Cost Accounting

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012

1 a) Select the correct answer in each of the followings:(Answer are recorded in bold) (i) One of the most important tools in cost planning is: A)Direct cost B)Cost Sheet C)Budget D)Marginal Costing. (ii)Conversion cost is equal to the total of A)Material Cost and direct wages B)Material Cost and indirect wages C)Direct wages and factory overhead D)Material cost and factory overhead. (iii)Which of the following is not a relevant cost? A)Replacement cost B)Sunk cost C)Marginal cost D)Standard cost. (iv)Which of the following is an accounting record? A)Bill of Material B)Bin Card C)Stores Ledger. D)All of these. (v)Material mix variance is sub-variance of: A)Material cost variance. B) Material price variance. C) Material quantity variance. D) Material yield variance. (vi)The fixed-variable cost classification has a special significance in preparation of : A)Flexible Budget B)Master Budget C)Cash Budget D)Capital Budget (vii)Input in a process is 4000 units and normal loss is 20%. When finished output in the process is only 3240 units, there is an : A)Abnormal loss of 40 units B) Abnormal gain of 40 units C)Neither abnormal loss nor gain. D)Abnormal loss of 60 units. (viii)Direct cost chargeable to Contract does not include: A)Materials B)Labour C)Supervision D)Storage cost (ix)Idle capacity of a plant is the difference between: A)Maximum capacity and practical capacity B)Practical capacity and normal capacity C)Practical capacity and capacity based on sales expectancy D)Maximum capacity and actual capacity.

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
(x)When P/V ratio is 40% and sales value is `10,000, the variable cost will be A)Rs 4000 B)Rs 6000 C)Rs 10000 D)Variable Cost cannot be calculated from data given. b)Fill in the blanks with appropriate word(s): (Answer in bold) i)Out of pocket cost means----------------------------.(cost which gives rise to cash expenditure) ii)------------is that level of materials at which a new order for purchase of materials is to be placed.(Re-order level) iii)Two important opposing factors in fixing the economic order quantity are --------- and ------------(Ordering cost, Carrying cost) iv)Wages under Halsey Plan and Rowan Plan are exactly equal when time saved is Nil or it is ------------% of standard time.(50 ) v)--------------------is the process of recording the time spent by workers on different jobs.(Time booking) vi)The technical term for charging of overheads to cost units is known as ------------(Absorption) vii)In determining equivalent production , degree of completion for normal process loss is taken as ----------(Nil) viii)------------------determines the priorities in functional budgets.(Key factor) ix)Overhead Cost variance=(Std. Hrs for Actual Output*---------------)- (Actual OH Cost).(Std. OH Absorption Rate) x)In profit volume graph, horizontal axis represents ----------------(Sales) c) State the unit of cost and method of costing generally used for accounting purpose in the following cases: i)Toy making ;(ii) Brick-works ; (iii) Oil refining mill ;(iv)Ship building; (v) Hospital Ans: Industry (i) Toy making (ii) Brick works (iii)Oil refining (iv) Ship building (v) Hospital Method of Costing Batch Single or output Process Contract Operating Unit of Cost Per batch 1000 bricks Per tonne Per Ship Per Bed per day or Per patient per day 2a) The books of AB Ltd. present the following data for the month of December, 2011. Direct labour cost ` 17,500 being 175% of works overheads. Cost of goods sold excluding administrative expenses ` 56,000. Inventory accounts showed the following opening and closing balance: Dec 1 ` Raw materials Works in progress Finished goods Other data are : Selling expenses General and administration expenses Sales for the month You are required to: 8,000 10,500 17,600 Dec 31 ` 10,600 14,500 19,000 ` 3,500 2,500 75,000

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
(i) (ii) Compute the value of materials purchased Prepare a cost statement showing the various elements of cost and also the profit earned.

b)Distinguish between: i)Conversion Cost and Value Added ii)Production Account and Cost Sheet. Ans: (a)(i) Computation of the value of materials purchased

Cost of goods sold Add: Closing stock of finished goods Less: Opening stock of finished goods Cost of goods manufactured Add: Closing stock of works-in-progress Less: Opening stock of work-in-progress Works Cost Less: Factory Overhead: Prime Cost Less: Direct Labour Raw materials consumed Add: Closing stock of raw materials Raw materials available Less: Opening stock of raw materials Value of materials purchased (i) 56,000 19,000 75,000 17,600 57,400 14,500 71,900 10,500 61,400 10,000

