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Kelompok 9

Kelompok : 9 Nama : Dian Hidayat (11/313034/PA/13625) kimia Guruh Pramudya (11/313160/PA/13645) elins Rochmat Setiyawan (11/313296/PA/13668) Ilkom Nurillahi Febria Leswana (11/313054/PA/13628) kimia Runi Andari Hardjata (11/313372/PA/13680) kimia Reni Rino Rini Riani (11/313582/PA/13704) kimia Sulistya Eka Rachmawati (NIF 13702) kimia Tria Pratiwi (11/313272/PA/13665) kimia

Hal 18 1. Briefly, what is science? Answer : Science is an intellectual activity carried on by humans that is designed to discover information about the natural world in which humans live and to discover the ways in which this information can be organized into meaningful patterns. A primary aim of science is to collect facts (data). An ultimate purpose of science is to discern the order that exists between and amongst the various facts. 2. Throughout the ages, what has been the general reaction to new ideas about established "truths"?
3. When the Sun was directly overhead in Syene, why was it not directly overhead in Alexandria?

Answer : that at the turning point (highest point) in the summer sun, sunlight will shine directly straight down and reflected back up through the same path. 4. The Earth, like everything else illuminated by the Sun, casts a shadow. Why does this shadow taper? Answer : The light coming sun is going out in many different angles omni light, but also in angles relative of the surface of the sun, which is curved. The light leaves the sun relative to the curvature, which creates angular paths in other words, the lights from suns doesnt leave together in parallel or side by side. We would see no shadow taper. 5. How does the Moon's diameter compare with the distance between the Earth and the Moon? Answer : The diameter of the Moon is 3474 km . The average distance from the center of the Earth-Moon to the center is 384,403 km = 1: 110 6. How does the Sun's diameter compare with the distance between the Earth and the Sun? Answer : The diameter of the sun is 1.392 million km. The average distance of Earth to the Sun 149.6 million km = 9 : 1

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7. Why did Aristarchus make his measurements of the Sun's distance at the time of a half Moon? Answer : Because he knew one of the angles at the time of a half moon. Began with the premise that during a half moon, the moon forms a right triangle with the sun and earth by observing the angle between sun and earth the ratio of the distances to the sun and moon could be deduced using a form of trigonometri we can calcute.

8. What are the circular spots oflight seen on the ground beneath a tree on a sunny day?

9. What is the role of equations in this course? 10. Outline the steps of the classic scientific method. Answer : Characterization In the characterization process, scientists identified the major properties owned by the relevant subject under study. In addition, this process can also involve the process of determination (definitions) and observation; observation is often requires the measurement and / or careful calculation. hypothesis A useful hypothesis will enable predictions based on deduction. Prediction is possible to predict the outcome of an experiment in the laboratory or observation of a phenomenon in nature experiment After the prediction is made, the result can be tested by experiment. If the experimental results contradict the predictions, then choked tested the hypothesis that it is not correct or incomplete and in need of improvement or even be abandoned. If the experimental results in accordance with the predictions, then the hypothesis may be true but it still might be wrong and need to be examined further. 11. Distinguish among a scientific fact, a hypothesis, a law, and a theory. Answer : Theory explain aspects of nature which is beyond (or behind) what we can observe, aspects that can be used to explain what we observe Law law is a special kind of theory, which describes the entire category and explain its relationship with the most general terms. Law begins with the word "all," like, all this is that, all objects with mass attract each other with each other. Scientific facts the fact is the actual situation in nature, and a theory, is true if it corresponds with the facts. 12. In daily life, people are often praised for maintaining

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some particular point of view, for the "courage of their convictions." A change of mind is seen as a sign of weakness. How is this different in science? 13. What is the test for whether a hypothesis is scientific or not? 14. In daily life, we see many cases of people who are caught misrepresenting things and who soon thereafter are excused and accepted by their contemporaries. How is this different in science? 15. What test can you perform to increase the chance in your own mind that you are right about a particular idea?

16. Why are students of the arts encouraged to learn about science and science students encouraged to learn about the arts? 17. Why do many people believe they must choose between science and religion? Answer : Because everyone has different ideas 18. Psychological comfort is a benefit of having solid answers to religious questions. What benefit accompanies a position of not knowing the answers? 19. Clearly distinguish between science and technology. Answer : science science is all a conscious effort to investigate, discover, and increase human understanding of various aspects of reality in human nature Technology Technology is a scientific method for achieving a practical purpose; or applied science can also be translated as a whole means to provide the goods necessary for survival and comfort of human life 20. Why is physics considered to be the basic science? Answer : Because Physics directed towards applied sciences such as instrumentation, biophysics, materials science and engineering, and natural ability to take measurements using instruments that are provided in the laboratory of Physics

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Exercises 1. What is the penalty for scientific fraud in the science community?

