks* objectives moving under protoc
tion of armored vehicles i
Strong fiQld fortifications, light masonry 'structures, lightly armored ships, steel bridging material



Heavy masonry cor.struction and ships


Against strong and solid objects,to penetrate

and destroy the target.

Effect- of Bombing; 1 Upon impact the fragmentation bomb will burst with a tremendous report, inflicting casualties to personnel and animals and'at tho same time producing a violent concussion. Within tin effective diameter .of 60 to 70 meters, a l l inflarnablc objects wil.l. burst into flames because of the bomb's intenso hoa.t*. ; 2t Upon bursting after penetration, a demolition bomb croatos a shell crater and demolishes the objects that are h i t . Yiihen thero is slight penetration, the bomb produces concussion and causes ; ... "groat damage to installations 3 | Besides the above, the bombs havo groat psychological effect, produce burns, and emit poisonous fumes* N oto s 1. The probable error in bombing is about 30 motors. (The errors
in rango and direction of projectiles aro approximately the samo.)
2 t Other types of bombs are chemical, incendiary, and bacterial
bombs t
3. The effect of the bombs, especially the fragmentation typo,
will vary according to the altitude and the. terrain of tho targot.

- 202

Classifi cation Agents Yperite Vesicant

Characteristics of Principal
State &
color Characteristic .odor ^

persis tency

solorless Mustard


Fers is

Lewis Liquid ,Ge'ranite j'olorless . ium

Sol Sol


Blisters skin,irritates eyes

skin and respir Attacks theabout- and respiratory iorgans immediately and brings further reactions characteristic of atory or- arsenic poisoning*. gans

Physiological Effects Besides blistering the skin and inflicting injury, i t als c ."'atta'cks. the eyes and the respiratorv and d i f gestive organs* - kater/tr development of symptoms'*

Lung Irritant

Gas Rotting Phosgene [jolorless Compost Diphos- Liquid colorless gene

irritates DJon Affe'cts the respiratory organs violently and causes

the persis <
toryrespirai hyperhaemia*of the lun^s, hydropsy, air blisters,
bronchit is_, or pneumonia
& attacks
the lung a
Non causing
Same as death by'
-ly- same as above
Sol \ rsi
above suffocation


ChloroLiquid In persis like:
picrin colorless pepper . sol

Solid .Lachry Chloromatdry aceto- jolorless Pungent phonone Benzyl Liquid Same as bromide jolorless above

In-;" s ol pers is tent Insol I on T tent


Irritat&s ophthal molo^ical membrane', causing eyes to; water, temporarily obstructing
vision . .

Besides being lachrymatory., has considerable guff o

Causes ..irritation and burning of the e3res and obstructs vision* I t also affects the mucous irenibrane and the-sk-in and causes acute pain.
Irritates the eyes and respiratory organs considerably pausing profuse .flowing of tears and running of the hjdse. I t often.brings on sneezing and violent head aches.

1 Sternu



Burning i r r i t a t i o n of the m^mbranos of the respira Irritates Diphenyl Solid Non odor- In- persis tory organs, causing sngozihg and vomiting.
th'e nose chloro- olorless less sol tent & throat"
arsine & .causes
Solid I r r i t a t i o n is le'ss than above v/ith somewhat delayed lv"on sneezing Adam odorSol symptoms' of:viole"ht headaches and"'at times blistered light s site and less tent skin.- .; " v vomiting yellow ; Affects the blood & Strong Affects the nervous and respiratory Prussic Liquid Sol persis 1 nervous system^pois ons system; f a t a l . "acid <tolorles.s almond uand, kills-. the'; sri.e tLim oii_r-

168, Fation Model

Tanks of Various Nations



Operating G r o s s Wb < Speed Distance (metric (km / hr) ton}

8 .29 110 20 70 12

vadfat H t . (m)

1-37 m gun m 5 - LIG

Crew 8 3

Width of Track(m)

Armor (mm) 12

V-type (compound) Great Britain C-type New Hv Tank Cadalus Lunar France Coirb. Tank & Armored Car fSanahornon) Christie Type Corob.whl.&J
41 15 90


7 . 8 -2.7 1L0 tflii, 3.6


3-MG .1 med s i z e &in 1-37mm gun 1 - FG




Type A-6,7 5 Type B-6.5 (less, L 8



2 2

it, .''"-''

20(whl) 5(trk)

1.85 1.75
2 . 3 1.7 2.4 2.0

*lhi. -fine-- /7-?,?f''c fire


track {atitrtotSeMt)

5 body 5 . 0 54-track . (roatf) 5 (voter) 8-9 12(max) 20-25 70 4 10(hrs)

70 18 5.1

can carry l-75mm gun

1-37mm gun 1-75mm gun o r 1-155mm u u n , 12- sub M G 1-35mm gun 2-sub M G 2-3 1416

Christie Type Amphibian (Naval Use) United States





3.0 4 . 0

15-22 22-36(?)

Medium Tank (M24. ?) Snyder, N C Type No. 3 Medium Tank 1921 Model Fiat 2000

1.8 18.5
10 19 75

10(hrs) 120


40 10

1.8 2 . 2 3.7 2.7

l-37mm ^un 1 - MG 2-37mm gun 5 -MG 1-37mm g u n 2- M G

; /

isn:7ihened A/ f>re3$iire .67

400(12 oyi v Liberty) 200(6 cyl. Liberty) 240 $cyl.Fiat


2 ' .
75 180 40

1 10 2 15
20 '

40 5

7.4 4JS

3.1 1.6

l-65mm How 3 . 8 7-MG 2.2 2-M192S Fiat M G 2-75mm gun 4-MG


Fiat 3000 Ev Tank

54(6 2-15 cyl. Fiat 22 (max) 40 ?



(continued) 1Suspen Max. WM/L of Nation sion .lirob Great Britain

35' 3.5


^mmuni Fuel tion(rds) (1/hr).


Remarks Though, a World War I model, i t is widely used at present. Though built in l a t t e r part of world War I , not used in World War I .




90 20


Gadalus type rubber track applied to Lunar tank. Method of steering depends on differential gear. H?hen maneuvering on track, method of steering defends upon clutch, iimphibian tank i s built in same manner except for boat-shaped body equipped with 2 propellers Improved model of above, top hatch closed to prevent water from coming in. Track taken apart and stored inside.

no spring on track Spring

35* 40



United St at es


Equipped with stroboscope.


no spring 45 Spring Spring Italy





Equipped with, stroboscope. Turret and gun turret rotate independently of each

35 40

3.5 1.3

600 \ : 3640 (ille-. gible) * . .....

. .54 (illegible)

Five made in 1917, ten in 1913. 100 made since August, 1922. Equipped with oxygen generator.


169. Nations Model EarhadIt Germany Daimler

Armored Cars of Various Nations Operating GreSS Len Vidth Ht. Speed wt. gth (Ian / hr) Distance {metric M M \ +C*tff







G 2 M . 1 I G(reserve] 4-9 " 2 VG

' /

. ' - *

A 'ntfj.-LtnCi J L-C '

Grd Type of vmeel ftiel Clear Re ance marks (M) drive 4 wheel 32 drive 175 4wheel drive 200






(revolving turret) 1 3 m - rapid 7 m firing gun

4-9 500 MG


Austin France Skoda







4 speeds Jlbrward 1 reverse

2.16 2.4

2" I-IG


3 5.5

I ! Covered .27 wheel 150


Bucheroe Hussia Idinerva Packard United States Pierce Arrow

Lar^e model equipped with a light gun in rear of body Small model

! 1

Armored cars of ordinal Packard and Pierce Arrow models < * 48-64{Wr/> 32-48'*-^*/ 13(water) - Max. 52 5.4 less 5 irma*


Christie Great Britain






Various types to 75mm 1-5 Kun 2 iIG , Sach has s e 8 parate turrab

Differs ential & brake

Amphi bian Used for recon1naissance


Efficiency of Military Motor Trucks (4-Ton Motor Truck) 2500kg personnel: 18-22 (1500 2000kg) 5,3m 1/6 1.6m (9 ) )

Net weight Loading capacity Length of loading space Wheel base

Maximum slope which truck can climb with load Operating time without r e f i l l Maximum speed on level ground Minimum radius for turning Depth of water through which truck can pass NOTES: 1. 2.

3 hours 24 k per hour m 7 m .4m

This chart shows only standard specifications for reference. For a three-ton (metric) trucks, the net weight i s 2 tons (metric) and the loading capacity i s 1 ton (metric! SECTION IV SEARCHLIGHTS

Illuminating Distance of Searchlights Although there may be variations because of weather conditions and t e r r a i n , the approximate illuminating distances of various searchlights under favorable conditions are as follows: 60cm 75cm 150cm 30cm field searchlight field searchlight open type searchlight gas searchlight 31on 4km 6km 400m


- 207

CHAPTER 7 * TRAFFIC ROUTES SECTION I Temporary M i l i t a r y Roads I I Fording I I I Movement on I c e IV River Crossing SECTION I TEMPORARY MIHT-ARY ROADS 172. Data on Temporary M i l i t a r y Roads

Paragraphs 172 173 174 175-180


Dismounted, t r s i n clra of f o u r s . Cav 2.5m i n elm of twos. Field A r t i l l e r y ' 2.5m V8( s h o r t s t r a i g h t On f l a t ground 8m s e c t i o n s .1/4) On s l o p i n g ground 20m 1/6(short straight sections 1/4) 1/4(short s t r a i g h t sections 1/2)

Mt. Artillery: limbered up on pack h o r s e

1.5m 1 m



3 m 1/20(short straight On flat ground 10m

sections 1/8) On sloping ground 25m

Transport: vehicle pack horse Motor Vehicle Track-laying Mtr Vehicle ..

2 m 1 m 3.5m

Based on FA Based on MtA

Based on MtA

Based on Hv FA On f l a t _ ground 15m .... On s l o p i n g ground 25m l/lO(short straight O flat ground n 10m . . . s e c t i o n s . 1/6) 15m

When t h e p a s s i n g u n i t i s ' small' 'and when t h e s i t u a t i o n demands s p e e d , i t is permissible in case of emergency to lower these requirements slightly. 3ECTI0I-: TT FORDING 173. Fording Area (Depth of r i v e r at which fording i s allowed i f t h e r i v e r bottom i s firm and t h e r a t e of flow i s l e s s than ( l ) meter (rough estimate) Meters I nf ant ry i ^ 208
8 0

Meters Cavalry Meld Artillery .' * 1.00 .50 (80) .40 .80 .50 .

Field Artillery (when considering the humidity of gun powder) . . . . Mountain Artillerylimbered up Mountain Artillery--on pack horse Heavy Field Artillery Heavy Field Artillery (when not considering .the humidity of gunpowder) Pack Eorses ' . Transport Vehi cles Model 36 and Model 38 Transport Carts Mot or Vehi cles SECTION I I I MOVEMENT Qti ICE 174. Thickness of I c e Required f o r Passage

.70 .80 .50 .40 .40

Dismounted t r o o p s deployed o r with extended i n t e r v a l s . . . I n f a n t r y u n i t i n column of fours o r Cavalry u n i t i n ; column of twos Field Artillery Mountain Artillery Eeavy Field A r t i l l e r y . . ;

Meters . 1 0 . ..

.15 20 .17 ,30

Pack horses in one c o l u m n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (below horses 1 knees) .12 Army Transport vehicles in. one column Three-ton truck. Four-ton truck (1/3 of wheel) .06

(. 50) .30 (.50) .40

Depth of snow is indicated by ( ); if the snow i s deeper than speci fied and special precautions are not taken, passage will be difficult. Caution is required in determining whether or not the ice i s thawing.

- 209

175. Normal Time and Personnel Required i n Bridge Building

1. Gize of assembly area and assembly point for one bridging

m a t e r i a l company.
Assembly area Assembly point 2. Bridge b u i l d i n g p r e p a r a t i o n s Arrangement of joateriaj^: (2) hours in daytime, and approxi mately Ts") hours at n i g h t , e s p e c i a l l y when i t i s necessary t o work s e c r e t l y in unfamiliar t e r r i t o r y . Approach (medium bridge) I t s width w i l l be (5) meters, and for a d i s t a n c e of [5) meters from i t s s t a r t i n g point i t w i l l be h o r i z o n t a l and s t r a i g h t , i^or f i e l d a r t i l l e r y , the average r a dius of curvature w i l l be (4) meters and the gradient below 1/10. Construction of abutment ( l ) hour. Personnel required i n r a f t c o n s t r u c t i o n : Pontons 1N O C Bays 1 NCO 3, 200m x 230m
150m x 150m

12-18 p r i v a t e s 12 privates

Personnel required for the construction section





. Privates


Trestles Medium Bridge Pontons Bays Heavy Bridge Trestles pontons

1 1 1

7 7 5 8 7

53 55 49 61 47

61 61 55 70 55

- 210

4 . Speed of construction v a r i e s according t o conditions (enemy s i t u a t i o n , season, amount of l i g h t and darkness, condition of r i v e r , e t c . ) but t h e norm i s roughly as follows: PONTON BRIDGE Successive' Con struc tion Successive Construction of Pont on Rafts Simultane ous Con struct ion from both shores .Adaptable Ponton Bridge


(1) The rate of construction per hour is figured roughly as: Trestle Bridge Ponton Bridge 3 m
0 40m

. Time t o Dayt ime erect one section



6 min

4-6 min

Successive Construction 8-10 ,min

Construc tion of whole bridge 30 min 40 min

12 min

(2) The construction speed dur ing the night varies according to the situation, especially the amount of light, but it requires roughly lj? to 2 times that r e quired in day operations.




9; min

6-8 1

;1Q-15 min

17 min

M A Jx K S

K E 2.

Numerical values df this, chart are based cin t h e actual operations of slightly skilled f personnel working on a river with a r a t e (D flow of approximately (l) meter. The1 speed for simultaneous construction of t-he bridge from both shores i s computed upon.;the time after departure of the raft from the shore of a river about (100) meters wide with an average rate of flow. The dismantling speed i s l j to 2 times less than the construction speed.


5. 176. tion:

iMumber of men required to handle a bay raft:

1 NCO, 12 men.

Average Time and Personnel Required in Crossing by Rowing The following will illustrate important items in t h i s connec

1. Chart showing the loading capacity of individual pontons and ponton rafts constructed with bridging materials carried by vehi cles. (Refer to chart in the Transportation Manual, Vol.1.) Rate of rowing: The average of t he rowing speed on outbcund trips, return t r i p s , and movement with the current when the rate of flow is (l) meter, will be (l) meter per s econd. However, with a raft the outbound speed will be (J-) meter per second and tte return speed (l) meter per second. 3. Method of computing drift According to experirae nt s, the drift in a medium current is equivalent to the rate of flow (in meters) multiplied by one-fifth (1/5) of the width of the river. Space along river bank to allow for drift Twice the drift plus the interval between crossing points. 2.

4 .

