Was Jesus A Jew? What Is A Semite?

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JESUS WAS NOT A JEW ! "Christians Duped By The Unholiest Hoax in All History, By So-Called Jews." Benjamin H.

Jewish historian, reseacher and scholar Benjamin Freedman wrote his famous treatise FACTS ARE FACTS in 1954. Freedman had Zionist roots and was well aquainted with the power-brokers of the day. Freedman left the Zionist movement, changed his name from the Jewish spelling (Friedman), and exposed some of the diabolical plots that helped set the stage for the wars in Europe and the Mideast. Freedman quotes from many historical sources and shows that the vast majority of Jews derive from the Turkish-Mongol mixed people of the Khazar Kingdom of the 2nd to 10th centuries, NOT from Biblical Israelite stock. "This 'big lie' technique is brainwashing U.S.A. Christians into believing that Jesus Christ was "King of the Jews", in the sense that so-called 'Jews' today call themselves 'Jews'. This reference was first made in English translations of the Old and New Testaments, centuries before the so-called Jews highjacked the word 'Jew' in the 19th A.D. century to palm themselves off on the Christian world as having a kinship with Jesus Christ. This alleged kinship comes from the myth of their common ancestry with the so-called 'Jews' of the Holy Land in the Old Testament history, a fiction based on fable." - Benjamin H. Freedman ("Common Sense") Christians little suspect they are being brainwashed twenty-four hours of every day over television and radio, by newspapers and magazines, by motion pictures and plays, by books, by political leaders in office and seeking office, by religious leaders in their pulpits and outside their churches, by leaders in the field of education inside and outside their cirricular activities, and by all leaders in business, professions and finance, whose economic security demands that they curry the favor of so-called "Jews" of historic Khazar ancestry.

During the lifetime of Jesus Christ, no persons were described as "Jews" anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the ancestors of those who today style themselves "Jews". Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their "homeland", and were known as "Khazars." In neither of the original Old or New Testaments was Jesus described or referred to as a "Jew". The term originated in the late 18th century as an abbreviation of the term "Judean" and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion, just as the term "Texan" signifies a person living in Texas. No record exists chronicling a race, religion or nationality, referred to as "Jew". The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same. Jesus abhorred and denounced "Pharisaism"; hence the words, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers." - Benjamin H. Freedman "The modern Jew belongs to a religion that traces its descent without a break through all the centuries from the Pharisees." - Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 1948 "Israelites were a conglomeration of people. Jews come together because of a historical ancestral bloodline connection. They are Ashkenazi Jews." - Jon Entine, Practical Bioethics Corporation. (Jewish researcher who traces DNA of modern Jewry) "Jews" have no blood-link to the Israelites of the Bible. Jewish historian scholars have established that at least 90% of all Jews come from a Turkish-Mongol mix of people and are largely sourced from the Khazar Kingdom. These "Jews" have no blood-link to the Israelites of the Bible. The Jewish scholar Arthur Koestler provided overwhelming evidence, for the above in his famous 1976 work, "THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE - THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE" showing, "that in the 8th century, Khazaria which was greatly made-up of the Turkish-Mongol mixed people known as Khazars, converted to their national religion of Judaism which was based on the Babylonian Talmud.

The Khazars then migrated to eastern Europe, especially to Hungary and Poland, taking their Babylonian Talmudic religion with them. The Khazar origin of the numerically and socially dominant element in the Jewish population of Hungary during the Middle Ages is thus relatively well documented.
2002: Webster's Third New International Dictionary (Unabridged), re-printed in 2002, provides a new definition of Anti-Semitism which has not been updated since 1956. It reads: "Anti-Semitism: (1) hostility toward Jews as a religious or racial minority group, often accompanied by social, political or economic discrimination (2) opposition to Zionism (3) sympathy for the opponents of Israel." It was definition (2) and (3) that were added in the 2002 edition, just before the USA decide to invade Iraq under orders from the State of Israel (Rothschild). Also this year, the Prime Minister of Israel, war criminal, Ariel Sharon, orders the massacre in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. Evidently the definition was updated to protect this diabolical pack of war criminals. "While anti-Semitism is generally defined as prejudice or hostility toward Jews, it has been redefined in the recent past to mean anything that opposes the policies and interests of Israel. Zionism and anti-Semitism share a view of Jews, which the vast majority of Jews in the United States and elsewhere in the world have always rejected." - Allan C. Brownfeld, editor of Issues, the journal of the American Council for Judaism. 1. The "Semites" are, according to the Oxford Universal Dictionary, 1944, the people belonging to the race descended from "Shem", one of the three sons of Noah. This includes Arabs, Arameans and other ancient races who spoke a Semitic language. Many Jewish historian scholars have established that Jews come from a Turkish-Mongol mix of people from the Khazar Kingdom in Russia & Germany. Since Jews were not descendant from Shem, they can't rightfully lay claim to being a "Shemite" or "Semite." 2. "Today's Palestinians are the descendants of the original Canaanites who resided in the Holy Land, long before the Jews. The forefathers of most Jews converted to Judaism in different parts of the world, the largest group being the Khazars where a whole country converted around the year 800. Palestinians are far more likely to be of Semitic origin than the majority of today's modern Jewry who unjustly claim Palestine as their homeland." - Jewish Professor Shlomo Sand 3. "The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. In the early medieval ages the Khazars were referred to as Ashkenazim. About 92% of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim." - The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia 4. Jews admit themselves that they are not the descendants of the Ancient Israelites in their writings. Under the heading of "A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: 5. "Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew." - 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3. These testaments clearly evidence the fact that "Jew", "Hebrew" and "Israelite" are not synonymous. Hebrew derives from the word "Eber". Hebrew belongs to the Canaanite group of languages, a branch of the Semitic family. "Eber" is an ancestor of the Israelites, according to the Table of Nations in Genesis 1011,1 Chronicles 1. Eber was a great-grandson of Noah's son, Shem. Again, since the Ashkenazi Jew has no relation to Shem, neither do they relate to "Hebrew" or "Israelite." "We are amazed by the Christians' stupidity in receiving our teachings and propagating them as their own. Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive." - Jewish writer and lecturer Harold Rosenthal

