Rice Havester

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Farm Mechanization Research Centre, Maha Illuppallama
Farm Mechanization Training Centre, Anuradhapura
The scarcity oI manual labour and the drudgery require alternate sources oI power to carry out
diIIerent Iarming operations. Machines and tools could easily be Iound to replace the labour bringing other
advantages such as timely cultivation, increased quality and perhaps less production cost. But, a country
like Sri Lanka has several restrictions to introduce machinery due to socio-economic reasons. The
agricultural mechanization process, thereIore, has taken a selective Iorm to ensure a balance between
available labour and the need oI machines Ior timely operations. Within the inIluence oI Iree trade
economy the subsistence level Iarming may gradually change into commercial level requiring labour saving
machinery. It also would be essential in keeping rural youth intact with paddy Iarming. Mechanization
could play a complementary role in improving seeds and eIIective application oI Iertilizer, which are key
requirements Ior increased yield. The production oI rice in particular is the activity mechanized most. In
this context almost every Iarming operation, Irom land preparation up to rice processing has been
mechanized at diIIerent levels. In the land preparation, tractors have taken over nearly 87 oI the total
extent. Recent studies indicate that riding type two-wheel tractor has advantages over the others in respect
oI capacity and Iuel eIIiciency. In order to complete the land preparation within two weeks, at the
beginning oI each season, the additional amount oI power needed in the Iield would be 556,920 hp. The
plant establishment methods, whether broadcast, row-seeded or transplanted, need additional attention in
order to ensure the subsequent operations become conducive Ior mechanization. EIIicient use and
application oI Iertilizer, invulnerability Ior lodging . depends totally or partially on the method oI
establishment oI crops. Breeding programs would have to be undertaken to develop rice varieties resistive
Ior lodging. The weeding operation could be mechanized only iI the crop is established in rows. Wide row
spaces Iacilitate easy application oI mechanical weeding with higher eIIiciency. When the reapers and
combine harvesters are used, the crops established in rows provide other advantages, such as increased
work capacity and decreased Iield losses. The number oI sprayers available in the Iield is insuIIicient, in an
emergency, and at least 300,000 more sprayers must be made available at the hands oI Iarmers. The success
oI the attempts taken to introduce two-wheel tractor coupled reapers and selI-propelled combine harvesters
was dependent on the condition oI the crop at the harvesting stage and the cost oI the machines. A small-
scale combine harvester coupled to the existing two-wheel tractor would be one oI appropriate solutions.
Axial Ilow threshers powered by two-wheel tractors or separate engines have proved that they are superior
when compared to the other traditional methods in respect oI reduced losses and increased quality. The
straw presently go in a waste also could be utilized iI the portability characteristic oI these machines is
made use oI in the Iield. Encouraging the design and development oI appropriate machines, increasing the
local manuIacturing capability and increasing Iinancial resources Ior the Iarmers to purchase the machinery
are some oI the solutions to overcome these problems.