100 of Direct Labour Cost 175

51,400 17,500 33,900 10,600 44,500 8,000 36,500

Cost Statement Showing the various elements of Cost and Profit Earned

Raw material consumed (Refer to Statement (I) above) Direct labour cost Prime Cost Add: Factory Overheads Works Cost Add: Opening Work-in-progress Less: Closing Work-in-progress Cost of goods manufactured Add: Opening stock-of finished goods 17,500 51,400 10,000 61,400 10,500 71,900 14,500 57,400 17,600 33,900

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
75,000 Less: Closing stock of finished goods Cost of Goods Sold Add: General and administration expenses Add: Selling expenses Cost of Sales Profit (Balance figure ` 75,000 ` 62,000) Sales 19,000 56,000 2,500 3,500 62,000 13,000 75,000

bi) Conversion cost is the production cost excluding the cost of direct material (but including the cost resulting from variations in direct material, weight or volume) of producing partly or fully finished products. In other words, conversion cost of finished product or work in-progress is comprised of direct labour and the manufacturing overhead. Added value means the charge in market value resulting from an alteration in the form, location or availability of a product or service, excluding the cost of bought out materials or services. Unlike conversion cost, it includes profit. ii) The following are the points of difference between a Production Account and a Cost Sheet. I)Production Account is based on double entry system whereas cost sheet is not based on double entry system. II)Production Account consists of two parts. The first part shows cost of the components and total production cost. The second part shows the cost of sales and profit for the period. Cost sheet presents the elements of costs in a classified manner and the cost is ascertained at different stages such as prime cost; works cost of production; cost of goods sold; cost of sales and total cost. III)Production account shows the cost in aggregate and thus facilitates comparison with other fi nancial accounts. Cost sheet shows the cost in detail and analytical manner which facilitates comparison of cost for the purpose of cost control. IV)Production accounts is not useful for preparing tenders or quotations. Estimated cost sheets can be prepared on the basis of actual costs sheets and these are useful for preparing tenders or quotations. 3a) M/s XY Ltd. are the manufacturers of picture tubes for T.V. The following are the details of their operation during 2011: Average monthly market demand 2,000 Tubes Ordering cost ` 100 per order Inventory carrying cost 20% per annum Cost of tubes ` 500 per tube Normal usage 100 tubes per week Minimum usage 50 tubes per week Maximum usage 200 tubes per week Lead time to supply 6-8 weeks Compute from the above: (1) Economic Order Quantity. If the supplier is willing to supply quarterly 1,500 units at a discount of 5%, is it worth accepting? (2) Maximum level of stock (3) Minimum level of stock (4) Reorder level b) Discuss the accounting treatment of spoilage and defectives in Cost Accounting. Ans: a) S=Annual usage of tubes = Normal usage per week 52 weeks =100 tubes 52 weeks = 5,200 tubes
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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Co=Ordering cost per order = ` 100/- per order C1=Cost per tube = ` 500/iC1=Inventory carrying cost per unit per annum =20% ` 500 = ` 100/- per unit, per annum Economic order quantity:

E.O.Q =

2SCO = iC 1

2 5,200 units Rs.100 = 102 tubes (approx.) Rs.100

The supplier is willing to supply 1500 units at a discount of 5%, is it worth accepting Total cost (when order size is 1500 units) = Cost of 5,200 units + Ordering cost + Carrying cost. =5,200 units ` 475 +

5,200units 1 `100+ 1,500 units 20% ` 475 1,500 units 2

=` 24,70,000 + ` 346.67 + ` 71,250 =` 25,41,596.67 Total cost (when order size is 102 units) =5,200 units ` 500 +