Total length of a triangular route Although i t is equivalent to doubling thB sum of the width of the river and 1h e drift, ordinarily there will not be much dif ference if it is considered as approximsfc ely (2) tins s the width of the rivor. Number of pontons distributed to a ferry station I t is equivalent to the ferrying time required in one round t r i p divided by the time required to load. 7. The time required to row across is equivalent to the time re quired to load and land plus the time obtained by dividing the to t a l length of the triangular route by the speed of rowing. 8. Time required in loading and landing Infantry Iron Ponton 2 min
1-1-| mi.a Raft 2 min Cavalry 3-4 min Artillery 4-6 min 2-3 min

5 .


Branch of Se-rvice Classification Loading ? Landing


lJ-2 min

-r 212

9. dumber of crossing points Divide the total number of the pontons used by the number of
pontons distributed to one ferry station.
jfront of the crossing The number of crossing points multiplied by the space along
the river bank required for one crossing point plus the interval
between sections.
Intervals bet we en sections It i s standard procedure to leave an interval equal to one* crossing point between each section. A section i s composed of (2) o<r (3) crossing points. 12. Time required ift crossing the river . . Divide the personnel crossing the river by the total capacity of the pontons used, multiply this by the time : required for mak ing the round t r i p and add the time * nee essary for preparations. 13. .The time required : in delivering and arranging materials is v : as follows: ; . . ".' a. For delivering and arranging of bridging materialsap proximately (2) hours in .dayiight .and (3). hours at night. '' ' '. /b.- [Preparations-'for river crossing with individual pontons* : about (2) hours. : c. Construction of raft about (l) hour more. : 177. Loading Capacity of ponton Rafts' Constructed with Bridge Building Materials Carried by Vehicles: Method of Loading and Landing
, ,



Classificat ion Branch of Serv

Loading Capacity Raft Ponton 22 men. If a ponton is equipped with more than two

Loading Method

Foot Troops *

40 men 1. For embarking on a If railings ponton, men "will, board are set up from the' bow in order and personnel and .will sit holding sculls, deduct caused to rifles pointed upward. two men jjer each stand, i t is .2. To .board -arrsft additional scull. " possible to with .40 men to the' ,.'... . carry 50-60- - ' rf"f," p er'sb line 1 wi 11; men. board in t'he format;lo.n. .. o*f a column of fives


; and will be seated


_ ; close;'together."""With. 50- oiN 60 men to a raft, ..p. arsonn!- will,; .;;,. board"by"'formation of columns of fives or sixes and will stand closely together.

- 813

Classification Branch of Serv

Loading Capacity Ponton

Raft 5 or 6 men and 5 or 6 horses

Loading Method

I Horses will be led 1 slowly, one by one, on j to the platform of the J raft, and lined up with bodies parrallel to the j side of the raft, heads) of horses facing up- 4j stream. 'Each rider will face his horse and hold the animal's for age. 1. With the limber and | the gun carriage cou- j pled, place the shaft 50cm from the center of the raft, pointed down stream. Place blocks under the whools to : prevent rolling. Then j the (2) horses will' be j taken to the upstream side of the raft singly, with heads faced toward. the opposite bank. Gunners r i l l occupy suitable places, and drivers r i l l hold the animals. 2. Ammunition end store wagons will be loaded in the same man ner. In loading the limbered' mountain artillery piece, first unhiteh the horses from the pole. Place the t r a i l toe on the edge of the raft toward the water, with the gun facing to ward either the b'ow or the stern. Use blocks as in the case of field guns, to prevent roll ing. Next, lead (4)


Artillery FA HA Hv FA

One gun (or one ammuni t i o n cart or s t o r e wagon) (6) men, (2) horses


I'l) gun
(12) men (10) boxes of am munition (2) t o o l boxes

(1) gun, (15) men, (4) horses

(lO) "boxes
of ammuni tion
(2) t o o l

- 214

Classification Branch of Serv

Loading Capacity Ponton Raft

Loading Method .

horses behind the gans, and j line them up facing the stern. The gunners will be ; at both" the front and^ rear . of the gun. Drivers will ; hold the horses. In cases ! where the guns and caissons i are carried on pack horses, the loading must be done in the same manner as in the cavalry.

Transport Wagons

(2) wagons Although i t is difficult to prescribe a method because (2) men (2} horses of the variety of loads, ordinarily wagons will be loaded from both the water side and the land side of the raft, according to the method used in loading lim bered mountain a r t i l l e r y , while the horses will be loaded between the wagons in the same manner as in the cavalry. (4) horses Same as for cavalry (4) men (l) truck Load truck about" 15 era from with driver the center of the platform on the downstream side, and place blocks under a l l wheels to prevent rolling.

- Pack Horses (4) Ton Truck

Land ing Methods: Unloading vrlll be undertaken in about the same-order-es in loading; if i t i s possible, however, horses should be unloaded before vehicles. Note: 1. 2. 173. In the case of strong ^ind,?,, high vraves, or srift current., loads will be reduced according to the situation. All the pontons and rafts considered in this table 'are in four sections.

Rough Estimates of Time Required in bridge Building and Ferrying Although the time required in bridge building and ferrying varies considerably according to different situations, the following are rough estimates of crossing times in situations where the various conditions aro generally considered favorable.

- 215

Chart No. 1 is a summary of time required in the construction of a medium bridge.. Example No. 1. The head of the Bridging Material Company arrived at the bridging point at 1900 and will construct a bridge from the shore of a river which i s 140 meters in width. What tine will the bridging be completed? (The boundary between day and night will be assumed as 0600 and 1800, and all the fol lowing will conform to t h i s . ) Hours For delivering and arranging bridging material Bridge building preparations 2 00 3 Minutes 00

Construction time 5 50 {Compare the time at the point of intersection of the night construction line and the river width 140-meter line in the f i r s t l i s t . ) Since the t o t a l i s 10 hours 50 minutes, the bridge will be completed at 0550. Example No. 2. Bridging preparations will be completed by mid night and bridging of the river (500 meters wide) will be un dertaken immediately, constructing 300 meters out from the near bank and 200 meters out from the far bank. At what tine r i l l the bridging from the near bank be completed? According to Chart I*o. 1 a bridge of approximately 140 meters will be constructed by 0600 and a bridge of 150 meters requires 4 hours and 23 minutes during daytime. To construct the remaining 8 meters i t requires 14 minutes during daytime; therefore, the time required v/ill bo 6 hours -f 4 hours', 23 minutes -\-14 minutes = 10 hours, 37 minutes, or construction will be completed by 1030. Example No. 3 . If the bridge in Example No. 2 is a strong medium bridge, at what t imo will i t be completed? Hours 10 : Minutes 37 x 4/3 = Hours 14:09

The bridge will be completed at 1409. ficient.)

(4/3 will be the coef

Chart No. 2 shows the time required in ferrying by various branches of the service. Chart No. 3 shows the theoretical crossing time riien-ths ferry ing i s performed by a bridging materiel company with the. con tinuous use of material.

- 216

The basis for the figures in Chart No. 2 i s as follow: 1. If a ponton bridge is to be formed by a single bridg ing material company, i t Fill take approximately 20 com plete ponton spans (each with a carrying capacity of S O men) and 4 r a f t s . Therefore, if metallic pontons are used, i t m i l be necessary to divert materials or occa sionally employ improvised materials. 2. The average speed of rowing upstream and on outbound and inbound t r i p s i s one meter per second. 3. The rate of flow is approximately one meter, and the distance covered on each round t r i p V 11 be 2.5 times the d width of the river. 4. The time required for loading and landing is deter mined as follows: Branch of Service Infantry > Cavalry Artillery Loading 2 minutes 5 minutes 6 minutes Landing 2 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes

Example No. 4. The bridging material company arrived at the crossing point at 1900, and will ferry one battalion of inf fantry (less the combat train) over a- river 100 meters wide, At what time will the crossing be completed? For the first crossing the ponton ferries go simultaneously, but after this they are distributed to various crossing points so that continuous crossings are carried out. According t o Chart No. 3, the theoretical crossing time will be. 15 minute P. But since ;>. continuous crossing are carried out the difference in time between the first and the last boat to leave from the crossing point is froproximately the theoretical time for one round t r i p (15 min)', plus the additional time required for dismounted troops on a round t r i p over a river 100 meters wide (7 min as shown in Chart xlo. 2).: 15 minutes + 7 minutes = 22 minutes. Adding the four hours required to de liver the material and to prepare for ferrying, the time the crossing is completed will be 2320. Example xio. 5. t.'hat is tho time required in ferrying one infan try battalion (loss tho combat train) over a river 500 meters wide? (The method of crossing is tho sane as in Example Jwo. 4.) M. According to Chart X O 3, the time required for one infan try battalion (excluding combat train) to ferry a river 100 meters wide is 15'minutes. Subtracting 7 minutes (the re quired time for loading and landing) the remaining 8 minutes

- 217

will be the time required for the boats to go the 100 meters and back. Therefore, in the case of a river 500 meters wide, i1? w i l l require 15 minutes-)- (8 min x 4) or 47 minutes. N w o find out the time required to make one round t r i p over a river 500 met or s wide (- 7 min according to Chart No. 2). Computing on the same principle used in Example No. .4: 7 minutes -f (4. min x 4) = 23 minutes. 47 minutes -(-23 minutes = 70 minutes ( l hour , 10 minutes.) . i ', However, in a situation where the number of pontons to : be:. distributed to the various crossing points' is not at a maximum, even though, instead of the figure 25 minutes, i t i r proper to compute by taking the difference between the times of the: f i r s t nnd the last ponton to leave in one complete cycle of' continuous crossing, it i s r e l l to compute as VG have mentioned J above in order to avoid complicated calculations. Example No. 6. At what time will ono bridging material company' be able to. conploto the construction of a medium bridge oyor; a river 150 rosters wide, after having completed the fprrying of nine battalions of infantry, three infantry machine., gun ; companies, one troop of divisional cavalry, and one battalion of field a r t i l l e r y across the river? . / The crossing will start at 1800, and initially, i t .will., ; ; u t i l i z e a l l pontons available and f^rry the infantry and ma chine guns at one time. Then, the river" cro ssing'ppints'1 will bo assigned, and the ferrying will be carried on,continuously. Thereafter, construct ponton rafts and ftrpy across1 horses and a r t i l l e r y . During this time construct abutmdnts (of , bridge), arrange bridging material and -complete all'propara-- tions for bridge building, and one hour after'the completion of the crossing,, start the bridge constructioiji. ' I t is assumed that i t i s possible to bridge 50 meters; fr'bm the far bank; while bridging 100; meters from the near bank.1 According to Chart No. 3: : For nine Infantry battalions, (20 min + :4. min for the combat train) x; 9 z 216 minutes For three machine gun companies, ( 4 min -f 4 min) x 3 . . ../" ' " 24 minutes
One troop of divisional cavalry -, 21 minutes
For one battalion of field a r t i l l e r y 25 x 3
75 minutes
' For changing :from a simultaneous crossing
t o a continuous crossing, according to
9 minutes
Chart No. 2 (refer t o Example No. 4) 60 minutes
Time required in the construction of rafts 60 minutes
Time for preparation for bridging Time required to bridge 100 meters (according 250 minutes
to Chart No. l) 715 minutes TOTAL
Time of completion 0555, hours 55 minutes. 715 minutes z

- 218



Hoguircd Time for Construction



I ! !









Notes: 1.


! i i


-for delivering and arranging "bridging material, approximately tiro hours in daylight and three hours at night.


Preparation for bridge construction will be approximately two hours.

CHART 1\D. 2


- Required time 5

"I 7 _



' . -





' _


I r


A /



! /

y /

/ 5 s

f ~'o rn

. 1

Tine required, f or loading and landing



$ 10

/.'J /





IK "

k M ^ 1-<f$ / /c ^

LI.1 h * fa $ "


i $/

v /







Time for loading and landing of Infantly machine gun unit (minus pack horses). For other units, time i s indicated in the- same nay. Not es : 1 The approximate time required f*or delivering and arranging bridging material: daylight --tvro hours; night three hours. Approximately one hour i s required for preparations for ponton ferry crossing and an additional hour for construction of rafts.

Example of' calculations for river crossing by ferry (see sketch) ._ The width of the river (AD) is 199 meters; the rate of flow i s 11) meter; A is the loading point; B is the landing point; ,and B i s the distance between two landing points on the op C .posite .shore. Determine the number of pontons to be d i s t r i buted at A.

First of a l l , find the total length of the triangular wa r route and calculate the time necessary to cover this dis tance. A z CA> D - 200 meters. Since 3 (the distance B A C that;has t o be rowed against the current on the other side of the bank) = 2 x drift. D - drift - width of the river X B
! . ; " "* ' 5

rate, of. flow i n meters (equation proved by experiment.) Therefore B - 2 x 200/5 x 1 - 80 meters. 200 4- 200 +-80 r G 480 meters (triangular water route) If t h e rowing speed i s .one meter per second, i t requires 480 seconds to make a round t r i p . Allowing one minute for landing, the time required for a boat to return to the starting point will be 480 i~ 60 = .540 seconds. Since there must be a boat being constantly loaded during this time at the loading point, the number of boats tbnt have to be assigned st A i s _ 4 -i-120 . 5 5 5Q 120 " ' ' (120. seconds represent the,two minutes reouired for loading.) 179. Approximate Capacity of Perries for River Crossing Branch of Service Type of Boat Number necessary Number of companies for (l) company that can cross in one t r i p by using the pontons of one bridg ing material company 13 2 7 2
46 31 0.3 0.4


Cavalry Field Artillery (including Raft Ammunition Train) 155 Howitzer (including Raft Ammunition Train)

font on Raft Raft



- 222


Light Materials Uged in River Crossings Model 91 Pneumatic Model 92 Model 91 Pneumatic Model 91 Pneumatic Float (Small) Float (Medium) Light Raft Float (Large) For use by To carry horse and To carry cavalry perFor infantry river infantry, mountain a r t i l l e r y sonnel and saddles crossingeither as cavalry, or including attached and as support for ferry or supports engineer patrols personnel and materi- for foot bridges foot bridges al ' In a l l these floats, the main body consists of a buoyancy bag made of rubberized cotton ;fabric, floor boards, and bracing. They are inflated into a boat shape. They can be used in vrater where the rate of flo^ i s less than 2.5 meters. They should be handled by personnel of the unit using them. Construct plstforra on two boat? using using poles as oars. Use a small spade or other improvised ma t e r i a l s for oars. Vehicle or pack hor ses or -personnel 15.8 2.' (equipped soldiers)



Use poles as oars.

Use poles as oars.

Method of Carrying Weight (kg) Personnel equipped D 3 t rqop s ( inc. o ar smen) Horse Artillery O 3 Mountain Artillery Sf Saddles O Assembly

Vehicle or pack horses Vehicle or pack horses Vehicle or pack.horses 74.5

30 12

46.8 10 (cavalry)

Possible to load one I.C on t T boats -I TO

60 12 10


8 men:

25 min 15 Liin 5 (5)

4 men:

5 min 4 min 4 (4)

4 men:

4 min 3 min 4 (4)

2 men :

5 min 1 min .2 (2)

Disassembly 0 arsmen (oars} Speed in s t i l l water a z.

