Installation Manual: ECG Data Viewer

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ECG Data Viewer

Installation Manual
z Suzuken Co.,Ltd. is not responsible for any loss or damage arising out from or in any way related to
the use of this product.
z All copyrights in the installation manual are owned by Suzuken Co.,Ltd. You may not copy any
part of the printed material accompanying the software product without our prior consent.
z Contents of this installation manual are subject to change without prior notice.
z Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Any other trademarks mentioned in
this manual except Windows may be generally registered.
[Table of Contents]
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................1
2. Program composition and Installer ...............................................................................2
3. Installation method of each system composition ..........................................................3
3-1 One unit composition...................................................................................................................... 3
3-2 Multiple units composition............................................................................................................. 3
4. Program installation ......................................................................................................4
4-1 Installation of server client version............................................................................................... 4
4-2 Settings after installation ............................................................................................................ 11
5. EMR compatibility settings .........................................................................................26
6. Uninstalling the program ............................................................................................27
7. Trouble shooting ...........................................................................................................31
1. Introduction
[Kenz ECG Date Viewer Software CVS-02] software transmits data from Kenz Cardico
302/601/1210/1211 to a PC, files the test information registered in the filing card to the PC, and
manages and refers the test data saved to the PC.
Data stored in CVS-01 (Previous version ECG Data Viewer) can be managed by CVS-02. Refer to “4-1
Installation of server client version on page 7” for more details.

《Operating environment》
The following environment is required for CVS-02.
Computer PC/AT compatible device(DOS/V device)
Memory 256Mb or higher (XP/2000), 2Gb or higher (Vista) *This is not the size used for
the application. Please use CVS-02 in an environment which your OS can
operate normally.
Required OS Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000(ServicePack2.0 or greater), Windows
If the user requires a network connection like EMR, it is recommended to use
the “Professional Edition” of XP/2000 or “Business Edition” or greater for
Hard disk <Capacity required for program installation>
Server client version :10 MByte or greater
Client version :4 MByte or greater
<Data storage capacity>
12 lead ECG Data Uncompressed: Approx. 3200data/GB(Compressed: Approx. 20000 data/GB)
Long term ECG data Uncompressed: Approx. 3100data/GB(Compressed: Approx. 10000data/GB)
*The number of compressed data is based on the ECG data with least noise.
Display Size :1024 x 768 (pixel)or greater
Color : High color (16bit or greater)
(1280 x 1024 pixel and Full color (32 bit color or greater) recommended)
Data transmission LAN 100 BASE/T (Cardico 1211)
RS-232C Cardico 302/1210
USB Cardico 601
IC Card device PCMCIA Type II (Use the compact flash adaptor), CF Card Type I

Data compression
・This function is to register a compressed ECG data in the PC when transmitting the ECG
data to CVS-02. (Initial setting of ECG data is uncompressed.)
When requiring data compression, proceed to [c:\SUZUKEN\CVS-02\ini] and open
“CVSServer.INI file” in this folder. Then, change the [COMPRESS_OPTION=0] to
[COMPRESS_OPTION=1] and rewrite the file.
・We do not guarantee that CVS-02 can be operated under Sever OS environment.

- 1 -
2. Program composition and Installer
CVS-02 is composed of several programs and data.
(1) Server client version
LAN data reception program (CVS_NET)
RS-232C or USB data reception program(CVS_COM)
Filing card data reading program
Others: DLL、EXE

(2) Shared Data folder

Basic database ECG
Diagnosis guide
Data storing folder

(3) Client version

All diagnosis list display program(CVS_List)
Basic information input and maintenance program(CVS_Maintenance)
ECG display program
Others : DLL 、EXE

The above mentioned programs (1),(2) and (3) can be installed on a PC.
・Server client program installer
(1) and (2) are installed for retrieving data from the ECG device and (3) is installed to refer and edit
the ECG data. (2) can be installed on another PC.
・Client program installer
(3) is installed to refer and edit the ECG data.
<Server client version>

(1)Server program
(2)Share data base folder

<Client version>

(3)Client program

Drawing 2.1 Relation between server client version and client version

All diagnosis list display programs(CVS_List)are the same program installed by server client and
client versions, but user registration, data-only saving, application saving, data registration and PDF
data registration can be operated in the client version with restrictions.