5,200units 1 ` 100 + 102 units 20% ` 500 102 units 2

=` 26,00,000 + ` 5,098.03 + ` 5,100 =` 26, 10,198.03 Since, the total cost under quarterly supply of 1,500 unit with 5% discount is lower than that when order size is 102 units, therefore the offer should be accepted. While accepting this offer consideration of capital blocked on order size of 1,500 units per quarter has been ignored. (2)Minimum level of stock =Re-order level + Reorder quantity Min. usage Min. reorder period =1,600 units + 102 units 50 units 6 weeks =1,402 units. (3)Minimum level of stock =Re-order level Normal usage Average reorder period =1,600 units 100 units 7 weeks = 900 units. (4)Reorder level =Maximum consumption Maximum re-order period =200 units 8 weeks =1,600 units b) Normal spoilage cost (which is inherent in the operation) are included in cost either by charging the loss due to spoilage to the production order or charging it to production overhead so that it is spread over all products. Any value realized from the sale of spoilage is credited to production order or production overhead account, as the case may be. The cost of abnormal spoilage (i.e. spoilage arising out of causes not inherent in manufacturing process) is charged to the Costing Profit and Loss Account. When spoiled work is due to rigid specifications, the cost of spoiled work is absorbed by good production, while the cost of disposal is charged to production overheads. The problem of accounting for defective work is the problem of accounting of the costs of rectification or rework. The possible ways of treatment are as below: (i) Defectives that are considered inherent in the process and are identified as normal can be recovered by using the following methods: Charged to good products Charged to general overheads Charged to department overheads Charged to identifiable job. (ii) If defectives are abnormal and are due to causes beyond the control of organisation, the rework, cost should be charged to Costing Profit and Loss Account.

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
4a) Raw materials X costing ` 150 per kg. and Y costing ` 90 per kg. are mixed in equal proportions for making product W. The loss of material in processing works out to 25% of the product. The production expenses are allocated at 40% of direct material cost. The end product is priced with a margin of 20% over the total cost. Material Y is not easily available and substitute raw material Z has been found for Y costing ` 75 per kg. It is required to keep the proportion of this substitute materi al in the mixture as low as possible and at the same time maintain the selling price of the end product at existing level and ensure the same quantum of profit as at present. You are required to compute the ratio of the mix of the raw materials X and Z . b) The following are the details of receipts and issues of a material of stores in a manufacturing company for the period of three months ending 30th June, 2011: Receipts: Date Quantity (kgs) Rate per kg. (`) April 10 1,600 5 April 20 2,400 4.90 May 5 1,000 5.10 May 17 1,100 5.20 May 25 800 5.25 June 11 900 5.40 June 24 1,400 5.50 There was 1,500 kgs. in stock at April 1, 2011 which was valued at ` 4.80 per kg. Issues: Date Quantity (kgs) April 4 1,100 April 24 1,600 May 10 1,500 May 26 1,700 June 15 1,500 June 21 1,200 Issues are to be priced on the basis of weighted average method. The stock verifier of the company reported a shortage of 80 kgs. on 31st May, 2011 and 60 kgs. on 30th June, 2011. The shortage is treated as inflating the price of remaining material on account of shortage. You are required to prepare a Stores Ledger Account. Ans: a) (i) Computation of material mix ratio: Let 1 kg. of product A requires 1.25 kg. of input of materials X and Y Raw materials are mixed in equal proportions.

1.25 .625kg. 2 1.25 .625kg. Then raw material Y = 2

Then raw material X = (ii) Computation of selling price / kg. of product W

Raw material X .625 kg. 150 = ` 93.75 150.00 Raw material Y .625 kg. 90 = ` 56.25 Production expenses (40% of material cost) 60.00 Total cost 210.00 Add: profit 20% of total cost 42.00 Selling price 252.00 Computation of proportions of materials X and Z in W Let material Z required in product W be m kg. Then for producing 1 kg of product W, material X requirement = (1.25 m) kg.

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
To maintain same level of profit and selling price as per Working note (ii), it is required that the total cost of material in 1 kg. of product W should not exceed ` 150, i.e., m kg. ` 75 + (1.25 m) kg. 150 = ` 150 or 75 m + 187.5 150 m = 150 or 75 m = 37.5 or m = 0.5 kg. Raw material X requirement in product W = 1.25 .5 = .75 kg. So, proportion of material X and Z = .75 : .50 = 3 : 2.



Receipts GRN No. MRR No.

Qty. (Kgs.)

Rate (`)

Stores Ledger Account th for the three months ended 30 June, 2011 (Weighted Average Method) Issues Amt RequisitQty. Rate Amt (Rs) ion. No. (Kgs.) (`) (`)

Balance Qty. (Kgs.)