Answer : methods of counterfeiting to the public as "science" through illegal means will be subject to penalty fines in kind 2. Which of the following are scientific hypotheses? Answer : (a) Chlorophyll makes grass green. (b) The Earth rotates about its axis because living things need an alternation of light and darkness. (c) Tides are caused by the Moon. a. scientific hypotheses because Chlorophyll or commonly known as leaf chlorophyll, the same as the name suggests, is the womb that causes the green color in plants. b. scientific hypotheses because During rotates on its axis, tilted slightly toward Earth orbit. This is what causes the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Just as our earth is moving along its orbit, it is also turning against itself. Because all round the side facing the sun becomes bright. c. scientific hypotheses because Sea tide is rising or falling position or ocean surface waters caused by the gravitational influence of the moon and sun. There are three styles of interacting sources: sea, sun and moon. Cause changes in the depth of tidal waters and lead to vortex currents known as tidal currents, so that the estimated incidence of pairs is needed in coastal navigation. Coastal areas are immersed during high tide and exposed during tides, called tidal zone, known as a typical area of marine ecology. 3. In answer to the question, "When a plant grows, where does the material come from?" Aristotle hypothesized by logic that all material came from the soil. Do you consider his hypothesis to be correct, incorrect, or partially correct? What experiments do you propose to support your choice? Answer : Partly true because all plants require at least 17 different nutrients to survive. Some nutrients come from air, water and some of the others from the ground. experiments gross energy so evident that some nutrients from the air, some of the water and others from the ground. 4. The great philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) wrote about ideas in the early part of his life that he rejected in the latter part of his life. Do you see this as a sign of weakness or as a sign of strength in Bertrand Russell? (Do you speculate that your present ideas about the world around you will change as you learn and experience more, or do you speculate that further knowledge and experience

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will solidify your present understanding?) 5. Bertrand Russell wrote, "I think we must retain the belief that scientific knowledge is one of the glories of man. I will not maintain that knowledge can never do harm. I think such general propositions can almost always be refuted by well-chosen examples. What I will maintain-and maintain vigorously-is that knowledge is very much more often useful than harmful and that fear of knowledge is very much more often harmful than usefuL" Think of examples to support this statement. 6. When you step from the shade into the sunlight, the Sun's heat is as evident as the heat from hot coals in a fireplace in an otherwise cold room. You feel the Sun's heat not because of its high temperature (higher temperatures can be found in some welder's torches), but because the Sun is big. Which do you estimate is larger, the Sun's radius or the distance between the Moon and the Earth? Check your answer in the list of physical data on the inside back cover. Do you find your answer surprising? 7. The shadow cast by a vertical pillar in Alexandria at noon during the summer solstice is found to be 1/8 the height ofthe pillar. The distance between Alexandria and Syene is 1/8 the Earth's radius. Is there a geometric connection between these two 1-to-8 ratios? 8. If Earth were smaller than it is, would the shadow ofthe vertical pillar in Alexandria have been longer or shorter at noon during the summer solstice? Answer : even though the Earth is smaller still formed a shadow and vertical pillar in Alexandria in the
shorter daylight hours during summer At noon on June 22, Eratosthenes measured the shadow produced by a vertical pillar in Alexandria and found that the height of the image formed is 1 / 8 times the height of the pillars of truth. This refers to the angle of 7.2 between the vertical pillars of light and sun.

9. What is probably being misunderstood by a person who says, "But that's only a scientific theory"?
Answer : That means that an estimate may be correct and not. In the theory of science is an explanation that is generally accepted as true. Therefore we need to understand this term further. Scientific law

Kelompok 9 Scientific law is a statement of fact which aims to describe the event or events with a clear term. hypothesis The hypothesis is an idea or proposition that can be tested by observation or experiment. theory Scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing.Scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or hypotheses that have been supported withrepeated testing. The theory is valid as long as there is no evidence against him.Because of that theory can be proven wrong. The theory can also be said to be acceptedhypothesis.

10. Scientists call a theory that unites many ideas in a simple way "beautiful." Are unity and simplicity among the criteria of beauty outside of science? Support your answer.

