The document discusses aircraft structural failure requirements as specified in CS25.305 and FAR25.305 regulations. It describes three types of structural failures: 1) rupture or cracking of the structure up to ultimate load, 2) permanent deformation up to limit load, and 3) excessive elastic deformation that changes the structure's purpose or function. The requirements define criteria for proving a structure can withstand loads without these types of failures occurring. Hi-lok fasteners, an important aircraft fastening system, are also briefly discussed.
The document discusses aircraft structural failure requirements as specified in CS25.305 and FAR25.305 regulations. It describes three types of structural failures: 1) rupture or cracking of the structure up to ultimate load, 2) permanent deformation up to limit load, and 3) excessive elastic deformation that changes the structure's purpose or function. The requirements define criteria for proving a structure can withstand loads without these types of failures occurring. Hi-lok fasteners, an important aircraft fastening system, are also briefly discussed.
The document discusses aircraft structural failure requirements as specified in CS25.305 and FAR25.305 regulations. It describes three types of structural failures: 1) rupture or cracking of the structure up to ultimate load, 2) permanent deformation up to limit load, and 3) excessive elastic deformation that changes the structure's purpose or function. The requirements define criteria for proving a structure can withstand loads without these types of failures occurring. Hi-lok fasteners, an important aircraft fastening system, are also briefly discussed.
The document discusses aircraft structural failure requirements as specified in CS25.305 and FAR25.305 regulations. It describes three types of structural failures: 1) rupture or cracking of the structure up to ultimate load, 2) permanent deformation up to limit load, and 3) excessive elastic deformation that changes the structure's purpose or function. The requirements define criteria for proving a structure can withstand loads without these types of failures occurring. Hi-lok fasteners, an important aircraft fastening system, are also briefly discussed.
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Aeroteaching: May 2012
1 of 7 7/27/2012 11:44 AM Home The objective About the Author Contacts Aircraft Structural Design MAY 25, 2012 Aircraft requirements -The CS25.305 structural design requirement, what is the structural failure of an aircraft . When you are developing an aircraft structure you need to perform the stress analysis regarding the loads vs the static resistance of the material used. You need to check if the materi al and geometry used in the design as the adequate strength for the job. But to develop the analysis you need to know when the structure as fail or what is considered a failure of the aircraft structure. Aircraft structure failure is specified in the airworthiness requirements, check in the CS25 or FAR 25 for large aircraf t' s the CS25.305 or FAR25.305 requirement. What do we find in this requirement? The CS25.305/FAR25.305 specify the criteria used to define the failure for aircraft structural components. But, what is failure? When can we say that my aircraft structure as fail? The requirement CS25.305/FAR25.305 shows us several different types of failures that can occurs in the aircraft structure. The first is of course, the simple one! If the ai rcraft structure breaks, this is failure. This is the obvious mode of failure, the loss of structural efficiency by the rupture or crack of my structure. The structure will be no longer capable to maintain the applied loads causing the aircraft crash. This type of failure is not permitted up to Ultimate Load. What is Ultimate Load? Ultimate Load is the Umit Load multiplied by the factor of safety. According to airworthiness code CS25/FAR25 factor of safety for large aircraft's is 1.5, in some specific structures or details additional factors of safety are added to the general1 .5 value. Limit Load is the maximum load appli ed to the aircraft during service life. Therefore, if we have maximum load appli ed to the Wing structure = 1000 lbs, Ultimate Load will be = 1.5 x 1000 lbs = 1500 lbs. The material/geometry used must be capable to resist failure up to 1500 lbs applied on the wing as a static strength point of view. According to the requirements the margin of safety must be higher than CHAPTERS Aircraft damage (3) Aircraft design (5) Aircraft hardware (6) Aircraft materials (3) Aircraft protection and finish (2) Aircraft requirements (3) Aircraft stress (1) Aircraft structures (3) Aircraft weight (1) BLOG ARCHIVE T 2012 (27) .,.. July (3) .,.. June (3) T May (3) Aircraft requirements - The CS25.305 structural de .. . Aircraft hardware - The hi-lok fastener system. th ... Aircraft materials - Selecting metallic material a ... .,.. April (8) .,.. March ( 10) t-:OLLOW A B ~ O I i:.ACHINu ON 1-A<.;EBOOK AI RCRAFT ENGINEERING WEB SITES TO VISIT Aircraft design software CATIA VS Aircraft structural hardware Aeroteaching Google site FOLLOWERS Aeroteaching: May 2012 2 of 7 7/27/2012 11:44 AM zero, because the structure must be capable to resist load application for 3 seconds. If the authority as doubts about it, they can request a structural test to prove the 1.5 factor of safety and the 3 seconds rule. All aircraft wings do this test for certification purposes, see picture of one of this test. cs 25.305 Strength and deformat ion (a) 'I'M muSl to suppon wwt load; At :my load up to lumt l01.ds. the m:t)' not wnb c:peraucn (b) 'I'M mwl to suppo11 loatb wtbout liulu..