On further pages, PC in which CVS-02 is installed is referred to as shown below.

Server PC: “PC installed with (1), (2) and (3) with server client version”, OR “PC installed with
(1) and (3) with server client version”.
Client PC: PC installed with (3) with client version.

3. Installation method of each system composition
This shows the example of standard system composition and installation procedures.

3-1 One unit composition

Standard example composed of 1 PC and 1 electrocardiograph.
ShareData TCP/IP OR
folder RS-232C / USB

Server PC Electrocardiograph

HUB is required between Electrocardiograph and PC when connecting LAN communication.

《Installation procedure 》 *( )is the clause number in this manual.

(1) Decide the PC used as the Server PC, and decide the PC to which you will distribute the Shared
Data folder.
(2) Install the sever client version to the PC used as the Server PC. (4-1)
(3) Completion of installation.

Proceed to installation from row 4.1 of this manual. 4.2 and 4.3 are not required. Distribution of the
Shared Data folder is indicated during installation.

3-2 Multiple units composition

Standard example composed of 5 PCs and 1 electrocardiograph.
Server PC
Sharedata folder RS-232C / USB


Client PC1 Client PC2 Client PC3

<Installation procedure > * ( ) is the clause number in this manual.

(1) Decide the Server PC, and decide the PC to which you will distribute the Shared Data folder.
(2) Decide the Client PC, connected in advance if possible.
(3) Install the sever client version to the PC to be used as the Server PC. (4-1)
(4) Open Shared Data folder. (4-2)
(5) Install client version to PC used as Client PC.(4-3)
(6) Completion of installation.

Proceed to installation in row 4-1 of this manual.

4. Program installation
4-1 Installation of server client version

Server program, Shared Data folder and client program are installed to Server PC during installation of
server client version.

(1) Caution
Refer to the following text when installing.

・Authorized administrator must log in and proceed to installation.

・In the case of choosing multiple PC connections, shared service of the Microsoft network needs to be
installed in the OS of the Server PC. Confirm by opening properties of My Network Places (or
Network Computer).

Drawing 4.1 Network property

In case of no display of service, select [Install….. ]and add a service.

For additional service, the installation CD of your OS may be required.

(2) Preparation before installation
Installation is much easier by deciding the following before installation.

[Installing location of program]

10Mb or more is required to install the server client program.

[Location of Shared Data folder]

The transmitted diagnosis information file from electrocardiographs OR retrieved files in the PDF
management function are stored in the Shared Data folder. Please select a location with a large capacity.
The recommended location is another partition (drive) in which the OS is not located. If the PC has only
one partition, such as C:Drive, please install after ensuring that there is enough capacity. The Shared
Data folder can be used on another PC. Drawing 4.1 shows the estimated value for the amount of data
storage per 1GB.

Drawing 4.1 The amount of data storage per 1GB in Shared Data folder (estimate value)
Inspection type Uncompressed (data/GB) Compression (data/GB)
12 lead ECG data 3200 20000
Long term ECG
3100 10000
*The number of compressed data is base on the ECG data with least

When using multiple client PC units, each PC must be able to access the Shared Data folder. Access
authority is required for both reading and writing. Please decide the location in which to install the
Shared Data folder according to the network environment used.

[Location of backup folder]

A data backup function is included in CVS-02. If backup is selected, twice as much disk capacity will be
required compared to no backup. Backup for data is highly recommended in case of hard disk failure.
ECG data and patient data are stored in the Shared Data folder as a function of CVS-02 backup.