=> &

.85m per second 2 min 15 sec 2 min


1.20m .p er s ec ond 1 min 45 sec 1 min 40 sec


1.20m per second 1 min 37 sec' 1 min 45 sec


.90m per second

' 1 min

CD r- i

E . + . ~f

f ! Ov/

' i ' 1 / S O .


1 min 45 soc

Rate of drift percen + -iF?3 of river width

CHAPTER '8 CALLMDAR DAYS A D jffi- SPEERIC PHENOMENA . N 181. ^Chart of Low'and High Tide (blackhigh t i d e , utiit e--low t i d e )


-The i n t e r v a l s between, high t i d e and low t i d e depend/upon 'the l o c a l i t y and are n o t ' d e f i n i t e . ' I n an ; pet sea;a ' y low t i d e occurs halfway between two high ides,,. biitf lrr a bay i t . t a k e s a longer time t o change from high t i d e .to low t i d e , t h a i frgm'lpw t i d e ' t o ' h i g h t i d e . The time f o r high and : low : :tide changes 43 minutes every day. The calendar'.date-s-are from the lunar c a l e n d a r . The number? i n - t b e sketch, are in hours and minutes.

2 . 3 .

4 . This chart was ma&e by using Reigan Island i n Tokyo as ; . a . s t a n d a r d ; t h e r e f o r e , .when using t h i s -at 'other-places', t i e proper c o r r e c t i o n s , as shown below, mu,t be applied: Table of Correction for High, and Low Tides Kuwana Plyogp Osaka Shiraonoseki Nagasaki 0 1 2 3 1 hr hr hr hr hr 37-min 34 min i01 min } 06 min I 56 min ) Yokohama Ishimaki Hakodate Niigata Fushigi 0 1 1 3 2 hr hr hr hr hr 01 16 02 01 75 min -\ min i min > min j min )

182 Cities Tokyo

Time Table of Sunrise and Sunset in Japan.




ife.ro h




July 0430-0442

August 0451-0507 1842-1819 0555-0614 2003-1938 0622-0621 1938-1922 0537-0554 1939-1915 0532-0545 1914-1854 0509-0523 1858-1837 0439-0457 1845-1820 0427-0449 .1849-1805 .. ...

Rises 0651-0647 Sets 1641-1700

0639-0618 0607-0539 1711-1731 1739-1756 0720-0649 1851-1911 0713-0653 1858-1908 0658-Q627 1830-1849

0523-0509 0446-0430" 0425-0426 1805-1814 0632-0604 1920-1940 0642-0624 1830-1846 0552-0534

1853.-19OO 1900-1851 0530-0529. 0533-0548 2022-2012 0608-0617 1948-1943 0515-0529 1957-1947


Rises 0812-0806 0757-0734 Sets 1745-1806 1818-1840

1945-2007 2014-2022 0616-0606 .0603-0606 1941-1947 0512-0512 1950-1957


Rises 0840-0759 0735-0722 Sets 1818-1833 1840-1853

1912-1921 1925-1936 0613-0545 0534-0516 1858-1917 1925-1942


Rises 0747-0741 0734-0712 Sets 1723-1747 1759-1820


Rises 0720-0717 Sets 1725-1743

0711-0751 0640-0615 1753-1810 0655-0634 1730-1750 0640-0616 1702-1724 0648-0620 1650-1716 1818-1833 0622-0555 1758-1814 0602-0532 1734-1854 0603-0529 1729-1753

0601-0538 0528-0513 0510-0510 0513-0525 1840-1854 1902-1916 1922-1928 1929-1912


* Rises 0705-0702 Sets 1702-1720

0541-0516 0505-0450 1822-1838 0517-0449 1803-1822 1846-1900 0537-0419 1831-1848

0455-0455 0550-0501 1907-1914 1915-1907


Rises 0653-0647 Sets 1641-1650

0415^-0415 0418-0532 1856-1603 0357-0357 1907-1917 1904-1854 0400-0516 1917-1905


Rises 0706-0657 Sets 1614-1687

0511-0438 0424-0403 1804-1828 1840-1900

182 (continued) Cities Tokyo Sun September Rises 0515-0530 Sets. Dairen 1804-1735 October 0538-0556 1720-1654 0654-0714 1828-1800 0648-0658 1835-1817 0632-0651 1808-1741 November Dep.emb.er Note: ''**'' 1. Tho time i s central standard time,

0606-0636 -0635-0648 1643-1630 .1^28^1634.

tfid time of tho : Meridian Line', 135* East longitude 2* Sunrise and. sunsot time for tho

Rises 6623-0640 Sets 1923-1852

0724-0747 0757-0810: 1748-1734 173.1>1737: 0704-0718 ; 0725-0737 1811-1804 " 1804-1812 0702-0723 ' 76732-0745

Tokyo Region i s taken lahon tho uppor edge of the sun appears on the horizon as seen from the. Tokyo Astronomical Observatory* The


Rises 0635-0642 Sets 1912 -185X


Rises 0603-0619 Sets 1900-1830 0555-0509 1835-1808 0535-0549 1817-1749 0510-0528 1758-1728 0505-0527 1800-1725

time for the other regions depends upon the "1730-1716 "1714-1720 calculation of the longitude and l a t i t u d e . 3. Sets 1755-1732 0557-0613 1735-1710 0535-0556 1712-1644 1723-1712 0623-0642 - 1701-1649 0607-062 1633-1619 1711-1718 this table indicate the times for the fifth 0651-0704 day of the month and those on the right side Sots 1647-1654 for the tircenty-fifth day* 0639-0652 1616-1622 0651-0705 The figures on the left side of Rise 0615-0630' " 0639-0657 0705-0718 *





Rise Sets


Rise Sets

0538-0602 ... 0615-0640 1707-1635

1622-1604 -160Q-1605

183 Cities

Time Table of Sunrise and Sunset i n Manchukuo [Central Standard Time)

February 0753-0734
0715 -0650














Kir in

Sets 1711-1728


Rises 0815-0808
Sets 1704-1722


Rises 0831-0824
Sets 1708-1728







183, Cities Hs inking



August 0533-0551 1955-1931 0546-0602 1958-1S35


September 0608-0626 1904-1835 0618-0634 1910-1842 0603-0622 1900-1830 0601-0621 1901-1830 0610-0632 1913-1841 0553-0617 1902-1827 0625-0648 1932-1858 0641-0657 1932-1905

October 0644-0703 1808-1743 0650-0707 1817-1753 0639-0658 1803-1738 0640-0700 1801-1735 0652-0714 1811-1743 0640-1705 1754-1723 0711-0734 1826-1756 0712-0729 1840-1817

November 0722-0742 1722-1707 0725-0744

December 0759-0810 1701-1704 0800-1811

0503-0517 Sets



0518-0531 Sets 2023-2014

1734-1721 1719-1719 0717-0737 1717-1703 0722-0742 0754-0805 1656-1700 0800-0812

Rises 0458-0512 Sets Harbin Sets



Rises 0451-0506 2025-2013

* 1712-1656 1649-1652 0736-0758 0817-0829 1719-1708 0730-1754 1657-1638 0738-0822 1731-1712 0746-0804 1758-1745 1654-1657 0815-0828 1628-1630 0842-0854 1703-1705 0820-0831 1741-1744


Rises 0455-0511 . 0529-0551.

, 2042-2029 2010-1942 0506-0530 2004-1934 0541-0604 2003-2003 j 0610-0626 2018-1956



0428-0445 2041-2027 0504-0521 2107-2053 0543-0556 2043-2034


On this tii__ ._
8th of the month and that on the right the 4 days from the 21st to the 24th of the month.


T a b l e of Comparison New and Old Tay of T i l l i n g Time

1 i 0000 0200 0400 "0600
0 8 0 0 ' i i I


1000-:," j 1200






HE, (moose)

J . .

T0RA ' U (tiger) (rabbit)


HI T3UXI " BAHJ - TORI " " MI "' . ::-TJMA TATStJ (bird) (dog) ( d r a - . .(snake) ( h o r s e ) (sheep) (monkey) gon) " = \
*"> ~

I (wild boar)

; 9
A K A r



S .ABA (morn)

9 'HIRU .EIHI (day) (day)

' 8 HIRU (day)

7 TUBE (evening)

6 KDRE (twilight )



JESUEE (daybreak)

\AKE (dawn}

(nite) (nite)

NOTE: Use'halves to call an uneven hour. .For example, 0500 is Called "Tora and half" or 7-J-. 185. Method of Computing the Phase, of the Moon according to the Calendar Day (a) .Subtract 1911 from the year of the .Christian.Era, multiply the difference by 11 and divide' the ...answer by 30.- W shall call this result^ "A." e (b) Next, obtain-th{e- number..from the following..chartj -Btiich we shall call t he mont h p f t it e y ear. "

B," given under



February j March





September October









The date of the month s h n l l be called "C."

The sum of "A," "B," 8r,d T'C" i s the phase of t h e moon for that day.

- Th-ere. may be an error of a day or so Then calculating by t h i s method, out i t ?ri.ll not :.iake a great difference in the r e s u l t . If t h e t o t a l of f7A,'lf

B," arid SiCf? i s over 30, the phase of t h e

month can s ' t i l l be obtained by substracting'30 from the t o t a l .


Periods of Thaw and Freeze i n Northern Manchukuo

District Harbin Manchuria Kokkawa


Period of Freeze Early part of November Latter part of October Latter part of October Latter part of October

Period of Thaw
Mid - April
Mid - May
Early May
Early May



NOTE: (a)

Although the flow of the rivers is generally great during the period of thaw, the volume of water increases and decreases according to the snow fall along the upper reaches of the river.


During the rainy periods of July and August the flow which increases suddenly rises above the uaual the river banks. water level and inundates the area along


The water i s at i t s lowest level in October.

SECTION I.. II. III. IV, V. Destructive Power of Projectiles Felling Treee Field Fortifications and Construction
Materials for Field Fortifications ExplosiveF and Demolition SECTIOi! I DESTRUCTIVE POWER OF.PROJECTILES P e n e t r a t i v e Power of V a r i o u s Types of P r o j e c t i l e s Field Artillery Rifle Bullet

Paragraphs 187-189 190-193 194-197 198 199-200


(Meters) 24 cm & 28 cm Howitzers VJhole shell 4.5-7.0

r. \Type of Aa\mu] lition

Field Howitzer Shrapnel & frag mentation Whole shell 2.5-3.0


Shrapnel & frag mentation

Whole shell 1.0-2.0

Medium Hard Soil Sand



0.9-1.0 0.6-0,8
0.5 2.0


Sand Bag Mud o r God Embankment Packed Snow Wood B r i c k Wall


0.5(o a k) 0.02-0.08 l.l(-Dine) 0.3-0.4 0.25 1.00

0.16 0.25
TfcA? % C.TOR.Y

Concrete Reinforced Concrete Steel Plate Remarks: 0.0-0.02

0.10 0.45 0.1-0.2

0.3-0.8 0.3-0.4

Generally, the penetrative power of machine gun bullets i s similar to that of rifle bullets, but i t i s necessary to increase the thickness of shelter by several times because "the machine gun having a smaller beaten zone, will concen trate i t s fire on a single point. - 232


Zones of Demol-ition and Concussion of Various Types of Shells Classification Radius of Demolition in Or dinary Soil 1-1.5m 1,5-2 m 2-3 m 2.7-3 m Radius of Concussion in Ordinary Soil 2-2.6m
2.5-3 m

Field Artillery GunHoYtitzer of the FA 24cm and 28cm Hov/itzers

3 0 cm iiOTTTitzer

2.5-3 m 3.8-4 m


Beaten Zone of Time Shells Type of Shells Field Artillery G-un Howitzer of the FA Effective .beaten zone Depth - 5ni Depth - 8-15m
' Width s 15m

Maximum beaten zone Radius = 150m Radius 200-500m




In case t h e s h e l l r i c o c h e t s and explodes on t h e rebound, t h e e f f e c t * w i l l "be roiighly t h e same.

190. BEL UNO- THE 35
Relative Handiness of Tools for Felling Trees

^ \ D i ame-t er
O f i K f i ^ t r e e Loss OF MANr>!>4cirx) than NE.3S o* rocutv 1st



Mountain .Saw

20-25 Mt. saw (msd.)




More t h a n - 40 Two-man

Hatchsaw et t i t . saw
Lsrn&l lL

Axe (medium) Mt. saw (r.;.5d.)

Ivffc. saw (mod.)

Mt. saw (med.)

Mt. saw (med.)


Hand axe Crosscut saw Hand saw


Axe (medium)

Two-man saw

Two-man saw

Two-man Two-man saw " ' saw

l i t . saw (m&d.)

Crosscut saw .

Hand axe Katchet

M t , E3.7T

Crosscut saTT I'-it. saw (siun.ll)






(small) Eand Axe

TTfo-iiis.n s a w Crosscut Crosscut saw saw



Hand Axe Often axes are not suitable for long periods of ffork

Med. Lit. saw limit i s 90 cm


Since two men a r e required t o operate t h e two-man saw, f i r s t of a l l , the actual felling time has been m u l t i p l i e d by. t r Q and then t h e r e l a t i v e m e r i t s of t h e sav; have* been com pared with t h o s e of t h e o t h e r t o o l s .


Time Required for Felling Trees ... One man operating a two-man saw

Time Diameter (one medium mountain saw per (cm) person)

3 . 5

10 sec : 50-50 sec

2-4 itt$& 5-7 6-9 min min
1 min
2 min
3-5 min 5 min
8 min

11 18 20 30 40

10-13 min 15-19 min

Results of t r e e f e l l i n g experiments conducted,on various maneuvers 1." A company of engineers with moderate a b i l i t y and various f e l l i n g t o o l s can cut .down in an hour, an average of 3,000 pine tre.es 10 cm in diameter. Moreover, on level ground the company should "be able t o move the logs "P. -distance of 150 meter? in an hour and 12 minutes. 2. "

I t requires approximately 8 hours for a company of engineers to f e l l a t o t a l of 10,634 pine t r e e s 10 to 40cm in' diameter. than one f e l l i n g t o o l . ) ( -An individual' has more

- 235

192. Men, Equipment, and Time Required for Clearing Fields of Fire

Classification Number of men Required Implements Time Remarks

Felling of t r e e s (40cm-lm in diamet er)

axe, saw, wooden wedge, 10m rope, 2 rope. m

8-15 min


Same as above

(2) axes 10m rope

25 min t o 2|r hrs

Using axes only

Felling of t r e e s (20-50cm in diameter)

two-man saw, 10m rope, (2) 2m ropes.