--e !cr at > The second type of failure, where in the aircraft structural requirements is considered also failure, is that no permanent deformation is permitted up to Limit Load. Remember Limit Loads? Maximum loads appli ed to aircraft during service life. The aircraft structures must always work in the elastic domain of the material. Applying load, the Wing will deform, removing load the wing will return to its initial state and form. No permanent deformation of the wing is permitted. This means that the yield strength of the material used in a effective area must always be higher than the Li mit Loads applied to the aircraft structure. For the 1500 lbs Ultimate Load wing, the wing will not present permanent deformation of the structure up to 1000 lbs applied maximum load= Limit Load. The material yield strength resists the 1000 lbs load application. The word "detrimental" in the airworthiness requirements means that permanent deformation must occur in a effective area of the material. The stress concentration factor and punctual yield deformation are not accounted for this type of failure. Permanent deformation in concentrated points is permitted. The third type of failure, no excessive elastic deformation is permitted to aircraft structure where the applied deformation changes significantly the purpose or function of the structure.Yes, the deformation of the structure inside the elastic region of the material can be considered failure? When? When the function of the structure changes. For example, if the elastic deformation of the wing change significantly the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing, this will be considered failure of the structure. Because the wing will be unable to give to the aircraft the required lift for safe operation. In this particular case the wing as not suffer rupture, no permanent plastic deformation, but the maximum linear elastic deformation obtained is considered failure of the wing structure. This type of failure occurs in the buckling of the upper panel of the wing. The buckling failure mode will cause an elastic deformation of the upper panel of the wing, changing the airfoil geometry, and lift and drag characteristics of the wing. This cannot occur, is not permitted in the ai rcraft structure. We are given the wing as example but the same apply to fuselage skin panel buckling failure, beam web buckling failure, etc ... lmagine the aircraft passengers looking by the window and see wing panels or fuselage panels wrinkled and buckling in the elastic domain of the material, fear, panic, ... This are 3 failure criterion specified in the airworthiness code C$25.305 or FAR25.305 for static strength analysis of aircraft structures, you must always prove and demonstrate this 3 requirements for the structure. Remember: No rupture up to Load, No permanent def ormation up to Limit Load, no elastic deformation changing the performance and characteristics of the structure. Design always your structure for this Join this site IMth Google Friend Connect Members (3) Already a mermer? Sign i n POPULAR POSTS Aircraft damage - The stress concentration factor. what is this? and the influence on aircraft fatigue life Stress concentration factor (SCF) is of extreme importance to the aircraft fatigue life. This factor can increase or decrease aircraft t.. . Aircraft damage - The structural joint . doubler and splice failure modes If you are developing a structural analysis of a structural joint , you need to check all possible failure modes of this joint. But wha ... Aircraft hardware - The MS20470, MS20426 and NAS1097 rivet shear strength allowable If you are developing a structural joint analysis you need to known the structural allowable for all the elements used in the joint. This ... Aircraft hardware - The MS20426 and NAS1097 rivet The MS20426 is the most used rivet in the aircraft . all aircraft surface uses this rivets. The MS20426 is a countersunk rivet , wit h the he a ... Aircraft hardware - The hi-lok fastener system. the HL 18. HL19, HL20, HL21 pins and the HL70 collar. The hHok fasteners are the second most used fasteners in structural assembly of aircraft's after the solid rivets MS20470 and MS20426 .... Aircraft materials - Aluminium 2024-T3 or 2024 T4 what the difference? A package of structural modification drawings was sent to the MOA or part-145 maintenance organization to be applied to aircraft. After s ... Aircraft Hardware - The MS20470 Rivet The MS20470 Rivet is the most common fastener used in the aircraft structural assembly. The two initial letter in the part number identi. .. Aircraft design- The top ten books to read as Structural Design Engineer If you want to