Amt (`)

Rate for further Issue (`) 4.80 4.80

2011 April 1 April 4 April 10 April 20 April 24 May 5 May 10 May 17 May 25 May 26 May 31 June 11 June 15 June 21 June 24 June 30

1,100 1,600 2,400 5.00 4.90 8,000 11,760 1,600 1,000 5.10 5,100 1,500 1,100 800 5.20 5.25 5,720 4,200 1,700 Shortage 900 5.40 4,860 1,500 1,200 1,400 5.50 7,700 Shortage 60 80



1,500 400 2,000 4,400

7,200 1,920 9,920 21,680 13,792 18,892 11,437 17,157 21,357 12,704 12,704 17,564 9,629 3,281 10,981 10,981



2,800 3,800



2,300 3,400 4,200



2,500 2,420 3,320

5.29 5.29

7,935 6,348

1,820 620 2,020 1,960

9,920 4.96 2,000 21,680 4.93 4,400 13,792 4.93 2,800 18,892 4.97 3,800 11,437 4.97 2,300 17,157 5.05 3,400 21,357 5.09 4,200 12,704 5.09 2,500 12,704 5.25 2,420 17,564 5.29 3,320 9,629 5.29 1,820 3,281 5.29 620 10,981 5.40 2,020 10,981 5.60 1,960

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
5a) Bonus paid under the Halsey Plan with Bonus at 50% for the time saved equals the bonus paid under the Rowan System. When will this statement hold good ? Justify your answer. b) XYZ Ltd. is working by employing 50 skilled workers it is considered the introduction of incentive scheme-either Halsey scheme (with 50% bonus) or Rowan scheme of wage payment for increasing the labour productivity to cope up the increasing demand for the product by 40%. It is believed that proposed incentive scheme could bring about an average 20% increase over the present earnings of the workers; it could act as sufficient incentive for them to produce more. Because of assurance, the increase in productivity has been observed as revealed by the figures for the month of September, 2011. Hourly rate of wages (guaranteed) ` 30 Average time for producing one unit by one worker at the previous 1.975 hours Performance (This may be taken as time allowed) Number of working days in the month 24 Number of working hours per day of each worker 8 Actual production during the month 6,120 units Required: (i) Calculate the effective rate of earnings under the Halsey scheme and the Rowan scheme. (ii) Calculate the savings to the XYZ Limited in terms of direct labour cost per piece. (iii)Which incentive scheme will be better?

Ans: a) Bonus under Halsey Plan = Standard wage rate

50 Time saved 100

Time saved

.. (i)

Bonus under Rowan Plan = Standard wage rate

Time allowed

Time taken . (ii)

Bonus under Halsey Plan will be equal to the Bonus under Rowan Plan when the following condition holds good

50 Timesaved 100 Timesaved S tan dardwage rate xTime taken Timeallowed 1 Tim etaken or 2 Tim eallowed
Standard wage rate x or Time taken =

1 of Time allowed 2

Hence, when the time taken is 50% of the time allowed the bonus under Halsey and Rowan Plans is equal. b)1. Computation of time saved (in hours) per month: = (Standard production time of 6,120 units Actual time taken by the workers) = (6,120 units 1.975 hours 24 days 8 hrs per day 50 skilled workers) = (12,087 hours 9,600 hours) = 2,487 hours 2. Computation of bonus for time saved hours under Halsey and Rowan schemes: Time saved hours = 2,487 hours (Refer to working note 1) Wage rate per hour = ` 30 Bonus under Halsey Scheme = 2,487 hours ` 30 (With 50% bonus) =` 37,305

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Time saved Time taken Rate per hour Time allowed

Bonus under Rowan Scheme

= =

2,487 hours 9,600 hours `30 12,087



= ` 59,258.38 P. Computation of effective rate of earnings under the Halsey and Rowan schemes: Total earnings (under Halsey scheme) = Time wages + Bonus (Refer to working note 2) = 24 days 8 hours + 50 skilled workers ` 30+ ` 37,305 = ` 2,88,000 + ` 37,305 = ` 3,25,305 Total earnings (under Rowan scheme) = Time wages + Bonus (Refer to working note 2) = ` 2,88,000 + ` 59,258.38 = ` 3,47,258.38 Effective rate of earnings per hour (under Halsey Plan = ` 33.89 (` 3,25,305/9,600 hrs) Effective rate of earnings per hour (under Rowan Plan = ` 36.17 (` 3,47,258.38/9,600 hrs) Savings to the XYZ Ltd., in terms of direct labour cost per piece:

