NEMO-Q Software Installation Manual

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Software installation

English manual
NQ2000 Version 5.07C

Copyrights and all other intellectual property rights to the Software and accompanying
documentation, as well as any copies made by you, remain with Nemo-Q or its suppliers. Upon
purchasing Nemo-Qs products, Nemo-Q grants you the nonexclusive rights to install and use the
Software for an unlimited period of time. The terms of Nemo-Q International ABs License
Agreement shall apply.

Windows 95/98/NT/XP/2000

Software installation Verion 5.07C

Table of contents
User Support Contacts.........................................................................................Page 3
Requirement specification NQ2000 software.....................................................Page 4
Database size..........................................................................................................Page 5
Softwares and files...............................................................................................Page 6
Installation propose..............................................................................................Page 7
Engine.....................................................................................................................Page 9
MySQL...................................................................................................................Page 14
DBLoad..................................................................................................................Page 16
Statistics.................................................................................................................Page 24
Q-start....................................................................................................................Page 29
Language files........................................................................................................Page 32

Nemo-Q International AB +46 (0)8 522 059 00

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Table of content

Software installation Version 5.07C

User support contacts

The User Support/Help Desk services provided by Nemo-Q are to be agreed upon between
NEMO-Q International AB and user.

Nemo-Q International AB
Turebergs all 6
191 23 Sollentuna
Phone +46 (0) 8 522 059 00
Fax +46(0) 8 522 059 99
E-mail [email protected]

Nemo-Q International AB +46 (0)8 522 059 00

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Requirement specification NQ2000 software

In a network environment there are many different ways to install a NQ2000 system, however
the NQ2000 software require a dedicated Nemo-Q server computer with static TCP/IP address
(It is also common to place the execute (EXE) files into the branch office server. From the
client or Nemo-Q server it is then possible to open files via shortcuts to the office server.)
PC requirement is depending of the size for the queue system and the flow of customer.
Size of system

Operation system



1-10 cashier,
0-500 customer per day

Windows -98

Pentium 300-400 Mhz

Pentium 300-400 Mhz

128 MB
128 MB

1-20 cashier,
Windows -98/2000/NT/XP Pentium min.700 Mhz
1- 1.500 customer per day

256 MB

1-60 cashier,
Windows -98/2000/NT/XP Pentium min 1.5GHz
1- 4.000 customer per day

512 MB

Installation of NQ2000 Level 1 require about 27 MB space on the hard disk.

If synthetic speech will be used in the system we recommend to install this in a separate PC
with OS Windows 2000\XP\NT, not Windows 95\98

Database size
TDB File
Unzipped Size
Event File (*.cus): 76 byte / errand
Attention Code File (*.ss3): 53 byte / attention code

Zipped Size
Usually the Zip Ratio is about 70%, please look at the example below:

10 000 Customers = 76 byte * 10 000 = 760 kB
1 000 Attention Codes = 53 byte * 1000 = 53 kB
Total Size = 760 kB + 53 kB = 813 kB
Zipped: 0.3 * 813 kB 240 - 280 kB
Some additional information is added automatically, i.e. User Names etc
Answer: The TDB File will have an approximate size of 300-400 kB

Each errand is about 100 byte (all included) if no attention codes are used
50 000 Customers = 100 byte * 50 000 = 5 MB

Softwares and files terminology

The Engine software controls the general functions of the NQ 2000 system and must always be
running. The Engine software stores the statistic data during the day in daily statistic files.
These files is located in directory Windows\NQ2000\
Daily statistic files:
At midnight, all daily statistic files updates the TDB file automatically by the Engine software.
TDB file:
All daily statistic files is transferred to the TDB file. The DBLoad software then transfers the
TDB file information automatically to the MySQL database.
This software defines the path to the TDB file and the connection to the MySQL database.
This software updates MySQL database.
MySQL database
This software is configured to automatically start other program.
Especially it is used to start the Engine and DBLoad program.
The statistic software is used to make statistic analysis.
Supervisor (Level 1 - Local office).
This software monitors the queue situation locally. (LAN network)
Supervisor (Level 2 or 3 Province, Region).
This software monitors the queue situations in several local offices on a province or regional
office. (WAN network)
Cashier 2000:
This application is installed at each workstation in local office and enables users to call and
transfer customer etc.
This program defines from which databases in lower level that data will be collected to one
main database in level 2 or 3. This program also collects names from the defined databases.
Collects data from databases to one main database in level 2 or level 3 as defined in

Installation propose

Structure of files

Software installation Version 5.07C

NQ2000 systems consist of many separate software, depending on what type of functionally of
the requested system.
This information will help you to install all of this software correctly.