"The Christian cannot read his Bible except through Jewish spectacles, and, therefore, reads it wrong." - Henry Ford ("The International Jew," Vol. IV, 238)
Theodore Herzl, the Hungarian Jew who is seen as the father of the Jewish state and Zionism, wrote in his diary: "The anti-Semites will become our most loyal friends, the anti-Semite's nations will become our allies." "The European political establishment would eventually be persuaded to promote Zionism. Theodore Herzl recognized that anti-Semitism would be harnessed to his own Zionist purposes." - Israeli historian Benny Morris The late Israel Shahak, author of Jewish History, Jewish Religion wrote: "Close relations have always existed between Zionists and anti-Semites." The Zionists, Shahak wrote, "use the anti-Semites for their own purposes." The Zionist propaganda machine uses anti-semitism as a tool to instantly dismiss and cast a cloud of incredibility over its opponents. It is a clever ploy to counter all criticism of Israels unjust policies. Few educated people are aware of the Israeli government's gross infractions of the Geneva Convention, as it carries on its increasingly brutal ethnic cleansing of the native Palestinians in favor of the "racially superior" Jewish settlers. Israeli is an apartheid state by definition. Because modern Jewry are not of Hebrew origin, they never had and never will have a right for claiming the land of Palestine. The state of Israel is absolutely illegal, even if the Jews would have some Hebrew origin. To bring it down to the point: the race with the most anti-Semitic attitude is probably the modern Jew himself. Why? Because they hate and fight the Arabs who really are of Semitic stock whenever and wherever they can. Therefore the Arabs are anti-Khazar or anti-Jewish and the Jews are the ones who are antiSemitic! If a Muslim is accused of anti-semitism for his or her criticism of Zionism, he or she should remind their accusers that Muhammad was as purely Semitic as is humanly possible, and there is none that is more highly revered by Muslims than him. An Arab Muslim should simply say, "I am Semitic!" That being said, can a Jew and a citizen of Israel be anti-semitic? The answer according to the Zionists definition is yes. Zionists use the term anti-semitic to smear all those who criticize the unjust policies of the Zionists state, be they Jew or Gentile. Many Jews are in fact opposed to Zionism and the existence of the Zionist state. "Genetically, Palestinian Christians and Muslims are closer to Sephardi Jews than either group is to Ashkenazi Jews who are in turn more Turcik (and Indo-European due to significant pool of Khazars who converted to Judaism a few hundred years ago). Ashkenazi thus are not true Semites. The use of the word "anti-Semitic" is corrupted as Arabs are Semites and most Jews are not." - Historian and scholar Dr. Amir Ali. Sources: Davies P.R., In Search of Ancient' Israel, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 1992. Hadawi, S., Bitter Harvest, a modern history of Palestine, 4th Edition, Olive Branch Press, NYC, 1991. Marcus, A.D., The View from Nebo, How Archeology is rewriting the Bible and Reshaping the Middle East, Little, Brown, Boston, 2000. Whitelam K.W., The Invention of Ancient Israel and the silencing of Palestinian History, Routledge, London, 1996.

The real threat to world peace are the "false Jews" or the "so-called, self-styled Jews" and their "Synagogue of Satan" that Jesus warned his followers about in the Bible.
The Bible reveals that Jesus entered the Temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the benches of those selling doves, sheep and oxen. Not only were these ancestors of modern-day banksters charging exorbitant rates for their goods, the coins they used depicted images of Kings and Emperors which was considered blasphemy in the Temple. Jesus said to them..."It is written. My house will be called a house of prayer but you are making it a den of robbers." (Matthew 21:12-13) Coins and paper money with graven images of royalty and monarchy are still in use today, evidencing who is in control, and why there is such a concerted effort to demonize anything related to Christ, Christianity or God. In contrast, the "god" of the elite (Lucifer, Satan, Moloch, etc.) is heavily promoted by the media and entertainment industries. The Pharisees (aka: Priestcraft), as depicted in the Bible, attributed to the crucifixion and DEICIDE of our Lord, Jesus Christ -- the most horrific and heinous hate crime in all of history -- and one that modern Jewry has yet to atone for. The Pharisees and their mob were incensed when Pontius Pilate, who had reluctantly acceded to their demands to crucify Jesus, had a sign erected on his cross, the true English translation of which reads: "Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Judeans." They were incensed not because Jesus' nationality was mislabeled but because it was true; a truth that flew in the face of their arrogance. Revelation 2:9 in the Christian Bible warns us: "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, but thou art rich, and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." - New Testament, Authorized King James 1960 Edition.

Spread this TRUTH far and wide and let all Christians know the Blasphemous LIES they believe, and falsely spread to others knowingly, or unknowingly!

E-BOOK: "FACTS ARE FACTS" - THE TRUTH ABOUT KHAZARS (the so-called Jews) Distinguishing between the "Jew", and Hebrews who are Israelites by Benjamin H. Freedman: 'A Jewish man writes about the Jews' http://www.biblestudysite.com/factsarefacts.htm


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