The need oI machinery Ior rice cultivation arises when seeking solutions Ior the problems
like drudgery, high production cost, low quality, low cropping intensity and above all the
labour scarcity. Various tools in appropriate Iorms had been used in the history oI
cultivation oI rice. From time to time the need has been changing and today the major
concern is to lower the cost oI production, increase the quality and solve the problem oI
scarcity oI labour. In a survey conducted jointly by FMRC and the
University oI Peradeniya, it was Iound that 84 oI the Iarmers gave top priority in the
process oI mechanization Ior cultivation oI rice. This same survey also revealed that only
2 oI the Iarmers accept that their Iarming operations are suIIiciently mechanized.
During the past, eIIorts had been made to mechanize various Iarming operations but the
achievements are not satisIactory. The task oI introducing machines to our Iarmers had
not been easy due to various reasons. Since the importance oI machinery has now been
realized, immediate but well planned, mechanization programmes must be launched in
order to achieve sustainability in rice production. In this context, the labour intensive and
time-consuming operations should be clearly identiIied and at the same time increasing
the quality oI products also should not be neglected.
The objective oI this paper is to analyze the present status oI mechanization in
diIIerent Iarming operations in rice cultivation and then identiIy suitable measures
capable oI addressing shortcomings and problems.
For the analyses oI mechanization status, suitability oI diIIerent machines Ior
diIIerent operations, cost oI the machines, capacities, Iuel consumptions, locally
manuIacturing possibilities etc. have been considered. The required data were
obtained Irom the experiences oI FMRC, FMTC and University oI Peradeniya,
literature Irom DOA, experiences Irom other similar countries and research
papers Irom various authors and institutions. Selecting and suggesting appropriate
solutions Ior respective problems was done mainly aIter making comparative type oI
analyses. PreIerence also has been given Ior the mechanization processes involving cost
eIIective and competitive type oI local manuIacture.
Status of mechanization with respect to different farming operations
A total oI 899,000 ha oI paddy Iields, islsand wide, need some Iorm oI power Ior
operations such as land preparation, plant establishment, weeding,
irrigation, crop protection, harvesting, threshing, paddy cleaning and storage. The
Iollowing are the available units oI machinery Ior paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka.
Machinerv No. of units
Two-wheel tractors (6 12 hp) 55,000
Four-wheel tractors 15,000
(a) Mould Board (Ior two-wheeler) 18,000
(b) Mould Board (Ior animal) 75,000
(c) Rotary ploughs (Ior two-wheeler) 54,000
(d) Nine tine tillers 10,000
Weeders 4,500
Sprayers 105,000
Paddy reapers 2,500
Paddy threshers 30,390
Winnowing Ians 20,000
Transplanters 825
(Source: FMRC 1999)
Let us consider the level oI mechanization in each oI the above operations.

Operation Level of mechani:ation Remark
Land preparation 87 Final leveling is done by manual or
animal power
Transplanting 02 Includes row seeding
Weeding 02 This is possible only Ior the crops
established in rows
Chemical spraying 100
Reaping 08 Two-wheel tractor coupled
vertical reaper
Threshing 45 Excluding tractor treading
Winnowing 82 Winnowing Ians coupled to two or
Iour wheel tractors
Paddy cleaning 75 Final cleaning is done when
preparing Ior seeds and Ior milling
(Source: RNAM & FMRC)

Land preparation
Land preparation is generally done using two wheel tractors, Iour wheel
tractors, animal and manual power. This operation involving primary tillage,
secondary tillage, puddling and leveling are usually perIormed almost simultaneously at
the beginning oI the two seasons island wide. That means the available power would
have to be mobilized in order to complete the operation on time. It is said that nearly 50
oI the available land is unable to be cultivated during the Yala Ior scarcity oI water
resulted due to late land preparation in both seasons. This delay is mainly due to the lack
oI Iarm power Ior land preparation. The average power requirement per hectare per day
in diIIerent steps in land preparation is given below;
Primary tillage 15 hp/ha/day
Secondary tillage 10 hp/ha/day
Puddling & leveling 10hp/ha/day
In accordance with the present availability oI tractors and animal
population, the total power available in the country is 1,113,840 hp (440,000 hp Irom two
wheel tractors, 525,000 hp Irom Iour wheel tractors and 148,840 hp Irom animal and
manual). This is equivalent to 1.23 hp/ha and percentage wise nearly 87 oI the land is
prepared by tractor and 13 is by animal and manual power.
With the present available power, time taken Ior the three sub operations in land
preparation could be calculated as:
Duration Ior primary tillage
(15/1.23) 12.20 days
Duration Ior secondary
tillage (10/1.23) 8.13 days
Puddling and leveling
(10/1.23) 8.13 days
Total 28.46 days
In addition to this, the work involved in clearing bunds and establishment oI crop
take at least 8 days to 30 days depending on the method Iollowed Ior seeding and
transplanting. II the duration taken Ior land preparation were to be shortened by two
weeks the additional amount oI power needed in the Iarm would be 556,920 hp.
The statistical data shows that there is nearly 3000 two wheel and Iour-wheel
tractors are annually added to the tractor pool in this country and it is worthwhile to
consider the best suitable tractor type with respect to capacity, Iuel consumption and
prize. The FMRC test data reveals the characteristics pertaining to diIIerent engine sizes
oI tractors as shown in the table 1.

