WASP Newsletter 11/01/75

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Editor - Betty Cross

Vol. XI


Reno was terrific!
WASPS arrived en
masse from allover
the country, by bus,
car) plane etc. We saw many faces ~hat
had never made it to the other reunlons
and what a welcome sight they were. There
was lots of hanger flying, picture taking,
amid the controlled confusion of checking
in at Kings Inn Hotel.
The reunion committee was kept busy handing out envelopes
containing our O~ders of The Day ( 4 day
activities list), ceramic Fifi plaques)
tickets to various functions, IDs, etc.
Ziggy Hunter corralled every new arrival
and informed them where they could "gas"
up in her room, a veritable DEW DROP INN!
Then, SMITTY'S BAR opened and things got
off to a real flying start. Those who
could still stand at 1700 hrs. made a refueling stop for Champagne and Hors D'Oeu'vres in the lobby. And this was only Thurs.!
Some of the girls went to Lake Tahoe or
Virginia City on Friday.
We were scheduled
for an outdoor buffet that afternoon at
Bowers Mansion Park but it was cancelled
due to uncertain weather so, the lobby of
the Kings Inn was utilized again and we
had our buffet there. Saturday was the
WASP only buffet breakfast (very good I
might add) and then free time for 7 hrs.
before cocktails and the Reunion Banquet.
At the OOF meeting at 1000 to 1200 many
of the items you'll read were discussed
and the crux of Col. Arnold's report was
New officers were elected and a
big hand was given the outgoing officers
for the excellent job they did while in
At the Banquet that night Gov.
of Nev., Mike O'Callaghan spoke, Dr. Dora
Dough.rty Strother was presented the Order
of Fifinella Award by Del Scharr, Miss
Jacqueline Cochran spoke to all and the
former officers of OOF were commended for
the outstanding job they had done. Mr.
Floyd OdIum, Miss Cochran's husband had
accompanied her to the Reunion and it was
heartwarming to see them both there even
though they haven't been well. Thanks to
both of you, Mr. OdIum and Miss Cochran,
your presenco made the gathering a complete success.
"HOT SPRINGS for '76"





~llienasked if my name could be placed

on the ballot for President) I confessed
that I might have expected to be offered
the Presidency of the U.S., but never
that of the O.O.F. And now that elected,
I want you to know how very honored I am.
Our "administration" will be running an
"open door" policy, so here is how I can
be reached:
In N.J. (summer) R.D. 2, Box 519) Newton,
N.J. 07S60 Ph. 201-362-$61$
In Fla. (winter) 10330 N. Military Trail,
Palm Beach Gardens, 33410 Ph. 305-622-~435
The policy of the O.O.F. Board is gOlng
We urge each and every
member to do her best to get publicity for
the WASP's so people will not be thinking
of us as you-know-what and so the younger
generation, most of whom have not heard of
us will know there were women fliers in
Get some publicity for yourself in
your local newspaper.
Make a spe~ch ~bout
the WASPs to your local Rotary, Klwanls,
flying club, etc.
(Much factual
inform~tion can be found in your roster;
Dr Dora Strother wrote a superb, complete
and accurate history of the WASP training
program for the Journal American Aviation
Historical Society, Winter of '74), embellishing facts with some personal experiences of yours or friends.. LET'S LET
'EM ALL KNOW WE EXISTl Your comments always welcome.
Bee Haydu, The Prez.



Bea Haydu, Pres.

"You mentioned the time that I gave to
attend the Reunion.
I feel badly that I
didn't feel strong enough to be with all
of you more than I was, but any time I
gave was certainly worth giving, in my
for the outstanding credit all of
you hav~ brought to the group both during
the program and in subsequent years.
haven't sufficient adjectives to express
my pride in all of you. If health will
permit,' I hope I can be with all of you
in October. Warm regard.



R. D. 2, Box 519
Newton, N. J. 07$60

Bee learned to fly in Martins,Creek, Pa.

in 1943. She joined the WASP program in
Feb. 1944, graduating in Sept. Was then
stationed at Pecos, Texas doing utility
flying for the Training Command in UC7$'s.
After deactivation, she obtained her FIt.
Instructor's and Ground School Instructors ratings, did ferrying of surplus aircraft from the south to depots in the
east. Obtained a Cessna Dealership and tl
first yr. they produced after WWII, sold
20 new airplanes.
After that , joined $
men in ownership of a fIt. sohool in Isle]
N.J. A year after we were in operation,
the Garden State Pkway was built cutting
off one of our runways and putting us below CAA minimums for an airport, so we we:
out of business.
Then I became a buyer,
in N.Y.C., of airplanes and parts for Indamer Corp. who represented the Govt. of
India and various airlines and corporat10ns in India. During this time I met
Joe Haydu and did the most important thine
of my life--I married him. This was 1951
and in 1952 we added Joey, 1953 Steven and
1954 Diana. Joey just graduated Bryant
College, R.I., Stevey is attending U. of
Hartford, Conn. and Diana is in U. of Fla.
(South), Tampa, Fla. In '69 I got my real
estate license and we have been active in
the real estate mkt. ever since. We presently own a '75 Cessna 210 and have had
planes over the yrs. rangiqg from Beech
Barons to Stearman's, T34's etc. Joe was
with the CPT program during WWII as a fIt.
instructor and we still both enjoy flying.



125 West $2nd St.
Indianapolis, Ind.46260

Betty was born in Harrietstown, New York

First flight on airline from New York to
Montreal and it sold me on flying. Had
been secretary to president of a music
foundation in Newark, N.J., and quit that
job to get enough flight time to join the
WASP. Was stationed at Napier Field, Dothan
Ala., as test pilot on AT-6's.
Returned to
base after work as Link inst. and taught
American and Mexican cadets in English and
Spanish respectively.
Worked at small
aviation jobs until I accepted one as skywriter-secty. in Indianapolis.
When plane
was sold for Korean war effort, went with
Aeronautics Commission as Chief of Special
Quit job after marriage.
back working again, first as secty. to chairman of the board and president of an insur-

ance company, now as Manager of the Word

Processing Center for that same company.
Own and fly a Cessna 150.


Betty Cross
2001 Elm Ave.
Modesto, Calif. 95351

Betty learned to fly at a seaplane base

in Chas., W.Va. in 1942, while working for
NYA-WMC. Worked as mech. at nights and
parachute rigger on days off to earn grnd.
school and fIt. time. Had tried to join
any service when war declared in '41 but
too young. Was a member of C.A.P. also.
Left WMC and was sent to CTD by War Dept.
to train as Eng'g. Aide. Heard about WASP
program in 1943 and wrote to Gen. Hap
Arnold to see if I could get a waiver on
my age. Meanwhile, was sent to WrightPatterson AFB to work as Eng'g. Aide and
was there when informed I would be accepted
if 1$ by end of '43. Got a leave of absence from Wright-Patterson and began trng.
Jan. '44. After grad. was sent to Moore
Field as Tow Pilot and did some ferrying.
After D.D. in '44, was employed as Trng.
Asst. at N.A.C.A. Langley Fld., Va. Left
there to get my Inst., Instructor and Comm.
licenses renewed on Land & Sea at Spartan
Sch. of Aero., Tulsa, Okla. in '46 then
joined World Air Shows as a Stunt Pilot.
Left the show to instruct G.I. and others
at Casper, Wyo. for a few mos. Was going
to rejoin show in Minn. when hit by motorcycle after Navy Air Show and hospitalized
for yrs. Studied Aero Eng'g. while there
and met husband Guy while I was still in
hosp. Have 3 great kids, Don, the eldest
is S. Sgt. in Air Force and youngest Guy,
Jr. may have already made Staff by now
as Jet Mech. in AF. Both are career. Daughter Cara lives here in town. One grandchild, Danielle, dghtr. of Guy, Jr. Took
trng. in Photographic Repair and opened my
own shop in home after grad. Also worked
at same time in Personnel for Cannery as
well as holding job for P.O. Dept. as Rural
Route Driver for over 3 yrs. Dr. made me
quit all except Repair and then I went to
work in La~.of Cannery doing test work.
Finally told to stop work completely but
am very proud to recently have passed my
physical so I can fly again.
Sara Hayden didn't get a write-up on herself in time for press time, but hope
to have one for the Newsletter that
will come out before the Ark. reunion.


Anyone representing museums or collectors should write their needs to the Newsletter Editor who will place the information in this column. She will also place
information from those willing to donate.








The proposal for a WASP Memorial submitted by Mary Jones (Regalbuto) 44-9 is
for a six to seven foot bronze statue of a
WASP in flying garb. She commissioned the
internationally known sculptor, William
McVey, to cre~te the rough quarter size
sketch model pictured.
McVey's sculpture is in permanent collections at various museums across the country
including the Smithsonian Institution. His
publicly owned works include the monuments to
Davey Crockett, Ozana, Texas; James Bowie,
Texarkana, Texas and George Washington,
Cleveland Federal Building. Particularly
famous works are his 9 foot bronze of Winston
Churchill at the British Embassy, Washington,
D.C. and his many works in the Washington
National Cathedral.
The statue, to be presented to the Air
Force Museum at Wright Patterson Air Force
Base, Ohio, would be placed on a suitable
stone base with a bronze tablet. It would
be a lasting tribute to the nation's first
women military pilots, the WASP of World
War II, as well as those who died in the performance of flying duties. The cost is estimated at $15,000.
The Air Force Museum has suggested that,
if the Order of Fifinella proceeds, hopefully.
the piece would be completed in sufficient
time to permit a public unveiling at the
museum's July 1970 Bicentennial celebration,
with a representative group of WASP present.

WASPs at the Reno meeting had an opportunity to view a full-scale hydrostone

"mock-up" model of a memorial plaque, sculptured by Artist JEWEL ESTES 44-10 of Dallas. The final bronze sculpture, cast from
the same mold through the lost-wax process,
now hangs in the History of Aviation Collection at the U. of Texas at Austin.
Ziggy Hunter says the total piece is comprised of TWO bronze plaques so it is flexible for use as a memorial (with the name
plate) or a recognition plaque (with the
sculptured art in bronze and the lower
plate presenting the dedication or recognition message). This question was reiterated many times at Reno as to whether
the sculpture could be installed without
the nameplate of the girls killed in service.
The arti.st, Jewel Estes, has offered to
donate all her time and talent in the creation of additional bronze memorials, offering the O.O.F. membership a program requiring funds only for materials and delivery cost. This has been ev~luated at between $1150 and $1500 for the two-plate
plaque. Any funds left over beyond actual
cost would be returned to the O.O.F. fund
or applied to an additional one, if desired. Although Ziggy explained at Reno the
reasons their first effort on both the installation and fund raising were limited
to Texas, she feels the whole membernhip
needs to be aware that they did contact the
O.O.F. Exec. Committee, as well as Col.
Arnold, for their o.k. before they took

even the .first step. In permitting them

to go ahead "on your own," they did ask
them to hold off on making a Nat'l. membership contact until the Reno meeting.
They limited their fund raising to and for
the Texas installation because of that.
This memorial was dedicated April 11,
1975, with ceremonies which honored families of WASPs who gave their lives in
flight service.
Representatives of many
of these families came from all parts of
the U.S. to take part. Astronaut Neal
Armstrong participated as principal speaker
at the evening banquet before some 500
pilots and friends. Since the entire WASP
training program was based in the state,
Texas WASPs and other pilot supporters
carried through their wish to place the
first memorial to the WASP in an appropriate Texas site. Jewel made a gift of talent
and time in providing the plaQue. valued
at $10.000 - $12,000 by some Dallas artists.
Texas WASPs and other supporters raised the
funds to defray the cost of materials, production, packing and transporting.
Ziggy offers answers to some of the questions the O.O.F. members may have:
A: The total piece is comprised of TWO
bronze plates, making it flexible for use
as either.
The top is a sculpture of two
faces--one with pilot's helmet, depicting
the training phase, the other with graduation beret, symbolizing the service phase
of the program.
The lower plate may be
either the name plate, listing the girls
who were killed, or a recognition plate
with a dedication message.
A: The amount will be governed by the
number of placement and site locations desired by the membership. Concise accounting of expenditures will be kept, as stated
above, and the cost was referred to earlier
in this article.
This will vary with the
fluctuation in price of bronze.
proposal includes a request (l)the cost
amt. be placed in a fund which can be drawn
upon for this project before the memorial
will be started, (2)a committee of the
O.O.F. be available for consultation during
production, and (3) that no time frame be
set for deadline not within reason, since
creativity is laborious and dictates its
need to th~ artist rather than vice versa.
Each production must go through a stage
of refinement by the artist.
It's estimated that possible 15 casts can be made
from this one mold, but each is an.individual :'Process.

A: The experience gained on the Te~as

fund-raising project will be shared, 1f
needed and requested.
The total plan,
records and card file of donors and potential givers on this highly successful
endeavor will be made available to an
appropriate committee on request.
Hunter reports that 27 families of the
3$ WASPs killed have been locate~ and
they are eager to see more memor1als
placed and would be of significant help in
projects of this nature.
What with rising costs of mailing,
printing, paper, etc., management regrets
that we are forced to increase dues to
$10. Membership cards will be sent.
Please use enclosed separate form for
For the Reunion in Hot Springs, Ark.,
If we travel in groups, there will be considerable airline savings.
There are
group fares for 10 to 24; 25 to 39; 40 and
up. However, it takes advance planning
and a Travel Agent would need to know about $ wks. in advance in order to apply
for a group rate. Also, in 1976 there
will be some reduced Bi-Centennial fares
in effect but they will not be as low as
group travel. Suggest that anyone obtaining information for groups in your
area, send this information to J.R. Smith
(Smitty), Drawer FF, Hot Springs. Ark.
112Q! for inclusion in Reunion Information.
Be sure to mention the travel agent who
would handle this so the gals can contact
them directly.
We already have Destination Unlimited Travel Agency, Hollywood,
Calif. for the L.A. area and Elaine Harmon
is writing to United, Delta and American
on behalf of all WASPs to see if any. of
them would give us a reduced for the R~union based on our military service and
being part of the flying business.
At the Reunion in Reno, Colonel Bruce
Arnold reported on the status of the two
bills before the House and the Senate.
He is doing much "behind the scenes" work
and has asked every WASP to please not obtain publicity regarding Militarization
of the WASPs until he feels the time is
He does, however, want any WASP
who knows a political figure well enough
to be on a very personal basis, to please
give h:j.m.hername, address and phone number and the name of the person well known
to her and when the time is right, he will
contact her with his request.
You may
send this information to: Col. Wm. Bruce
Arnold, 1625 Eye St., N.W., Suite 419,
Washington, D.C. 20006.




g3g Havenwood,

Dallas,Tx. 75232
Ph. (214) 224-2905 or 352-5204

BEA HAYDU, our Pres., has identified one of

our greatest needs in O.O.F.--the location of current addresses of all O.O.F.
This includes both graduate
WASPs and non-grad trainees.
In appointme membership chairman, she stressed the
need for getting an active committee that
would develop some procedures and follow
up every clue we could generate from the
cooperative efforts of our members. So,
HELP ,HELP 1 Each of you is now appointed
SUPER SLEUTH and may forthwith get about
Somewhere among your unanswered correspondence or Christmas Card list, there
may be lurking a current address of some
WASP identified in the roster with one
of those curs-ed asterisks.
The committee will be comprised of members in strategic areas over the country
but there was not time to get confirmation
of a full committee before Newsletter
Charlyne Creger 44-10, Shreveport, La., will serve as vice chairman,
and Ruth Hagemann Wheeler 43-5, and Jewel
Estes 44-10, both of Dallas, have agreed
to help with research and record keeping.
Some procedures found helpful in locating
the families of the 3g WASPs killed in
service before the Texas memorial dedication last spring may suggest how to use
old addresses and other slight clues to
1. Check your yearbook and class rosters
for Sweetwater classmates (including nongrads) and see how many are shown in the
alphabetical list (who is lost and who is
missing altogether?).
If you are corresponding with any or know their current
address or a later address than the roster listing, please forward the information to your committee at the above
2. Check your Geographical List in the
roster and if some of these are "lost",
check your local criss-cross directory
for a possible move within town or for
the present tenants at the WASP's last
known address (or name of a neighbor).
Then check with these people and tell
them the purpose of your search. They
can often provide clues such as a new
married name, the destination of a move
and sometimes even the current address.
Don't overlook the slightest clues--husband's name and address; university
attended; airport where the WASP may
have trained or instructed (flyers do
keep up with other flyers); place of

business or occupation--and you'll come

up with some leads you hadn't anticipated. Sometimes, by presenting our purpose to the Postmaster, he can help provide valuable information or address.
3. Recall the names of those with whom
you were stationed after graduation.
Are they in the roster and is their address current?
4. Are you corresponding with an instructor, whose listing needs correction?
5. Do you know of a deceased WASP not
listed? Please send details.
6. Do you know of a WASP who has changed her name through marriage or remarriage? What is her last known address?
7. When you get as much as a name and
town, resort to the Long Distance operator for further help. The number is 1
plus Area Code plus 555-1212.
For instance: in the case of Eliz.
Ann (Stavrum) Lux, 43-g, a call might
be made to the LD Ope at Oshkosh, Wis.,
(her last known address) requesting a
listing for a Lux, Eliz. Ann or perhaps
E.A., at 525 Algona Blvd. Is there any
Lux at that address?"
(We don't know
her husband's name and may learn it this
way. Since her WASP entry address was
the same, ask operator to "please check
if there's a listing for a Stavrum at
that address."
If not, "Do you have any
Stavrums listed?"
If there aren't too
many, she'll give the listings on all
of them. Make notes so calls can be
made later through a WATTS line for definite i.d. of Eliz. Ann. If it's a
small enough town, by telling your purpose, you may find an operator who was
a resident during WWII and knew the family. They can get very helpful. Since
it was known Eliz. Ann was stationed at
Maxwell Fld., Ala., and Napier Fld.,
Dothan, Ala., and WASPs sometimes returned to live in the locale where they
served, same procedure might be followed at those places. Make a note of any
info. obtained as it may clue you to
some other line of investigation.
you're seeking some one in the same
town or nearby, please call the number
and ask for the WASP by name. It'll be
a happy connection.
If not, send all
information you have (however minimal)
to your committee at the above Dallas
address and we'll follow up.
g. We need volunteers for the Committee
and especially are eager to have those
of you who travel or have access to a
WATTS line to contact us. We'll forward you some contacts to make. We have
all the old rosters, all past newsletters, .and a list of entry addresses and
are assembling a card file by towns.
LET'S MAKE A GAME OF IT. The ones who
find the most "lost" WASPs by the 1976
meeting in Hot Springs will receive due
Believe ~t or not, there

are nearly 1000 lost grads & non-grads

and that's a tall target, but there will
be nearly that many of us actively looking for them, if we all work at it, so
it's not an impossible dream.
So fast
as y'all find them, y'all write 'em in
to us.