・ The location of the backup folder must be specified in the hard disk other than the one in
which the ShareDatabase folder is located. If the backup folder is distributed to another
partition (drive) on the same hard disk, backup data cannot be recovered in the case of
hard disk malfunction.

[Preparation for Network connection]

In order to make a Network connection between ECG device and PC, an IP address is required for the
ECG device and PC used. Please decide the IP address according to the Network environment.

[CVS-01 data convert to CVS-02]

If the user installs the CVS-02 client server version to a PC in which a CVS-01 server client version is
already installed, NEVER uninstall CVS-01 and then reinstall the CVS-02. After completion of
installing CVS-02, data conversion software starts operating and CVS-01 can be converted.
Refer to 4-1 Installation of server client version [Method of CVS-01 data convert].

(3) Installation Method
Program installation proceeds with dialogue. Refer to the following procedures for installation.
<Procedure> Installation

<Procedure 1> <Procedure 2>

For Vista (Proceed to Procedure 3 in XP/2000)
Place the installation CD into CD drive. When the below-mentioned User
The following window will appear. Please Account Control window appears, select
select the [Run CVSInstaller.exe]. and press Allow button.
If nothing shows up on the display, please
double-click the [CVSInstaller.exe] on the
installation CD.

<Procedure 3> <Procedure 4>

Click the installation of Sever client Installation display will appear. Click
version. Next.

<Procedure 5> <Procedure 6>
After Language Set-up, the License The window for specifying program Destination
Agreement appears on the screen. Location appears after selecting Yes in License
If you agree, select Yes. If you do not agree, Agreement. Confirm the location where the
select No and installation will be program is installed and select Next if you agree.
cancelled. → Proceed to <Procedure 9>
To change the location folder,
select Reference to change it.
→ Proceed to <Procedure 7>

<Procedure 7> <Procedure 8>

Select the location of folder according to your Confirm that a correct location path is
requirements and click OK. displayed in Destination Folder and select
When specifying a new folder that doesn’t Next if it is correct.
exist in Path, the new folder is made when
installing the program.

In Windows Vista, NEVER select the Program Files folder as the installation location.

<Procedure 9> <Procedure 10>
The window for specifying program location of Select the location of folder according to your
ShareDatabase folder appears. requirement and click OK.
Confirm the location where ShareDatabase folder
When specifying a new folder that doesn’t
is installed and select Next if you agree.
exist in Path, the new folder is made when
→ Proceed to <Procedure 12>
When changing the location folder,
installing the program.
select Reference to change it.
→ Proceed to <Procedure 10>

・ The location of the ShareData folder is not necessarily in the Server PC. Location in
another PC is possible if the Sever PC does not have enough disk capacity.
・ In Windows Vista, NEVER select the Program Files folder as the installation location of

<Procedure 11>
Confirm that correct location path selected in <Procedure 10>is displayed in the Destination Folder
and select Next if it is correct.

・ Try to confirm with the authority if you cannot create a specified folder. Normally, the
user with administrator authority has full access to all folders on a PC, however, in case
of creating a folder on a network, writing authority may not be provided. Please take

<Procedure 12> <Procedure 13>
The screen for specifying a registered name Installation starts.
in the Start Menu appears. Select Next after
confirmation without any problems.

<Procedure 14>
This display appears after correct installation.
In case of converting CVS-01 data to CVS-02
Check the mark in the [CVS-01→CVS-02-] box and select
Finish. Refer to the next page to proceed [Method of CVS-01
data conversion.
In case of NOT converting CVS-01 data to CVS-02
Select Finish.

This is the completion of installation. Four new icons will appear on the Desktop.
In the Start Menu, a CVS02 folder is made and four programs are registered in the CVS

[Method of CVS-01 data conversion]
If you have already finished installing CVS-02, double click the [CVS_Convert.exe] in
“C:\SUZUKEN\CVS-02\App”(The location of default setting).