Direct labour cost (per unit) under time wages system 59.25 (1,975 time per unit ` 30) Direct labour cost (per unit) under Halsey Plan 53.15 (` 3,25,305 / 6,120 units) Direct labour cost (per unit) under Rowan Plan 56.74 (` 3,47,258.38/6,120 units) Saving of direct labour cost under: * Halsey Plan ` 6.10 (` 59.25 53.15) * Rowan Plan ` 2.51 (` 59.25-56.74) (iii) Advise to XYZ Ltd: (about the selection of the scheme) Halsey scheme brings more savings to the management of XYZ Ltd., over the present earnings of ` 2,88,000 but the other scheme viz Rowan fulfils the promise of 20% increase over the present earnings of ` 2,88,000 by paying 20.58% in the form of bonus. Hence Rowan Plan may be adopted. 7a) MB Ltd. have three production department A1, A2 and A3 and two Service Departments Z1 and Z2 the details pertaining to which are as under:A1 A2 A3 Z1 Z2 Direct Wages (`) 3,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 195 Working Hours 3,070 4,475 2,419 Value of Machines (`) 60,000 80,000 1,00,000 5,000 5,000 HP of Machines 60 30 50 10 Light Points 10 15 20 10 5 Floor space (Sq.Ft.) 2,000 2,500 3,000 2,000 500 The following figures extracted from the Accounting records are relevant: ` Rent and Rates 5,.000 General Lighting 600 Indirect Wages 1,939 Power 1,500 Depreciation on Machines 10,000 Sundries 9,695 The expenses of the service departments are allocated as under:-

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
A1 A2 A3 Z1 Z2 20% 30% 40% 10% 40% 20% 30% 10% Find out the total cost of product Q which is processed for manufacture in Departments A1, A2 and A3 for 4,5 and 3 hours respectively, given that its Direct Material cost in ` 50 Direct Labour cost `30. Z1 Z2 b) What do you understand by the term pre-determined rate of recovery of overheads? What are the bases that are usually advocated for such pre-determination? Ans: a) Statement Showing Distribution of Overheads of MB Ltd. Particulars Production Depts. Service Depts. Basis Total A1 A2 A3 Z1 Z2 ` ` ` ` ` ` Rent and Rates Area 5,000 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,000 250 General Light points 600 100 150 200 100 50 Lighting Indirect Wages Direct Wages 1,939 600 400 600 300 39 Power H.P. 1,500 600 300 500 100 Depreciation of Value of 10,000 2,400 3,200 4,000 200 200 machines machines Sundries Direct Wages 9,695 3,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 195 28,734 7,700 7,300 9,800 3,200 734 Redistribution of Service Departments Expenses Over Production Departments Particulars Production Depts. Service Depts. Total A1 A2 A3 Z1 Z2 ` ` ` ` ` ` Total Overheads 28,734 7,700 7,300 9,800 3,200 734 Dept. Z1 Overheads 3,200 640 960 1,280 3,200 320 apportioned in the ratio (20:30:40: : 10) Dept. Z2 Overheads 1,054 421.60 210.80 316.02 105.40 1.054 apportioned in the ratio (40:20:30:10:) Dept. Z1 Overheads 105.40 21.08 31.62 42.16 105.40 10.54 apportioned in the ratio (20:30:40: - : 10) Dept. Z2 Overheads 10.54 4.22 2.11 3.16 1.05 -10.54 apportioned in the ratio (40:20:30:10:) Dept. Z1 Overheads 1.05 0.21 0.32 0.42 -1.05 0.10 apportioned in the ratio (20:30:40:10) Dept. Z2 Overheads 0.10 0.05 0.02 0.03 -0.10 apportioned in the ratio (40:20:30:10:) Total 8,787.16 8,504.87 11,441.79 Working hours 3,070 4,475 2,419 Overhead rate per hour 2.86 1.90 4.73 (See working Note. 1) ` Cost of the product 'Q' Direct Material Cost 50 Direct Labour Cost 30 Overhead Cost 35.13 (See Working Note 2) ______ 115.13

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Working Note: 1. Overhead rate per hour for production department A1 =