ANN ATKEISON, Chairman of the Awards

Committee would appreciate submittals and
information on candidates before April 1,
1976. Her address is 3848 W. Biddison,
Ft. Worth, Texas 76109. Any members having a candidate contact Ann.
FAITH "Bucky" Richards, Chairman of the
Nominating Committee would like members
to send any suggestions for candidates to
to her before elections are held at the
October '76 reunion.
Other committees ana ~ne~r cnairmen are:
Members of O.O.F. should contact the
committee chairmen with any information
or questions pertaining to that committee.
The Sweetwater Women's Forum raised the
sum of $1500 to have a 3ft. Fifi made to
be placed at the fountain of our restored
WISHING WELL. President of the Women's
Forum is Johnny M. Moore.
Frances Withers
and Ann AtkeiBon are making the sculpture
of the Fifi. Pres. Moore, working with
the Chamber of Commerce in Sweetwater are
making the dedication of this permanent
Memorial to the WASPs a part of the official Bi-Centennial Ceremonies of Sweetwater in '76. Thanks Dedie for letting
us know about this great tribute to our
terrific bunch of fly galsl

The following have donated their wings
to the Smithsonian: Nancy Crews (WAFS),
Gerry Nyman (43-1 and WAFS), Ruth Trees
(43-2), Gretchen Gorman (43-3) Betty
Martin (43-4), Jill McCormick f43-5), &
Irma Story (43-6). The Smithsonian would
like a duplicate set of the wings to be
used "behind the scenes" for study. They
need another shoulder strap. pocket book,
set of wings with the lozenge and a pair
of slacks worn with the Eisenhower jacket.
Either send them to the Smithsonian in
Washington, D.C. (Air & Space Museum) properly identified or to Bee Haydu who will
see they are delivered.


During the convention in Reno, two proposals were made fro~ the floor for a WASP
statue or plaque.
The proposals included clauses for not only
approval by the Order but for financing by
the Order. It was not possible to reach any
agreement or conclusion on these proposals
during the convention.
A committee has thus
been appointed to investigate the problem
and arrive at some recommendations.

We need the help of all the members

the Order.


Basically the two proposals were as follows:

(1) Ziggy Hunter, an instructor at Sweetwater, proposed that a bronze plaque made by
Dallas Artist Jewel Estes (who started with
44-W-IO), be installed in as many museums
and public places as appropriate.
plaque, commemorating the WASPs who died
bears their names, the WASP wings and a relief form of heads of two WASPS (one in
flight helmet and goggles and one with the
formal WASP uniform hat). One of these plaques has been purchased with donations from
WASPs and has been installed at the University of Texas, History of Aviation Library.
Another was on display at the convention.
(2) Mary Jones, 44-W-9, proposed a tribute
to the WASP program in the form of a 6 ft.
statue of a WASP. She commissioned internationally known artist Wm. McVey to create
a l/4 scale model ~n c~ay or wnat tne sta~ue
might look like. It would represent a WASP
in flight uniform, strapping on a parachute
and looking to the sky. This would cost
$15,500 and Mary proposed it for the Air
Force Museum.
She has been in contact with
the curator of the museum and he has indicated their tentative acceptance of such a
We recognize that either proposal, if accepted by the Order as a project, will require
extensive financing and work. We are asking
the membership to give us comments and recommendations.
Please fill out the following
questions (add more comments if desired) and
send to Dora DOugherty Strother, }616 Landy
Lane, Ft. Worth, Texas 76118.
1. Do you favor the sponsoring of any type of
commemorative or memorial edifice to the WASP?
2. Do you favor sponsoring the statue or the
3. Woula you be willing to work on a cowrittee
to raise the money to support the project?
4. Would you be willing to contribute to such
a project?
5. Do you feel WASP memoriabelia (uniforms,
wings, pictures, etc.) would be as effective
in a museum display as a plaque or statue?
6. If you favor the plaque as a project,
where would you suggest it be placed (neither
the Smithsonian nor the Air Force Museum will
accept a plaque)?

WAFS Secretary: Katherine Bernheim

Buckberg Mt. Road
Tomkins Cove, N.Y. 10986
KATHRYN (SIS) FINE: I've been so busy,
selling my house and property, getting
ready to move to Roseville, Calif. I'm
leaving on Aug. 4, headed to Atlanta to
visit friends, then off to Roseville.
I'm driving all the way unless I can put
the car on a train and ship it out.
NANCY LOVE has been in and out of the hospital, but the Drs. ok'd her for some
sailing in Maine this summer--so was
really looking forward to that.
DEL SCHARR has been writing a book. Her
big problem is to be sure that she gets
dates and events down accurately, for she
wants it to be an authentic account of
the WASP story, especially as it applied
to the Ferry Command. So, if she asks you
where you were or what you were flying
on New Years Day, 1943, or some such idiotic question, please take her seriously.
Del began to write last Dec., as she knew
it must be done before she forgot everything. Husband Harold had become more
infirm with ankylosis spondylitis since
June and he died on Jan. 31, 1975. She
was to have had nerve tumors taken from
both feet the day he was buried and had
to wait two more months for a hospital
room. Harold had a stroke the week after
the Sweetwater reunion and that's what he
died of. Since retirement from teaching
Del has this motto at her home. "If it
moves, feed it. If it doesn't move,
paint it." So, her old 108 yr. old farm
house in North St. Louis County now looks
better than 25 yrs. ago when she bought
it and the farm as an investment for old
age. Being a WWII WASP pursuit pilot
gave an ideal background for widowhood.
Del says, "I ate alone, slept alone, READ
ALONE, planned alone, and flew alone."
Her plan is to devote the next year or
two to the story of the WASP she admired
so much in her youth. After that, there's
time for play, we hope.
The WASP Reunions get better and better and
this one was the best thus far. Theme of
the convention was "Orchids to You", and
was directed to the original WAFS of Newcastle AAB, Wilmington, Del. We were delightedl Those WAFS assembled in Reno
were so proud of Nancy Batson Crews as
the outgoing Pres. of Fifinella.
made a fine, efficient exec. Others in
attendance were: Delphine Bohn, Barbara
Erickson London, Betty Gillies, Teresa
James, Florine Miller Watson, Adela
Scharr, and Barbara Towne Fasken. Guess
what? Catherine L. Slocum, who had to
leave the WAFS before the training period was over because of a home emergency,
now lives in Reno and joined us.

43-1 Secretary:

17205 N. 14th St.
Phoenix, Ariz. 85022

The big news of the year, of course, was

the Reunion in Reno. Gerry Nyman and
I drove there and had a marvelous time
visiting with friends we hadn't seen in
many years. Unfortunately, only four
43-1 WASPS attended.
Gerry keeps active
these days by bicycling to the courts
every day and plays tennis. She and her
husband Van have made several trips to
Baja and Mexico to indulge in their favorite snort of snorkling.
DOTTIE YOUNG was present and is as vivacious as ever. She and Pete have adopted a hockey team in Oklahoma, which really
keeps them hopping.
MARION FLORSHEIM also attended the Reunion
and is now living in Walnut Creek, Calif.
Her activities are too numerous to list,
but among other things, she has ghost
written a book on poetry and horticulture;
edited monthly columns for feature stories in magazines; is on the Nat'l. Board
for the American Society of Interior Designers; and found time to be present at
the start of the Powder Puff Derby.
still have their restaurant in New York.
They took a two week trip to Italy and
had a wonderful time.
ELEANOR BOYSEN MORGAN has been living in
Europe for the past two years, but is
now residing in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.,
where she frequently sees Evelyn Greenblatt Howren. Eleanor still has 500'
of movies which she would be happy to
show to any WASP who may be in the vicinity or travelling through.
Glad to
have you back Eleanor.
MAGDA TACKE and George changed their minds
about moving to Tuckerton, N.J., and have
purchased a home in Lake Worth, Fla. In
spite of the work entailed in moving,
Magda manages to play golf now & then.
BYRD HOWELL GRANGER sent in a brochure
which told of a fascinating trip she was
leading in the Mediterranean, which included a trip through the Greek Islands.
As a professor of Folklore at the U. of
Arizona, her classes are the most popular.
BETTY TACKABERRY BLAKE still continues working day and night in the real estate business and doesn't know what the word vacation means. Her son Bruce has joined
the Rangers (the original name of the
Green Berets) and is currently taking
parachute jumps and is already a Karate
MARY LOU COLBERT NEALE has been leading a
hectic life. She is the Medical Librarian in the Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial
Hospital which she finds quite interesting. She has been commuting from Newhall
to San Luis Obispo where her daughter had

more corrective surgery as the result of

an automobile accident last October, but
is now fine.

She remained in the Naval Reserves and put

in 20+ years and is now a Lt. Commander, Ret.
She returned to the Detroit Free Press as
a general reporter with an aviation column.
Took time out for two years experience with
an audio-visual film producing company and
then went to Wayne State Univ. full time
43-2 Secretary:
for a Master's degree in audio-visuals on a
2512 Montgomery
research assistantship.
Followed that with
Laredo, Tex. 78040
another year and a half of graduate on a
teaching and research fellowship.
Two years
Ed. Note: Rec'd. no news for this Newsletter
ago Wayne State Univ. gave her an honorary
but hope to hear from this class by the
Doctor of Humane Letters degree.
She then
next newsletter which will be published
returned to the Free Press as a science and
before the Hot Springs reunion. I have
aerospace writer and covered all the early
been informed
however, that Gov. Mike
launches of unmanned rockets and satellites
o 'Callaghan, Gov. of Nev., has appointed
at Cape Canaveral through Shepard's first
U.S. space flight. Wrote a man-in-space
Advisory Committee.
It's his hope her
series that received a national award.
appt". will help promote Veterans status
Went to the Detroit News as a science writer
for the women in our organization.
and continued to cover some space shots including Apollo 11, the first manned landing
on the moon, Shepard's moon landing and the
Rte. 3 Box 27
last Apollo flight to the moon. Most of her
Collinsville, Miss. 39325
writing, however, was general science and
In 19b9 she went with the first
The lucky ones who attended the WASP rewomen scientists to go to the Antartic and
union in Reno were Esther Berner, Clarice
to conduct a women only expedition about
Bessent, Betty Budde, Gretchen Graba, Lois
BOO miles from the South Pole. Also flew
Hailey, Grace Mayfield, Ruth Ruckert, Velma
with the Navy and landed at the South Pole
Qualls, Emma Ware, Dora Strother and Lois
as the first woman to reach the South Pole.
Ziler. Next year let's all meet in Hot
She had already flown directly over the
Springs in October.
43-3 is proud that our
North Pole on a special flight for the
class member, Dr. Dora Strother received the
Japanese Imperial family from Tokyo to
Fifinella Award.
EVELYN LAESCH FARLEY writes that she and Bertha Copenhagen. As a science and aviation
writer she has been fortunate to have had an
Link Trasky thought of flying to the Reno
opportunity for many adventures: a Nat'l.
reunion but Evelyn is nursing a heart
Science Foundation oceangraphic voyage in
BETTY ARCHIBALD FERNANDES is busy working as a the Tasman Sea between New Zealand and Australia, flights (supersonic) in the Delta
board member of the Lauderdale County Humane
Dart, and participation in the Air National
Society attempting to get an animal shelter
Guard's Rich Trophy Event from Travis AFB,
built and finding homes for animals until
it is built.
For those who knew her father, Calif. to Hawaii, Wake Island, Tachikawa AFB
he passed away in August at the age of Bl
in Japan and return. For fun she has been
on his way home from an afternoon dance.
Alice Hammond's co-pilot in seven or eight
She hopes she can do as well.
Powder Puff Derbies and alw~ys had a wonderLOIS BROOKS HAILEY visited son and family in
ful trip. She and her husband own a Cessna
Bremerton, Wash. He is still in the Navy.
172 which they enjoy. Last fall she was accShe met the ATWAR pilots coming through EI
epted by the Univ. of Mich. as a full time
Paso and visited with Kay Brick. She is
graduate student in the School of Public
thinking of retiring from public high school Health for a two year degree progran in
teaching to teach in a religious or private
Public Health. This fall she will be taking
school. She and Lois Ziler took their fIt.
an overload of courses as they plan to move
inst. refresher course.
to the San Francisco area next year. She
MARION HANRAHAN is enjoying life on the Pacregrets that she was not able to attend
ific Coast. Her house overlooks an airthe reunion.
port and the ocean. She is Rehabilitation
counselor looking forward to retirement and
RUTH RUCKERT writes she enjoyed the reunion
possibly another career.
and also the Int'1. Convention of _the 99's.
JEAN ROSS HOWARD as Executive Director of the
Whirly-Girls, Inc. has been to numerous
conventions and on a vacation trip to Europe ISABEL FENTON STINSON is busy with commercial
real estate management and her husband with
where she attended the Paris Air Show and
Her daughter and son-in-law are
coptered to England to visit friends. She
medical students at the U. of Cuidad Juarez
is with the Office of Public Affairs with
and live in El Paso. Sons John, Mark, and
Aerospace Industries Assoc. of America, Inc.
Matthew are all seniors - John at West Point,
JEAN PEARSON, after leaving the WASP, joined
Mark at the Mass. Maritime Academy and Mattthe Navy, went to midshipman school and
hew at Cathedral High School.
She and her
served in the aviation training division for
husband have been busy with Aunt Marjorie's
the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (air)
estate. She died in April at her home in
as an aviation officer for the duration.

Washington - she was a charter of the 99's,

VI THURN COWDEN works for instructional Aid,
the QB's, etc. having been the "flying school
Huntington Beach City schools, making
marm in pre and WWl era. Her ashes were disreading, math games for learning centers.
tributed over Stinson Field in San Antonio.
The most interesting thing about Vi at
She had an enormous collection of data on
the reunion was her beautiful daughter
all the early aviators which they gave to the
whom she brought with her.
Libr~ry of Congress.
Isabel is sorry she
RUTH GAMBER is presently with the aircraft
couldn't make the reunion.
Dept. of Bechtel Corp. Oakland Airport
DORA DOUGHERTY STROTHER states that she will
dispatching Jet aircraft and crews.
always cherish her Fifinella Award.
One of
Since WASP days she has been with Flight
her articles on the WASP was published in
Dent, Administrator and General Aviation.
the winter of 1974 edition of the Journal of
She was in French Morroco, North Africa,
the American Aviation Historical Society.
in personnel with the AF for 3~ years
She is still with Bell Heliocopter and has
Gambie is still Gambie.

been doi~g quite a bit of speak~ng lately.,

MARY EDITH ENGLE has 3 daughters, 2 married
At th7 k~ck-off of the Internat~onal Women s
and one engaged plus a grandson age 4.
Year.~n January she was speaker at a,lunchInterestingly enough in the past she helpeon ~n Dal~as co-spo~sore~ by the 99 sand
ed train trotters and raced them plus
Zonta and ~n connect~on w~th the same 7vent
taught psychology at the Univ. of Ky.
was guest on a three hour talk show ~w1th two
Now she spends her time painting, doing
others). In May she.spoke to.the reg~onal
ceramics and does bookkeeping.
She boats
b~nquet ?f the Amer~can.Inst~tute of Industall summer and travels whenever possible.
r1al Eng~neers.
In Apr~l.she was banquet.
We should see her in Hot Springs That's
speaker.at the State meet~ng ?f AAUW and ~n
a Possible.
the.spr~ng lectured a~ the Un7v. of T~xas at CONNIE LLEWELLYN HOWERTON has been employed
Arl~ngton to clas~es ~n behav~oral SC1ences.
for nearly 25 years in social work in
She has been apP?~nted to the Bo~rd of TrusPublic Welfare Dept., L.A. and Santa
te~s of the Amel~a.Earhar~ Memor~al ScholarBarbara.
She is currently with Santa
sh~p Fund of the N~nety-N~nes,Inc.
Barbara County Welfare Dept
as superLOIS HOLLINGS~ORTH ~ILE~ is still teaching .
visor of foster home placem;nt of dependmath and sc~ence ~n S~e:ra Blan?a, Tex. h~gh
ent children of Juvenile Court. Her hobby
school and her husband ~s start~ng another
is playing baseball with the Women's softfour year term as Count~ Jud~e.
She recently
ball team and keeping up with her 15 year
got current on her phys~cal ~n case she g~ts
old daughter, and we all know that's a
a.chance to fly. ~ecause of two resorts 1~
challenge in itself.
S~erra Blanca she ~s.le~rning.to play tenn~s WILLIE PEACOCK KELLY is employed at the VA
and golf.
~he says ~t ~s a l~ttle late to
hospital Lake City, Fla. for the past ten
start learn~ng ?ut fun.
A son and daughter both graduated
from the U. of Fla. and are married. Her
Betty Due~er Budd.s are all grown tall and
husband is a safety engineer for Dept. of
she is st~ll work~~g.
transportation for the State of Florida.
Emma Co~lter War~ ~s ~t~ll.~n Clayt?n~ Mo.
BETTY NAFFZ MARTIN is on her 2nd career. She
Grace B1rg~ ~yf~eld
~s ~t~ll sky d~v~ng.
got a BA in Biology in 1967 and teachers
Bee Medes ~s ~n Oregon w~th a kennel and a
certificate in 1973.
Still not working
small home an~ large garden.
but most active in City Beautification and
Kay ~enges Br~?k lost her husband las~ ~ear
Clean up anti-litter programs in schoolsand ~s still w~th the AWTAR as ex-off~c~o
clubs etc. Basically she's a housewife
and t~ a great guy he was with Betty.
Esth~r Berne: i~ still with th~ Indiana Aero- VIOLA MASON and her husband moved back to
naut~cs Comm~ss~on as Deputy D~rector.
Texas in 1973. She and Bob operate a fixed
43-4 Secretary:
base and operation at the Ennis Municipal
3411 Goldendale Drive
Airport. Guess they ought to be able to
Dallas, Texas 75234
fly to the reunion next year
MARGARET MOORE HOLBEN was towing targets at
Camp Davis in the WASPS. She was an instruc17 members plus 4 that originally regtor in Va. until 1946. She married into the
istered but cancelled were the 43-4 class
USMC and they lived in Tsingtad, China
representation in Reno. What happened to
1947-4S, then stationed allover
USA to
you four, Bowles, Waite Underwood and
1972. From then till '75 they were in YokoWierzbicke?
Those'present were Jennie Brown
soha, Japan. While there Margaret joined
Burbeck, Juanita Bolish Cooke, Vi Thurn
Atsugi Navy flying club, 'hoping to reCowden, Mary Edith Engle, Ruth Gamber,
learn how to fly' Her big moment came on
Margaret Moore Holben, Connie Llewellyn
5 March '74 when she was awarded the title
Howerton, Gerry Hardeman Jordan, Willie
of Honorary aviator in 1st Marine Aircraft
Peacock Kelly, Isabel Steiner Karkau, Betty
Wing at Iwakuai, Japan.
Naffz Martin, Viola Thompson Mason, Faith
LT. COL. HELEN M. SCHAEFER USAF retired civilBuchner Richards, Henrietta Richmond, Isabel
Madison VanLom, Lt. Col~ Helen M. Schaefer
ian occupation is a dispatcher for San
and Elenor Thompson Wortz.
We had a mini
Bruno Police Department for the past 15
class meeting and here is some info for
all of you about those present.