Begin by installing The Engine and then in the following order,

MySQL, DBLoad and Statistics.
The above four different softwares may run a standard system consisting of hardware, such as
Cashier panels, Displays and Ticket dispensers.
If the system requires any additional software, install them later after the standard installation.
In a network environment there are many different ways to install a NQ2000 system, however
in this document we will explain how to install NQ2000 into a dedicated Nemo-Q server.
(It is also common to place the execute (EXE) files into the branch office server. From the
client computers it is then possible to open files via shortcuts to the server.)


Structure of files

L o

Software installation Version 5.07C

l o

E f n f gi c i n ee

u s

f ile

sT D

f iDl e a

t a


- S t a


B L o

d D


S t a

s e

t is t ic

P / IP

n f ig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L e v e l 2
a n d
S t a

t is t ic



s e


t o


n f. e

x e

The NQ-2000 System Engine software handles all system processes, such as configuration
control and supervision, generating warnings, communication with all system components, data
storage for statistical analysis, etc.
This software is installed in the Nemo-Q server, which may be any workstation in the office
network, exclusively dedicated to customer management and queuing. This software is active at
all times so that all user-configured processes may be executed with the desired level of
Within this software, it is possible to change all configuration values necessary to make process
operations as dynamic as possible. For these changes to become effective, it will sometimes be
necessary to restart the Engine. All parameters may be modified on a real-time basis, except the
addition of new workstations to the configuration. This action will require the Engine to be
CD-ROM Installation
A CD-ROM is provided with this manual. Insert the CD-ROM and double click on the
corresponding driver.
NQ2000 Software Installation in the Nemo Q Server
Execute the NQ2000.exe installation software. The program will request confirmation by
proposing valid libraries for the path where the NQ-2000 software will be installed. The default
destination is C:\NQ2000\. If you prefer to choose another location, enter the path selected, as
the system requires.
Follow the installation steps.
Once the installation is finished, restart the workstation.

Select Next.


Software installation Version 5.07C

Select Next.

Confirm license agreement then select Next.

When you installing Engine for the first time in a computer, enter the license number then select

Select the folder then select Next

Select Next

Select the language font to be printed on the tickets then select Next


Use default configuration file or without.

NQ2000 needs network

Select Next.

Software installation Version 5.07C


Software installation Version 5.07C

Default language file is English, if you have created your own language file copy these now.

Select Next.

MySQL is a database management system.
A database is a structured collection of data. To add, access and process data stored in a
computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers
are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in
computing, as stand-alone utilities or as parts of other applications.
A relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data in one big
storeroom. This adds speed and flexibility. The tables are linked by defined relations making it
possible to combine data from several tables on request. The SQL part of MySQL stands for
"Structured Query Language" - the most common standardized language used to access
MySQL was originally developed to handle very large databases much faster than existing
solutions and has been successfully used in highly demanding production environments for
several years. Though under constant development, MySQL today offers a rich and very useful
set of functions. The connectivity, speed and security make MySQL highly suited for accessing
databases on the Internet.
NEMODB is the queue system database. DBLoad add data and store this into NEMODB
We use Q-start to activate DBLoad after midnight.
Follow the installation steps.

Select Next

If you install Engine for the first time in a computer, it is necessary to enter license number.


Windows 95/ 98
Start MySQL from directory
C:\MySQL\ mysqld-opt.exe. Control if MySQL is activated with Ctrl Alt Delete
Windows 2000/NT
MySQL is running as a service within Windows software.
Make shore that MySQL is activated. (Open administration tools and then services).
Locate MySQL and check if it is active. Sometimes it is necessary to enter administrator name
and password, to activate MySQL.

The DBLoad software converts NQ2000 database format to MySQL database format.
Original filename: DBLoad.exe
The DBConfig software configures the database for DBLoad. Editing the file STAT.ini, which
is located in the same directory, does this. This file is automatically created if not existing. The
DBConfig software also configures all the TDB Files. Only files that are configured will be
inserted to the database.
Original filename: DBConfig.exe
Follow the installation steps.

Select Next.


Confirm license agreement then select Next.

Select Next.

Select the folder then select Next.

Software installation Version 5.07C


Select Next.

Select Next.

Select Next.

Software installation Version 5.07C


Software installation Version 5.07C

Select Next, DBLoad will automatically start and update the MySQL Database. Enter a time
after midnight but before opening time in the morning.

Default language file is English, if you have created your own language file copy these now

Select Finish

Before you configure the DBLoad, start the Engine and configure the system.
Reboot the computer and then start to configure DBLoad.