Rs. 8,787.16 = ` 2.86 3,070

Similarly overhead rate for production departments A2 and A3 are ` 1.90 and ` 4.73 2. Overhead cost ` 2.86 x 4 + `1.90 x 5 + ` 4.73 x 3 = `11.44 + ` 9.50 + ` 14.19 = `35.13 b) The term pre-determined rate of recovery of overheads refers to a rate of overhead absorption. It is calculated by dividing the budgeted overhead expenses for the accounting period by the budgeted base for the period. This rate of overhead absorption is determined prior to the start of the activity; that is why it is called a pre-determined rate. The use of the pre-determined rate of recovery of overheads enables prompt preparation of cost estimates and quotations and fixation of sales prices. For prompt billing on a provisional basis before completion of work, as for example in the case of cost plus contracts, pre-determined overhead rates are particularly useful. Bases Available: The bases available for computing pre-determined rate of recovery of overheads are given below:1. Rate per unit of output 2. Direct labour cost method 3. Direct labour hours method 4. Machine hour rate method 5. Direct material cost method 6. Prime cost method. The choice of a suitable method for calculating pre-determined rate of recovery of overhead, depends upon several factors. Some important ones are- type of industry, nature of product and processes of manufacture, nature of overhead expenses, organizational set-up, policy of management etc.

8a)ABC Ltd has its own power plant, which has two users, Department X(Cutting) and Department Y(Welding). When the plans were prepared for the power plant, top management decided that its practical capacity should be 1,50,000 machine hours. Annual budgeted practical capacity fixed costs are ` 9,00,000 and budgeted variable costs are ` 4 per machine-hour. The following data are available: Cutting Welding Total Department (X) Department (Y) Actual Usage in 2010-11 60,000 40,000 1,00,000 Machine hours) Practical capacity for each department 90,000 60,000 1,50,000 (machine hours) Required (i) Allocate the power plant's cost to the cutting and the welding department using a single rate method in which the budgeted rate is calculated using practical capacity and costs are allocated based on actual usage. (ii) Allocate the power plant's cost to the cutting and welding departments, using the dual -rate method in which fixed costs are allocated based on practical capacity and variable costs are allocated based on actual usage, (iii) Allocate the power plant's cost to the cutting and welding departments using the dual-rate method in which the fixed-cost rate is calculated using practical capacity, but fixed costs are allocated to the cutting and welding department based on actual usage. Variable costs are allocated based on actual usage. (iv)Give your observation on your result obtained in (i), (ii) and (iii). b) A machine was purchased January 1,2000, for ` 5 lakhs. The total cost of all machinery inclusive of the new machine was ` 75 lakhs. The following further particulars are available: Expected life of the machine 10 years Scrap value at the end of ten years ` 5,000.

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Repairs and maintenance for the machine during the year ` 2,000 Expected number of working hours of the machine per year, 4,000 hours Insurance premium annually for all the machines ` 4,500 ; Electricity consumption for the machine per hour (@ 75 paise per unit) 25 units ; Area occupied by the machine 100 sq.ft. Area occupied by other machine 1,500 sq.ft.; Rent per month of the department ` 800. Lighting charges for 20 points for the whole department, out of which three points are for the machine ` 120 per month. Compute the machine hour rate for the new machine on the basis of the data given above. Ans: a) Working notes: I. Fixed practical capacity cost per machine hour: Practical capacity (machine hours) 1,50,000 Practical capacity fixed costs (`) 9,00,000 Fixed practical capacity cost per machine hour `6 (` 9,00,000 / 1,50,000 hours) II. Budgeted rate per machine hour (using practical capacity): = Fixed practical capacity cost per machine hour + Budgeted variable cost per machine hour = ` 6 + ` 4 = ` 10 (i) Statement showing Power Plant's cost allocation to the Cutting & Welding departments by using single rate method on actual usage of machine hours Cutting Welding Total Department (X) Department ` ` (Y) ` Power plants cost allocation by using 6,00,000 4,00,000 10,00,000 actual usage (machine hours) (50,000 hours (40,000 hours (Refer to working note 2) ` 10) ` 10) (ii) Statement showing Power Plant's cost allocation to the Cutting & Welding departments by using dual rate method. Cutting Welding Total Department (X) Department(Y) ` ` ` Fixed Cost 5,40,000 3,60,000 9,00,000 (Allocated on practical capacity for Rs. 9,00,000 3 Rs. 9,00,000 2 each department i.e.): 5 5 (90,000 hours : 60,000 hours) Variable cost 2,40,000 1,60,000 4,00,000 (Based on actual usage of machine (60,000 hours (40,000 hours hours) ` 4) `4) Total cost 7,80,000 5,20,000 13,00,000 (iii) Statement showing Power Plant's cost allocation to the Cutting & Welding Departments using dual rate method Cutting Welding Total Department(X) Department(Y) ` ` ` Fixed Cost 3,60,000 2,40,000 6,00,000 Allocation of fixed cost on actual usage (60,000 hours (40,000 hours basis (Refer to working note 1) ` 6) ` 6) Variable cost 2,40,000 1,60,000 4,00,000 (Based on actual usage) (60,000 hours (40,000 hours ` 4) ` 4) Total cost 6,00,000 4,00,000 10,00,000 (iv) Observations: Under dual rate method, under (iii) and single rate method under (i), the allocation of fixed cost of practical capacity of plant over each department are based on single rate. The major advantage of this approach is that the user departments are allocated fixed capacity costs only for the capacity used. The unused