be an aircraft structural Aeroteaching: May 2012 3 of 7 7/27/2012 11:44 AM 3 types of failure criterion. Good load and stress analysis .. See Ads. Follow this posts with pictures and movies in the Aero teaching Facebook page. You can request specific posts to the Author, send a request to the e-mail address or through the Facebook page. Posted by Aero Teaching at 3:24PM No comments: Recommend thi s on Google MAY 16, 2012 Aircraft hardware- The hi-lok fastener system, the HL 18, HL 19, HL20, HL21 pins and the HL70 collar. The hi-lok fasteners are the second most used fasteners in structural assembly of aircraft's after the solid rivets MS20470 and MS20426. Why? What are the characteristics that makes this fastener the second choice after the soli d rivets? Hi-lok fasteners are defined by a pin and a collar. The pin is similar to a screw and the collar to a nut. The assembly of the pin, and the collar makes the hi-lock fastener system. The pin is like a screw but with additional advantages regarding a simple screw. The collar is not a simple nut, but a special nut with unique properties. What are the reasons to use this type of fasteners? The reasons are simple and can be summarize to the following properties: 1. Higher tension and shear strength, the material used and the geometry of the fastener gives him the best properties regarding strength. 2. Lightweight fasteners, the hi-lok system as the best relation between weight and strength regarding the assembly between two elements. Better that the use of screws and nuts. 3. Easy and quick assembly, with the specific tools the assembly time is must lower that the rivet or screws/nut assembly time. The assembly is very easy with no complex steps and the final assembly is always perfect with no defects. 4. Good stress concentration factor, the specific geometry of the pin element gives to the hole an increase in fatigue life, much better that if we use the screw/nut system. 5. Fastener cost, accessible and cost effective element in the installation on the aircraft. 6. Correct torque application, the collar property gives us the guaranty that the correct torque is applied to the assembly, removing the problem of vibration, strength and fatigue of the pin itself . ..._, .. ....... ... , ... ..... ...... t-U)f('"Pt'l HA:s . .. These are the mains advantages of the hi-lok fasteners. These fasteners are property of the hi-shear corporation, the company that develops this fastener. For that reason the standard designation of these fasteners is defined by the HL letters. There exist NAS or specific manufacturer specification that are equivalent to the HL designation. The hi-lok is the same but the NAS system or the manufacturer company internal systems adopts different numbering system to identify the hi-lok part number. Generally the P/N is defined by the Hi-lok manufacturer company Part number. The P/N is specified by the sequencing letters and numbers: HL 18PB-5-16. The HL letters engineer I recommend that you read and learn some of the standard and best books of the aircr. .. Aircraft structures - Structural description of fuselage, the basics The fuselage is the aircraft part that transport the payload,passengers. cargo, cabin crew, equipments ... and is also the parts were all t ... Aircraft requirements - The CS25.305 structural design requirement , what is the structural failure of an aircraft. When you are developing an aircraft structure you need to perform the stress analysis regarding the loads vs the static resistance of the .. . ABOUT ME Aero Teaching Aeroteaching Blog SHARE IT 1(1 Share this on Face book [;l Tweet this View slats
Aeroteaching: May 2012 4 of 7 7/27/2012 11:44 AM define that we are specifying an Hi-lok fastener, the number 18 specify the geometry and material of the fastener, the letter PB defines the finish protection of the fastener, the -5 number defines the diameter of the fastener per multiples of 32inchs ( diameter =5/32 =0, 156 in) and the -16 defines the grip length of the fastener per multiples of 16 inchs (length = 16/16= 1 in). This P/N is only to the pin, the collar as a similar P/N. The most used collar is the HL70-5, the letter HL defines the hi-lok system, the number 70 defines the material and geometry of the collar and the -5 defines the diameter in of 32inch (diameter=5/32=0, 156 in). If you need to specify the hi-lok system in your assembly you must request the pin and the collar P/N and not only the pin P/N. Therefore HL 18 is pin and HL70 is a collar. geometry and material is defined by the numbers 18 and 70. The quantity of fasteners is so great that we can find numbers from 1 to 1000 in the material/geometry designation. During the installation of this hi-lok fastener system we need access to both sides of the structure, we insert the pin in the hole. with or without interference depending of the target of the hi-lok ( shear or tension application), we apply the collar to the pin and apply torque with the required tool. We apply the torque to a specific part of the collar, this part of the collar will break at the correct torque value. The permanent part of the collar will continue with the pin in the assembly. This