<Procedure 1> <Procedure 2>

The following window appears if CVS-01 Specify the ShareDatabase folder in CVS-01
is already uninstalled. Select OK. by selecting the Reference button of CVS-01.

<Procedure 3> <Procedure 4>

Select Data Conversion to CVS-02. The following window appears upon
Check the mark in the [Data compression] completion of data conversion. Select
box if required. Complete. Confirm [CVS-List] if data
conversion is successful.

・ Inspection number change of converted data
“C” is mentioned on the first inspection number of converted data from CVS-01 in order to
compare CVS-02 data. Be cautious of this change if you use an inspection number for
ECG management.

- 10 -
4-2 Settings after installation
(1) Share setting
When setting for multiple PC composition, the share setting is needed in order to access the specified
shared folder of the server client program before installing the client program into each PC. In addition,
access authority needs to be set so that the authorized user can read and write (Full control).

1. Select “Computer” in “Start” on the bottom-left side of the screen.

2. Open CVS-02 folder.(Default setting C:\SUZUKEN\CVS-02)
3. Right-click the ShareData folder and open [Share(H)…].

4. Select “Everyone”.

・ If there is no ShareData folder in the PC in which CVS is used, receive permission for
Sharing (Everyone full access) from the administrator.If this setting does not exist, add a
user who can have full access and set it.

- 11 -
5. Select and press “Add”.

6. Select “Co-Owner” in the “Everyone” access approval level.

7. Select and press Share(H).

- 12 -
8. When the User Account Control window appears, press Continue button.

9. Confirm that Share settings are finished and select completion.

・ In share settings, you can right-click ShareData and select “Everyone” in properties.
Refer to the next page for more details.

- 13 -
z The method for data sharing from Properties in ShareData
1. Select Properties by right-clicking the Shared Data folder.

2. Select Share Tab and press it.

3. When the user account control window appears, select continue.

- 14 -
4. Select Share this folder and press permission of access.

5. Select “Everyone” and check the mark into the full control box.
Then press the Apply button.
If you cannot find “Everyone” in the Group or User name column, press Add in order
to Add Everyone. Refer to the next page for how to add Everyone.

・ If you can’t refer to ShareDate even after reaching this setting, refer to “Security
Settings” on page 16.

- 15 -
[Method for adding Everyone]
Click Add and input “e” in the object column in the selection of the user or group window.
Then click Confirmation.

Click OK after “Everyone” has been input.

[Security settings]
Select the Security tab in the Properties display of Shared Data. Then press Edit.
Click Continue in the User Account Control window. Select Everyone and check the full control
mark. Then, press Apply.
Press Edit if there is no “Everyone” in Group or User name. Refer to the above-mentioned method as
for how to add Everyone.

- 16 -
《For Windows XP/2000 users》

When setting for multiple PC composition, the share setting is needed in order to access
the specified shared folder of the server client program before installing the client
program into each PC. In addition, access authority needs to be set so that the
authoritative user can read and write (Full control). For example, the approval box for
full control must be checked in the setting of “Everyone” Permission as in diagram 4-2.

*If you cannot find Everyone in the Group or User name column, press add in order to
add Everyone. Refer to the next page for how to add Everyone.
*If you cannot find Everyone in the Group or User name column, press add in order to
add Everyone. Refer to the next page for how to add Everyone.

Open Properties by right clicking the ShareData folder.

According to the settings, the following window will appear.

Check the mark in the “Share this…” and “Allow network…” boxes and press the
Apply button.

Diagram 4-2 Share setting

- 17 -
[Method for adding Everyone]
Press Add and input “e” in the object column in the selection of user or group window.
Then press Confirmation.

Press OK after “Everyone” has been input.

[Security settings]
Select the Security tab in the Properties display of ShareData. Then press Edit.
Select Everyone and check the “full control” mark. Then, press Apply.
Press Add if there is no “Everyone” in Group or User name. Refer to the above-mentioned
method for how to add “Everyone”.