She was devoted to her five nieces, one

KATY LOFT STREHLE is the chief pilot for the
of whom would like to write about the
Flight School at Opa-lacka Flight Center,
WASPs. So Barbara wishes us to keep in
Opalaka, Fla. She does part time air taxi
touch with her. Her address is : 465
work. She flew to Reno with Evelyn (43W6)
W. 23rd St., N.Y.,N.Y. 10011.
and Mark Trammel in their Cessna 421. Kay
CALL, PAT HILLER-- Pat reports that her
said she was spending more time doing
current news is mostly about her childpaper work than flying so she went out
ren. Eldest, Dan, graduated from the
and got her M&E Seaplane rating this
local Univ. and currently is a Fire Tech-.
spring in a Twin Sea Bee just mainly for
nician for the Forest Service.
"lots of fun". Evelyn and Katy attendgraduated from Whitman College and is
ed the P-47 pilots reunion in Atlantic
teaching the fourth grade in Adelaide,
City last May.
South Australia.
Cindi, a Junior at the
ISABEL "Pete" MADISON VAN TOM is employed
Univ. and is working for the Forest
by Tektronix Inc. of Beaverton, Oregon,
Service this summer. And last, Mary,
manufacturers of scilloscopes and related
graduated from high school this spring
She and Jerry live in Portand looking forward to College in Sept.
land, Oregon with two of their 5 children.
Since our last chick is leaving the nest,
AS FOR YOURS TRULY, am still with Braniff
Jerry and I are putting our big house
and will probably stay until retirement.
on the market and drawing plans for a
Which in my way of thinking can come anysmall one over on Whidbey Island--really
time soon. Would love to have an income
starting to build next month. We are
and still be able to fly around to places
not planning to move out there permanlike Wasps reunions.
ently yet. I'm still teaching school
The rest of the gals at the reunion faiand Jerry's dental practice is here.
led to send me a thumb nail sketch, hopeFor the first time in many years, met a
fully they will by next news letter. Did
former WASP, Kathleen Kelly 43-4, visitget one interesting letter from Mary Jane
ed our school enroute to teaching in
Stephens Meikle. She was with her husband
She now lives in Cutbank, Mont.
from Oct. 1974 till Jan. of this year.
THOMAS CAMPBELL reports that she and
They were stationed in Bangkok and sh~ wrote JANEHubby
are selling their lovely farm in
saying she was enjoying living with the
the Catskills due to being unable to keep
Thais and learning a little about their
help. They are trading deer, wild turlife and culture.
key, chipmunks, and a large diversity of
JUANITA COOKE did not write about herself
birds for sun, sand, surf and deep SGGbut I know from talking to her in Reno
fishing. They are moving to Holden Beach,
that since she is now alone she has made
N.C. The correct address is Mr. & Mrs.
another home away from home and has gone
John C. Campbell - Rt. 1, Supply, N.C.26842
to Helena, Montana she plans to commute
They will be living right on the Inland
between there and Calif. Our best to the
Waterway after their house is built--years ahead.
until then they will live aboard their 50
Hope we will see all of you from the Reno
ft. yacht, name of "Wampum", her bailing
convention at Hot Springs plus the rest of
port is Calabash, N.C. She is a two
43-4 that just couldn't make it this year.
diesel, sleeps eight, has two fishing
chairs, air condo flying bridge. They
43-5 Secretary: JILL McCOill4ICK
plan to deep sea fish, travel, and eat a
4920 N. State Rd. 43
lot of seafood and fish. They both "luv"
W. Lafayette, Ind. 47906
cooking. Her husband, Jack, uses his Wok
whenever possible and has studied MandFlown West: AUTRAIN, MARY PARKER--rec'd
arin Chinese cooking and she specializes
a nice letter from Mary's sister, Barbara
in casseroles and Crock-Pots.
Jane reports
Chasis, reporting that Mary, better known
as Parkie, died suddenly in July 1973.
with Monica Flaherty 43-5 who lives near
She reports the following of her life
Brattleboro, Vt. Monica was very hospiafter disbandment: Mary had a tour of
table to her and they had a great visit.
duty in the South Pacific Theatre with
Monica's father was Robert Flaherty, noted
the Red Cross. When the war ended, she
movie director and her Mother, a remarksettled in New York City and made persable person.
onnel work her profession.
She was with
Macy's for 15 years and then became Dir- RUTHMARY BUCKLEY COLE reports: from the
WASPs I did charter work out of Kalamaector of Personnel at Allied Purchasing
zoo, Mich. with a Fairchild 24(4place)
Corp., a position she held for 12 years
which my father owned and soloed at 70
and until her death. She said that Mary
years. Sold it and pontoons and took a
was always the warm, generous, fun-loving
PT-19 in on trade. Did some charter with
person we remember. She didn't fly again
the PT~19 too. Started for Calif.-sideafter leaving the WASPs although flying
tracked in Texas - met, married and lived
was something she would like to have
10 years in Dallas. Had three children
done when she returned to civilian life.
while living in Dallas. Moved to Ft.
Mary married twice but had no children.

Scott. After dividing Golf instruction

Lauderdale about 17 or 18 years ago. Am
between Thunderbird Country Club and Elnow alone - a widow - with a beautiful
~orado, I went into the Sportswear BusAiredale and an open road mini motor home
1ness. Enjoyed a very successful seven
and I love it. I'm now heading for Seyyears as the owner of a fashionable
mour Johnson AFB at Goldsboro,N.C. for a
women's wear store. Am now retired and
grandson or daughter's arrival. My son- .
trying to playa little Golf on my own.
in-law is a pilot there on KC-135. He
I'm on the board of the Palm Springs Pathis now on alert at Homestead, keeping us
finders, an auxiliary of the Boys Club,
all safe. In June went to N.C. then on
and our organization donates time and
to Ohio to see Sleepy(Mary Wilson) 43-4
charitable events to support of the Boys
McConkey and look for land. We phoned
Club, and a summer Ranch. We built and
Mary Rosso Lewis 43-4 and had a wonderful
maintain an indoor olympic-size swimsmall convention.
She's in Santa Barbara,
ming pool and modern gymnasium.
Ca. Ruthmary would like to have a WASP
a Ranch between Palm Springs and Idyllconvention in the East!
wild(in the Santa Rosa Mts.). And this
EDNA MODISETTE DAVIS - (just as Edna wrote
summer are able to send almost 400 underit) - B26 - towtargets, Harlingen, Tx.,
privileged boys to camp. I'm also a lifemarried John Thorne Davis, Lt. AAF Harlingen, Tx. - B-24's.
He finished Law school
time member of the Eisenhower Medical
U. of S.C. With husband moved to Los
Center auxiliary.
I follow the sun by
Angeles, Ca. - 2 sons. Flying difficult
spending about 8 months in Palm Springs
in L.A. area - smog and traffic = trouble+
(October to May) and the summer season
no fun! So - Travel Business.
Five years
in Portland, Oregon.
traveling - taking Youth groups thru
DOROTHY EBERS BACH - Dorothy reports that
Europe and Mid-East.
Now, manage groups
she is busy as a Public Health Nurse with
and tours, World Wide, from Afghanistan
the County Health Dept. She has comto Bali. Make four big trips a year and
pleted 20 years in Public Health this
four small ones. This past year - Russia,
month (August 1975). She supervises
Central America, So. Pacific Islands and
some 12 nurses and finds that it is very
the Orient. Happy to leave flying up to
interesting work with emphasis on prethe Airlines except meet many friends and
vention, which she believes in.
spend time "up front" on many flights.
JOSEPHINE PITTS EGAN--quote: No change over
Ex.: mid-winter above artie circle in
last year - except I made the Army-Navy
Kotsebu, Alaska - pilot had been flying
Country Club's Ladies "~" tennis team
in that area 25 years. Hd had spent many
this year. Play all year round, outdoors
an R.O.N. at Abilene and even one at Sweetand indoors, with time off for skiing
water during WWII. Have made all the big
at Vail in winter with my two gals who
reunions and look forward to the next.
are now located in Colorado.
I urge all who have not.attended to make
the effort - come and enjoy!
RUTH FITZSIMONS reports that she went to
IRENE FREMD DeGray - quote: Our business
Hawaii in March 1974. It was her first
continues to grow and become more demandvacation in 20 years. Her work and illing, but we look forward to our brief
ness in the family have kept her tied
jaunts to South Padre Island, off Brownsto the grindstone.
ville, Texas for swimming and fishing.
ELIZABETH GREENE - quote: My activities
I have made the big decision to learn to
since disbandment include helping to
surf. Have spent three muscle-numbing
start Mission Aviation Fellowship in
days trying to stand up on the board.
Jan. '45, an active association which
And I intend to keep on trylasted 27 years. About a third of that
ing next month when we will take another
time was spent overseas as a pilot in
crack at it! Took some Spanish lessons
Latin America, Africa and Asia. Since
to augment our Portuguese so we can be
late '71, I've been at my parents home
adequate in South Texas and Mexico.
caring, first for both and the last two
HELEN DETTWEILER * QUOTE: After disbandment,
years, for my Mother.
Since Jan. '74
I returned to exhibitions and Uolf tourI've been able to again participate in
naments since I had been a Golf professMAF. This time as Prayer Secty. at home.
ional in pre-WASP days. My most notable
HELEN TURNER HOLLAND - quote: The way to
pupils were Pres. Eisenhower, with whom
keep up with the Holland family is to
I had a daily lesson at 0830 each morning
take noteof what is happening on the
at Eldorado Country Club in Palm Desert
highways these days. John invents and
before he headed for his Golf game, and
manufactures road paving equipment.
Jackie Cochran was also a fairly constant
if you see a FLOWBOY hauling asphalt to
pupil and playing partner.
Among other
a paving machine--you know it's John's
famous pupils were Jack Benny, Mary Livbaby. It is huge, yellow, and delivers
ingston, Danny Kaye, Greer Garson, Desi
asphalt out the back end of a chain
Arnaz, Lucille Ball, William Lear (multidrag. Currently, John is finishing a
inventor - particularly the Lear Jet),
machine that reverses this action and,
Phil Harris, Alice Faye. and Randolph
instead of being a trailer, is a truck

with engine in the rear. Now this kind

the plane was severely damaged.
of thing is exciting--to see a flat, ?ne
operating Camp Denali in the McKinley
dimensional, drawing take shape and f1nPark country with Ginny Hill Wood (43-4)
ally move down the road in such places
as partner.
Visited England for a mor.th
as Toronto
Colorado, and California.
this spring, joining my good friend,
In this bu~iness one lives on the brink
Louise Potter, of Norwich, Vt., who is the
of disaster no matter what the stage.
youngest octogenarian of my acquainten"Will it work? Will someone buy it?
ance. She holds something of a record
Will we have enough money to keep going?
with 26 trips solo by car over the 5,000
Will we have to sue the Company which
miles from Vermont to Alaska, the last
is trying to copy it?" etc. This is the
one in Spring of 1974.
direction John took after his flying
days--after publis~ing a bo~k on flying,
the WASPs she flight instructed in Columwriting short stor1es, and 1nstructing.
bus, Ga. in 1946,'47 and 1948.
I've gone in the direction of e~dless
flew in the Cleveland National Air Races
board meetings--on health plann1ng,
and won the Halle Trophy in 1947. She
Juvenile programs, education, and polidecided to leave Ga. and gave Calif. a
tics. Helen reports son Martin was
whirl at flight instructions in various
graduated with honors and is going to be
locations there.
Finally in 1968, she
a rancher-farmer near Grand Island-went into her own business: Ruth Johnson
where he is following in his parent's
Flying Service - Chino Airport, Chino, Ca.,
footsteps and spending his.free m?ney
and now is Chief Pilot and F.A.A. Designee.
on flying. Daughter Bets 1S marr1ed,
Received these honors in 1970 and still
has a 10 months old son and lives in
holds them to date.
Her qualifications
Hastings, Nebr., where she won an art
are: Commercial ATP - CFI-I - AS~lliLand
scholarship this year and sold.so~e of
besides a bunch of piston engine
airher bronze pieces.
Daughter K1t 1S marrcraft she has flown the following: T-33
ied to Jim Petersen who is from Alliance
Jet trainer - Citation Jet - King Air 200
Nebr., home of WASP Roberta Mundt.
- Aerostar and a MU - 2 Jet.
is in her last year at the U. of OklaMARION (SCARLET) STEGEMAN HODGSON is still
homa Law School.
writing, writing, writing - but selling
CELIA M. HUNTER -- quote: I am still very
nothing except her three cookbooks (which
much involved with two major interests,
she didn't mean to write in the first
Alaska and Conservation.
In Feb., I
Her mystery is finally finished
was elected state president of the
and has been sent to her agent in New
Alaska Conservation Society, the only
Scarlett says if it is a BESTSELLER
completely Alaskan conservatio~ organshe and husband Ned will take up flying
ization which I helped found 1n 1960,
Spurred on by Betty Haas Pfister
and of ~hich I was Executive Secty. for
of 43-5, Scarlett took up snow skiing in
the first 12 years of its existence.
her old age but is still on the beginners'
Our organization is about 1,000 strong
slope. She and Ned and youngest son,
now, divided between Alaskan members who
John, 14, spend every Christ~as at Winter
may vote, and Associate members residPark, Colo. "to get away from the rat race
ing in the other 49 sta~es, who.are.
and to get out of the kitchen."
The Hodnon-voting.
Among the 1ssues w1th wh1ch
gsons had a good visit with Helen Turner
we are concerned are the "d-2" lands
Holland (43-5) and family recently. "Both
the areas within Alaska designated in the
ex-WASPs are now Grandmothers - mine rec1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act
ently, a boy born July 9."
for inclusion in one of the four systems: MARIANNE BEARD NUTT: -- quote: So many
National Parks, National-Forests, National
things have happened last Fall and Winter
Wildlife Refuges, or Wild and Scenic
and so far this year, WOW!
Have a grandRivers.
These new parks, forests, refuges
daughter 5 years old by my daughter-inand additions to already existing units,
law's previous marriage and a grandson of
must be acted upon by Congress before
my own, born last July 15, 1974. Grumman
1978. Hope all you WASPs will be supportasked me to come to Wetham Field, Stuart,
ing us when they come up? Am still servFla. (They have a plant here).
We offiing as a Federal member of the Joint Fedcially opened the Control Tower April 1.
eral-State Land Use Commission for Alaska,
We've been quite busy - we are a nonto which I was appointed by Secty. of
federal tower.
I'm facility rated of
Interior, Roger C. B. Morton, in 1972.
course (before April 1), two other OperThe whole question of land use is of
ators (one had the CTO and took the remajor importance in Alaska, and the Commview exam last week) he will, no doubt,
ission is involved in attempting to probe faci~ity rated by next week-end. The
mote good planning and management.
other fellow has until Oct. 1 to operate
not flown since we sold our plane in
and then the FAA allows him to take the
1965, but have survived a couple of plane
exam. They are working out very nicely
crashes, the latest one in a F&WS Beaver
so far. Grumman designated me Chief Conin the Brooks range.
No one injured, tho
troller which I feel is really wonderful

but a big responsibility.