part of the collar that breaks permits that the correct torque be applied to the installation, not requiring additional supervision to confirm the correct torque value. There are several type of pins and several type of collars, depending of the application, you must select the correct one. The most used hi-loks are the HL 18, HL 19, HL20 and HL21. We can divide the hi-loks pins for tension and shear application. The tension pins have greater heads than the shear pins. After dividing the pins for tension and shear they can be also divided in protruding head or countersunk head pins. You must select the tension pins when the main load applied is tension and shear pins when the shear is the dominant load. The HL 18 is the shear protruding pin, the HL20 is the tension protruding pin, the HL 19 is the shear countersunk pin and the HL 21 is the countersunk pin. Each normal hi-lok fasteners system diameter as two oversize fasteners that can replace the first diameter in case of a repair or damage to the hole. That means that if you do repairs to aircraft's and you need to replace a HL 18PB-6 pin because the hole as cracks or is oversize. You do not need to select the next hi-lok pin diameter the HL 18PB-7. You must use the 1st oversize of the HL 18PB-6, that presents a small increment in diameter just used for hi-lok repairs. They are called the 1st and 2nd oversize hi-lok pins, defined by a specific number after the HL letters. In shear application select the diameter of the pin according to the standard procedure: the upper higher shear strength of the bearing load failure of the plate. That means that in your Aeroteaching: May 2012 5 of 7 7/27/2012 11:44 AM joint, the failure criterion used must be the plate bearing failure. The hi-lok must present a higher shear strength than the bearing of the plate used. For that use the closer diameter of the fastener that guaranties the fai lure of the assembly by bearing and not by fastener shear. In tension application use the hi -lok with adequate tension ultimate strength for the assembly. http://www.hi
A 8 lfastener_hl_stds.htm Follow this posts with pictures and movies in the Aero teaching Facebook page. You can request specific posts to the Author, send a request to the e-mail address or through the Face book page. Help Aero teaching Blog by clicking in the right place. Posted by Aero Teaching at 2:48PM No comments: Recommend this on Google MAY 6, 2012 Aircraft materials - Selecting metallic material allowable for structural stress analysis with approved design data When you are developing a structural analysis, you have the requirement to know the allowable of the metalli c material that you are using in the design of the structural part. Certainly you can't go to the Internet and find the 2024T3 material allowable properties and use this values to design your aircraft structure. You need a reliable and approved source of metallic material properties. Then, where can I find this reliable material properties source? This information is defined in the aircraft airworthiness certification requirements. Go to the CS25 or FAR25 in the CS25.613 or FAR25.613 requirement paragraph and you can find the answer. The material strength properties must be based on enough tests of material meeting approved specifications to establish design values on a statistical basis. This is the requirement , you need to make coupon testing regarding the material that you what to use based on authority approved specification. But I want to use aluminium alloys, this is a material well know by the aircraft industry, must I make tests? If you are from a small aircraft company is difficult to make test just to use aluminium alloys in the aircraft. For that reason you must use authority approved material data. According to CS25.613 or FAR25.613 approved metallic material data is given by the MMPDS handbook or the ESDU00932. This two references for material properties are the reliable and approved source for metall ic material properties in aircraft application. If you work in a small company and don't have a material properties handbook approved by the authority you must use MMPDS or ESDU00932 handbooks. I generally use the MMPDS handbook. And What type of properties can we find in the MMPDS handbook? The required mechanical properties to Aeroteaching: May 2012 6 of 7 7/27/2012 11:44 AM do your analysis. Material properties are presented in a table format. Each table are referring to the material designation name. As example I will use the 2024 material table figure. In order to correctly select the material properties you must select first the Manufacturing Specification, Form, Temper, thickness and data Statistic basis. Only after this selection you obtain the correct allowable for the material that you are using in the aircraft. The Specification, Form , Temper and Thickness of the material is defined in the manufacturing drawing that you produce as design engineer. Q-+ M M I' r .................. , .............. 4 . ..... ... .. .. ,.,. .c co.UuC!cuc-...:.wowl n ..... ,.,. : !' :: : : : : : : : :; :; : : ,. .. 4 "' !II .. , Jot ... ;. Itt :: :- :: : Ia n "' ::. -- ., "' ... :: Jl!