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Chapter 2. 1. 2. Copernicus postulated that the Earth moves around the Sun (rather than the other way around), but he was troubled about the idea. What concepts of mechanics was he missing (concepts later introduced by Galileo and Newton) that would have eased his doubts? Answer : It was Galileo, the foremost scientist of the early seventeenth century, who gave credence to the Copernican view of a moving Earth. He accomplished this by discrediting the Aristotelian ideas about motion. Although he was not the first to point out difficulties in Aristotle's views, Galileo was the first to provide conclusive refutation through observation and experiment. Galileo easily demolished Aristotle's falling-body hypothesis. Galileo is said to have dropped objects of various weights from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and to have compared their falls. Contrary to Aristotle's assertion, Galileo found that a stone twice as heavy as another did not fall twice as fast. Except for the small effect of air resistance, he found that objects of various weights, when released at the same time, fell together and hit the ground at the same time. On one occasion, Galileo allegedly attracted a large crowd to witness the dropping of two objects of different weight from the top of the tower. Legend has it that many observers of this demonstration who saw the objects hit the ground together scoffed at the young Galileo and continued to hold fast to their Aristotelian teachings. 3. What Aristotelian idea did Galileo discredit in his fabled Leaning Tower demonstration? Answer : Galileo easily demolished Aristotle's falling-body hypothesis. Galileo is said to have dropped objects of various weights from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and to have compared their falls. Contrary to Aristotle's assertion, Galileo found that a stone twice as heavy as another did not fall twice as fast. Except for the small effect of air resistance, he found that objects of various weights, when released at the same time, fell together and hit the ground at the same time. On one occasion, Galileo allegedly attracted a large crowd to witness the dropping of two objects of different weight from the top of the tower. Legend has it that many observers of this demonstration who saw the objects hit the ground together scoffed at the young Galileo and continued to hold fast to their Aristotelian teachings. 4. 5. Was it Galileo or Newton who first proposed the the concept of inertia?

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Answer : Galileo Galilei who first proposed the concept of inertia. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) and Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) 6. Asteroids have been moving though space for billions years. What makes them move? / Asteroids have been moving through space for billions years. What makes them move? The astronomers said in a theory that asteroids are remnants of a planet orbiting the sun before exploding among the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The planet is moving up to a distance that is too close to Jupiter that was destroyed because of the style gravitrasi the planet Jupiter. Pieces of planets collide with each other resulting in different orbits. There is an alternative theory to explain bahw asteroids are chunks of celestial objects that can never be forming planets at the time of the solar system formed. This is because of the gravity of the planet Jupiter, which prevents chunks bodies to attract each other and form a complete shape. Sources: http://id.shvoong.com/exact-sciences/astronomy/2106433-pengertian-asteroid/ # ixzz1aPF1Rsad 7. A spacecraft can be Carried by a rocket into outer space, What makes the probe moving after the rocket no longer push it? Some time ago some Researchers from the U.S. NASA discovered a new method of driving the shuttle is not on rocket power. Propulsion systems are named M2P2 (Minimagnetospheric Plasma Propulsion). Scientists believe the University of Washington, M2P2 System Could Provide a huge impetus to the plane, even up to 10 times the speed of the spacecraft at this time. NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts last time gave grants totaling $ 500,000 to a UW team headed by Robert Geophysicists Winglee to continue research on the Minimagnetospheric Plasma Propulsion. If laboratory work and tests in space succeed, he Hopes in 10 years M2P2-equipped aircraft Could be launched, the which Will Will Become the first plane leave the Solar System. Winglee, an associate professor GEOPHYSICS, has been working on M2P2 for 9 months with GEOPHYSICS professor George Parks and John Slough, a research associate professor of aeronautics and astronautics. They developed a prototype and are Preparing for tests in Redmond Plasma Physics Laboratory of the UW. Their use the system will from the plasma of a room-sized 10 x 10 inches, the which is associated on a plane. Solar cells and solenoid coils would power by creating a dense magnetized plasma, or ionized gas, the which would catapult an electromagnetic field as far as the radius of 10-12 miles around the aircraft. The field would Interact with the solar wind and be dragged. Making a magnetic field is similar to a giant screen pembentangan That Will be driven by the solar wind, the which moves at 780,000 to 1.8 million miles per hour. That is enough energy to propel spacecraft Weighing 300 pounds at speeds up to 180.000 miles per hour or 4.3 million miles per day. While the space shuttle Travels at 18.000 miles per hour or 430.000 miles per day. At Such speeds, the spacecraft is powered M2P2 launched today will of reach Voyager 1 in 8 years, while Voyager 1's 22 years to reach its present position (this publication was written in 1999). The idea of making M2P2 emerged from studies of plasma jets forming around young stars, and realized by funded by NASA. The system has the advantage over the screen the sun (solar sail), Whose size is very large,