Just visited
DAWN ROCHOW SEYMOUR - quote: Housewife, I
am! Happily married to Mort Seymour who
Teresa James (WAF) at West Palm Beach.
is a Mfg. Rep. and who flies for fun. We
She's fine - we had a great weekend. Saw
have 4 children: Sam and the twins: Wiz
some of her family again. Ruthmary
and Marg, all three will be Srs. in High
(Buckley) Cole (43-5) and Dottie Henesy
School this fall, and Amy who will be a
(43-6) may be coming up from Ft. Lauderlovely freshman, two Labradors, one duckdale next weekend. May 2 went to Atlanta
ling, 3 gold fish etc. We yo-yo between
to attend the P-47 Thunderbolt Assoc. conRochester and Cacandaigus Lake where I'd
vention - great fun, there were g WASPs
there. I'm Nat'l Secty. Change of addreally love to live--someday! I'm buying
and running my Dad's Rochow Swirl Mixer
ress: Breezy Pt. (R.R. 1) Jensen Beach,
bus. and am in the throes of "great econFla. 33457
omic decisionsw
Bill Balden, now almost
29 is married to Mary Lenning who is the
Ruthmary "Bucky Cole was at Castle AFB
Jr. High librarian in Steamboat Springs,
visiting her daughter and called me from
Colo. Bill is the Mgr. of the Ptarmigan
there. I met her at LA IntI'., she only
Inn. We have had great fun following
had a 24 hr. stop over with us but we
them around the country: Mich., Minn.,
sure made the most of it. She wanted to
Vt., Hawaii and now is the mts. Perhaps,
see Universal Studios so we took that in
some of the old-timers remember Bill's
before taking her to the Hollywood Hotel
father who was killed in Jan. 1946 in an
where she stayed the 2nd night to get the
aircraft accident. It took me ten years
bus to the airport early the next morn.
to find Mort. Thanks to Jinny Archer
It had been 25 years since Ruthmary was
Williams, I've made contact with old WASP
in Monrovia.
She had visited my parents
when she picked up her plane here in Calif. friends. Polly Markle Mulligan telephoned but I missed her. Had Hoped to see
This year, I couldn't make the reunion as
Greenie, Mitch and the ole 17 girls at
I had too many other things going. After
re-union but couldn't escape. There has
26 years as an Eastern Star I finally am
to be another time. (you bet there is,
going thru the line, my first year as
Oct. 1976 in the Ozarks, Ark. Dawn, you
Assoc. Conductress is about over then
be there---Jill)
comes another 3 years before I finish as
SHIRLEY SLADE TEER - this is some news Sh:.rWorthy Matron. Of course, George has
ley wrote to me on a Xmas card--She said
never been a Mason and he has now finishthat her husband is not too well, but she
ed as Pres. of the Teachers Assoc. and
managed to fly the coop long enough to
State Rep. etc., so is now taking this
visit Spain for two weeks. She said that
opportunity to j6in and will have comSpain is beautiful country and that she
pleted the qualification to become an
had a terrific time. She also said that
Eastern Star in time to be Assoc. Patron
their son is in college now and it's a
and Patron with me. We are looking forward to the next three years. This sumbit lonely around home.
mer is 14 years married to this wonderVIRGINIA ARCHER WILLIAMS - quote: Just reful man. He still talks about Palm Desturned from a few days at Cape Cod -ert and the fun we had then. Vacation
Craigville is my favorite spot and the
time starts this next week for us. We
water was 741 Bob, my eldest son, comwill be doing what we call the loop
pleted his Army stint (was a Helicopter
San Jauquin River, King River, Merced,
pilot) in May and has been looking for a
Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Sacramento, Amerjob and adjusting to Civilian life.
ican, Yuba, Trinity, McCloud to Eagle
Richard is flying Jets in England and
Lake coming back thru Reno to Mammoth
Edgar and I are flying over to see him
Lakes. We love to fish rivers and these
Sept. 6th. My first trip out of the
are all rivers in Calif. We have a big
country and we are both quite eager for
Dodge club cab and a Calif. camper and,
this experience.
Our youngest son,
of course, FIFI is on the back so anyone
Stephen, is an engineer and living in
who sees an orange rig with a FIFI, EastWoocester, Mass.
ern Star and Masonic emblem on the rear, JILL McCORMICK - I plan to give a report of
knows it's us. Right now FIFI is the
Harriet Urban White with my report as I
black & white decal we got in Palm Desert
visited her this summer. I left lafaybut my niece is going to put it in color
ette, Ind. on Air Wisconsin to Chicago
so it will show up better. Outside of
and then UAL to Reno to attend the WASP
new activities in Star and Masons we keep
'75 Convention.
43-5 was represented
ourselves busy with, now 3, great nieces
by 13 members: Vivian Cadmen Eddy, Betty
and one nephew. Since we never had chilShea Boyd, Sylvia Dahmes Clayton, Jeanne
dren, we are nuts over our greats anyway.
D'Ambly, Solange D'Hooghe, Betty Haas
I guess this just about does things up
Pfister, Gerry Hardman Jordon, Helen
for "Calie", still working at the P.O.
Hague(please send me your address), Ann
It is now 21 years, and it doesn't look
Karlson Kenny, Marge Logan Rolle, Jill
as if we will be moving out of Monrovia.
McCormick, Lucille Friesen McVey, and
George is Librarian at La Puente High
Yvonne Pateman. Had some traumatic moSchool which is close by.

ments when I discovered I had lost my

travelers checks. Thanks to Gerry Michelson (43-1) who stayed over with me until
Monday and provided the transportation
to go to the Bank and then to the Airport where I took UAL to DEN and then
Frontier to ABQ to visit Harriet Urban
White. We had a ball together, she drove
me to Cochiti Lake (38 miles north of
Albuquerque) where I checked my land
which I purchased in 1973. Really great
there, developing well, water in the new
Lake, and planning to build a Golf course
across the street from my lot. Met 3 of
Harriet's five children: Tom, the youngest, who just finished High School and is
sort-of Chief Honcho of the Homestead
(until Fall) while Harriet spends some
time out of town teaching.
One evening
went to her newly wed son's, Andy, home
for dinner at which event I also met another son, Bill. At the end of my visit
Harriet drove me to Las Cruces, N.M.
where she would be working for six weeks
teaching an intensive English program at
N.M. State U. with students from Chihuahua Univ. Harriet's a great gal in this
teaching bus. also loads of fun to be withl
My 2nd Cousin-in-law who lives in Las Cruces, Met me and drove me to visit my
1st cousin, his Mother-in-law, in El Paso.
While there, spent a day at the Airport
greeting the Powder Puff Derby Contestants as they flew in. Among them was
Margaret Ray Ringenberger (43-5) who, by
the way, came in 5th in the final results.
Margaret is our Indiana Chapter 99 PPD
expert. She's entered each year for many
years and has done well in several, but
the 1975 Race was her best showing. From
El Paso, I flew American to Dallas and
visited my Nephew and family. Did talk
to Marion (Scarlett) Stegeman Hodgson on
the phone. She was involved in becoming
a Grandparent.
From Dallas, I flew American on home, where I've been busy ever
since_catching up with myself.

43-6 Secretary: CAPPY WHITAKER

4175 Kenneth Ave.
Fair Oaks, Calif. 95628


Members of 43-6 at the reunion in Reno:

Shouts of greeting, punctuated by "I would have known you anywhere, you look exactly the same". It
was the first reunion for BLANCHE OSBORN
had her mother, Tillie, with her, which
was like old times as Tillie accompanied
Louesa to Sweetwater, and I'm sure will
be remembered by many.
PEG HELBURN KOCHER spent a summer month in
England, biking into the backlands of the
Cotswolds, Stonehenge, Bath, etc., and to
Cornwall and Devon. Had lots of theatre
and visiting friends in London.
She has
been busy leading workshops on the Charter
Revision Proposals for N.Y. City and will
be a panlist at Queens College on this
for a seminar in Oct. She has a son working on the pipeline in Alaska (with another son there visiting), a third son works
for Hertz at JFK and daughter Deb, will be
in her 3rd yr. at Taft. PEG occasionally
sees EILEEN BRISTOL (Establishment) who
lives nearby.
ANN CRISWELL MADDEN has six of her ten children still with her at home. Last fall she
and one of her daughters joined a professor from London who was conducting a small
group to Russia for 2 wks. to study art and
They found it extremely interesting and she has since given several
lectures on the subject.
They concentrated
mainly on Moscow and Leningrad, but did go
out to a number of villages where they walked across fields to see 11th century
They found the art breath-taking
SYLVIA DAHMES CLAYTON really enjoyed attendand the architecture most unusual.
ing her 1st WASP reunion this year in Reno. MARGARET CASTLE McANALLY says she must have
Now she's back in the work routine. She
caught a cold in Reno because she entered
enjoys working in her husband's company,
the hospital with pneumonia on July 1st.
it started in 1968. They are using the
She hopes to be recovered and ready to
technology derived from making the lights
teach her fourth graders by fall. Her
the Astronauts used in Skylab and have
youngest girl is a sophomore at J.C .
12V fluorescent emergency lights on the
in Bakersfield, her oldest daughter 1S
market now. Their daughter and her husmarried, and her son is in servi~e . They
band both -1st Lts. in -the Army stationed
are all interested in parachute J~mp1ng,
at Ft. Bragg, N.C., have just bee~ home
hang gliding, etc. instead of flY1ng to
on leave. Their son, a mech. eng1neer
which MARGARET philosophically adds "to
at Duval Mining Corp., and his wife live
each his own thing."
here in Tucson, so we get to enjoy being
LOLA PERKINS RICCI enclosed a picture of
near them. Sylvia hopes to see some of her
herself with Lana and Jerry Boxberger
"Bay" mates at the next reunion! Note:
standing in front of "The Bird" that flew
Thanks for the article on you and your
them to the reunion.
She flew the TravelWASP experience--that's what Colonel
air to Pa.,NY, Wash.,D.C., Fla., Puerto
Arnold wants. Great: Jill.
Rico and the Virgin Islands last Nov. and

says the friendly radar voices are welcome

Denver by a well-known artist. When she
isn't playing golf or tending garden she is
passengers when trying to avoid thunderstorms, in the clouds, on a night apptrying to talk Emil into taking her to
roach to San Juan, P.R. She got some obHawaii, space-A. Lottsa luck, Franl At the
server time recently with husband Ed,
reunion, Fran was wearing a very fashionpracticing approaches and single engine
able blue denim pants suit which she had
fIt., preparing for his ATP. She ran
made. So professional looking, and proves
into Elmer Riley (Director of Flying,
our girls have talent in many areas.
Sweetwater) and his charming wife at Van
NANCY JOHNSON THORNE says her seventh grade
Ntlys Airport in June. He is selling airclass was better than usual this past year.
She took a trip to Chicago via AMTRAK and
planes and instructing in the San Gabriel Valley, and was the fIt. examiner
reports that trains haven't changed that
much since WASP days, but Chicago has.
when Ed got his multi-rating 7 yrs. ago.
She thinks it was much simpler when we had
LOLA has had her single and multi-instrument instructors renewed and is good until
TR's and transportation.
MARION TIBBETS was sorry she couldn't make
the reunion, but she had just gotten home
PEG WISSLER ROBERTS dared me to print her
from an extensive trip across the U.S. To
news so with all due modesty, here it is.
PEG and JAY ROBERTS visited CAPPY and
start her journey she went to a minireunion in Austin, Tex. The memorial
LYALL JOHNSON at their beautiful home in
services at the U. of Texas were lovely
Fair Oaks, Calif., on their way home
and it was a treat to meet Neil Armstrong,
from a vacation in Colo. and Wyo. She
not to mention so many WASPS, some from
reports that the Johnson's home is something everybody ought to see if they are
as far away as Calif. After that with
interested in developing an inferiority
her dog, Snoopy, she headed for Mass.,
chased all the way bv heavy rains and torcomplex.
Cappy and Lyall built the beautiful house entirely with their own hands
nados. In the Gettysburg, Pa. area she
and it's perfect both architecturally and
in its execution.
Not only that, but
had just lost the roof of her house and
Cappy produced a lunch out of the Johnson
barn in a storm. While at her sister's
garden that put Escoffier to shame; fresh
place in Mass., Dedi came visiting and
vegetables in wild abundance grown by
they did all the points of interest for
themselves, and absolutely mouth-waterthe area. On leaving Mass. she went to
ingly delicious.
Ah shucks, Peg, it was
Atlanta, Ga. to visit a friend she used to
fly with in Romulus, then to Tampa for a
MARGE LOGAN ROLLE and her husband, Ken, had
a nice trip via the Airlines to Mexico
EVELYN TRA~~LL reports no special news
except they had to have an engine change
last Feb. In June they drove to Portland
on the C421 in 48 hrs. in order to make a
for Ken's annual Airport Exec. meeting,
schedule of 8 sales meetings in the southstopping on the way home in Seattle to
east, which was vital to their business.
visit Marge's sister. They fished for
She wants everyone to know how much she
salmon in Puget Sound (No luck) but enjoyed their first experience of digging
enjoyed being with them in Reno.
MAURINE BRUNSVOLD WILSON worked hard with the
clams and catching crabs. During the
99 Club getting the Powder Puff Derby off
summer they spend the week-ends at Flatin Riverside.
She's working on renewing
head Lake, 90 miles from Missoula, where
her instrument license, and is going to
they caught silver "kokanee" salmon. She
Rio de Janero in October.
says it was great seeing everyone at the
VIRGINIA YATES writes from our capitol that
things are pretty hectic in the last two
MAXINE STEWARD SMITH reports that with June
day~ before Congress vacates for August.
one of her busiest months in her law pracHer life the past year has been one of surtice, it was impossible for her to attend
vival of headlines from Watergate, Viet
the Reno reunion.
Nam, etc. Until the advent of the JFK
IRMA "BABE" STORY enclosed a snapshot showing some of our class at the reunion break- Center, her prime time was a week or so
fast. Thanks, Babel She had an envious
in London for shows, but hasn't done this
since 1971, and her passport has expired.
trip to the Kennedy Space Center as a VIP
guest of NASA for the Apollo-Soyuz flight.
Plans to~t one of the new Bicentennial
David Scott (astronaut for Apollo 9 & 15
and moon rover driver) took a small group ANN WALDNER CURRIER is seriously ill, in and
out of Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
to all the no-no areas. )0 min. after
Desperately in need of your prayers and
launch they were in the launch control
center getting a briefing.
They also got
to see the crew quarters and suit-up room CAPPY WHITTAKER JOHNSON loves those times
when she can visit with another WASP. She
and even got in the command module and
and Lyall had an overnight visit with
L&M simulator.
FRAN SNYDER TANASSY spent two weeks during
winter and stopped in Santa Barbara on
the summer attending an art workshop in

that same trip to have a delicious lunch

joyable time. Viewing the old movies or
with PEG WISSLER ROBERTS and Jay. They
slides brought back memories, such as "Did
were delighted to have the ROBERTS return
I really look like that?" and etc. The
that visit in Aug. CAPPY went back to
Univ. of Texas has started a room for us
West Virginia in Sept.
(first time in
and in time it would be a most interesting
28 years) and visited her good, dear friend, stop on ones travels to look around. I'm
moonlighting o~ week ends for friend of
Now that you've enjoyed reading about your
mine who has a flight school.
Not doing
classmates, make a mental note to send in
any flying but helping keep the office
your own news next year.
and students together with right airEDITOR'S NOTE: ANN WALDNER CURRIER lost
Interesting and fun to be around
her courageous fight for life at Walter
the "BIRDS" even tho not flying them.
Reed hospital in late Aug. Classmate
ANN HOLIDAY was at Austin dedication but had
to return to San Antonio that night. Was
LEE WHEELRIGHT ran into her by chance and
to be in Spain during reunion in Reno but
visited her numerous times during July
promised that the next one would be a
and Aug.-sharing memories of Sweetwater
and flying.
must for her. Ugh? She was one of those
who could still wear her uniform . and
43-7 Secretary:
look great. Oh well, some of us don't
1700 Seaspray Court Apt. 2119
have our uniforms anymore and that was
Houston, Texas 77008
greatest excuse I found, couldn't get into
it anYwaY.
EMERAL DRUMlJIONDattended reun1.on in Reno
43-7 at the reunion were:
and at last minute MARY HELEN BURKE couldn'
make it as her room mate so she took in
MAXINE (EDMONDSON) Flournoy 43-8. Thanks
Emmy remains working some of the
ti~e and p~~ying most o~ the time . 1 don't43_S
th~nk Hawa11 could surv1ve a year w1thout
Emmy's gracing the beaches for most of
Calif 9562)
the summer.
or 0,

D ~~

JEAN BABB sent a note too late last year for

She had been almost 20 yrs.
living outside the U.S. She did attend



thanks you for making possi
e suc goo
times enjoyed by all at Reno.
The time
reunion in Reno, I understand.
Her addand effort to accomplish an endeavor so
ress is 4?10 Dexter Drive #17, Santa Bargrand, boggles the mind.
We do appreciate
bara, Ca11f. 93110.
Jean has had some
every minute-of our Reno Reunion.
h:alth pro~lems but these appear to be over MARY ESTILL FEAREY writes: "I'm all for hav~th.
Let s hope so for her.
ing frequent reunions.
The one in Reno
ANNE !DESSERT) OLIVER. wrote to? late last yr.
was super! Mary Furn talked so much about
Don,t tuck ~s away 1n your f11es Ann:.
Lake Tahoe while in Sweetwater, I thought
Let s ke7P 1n touch.
Her address ~s.
of her so much while absorbing the magniA. ~. Ol~ver, 720 12th ~t., ~ry~v111e,
ficent scenery for the first time.
Cal~f. 95901.
Hus~and 1s.st111 ~n seed.
out by having Lois Auchterlonie as a seat
bus1ness and A~ne 1S n~w ~n Real Est~te,
mate on Hughes Air West from Reno to Las
bu~ only WHEN 1t doesn ~ 1nterfere ~~h her
Vegas Sunday night. Then it was great fun
br~dge and other fun th1ngs.
Four ch1~dflying with Maxine in her Skymaster from
ren all gone from home but one grandch11d
Las Vegas to Tucson where she let me off
to visit our daughter.
In case Max fails
LELA (LOWDER) HARDING wrote a n~ce letter.
to tell you, she is the proud owner of an
bout all the other gals but d1dn't put 1n
instrument rating, which she completed
any news about herself or her family. Can't
after returning to Texas."
take that Lela. Next time start with you. FRANKIE McINERNEY WARMS:
"I did so regret
OK! Thanks for all info on reunion.
not being able to make it to the Reno ReCAROLYN CLAYTON cut her braids and when I
but an ear infection prevented my
heard the news I recalled doing the same to
flying and driving was out of the quesmine but that was 'bout 30 yrs. ago. Let
tion. When you're a working gal, time is
me hear from you the reason why Carolyn.
limited you know. Sharon, my daughter who
There always is one and most are very
is in the Air Force in the weather detachinteresting, especially when you've had
is stationed in England at Alconbury,
long hair for so long.
about 60 miles north of London.
On Aug.
MARY HELEN BURKE attended activities in
9th I'll be on my way for my first trip
Austin in spring for dedication of plaque.
out of the States.
Needless to say, I can
Neil Armstrong, as you know, was guest
think of nothing else. My passport arrived
speaker with Bob Considine M.C. Saw many
a couple of days ago so, "I'm all clear
WASPs that I intended to get with and chat
for take-off."
We plan to see England,
but time ran out on most of us. Some havScotland and Ireland and anywhere else that
ing to leave before the banquet.
Most entime permits.
At long last, the dream of