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
capacity cost ` 3,00,00 (` 9,00,000 ` 6,00,000) will not be allocated to the user departments. This highlights the cost of unused capacity. Under (ii) fixed cost of capacity are allocated to operating departments on the basis of practical capacity, so all fixed costs are allocated and there is no unused capacity identified with the power plant. b) Computation of Machine Hour Rate ` ` Standing charges (p.a.) (per hour) Depreciation (Note 1) 49,500 Insurance premium (Note 2) 300 Repair and Maintenance 2,000 Rent (Note 3) 600 Light Charges (Note 4) 216 Total Standing Charges 52,616 Hours rate for Standing Charges 13,154 (` 52,616 / 4,000 hours) Machine Expenses: Electricity Consumption: 25 units p.h. 18.75 @ 0.75p p.u. ______ Machine hour rate 31.904 Note:


Cost of new machine: Less: Scrap Value Net Cost of the machines Life of the machine 10 years: Depreciation =

5,00,000 5,000.00 4,95,000

Rs. 4,95,000 = ` 49,500 10 years

75,00,000 4,500


Total cost of all the machines Total Insurance premium paid for all the machines Total annual insurance premium of the new Machine =

Rs. 4,500 Rs. 5,00,000 Rs. 75,00,000

(iii) Rent paid per annum Total Area occupied Rent for the area occupied by New machine (100 sq.ft.)

= ` 300 = ` 9,600 = 1600 Sq.Ft. =

Rs. 9,600 100 sq.ft . 1,600 sq.ft .

= ` 600 (iv) Total annual light charges of 20 Points for the whole department is ` 1,440. Light charges for the machine p.a. =

Rs.1,440 3 po int s = ` 216. 20 po int s

9a) A factory incurred the following expenditure during the year 20 11: ` Direct material consumed 12,00,000 Manufacturing Wages 7,00,000 Manufacturing overhead: Fixed 3,60,000 6,10,000 Variable 2,50,000 25,10,000 In the year 2012, following changes are expected in production and cost of production.
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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Production will increase due to recruitment of 60% more workers in the factory. Overall efficiency will decline by 10% on account of recruitment of new worke rs There will be an increase of 20% in Fixed overhead and 60% in Variable overhead. The cost of direct material will be decreased by 6%. The company desire to earn a profit of 10% on selling price. Ascertain the cost of production and selling price.

b) Distinguish between Job Costing & Batch Costing. Mention the type of industries in which they are used. Ans: a) Budgeted Cost Sheet for the year 2011 Particulars Amount(`) Direct material consumed 12,00,000 Add: 44% due to increased output 5,28,000 17,28,000 Less: 6% for decline in price 1,03,680 16,24,320 Direct wages (manufacturing) 7,00,000 Add: 60% increase 4,20,000 11,20,000 Prime cost 27,44,320 Manufactured Overhead: Fixed 3,60,000 Add: 20% increase 72,000 4,32,000 Variable 2,50,000 Add: 60% increase 1,50,000 4,00,000 8,32,000 Cost of production 35,76,320 Add: 1/9 of Cost or 10% on selling price 3,97,369 Selling price 39,73,689 Production will increase by 60% but efficiency will decline by 10%. 160 10% of 160 = 144%. So increase by 44%. b) Job Costing It is a method of costing which is used when the work is undertaken as per the customers special requirement. When an inquiry is received from the customer, costs expected to be incurred on the job are estimated and on the basis of this estimate, a price is quoted to the customer. Actual cost of materials, labour and overheads are accumulated and on the completion of job, these actual costs are compared with the quoted price and thus the profit or loss on it is determined. Job costing is applicable in printing press, hardware, ship-building, heavy machinery, foundry, general engineering works, machine tools, interior decoration, repairs and other similar work.