- 18 -
(2) Other settings
Regarding ECG device settings, please refer to the operation manual of the applicable device. There
are no more required settings for installation before starting operation, but there are several
settings to be selected. Before operation, refer to the CVS-02 operation manual in order to confirm
the functions.
Regarding ECG device settings, refer to the operation manual of the applicable device.

- 19 -
4-3 Installation of client version

(1) Caution

Take caution regarding the following items during installation.

・Install the client version after completing installation of the sever client version.
・Before installation, confirm the availability of access of the specified share folder after installation of
the server program.
・The user authorized for management must install the client version.
・If selecting multiple PC connections, a Microsoft network share service needs to be installed in the
OS of the server PC. Open My Network Places (or Network Computer) and open View network
connections in Network Tasks. Then confirm Local Area Connection properties.
The following window will appear on Windows XP, but other OSs also require a similar procedure.

Diagram 4.3 Network property

You must add a service by selecting [Install… ]when no service is displayed. For addition
of service, you may need the installation from CD for your OS.

- 20 -
(2) Preparation before installation
Installation is much easier if you decide the following beforehand.

[Installation location of the program ]

2 to 4Mb is required for installation of the client program.
Select the installation location depending on your PC environment.

(3) Installation method

Program installation proceeds with dialogue. Install according to the following
procedures. Install the client version after completing installation of the server client

<Procedure> Installation

<Procedure 1> <Procedure 2>

For Vista (Proceed to Procedure 3 in XP/2000)
Place the installation CD in the CD drive. When the following User Account
The following window will appear. Please select Control window appears, select and
[Execution of CVSInstaller.exe]. press the Approve button.
If nothing shows up on the display,
double-click [CVSInstaller.exe] on the
installation CD.

<Procedure 3> <Procedure 4>

Click on installation of client version. Installation display appears.
Click Next.

- 21 -
<Procedure 5> <Procedure 6>
After language Set-up, the License The window for specifying the program's
Agreement appears on the screen. Destination Location appears upon selecting Yes
in the License Agreement. Confirm the location
If you agree, select Yes. If you do not agree,
where the program is to be installed and select
select No and installation will be Next if you agree.
cancelled. → Proceed to <Procedure 9>
When changing the location folder,
select Reference to change it.
→ Proceed to <Procedure 7>

<Procedure 7>
Select the location of the folder according to your requirements and click OK.
When specifying a new folder that does not exist in the Path, this folder will be
created when installing the program.

- 22 -
<Procedure 8> <Procedure 9>
Confirm that correct the location path is The window for specifying the program location of
displayed in folder and select Next if it is the ShareDatabase folder will appear.
correct. Confirm the location where the ShareDatabase
folder is installed and select Next if you agree.
→ Proceed to <Procedure 12>
When changing the location folder,
select Reference to change it.
→ Proceed to <Procedure 10>

<Procedure 10> For Vista

Select the location of the folder according to your requirements and click OK.
When specifying a new folder that does not exist in the Path, this folder will be created
when installing the program.
Double click “Network” as shown below.
*Installation may take some time.

- 23 -
<Procedure 11>
Select the ShareData folder from the PC which has been
specified to have ShareData in the network and
confirm the conditions mentioned in Path:
if the ShareData location is correct.

・ When referring a network, the share folder Path needs to start with \\ as in
\\servername\foldername\….”. In case of different display styles, open the object
ShareDatabase folder from Explorer and set the displayed Path name in <Procedure 11

<Procedure 12> <Procedure 13>

Confirm that the correct location path The screen for specifying the registered name
selected in 《Procedure 11》is displayed in the Start Menu appears. Select Next after
in folder and select Next if it is correct. confirmation.

- 24 -
<Procedure 14> <Procedure 15>
Installation starts. This display appears after correct installation.
Press Finish.

This is the end of installation. Two new icons will appear on the Desktop.
In the Start Menu, a CVS02 folder will be created and two programs will be registered
in the CVS folder.