our world tour. How about that? Dreams can

my life is finally going to be realized-come true." When Iris isn't sailing, and
to put my foot on the "auld sod"--the land
tending her garden and flowers, she goes to
of my ancestors--"Ireland"l
Don't worry
school a couple of nights a week. "Years
tho', I'll stay in the South of Ireland and
ago I finished Jr. College and am picking
carry my "shillelagh"--just in easel"
up where I left off. I find it a challenge
ANDREA SHAW: Andy writes of the reunion:
and interesting.
There are so many inter"Wasn't it great? I really enjoyed seeing
esting fields, I find it hard to settle
all the gals again and catching up on the
down on one." Iris was disappointed to
news. It did not seem possible so many
have missed the reunion but say, "Next year,
years had passed--everyone looked so good!
for surel Bill and I spent our honeymoon
Wish I had some news for you, especially
in Hot Springs! We just can't miss that
some thing bordering on the sensationall
The only thing I've done since Reno is to
"Glad to hear the revisit my brother in Bakersfield, Calif.
union went well. If we ever have one on
If 104 degrees is sensational, that's itl
the East Coast I will certainly try to make
But United Airlines performed well and it's
it. Another reason is that I'm working
a pleasure to be in the Wild Blue once
this summer in a survey and eng'g. office,
"We've had an overcast-type summer
taking over for a friend who would rather
and now it's beginning to "feel" like Falll
golf. After
yrs. of housewifing, it
The Finches and Hummers have thinned o~
wasn't easy to get back in the job market,
When the first yellow leaf
but about the time I quit in Sept. will
falls, I think I'll screaml
(No, not serhave this job down pretty pat. As I came
iously--all the seasons have their good
into this field knowing zilch, am finding
It's just that I'm not ready for
it is a fascinating business.
Mary Feary
snow yet." Andy has a new mailing address,
may be interested to know that, finally,
P.O. Box 615, Kirkland,WASH. ge033.
3 yrs. after the floodL we are restoring
"My best news is that I shall
the Toll House." The ~oll House is such
be in New Zealand and Australia-bound in
4e hrs., and that means that my son, Tom Jr. a fascinating name--does it have some historical significance?
Next letter tell
and son-in-law Mike Sawdel will be doing
us about it.
all the advocacy for Aug. What a joy to
Marge is sorry
have strong, young shoulders to drop the
she has no news to report but she says,
burdens toward! It has been interesting-"When I think about it--what better news
though I don't tell them--but I have acthan to report we're happy, healthy and so
tually learned more from them in the months
fortunate to have good friends." As an
since they joined us than I remember learnafter thought Marge mentioned her daughter
ing in school".
Now you'll have to hide
this Newsletter Eleanor or they'll find out. Deb graduated and her son Greg is off to
I was surprised to
see the world. The last they heard, he
find that Jo was writing to me from the
was in Belgium.
That sounds like fun-hospital.
She looked so young and beautito be young again--but we had our share
ful at the reunion--not a hint that she
wasn't feeling well.
In her letter Jo
says, "I knew at the reunion, that when I
HELEN TRIGG LUTS: This has been a busy
got home I would go to the hospital for a
summer. The reunion came and went like
Would you believe I am still
a beautiful dream and it was hard to
there. However the turning point has come
settle down to the routine of reality.
and I shall be going home this weekend.
I came home from the reunion to resume a
sure shoots my golf season, but now I'm
battle to preserve our way of life. In
healthy and can enjoy many more years.
true FIFI fashion I won--of course. Last
Long range, looks like things are "go" for
May a couple of men applied for a "SpecHot Springs."
We're all glad you're feelial Use Permit" to operate a furniture
ing better Jo. Say "Hello" to Bob. We
mfg. business on the property adjacent to
all enjoyed his company at Reno and we'll
our 20 acres. No way were the beautiful
see you both in Oct. '76.
sounds of nature going to be replaced by
IRIS HEILLMAN SCHUPP: Now that their four
the"sounds of saws". After months of hearchildren are no longer at home, Iris and
ings and appeals etc. the permit was deBill are enjoying their sailboat.
nied. It was an interesting experience
writes: "we race every Friday nite with the
and a first for me. I learned a lot alocal club. Then, on Sundays, we have the
bout our county gov't. and made many
option of racing at one of the four Yacht
good friends among our neighbors.
Clubs. They each have a Sunday per month.
We really enjoy it and Bill has put in a lot DEAR CLASSMATES:
I truly regret to have
of time studying books, etc. of the subject.
to inform you that DEE WILLIAMS passed
We have about four magazines each month.
away Feb. 12 of this year after a brief
Me--I love the competition.
As time marches
illness of cancer. I received a letter
on we shall move up to bigger boats and
from Juanita Williams, Dee's sister-insomeday sail around to see you in Calif. on
law, telling me of the sad news. It was


sometimes sad news and it is that Gene has

lost her husband. We extend our sympathy.
DOROTHY E. HENRY is now in Germany again. She
sent greetings for everyone and regrets she
couldn't make it to the reunion.
TAHOE for four days after the reunion.
While there one morning they wakened to find
it snowing. The paper said it was 6 in. deep
and it was very beautiful and cold. Then,
they went back to San Leandro for a week and
then up to fish for salmon off the Washington coast. They say, "got our limit, too-had it canned and now we're busily paying
our social 'debts', feeding them salmon in
44-1 Secretary: JEANETTE JENKINS
various forms." They are now back in Okla716 Second St. N.W.
homa City and making plans to teach one more
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663
44-1 was well represented at the reunion::
EMILY PORTER KLINE couldn't make it to the re(Alphabetical bt Class Name) Bartholf,
union because she had a son and daughter both
Beyer, Carter, Crane, Dodd, Harper, Hopkins,
graduating from college. She says that she
Hunt, Jenkins, Jones, Kealy, Koth, Krasovec,
keeps busy selling Real Estate and taking
Meurer, Murphy, Shaffer, Stell, Wall. Plus
care of the family chores.
Margaret Gerhart, who served on the Reunion CATHERINE MURPHY LORTZ is still the City TreaCommittee. Great to see everyonel
surer. However, she found time to get
ADELE F. BEYER reports that she is still workchecked .out again so that she, Gene, and
ing in hospital administration at Cedars
Dolores all flew to Reno together.
Hospital in L.A. Her mother, who is 85 and MARY KOTH McCABE sent a new address for JO
has a green thumb, lives with her. Adele
KEATING SWIFT. Mary is a coach for the
says that she must continually create more
Special Olympics and enjoys it very much.
space for her mother's many plants.
this spring she enjoyed a trip to Arizona
MARDO CRANE is still editor of the 99 NEWS.
and Mexico.
Mardo complains that she doesn't have enough ALBERTA HUNT NICHOLSON is still a recreation
time to finish the books she has started.
therapist. She vacationed in Hawaii.
HARRIETT KENYON CALL reports that Betty Wall
VIRGINIA STELL O'NEILL and her husband were at
Roberts and Debbie Dickens and she had a
the reunion. Her husband is with Delta Air.
nice visit together in Jefferson City this
ANNE BARTHOLF RAWLINGS Stayed with her daughtspring. Kenyon says that when the fishing
er in Reno while attending the reunion.
gt~S poor in Missouri she visits her dtr.
DOLORES MEURER REED is now back in Calif.
and son-in-law in Fla. She also earned her
Dolores says she plans to sell the ranch in
Advanced Life Saving & Water Safety Badge
New Mexico since her husband passed away. We
and is looking for a new suit to put it on
extend our sympathy to Dolores on her los~.
since she is 30 lbs. thinner. Too bad she JANE O. ROBBINS is now serving as a Reader ~n.
didn't get to Reno to show us.
the Christian Science Church in Boston. Th~s
FRAN JOHNSON CISTERINO regretted that she
is a three year appointment and she plans to
couldn't get to Reno for the reunion, but
be there until 1977. While she was on the
she's planning to move. She and her husLecture Tour, she had tours in Australis,
band hope to be living in Italy at ChristNew Zealand, Hawaii, and the Caribbean.
mas time. When they get settled, she will
BETTY WALL ROBERTS is traveling with the speed
send me her address. She would like her
of the jets back and forth across the USA
friends to visit them in Italy.
working for the American Cancer Society.
DOROTHY KRASOVEC EBY and her husband made it
Betty and her sister Julie were at the reeasily to the reunion since they have a home
union. Betty sees more WASP than any of the
in Carson City, Nev. He is still a pilot
rest of us. Shall we call Betty our 44-1
for Pan Am. Dottie travels at jet speed and
seems to thrive on it. She has been in
ROSINA LEWIS TODD was in Boston in June to see
touch with Logan, who is an instructor at
her son get a Master's Degree at MIT and
didn't get to the reunion. She tells me
DOROTHY DODD EPPSTEIN while on vacation this
their three sons helped them celebrate their
summer traveled allover the USA in her
25th wedding anniv. at Christmas time with
little car and Reno was just one of her stops a vacation in Maui, Hawaii, hiking, campbefore going back to Mich. where she is a
ing and swimming.
VA therapist.
MARGARET HARPER WATSON recovered from a slippGENE SHAFFER FITZPATRICK was one of five nomed disc and was at the reunion. She reportinated for Flight Instructor of the Year for
ed that she attended the dedication of the
L.A. And the good news is that she came in
WASP Memorial Plaque in Houston in April .
first runner-up. Hope you make the top aMarge works for a publishing company and ~s
ward next year. With good news there is
supervisor of proof readers.
especially shocking since Dee's last correspondence was so full of golf and bowling and looking forward to the reunion
I will quote from Juanita's letter for.I'm
sure she expresses our thoughts of Dee:
"We all miss her terribly for she was a
really great person. We're thankful for
t~e life she did have, full of accompl~shments, travel and excitement." If
anyone w~shes to write to the family the
address ~s, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Williams
10525 Shoshone Ave., Granada Hills, Caiif.

ANN HOPKINS WHITE is now working with bank examiners and enjoying the work.
EILEEN KEALY WORDEN says she is still a housewife. Four of her children are still at
home. She has a new address.
and ELEANOR HINKLE VAUGHN sent greetings to
everyone and regret they couldn't attend
the reunion.
JEANETTE JENKINS - It is so good to hear from
everyone and I sincerely appreciate your
response when I write. Looking forward to
our next reunion in the Ozarks in Oct. '76.
why not schedule your vacation now. Ask
your husband and even your whole family to
join you? Perhaps Smitty would schedule
something special for the fellows if we had
a dozen or more husbands attend. Autumn
in the Ozarks is delightful as those who
have seen it will agree, so if you haven't
seen it, start planning.
44-2 Secretary: MARY ELLEN KEIL
56 South Chesterfield Road
Columbus Ohio 43209
Phone: (l14)231-7367

Status of Women. Hopefully, this will help

insure that women's role in our country's
history will not be ignored during the Bicentennial Celebrations in Ohio. Next year
should be an important "get-together" of the
WASP in Hot Springs, Ark., as one of the BiCentennial's themes is "Horizons '76," in
which we look to the future as well as past.
I received only one response to my forty post
cards with those pretty pictures on them. So,
if this seems short of other news, it isl
6977 Buchanan Ave.
San Bernardino, Calif. 92404

Although there wasn't a large turnout by

44-3 for the Reno reunion, still it was
a very enjoyable and successful one.
Those attending were Ann (Brother) Frink,
Maxine (Manogue) Harvey, Isabelle (McCrae)
Hale, Kris (Swan) Lent and yours truly.
This was a first for Kris and she looked
little changed by the years - even a
happily married woman. Ann is still active in her flying and among other accThe Reno Reunion was three days to rememomplishments is a professional pianist.
berl What fun it was to get off the plane and
Isabelle and her handsome husband Bob,
be greeted by Fran Tuchband with a home-made
along with her brother and his wife,
sign, "Welcome WASPS", a borrowed van, and a
flew into Reno in their private plane.
dozen eager passengers who made the ride to
Maxine flew to Los Angeles and then
King's Inn very reminiscent of the cattle
drove in with her friend Jean McCart of
wagon trips.
44-4. Quite a few of us let ourselves
Jacqueline Cochran's arrival with her husbe led astray by the bright lights and
band, Floyd Odlum, reinforced the feeling that
gambling dens of Reno. I won and lost
we were with a great group of people. Jacqueat 21 while Maxine and Jean played at
line has been selected as one of the Pioneer
the dice tables. Only Jean came out
Women of the 20th Century, and she said she
was determined to make the trip to Africa for During the var~ous act~v~t1es w~ were
the presentation ceremony this fall, regardjoined by our old fr1ends Mer1e~ Roby,
less of her health.
Ruth Shaf:r and Ann Tucker (off1cially
Colonel Bruce Arnold reported on his efforts
44-4 but 1~ spirit 44-3). All in all
"to complete his father's unfinished business", it was a f1ne reunion only marre~ by
that is, to get veteran's benefits for the
the few numbers that turned out ~n our
He stressed the need for all of us to
class. Perhaps the 1976 get-together
think about what ~ can do to summon all possat Hot S~rings, Ark. will be within reach
ible political support when he gives the sigof our m1d-west and eastern classmates
nal for action on the bill that is now in
and therefore more popular.
Congressional Committee.
Our class was represented by Betty LeFevre,
4211 Prickly Pear Drive
Jean Soard, Fran Tuchband, and Mary Ellen Keil
Austin Texas 78731
The class picture is by courtesy of Fran.
Thanks, Fran.
FRAN TUCHBAND has been traveling throughout
Many thanks to those of you who respondthe South and West, this past six months,
ad so quickly to my frantic request for
but is planning to settle down after her new news. May thunderstorms haunt the rest of
grandchild arrives.
you and I hope you get warts on your (non)
BETTY LeFEVRE is a busy real estate sales
writing fingersl
woman as well as wife and mother.
I need to apologize if W-4 addresses were
JEAN SOARD is still operating her cheese shop wrong in the last Directory even though a
in Fla. and showing pictures of her grandson correction had been sent. I changed jobs
whenever encouraged to do so---seems like
and couldn't even remember my own address for
he's really "the big cheese".
awhile. Result was I didn't send the Class
YOUR CLASS SECRETARY has been appointed to the Roster in on time. This year I'm better
Advisory Board of the Ohio American Revolu- organized, so if you'll send me an up-date,
tion Bicentennial Commission as the repres- you have a better chance of getting your
entative from the Ohio Commission on the
WASP mail.

speech (in Latin) with footnotes instructFirst item is a plea for help:
ing girls, or men, or both when to applaud
and how loud."
HOW can I get a copy of my pilot's
HAZEL STAMPER HOHN said thanks for all the
license? FAA has no record and mine
nice thank-you's after the reunion and
was stolen in 1954. Two numbers
commented that there was a blizzard two
shown on my army service record are
days after the reunion was over. She and
P-46275$ and S-46275$, but FAA says
Werner went for their first hot air balthese numbers are assigned to someloon ride and although she has published
one else. If anyone has a clue as
articles on ballooning, she had never had
to where I could appeal for further
the personal experience before.
She was
research, I would surely appreciate
so busy watching the procedures of flyknowing.
ing the balloon that she forgot to look
over the side admire the view of mts. and
3425 Brown Valley Road
At $100 per hr., she isn't very
Vacaville, Calif. 956$$
about getting a rating, but
FRAN'S husband is a dermatologist and her
sure would like to solo.
-recent hobby is making leaded stained
ALYCE STEVENS ROHRER was leaving for Hawaii
glass windows. She has remodelled her
just after she wrote. Alyce's husband is
kitchen with one 6-foot and two 3-foot
A.F. Ret. and a friend of Vance Brand, the
stained glass windows forming an archway
astronaut, so they got an invitation to
around two square sliding windows. Doesn't
the Cape Canaveral blast-off.
Alyce didthat sound beautifull One son is an Air
thought it
Force Capt. just returned from Jordan. She
very impressive even worth the five hr.
also has three daughters and four grandtraffic jam back to the base. Alyce is
children so life is obviously full for
still busy with her extra curriculars of
Fran and if someone can help her locate
school teaching but if she could inspire
a duplicate license, she will be most
1 to contributing to the Newsletter,
I'd happily give her the Secty. job back.
MERIEM ROBY ANDERSON loved the reunion and
FLORA BELLE SMITH REECE found few of 44-4
thought they did a beautiful job on it.
at the reunion but delighted to see Sue
She is still buffaloing and has one lady
Sivade, one of her original baymates who
buffalo named Rosalie who doesn't like to
had not been able to finish training bestay put, so Meriem spends a great deal
cause of a death in her family.
of her time hunting for Rosalie. Meriem's
Belle had recently returned from a Peace
ranch was on one leg of the Powder Puff
Corps tour of Malaysia where she worked
Derby this year and she watched them jockas a math consultant for the educational
eying for position.
After the WASP re-,
TV. They loved the country and its people
union she went to the "99'sn convention
but came home realizing how very great this
in Couer d'Alene.
"good ole U.S.A." really is. She was also
RUTH SHAFER FLEISHER retired last year as a
pleased to be reunited with her four grandmajor from the AF Reserve and got out of
her air traffic control job. She livesl
LOUISE BRAND HYDE's "not much with me in way
in Homestead, Fla., belongs to the A.F.
of news" means she's still selling real esflying club and makes the "99" flying
tate and sailing.
In Aug. she joined the
activities. The best event of the year for
"Meander" for a long sail from Martinique
her was the "Waspie" reunion and she is
to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. There were only
looking forward to next year's.
3 aboard so it was a busy trip. Louise
MADGE LEON MOORE had two sons graduate
hopes to make the WASP reunion next year.
from Princeton in June. The whole family MARGARET DIFFIN CHURCH just barely beat the
including parents~ grandparents and girl
press deadline with her news that Barry
friends attended and the return trip which
is back on complete physical flying status
added sons and paraphernalia + bicycles
and hopes to get his helicopter instructor
actually required the addition of a tralicense.
She too:is recovering from their
iler to the caravan.
She writes: "Prin3 years of stress after his crash and terceton makes a real occasion out of gradrible burns. The way out for Maggie has
uation. (The parents are entitled to a
been transcendental meditation.
"It is
show after footing the bills for four
the greatest thing since sliced bread. I
years). There were receptions, awarQ cerelost the extreme exhaustion I had, got my
monies, concerts, a garden party, a prom,
energy back, my mind is clear again, I can
picnic, displays, and the biggest show of
remember things, I can visualize (which
all was the Commencement itself, with all
for decorating is a must), I am more opthe pomp and color of a coronation.
timistic and I smile." Maggie was especSalutatorian's address was in Latin. I
ially pleased to see ANABEL EARP RUSO at
was amazed at the number of graduates verthe reunion and reports that after all
sed in the classics--as evidenced by t~ir
these years, Anabel is "as pretty as ever."
laughter or applause at appropriate times
during the delivery.
Later we learned
lovely WASP-related experience I want to
each graduate was given a copy of the
share with you. In April one of the deI