" .. "' 1: .. w :: .. . . c: ::. ,_,._ . ._,_ __ ..-.-... u-.-. .... As stress engineer you must find the manufactured part properties from the material. Now, what type of statistical basis I must use? The table present the A basis and B basis. The A basis defines that 99% of the samples fail at superior strength values with 95% of confidence. The B basis defines that 95% of the samples fail at superior strength values with 95% of confidence. If you are developing a one loading path structural part (landing gear) the A basis must be used. If you are developing a redundant structure (two or more loading paths, stringers as example) the B basis can be used. If weight is not a problem, use the conservative value of the table: the lower value. t sr Other parameter that we can f ind in the table is the applicable LT d.roctt.on grain direction. The L, LT and ST designation define the properties of the part according to the manufacturing grain direction of the material. If you check, you can find that the grain di rection can influence significantly the material properties. For yield stress, the influence can go up to 5 Ksi of stress resistance. For that reason if you are not controlling the grain direction in the installation process, be conservative and use the lower value of all directions. As presented is the table the direction of the material grain will present higher mechanical properties the L di rection. The perpendicular direction of the grain as lower mechanical properties, the LT direction. The ST di rection is the vertical axis of the grain direction and for sheets and plates this propertie are not required. Remember selecting material allowable: 1. Go to MMPDS
2. Select material designation chapter (2024) - LT di recti on 3. Select table for the material specification, form and temper (AMS-00-A-250/4, Sheet, T3) 4. Select the thickness of the used (0.063 in) 5. Select the A orB column according to the airworthiness STdirection - t ST di rection E.lrtruslon Angle Aeroteaching: May 2012 7 of 7 7/27/2012 11:44 AM requirements (use conservative, A basis) 6. Select the proper grain direction properties (use conservative, lower of the two) 7. Obtain the mechanical properties of the material. Hope this help to obtain approved metallic material data to your aircraft structural design. If you work on a manufacturer design company just go to your company design manual and select the materials allowable from there. The same way that from MM PDS handbook. Use always approved design data for your analysis, otherwise EASA or FAA will reprove the modification or repair design. Follow this posts with pictures and movies in the Aero teaching Facebook page. You can request specific posts to the Author, send a request to the e-mail address or through the Facebook page. Help Aeroteaching Slog by clicking in the right place. Posted by Aero Teaching at 2:46PM No comments: ~ Recommend thi s on Google Newer Posts Home Older Posts Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) SEARCH THIS BLOG RECENT COMMENTS Aero Teaching wrote ... Search At ultimate load, Vvhen the doubler and skin haw the maximum load. load transfer depends of stiffness of doubler and stiffness of rivets. Doubler as the capability of pick-up maximum load of 1000 ... Continue Anonymous wrote ... Hi, I understand that using the ratio of axial stiffness to estimate the percentage of load being transferred into the doubler is common in static strength check.Ho--.ewr. this seems more applicable .. . Continue Thisara namal Jayamanna wrote ... nice description hepad me a lot for my exam LED Grow Lights wrote .. . Thanks for sharing! We all truly appreciate your mrk. mild steel tube The information of this web page is property of the Author and can not be reproduced. Picture Window template. Powered by Blogger.