7-15 min

With only a two-man saw, i t is d i f f i cult to saw objects over 50cm in dia meter

Cutting dense undergrowth

2 men per 100 square meters

(3) hatchets
hand axe

1-2 hrs

The time varies with the kind of undergrowth


193. Tree Felling Time Schedule

Diameter of Tree

Required Equipment

Calculating Method


From 10-50cm


p D" -.minutes -required

30cm in diameter 2 3 - 9 min

Over 20cm

Saw an&;axe

p 0.8 D - minutes required

40cm in diameter 0.8 x 4 2


12.8 min

Over 50 era

; Two -man saw and axe


. 2 1,2 DJ z rainutes, required

50 cm in diaiaet-er 1*2 x 5 2 - 30 min


Rate (amount) of Work for. Field Fortification (engineers.) or Person Type of Work nel Cutting and sharpening pickets Spider wire Driving pickets stretching wire area of 100 sq. Driving pickets stretching v.lre line of 100m Driving pickets stretching wire area of 100 sq.
B 2

Fortification Entanglement

Time Required

Total Elan hrs reaui red


R e m a r k s


For ten pieces

Double Apron Fence

and in an meters and in a and in an meters


40.00 80.00


IDF Y/ire Concerting! Spiral Wire | Ribard Cylinder

3 2

For length of 20m For length of 10m For length of 3 m 17hen constructing many For length of 13m - o including the Wt r a i l cutting Using r a i l cutters

Construction Construction Construct ion Construction of screv: pickets long medium short

1 0 0 0 0 0

20 20 15 40 35 30 30

4.00 2.65 2.50 2.00 1.75 1.50 2.00


g H


Collapsible Barbed Wire Single Line Steel Post (rail) Obstacle with 10m Frontage


Construction Cutting one section of a 50 kg r a i l


4 0




194. icontinued) Shelter or Emplacement 6-man Light Fig. 59 in manual Fig. 60 in manual




Person Time
Man hrs. Required
nel Hr Min (Total)
4 4




6.70 13.30 Length 6m; construct incline on each end of the shelter. The mea 2500.00 surement of the cross- section of ths shelter--!* 6m x 1.7m; inclined enaZTOra x 1.7m 1500.00 Length-r 6m Entrance of both sides.% 2JH

Medium. Tunneled Medium Excavated (Fig. 63 i n Manual) Covered

Machine Gun
(Fig. 72 in manual)
Concrete Covered
Machine Gun
(medium cover)"
Concrete Block P i l l Box (Fig. 74 i n manual)


125 00


50 00



- 30 00 . 900.00 3000.00 Construct entrance in wall



To dig 1 cubic meter of soil (medium hardness) Standing Trench with '25m Frontage Enlarged Standing Trench "with 25m f'i-onjvj.qe Construction Construction To spread a camouflage"" net with dimensions between 15-2.0 meters souare Rate of progress in tlie' construction of a camou flage net


1.25 20.00 32.00 Use shovel only.



1 2

40 40



7.00 " Begin operation at sundown Tie 2-70 knots.


Construction of a 100 gq. Meter Spider Vfire Entanglement Preparations Stake-making Personnel 4 ( i n c l . leader) (4) Axes (2) 30 min Clamp-making 2 ( i n c l . leader) Staking -.1 N O
C 10 pvts in two
gr oups

(2) Stake driver

Baled wire


Construction "Wire -laying 11C T0 12 Pvts in four groups (4) ife.tch.ets or . Claw hammers 2. hours
First of all, wire
bases of the stakes
are planted
parallel to the fir ing line, then the
j diagonal line, and
I finally the upper
] parallel line.

Equipment Time

2 VJire-cutters 1 hour

1 hour
Stabilize wire
brace after complet ing job.

. .. j 2 groups of 2 men Prepare for wiring after completing Construction j e a o h # - p r e p a r e f o r Method j wiring after complete job. ' ing j o b .


1. Total Personnel: 2+

1 Officer, 2 N.C.O., 28 Pvts.

Use those materials previously accumulated nearby.

Construction of Abatis of Branches 10 Meters ";Ede(3 rows) (Material already assembled) Classification Personnel Preparing ground Distributing
1 Superior Pv 4 Pvts in two groups 2 saws 2 bolo knives

1 I\TC0

Remarks Total Personnel

1 Officer

10 Pvts.

5 Pvta in 1st. group 2 Pvts in 2nd group 2 sledge hammers

2 saws
5 wire cutters


10 shovels 5 picks


hours(approx) out the position on tho, grouh'd an4. dig triangular trenches! Aft or -distributing and fixing the. ] tree bronchosj dig ihb seoorii raw of trenches, and v/ith tho excess dirt bury tho foundation'of tho first' lino of abatie. Carry this"1 out- for the remaining p.o'sitioas-

|- hours (approx)
Distribute the
branches to be used
for the purpose of.
construction; cross
them suitably, and
d'istribute the
necessary prong-
shaped or hook-
shaped stakes
First group will fix the distributed j
branches by using prong-shaped or hook-
shaped stake s " ~ "
The Second group will tie the branches
with wire or vines - o increase to'ffootivendss 'of tho obstacle*


195. Type

Labor S t a t i s t i c s on Field Fortification S u b d i v i s i o n s Average daily excavation

E n l a r g e d s t a n d i n g t r e n c h ( l sqd)j /.>. y~,?^-*^,? | These f i g u r e s apply mere the ground is

Amount of rcork

Total |- work per man hrskiian hour

j <

j -1 j ro


Standing trench ( l squad)

Light machine ^un shelter (independent) ! Same (Reconstruction to f i r -

pasture', or

'For one souad j

H grassland.

ing trench)
Sarao (for prone firing)


individual firing trench (standinr-; posifion),. . /, , . j . - \ Same (kneeling position)

, 1 "

tfrontag 1 m \U-nr > i f r o n t a g e 70cm; \/.%&,-*,,#$'/*>.&:4



Af. # 4 b

'" *"*f*

Working under enemy fire.After i {digging individual standing po-j For one squad | s i t ion firing shelters, (fox ! frontage of I holes), connect them with prone j 9C oosition corsiiunition trenches. ! ~DTri
j. | Apply t h e same procedure t o kneeling p o s i t i o n t r e n c h e s Same

, , I ^ j \

195. Type


Cora Trench

__ L..J

"S u" b d v i s -i o-.ni.

.Amount of
..1512 cu m 150

"Total Time (man hr) 16:00 l;-30 2400 about 10 about 3U0 10 3t 10 about 10 3105

Work per man hour

Remarks The section leader should understand the technique of construction and measurement, and the privates should have some expert-* ence in t h i s Work.

I Average d a i l y excavation of \ outdoor s i n g l e trencii

I r ig. 59 in manual ( f o r
S persons) ;
F i g . 60 i n manual ( f o r
6 persons)


.Fig. 61 in manual (for

3 -narsons) " "
Observation Post
Shelters Fig 80 in manual
: Time required to ad- j fully
vanee from shelter to {equipped \ ' j firing position ' ~*

i sec

Sharpening of Stake

920 stakes

'! 12 llOC: 12100 j 40

5:30 220

4 axes

Mak e U-shap ed'c1amp s Staking

2 wire cutters 4 stake drivers ..2 clamps { 4 wire cutters" In small opera tions night con struction can be done almost as quickly as by day.




Wi re StretchStaking!

1440 sq m
20:00 36

4 sq m


entanglements j Night

Wire ! stretch-j ing !

195. /Type

(continued) S u b d i v i s i on t r u e "t i o n Staking .Double apron


Amount of ffork

Work per Total Time man hrsj man hr 4:20" 21:40

170 260 3



m e n t s'

'. _ Wire f Stretching

2040 sq. m12

! 4 stake d r i v e r s 3 hammers 8 sq m 3 wi-recutters In small operations night con struction can be done as quickly as by day.

St aking entangle- , ment Night. i re W Stretching Concertina Ent anglement




A 1:30

o o

Time required to construct one section .'


Ribard Spiral Entanglement Barbed Wire Ent anglement Using _ ladder Day Using Double board apron fence Using entangleNight ladder ment Using.' board Using ..... Day Spider board wi re hnUsing tanglement Ni ght board


12 12 12


_ . ,]


4 per hr 38 min 24 sec 20 sec 32 sec 23 sec 16 sec 35 sec

Cros sing Wire Entangle ment s by means of mats etc.

Be fully equipped and take a prone position 30m in front of t h e entanglement and ! cross in one rush. As above

W i


195. Typo

(continued). Subdivision Secret dostrue ; tion at night Spider Double apron fence. 4 meters.
doop "

Amount of work 4 meter deep

sonnJ Tilne
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
% &

Total Work per (man hrs maaJur

Remarks -* (with en tangled wire) Be fully equipped (excepting knap sack) and take prone position 30 meters in front of the obstacle & then destroy i t . I t ' s difficult to cut through intricate ly entangled small wire

\L:00" 2:00* :32

l-.oo-"29 sec
*? Q M Q M 3



Wire Entanglements.







Entangled , wire 4 motors deep ' Entangled wire 4 me Ire r"s

deep j

M sec-t


' Double Apron . Fence -

18 sec




Entangledwiro 4 meters .deep, Entangled wire ;

As above

tid Bag

billing! with"soil Passing by-hand in oh&.. column Passing by hand in twjp.. - ~1-Passing in prone position

2 per min 8 min


12 12

6 min
20 Mifl

By this method 1 squad will be able to move a to move a sand bag a distance ..of 50 meters


Note: Tho,above.chart contains s t a t i s t i c s coir;piled by troops of Infantry N.C.O School (with f a i r i v good t r a i n i n g in f o r t i f i c a t i o n ) * Of course, there may be variations from t h i s chart due t o claS matic conditions,the commander's efficiency, the degree of t r a i n i n g . t h e equipment, etc*

196. Estimate of the Position of an Infantry Battalion (front of approximately 1000 meters) Based on the* dumber of D3ys Required for Construction The strength of the position cennot be estimated merely by the period of i t s construction, but varies considerably with circumstances; misunder-standingvri.il be avoided in this chart, however, by the use of approximate numbers. a. b. c. The s o i l is asrumed to be of medium hardness. 600' Infantrymen and 40 Engineers will comprise the construction personnel of the battalion, Although not under enemy f i r e , a gradual construction method Kill be adopted depending upon the situation. d. An individual work output per hour w i l l be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. e. f. digging capacity - .04 cubic meters wire entanglement - 2 . 5 square meters construction of a light shelter for 6 persons - 30 man hours construction of a medium shelter - 1500 man hours construction of a heavy shelter - 2700 man hours

Generally the material is already arranged in the vicinity of the position. Tools will be mainly portable and supplemented by those collected.

Construction ! Period 1st Day (6 hours)


Summary of Project

Firing Trench


Obstacle -



cation Trench

EacE skirmisher m i l dig a standing trench at his nosition. Neighboring skirmisher?? r i l l be connected with each other by neanp of trencher vhi ch' h av e t lie s arne crb s s section dimensions PS the standing trenches. Thus, the sojuad position with a front 30m will be completed. Hovever, the lack of t ime will not "Demit the construction of communication trenches, laterally and in depth, between the positions of squad s, plat oous, companios, and such. Communication trenches, l a t e r a l l y and in.depth, between squads and pla toons within the com pany position will;be constructed deep enough to allow crawling. ^ of the minimum require ment (8000m) can be f i nished. (Sketch B)

1440m for the stand- ing -posi


A detail will be assigned to clear the field of fire. About two hours is required in

the firing trench (about one meter ride alone.)

1st Day (10 hours in all)

1440 m for the standing posi-

2,000m for crawling (500m)


A detail will be assigned .to clear the field of fire aid to gather materi a l s . (About 20 men from each company plus a platoon of engi neers)

Construct ion Period 2nd Day (20 hours in all)


Summary of Project

Firing Trench 1440m for t h e stand ing posi

tion (360m)

Communi cation
Trench 4000m for crawling (1000m)



)R em arks

G nstru ct an add it io nal o corrrnunication trench, 2000m in length, which i s deep enough to al low crawling.. Construct a lino of --ire entangle ments, 4ra in depth, mainly in front of the key positions. Con struct machine gun co vsr. (Sketch C)

1200m depth 4 (for


The coramuni machine Ication t r e n c h gun cover) [which affords protection only when crawl ing- will in 'elude the dum my positions. and the b a t t l e positions which must necessarily be increased.


i |

3rd Day (8 working hours par day from here on) 4th Day

Construct an additional communication trench about 1500m in length, and a battle position of about 350m, Construct a light shelter for about half of the guards and lengthen the communication trench 500m. (Sketch D)

130031 for standing position

5500m for crawling {1400m)




1300m for st andi ng position (450m)

6000m f o r crawling (1500m) ]

1200m depth 4m

57 (light 6-man shel ters) , and l i g h t covei for M G

Construction Period F i r s t Week

Summary of P r o j e c t

Firing Trench 1800m en larged s e c t i o n (450m)

Communication Trench 6000m for crawling (1500m)




1 CO

The b a t t l e p o s i t i o n of t h e squad viill consist of an'enlarged standing trench connected with other u n i t s on n i l sides "by means of cradling "type communication trenches. A line of m r e entangle ments., 8 in depth, will m "be set.up in tho front l i n e , e.nd mother l i n e of v i r e entanglements, 4m in depth Trill be s e t up near the key p o s i t i o n s . Only t h e machine gun shel t e r s iTill furnish cover against 155mm s h e l l s . (Sketch E)

1500m (8m deep) 800m (4m.deep)


(for 6 persons) 4 (med ium cover for machine gun)

Second Week

I t i s possible t o construct : Same t h e exterior of a p o s i t i o n with such labyrinthiGaily arranged trenches 'and wire entanglements as those which appeared during World War I . However, t h e yjldth of t h e wire entangle- ; ments and a part of t h e com-: munication trenches x;ill not be "wide enough.

5000m for single column

4000m (8m deep) 800m (4m deep)


Start constructing the medium and the heavy shelters from ~ the beginning of the second week.


Summary of P r o j e c t

Firing Trench

Communication Trench




Generally, t h e s h e l t e r s w i l l be of l i g h t c o n s t r u c t i o n , and- only the v i t a l flank defensive p o s i t i o n s and t h e command post w i l l "be made strong enough t o withstand 155ram s h e l l s .

Third Week


The t r e n c h e s and wire entanglements should be p r a c t i c a l l y completed. Construct medium or hea vy s h e l t e r s f o r companies, battalion, reserve,, dressing s t a t i o n , and command post.


5OOOi7i f o r

single column 2000m for tiro columns

4000m (depth 8m). 4000m (depth 4m)


The medium

personnel light 6-men sheljshelters "will be con ters, structed 2 7 medium shelters each to a for person-jcompany and nel 1 for the 4 heavy battalion headquarters shelters in the front for perl i n e . The sonnel - 4 medium : heavy shel shelters t e r s will be for mafor the case chine guns of platoons, one for the dressing sta tion and 3 for the reserve company.

Construction Period Fourth Week

Summary of Project

:' Firing . Trench

Communication Trench . 6500m for

si i^ le < column 3500 for "2 columns


Shelt er


The completion of the most firm position (Sketch F)

9000m : enlarged sector





when it is expected that more than 5 or 6 weeks w i l l be allowed for the c o n s t r u c t i o n "of the .position, i t is possible t o plan a t t h e outset to use concrete ,in t h e c o n s t r u c tion of battle positions and shelters.


This chert -me rely shows the- construction period; however, i f t h e preparation and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n of t h e m a t e r i a l s 'are taken into account, s t i l l more time (from one t o four .._._ months) isould be required t|o complete a p o s i t i o n of such a wide frontage as shown on Sketch F. f " '" The numbers in p a r e n t h e s i s : i n d i c a t e t h e amount of construction t o be performed by each
company, ', .-" ',

3. 4.