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thin sheets of reflective Mylar material Such as That can make-sunlight into thrust. M2P2 plasma tube is much thinner and lighter than the sun screen. It only took a Few kilowatts of power it with an additional 100 pounds of propellant. Although the tool is quite expensive, but it would Provide substantial cost savings for the overall mission and Will Provide Easier access to the planets, so said Winglee. 8. In answering the question "What makes Earth moves around the sun? ', Friend-who affirm iner tia keep moving. Correct wrong your friends statement. Yes, it's true. When Copernicus announced the idea of the Earth moves in the sixteenth century, the concept of inertia is not understood. There are a lot of debate and debate about whether or not the Earth moves. The amount of force required to keep the Earth moving beyond imagination. Another argument against a moving the Earth follows: Consider a bird sitting on top of a high resting tree. On the ground below is a worm, fat juicy. The bird was seen worms and vertically down below and catch it, this is not possible, it is argued, if the earth moves as Copernicus suggested. If true Copernicus, Earth have to travel at a speed of 107,000 kilometers per hour to circle Sun in one year. Convert this speed to kilometers per second and you'll get 30 kilometers per second. Even if the bird could be dropped from the branches in a single second, the worm will be swept away by the Earth moves a distance 30 kilometers away. It would be impossible for a bird to drop straight down and catch the worm. But in fact birds catch worms from the branches of tall trees, which seems to be clear evidence that the earth must rest. Can you reject this argument? You can if you run the idea of inertia. You see, not just the earth moving at 30 kilometers per second, but so also trees, tree branches, bird sitting on it, worms below, and even air in between. All moving at 30 kilometers per second. Things in motion remain in motion if there is unbalanced force acting on them. So, when birds fell from the branches, the initial motion of the side of 30 kilometers per second femains unchanged. This catch worms, quite unaffected by the motion total environment. Standing beside the wall. Jump so that your feet are no longer in contact with the loor. Is the 30-kilometer-per-second you hit the wall? This does not, because you are also traveling at 30 kilometers per second-before, during, and after the jump you, it's 30 kilometers per second is the speed relative to earth The sun, not the velocity relative to your wall. Four hundred years ago people have trouble with ideas like this, not only because they fail to recognize the concept of inertia, but because they not used to move the vehicle speed tinggi.Lambat, bumpy ride in hOfsedrawn carriage does not lend itself to experiments that will reveal inertial effects, Today we lips coins in the car at high speed, bus, or plane, and we catch the coins as we move vertically if wefe vehicle at rest, we see proof the law of inertia when the horizontal motion coins before, during, and after the catch are the same. Continue with our coins. The vertical force of gravity only affects the vertical motion of the coin. OUf current understanding of motion is very different from our ancestors. Aristotle does not admit the idea of inertia because he did not see that all moving things follow the same rules. He imagined that the rules for the motion in the heav-

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ens is very different from the rules of motion on Earth. He sees the vertical movement as a natural motion, but horizontally as unfair, requiring continuous power. Galileo and Newton, on the other hand, see that everything moves follow the same rules, For them, things that move requires no strength to keep moving if no opposing strength, such as friction. We can only wonder how different science may have develop if Aristotle have recognized the unity of all types of motion. 9. Your friend says inertia is a force that keeps things in their place, either at rest or in Marion.Apakah You agree? Why or why not? Yes, I agree. Since Aristotle's idea that a moving object should be driven by the steady strength has been turned around completely by Galileo, which stated that, in the absence of power, moving object will keep moving. This tendency changes untukmenolak in motion is what is called inertia Galileo. Newtonmempertajam view of Galileo and create the first law, appropriately called the law of inertia. DariNewton Principia (translated from the Latin original): Every object continues in its country of rest, or motion seragamdalam straight line, unless compelled to change the state of the troops yangoleh impressed upon it. Keywords in this law continues: An object continues to do anything going to do but the force applied upon it. Jikaberistirahat, continued in a resting state. This is well demonstrated when a skilled tablecloth shake from the bottom plate on the table, leave the dishes in their initial state break. This property of objects to resist changes in motion disebutinersia. If an object is moving, keep moving without changing or replacing its speed. This is evident in the terusbergerak space probes in space. The change of motion must be imposed against the tendency of an object to maintain its state of motion. With no net force, moving objects tend to move along a straight line indefinitely. 10. Your other friend says that bureaucratic organizations tions have a lot of inertia. Is this similar to the Newton The first law of inertia? / friend the other you say that the organization birokrasimemiliki lot of inertia. Is this similar to the Newton The first law of inertia? 11. Consider a ball at rest in the middle of a toy wagon. When the wagon is pulled forward, the ball rolls against the back of the wagon. Interpret these obserelevation in terms of Newton's first law. 12. In tearing a paper towel or plastic bag from the roll, why a sharp jerk more effective than a slow pull?

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