MARY NESBIT HEARN and Mate are enjoying their

home in Fla. and are planning to do some
cruising. The Hearns have another grandson, Scott Nesbit. Mary talked with Peggy
Moynihan McCoffrey and they both hope to
attend the '76 Reunion.
MARGOT HARVEY VEAL will be at the '76 Reunionl
The reason she missed Reno was because she
and Bill were in Europe---Scotland, Portugal,
etc. Bill retired from the AF in 1972 and
for awhile they lived on a 42 ft. diesel
off-shore cruiser, "Gemini". After 9 mos.
they decided it was too confining and sold
her. They have lived in Fla., Mexico and
Santa Barbara, since retiring. They are
now planning a 3-day raft trip down the
Salmon River in Idaho and then off to Hawaii
to sail with friends to Tahiti, then fly to
Australia and New Zealand.
DARLENE CALKINS ENO (Mrs. Arthur R. Eno, Jr.
St. Clement Shores, Compton, Maryland 20627).
Darlene visited with Gwen Clinkscales Linder recently.
It was their first visit in
20 years. Husband Arthur has retired from
FAA. The Eno's have three daughters--one
is married, one will graduate from college
in Dec. and the third daughter is a Sr. in
high school. Darlene went back to school
and for the past three years has been
teaching the fourth grade and loves it.
MERRIDEE NE\~LL SNIVELY wants the address
of ANN TePAS WILTSEE (and so do I). Any
one know where she is? Since we are at
it , we don't have the right addresses
44-5 Secretary:
for : Elizabeth H Eyre, Margaret Roberts
3161 Flowerdale Lane
Goldham, Marlyn Myers Holcomb, Elizabeth
Dallas, Tx. 75229
C. Hubbard, Joan C. Hutton, Ethel L.
Jones, Jean McFarland Koehler, Karla D.
Thirteen 44-5 attended the Reno Reunion:
Mogensen, Dorothea M. Norris, Beverly
Dorothy Beard Burns, Earlene Flory Hayes,
Olson Southwick, Harriett Stockwell,
Merridee Newell Snively, Dottie Swain Lewis,
Phyllis Johnson Strauss, Wanda Robedee
Lorraine Nelson Bain, Carol Brinton SelfTownsely, Pauline Cutler White, and
ridge Marjory Foster Munn, Peggy Phelan TayMartha MacKenzie Green. If any of you
lor, Martha Moore Lager, Selma Cronan, Becky
know the addresses or any current inforMcSheehy, Dortha Sexten Wethey, and Liz
mation about these gals, would you please
Watson. We want to thank the planning commlet me knowl
ittee for their beautiful job. We really enjoyed ourselves and many of us are looking
forward to the 76 Reunion at Hot Springs, Ark.44-6 Secretary:
EARLENE FLORY HAYES enjoyed the reunion and
Rt. 3, Grove, Okla. 74344
forwarded some pictures we hope will be published.
SUE BOOTH WARDLE plans to meet and greet
HARRIET TRAIN BLAKE (Choo Choo) has traveled
all you 44-6'ers in Arkansas for the
extensively since WASP days-~---lived in
next get together in '76. In the meanLondon, Paris and Tokyo. Rec'd a Master's
time she has been on a two week cruise
degree in Journalism from Columbia School
to Alaska aboard the SS Monterey via the
of Journalism and does free-lance writing.
Inland waterway.
Cloudy, but none of
Lives in the family horne in Savannah, Ga.
them wept on the trip to Vancouver, Junand spends six months of the year in So.
eau, Haines, Glaciers, Sitka, and VictorFrance. Choo Choo has been in touch with
ia. No wonder she did not care whether
Barbara Truitt. Truitt has checked out in
the sun shone or not. Had a chance to
all the latest instrument flying machines;
see some of the rebirth of the Indian
her two brothers own a plane and they do a
culture and Crafts, dances etc. Flew
_great deal of flying.
over the Glaciers in a Comanche out of
MILDRED TAYLOR MARSHALL could not attend the
Haines, and all of a whole hour under
Reno reunion as they were in the midst of
clouds, between mts. etc. Sound like
moving from Hawaii to Fla. Mildred and
shades of Sweetwater?
In Sept. Sue and
husband (Lt. Gen. W.W. Marshall) are now
her husband Ken leave L.A. for London
stationed at MacDill AFB, Fla.
via the pole route with a two week autofarm-house tour of Ireland. Better be
ceased WASP memorial plaques was dedicated in the Univ. of Texas A1r Museum. I
helped act as hostess for some of the families who came. It was a beautiful tribute and I was proud to be a part of the
group which sponsored the presentation.
In visiting with the honoree families, I
realized for the first time how desperately they have needed some recognition of
their lost loved one's sacrifice.
had had little or no contact with the WASP
organization after their flyer's death and
there was an awful void for 30 years. They
were hungry to know what experiences their
WASP would have had and eagerly prompted
us to tell them anything and everything we
did after graduation.
Our reminiscing seem
ed to fill their need to know what the future would have held for their daughter or
MARY HOWSON'S mother was a special delight &
I was happy to be able to show her pictures
of Mary in training among her classmates.
She wrote after her return to Devon, Penn.:
"I wish I could have known as much about
the WASPs while Mary was there as I feel
I do now. We never saw her after she left
home and letters can't fill the place of
actually being there. Her father and I had
planned to come to the graduation of 44-4.
He took up flying after her death so that
he could grasp how she felt about it, but
after he had learned he didn't continue."

at the Arkansas reunion in '76 and get

all the details.
In between all this
travel Sue and Ken, Mary Breidenback
Hansen and husband Victor are getting
together for a week-end of golf, and
all this sounds just about par for the
BETTY WILLIAMS is really into a new and
exciting project.
I do believe she would
go along if she could, she is so enthusiastic. Don't have much detail yet, but
the whole project is around an attempt at
the world altitude record in a hot air
This involves a Life Suspension
system from NASA etc. Hope she can show
us the film in '76.
MARY RETICK WELLS writes she got so involved in Albuquerque with jury duty that
she just could not get away for Reno
fun, however she says she has a lot more
respect for our Judges. It's the stupid
jury that sets the criminals free. Not
the jury Mary was on no they put all
the bad guys away. Mary broke her rib
while busy with the Rose show publicity.
However it was a huge success, and her
secret was to shower the Disc Jockies
and TV anchormen with roses each day,
more than one way to skin a cat. Mary
also came away with top honors for her
Tropicana Rose, and Queen of Show, and
also most fragrant with her Fragrant
Cloud. She entered the golf tournament
five weeks after she broke her rib and
won her flight. Now, it's on to the big
State tournament in Framington, New Mex.
Mary saw Ava Hamm Richardson who stopped
on her way to taking her daughter to Colorado. They had a nice visit and talked
about Ava's daughter going into oceanography and that she has also been studying the Coral Reefs in Australia.
these two, Ava and Mary, find time to
come to the Ark. '76 get-to-gether.
note to Mary
Wells and enclosed a post card from New
Hampshire where she and her son visited
the Cathedral of the Pines, and International Shrine, "Dedicated to Almighty
God" and a Memorial for all American
Women and Men who sacrificed their lives
in War Services.
They said a little
prayer for all WASPs, living and cloud
Sorry she missed Reno but Ark.
is next on her list for a great big get
BETTY THOMPSON SHARR could not make Reno
but will attempt tb make the Ark. reunion.
However, it sounds like she needs a shove
from someone, any volunteers?
Betty has
moved to Calif. on a ranch in the mtns.
East of Bakersfield, a wide spot in the
road called Havilah, she likes it but
misses her Massachusetts, she says New
England is God's country and if it had not
been for the increase of a 600% tax raise,

forcing her to sell last fall I do believe

she would still be there. Her son is a
Sr. in High and making top grades and Class
Pres., a proud mother, and rightly so.
Betty said a friend sent a clipping from
the Topeka, Kansas paper as follows;
"Correcting an outrage.
By a technicality
some 1,100 pilots that flew a total of 60
million miles for the AAF, in WWII weren't
eligible for GI BD 1 of Rights benefitsmembers of the Women's Air Servi~e who ferried new planes from assembly lines to Air
bases. 38 of them died in service.
more than 30 years, a bill has been introduced to give these fliers vet's benefits;
High time, it seems to us". Betty has several signed petitions for this and wants to
know who, and where to send them. Her address is BETTY THOMPSON SHARR, Caliente,
Calif. 93518. ----- If you missed Reno,
you missed visiting with Mildred Coats Mac
Robbie, Jean Hixon, Betty Williams, Gerry
Tribble Vickers, Nancy Upper Foran, Barry
Vincent Smith, Sara Booth Wardle, Betty
White Dybbro, Lucy DuBiel Johnson, and
yours truly Beverly Beesemyer.
Hope to see
many more 44-6ers in Arkansas in '76, lets
make '76 a 44-6 big one, and don't forget
to send news.


125 West 82nd Street
Indianapolis, Ind. 46260

Dear Classmates:
Having just been elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Order of Fifinella, I think
it is time to turn over the duties of Class
Secretary to someone else. We've been very
fortunate in having Eleanor Gunderson agree
~o do this. For your records, her address
1S 6901 E. 2nd St., Tucson, Ariz. 85710
and her phone number is (602) 885-1688.
As you can probably imagine, I had fierce
competition for my new job but am looking
forward to doing it. Having the convention already scheduled for Hot Springs, Ark.,
in Oct. 1976 will be a real help. Save the
dates--Oct. 22-23-24, and plan to be there.
Our Reno Reunion was just great.
hand were Classmates Eileen Wright Ferguson,
Bea Falk Haydu, Mary Ann Walker Dreher, Lila
Moore Mann, Eleanor Gunderson, Jane Harris
Cunningham, Betty Jo Streff Reed, Nona Holt
Pickering, Irene Norris Wysocki, Joan Smythe
McKesson, Velta Haney Benn, Sunny Miller
Reich, Betty Roth Cross, and, of course,
yours truly.
(Hope I didn't miss anybodyl)
I'll have to admit I missed a lot of the
old familiar faces--and YOU know who you
are--but a lot of people came to this convention who hadn't been to any others.
Carey Bowles, my AT-6 transition instructor
(now flying anywhere the Flying Tiger line
goes)and my very first instructor from Pennsylvania whom I'd lost for a while.
So, all
in all, it was a great occasion and I hope
more of you will be able to make Arkansas--

I'm so very grateful that she could be there.

it should be easier since it will be half
My life is so much less now. I lo~e and
way between the two coasts.
miss her 50 much. Respectfully, M1chael
You'll also be happy to know that W-7
made a clean sweep of the elections.
Haydu is our new "Prez" and Betty Cross the ELAINE HARMON reall. enjoyed the Reno reunion
Newsletter Editor. Do you have the feeling
the class reputation hinges on us a little?
We also have a "Veep" now, too-- Sara Hayden. GLEZEN WRAY, COOKIE ONESI JONES, AND, of
course, LILLIAN DIXON KELLEY attended.
It's been fun being Class Secretary.
Elaine said CHARLYNE CREGER 44-10, brought
Thanks for all your cooperation.
Dixie to the reunion and took very good
care of her. Elaine sent flowers from 44-9.
VIRGINIA FISHER WISE wrote she hated to
She also sends us word that NORMA BOSTON
miss the reunion but "our business put
DOUGLAS is now working on her multi-rating
us in south Fla. at the same time as the
and still busy instructing.
Anyone in her
Wonder what happened to D.B.
area that might like to drop in and see her
and Andy? rtaven't been up to Jeri's yet
is welcome.
She works at the Douglas Aviabut hope to as soon as our summer market
tion in Macamb, Ill.
dies down. Am anxious to get a firstDUSTY RANSOM AND her husband Jack just back
hand report and see her again. Definifrom a month in North Carolina says they
tely planning for the next meeting.
were in England in the spring--then "my
Our big excitement this past year was our
very moving trip to the reunion in Reno-daughter'c wedding, a small, but elegant
that's a very special group. I am.alre~dy
affair at Wakulla Springs Lodge just
looking forward to Oct. '70. She 1S st111
south of Tallahassee.
She married a boy
teaching Aeronautical Science and Anthroshe met working at the Hilton while she
pology and loves them both.
worked there. He has gone to the Hilton
LILLIAN WRAY says things are about the same
at Greensboro, N.C. He's a Fla. by and
around home. She enjoyed the reunion and
we just love him!. Our son is the only
looking forward to the next in Hot Springs,
one of us who continues to fly. He's
Ark. in '76.
sqdn. commander for the Tallahassee CAP
JULIA LAMM BARTLETT has been very busy since
and has been a faithful member for 12
moving to her new address last month. 21
yrs. He's toying with idea of a South
Hickory Hill Rd., Wilton, Conn. 06$97.
Pacific vacation to Guadalcanal and N.Z.
RUTH McCLUNG has a new address: 3227 Viscount
Not married yet. Our traveling this past
Court, Annandale,Va. 22003. The big ev~nt
year has mainly been up and down Fla.
in her life will be a trip to South Af~1ca,
We had a long weekend in San Juan in
and then two weeks in Kenya on a Safar1.
April for a bus. meeting and then a few
When Maggie Gee was in her area she, Maggie
days rest on the island of Vieques about
and Elaine Harmon had gotten together for
12 miles east. We'er contemplating anoan enjoyable dinner. Speaking of MAGGIE
ther wk. of camping on St. Johns Isle in
GEE, she says it was great to see all those
the Virgins the last of Oct. Next year
"Middle-age friends again" at the reunion.
we'll be heading for S.F. to the Int'l.
Late in Spring ELAINE HARMON and she, spent
Real Estate meeting in May and maybe a
one week and 2500 miles together seeing the
trip to Mexico.
We're having a difficult
In the middle of Ga. she was
time trying to retire from the real esintroduced to the "Big Mac". She regrets
tate business.
Have 2 nephews with us
that years ago she didn't invest in Macnow and seriously hoping for a good offDonald stock.
ice mgr. to show up soon. I'm ready to
ESTHER STAHR CUDDINGTON really enjoyed the
do more fishing!
Reno reunion - says CAPPY MORRISON brought
44-9 Secretary:
boxes and boxes of orchids from Hawaii to
6161 LeSourdsville-W. Chester Road
wear. They all had a fun trip to Carson
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
City, Lake Tahoe and back to Reno singing
WASP training songs. She really enjoyed
the chartered trip given by Mr. & Mrs.
44-W-9 is deeply saddened by a letter receivLear personally, to Lear Field to see their
ed from Lillian "Dixie" Kelley's son MichAircraft factory. Said she had a great
ael Dixon. Quote: "Dear Mrs. Turner,
time at Lake Tahoe thanks to COOKIE & LES
With deep regret and sadness I must share
JONES who did everything to see that they
with you that my mother, Lillian "Dixie"
got a trip around the Lake with side trips
Kelley, died July 24. I found your card
to Squaw Valley, etc., even gambled some,
requesting 44-9 class news, and felt I
and saw a show at Harrah's.
They then
should let you know of her death. Mama's
rented a car the next day and took a day
greatest happiness and joy of fulfillment
to go to Incline Village of the famous
was being a WASP. She took great pride in
"Ponderosa Ranch", then on to Virginia City
being a part of that select number of women
to soak up the Old West atmosphere.
who are so privileged to wear their wings,
has been invited to have a one person show
and "Fifi". Her attendance at the convenof her paintings at Spoon River College in
tion in Reno, was so very important to her.

Oct. She will attend a 3 day crash course

at U. of Ill. Art School consisting of only
artists eligible for state competition.
Best wishes Esther.
MICKEY BROWN is moving again--returning to
Texas. Will send the address as soon as
she gets it. Her husband Bob has taken a
new position as an Assoc. Prof. in Educ.
and Director of Field Experiences (student
teaching) with the U. of Houston, Victoria
Branch, in Victoria, Tx. They are delighted to be in Texas again, and will be a half
hour from the gulf and two hrs. from San
Her eldest son Robert, is returningto college at Santa Barbara. Son George
is a junior majoring in Horticulture and
Landscape design. Daughters Ellie graduated from high school last Jan. and Ann is
a senior in high school. Mickey accompanied Bob to an educator's convention in
New Orleans which coincided with Mardi Gras,
then enjoyed a week in San Antonio during
Fiesta later in the spring. Wishes she
could have made the Reno jaunt. In her
spare time she has taken up ceramics and
is up to her ears in clay from the potters
wheel. Mickey has a request: Does anyone who was stationed at Napier Field,
Dothan, Ala. when the WASP were terminated
have a copy of the picture taken of the
group at that time. Would like to get a
copy made: Mary Ahlstrom, Anna Baron, Leona
Golbinec, Kate Harris, Mary Pettitt, MUriel
Rath, Margaret Shaffer, Donna Spellick,
Eliz. Stavrum and Mary Walker.
ANN GRIFFIN GLESZER is still teaching French
at High School, and looking forward to an
early retirement in 4 yrs. Couldn't make
Reno because of final exams, graduations,
and final grades,etc.
Last April she gave
a talk and showed film about the WASPs.
Says it is surprising that so few people
know about us, good reason we have never
received any recognition for our services.
The talk and presentation was very successful and more organizations want her to talk
to them. She is still flying and takes
short trips to Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket Island, Vt., Prince Edward Isle. and
North Carolina.
But this is getting almost
impossible because of the increasing complexities of FAA regulations, air pollution
with days of almost zero visibility, and
the cost of gasoline.
They belong to a
flying club which had three planes--Cessna
172, two Cherokees ISO. The best ISO
fully equipped, was hit by a motorcyciist
early in spring. At 2:00 a.m. an older
man took his son's cycle, was trying to do
"wheelies" at the airport.
He lost control
and it went through the wing and gas tank
of their plane. How about thatl A plane
hit by a motorcyclel
VIRGINIA EATHERTON SPEAR is fully settled in
her country home, and loves all the beauty
of nature that goes with country living.