The time of the commencing;of construction may v t r y according to the situation; how ever, the work must be st-arted not later than 2 hours after the development of the division, in other vio-pds, four t o five hours after the; arrival of the-division at the front line posit-ion, - ;

Sketch "A" The company position after approximately two hours of work.

J-/.M G



The work will take six hours. The individual firing trenches within a squad position are connected, forming a single line.

- 252

Sketch V'B"
The company position after approximately ten hours of work.

Not e: Connect the squad positions by means of cradling com munication trenches and at the same time take measures to conceal the true squad positions.

- 53

Sketch "C" The company p o s i t i o n a f t e r approximately two days (20 hours)




1. 2.

Wire entanglements F i l l have ,?. depth of four meters. Light cover w i l l be provided for machine guns.

- 254



The company position after approximately four days (32 hours) of work.

G3 Q

- \ N

<~ \

M00 E

Note: Construct (20) light 6-man shelters.

- 255.

Sketch "E" The company position after approximately a weeks work (56 nours.)

Note: The squad positions vail be in enlarged standing trenches. The cainmunication trenches will be. deep enough for crawling, and the shelters will be of light construction and accommodating six men. Only the machine gun shelters will resist 155imn howitzer f i r e . The wire entanglements in front of the f i r s t line will be 8 meters in depth.


Sketch I7F"
' The company position after appforL j ^ ^

mately four weeks

of construction.

Note: Communication trenches permitting the passage of two columns. 9///A--?j Medium s h e l t e r s .

- 257

Normal Work Hequired for Construction of Air Field Phase of Condition of no. Amount done in Construc the Necessary Equipment of land one day (8 hrs) tion men Level ground under culti 1 hoe or shovel About 1000 sq. meters vation Levels ing Mulberry field the 1 after roots \ Same as above 2000 sq. meters are dug Ground Grass land 1 hoe or shovel 1000 sq.. meters ^ra PS -i.a no. with mounds & 1 Same 'as 'above 300 sq. meters embankments 6 stake driver T 1600 sq. meters a 8 holt .roller 8000 sq. meters m P i 1 tamper 1000 sq. meters of ~*.:a/?'/// c/yy n offer ine roof3 tractor 16000 sq. meters Digging mulberry roots 1 e a r i n g
1 1. 1,


Equipment, confiscat ed 2-3 yrs growth 240 and carried 8-20 yrs growth-124 hoe and axe 2-3 y r s growth 600

Digging Pau 1 lonia root's P Digging i root.s. 1 Felling 1 Digging 1 Crypto- roots meria Felling 1 Variety Digging 1 roots of trees Felling 1;
Tea n e

8-20 yrs growth 309 Same as above 36 Equ ipment, conf i scat ed Large . Small 72 and carried 4 Large 6 Medium Small . 18 'Hoe, mattock, saw-.,
and rop e

.1030 1015

oame as aoove


Sam as above Mattock, sickle, and

shovel and pick Same, as above



1 1

5-20 y r s growth 84 3.6 cu ra 3.6 cu m 1.6 cu m'

Excava (CM \7r7tet?'#WM tion 1 Medium soil1 Hard soil

Remark: This chart i s taken, from d r i l l p r a c t i c e and field practice ex periments conducted between the years 1921 and 1923.
- 258

SECTION IV IvlATERIiiLS FOR FIELD FORTIFICATIONS 198. Materials^ for fortification Spider Wire Entanglement
( 100 meters long and 8 ; meters deep)
Type Use : Class Di amet er Lengtt Personnel 1.82.5, 200 (160)

Weight 1.7-2.4 Metric tons 900 kg (678) 191 kg -(42)


R e m a r k s

'picket . Steel Wire : Long Picket Short Picket Oblique Steel . Parallel Wire

Pole No. 8 No. "6

s .15

Line space between pickets i s 2.5 meters

Including s t e e l wire for the use of U-type clamp

.., Double Apron Wire -Entanglement.(100 meters long) i:s 650 kg Pole \" ~ -.I5: ";T2 .&"-; Pole Saia'e ' .1.00.

' s o

100 kg Including s t e e l wire for t h e use of U-type clamp

No. 8

60 kg



100 ..kg.


14 spliced wire

Fastening -No. 16

: 6 kg

Length of one fastening ?7ire i s 1.5. cm


72 kg of No. 8 wire is required in case i t i s used in place of barbed wire.


| ^Use

C o n c e r t i n a S p i r a l Wire Entanglement ( A ) (100 m e t e r s long)

i Diameter

\ T? Type

j L e


Weight i 29 metric tons I (green) ! 23 metric tons ; ; (dried)

Remar ks .\ ' Ratio of one picket to every 2 meters.


|To.. f i x . j. . ;... ! s p i r a l \ pole ! .OB wire



Screw Picket

a m e
Trunk Line ; No. 6 |. ;



S t e e l" W i r e

20Q 140

Including pinning wire 30cm long .


Same ! Same Feeder Line Same

No. 8

f j
. !
. . ._ j

Same .' Spliced with (2) p i e c e s ; wire No. 1 4 .

Including fixed spiral

| Barbedi ! ,_ n . : |-14: f K o . 16 f

> i i I !
. i. .,






Use the same type of pickets for trunk l i n e , feeder l i n e , and fixed spiral wire.

2. ' vihen barbed wire i s used for trunk l i n e , approximately 12kg o.f No. 8 wire i s necessary (to pin down and fasten t h e end of the spiral

198. Name

(continued) Use ; " To- fix spiral wire

Concertina Spiral Wire Entanglements (B) (100m long)

Type .

Di amet er


Men Required

Weight 0.29 0.23 Metric Metric

ton(green) ton (dried)

Remarks Ratio of 3 pickets to

2 meters

Pi cket





type picket




138 kg


Same Steel
Same Wire


350 kg -
110 kg
160 kg

Includes wire for




Barbed wire

Spliced with (2)

pieces of No. 14 wires



10 kg
. 6 kg 6

Includes permanent
spiral wire

: Same 1. 2

No. 15

For'spider wire, splicing wire, and permanent pi ckets,use only one type.
When fto 10 barbed-wire:is used for spide* wire, approximately 13.5 kg of .No. 8 wire is
necessary-(to pin down and fasten the end of spiral wire)

Ribard Spiral Wire Entanglements .{10 Pieces of Wire Each 3 Meters Long) i

Use trunk line

Type . Diameter . Length

iVO. 6 ;


Wei g h t (kg)
56 32 16

R e m a r k s Including wire' for pinning

No. 8

: a
t . -e. : e 1 i r e

feeder line . : No. 12 8c diago . , n a l line No. 14



feeder line.



For diagonal line it requires an additional 4.3 kg of No. 14

. _.... . . perma nent No. 16 splic ing Wooden Picket Screw ...Picket 1. Motes: 2. To fix ribard long



..0..13 Metric ton 0.11 Metric ton i

.. j . -


One type of picket' "wiirbe used fOT trunk line, for one oblique line, and for fixing ribard wires. Barbed wire vail be spliced with t^-o No. 14 wires.

198. Name


Barbed Wire Entanglements (100 meters long)


Type No. 6 same

piamet er

Length " Personnel

Weight (ke)
84 80 37 28 53

S e 'm- a r k s Includes wire f o r pinning


Spider Wire S t e e i r e

barbed wire

No. 10 Parallel & diagonal lines No. 12 Barbed Binding & reinforcing

No. 16

2.9 -

i\iotes: 1. One t y p e of wire w i l l be used f o r barbed.. m r e , p a r a l l e l , and diagonal wires . 2 . Permanent p i c k e t s f o r . w i r e entanglements a r e t h e same as c o n c e r t i n a sp i r a l w i r e - entanglement s

Material Required for 10-Meter Abatis Number Required


R e m a r k s .

Branches' of' Trees


To each meter of abatis 3,5 to 5 branches are required.

Steel Wire (No. 14)

1.65 l b

Length - - 1.5-2m Sideboards


Thickness' about the ' ' ' size of one's arm

Hooked Pickets


- 264


(continued) Name

Machine Gun Emplacement Having a Medium Shelter Covering Use (For entrance) Type round round Numbers in Metri c _ Diamet er (thickness) 0.20 .0.^20 0.20 ( ) are square for en trance 0. 20 0.04' 0.1Q-rQ25- round For entrance covering square. round, square 0.20 0.03 0.20 0.20 0.08 0.20 1.8 (1.4) 1.6 (1.2) 2.30 2 (3) 2 (6) 6 .' 0.20 Width (meter) Length (meter) 3.0 (2.6) 1.4 (1.0) 1.44

17 (2) 2 (3) 4 (6.)

Weight _ Green D^ied

Covering Material Supporting Material

Pillar Foundation Material Connecting Material Frontal Covering Side Material Side Board Sleepers Foundation Material Sleepers Used fbr Loopholes Binding Materials: ' ..



metric metric, ton ton

For covering

0.20 0.20

1.70 1.20 2.4-3.5

14 56m long 4

2.30 For loopholes square 0.20 0.20 0.8-0.9

4 4 Few \) Approx. 50 32 metric ton

clamps, n a i l s , wire, bolts 2.00 5.50 4.00


60 l b s

14 70 170

"198. ' (continued) ---I a.Li.e. M i Covering


Si gnal- Sta t i on-.. Use..

... .

Ihiek- | W l d t h Length . .' T y p e- ness (m) (meter) (met or)

- ...

' "-.'uniber

h e i g h t Gr e en D r i e d

' - Mat erral'~ Supporting - Material

.. 'i

2.30 1.20

8 1
2 4 2 4



, .

. - . , . . .

" Round'


1.20 2.00

Pillar Rafter

0.51 met.ri c ton

0.41 metric ton


. . .

. .

... _ .

1.30 1.20 1.20

Revetment Board .... . ""Shelf Board --Desk Board Material for Desk leg ' Stake

benches sidewalls

1 2 6 7


.0.03 . .0.20 0.90 0.20 0.25 0.05' 0.70 1.00 0.80

" " f | Square (round) Round

0.05 0.04

- ifi.d irig Mat c ri al B :

C lamp s, nr.i 1 s, B ncl wire

Approx. 8


(continued) Name

Lightly Covered Observation Post Use Type

Metric Di ameter

Length Width (meters) (meters)




Weight (kg) G-reen Dried

Pillar Rafter Covering Material Supporting Material Sleeper Loophole Box .Loophole Box, Sleeper Stake Door Board Frame Covering Purpose Support P i l l a r for covering for door board seat "

- "Round

1.20 2.00 0.80 1.20




metric metric ton






0.80. 0.80





Board (round) Square (round) .Square Round

0.05 0.10 0.03 0.10

0*20 0.00 0.10

1.30 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50


Binding Materials Clamps, n a i l s , and wire


Approx. 7

19 8.


Weights; and Measurements of Various S^rpes of Wire

Yfeight per 100 m

Type of Wire

i. j,

'/ (mm)

! Kan

(3.75 kg) 4.544

14.040 9*820 5.160

No. 8

No. 6 Galvanized wire M

2.950 2.760 2.030 1.820 1.630 1.630


2.319 1.326 1.248

Nov 11 No, 12 No. 14



0.720 0.648 0.421 0.453 Q.1'54 0.156


No. 15 .Steel wire No. 16 Galvanized wire .._ -.r. ' - - Coppe,r "coated :No. 16 . gteei- % v i r e No. 19 Galvanized wire No. 20 Copper wjLre No.*30 Copper wire Note:

1.580 1,700 0.690 0.583 ' " 0.070


0.914 0.315

The underlined numbers are B-W.G. and others are S.G.W. The unit of wire &auge is in millimeter.

198/(continued) Data on Field Sand Bag Revetment Length 0.25 Height 1.50 1.35 1.20 1.05 0.90 0.75
0.60 0.45 0.50




S k e t c h



30 27 24




16 14 12 10

21 10 15 12




Height - height to be covered. Length - length to be covered. Both are in meters The figures in the last four columns denote the 'number of spnd bags to be used.

- 269

SECTION V EXPLOSIVES .AND DEMOLITION 199. Explosive M a t e r i a l s and Equipment

Explosives Yellow Powder

Round shape - 100 grains
Cubic shape - 200 grams
Petard - .1000 grams 1

Trinitrotoluene (T.N.T.) The shape and*weight of this explosive is similar to the&-o the yellow powder. Black Powder - Potassium Nitrate
Round shape - 95 grams
Cubic shape - 190 grams
Equipment Slow burning fuze combustion velocity - approximately 1 cm per sec ISap^d burning fuze ' combustion velocity -, approximately 100 m per sec Primer combustion velocity - approximately 5300 m per sec Platinum wire e l e c t r i c cap E l e c t r i c Exploder (Large si&e: Used by Engineers and gonerally capable of a 30-fuze simultaneous detonation. Small s i z e : Used by the Cavalry and:. gene r a l l y capable of a 10/*-fuze simultaneous detonation*..) , . 200. Calculation Relative to the Amount of Powder to be Used

1* Use of yellow powdor(TN.T.'will be used similarly to the yellow powdor but i t s amount w i l l bo 1.1 times g r e a t e r ) . A. Timber ' '' Formula t o calculate tho amount of powder required v/hon wrapping the explosive on a'timber. L L C D =-C x D2 *..
= Weight of'powder (grams)
Coefficient of lumber-rosistanco
= Diameter of a log or width of a balk (cm)

lfllhon planting the explosive within a t r e e , the amount of powdor required w i l l be 1/7 of the above. The value t6'f "C" resistance coefficient,, varies according t o the kind and size of timber as shown on following page

- 270

Kind of Timber New, hard, or

Diameter Approx. 30cm ox less Approx."SOom or more Approx. 30cm or less Approx. 30cm or more

"C" 1.3 1.7 1.0



The blasting of timber does not vary according to the kind and size, and the value of "C" is always 1.0. Experimental results show that timber with a diameter less than 40cm can be cut quicker with an axe and saw than with a blasting charge. B. Iron Formula to calculate the amount of powder charge necessary for demolition. L - 25 F L - Weight of powder (grams) F z Cross section area of iron material (square centimeter) .Formula to calculate the number of cubic shape yellow, pow der to be used for demolition.. Number ReoHired - -2.5 ,F. ~ 200 Note:

When demolition .charges .are placed in groups, the powder content calculated from the above formula will be in- ^ creased by 1/3. '

Masonry, rock, and soil "Formula to (calculate the amount of powder required when demolition charges are placed in groups.

L z 3 x c x d L -Amount of powder (kg) W - - Radius of effective zone C ) m c Resistance coefficient of material d Tamping coefficient Formula to calculate the amount of powder required when demolition charges are placed in alignment. L - 2 x c xd W L The amount of powder for each meter (kg) (As large amount of powder i s necessary, this is used only in case of emergency.)