Table 1. Relationship between capacity and fuel consumption of different
tractors against their horsepower (Source: FMRC 2000).
Tractor Fuel consumption Capacitv ha/ Capacitv ha/ l Remarks
power hp l/h 08 h dav of fuel
07 1.0 0.40 0.05 Walking type
two-wheel tractor

12 1.4 1.00 0.09 Riding type
two-wheel tractor

35 4.5 1.40 0.04 Four-wheel tractor

In accordance with the table 3, the 12 hp riding type two-wheel tractor gives the
maximum work out put per liter oI Iuel consumption. Another important matter to be
considered is that the smaller horsepower tractors do not last as long as the larger ones.
But as the power increases the cost oI the tractors also increases and the cost per unit
power decreases. ThereIore, 12 hp two-wheel tractors could be suggested as more
suitable Ior land preparation. Since this operation is toilsome and diIIicult to be replaced,
no attempt was made to compare the perIormance oI manual or animal power with tractor
Crop establishment
More than 90 oI the paddy Iields are broadcast shown and a competitive yield is
obtained using the recommended quantity oI Iertilizer and herbicide. This is the Iastest,
simplest and cheapest method when compared to row seeding and transplanting (Table
2). Although there is no signiIicant yield diIIerence in all three methods, experience
indicate that row seeding and transplanting makes the subsequent operations conducive
Ior mechanizing labour and time-consuming operations such as harvesting. At the last
maha the scarcity oI labour Ior harvesting was reported Irom many parts oI the island and
an instant demand Ior combine harvesters was indicated Irom large-scale paddy growing
areas. Certain organizations had imported and supplied Japanese and Korean
reconditioned combine harvesters. But, only 60 oI the paddy crop was Iound to be un-
lodged to Iacilitate application oI them (FMRC 2000). Crop establishment system in
Korea is gradually changing Irom row transplanting to row seeding since 1993, mainly
because oI excessive cost. However, crop lodging is their major concern and emphasis
was solicited Ior developing lodging resistant varieties. In addition to developing
invulnerable paddy varieties Ior lodging, transplanting could be encouraged as it was
proved to be less susceptible Ior lodging. We also have experienced during the recent
past that the row seeded and transplanted crops could withstand pest attacks like brown
plant hopper.

Table 2. Cost-benefit comparison of different crop establishment
Method Rs/ha Advantages Disadvantages
Broadcasting 300 Quick, Easy and Cheap Need less seeds; Bird
& rain damages, Chemical
weeding only, easy to lodge

Row seeding 600 Need less seeds, Easy to Bird & rain damages,
operate weeding, Iertilizing
& harvesting machines,

transplanting 5300 Need less seeds; Control oI
weed by water
transplanting 1600 Need more seeds; Easy to
operate weeding, Iertilizing &
harvesting machines, less lodging