Software installation Version 5.07C

Start DBConfig.exe in directory C:\NQ2000\

Select Browse and find the location of the TDB file.

For example C:\NQ2000\DB, enter the TCP/IP address to the computer for the location of
MySQL database.


Software installation Version 5.07C

Select Connect to test the MySQL database communication.

If the following message appear, make shore that MySQL is started and that correct TCP/IP
address is entered for the location of the database.

If upgrading NQ Statistic with a new version, it might be necessary to update the TDB file.
Select Update if it is a different version.


Select TDB Files

Select Add

Office number, office name and level 2 numbers will appear.

Software installation Version 5.07C


Software installation Version 5.07C

Select Apply

The configuration of the TDB file is now ready. Select "OK".

The TDB file may now update the MySQL database manually by running DBLoad.exe.
DBLoad.exe can now work together with application Q-start, for updating MySQL database


Software installation Version 5.07C

The Statistics module takes record of all the events taking place in Nemo-Q system. When a
ticket is taken from the machine, or a customer is called, these events are logged onto the
system. All events are logged accurately and on the spot, thus creating databases with valuable
and useful information.
The Statistics module will allow you to make statistic analyses of this information.
Follow the installation steps.

Select Next


Confirm license agreement then select Next.

Select Next

Select the folder then select Next.

Software installation Version 5.07C


Software installation Version 5.07C

Select Next

Select Next

Default language file is English; if you have created your own language file copy these now.


Select Finish

Software installation Version 5.07C


Software installation Version 5.07C

Information generation starts from the very moment the customer takes a ticket from the ticket
dispenser. All this information is recorded on the systems server, which transfers data from
customer flow into NQ-2000s software, for present or future use. The Statistics Module
described further on, will allow you to make an in-depth analysis of the service you offer. NQ2000 also enables you to view exactly what is happening at the moment: here and now. This is
all possible thanks to the Supervisor Panel, which allows you to make real-time inquiries, and
shows you all the information you need on the screen just by a keystroke.
Once the system has been installed, the Supervisor Panel will be activated at the users express
request, by clicking on the Supervisor Panel ICON.
Follow the installation steps.


Software installation Version 5.07C

This software is configured to automatically start other program.
Especially it is used to start the Engine and DBLoad program.
In previous version of NQ2000 Q-start was installed at the same time with other installations.
But in 5.07C version Q-start have a separate installation.
After the installation, start up Q-start. Icon is placed in Windows start up meny under Startup or
Then, this icon will be present I Windows bar. Click on right button on the mouse and select

Create and store log files and automatic printout.


Software installation Version 5.07C

File configuration.
Add, change or remove applications for start up during specific times i.e. certain weekdays.
This example starts Enginge2000.exe at 06.00 Monday to Sunday.

Click on New and select new file, LBLoad.

Now we have added one more file and DBLoad must start after midnight.
This example starts DBLoad.exe at 07.00 Monday to Friday.


Software installation Version 5.07C

Select Startup
When Q-start starts up, its possible to start applications after amount of time.
This can be necessary if one application need to start up before another.
Add, change or remove applications

Language files
NQ2000 Ver 5.04 > versions have only the latest language files in English.
It is important to upgrade ALL your old language files to new one.
During every installation you will receive a question if you have your own updated language
file or if you want to select the English default language file.
If you select I have language files! you need to Brows for the location of these files.
If your own language files is not updated with the new portions of the upgrade, you need to this
How to update language files?
The correct language file is renamed from Queue 2000.spr to Queue 2000.UPD.
All the *.UPD files is installed under directory UPD when installing softwares. You either
select English or your own language files. With these files you can start to upgrade your old
language files.
It is recommended to start the application with the English version first and then start the
program so you are able to find the portion with new words, that needs to be translated. After
this it is easier to create your own language files.
On the CD you will have all language files in UPD format and also the old language files in
SPR format.

Change the extension of the new language file to *.UPD.


Put the file Queue2000.upd in the directory where you keep language files
(Ex. Create a new directory where you put Stat2000.spr and Stat2000.upd.)


Open NQLANG32.EXE (translation editor).


A Message will appear saying: An update has been made, Please check post no
X to Y, these posts are the new words for you to translate


Translate the new words and save.


Exit the program.






Software installation Version 5.07C




Software installation Version 5.07C



Nemo-Q International AB
Box 210, Turebergsall 6
192 23 Sollentuna
Phone. +46 (0)8 522 059 00
Fax. +46 (0)8 522 059 99
E-mail: [email protected]

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