- 271

Resistance Coefficient of Materials



W (rii)

No Reinf orcenient With Reinforcement

. 3.5

Firmly built 2 or more masonry struc 1.5 to -2 tures or rocks -.9 to 1,5 . ,9 or less Ordinary masonry struc tures, britt l e rocks, solid clay, and frozen soil Other types of soil


9.0 10.5 12.0 15.0



For heavily loaded masonry structures (piers, arches, etc.) multiply the above figures by 1.3. The following indicates the tamping coefficient, d, which i s a "number *relative to the position of the powder charge and the condition of tamping.

d = 1..0 (Tamped) d = 1 . 2 5 (Not Tamped)

d ~ 1.4 (Tamped) d = 1 . 6 (Hot Tamped)

d = 15 (Tamped with d i r t ) d = 1.25 (Tamped) d = 1.25 (Not tamped) - 272 d = 4.5 (Not tamped)

Use of Potassium Nitrate Potassium Nitrate i s generally used in the same manner as yellow powder. However, to oompute the amount of Potassium Nitrate, multiply the'caj-culated emount of yellow powder by the following coefficients: For s o i l and lumber For iron For concrete . 3* . .It2 1.4 .,1.8


Use of black powder The formula to calculate the amount of powder required to blast masonry, rocks, and s o i l when placing the demolition charges in groups i s as follows: L = 3 x c x d W L Amount of powder (kg) W Radius of the effective zone (m) c Resistance coefficient of materials d . Tamping coefficient The resistance coefficients of materials are as fo.llows: ' Soil in proportion to i t s hardness 1.5 Hard clay and revetment. . .3.0 Ordinary masonry construction. .3.5 Heavy large masonry, arches, and e t c . . . . 5 . 0 Hocks in proportion to i t s hardness 4.0 to 2.5,
'; .. '. ', h \
to..-5.0."'>'..v; .
tfp-6,0" ",:
t'o,'7.Q' ,'.:

'liie tamping coefficent, d, must be: deterpiined accurate.ily..b;e;v;-..; cau^e there i s a gre-at,relationship between^ tiisp length" of tamp-V': ing and the nature "of the .material to-be destroyed by the ,us,-e of black1 pbwder as compared to the use of yellow powder. -' v ' Chart "A" indicates the tamping coefficients under .various types of s o i l and lengths of tamping when,ordinary charge is used. However, t h i s chart'can also be-used for sdight overcharges.

- 273

Tamping Coefficient "d" . 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 Length Rocks 0.40 W 0.80 W 1.20 W 1.60 W 2.00 W

of Hard Soil 0.35 W 0.70 W 1.05 W 0.40 W 1.75 W

Tamping , Sandy S o i l 0.-30 W. 0.60 W 0.90 W 1.20 W 1.50 W


"A" in Chart "B" i n d i c a t e s t h e length of t h e minimum l i n e of resistance.

Tamping Coefficient "d" 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 Length of Tamping Sandy Soil .40A' .70A 1.00A 1.30A 1.60A

.50A 1.00A 1.50A 2.00A 2.50A

Hard Soil 40A . 80A 1 . 20A 1 . 60A 2 . 00A

I t i s an exception that the minimum line of resistance i s less than of "W." Even though the amount of powder charge increases in proportion, "W" should not exceed more than three times A. The amount of powder reouired in the percussion type powder charge will be roughly 1/5 t o l/S of t h e ordinary powder charge. The radius of t h e zone of concussion from a given amount of pow der will be approximately 1.75 W Fundamentally, tamping must . be carried out in. the setting of percussion type powder ani t h e length of tamping should equal at least the radius of the zone of concussion.

- 274

CHAPTER 10 MILITARY FiAPS, LANDSCAPE SKETCHES, MILITARY SYKBOLS Paragraphs SECTIOU I . 'II. III. IV. V. General Precautions t o be taken in Drawing a M i l i t a r y Map ~ ~ - - 201 Detailed precautions t o be Taken in Drawing Various Types of M i l i t a r y Kaps 202-217 Landscape Sketches 218-220 221-225 M i l i t a r y Symbols- i'iisee llano ous~~ SECTION I GENEliAL PRECAUTIONS Tu LL TAKEi\ 1\. D ANN A i ILITJJCY iaAP R I I G 201. In drawing a m i l i t a r y r a p , Field Service Regulations } o. .65 ( P r e p a r a t o r y Topography) should be conformed w i t h ; the follovdng are l i s t e d as r e f e r e n c e s for "beginners. 1. The main object of a r-ilitary rap is to irdic&te clearly the disposition of troops* Therefore, importance is pieced upon m i l i tary symbols and the accuracy of their usage. They should be colored heavily especially when they are small and si b nificant. If by sketching terrain features, the military symbols are made i r d i s t i n c t , i t is advisable to omit a l l terrain features except those that are important, however, symbols indicating the positions of troops must never bo omitted, even in cases where i t is necessary to record them in great d e t a i l . Thoso pro-' cautions must bo" especially cor-plicd with when drawing maps of the area in which the unit is now located. 2. In sketching terrain features, i t is advisable to use the symbols of the original sketch as much as possible| when the symbols are cosjlicated, however, such as for railroads (~~.: jac:.), i t is bettor to use tho symbol (-H--H~!~H-M-~) instead. J&* Stroars, pords, lakes, e t c . are colored blue to '-.akc them conspicuous. 4. The location of the senior commander must definitely be shown on the m . i.s i t is v i t a l to all troops, '.-Besides .-:;. :: cp t h i s , i t is a c onurion practice to record the locations of immediate subordinate coiiTkndurs only. The symbols used to designate the locations will be the various ieedquartors symbols* 5. Vfi n the a r t i l l e r y obsoi'Vatioj" post is close to the gun ilo positions, i t is permissible to orit i t s location on the map, but when i t is ftr from the oun positions, i t s location should be clearly indicated. < 226-226

- 275

6. If the routes to be used i r tak-ir^ a r t i l l e r y positions, (or the routes of advance) are reco&nizod as e s s e n t i a l , they ghould be indicated by dotted linest 7. Notes end remarks should be minimized as much as possible by indicating thorn within the sketch i t s e l f * 8. The t i t l e , of the military map w i l l bo written horizontally (from ri^ht ^ lo-ft) on the upper center of the map* The date and time w i l l be written below the t i t l e in smaller p r i n t . 9. The position and s i t u a t i o n of .the troops indicated on the military map arc those oif a p a r t i c u l a r time. Therefore, when i t is necessary to indioato tho position of troops at a d i f f e r ent t i r o on the same nap, i t would be required to distinguish them by usin^ the symbol ( t!j3 ) to mean a certain tine and tho the syibpl ( f''%i ) to reac some ouhcr time. Also-, -when i t i s necessary to indicate the future movements of a u n i t , tho d i r e c tion of that movement w i l l be* indicated by, e. doUted arrow -with1 necessaiy ndtes . ' 10. To indicate clearly the direction of t' e main a t t a c k , an arr.ow w i l l be drawn in the direction of tho a t t a c k . ' 11. The en em% 'situation should bo indicated on the .cap together with the estimate or tho' oneny situation t o f a c i l i t a t e tho com prehension of the rx.p and t o ra-ko clear' the plan and the" reasons that are recorded' on tho r a p . > ' "'", 1.2. T i t l e s , dirbctioiis, s c a l e s , and r tmos arc easily- for b otton> th'groi ore, these should bo recorded firs't-. This is "especially true when drawin b t a c t i c a l maps of the 'area oorcornod. sECTiar i i DETAILED P,:LCAUTIO:..s; TO BE TAKEF IN
> 202, General

' There are r any types of m i l i t a r y maps used in. the study of t a c t i c s * To enumerate a l l of thorn together with tho precautions to be ,taken in dravan,_. thorn'will be not only impossible 'but un .necessary. ' ' '" If a .tjiven problem must be solved by the usc-of?a military nap, the s i t u a t i o n must be studied arid proved beyond-all doubt and then recorded on tlie map. Special'natters to be shown on the map v a i l be indicated by tho officer r...questing t o nap The folloivin^ ^ara^raphs i l l u s t r a t e cases'whe-re precautions need to be takon i r drawing military raps 'in order to explain the e s s e n t i a l : a t t c r s which usually arise in the-study of t a c t i c s .

- 276

203. - M p Shewing Order of liarch. " a 1. The route of advance of a narchin^ column will be oriented t o the original sketch, and will indicate briefly the terrain features aldn& the road, 2. The head and roar positions e f such important units as the . r advance guard reserves 0 the column must bo clearly indicated, 1 so as to be distinguishable at a glance, 3. The road sptce of a l l units in the column, and the intervals between the various echelons, the advance party, the advance guard reserve, and the nam body should bo indicated as much as possible t-o scale. 4 . If necessity a r i s e s , the road space of the echelons and the intervals between thorn will be clearly and simply indicated. 5. Indicate clearly the distribution of units for march, and the order of march of the advance party, the advance 6uard reserve, the flank guards, and the 'nain body of these units* 6. These items arc to be rocordo.1 in caso there is ample timoi Ifiihen time is limited as in the caso of a hastily improvised map, i t :>.s permissible to omit the detailed positions arid d i s tributions of subordinate units * 7. The t i t l e of the map will bo "Map showing Order of March of X Unit (1st Division, X Detachment, e t c . ) " It is v i t a l that the time be clearly indicated.


M p Showing Billot in < Disposition. a ,

1. The map showing the disposition of b i l l e t s of the X unit in vicinity of X ordinarily includes--the disposition of the out posts 2. In the map showing the*1 disposition of billots for the main ' body of the X unit in vicinity of X, the-outpost is ordinarily indicated merely by a line or entirely omitted. 3 . In the map showing the disposition of the outposts 'of the X unit in vicinity of X, the -disposition of only the outpost is indicated. Tho billeting disposition of the advance buard reserves and the main body arc omitted except that they arc indicated merely by a line bounding the"area occupied and designating the unit in i t or beside i t , thereby clarifying their relation to the outpost. 4 . The billeting (bivouac) area and the various zdnes in the area should bo indicated clearly.

- 27-7

5. If two billotin6 (bivouac) areas arc adjacent to each other,

the boundary between the two should bu clearly"indicated.
6. The extent to which the interior zone of a billeting (bivouac)
area should be indicated duponds on the size and the purpose of
the unit. At tines only the units that arc to bo in tho billet ing (bivouac) area are indicated. There are occasions when the
billeting zones are segregated and indicated'according to the
branch of service of the units. However, when indications are
to be riade in detail, the'zones for the infantry and the engineers
are ordinarily distributed by battalions and others by companies.
7. Emergency asserbly areas,.horse picket lines, wa 0 on parks,
and b un parks, are indicated if dcomer1, necessary.
8. In case e.ncrgoncy assembly areas are established, they should
be indicated. The units designated to assemble in this area
should also be indicated'*
9 The disposition of local security of the billeting area
should ordinarily be indicated.
1,0 In the disposition of outposts, the positions, from that of
the outpost reserve to the patrol and sontry must be indicated .
in. detail. The .outpost line of resistance r;ust bo indicated, b5^
a continuous line in blue and noted as "The Outpost Line of Re sistance.11
205, Map Showing, Development of Troops*
The raap indicates the situation durinb the development of troops,
that is, the assembly positions and conditions of tho security de tachment and the nain force. ' ' .'.
; ;

1. The quality of a riap depends upon the instructions given^ the amount of tine a v a i l a b l e , and the purpose of. i t s u s e . , . 2 I t is generally sufficient to indicate on the nap the iter.is which-should be. contained in 'tho orders for' development* ^ ; 3 . Tho known enemy s i t u a t i o n (the hostile position, thp .advance u n i t s , . e t c . ) and the probable direction of ;the enemy a t t a c k should be- indicated,tho l a t t e r by a : red arirow. - . 4. The nap showing the. s i t u a t i o n of X Unit' during i t s -(icvelop nent should.be t i t l e d "Kap Showing'Situation of X Unit during, ^ ' 5 At tines it is proferablo to indicate the course.
to development*

- 278


Map Showing Deployment for Attack.

The map indicates the condition of deployment for an attack at a certain t i n e . Yilhcther that certain tine should bg-shown or not is usually indicated. 1. The indication of the enemy situation durin^ a meeting
engagement should be based on actually acquired information
of the enemy and on the i.ani4er he deploys for an attack. ''
2* In a ncotii b ^n^a^wi.ient, it is necessary to indicate clearly the line of battle and whothur the attack will be piecemeal or coordinated, 3 To indicate tho enemy situation when attacking an organized position, the, probable and actual situation will bo 3hown or. the Dap. Therefore, i t is well to indicate tho probable enemy posi tion on the nap basec1 upon .estimate and to specify i t as such... 207. Map Showing Distribution of Troops for Defense.

With tho assumption that the enony will attack, i t is the usual practice to indicate the time of arrival of each unit at a prearrang ed position. 1. yfocn a counter offensive is planned, i t s direction should bo indicated by an arrow. 2> In a bap showing tho defensive position of a unit (such..as a wir;^ unit of .a division, or a certain reoimqnt) i t is advisable to indicate the direction of an 'anticipated hostile attack and differentiate between the' direotior of the main hostile attack and a portion of that attack. 3 The expected direction of the main hostile attack -and can oiit lino of h i s - a r t i l l e r y .positions and infantry lines- will bo indi cated. v h j tho main hostile".attack Is expeafced in two dirc:bl.ons-., V oa i t is advisable to record both of' them, but tho more important should be clearly'specified.. 4# It is advisable to indicc.te clearly the division of sectors and the boundaries4 of .the zores of action. 208. k^-P Sho?;ing To.fr a in Estimate

..The requirements and the lires-' of - action for the. terrain esti<
nato for-an attack or a defense should be Indicatod on the nap.
! For'instructions' relative to the requirements, reasons/and distribution of Jtrops* refer to p.ar* l(d') and (2), Section I , Cha-ptor 1, "Composition of Estimatos and'tJocisions . u '

^ 279

.2. It is not necessary to indicate every disposition of troops in detail; however, if the terrain feature is such that the r e location of troops raust be clarified, the disposition rust be indicated clearly on the Dap. 3. The lino of deployment nust be indicated on the-rap showing the plan of attack. 4.- O the map showing the plan of defense, the sectors, the n strength, and the main line of resistance must be indicated; and if necessary, the copbat instructions and the direction of the counter offensive should bo included* 5. The strength and positions of the a r t i l l e r y and reserves nust be indicated on both attack and defense plans* 6. It is not necessary to record the matters relating to
conmunications, supply and sanitation.
209. M p Showing Estimate of a Position. a

Alt-hou^h there are slight basic differences between the terrain and position estimates, i t is generally preferable to base our deci sion concerning employment of an organized position upon the terrain estimate. The position estimate nust bo recorded in greater' detail than the terrain estimate, but such ratters as the employment of units and the movements of companies, platoons> and squads will be. recorded only in case of necessity. M.tters relative to i n s t a l l a tions, distribution of troops (front line1 troops end local reserves) will be indicator1, while thos^- relative to the roar echelon and a r t i l l e r y 'will be recorded only if the situation requires thocu 210. M p Showing the Disposition for March, Attack, Etc* a

O maps such as those- showinb the disposition of troops for' n a Division march or attack, tiie items to be: recorded are r-ainly the division order of inarch, tlio disposition of troops for attack, and the missions of the various subordir.ate units.. 211. M p Showinb Various Types of Plans. a