The Iacts thus mentioned are, thereIore, encouraging to conduct Iurther research to
develop crops that could withstand lodging until it is reaped. In addition, the
mechanization institutions should be allowed to introduce appropriate type oI seeding
and transplanting machines.
Plant protection
Weed, pest and disease control is done using chemical sprayers. This
technique is 100 mechanized in the case oI rice cultivation. The over-head knapsack
type stainless steel hand sprayers are the most popular. Nearly 105,000 hand sprayers are
being used covering an area oI nearly 9 ha per sprayer. The average capacity oI such a
sprayer is about 1 ha/day (FMRC). This data shows that there is a deIiciency oI sprayers
in the Iield. In general, Ior high demand application oI chemicals, at least one sprayer is
needed to cover up an area oI 2 ha. ThereIore, to be in the saIe side, nearly 300,000 more
hand sprayers would be needed Ior timely application oI agro-chemicals.
Weed control by mechanical means is practiced by less than 1 oI total area
(FMRC). The basic requirement Ior application oI any type oI mechanical weeder is to
have a crop established in rows. In Sri Lanka two types oI weeders are used. They are
Japanese single and two row designs and IRRI conical type single and two row versions.
comparative study by FMRC indicates that the IRRI conical weeder has superior
characteristics in the cases oI capacity, manuarability, and also simplicity in manuIacture.
The capacity oI this weeder (0.25 ha/day) also would have to be increased to gain
popularity. Further studies should be carried out to introduce a selI-propelled weeder,
which could be handled by one operator, having a capacity oI nearly a ha/day (Table 3).
Table 3. Cost comparison of weeding techniques.
Method Cost/ha Rs. Advantages Disadvantages
Chemical weeding 4000 Easy and quick, Method oI Hazardous to the
establishment oI crop is environment,
immaterial. Development
oI resistance by
weeds Ior
weedicides, Control
on weather.
Mechanical weeding 1000 Environmentally Iriendly, Crops should be
EIIicient use oI Iertilizer. established
Weather condition is in rows.

Harvesting and threshing
The survey conducted by FMRC, Silsoe college, and University oI Peradeniya in
1991 indicated that
Harvesting and threshing is the most labour intensive operation requiring immediate
attention providing a suitable mechanical aid. Mechanization oI this operation has been
attempted to do in three steps; Iirst the threshing and then reaping and Iinally the combine
harvesting. The threshing by conventional methods in particular was reported to be
unsatisIactory when quality is considered. A study conducted by the RPRDC revealed
that the mechanical threshing could give a quality output with less cracked grains
increasing the percentage oI head grains in milling. In addition, because oI the absence oI
impurities mixed with the grain there is an increased demand by the mill owners on such
paddy. The other two main methods, namely the tractor threading and buIIalo trampling,
were reported to be unsuitable Ior excessive cracked grains and impurities Iound in the
output (Table 4). II properly handled the mechanical threshing also could be made use oI
Ior reducing Iield losses that could incur during reaping and threshing. In the
conventional methods, a substantial quantity oI paddy go waste as
shattering losses when transporting the reaped crop to the threshing ground. The straw
thus transported is set on Iire later aIter collecting the paddy, loosing a valuable organic
matter and nutrient. The portable mechanical threshers can leave the straw spread in
partially chopped Iorm in the Iield itselI Iacilitating easy digestion. This method also
averts the requirement oI transporting the cut crop to the threshing ground, which incur
extra labour cost.
Table 4. Performance comparison of threshers with the buffalo and tractor.
Buffalo Tractor Threshers
Impurities 4.4 7.8 0.3
Cracked grains 7.8 11.7 6.3
Loss in head rice 6.2 7.0 2.0
Moisture 15.2 14.7 14.1
(Source: RPRDC 1983)

This operation is done almost 100 by using sickles. Requirement oI a
mechanical reaper has been indicated in all surveys conducted by FMRC and eIIorts were
made to introduce IRRI designed selI-propelled machine. This attempt was not successIul
due to the high cost oI the machine. In order to overcome this problem a reaping
attachment to a popular two-wheel tractor was designed and introduced. This attachment
had a good demand, but the limited applicability on lodged crops restricted the potential
Combine Harvesters
The labour scarcity has now become so aggravated that the harvesting and
threshing operations could not be done in time resulting in heavy yield losses. In order to
overcome this situation, Iarmers in the large-scale paddy growing areas sought aIter
combine harvesters to take over the task. UnIortunately the exorbitant prices oI new
combine harvesters directed the Iarmers to look Ior second hand machinery imported
Irom Japan and Korea. These machines had two main disadvantages. Firstly, the Irequent
repairs needed and secondly, the inability oI the machines to work on the lodged crops. In
a test conducted by FMRC it was revealed that the capacity oI such a machine was nearly
one hectare per day and the shattering losses was amounting to about 5- 10 (FMRC
2000). The losses could be attributed to the way in which the plants have been
established, ground moisture condition, plant growth, operator`s skill and machine
condition. The shattering losses mainly occurred due to the inability oI the machine to
properly gather the broadcast crop onto the cuter bar.
In contrast to the above head Ieed type combine harvester Irom Japan, a whole
crop type machine imported Irom China gave some encouraging results. Because the
disadvantages associated with the Japanese one could have been mitigated by making the
machine smaller and by having an adjustment to cut the crop as close as possible to the
panicle. The price is also at the aIIordable limit to the Iarmer.