- 25 -
5. EMR compatibility settings
CVS-02 can be used with Generic integration settings. Set the Generic integration setting as shown
below. Please note that interface modification for interequired by a local EMR company.

(1) Double click the [CVS_Manager] icon.

(2) Select the [Generic integration setting] tab and change the conditions according to your needs.

・ NO“Save in the system folder” available
In Windows Vista, the following window appears when NO “Save in the system folder” is available.
In this case, copy “CVS01PublicLIB.dll” located in “C:\suzuken\CVS-02\App” folder and paste it
into C:\Windows\System32 folder. When the approval window appears, press Continue to

- 26 -
6. Uninstalling the program
In case of uninstalling with the server PC, backup of the ShareData folder is required.
Important ECG data is stored in the ShareData folder. If you have a ShareData backup folder, it is
easy to confirm previous data.

[Backup method]
Manual backup…Copy the “CVSFiles” folder and “Database” folder to another folder from the
ShareData folder using Windows Explorer.
Backup function…For details, refer to the 「Kenz ECG Data Viewer CVS-02」 operation manual for
backup functions.
To uninstall the program, select CVS-02 under “Add or Remove Programs” in the Control Panel. To
uninstall the program completely, it must be removed manually.
The following procedure is an example for Windows Vista. Another OS may be required to use the
same procedure to uninstall the program.

<For Windows Vista>

<Procedure 1 >Preparation
<Procedure 1-1 >
Click [start]-[Control Panel] and select
[Uninstall a program].

《Procedure 2 》Uninstalling procedure 1

《Procedure 2-1 》 《Procedure 2-2 》
Double click “CVS02_SERVER_CLIENT. When the following User Account Control
window appears, select and press the
Continue button.

- 27 -
<Procedure 2-3 > <Procedure 2-4 >
Select OK. The uninstallation progress bar appears.

<Procedure 2-5 > <Procedure 2-6 >

The following window will appear. Completion appears on the display.
Select OK. Select Finish.

- 28 -
<For Windows XP/2000>
<Procedure 1 >Preparation
<Procedure 1-1 >
Double click [Add or Remove Programs ]from
the control panel.

<Procedure 2 >Un-installation procedure 1

<Procedure 2-1 > <Procedure 2-2 >
CVS02 is selected and the [change/Remove] “Preparing to uninstall...” will appear.
are selected.

<Procedure 2-3 > <Procedure 2-4 >

Select OK. The uninstallation progress bar

- 29 -
<Procedure 2-5 > <Procedure 2-6 >
The following window will appear. Completion will appear on the display.
Select OK. Select Finish .

<Procedure 3 >Uninstalling procedure 2

After uninstalling the program by using 「Add or Remove Programs 」, delete the folder where the
application is installed using Windows Explorer. For the server PC, delete the Shared Data folder
manually using Windows Explorer.
(Default shared database folder:C: \ProgramFiles\SUZUKEN\CVS-02\ShareData)
A ”If you delete, this application may not work” message may appear, but select ”Yes ”to delete.

・ Important ECG data is stored in the Shared Data folder. Delete after backup.

This is the end of program uninstallation.

- 30 -
7. Trouble shooting
Reference for possible trouble shooting cases

(1) What will happen to the previous ECG data when changing server PC?

First, backup all of the recorded data. This data is stored in the Shared Data
folder. Backup this data in an external media, such as USB memory, etc.

Install server client version into a new PC working as a sever PC. After installation, overwrite the new
Shared Data folder with the previous Shared Data folder that you have backed up. By doing this, you will
be able to refer to the previous ECG data.

■ Warning for overwriting a new Shared Data folder with the previous Shared Data folder
・If there is any data in the new Shared Data folder, the data will be deleted.
・Shared Data in CVS-01 cannot be overwritten to Shared Data in CVS-02. Refer to (2) how
to convert CVS-01 data.
In the client PC, please start the operation of [CVS_Manager] and reset the Shared Data folder of the
System information –Extension setting to the Shared Data in the new PC.