O maps such as those showin0 a plan of attack or a plan for n counter offensive, besides the symbols indicating the plan, the decision and instructions (if any) will be included. 212. Map.Showing the Distribution (Occupation of Positions) of Security 'Detachments (Advance Guard, IL&r Guard, Covering Force, Covering Force of" Bridgirg ISatorial Company, etc.') O maps of this typo, i t is imperative to indicate the liaison n - 280

with the main force by showin^ the position of tho main force and thv, direction of advance. Ija cas-o of the covering, force of tho Bridging Material Company, the'location of bridge construction should bo indicated. 213. M p Showing Occupation of Artillery Positions* a

O naps of this type, tho enemy line and his probable a r t i l l e r y n position,- the direction of both friendly and hostile attack, and our' front line will be shown. The main direction of fire and tho zone of fire will bo clarified; the positions of all unit cornandors, observation posts, and c munition trains, the routes loE.ding to u forward positions, tho routes of advance, and if necessary, tho moans of concealment, the position of artillery patrol, and the communications net will be indicated* , M o a change of position hn is anticipated, the route to be taken to occupy that position and the tine of isho novemont will be noted. 214. M p Showing Artillery Preparation. x

O maps of this t3fpo, the typo of ^un, the number of batteries n indioated by such synbols as A3 (three batteries of Field Artillery) and B 2 (two batteries of Mountain Artillury), and the area tribe A covered "by fire will ordinarily bo ii-dicator1, together with tho purpose of firing, such as neutralization fire or destruction f i r e . Furthermore, the a r t i l l e r y preparation will be differentiated according to logical sequence (for example, the artillery prepara tion dolivorod during tho phase prior to the advance of the Infantry from i t s lino df departure to attack, or that delivered thereafter until tho preparation for assault). Notes Examples of three typos of raps are illustrated in paragraphs 215, 216 and 217 on pages 282, 283 and 284 respectively S C I N III E TO LANDSCAPE SKETCHES 218. Landscape Sketch of t h e Line of E i l l s Northeast of Ikujjioa F o r t i f i c a t i o n s , Looking fron t h e H i l l .East of Goka-nura ( V i l l a b o ) (See pag,e 2 8 5 ) ' 219. Landscape Sketch of t h e Enemy P o s i t i o n i n t h o V i c i n i t y of S h i r a t o r i - m u r a ( V i l l a g e ) , L - o k i n b from t h e H i l l East of To^en,
(See page 286)
220. Landscape Sketch Showing t h e F i e l d of F i r e of t h e F i e l d Artillery Battery.
(Soo page 287) .
- 281



1st Bn (less 1 plat 1st Co 1 squad 2nd Co 2 plat 3rd MG Co)/ x

Picket Line

7 /n

Gun Park (FA) '/Billeting ground Nishi(town) 3rd Bn 2nd Inf

\ Futsukaichi n W\ c * i u- (town)\ 1st Cav

AA Unit

Billeting ground

lst Co 2nd Inf Inf Gun lst Inf

1/3 Med Det Gun Park (FA)

MG Plat G=

Inf Gun Unit 2nd Inf 2nd Bn 2nd Inf--' Billeting ground AA Unit

To Yalnada

1 plat 1st Co less 2 sqds

the Aichi River Sector (by Cavalry)

Note: 1. The billeting officer of Futsukaichi (town) will be Col. XX, lst Infantry Regt'l Commander. | 2. The antiaircraft unit will be on alert at a p o s i - / tion where movement to the firing position can be Ij readily carried out.

Drawn in the Cartographic Section, Dissemination Unit, M.I. D.

Fig. 15

To Minami (village)\



1st Cavalry
Arty Bn OP 3rd Bn less and 12th Co's

Cav Unit

7th and 8th Inf Co's 2nd Bn less 7th and 8 Co's 1/2 Regt'l IrrE Gun Co Uyeyama

Mission: The Advance Guard will occupy the area between the hill south of Uyeyama and the hill west of Kashiwa to cover the deployment of the division. Note: Front line troops will perform the necessary construction work within the time allotted. Distribution shall vary according to the purpose of the work.
Drawn in the Cartographic Section, Dissemination Unit, M. I.D. Fig. 10





1st Bn. Amm, Train

1st Bn. Hy Fd. Arty Btry Amm. Train 2nd Bn. Amm.

Regt'l Amm. Train

Telephone HIASt .3rd Bn. Amm. Train Arty Regt/l Obsn Post Koya

^DISTRIBUTION OF ARTY. FIRE ZONE STRENGTH PURPOSE No. of Nakayama Rds 1-F.A. Btry Hinder Hostile Approach So. of " 1-F.A. Btry 3-F.A. Btry No. of Hinder Hostile 5-F.A. Btry Attack Preparation So. of Support of Security Position Check Hostile Advance Support of Counter-offensive No. of
So. of ii

Right Sector
Left Sector
Counter btry
Right Sector
Left Sector

2-F.A. 2-F.A. 7-F.A. 2-F.A. 3-F.A. 5-F.A. 1-F.A.

Btry Btry Btry, 1-H.F.A. Btry Btry Btry, 1-H.F.A. Btry Btry Btry

SECTORS: 3rd Bn.--So. of line connect ing Koya, Yamasa & Kawakita. 1st & 2nd Bn.So. of line con necting southern Katsuda, northern Shouchi & northern Katsurai

Drawn in the Cartographic Section, Dissemination Unit, M.I.O.

Fig. 17 284



This line of hills in general is formed by granite with sharp in clines and has many cliffs. The hilltops are covered with pine trees approximately 2-3 meters tall.

Difficult to travel by foot. Readily passable, dry field. The width of the stream from this point down is about 30 meters; the depth approximately 20-30 centi meters; with sand bottom. Both banks are level and fording is possible.

Sketch drawn from a hill 230 meters high, east of Gakamura

Drawn in Cartographic Section, Dissemination Unit, M.I.D.

Fig. 18 285


the Hachimanji (shrine) Hill, east of Togen (section).

Drawn in Cartographic Section, Dissemination Unit, M. I. D.

Fig. 19


310 110

Base Point I

Inf. Unit 16

X = 2700 E = - 0 4 A = 050

Inf. Unit


F. A. Gun Position


Note: 1. The fire control map for a Field Artillery Battery is drawn from a simple panoramic or military sketch and sometimes from a combination of both of them. 2. In this sketch the essential parts of the fields of fire are indicated by a military sketch, and the areas of expected enemy approach and terrain features in the vicinity of the enemy positions are shown by means of a panoramic sketch. 3. A - azimuth
E - angle of site
X - measured range

v.svJv/ _ dead space

'///// - area invisible from a
- area invisible from b

Drawn in Cartographic Section, Dissemination Unit, M.I.D.

Fig. 20 287

SECTION IV MILITARY SYMBOLS Revised August 1 3 , 1924 Army Order No. 28 221. General Rules

1 . Conventional synbols t o indicf.te opposing f o r c e s on naps a r c u s u a l l y c o l o r e d t h e enemy i n red and Japanese forces in indi0# '2. The symbols i n t h i s book a r e to. be s e l e c t e d t o f i t t h e c i r c u m s t a n c e s , and t h e y should be used t o i n d i c a t e c o n c i s e l y t h e i n t e n t i o n s of t h e u s e r . Thus, p a r t s qf synbols may bcr omitted or v a r i o u s synbols combined. Notations or s p e c i a l synbols nay be added when n e c e s s a r y . 3 . For t h e I m p e r i a l Guard D i v i s i o n , t h e l e t t e r MGM i s attachod in front of the synbol. For a separate unit, that i s , an in dependent unit which is not organically a part of a larger unit, tho letter "s" is attached at the end of the symbol. For tho Second Reserve, L.- single line ' is addod be lew the synbol, and for tho National Army a double line 4. To indicate the boundaries of an--area or the limits of a specific sector, suitable linos arc used. To indicate the field of firo/the main point of attack, and the direction of troop . movements, synbols such as the arrow ( ^ ) arc used. 5. als are 2nd To indicate tho unit number of an- organization, Ronan miner are used for battalions of a ro^incnt only. Arabic numerals usud for a l l other units; for cxai pic 2i.l8P indicates tho Infantry and the 18th Engineers to u ether

6. The number of units, riflos , a r t i l l e r y pieces, airplanes, e t c . is indicated wit hi r. parcrtheses". (Notations and abbreviated words are added if necessary.) i K A p | |. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( .jjjk --^ \izy [~p~ ~ -t~.T "f^ - P. 2. & ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Five infantry battalions
Four cavalry troops
- - Throe a r t i l l e r y battalions
Ono cri o ineer platoon
- - T - C rachino, buns
T V Two field a r t i l l e r y pieces
Ex J i t airplanes

7 7Jhcn. it ; is necessary to i; dicate the unit nunbers of higher (parent) units an oblique lir^o is used to sopas'ato tho lcr/er fron tho higher unit. .The former is placed to the left and the latter to tho riyht of tho lino. For example, tho third battalion of the second infantry regiment is I I I / 2 i . - 288

& Platoons and squads r.ro .usually shown as a fraction of a

conpany. For cxanplo, ; r o squad of the second troop of tho
. 5th Cavalry (Regiment) is
9. If one or nore olenonts of a unit arc pissing, those niss in^ nay bo writton 'with ,a ninu.s si u n in parcnthesos Thus, the
2nd Infantry (Ro^iricnt) less the 8th and 12th conpanios is
written 2i(-8.12).
222. Synbols used for Fiold Operations

1 Jill arms and services Abbrevi 3yr.)bol ation

Equivalent Grand Imperial Headquarters


General J*rry Headquarters Lmy Group -Headquarters. Amy ijrny; Hoe/.quarters Corps . Corps, Headquarters



' '

Di vis i on'. Hcadquarte rs Brigade Refinent , \. . ,. Company (battbry, troop) Conr.anding Officer Connissibned"Officor


Non-con".is s itticd Officor Privates

Mass Fornation of Units

iiachino Gun Unit (Company)

Machine Gun

- 289


Lifjht i-achino Gun Li^ht Tronoh Mortar Hba-vy Trench Mortar Grenade Throwor


'1 j



Infantry Synb o1 Infcntry Infantry Brigade Headquarters

Infantry Regimental Headquarters


Abb r e v i ati on


Infantry Battalion Headquarters

Infantry Units

EJ3 a t a

Assembly Formation of Infantry Battalion

Fornation of Infantry Conpany
Deployed (during approach ncrch) Infantry Conpany


Exarplo of a Plr.toon in dopluynont


_J_ 1

indicate r i f l o squads iiidicate lij_,ht nachino ^un


Exanplc of a ( Platoon builcl-( ins up a line Infantry Gun Unit

Infantry Cannon
Infentry Mortar


Infantry Cormunication Section Firing Li^o or Front Lir.^c


u- ..

Recjr Echelons Occupied Area

- 290


Cavalry Equivalent Cavalry Cavalry Gr<:up

Abbrovir.ti on
K k.k


Cavalry Group Headquarters

Cavalry Brigade
Cavalry Brigade Headquarters
Cavalry ito^incntcl (Squadron) Hq Hountod Doployrncnt Forrrjatioti


Cavalry Unit ./'ass. Fornati on of Cavalry Ro b incnt Mas g F orn at ion of,' C ava Ir y Troop Discounted Skirnishcrs, .Disnountod Uriit, and Horses'(boin b held)


Cavalry Connuniecvbion Section



Abbrcvia t i on L

Equivalent Field A r t i l l e r y Horso. i^rtillury H.'untain or Pack A r t i l l e r y


Heavy Field A r t i l l e r y
Amunition Train
Heavy Field A r t i l l e r y Brigade

Field A r t i l l e r y Regimental Hq F i e l d - A r t i l l e r y Battalion Hq



Fiold Artillery Unit

Field Artillery Gun Line
For nation- of Fiold Artillery Annuni tion Train
Observation Detail (Platoon)
Brigade) Obsorvation 2;osts

Ro^incnt ) If necessary, lino of ^ ) and O.P will bo connected Battalion) "by dotted line#- Line of ) buns will be indicated by Battery ) dotted line Auxiliary ) Observation Post will be indicated by an unshaded triangle. Plot tin,- Station The Horse Artillery, ilountain Artillery and Hpavy Field Artillery
will be indicate", by > ( }( and >-H-H respectively
--, instead of h K . I n special instances- v;hcro typos of ^uns
nust be distin^uishod, cannon and hovitzor will bo indicated by
and 5. Engineers ., Synbol at ion
P Engineers Equ iva lc nt

Engineer Battalion Hpadquartcrs

Er.^ineer Unit

Infantry synbols will bo used for other designations

Connunioation, Synbol P TL DTL Equivalent. Fiold Tolc,,ri.-ph Unit. Headquarters Fiold Telegraph Unit " ;


Co* ramication Unit (Air Service Signal Unit w i l l bo indicated -by the ' l e t t e r s FTL.) -292

Telegraph Station Telephone Station Toluphor.c- Instrunent Boll Syston (whenever distinction is necessary) Telephone Switchboard


Transformor Resonator (Telegraphic instrunont for printing a ncssa^c on tape) ] :iiltiplox Re s onat or Autor^atic Rosonater Uridulator '.arc line


Insulated, or suhrfcr^od vd.ro (v/n.on distinction is nocossary) Radio Unit Hq. DTL Radio Unit


Ad d >!<! t > i nd i c a t c Rt.dio Station (nobilo)) air ground radio ) connunication Radio Station (fixed) )For Example: D Field Searchlight- Unit Searchlight Projector



Visual Cor.inunication Post Carrier Pigeon- Unit Pigeon Loft Piboon Loft Pigeon Post (nobilo) (fixed)

-o o

! OO

Relay Post (Dismounted) Relay Post (liountod) Relay Post (Motorized) - 293.


Aviation and Air Defense

Symbol Equivalent


Staff Air Officer 0 Air Regimental CoprnchcTor AiJF Gr >JUp C onroandor Air Unit obsorvction plr.no" Obs^rvction, F i g h t e r , Li^ht Bonbor, Heavy Bonbor ( r e s p e c t i v e l y ) . Other types' ere indicated by' s i n i l a r sii_,ns.



Forrx.tion of Aircraft (Fjrrc.tibn of 6'hoc.vy nulti^sor.ted borbors at ar> r.ltitudo ;f 3,000 r.otcrs) Bylof.vin^ off the nunbor-of p l a n e s , single plr.ncs cc.n be i n d i c a t e d . Aircraft (top view)
(Five sir^lc-suater fighters in forna tion) Aircraft (side view)

Used chiefly in uaps pertaining to a e r i a l cor'bat; the above notes' apply here.