Says it far outweighs the inconveniences of 6 mile drives to a grocery store,

50 miles to a real city. She is sorry
she couldn't make Reno, but after just
building the house and the attendant
costs, and with all still to be done,
decided it just wasn't wise this year.
Surely next year. Sends her love to all
the gals.
BETTY RIDDLE couJdn't make the reunion
either as Howard's mother has been very
ill, and they couldn't take the chance
of being away. She & Howard have been
playing a bit of golf, and has kept busy
housekeeping created by an active 12 yr.
old and occasional visits from 2 small
Betty has been taking
oil painting lessons for the past 3 yrs.,
and has enjoyed it very much. Has even
sold a couple of small pictures at a
show. Howard has learned to make her
picture frames (she helps too). All in
all they have had a busy summer.
BETTY STAGG TURNER - reviewing all the letters from the classmates for this WASP
newsletter, regrets having to miss, for
the first time, a reunion.
It sounds so
very special in many ways. However,
this April I spent a wonderful two wks.
in St. Petersburg, Fla. with friends.
Have had a relaxing summer golfing, with
a bit of swimming, p.njoying the wonderful weather, and country living. Time
has really gotten away from me. As
class secty. I would like to have heard
from more of the gals in 44-9. We're
all so very interested in what you all
are doing too. I'm also glad to hear
of a 1976 reunion being planned in Hot
Springs, Ark., and hope all of us who
didn't make Reno, and all who did, will
be able to get together and have a fun

304S Sandra Drive
Shreveport, La. 71109


30 yrs. by C. Creger. He was planning to
retire from the A.F. Academy this Dec.,
but perhaps the Reno reunion added the
zest to stay another year. He, also, is
distributor for health food products.
ZIGGY HUNTER and Jewel Estes(44-l0) were
able to trace 25 of the 3S families of
WASPs killed in service with nothing but
names & addresses of 1942 thru 1944. Bet
a lot of you gals didn't know that Ziggy
is the only woman ever to teach flying
to Army, Navy, & Air Force. She taught
the Navy students to land on shipboard
by teaching them to land in a 200 ft.
circle. A broken leg kept her from the
Sweetwater reunion.
Glad to see her in
Reno without crutches.

Ground School Instructor:

Marvin Kreiger
dress of locating credits from the WASP
was pictured in SCENE publication recently
& was depicted with his reconstruction
EMILY CHAPIN, our sympathy in the loss of
model of the U.S. Navy dirigible.
your mother.
The left over scotch from
interest in the history of such types of
Smitty's Bar and Creger & Dixie's hospittransportation is more than a hobby.
ality room was forced on "M". A letter of
collection of such materials is a museum
thanks includes the ritual of toasts to us
in itself, and more & more scientists and
with each sip. After Reno she toured her
transportation engineers are beginning to
motor home to the Long Island beach for" 3
feel that for the future helium-filled
days of fun & luckless fishing then on to
lighter-than-air dirigibles are the an~6 days in the woods of New Hampshire.
wer to mass transportation for fuel consabout having a home at the seashore & in
Marvin also helped tremendousthe mountains???
ly in our Austin dedication.
We're most
VIRGINIA(McPIKE) COAKLEY and lovely sister,
Mrs. Grace Marie "Lee" Neville, were seen
COL. BRUCE ARNOLD must be our guardian angel.
go-carting their luggage from Reno bus staHe keeps popping up at the right time &
tion to hotel.
They were traveling the bus
Our thanks to him for helping Dedie
route to see more of the country and visit
unveil the memorial at Austin and for atalong the way.
tending the Reno reunion.
Jewel Estes
CRE?ER,.with 2 siste:s made the.
says her proudest possessions are letters
Austln dedlcatlon.
Was thrllled at belng
from him & Neil Armstrong.
an honor guard and meeting Neil Armstrong.
HANK ERDMAN, devoted friend, showed up at
Until June I kept busy getting authentic
Reno and the Austin dedication.
in the WASP uniform.
Made the purse on my
DEDIE & CLIFF DEATON--congratulations
portable machine, found regulation shoes
your 53rd wedding anniv. July 12th. Jewel
& shirt at Goodwill for a pittance, the
found a "50's" band and a bottle of chamcleaners gave me an unclaimed R.O.T.C. tie,
pagne for their dining & dancing 'till the
and Betty Fulbright White sent her old
A toast to a great couple.
The beret was made from good
watch from afar with love, appreciation,
parts of her slackso
June 14th found me
& amazement at such youthfulness.
being met at the Reno airport by Peggy
GEORGE HADDAWAY, friend and speaker at the
Trego, W-10, for a few very relaxing days
Sweetwater reunion and hard worker in helpin her ghost town. One day we were in the
ing us get the WASP bronze memorial in the
hot mineral baths; the next I was awakened
Texas Univ. History of Aviation Collection,
by a strange quietness, crawled from under
has been inducted into the OX5 Aviation
5 blankets to see what I thought were apple
Hall of Fame in Hammondsport, N.Y. George
blossoms falling--it was post toastie sized
has been publisher of FLIGHT Magazine for
I had a bathing suit but no coat.
42 yrs. and is board chairman and founder
Peg torkelled across the mts. in her land
of Wings of Hope, a global organization
rover to get me to the bus station to arrdesigned to set up aviation facilities in
ive in Reno a day early. There just weren't
remote areas in support of medical missienough hours in Reno for all the fun. Am
ons. We're proud of him for the many things glad to have had as much time as I did with
and his WASP support.
my best friend, Dixie, but of course regret
not having more.
I"am really suffering
EDNA GARDNER WHYTE, a veteran aviatrix since
since her demise July 24.
1926, has also been inducted into the OX5
DOROTHY DAVIS travelled all the way to
Aviation Hall of Fame.
The WASPs were
Austin for the dedication.
It's Spain
happy to see her in Austin and know of her
in Oct. She is our world traveler.
interest in our organization. CongratulDoes she secretly work for Nat'l. Geoat ions also.
Dot works in claims for the
Good to see you looking so well Miss Cochran.
She says that she must be out of
Thank you for bringing Mr. Odlum and making
her mind plugging for Veteran's status
the effort to be among us.
This could mean 1.000 potential
NANCY LOVE has been ill. We hope this tempclaims. She expressed that Col. Arnold
orary set-back has been overcome by now &
must have in mind for us to be quiet
that Hot Springs will find us all together
about the bill for militarization in the
hope that the lobbyists will think we're
"ROONEY" ATKEISON hasn't changed a bit--nor
all dead and it won't cost much to pass
has her mother, our class mascot.
Must be
it. We ain't dead by a long shotl!
a bit of the Red Baron in the family.
JEWEL ESTES is constantly amazed at the
JERRIE (PHILLIPS) BADGER, lost for a few
responses sent by families of the deceayears, but through the efficient Bell syssed WASP.
This week she received a copy
tem was located before dead-line.
She is
of FOCUS on the family of Mabel Rawlingirl-Friday to the Postmaster at Odessa,
son, 44-3, killed in service.
Her mother,
Tx. She has 4 children, the youngest, 15,
94 is delighted to have been located and
is still at home.
She is now interested
informed of the honor and recognition.
in going back to college and needs the adStrangely enough, after many months of

nation-wide searching, we learned that

her sister, Jean Pohly, lives in Dallas
only a mile or so from Jewel. Mable's
brother, Woods Rawlinson, is a Pan-Am
pilot, a captain. What a strange world
it is 1 And again, what a delightful
surprise when Jewel and husband, Lorraine
Bain & husband, & B.J. Buehner & husband
all met at the same restaurant in DallAs
at the same time and only one"table away.
Since it wasn't planned, wonder what the
chances are that it would ever happen
again? Lorraine was on her way to pick up
a new car, B.J. was planning a visit from
those cute grandchildren of hers, & Jewel
was keyed up with news about her daughters safe return from Thailand.
ELEANOR (COLLINS) FAUST has a store in
Windsor, Vt., "Sportswear, Unltd." If any
of ski buffs are in the area. She recently did a radio interview in Hanover.
RUTH (GLASER) GUHSE, is still office mgr.
for an architectural firm and busy keeping up with children and grandchildren.
She gets younger at every reunion--her
secret: she's Ruthless--in the nicest way.
SARA (PAYNE) HAYDEN says true mother love
begins in Reno with a case of Coors beer,
hand carried via UAL to Mass. and rec'd.
with great delight by 2 over 1$ boys.
Shawn received the Headmaster's Prize
when graduating from Brooks, and is going
to Harvard. Many thanks to all of you
for your election support and good cheering section. Sara is now our O.O.F. V.P.
VIRGINIA HASH still runs a busy law practice and stays active in the Ninety-Nines.
She says housekeeping with a young relative produces a morning shuffle of finding clothes, & who can cook anyway1
JUNE (WOLFE) LECKIE says her personal routine would be the despair of the women's
libbers. It's all about gardening, cooking, canning, kids, and entertaining
their friends or traveling to see them.
Her hobbies are bridge & golf, as time
THELMA ( HENCH) MILLER; has had her instructor's rating reinstated and has rec'd.
a 135 rating. This means she can fly
cargo & passengers for hire (charter),
and is now working on an instrument rating. How's that for getting back into
the cockpit? She flew from Reno to Phoenix with Virginia Hash and home via
T.K., you sure look young!!
NINA K. MORRISON: orchids to you for the
orchids for everyone at Reno. They were
beautiful, and the fresh pineapple &
macadamia nuts were delicious. Did ya'll
know that really was ice tea in the mug?
After Reno she & friend, Pat, had a 2 wk.
sojourn to Fla. & the Bahamas. She wants
us to know that she is a member of the
BCCA(beer can collectors of America},
but is low man with only 200 specimens.
Any members among the WASP? Any cans?

you!! You surely have the greatest collection of wings.

Bell Aug. 10. I thought that surely in
a town of 376 (old address) someone would
help find her. 3 calls later a tired
little voice in a body just recovering
from gallbladder surgery expressed surprise at the sleuthing to find her. She
teaches art in St. Joseph, Mo., has a
married son & daughter close enough to
enjoy. She's glad"to be found after all
this time and hopes to get to Hot Springs


MARY JANE (LIND) SELLERS missed the Reno

bash due to a vacationing daughter. Her
2 daughters have flown the coop, and she
& Cole are alone again. They took a
marvelous trip to Yucatan in April visiting with English friends living in Mexico
City. On to Merida as a jumping off place
for all the ancient Mayan Ruins, climbing
around pyramids in the day and staying in
those fabulous hotels in the middle of the
jungle at night, swimming, relaxing, and
snorkeling made it a great & interesting
trip. Cole works for Bechtel Corp. in
S. F. and will probably stay with them
for the next 5 years before retiring.
MARY L. (VAN SCYOC) SIW~OrIDS is still a
security analyst at a bank, advising customers on stock. You look soooo healthy.
AILSA (CONNOLLY) SIMONSON is still with the
Consumer Protection Agency as head of the
N.D. State Laboratories in Bismark and
they are building a new laboratory.
PEGGY (DAIGER) TREGO is living the great
life of chief historian for her "ghost"
town of 14. When visiting with her prior
to Reno there was more traffic at her house
in 5 days than at mine in a city of 186,000.
What great fun to meet those colorful people; a flying farmer, family eating at
Winnemucca, gathering eggs, listening to
the lull of the creek at night, and treating my lungs to pure air. Dogs, cats,
ducks with ducklings offer continuous
sources of color to Peg's life and letters.
JOAN (FRETER) UHALT and husband are somewhere on the road, no doubt, in their motor
home. You both look great.
JANIS (GREGG) WHEATLEY--another success with
Ma Bell's digit system roused a sleepy gal
Aug. 10 to bring her back into our WASP
world. She is flying a bit again with a
friend, plays tennis, and deals in real
estate. She says she is now having a ball,
will be again changing addresses, but promises to keep in touch.
going to fly to Reno, but weather reports
delayed a fly get-together until July 19.
They met at the airport at Santa Rosa for
a 2 hr. air tour. Flo said that Dottie
had not flown in a light plane for nearly
30 yrs. but still had the touch. Flo's
son will enter Cal Poly at San Louis
Obispo this fall, & daughter will be a Sr.

in high school. The family enjoys tennis,
but Flo prefers jogging.
She is still
teaching in Calif. She is still learning
too. She keeps adding to her transcript.
Lucky students, lucky family, plucky Flo.
She wishes to express her thanks to the reunion committee for their efforts.
BETTY (FULBRIGHT) WHITE and husband made it
to within 140 miles of Reno when he had to
be hospitalized.
They are members of trave]
clubs for trailers and motorcycles.
are retired and are wheel-whirling.
promise to get to Shreveport this fall.
They made it to Austin for the memorial.
JACQUELINE (RILEY) ZERLAUT showed off a terrifictan and loves being retired in Fla.
How about those red shoes with the uniform!
MARGARET (EGER) TEMME with husband attended
the Austin, Tx. dedication.
She is now
among the horsey set and learning to jump.
RUTH GUHSE sent more info to be added: Now
office mgr. for the "best architects in
Sacto.--She and husband are reduced to one
poodle-person left at home. They work
hard during the week and collapse by the
pool at home week-ends.
She plans on '76
reunion in Hot Springs.
ETHEL (LYTCH) MILLER: My favorite husband
and I just got back from a salmon fishing
trip off the coast of Wash. We got 75 Ibs.
of that good fish, packed it in dry ice
and brought it home - mostly to smoke ourselves. That favorite husband is the same
handsome fighter pilar I met and fell in
love with at Sweetwater and married 30
yrs. ago. Marv is retired from AF now
(after 31 yrs.) and we've built a new
home here in Santa Maria. Are thoroughly enjoying being settled for the first
time in our lives. All our children are
married and live out this way, but none
very close by. Have one grandson and two
more grandchildren are due to arrive this
month: "How sweet it is"J

Had a long phone confab with Jack Geer in

July. He is in semi-retirement.
some consultant work as electrical engineer for the company he used to work
for in the same line. There is a possibility of us doing some flying together in the future.
CAREY BOWLES was in Dallas when his Mother
had an eye operation and we visited by
phone. Bowles is still with the Flying
Tigers and on SE Asia run. He made some
trips into Saigon but none during the
In June, Jane Harris Cunningham(44-7) wrote
her Mother had talked to an Eastern Capt.
on a flight and mentioned her daughter
was a pilot and about the Wasps. The
Capt. turned out to be G.M. Guerin.
Jane sent me his address.
In Jan., Hazel Hohn wrote of running into
Dayle Dayton in Reno. Didn't include
his address but says Dayle's wife is a
secty. in Aerospace Dept. at U. Of Nev.
Hazel was 44-4 and Dayle was a Primary
Instructor from Mar. '44 into July '44.
For you WASPs who were in Romulus on UC7gs, Hazel reports she talked with Fred
Bunyan who was a transition instructor
there. He's now a test pilot and aviation writer, lives in Tenn.
ZIGGY HUNTER was on a Dallas talk (radio)
show in May. Talked about the WASP Memorial plaque, her "Zoot Suits and Parachutes" Manuscript, etc. Yours truly
called in to back up what she had said
about the WASPs. Ziggy recognized my
voice and later Betty Jane Bachman
Buehner called and talked to my wife.
BJ was 43-2.
Had a nice letter in April from former
Dispatcher Alberta Head who now lives in
Sherman, Tx. She'd read a Letter to the
Ed., the Dallas News had published of
mine and agreed with me. And speaking
of Letters to the Ed., several times the
past year there have been write-ups of
various events concerning the WASPs.
Each time I've seen one, I've immediate600g W. Univ. Blvd.
ly penned a letter plugging whatever phase
Dallas, Tex. 75206
was brought out. Unfortunately, none of
those letters have been published.
Gip has a requestl He would appreciate
letter on a subject will not be used,
each and every Instructor taking a few
they don't deem it of sufficient interminutes time to sit down and jot him a
est. Remember that girls. When the oppnote as to what they are doing or flyortunity arises, get on the phone and
ing, the addresses of any Instructors
get some of the girls in the area to cothey might have that aren't listed in
operate, send in a bunch and one will
the "75" Roster, and any item of intmake it. Then some whose letters didn't
erest to their old buddies.
Same reqmake it can respond and you can get a
uest applies to any WASP or reader of
lot of interest aroused.
the Newsletter who might have a chance
O.A. (MOOSE) MARTIN passed away in Jan.
meeting with an Instructor.
News is
I'll always remember Moose for the 2 or
sparse this year, the secty. kinda fell
3 hrs of dual he gave me on aerobatics
down on the job. Sent out 10 requests
in the old U 222, and especially the
across the country and airlines last yr.
show he put on for us when we had a barasking for any info on anyone.
I had
beque at Sammy Baugh's ranch on the mone~
3 responses.
This year I have had none.
collected in fines from instructors,wno .
FLASH! J.C. Pace ran for Mayor of Ft. Worth.
Unfortunately, J.C. lost but he is still
erred in some way or other. Don't beactive on the Board of D/FW Airport and
lieve the Army ever did find out who the
in other civic affairs.
pilot of that AT-6 was.