(2) When staring operation of [CVS-NET], warning messages for Windows security software will appear:
[Communication Error] OR [No Data transmission] will appear on the LCD of ECG machine even if a
PING response exists.

Almost all PCs have two types of firewalls, Windows XP (Service Pack2 and higher) and Security Software
(Norton, etc.). Warning messages sometimes appear and data cannot be transmitted from the ECG
due to [CVS-NET] being blocked by these two types of firewall. Please set your firewall so that [CVS-NET]
will not be blocked.
The following solutions are described.
(1) OS firewall setting
・ Firewall settings of Windows Vista
・ Firewall settings of Windows XP (Service Pack2 and higher)
(2) Firewall settings for Security Software
・ McAfee
・ Norton

- 31 -
(3) OS firewall settings
Firewall settings for Windows Vista
1) Select “Program approval” in “Windows firewall” from the Control Panel.

2) After User Account control display appears, select Continue.

3) Select “Add Programs”.

- 32 -
4) Select CVS_NET and press OK in “Add A Program” window.

・ If a Windows security warning appears after operating CVS_NET, press “Unlock the
block”. Then, press Continue after the User Account control window appears.

- 33 -
(4) Cannot refer to ShareData in the CVS data server when installing the client version.

There are some cases in which users cannot refer to ShareData according to the operation
It may be caused by the LAN condition or the timing. In these cases, please respond by referring to
the specifying reference location directly.
As assumption, PING must be successful. Refer to page 9 for the method regarding LAN
communication and how to make PING. And after installing [CVS_NET] or [CVS_COM], it is
possible that no activation is being made. Start the operation of the [CVS List] in the client PC after

Procedure <For Windows XP > *Same procedures required for Windows Vista
1) Memorize the name of the CVS data server PC.
Go to Control Panel – System and then select the computer tab.
In the following window, the computer name is suzuken-b706mmr.

- 34 -
2) Search the CVS data server PC using the client PC.
Select the Search icon in My Computer and select Computers or people mentioned on the
bottom left side. Then select a computer on the network.

3) Input computer name.

If it is found, the computer name will appear on the right side.
If it is not found, it is possible that it is not connected physically. In this
case, reconnect and restart the power of the LAN cable, connector, hub, etc.
Then confirm connection by PING command, etc.

- 35 -
4) Double click the computer name displayed and double click the ShareData folder.
* If it can not find the ShareData folder, it is possible that the ShareData is not
shared. In this case, refer to 4-2 (1) Share settings on page 11.
Copy the address from the address column on the top left side. Right click and select
Copy. After copying, close this window.

- 36 -
5) Open CVS_Manager on desktop.
(Even if the “No Database found” message appears, click OK.)
Check the “Change the location of the referring Shared Data folder” box and delete the words
in the reference folder. Then paste the copied address into the reference folder and press

6) Finish CVS_Manager and ensure that the ECG data can be confirmed by the CVS_List.

- 37 -
(5) Cannot access Share Data in Windows Vista.

<Summary> Make a network connection between the Server PC and the Client PC in Windows Vista.
In this case, Share Data can’t be accessed between the Server PC and the Client PC due
to the fact that ShareData access can’t be recognized.

<Solution> In network settings, set up ([Password protected sharing]:[Turn off password

protected sharing] from [Sharing and Discovery] in [Network and Sharing Center])

1) Right click [START] button and select [Control Panel]. Select [Network and Sharing Center]
in [Control Panel].

- 38 -
2) Select ”Password protected sharing“ from ”Sharing and Discovery“ in [Network and Sharing Center].

3) Select ”Turn off password protected sharing“ and press [Apply] button.

- 39 -
(6) PC power turns OFF automatically.

■ Set up PC power options《For Windows XP 》

1) Go to Start – Control Panel – Power options.

2) Set the power settings as shown below and select OK.

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