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International Workshop on


September 14-16, 2009, Nairobi, Kenya

The renewable energy technologies can provide sources of unlimited, cheap and clean energy to the people in developing countries. Especially, communities in remote and dry regions, which do not have easy access to the hydro power, and can not afford the installation of long transmission lines or using solar photovoltaic power, could benefit from the wider use of wind energy. Small wind turbines can present a good, economically viable and environmental friendly solution to provide remote villages in hilly areas with light and electricity. In order to discuss these themes and to exchange ideas and experience, the International Workshop on Small Scale Wind Energy for Developing Countries was organized in Nairobi, Kenya. The Workshop brought together African, Western and Asian specialists in the area of low cost renewable energies for developing countries, to discuss wind energy technologies, their reliability and perspectives in developing countries. This Workshop is the follow- up to the International Workshop on Natural and LowCost Materials in Wind Energy Technologies, which took place in Dhulikhel, Nepal, November 10-12, 2008. The Workshop was sponsored by the Danida in the framework of Danish-Nepalese project Development of wind energy technologies in Nepal on the basis of natural materials, and organized in collaboration with the Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology (IEET), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Nairobi, Kenya. The Organizing Committee of the workshop included representatives of Ris.DTU, KAPEG Nepal and JKUAT. Dr. Leon Mishnaevsky, Senior Scientist at AFM, Ris DTU, and Professor Joseph M. Keriko (JKUAT) were Chairmen of the Workshop.

Lectures and Participation:

Lecturers from Denmark, Australia, China, Nepal, Nigeria, Kenya, Mosambique, Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, Gambia made their presentations on different aspects of small wind energy, materials for wind turbines, experience with wind energy in developing countries. Totally, about 50 lecturers, guests and students participated at the Workshop. The Workshop concentrated on several main aspects of low cost wind turbines: o Wind energy technologies, their perspectives and applications in developing countries, o Low cost and natural materials for wind turbines, o Design, reliability and strength of small wind turbines. o Case studies, social and economic aspects of wind energy in developing countries. Keynote Lectures were delivered by Professor David Wood (Australia), Dr. Povl Brndsted (Ris.DTU), Rakesh Sinha (Nepal), Professor Joseph M. Keriko (Kenya) and Professor Janis Varna (Sweden).

The participants of the workshop came to the conclusion that the development of small, low cost wind turbines for developing countries is a very important subject both for economies of developing countries, poverty reduction and for the environment policy. The optimal choice of the materials for small wind turbines as well as the optimal blade design and easily productible turbine constructions were discussed at the Workshop. The selected papers, presented at the Workshop will be published as a special issue of the Journal of Wind Engineering.

o o o 2009 Kenya Workshop Webpage: 2008 Nepal Workshop Webpage Programe and Abstracts:


Meeting of the Local Organizing Committee: Workshop Chairmen (Dr. Leon Mishnaevsky Jr. and Professor Joseph M. Keriko), Professor Joseph Mailutha and Dr. J.T. Makanga (JKUAT)

Opening Session: in the Presidium (from left to right) Rakesh Sinha, Leon Mishnaevsky, Povl Brndsted, Joseph Keriko, Joseph Mailutha.

Professor Joseph Keriko (JKUAT): Keynote Lecture on Renewable Energy in Africa

Professor Janis Varna, Lule, Sweden, Keynote Lecture on Natural fiber composites in wind energy applications

M.L. Sompo Ceesay (Gambia): Lecture on community driven electrification in Africa

Dr. Laia Ferrer-Mart (Spain) delivers a lecture on community small-scale wind generation
project in Peru

Professor Boaventura Chongo Cuamba (Mozambique): Lecture on wind energy parks in Mozambique

Professor Oluseyi Ajayi (Nigeria): Lecture on wind energy in Nigeria

Professor Zhou Hongwei (China): Lecture on experimental investigations of damage mechanisms in composites for wind blades

Professor J. N. Kamau: Lecture on wind class and power in Kenya

Dr. Peter Freere, Monash University, Australia, delivers a lecture on low cost wind turbines

Frits van Dorst, from TU Eindhoven (Netherlands) and NGO SASOL (Kenya) delivers a presentation on rural electrification in Kitui district

Michael Frantz (GTZ/German Development Society): Lecture on energy development cooperation through GTZ in East Africa

In the coffee pause

Professor J. Keriko shows the Workshop participants the future site of biogas at JKUAT Campus.

After Workshop: Professor David wood (Australia) demonstrates to the workshop participants a film on the low cost wind turbines


After the Workshop, all the participants were given Certificates of participation. At the picture, Leon hands over a Certificate of participation.

Several Workshop participants with Certificates


Group photo of all the participants of the Workshop.


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