J.R. (SMITTY) SMITH; Too bad so many of
you missed Reno and Smitty's Bar--What a
October 22, 23, 24, 122Q. The next regreat timeJ Good to see Carey Bowles,
union which favors the south and east is
Ken Eckley, Earl Medlicott, Jerry Boxbeing chaired by "Smitty" (J.R. Smith,
berger, Les Jones and of course D.B.
Flight Instructor).
It is scheduled for
Lamb (he never misses a reunion), Henry
Hot Springs, Ark. and Smitty promises us
Ziggy Hunter was the only fea great fun time and good weather.
Anymale instructor.
Smitty says: I have
or at
had some inquiries about the Eastern
reunion time, please contact him. We
crash June 23rd, 1975. The G.M. Geurin
should all plan to attend this reunion
lost in this crash was Mike, son of Gilbecause not only will it be fun, but there
bert and Doroth~ Geurin. The sr. Geurin
are some items regarding policy and our
was one of our'~nstructors and his son
future which we would like to vote upon
was a nephew of yours truly. TragicJ
at that time.
I've sent notices to approx. 60 former
instructors and about five were returned
due to wrong addresses.
I wish to contact at 150 before the reunion in '76.
Those ex-WASPs desiring information on
Please send correct address for the follwhere to write for copy of service data,
owing if you have them: Bert Seachrist,
(date of entry, where served, promotions,
Harold Green and Les Jones. Has anyone
had any news of Clark (Click) Rowe?
transfers up to date of deactivation), may
E.E. SIMMS Jr. is still writing for TV and
write to the following address:
the flicks under name "Jay Simms." Chas.
National Personnel Records Center
Prince is a practicing atty. in L. A.
(Civilian Personnel Records)
and what a fellow.
Received correspondence from Glen McClain
111 Winnebago Street
in Cleveland, Tx. He is in the theater
St. Louis, Missouri 63118
and mobile park businesses.
When you come to Hot Springs, bring fishing, golfing and bowling equipmentplenty of fish in four nearby lakes,
beautiful golf courses and very modern
bowling lanes.
Ed. Note: Rec'd. the following letter via
Mary Jones & Betty Nicholas:
Dear Ms. Jones: From my mementos of the
Tx. get-together, I came across this letter
envelope so thought I'd use it to get my
change of address to you or your successor (By nowJ), in which case I would appreciate it if you would pass it along to
I'll write my address-but
also in case they would like it I have
another ex-instructors address in Calif.
which I don't believe is presently known
in the Roster.
FRED GROSS, Louise Ave.,
Encino, Ca. Ph. (213) 986-1143.
Presently Fred is in charge of Aviation Dept. of
Occidental Petroleum Co. _in L.A.
As for me, in case any of my ex-students
are interested, I'm now retired as Capt.
on D.C. 10's for U.A.L. & taking it easy
for awhile. At the present time my address is A. D. Yates, 122 Fairfield Rd.,
l.to.r. Sect.-Treas. Nicholas, Pres. Haydu
Fairfield, N.J. 07006. Sometime in the
Board Member Deaton, Editor Cross.
future as result of looking around the
country for a permanent retirement spot
that address will probably change, but
meanwhile any late news of the group I
A representative gathering of the Board
would be very interested in receiving.
of Order of Fifinella met Aug. 16th, 1975,
Thank you very much and regards to all
in Indianapolis, Ind. Attending were Pres.
of the ,g;irl~.---Al_~tes._
Bee Haydu, Vice-Pres. Sara Hayden, Sect.Treas. Betty Nicholas, Newsletter Ed. Betty
Cross, permanent board members Dedie Deaton\
and Marty Wyall, historian and J.R. (Smitty}
Smith, reunion chairman. Past Pres. Nancy
Crews, Memorial chairman Dora Strother and
Legal chairman, Virginia Hash were unable

to attend.
A real vote of thanks to Mid
ESTHER BERNER 43-3 received the Indiana
Cassidy for opening her home to myself,
Aviation "Man of the YEAR" Award in SeptBetty Cross, as not having been a WASP
ember of this year. Quite an honor for
she really went all out for us. Esther
a woman and another milestone for the WASP
Berner put up Sara Haydn and Betty Nicholas having one of their number to be so honored.
had Dedie and Bee and Joe Haydu. Thanks
to all of theml
Plans for this coming year were discussed,
concerning Hot Springs reunion, publishing
President Bee Haydu would like and WASP
of a second Newsletter before Hot Springs,
who have pictures of girls taken at bases
legal aspects in obtaining
where they were stationed (group) to send
recognition of OOF by IRS as an exempt orone to her.
ganization, whether to incorporate or organize as a club and many other items pertaining to the OOF. A full 8 hrs. were
spent at the conference table, with Sect.Treas. Betty Nicholas, tape recording all
discussions, full report to be made later.
Before leaving for our various homes on
Sunday, Bee & Joe Haydu, Dedie, Esther
Berner, Betty Nicholas and your Editor,
see the WASP display.
If any of you are
in that area it's worth your while to tour
the museum, not only to see your display
but all the planes many of you flew and
tremendous change in aircraft through the
Saturday evening, after the conference,
a cocktail party and dinner was held at
Betty Nicholas's house.
Marty Wyall's
husband Gene came in from Ft. Wayne,
Mid Cassidy, Esther Berner, Jill McCormick,
Barry Vincent, "Smitty", Joe and Bea Haydu,
Dedie and your Editor, plus a couple of
other WASP who dropped in for a moment had
an enjoyable evening looking through the
1. to r. Dorothy Britt, Margot Harvey, Ver~eda
Historian's scrapbook which Marty had broRodriquez, Corinne Nienstedt, Dottie Smith,
ught along, and talking over old times
Betty Cross, Harriet Griggs). Jo Ann ParrY,
after the delicious dinner Betty Nicholas
Front row: artha Harmon,
lice Riss, Anne
You're a great hostess Bettyl
Nordhoff, Mary Alice Putnam.
These girls were stationed at MooreFi~ld,
Mission, Texas, at the time of deactivation.
They towed targets for SE Pursuit and did
ferrying of planes to all parts of the country.


L to R. Dora Strother, Lois Hailey, Emma

Ware, Lois Ziler. 43-W-3


Ann Waldner Currier
Lillian Dixon Kelley
O.A. "Moose" Martin
Doris "Dee" Williams
Nelle Carmody Klein

INST Weldon Atkins

Devine, Tex. 780 I 6
43-7 Jean M. Babb
4710 Dexter Dr., # I 7
Santa Barbara, Ca. 93110
44-3 June Braun Bent
69 Danbury Circle South
Rochester, N.Y. 14618
44-1 Ida Carter
1515 N.W. 22nd St.

Okla. City, Ok. 73106

INST W.R. Deppe
1524 Virginia Ave.
Glendale, Ca. 91202
INST Hubert Hoogerwerf
700 Elm
Boulder City, Nev. 89005
INST F.X. Duffy
Pan Am Fil. Op.
JFK Airport
New York, N.Y.
44-6 Nancy Upper Foran
200 Dadey Glenn Rd.
ApI. 526
Belmont, Ca. 94002
44-1 Anna Logan Frenzel
1690 Mt. Olivera Dr.
San Jose, Ca. 95127
INST Capl. G. M. Geurin
2280 Spring Creek
Decatur, Ga. 30033
44-5 Holly Hollinger Grasso
114 Mariposa Dr. E.
San Antonio, Tex. 78212
INST Harold Green
T1A FIt. Op.
Love Field
Dallas, Tex. 75235
INST Fred Gross
4707 Louise Ave.
Encino, Ca. 91316
44-6 Nancy Hanks
P.O. Box 2184
Santa Fe, N .M. 87501
INST Ralph Harris
Harris Bros. Oil Co.
Kilgore, Tex. 75662
43-2 Ruth Thompson Hawkins
5554 Lesa Rd.
laMesa, Ca. 92041
INST John 1. Henry
318 So. 57th St.
Omaha, Neb. 68100
44-6 Lucy Dubiel Johnson
2259 E. Childs Ave.
Merced, Ca. 95340
44-5 Martha Moore Lager
21150 Saratoga Hills Rd.
Saratoga, Ca. 95070


<asof October IS, 1975)

44-8 Marguerite V. H. Hughes Killen
44-4 Marybelle Lyall Arduengo
INST Glen McAllister
INST R. S. Kramer
43.5 Izydora J. Bochanek
INST John C. Dickey
INST Frank Perigo
44-9 Roberta J. Fohl
INST Les Jones
44-4 Susie M. Winston
44-1 Gene Shaffer FitzPa trick
44-1 Josephine Keating Swift
INST Dorf E. Larsen
2345 Sparta Dr.
8026 Langston Rd. So.
5450 S.W. 88th St.
Rancho Palos Verdes, Ca. 90274
Seattle, Wa. 98178
Miami, Fla. 33156
43-1 Marion F. Florsheim
43-4 Alice Jane Talcott
INST Guy Lavender
1183 Saranap Ave., Apt. 12
23 Park Lane
320 I Tanglewood
Walnut Creek, Ca. 94595
Williamsville, N.Y. 14221
San Angelo, Tex. 76901
44-7 Eleanor Gunderson
INST Capt. Bill Wade
44-3 Marcella Fried Lucier
690 I E. 2nd St.
c/o United Airlines
6237 McPhearson
Tucson, Ariz. 85710
Flight Opera tions
St. Louis, Mo. 63130
L.A. Inti. Apt.
44-3 Maxine Manogue Harvey
43-8 Elizabeth Stavrum Lux
L. A., Ca. 90000
2025 Clarinda
1929 Pendennis Dr.
Wichita Falls, Tex. 76308
Annapolis, Md. 21401
1217 13th
43-2 Ruth Thompson Hawkins
INST Glen McClain
Lubbock, Tex. 79401
5554 Lesa Rd.
Cleveland, Tex.
laMesa, Ca. 92041
44-10 Janis Gregg Wheatley
43.3 Beatrice A. T. Medes
1955 Sherington PI.
44-1 Dorothy E. Henry
7608 Michael Dr.
Newport Beach, Ca. 92660
Pirmasens American Schools
Milwaukee, Qr. 97222
APO New York 09189
43-6 Lee Leonard Wheelright
INST Earl L. Medlicott
640 I Maiden Lane
44-9 Phyllis Lee Hitner
116 E. Espanola
Bethesda, Md. 20034
2257 Reading Ave.
Colo. Springs, Co. 80907
Castro Valley, Ca. 94546
INST Jack Meisch
44-1 Ruth C. Jones
Eastern Airlines
44-4 Frances Standefer Acker
Warwick-West Apt. 258
Miami IntI. Airport
3425 Brown Valley Rd.
3120 N.W. Expressway
Miami, Fla. 33159
Vacaville, Ca. 95688
Okla. City, Ok. 73112
44.5 Jacqueline Hart Morgan
44-10 Jerrie Philips Badger
44-9 Katheryn J. Kleinecke
8811 Dover
3314 Fannin
Rt. 9, Box 101-B
Houston, Tex. 770 I 7
Midland, Tex. 79701
Ft. Worth, Tex. 76179
44-1 Doris Burmester Nathan
44-4 Eloise Huffhines Bailey
INST Keith W. Lutz
1109 Washburn Ave.
2019 Inverness
2400 Winsor Mall, Apt. 2-L
Kalamazoo, Mi. 49001
Carrollton, Tex. 75006
Park Ridge, II. 60068
INST J. C. Pace
44-9 Julia Lamm Bartlett
44-9 Ruth Groves McClung
6308 Indian Cr.
21 Hickory Hill Rd.
3227 Viscount Ct.
Ft. Worth, Tex.
Wilton, Ct. 06897
Annandale, Va. 22003
43.5 Helen Hague Pozzobon
43-3 Marcia Courtney Bellassai
44-5 Mildred Taylor Marshall
427 Vista Trucha
12608 Ivystone Ln.
405 Staff Loop
Newport Beach, Ca. 92660
Laurel, Md. 20811
MacDill AFB, Fla. 33621
44.10 Mittie Parsley Schirmer
INST J. M. Brooks
INST Fred G. Nesper
48 Carriage Dr.
6039 Cheena
Box 537
St. Joseph, Mo. 64506
Houston, Tex. 77035
1149 N. 92nd SI.
INST Curtis C. Scott
Scottsdale, Ariz. 85256
43-2 Marion Schorr Brown
Rt. 2 Box 227
2715 So. Broadway,
43-5 Marianne Beard Nutt
Clovis, N.M. 88101
ApI. 228
Breezy Point
Tyler, Tex. 75701
INST Jay Simms
R. R. I, Box 808
4226 Tolucca Lake Ln.
Jensen Beach, Fla. 33457
44-7 Ellen Wimberly Campbell
Burbank, Co. 91505
Box 474
43-1 Marylene Gerry Nyman
Springtown, Tex. 76082
INST Bert Seachrist
1775 Terrace Circle
6329 16th Ave. NE
Casa Grande, Ariz. 85222
43-5 Jane Thomas Campbell
Seattle, Wa. 98100
Route I
44-1 Virginia Stell O'Neill
Supply, N.C. 26842
43-4 Patti Canada Stadler
4341 S.W. 129th PI.
Box 307
Miami, Fla. 33175
44-1 Frances Johnson Cisternino
Breton, Alberta, TQC-oPO,
411 Lakewood Circle (C904)
44-4 Maurine Miller Orr
Colo Springs, Colo. 80910
100 E. Bellevue, Apt. A
Chicago, Ill. 60611
INST R. L. Summers
INST Rigdon Edwards
1507 E. 12th
18 Club Terr. (p. O. Box 63)
43-3 Jean Hanmer Pearson
Sweetwater, Tex. 79556
Sweetwater, Tex. 79556
c/o Beatrice Medes
44-4 Dorothy Herthneck
7608 Michael Dr.
43-3Betty Archibald Fernandes
Milwaukee, Or. 97222
Rt. 3, Box 27
84 Cerro Crest Dr.
Collinsville, Ms. 39325
Camarillo, Ca. 93010




43-3 Vilma Lazar Qualls

410 Allerton St.
Santa Cruz, Ca. 95065
44-1 Anne Bartholf Rawlings
P.O. Box 300
Corrales, N. M. 87048
44-1 Dolores Meurer Reed
23834 Sapphire Canyon Rd.
Diamond Bar, Ca. 91765
44-4 Frances Roulstone Reeves
1404 N. Tustin G-l
Santa Ana, Ca. 92701
44-1 Jane O. Robbins
330 Beacon St., Apt. 76
Boston, Ma. 02116
44-2 Lorraine Zillner Rodgers
9220 Presidential Dr.
Alexandria, Va. 22309
INST Chester L. St. Peters
Box 36
Sheridan, Mi. 48884
44-6 Marilyn Miller Saunders
302 Miller Lake Rd.
Wooster, O. 44691
43-4 Dorothea G. Schultz
3103 Xenophon St.
San Diego, Ca. 92106
43-8 Andrea C. Shaw
P. O. Box 615
Kirkland, Wa. 98033
Terry Staggs
1205 E. 17th SI.
Sweetwater, Tex. 79556
43-6 Rita Cason Stump
4545 Rossburg Rd.
Morrow, O. 45152
43-1 Madga Tacke
Limetree Court
143 Limetree Blvd.
Lake Worth, Fla. 33460
43-{i Major Marion R. Tibbetts
c/o Mrs. Frank Chrostowski
Rt. 3, Box 69
Middleboro, Ma. 02346
44-1 Rosina Lewis Todd
34 S. Lookout Mt. Circle
Golden, Co. 80401
43-4 Esther Reinholdt Walters
806 Chevy Chase Dr.
Garland, Tex. 75041
44-7 Margaret M. Weiss
1233 - 22nd SI.
Santa Monica, Ca. 90404
44-1 Anna Hopkins White
Box 755
Russellville, Ar. 72801
43-5 Hazel S. Wolf
8800 Star Crest No. 124
San Antonio, Tex. 78217
44-1 Eileen Kealy Worden
341 S. Bristol Ave.
Los Angeles, Ca. 90049
INST Alvin D. Yates
122 Fairfield Rd.
Fairfield, N.J. 07006
INST Elmer Riley
330 S. Elkhorn Dr.
Duarte, Ca. 91010




In Seattle, Wash., July ~4, 1975.
Her epitaph simply says,
"Lillian Kelley 'Dixie',
W. A. S. P. 44-W-9" which sums
up the importance to her life
and to this, her final solo.
She is survived by a son,
Michael Dixon, and her
closest friend Charlyne Creger.

1. Class 44-1 with Mrs. Lear under

Bill Lear's picture at Reno.
(From left) Catherine Murphy
Lortz, Jeanette Jenkins, Marge
Harper Watson, Ruth C. Jones, Mrs.
Lear, Mary Koth McCabe, Betty
Wall Roberts, Gene Shaffer
FitzPatrick and Adele Beyer.
2. (Left to right) Peter Shoners,
Virginia Potthoff, Dorothy
"Fergie" Ferguson, Mary Regalbuto, "Dixie" Kelley (deceased),
Jay Glezen. 44-9
3. Sylvia Clayton & husband 43-5
and Stell O'Neill & husband 444

WASPs hearing of any WASP expiring please send an

appropriate floral piece, or donation to organization of
family's choice and if possible, attend funeral, and OOF
will reimburse up to $15.00 if wished.

4.44-7 Lila Mann Moore and Eileen
Wright Ferguson
5. Frances Touchband (Smith) 44-2
6. At dedication of Bronze Memorial
Plaque in Austin

(Right) Frances (Winter) Brookings 44-7, (middle) Charlyne Creger 44-10,

and (left) Annelle (Henderson) Bulechek 44-2.

Mary Retick Wells

44~ with all her
trophies won at
the Rose Show.
"Albie" didn't
make it to Reno
but maybe Ark.?

* MORE PIes *
1. Jackie Cochran, center, surrounded by Class 44-1 :
Alphabetical by class name:
Bartholf, Beyer, Carter, Crane,
Dodd, Harper, Hopkins, Hunt,
Jenkins, Jones, Kealy, Koth,
Krasovec, Meurer, Murphy,
Shaffer, Stell, Wall.
2. Neil Armstrong and Ziggy
Hunter, Austin, Texas 4-11-75.
3. Gov. Mike O'Callaghan and
Jackie Cochran

4. Who do these pics belong to?

Ruth Craig Jones lost a cartridge of exposed film
(Kodachrome 126,20 expo for slides). Mrs. Lear found a
cartridge, had it developed and sent it to Ruth, but these are
not hers. Anyone recognize them and maybe have Ruth's?

5. Left to right, Marcia Milner,

Mary Fearey, Maxine Flournoy.
6. Standing: Dolly, Becky, Trix,
Merridee, Carol, Marj & Liz.
Seated: Peg, Earlene, and Bev.
7. Virginia Hash and Emily
Chapin 44-10.

8. Ruth Jones 44-1 with Jackie
Cochran. Looking on, Skip
Carter, Marge Harper Watson, Adele Beyer, all 44.1.
9.44-2 WASP Reunion Reno,
Nev. (Bus tour to Lake Tahoe) I. to r. Jean Soard,
Betty LeFevre, Mary Ellen
Keil, Fran Tuchband.
10. Brownie Kindig, Gerry
Nyman, Dottie Young.

Iris and

Feb. '75

Mrs. Betty Nicholas

125 West 82nd Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46260
Address Correction Requested
-qe Guaranteed


Some of us
can still
fit our
unifl''ms! !


Smitty and
Dedie in
Smitty's Bar!



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