) ) LandiiL(__ Field ) ) possible Landing Area)

Suitable- changes nay be nado to accord with types of airplanes

Airship Balloon Corps Headquarters

FB Balloon Corps

Balloon point of Ascension

Antiaircraft Lookout Post

- 294

Antiaircraft Lkchine Gu -n liobile Antiaircraft Unit c+1]

Fixed Antiaircraft Unit Fixed Antiaircraft Headquarters Aircraft Sound Detector Searchlight

8 Supply and Transport Symbol Abbrevi-

Equivalent Conbat Train

r^ ft

Field Train . I^aterial Conpany Transport Battalion Headquarters

( To indica.te the loading
Transport( classification: Pr is used
( for Provisions.and Forage,
( .and IM and Ali for arxiunition
Transport in Assembly
Transport in i .arch Formation
( Use y\ over
( the symbol
Division Veterinary Depot( when indicat ( in^ that it
^edical Corps ( has been e s ( tablished. Hedicc.l Corps Litter Conpany Medical Corps Aribulance Conpany Dross ing-Station Votori nary Depot Veterinary First Aid Station Field Hospital '

1., , i LJ



Security and Billeting Synbol cav inf Equivalent

Abbrovi- t i on

CzT !l

Picket or outpost Company (Outpost Reserve)

Sentry Group

Single Sentry or Double Sentry

Scout Patrol with N O C

Lookout; ObservatiDr. party (a) To indicate a b i l l o t i n b zone, draw heavy lino around area and write serial number of unit inside or outside.

(b) Draw tho"villa b o bivouac as a rectangle or polygon, to include villages &nd' f i e l d s . The serial number of the unit .is indicated inside or outside the area narkod.

it y

(c) To indicate a bivouac area,a suitablo rectangle is drawn(the unit Front is indicated by a thick line) and the serial nunbor of a unit is written inside or'outside of the rectangle. (d) The tjuard detachments of the
b i l l e t i n g bivouac areas as well as
unit observation groups, will be
indicated in accordance v/ith the
rolativo importance of the outpost.


rr; Post Grand Alarn Post Provision .and Forage Distributing Point


Annunition Distributing Point Horse "'[Ltorint, Place

- 296


Horso Hitching Lines ';*:. L, on Jr-crk A r t i l l e r y re.rk

10 Labor

Machine Gun Perk Autonobilo Park


Equivalent > .( Firing Tronch ( 0onr'Unicci.tion5 ( trench (


Sectors Pi onplcconcnts v d l l bo'shoviin vdth a heavy lino

Li^ht iiachinc Gun Unplcconcmt Hocvy i'hehino Gun -Evpl{.conont


Li^ht Tronch Itortar I>.placoriunt B'uavy Trench Uortar Ihiplucori Inft.ntry Cannon; Enpl;:>ccncnt Infc.ntry Ilbrtcr Fio]4 A r t i l l e r y En pit. cor: out ( o x c v p t hc-avy Field Jjr t i 1 ] ry) Flt.t trcjec^ory ( ( St cop trc.j ect ory ( Her.vy Fiold A r t i l lory cnplf.oonent.


Low':Tiro (Also'usoci vAicn there is ontf!n b lcncnt( n o n o o d ^ d i f f e r e n t i a t e (betv/eon hi^h c low v/iro ( c'ntcn^lcnonts Hi b h wire entan b lorxjnt Abetis Lend ilino

Gep in a r t i f i c i a l obstcolos or cleerod area in Tiroods Road and bridge be.rrier

- 297

Defilade, dugout, shelter

A du:. i, tronch will usually bo drawn with a dottedlino.
-y 11, Railways, ships and related subjects,

Synbol equivalent


Railway Unit Li^ht Railway Hanacar Unit Railway Inspection Do-partnunt Koa1'1.quarters of Railway Ru^t*

PIq. of Railway Battalion Railway l^aturiol Park /; Railway Railway Control Office Railway Transport Office

Hq. of Sea Transport Lpbarkati on Offie e

Amy Transport Troop Transport


Muni t i ons T ra ns p o rt Cori-unication Ship Hospital Ship Pationt Transport

Ropair Ship Ice Freakcr Tanker


Transport Fleet 3oa Tir.nsport Paso

- 298

Secondary Sea Transport Base Auxiliary Sea Transport,-Base

Transport Anchdra^o - The c i r c l e ropre.-> scnts a dianoter of approximately 400 n o t c r s , and t h e nano of tho v e s s e l or tho abbreviation for i t w i l l be written in the c i r c l e .

A rectangle or -a polygon nay be dravm t o indicate the shape of a transport anchora 0 o " > . Buoy Buoy.Xusu color actually used as s*iunal):.

Boor., or torpedo not


. " l . d area boundary line ..re pier

Arr.iy Assenbly Area; "n'ar I'htoracl Depot' Workshop for Dnbarkation Hq Ship' Anchora^o


Enbcrlcdtioh Hq Signal (si^ tion) Snail Steamboat Flat Bo-ctDn Bar go Horge L'ar^o j-esson er I?oat Snail Bar;je\ Fornation (Deploynent) 3nair'Bar L o Porrx.tion (Sii ^lc ojlunn)


- 299


Lino of Conriunicati on and related subjects. 3ynb o 1 qu i va le n t HoadquarGcrs, Amy Group lie.in Advance Depot .(L of C) Hqs. Hi in Adveneo Depot Rqs of-a Post on. L of C Unostabliahed L of C Hqs
/ \

Abbrevi tion

Branch Hqs. of a Post on the Line of Conn unicc.tion Telegraph Unit Hqs. of L of C


Telegraph Company of L of C Tain Dopot of Field A r t i l l e r y Field A r t i l l e r y Dopot Field A r t i l l e r y Branch Dopot Field lin^irecrs '.' r.in l^epot Field Dn^inours Dopot Fiold Ur^.i^eers Franch Depot ;'"r.in Field Air Depot. '" Field iAir Depot Field Air Branch Depot

O' Q.

Rqs. of Hot or Transport Lot or Transport Tractor Transport Llain Field I-otor Transport Depot Field Motor Transport Depot Branch Motor Transport Dopot

- 300

( ( Veterinary Depot L of C( ( Hospital, L. of C ( ( ( Gcneral FioId1 Hospital' Field lfodioc.1 Supply Casualty Cloarin^ Station Infirnary Colloctin^ Station Goncral Field V/arohouse Field Provision Depot . Brunch Field Provision .Depot Field V/arohouso Transport Conpany, L of Q

Rosorvo Horse Depot

Uso A over the symbol when these aro in opera tion

A Column of Looal Transp.ort carts Transport Lscort


Quartornastor Corps unit' for land transport Horse Piirchasinb Section Field Construction Section Field Upidonic Prevention Section r a t o r i o l Collection Section Field Post Offico Field Post Office H lay Station o Field Post'Offioo Direct Tolephonc Iixclu.fi. ,6

225. Sy^ols Used for Attack and Dcfonsc, of a Fortification (In addition to the following symbols shown above in the section on field operations should also be ugod.)

- 301

Abbrcvition F A



He&vy Sio^o Artillery or Heavy Fortress A r t i l l e r y Naval Gun Fortress Hoadquarters o Artillury liq or Artillery Headquarters Sapper Hoadquarters ."or.vy Sie^e (Fortress) y.rtillory Rc^.t, H or Sector. q q (isolator1. Fortress) Art. H Heavy Sic;_;c (Fortress) A r t i l l e r y Battalion Hq Fortress Hospital Branch Fortress Hospital Submerged Listening Apparatus ( ( Seni-pen-iC.norit Dof.onsos (' ( Torporcry Defenses ( Ptirnancnt Gun EDplacen.cnt Seni-permanent Gun Enplaccnont Porrnancnt Mortar Emplacement Scmi-permanent. Mortar Emplacement. Permanent Defenses Synbols shuuld bo shaped like the fort itself.

Turrot Pcnfiancuit Pdllbox Temporary Pillbox Barracks Barracks or Tent Camp Gallery or tunnel Siege approachos.

Sic&G A r t i l l e r y Fark


Sapper Park Gun Depot lit.in She IX '.Maga z ine Branch Shell i-'a^azine lit.in Powder Magazine Branch Powder llagazinc


Main iiTinunition Depot Branch Jjnnunition Depot

H d
,H M

Engineer Materiel Distributing Point. Transport Supply Depot " Ordnance" I la'in Kopair Shop Ordnance Repair Shop Cannon (Gun)

The cc.libre is indicated by nunorals and the number of

is indicated by numerals or by dravdn^, horizontal lines
For cxanplo four 155 IXI. hewitzors vdil be indicated by

o r

\ )

Tho arnanonts of a f cr.t battery arc go no rally indicated

as in the following cxaj.iples: : . '


Four 30 oi^. t,uns m ]Jo. 1

perran'^nt b u t t o r y .
Four _24r cn# howitzers i;n tho
"No. 2 tonporary battery-'



+0 C

Two 40 C D .

in a turrot

- 303

224. Navy. Symbols Abbrovi -, tion

syi -,b o 1 Equ ival e nt


Naval Vessel

To i n d i c a t e the types of r.aval v e s s e l s , use the following e q u i v a l e n t s :

Or BC CD RG AG S W DW B a t t l e s h i p
Cruiser Gunboat
Battle Cruiser
Coasf Defense Ship
River Gunboat
Auxiliary Gunboat
Min e 3v/c epor
rir.u Sweeper Depot Ship

\J'wQ I l - y v l

t Db

T :rpodo Boat
Torpedo Depot S h i p ;
D e s t r o y e r Li o t h e r Ship
Aircraft Carrier


Thick linos ere used to indicate squadrons of capital ships; for a l l others thin linos arc used, Various types .> ship for nations are indicated as follows: f


Conbined Fleet

inc Sweeper F l o t i l l a Coiibi-Acd" Id no Swoopor Group Sd Ss Destroyer Squadron Submarine Squadron-' Conbinod Destroyer Group Gunboat F l o t i l l a Destroyer F l o t i l l a Sti Subriarinc F l o t i l l a Cornandor in Chiof of Conbinod Floot

Float QDr.Tnr.ndor Conr.ic.ndor of a Division (Sqdn) Ship C'onix.ncior , Airpiano { fv/ - soap la no ( ( f1 - land-based plane


Look ub Station (Signal Station) Captive. Balloon SiGH.r.llir^. Station (Coast) Subnarino Base I Air Base (auxiliary)

2S5. Special liilitary Synbols usud only by the Military A for study purposes. 1* General AbbroviSynbol Equivalent tion Division Connand Post

Ilossa^o Center .Grenade Thrower

- 305

Li^ht -Machine Gun Fire Not Ln Example of Firo Preparation

Hocclqucrtors of c. Chonical Warfare Unit Chcnioal Vic.rfc.re Unit



Poison Gas Projector Unit Chcnical neutralizing Unit Gassed Area

<f ;

Si >kc" Scroon(^as snoko poison snoko)

Equivalent tion RiA

L {

Infantry ke Ll inontal Gun Unit Ito^incntal Gun



Infantry Battalion Gun Unit


E a t t a l i o r Gun Antitank Gun Unit

3. Synbol tion RSt ASt Bst

Antitank Gun

Field Artillu-ryand Aviation Equivalent j l Annuniti on Train

Battalion Annunition Train Battery AEnunition Train 105 .ran Howitzer Unit


.. - 506

H * *

Howitzer Unit 105 nn Howitzer 105 m Gun m 155 nn.Howitzer

FHfc F:lr
Fllb !

Air Fighter Unit Ai r lie c onna is s ahcc Unit Air B Jnber Unit Artillery Battalion (lie Liaison Detail


' Icchanizod Units Symbol Equivalent Mechanized Unit Battalion Commander's Tank or Battalion Tank Hqs Tank of the Company Commander Platoon Leader's Tank Armored Car Unit Light Armored Car Unit Tank Unit Ammunition Train

Abbrcvi- tion TP

li ft

L ^

Motorized Infantry (other branches

may be indicated by chan^in^ the
inserted l e t t e r )
Motor Drawn Field Artillery Unit


Labor (construction) Symbol tion Breach of obstacles (passage through gassed area) Antitank Defense Equivalent

- 307


C onimunic at i ons. Symbol Equivalent Heliograph' (Signal" Station) Semaphore (signal Station) Wig-wag, (Sibnal Station)

Abbrevi ation .,

. -ft ^> p-


- 308

226 i Comparative Chart of Weights and measures of Various Nations. Linear Measure Nat i on England U.S. Japan England

Land Measure Nation England U. S. France Germany Russia


Japanese Equivalent 14 cho Milo(1.609 km) 45 ken Donomination

Denomination Acre H etare o Desyatin 3q. Vorst Ko (100 ko) Sq. ri

Japanoso Equivalent
.40C chobu . 1.008 ohobu 1.102 chobu 0.07379 sq r i . 6.2 chobu 0.02151 sq t r j |


16 cho 5b kon 3 shaku 11 ken .3 shaku 1 shaku 9 cho 1 ken 9 cho 46 ken 5 shaku 5 cho 16 ken 4 shaku




Franco Russia




Nat i on

Capacity.an d Cubic M a 3 e uros . . 1 Japanese Denomination Equivalent


fc i g h t Nat i on England



Denomination Ton



1 cubic shaku 100 st.i 40 sai 10 s a i 2.52 sho 2.098.sho 2.44 sho 0.55 sho 0.68 sho

Ton (railway) Ton (ship) Koku (small boat) Gallon (liquid) Gallon (dry) Gallon

Japanese Lquivalcnt 270.946 kan 241.915 l:an 266.667 kan -.121 kan .266 kan
4.360 kan .8947 sho 1.82 sho 5.7402 sho


Franco England U. S-.

Franco Russia China Russia China

Ton Pound Kilogram Pood Kin


-England U. 3 .

France Germany Russia

(liquid) Tarushoka

Grancts Koku

Domestic railways use the English ton (long ton) while in Korea and i/ianchuria the American ton is used-* Vehicles arc weighed in French t o n s , 1000 kilogram (267 kan) pur ton* -309


Reading of Grid Maps used in Maneuvers.




17 N>-


For large scale maps, which are over l;50,000, the coordinate square will be (1) kilometer,and for maps with scale at 1:200,000,.it will be (10) kilometers.

Msthod of Application
1. Numbers will be read from smaller print to larger print; if
smaller print is not included, it has been either omitted or
it means, numbers over & hundred havq not been used.
2. These grid numbers will'be'applied to .maps.of the nation
as well as to maps of a$iy one district. j
3. To indicate a certain area .omit figures ovor hundreds and
use tons and unit digit*.
4. Use rovind numbers calculating down to one decimal place
(decimal fractions should be estimated") to indicate a certain
point "A" on the map as: 17.7-34..3.
5. To find tho distance between a certai). point (]'.=17.7, Y=34.3)
and another point (X' = 5.3, Yf',= 48.5), it must bo calculated
by the formula
'* +.(Y - Y T . Thusi
"|/(17.7 - 5.3) 2 + (48.5 - 34

14 .2 2 =

= 18.8 km.

- 310

228. Method of Determining, the True .Azimuth of a Lino A B Vi'hich Runs Between Point A ( x . - x , ) and point B (X,,- Yp) grid azimuth of A can bo obtained fron the following B equation: Tan =
- X

The declination of the true north from the ^rid north (angle 9)
which is to be added to the angle 9 can bo obtained as follows:
1. Select any point (A) on lino AB
2. Locate on the map, any other point (Xg, Y3) which is on the
same longtitudo as point ( A ) .
3. Then,
l " A 5
Yl - Y 3

tan 0

Therefore, the true azimuth of line'AB is angle 0 plus angle

0 f


- 311

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