Most oI the agricultural machinery & equipment needed by the country are
manuIactured locally, except tractors and combined harvesters. Majority oI
manuIacturers belong to private sector. Many large companies manuIacturing agricultural
machinery are located in Colombo or suburbs. They are usually subsidiaries oI groups oI
companies. Medium and small-scale industries are distributed in the major townships in
the island and cater mostly to the local and provincial needs. The present strength oI
manuIacturers oI each category is given in table 5.
Table 5. Strength of manufacturers in each category of scale.
Category Number Types of machinery produced
Large-scale 10 Power tillers, Paddy reapers, Paddy threshers,
knapsack & power sprayers, Paddy milling
machinery, Electric & engine driven water
pumps, Nine tine tillers, Cage wheels, Some
tractor parts and trailers.

Medium-scale 25 Seeders & weeders, Cage wheels, Trailers,
Winnowing fans, Animal drawn equipment,
Rotavator blades and paddy processing

Small-scale 232 Mammoties & hoes, Sickles, Seeders & weeders,
Rotavator blades, Levelers and Harrows.

The continuously increased gap between the required and available Iarm power
created due to migration oI labour Irom the Iarm, increased demand Ior higher quality
agricultural products by both national and international markets, gradually decreasing
individual Iarmer income could be suIIiciently attended by having a careIully planned
appropriate type oI agricultural mechanization process. Through proper mechanization
environmental hazards also could be substantially mitigated. As it has been done in the
past piecemeal type oI solutions may not be able to bring about the expected results. The
land and crop conditions must be made conducive Ior eIIicient application oI machinery
and tools. Steps would have to be taken to avert the basic obstructions, as identiIied
below, Ior introduction oI recommended mechanization technologies.
- Low demand by the end users Ior agricultural machinery; There are several Iactors
such as lack oI awareness, lack oI resources Ior purchasing machinery, lack oI
appropriate type oI agricultural machinery, Iarmers attitudes and small plot sizes
contributing Ior the low demand.
- Farmers loss oI conIidence on Iarm machinery; Poor accessibility to machinery,
inadequate production oI low cost machinery, small Iarm sizes, lack oI incentives Ior
Iarmers to improve productivity & quality and lack oI aIter sale services are Iew oI the
reasons Ior this.
- Poor planning in the Iield oI Iarm mechanization; this has caused mainly due to the
in-availability oI a policy on mechanization and the Iailure to identiIy the appropriate
- No eIIective grass root level extension; This has basically incurred due to absence oI
grass root level extension, lack oI skills by the oIIicers and lack oI integration oI research
and extension in Iarm mechanization.

Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, AIrica and Latin America, Vol.xv, No.2, Spring
A comparative study on buIIalo, tractor and mechanical threshing in Sri Lanka,
December 1983, Rice processing Research and Development Centre, Anuradhapura,
Sri Lanka, December 1993 Rice Processing Research and Development Centre,
Draught animals and Iarm tools, A study oI selected areas in Kurunegala District Sri
Lanka, FMRC 1989.
Facts and Iigures relevant to Farm Mechanization in Sri Lanka, FMRC 1987.
Mechanization survey report, FMRC, Sri Lanka 1991.
Proceedings oI International conIerence on Engineering and Technological sciences 2000
session 6, Chinese Academy oI Engineering, Beijing, China.
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting oI Regional Network Ior Agricultural
Engineering and Machinery. Rongcheng City, People`s Republic oI China, 19 20
October 2000, Country Report, FMRC, Sri Lanka.

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