Batch Costing It is a variant of job costing. Under batch costing, a lot of similar units which comprises the batch may be used as a unit for ascertaining cost. In the case of batch costing separate cost sheets are maintained for each batch of products by assigning a batch number. Cost per unit in a batch is ascertained by dividing the total cost of a batch by the number of units produced in that batch.

Such a method of costing is used in the case of pharmaceutical or drug industries, readymade garment industries, industries, manufacturing electronic parts of T.V. radio sets etc.

10a) Following data are available for a product for the month of August, 2011. Process I Opening work-in-progress NIL ` Cost Incurred during the month: Direct materials 60,000 Labour 12,000 Factory overheads 24,000

Process II NIL ` 16,000 20,000

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Units of production: Received in Process 40,000 36,000 Completed and transferred 36,000 32,000 Closing work-in-progress 2,000 ? Normal loss in process 2,000 1,500 Production remaining in Process has to be valued as follows: Materials 100% Labour 50% Overheads 50% There has been no abnormal loss in Process II Prepare process accounts after working out the missing figures and with detailed workings. bi) "The value of scrap generated in a process should be credited to the process account." Do you agree? Justify your answer. ii) Write short note on Abnormal gain in Process Costing

Ans: a) Statement of equivalent production units (Process I) TABLE 1 Particulars Units Units Equivalent Production Introduced Out Material % Units Completion Units in 40,000 Units completed 36,000 100 36,000 and transferred to Process-II Normal loss 2,000 Closing work-in2,000 100 2,000 progress Total 40,000 40,000 38,000 Computation of cost per equivalent unit for each cost element TABLE 2 Total Cost Equivalent Units

Labour and Overhead % Units Completion 100 36,000


1,000 37,000

Cost per Equivalent Unit

Direct materials Labour Factory overheads Total Process 1 Account To Units introduced (Direct materials) To Labour Units 40,000

60,000 12,000 24,000

38,000 37,000 37,000

1.5780 0.3243 0.6487 2.5519 Units 2,000 36,000

60,000 12,000 By Normal Loss By Process III transferred (Refer to Working Note-1) By Work in-process (Refer to Working Note 2)

NIL 91,869

To Factory overheads _____ 40,000

24,000 _____ 96,000

2,000 _____ 40,000

4,131 _____ 96,000

Statement of equivalent production units (Process II) TABLE 3 Particulars Units Units Equivalent Production Introduced Out Material

Labour and Overheads

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
% Completion 32,000 100 1,500 2,500 100 Units 32,000 2,500 % Completion 100 50 Units 32,000 1,250 33,250

Units transferred from process-I Normal loss Closing work-in- process


36,000 36,000 34,500 Computation of cost per equivalent unit for each cost element TABLE 4 Total Cost Equivalent Units

Cost per Equivalent Units

Cost of 36,000 units transferred from Process I Labour Factory overheads Total

91,869 16,000 20,000

34,500 33,250 33,250

2.6629 0.4812 0.6015 3.7456

Process-II Account To Units introduced (Transferred from Process-I) To Labour To Factory overheads _____ 36,000 Working Notes: 1. Units 36,000

91,869 By Normal Loss By Finished stock transferred (Refer to Working Note 3) By Work-in-process (Refer to Working Note 4)

Units 1,500 32,000


16,000 20,000 _____ 1,27,860

2,500 _____ 36,000

8,010 _____ 1,27,869

Cost of 36,000 completed units in Process I: = 36,000 Cost per unit (Refer to Table 2) = 36,000 ` 2.5519 = ` 91,869. 2. Cost of 2,000 units under work-in-process in Process-I: =Cost of 2,000 equivalent units of material + Cost of 1,000 equivalent units of labour and overheads (Refer to Tables 1 and 2). =2,000 ` 1.5789 + 1,000 `0.3243 + 1,000 ` 0.6487 = ` 4,131 3. Cost of 32,000 units of finished stock in Process-II: = 32,000 Cost per unit (Refer to Table 3) = 32,000 ` 3.7456 = ` 1,19,589 4. Cost of 2,500 units under work-in-process in Process-II: =Cost of 2,500 equivalent units of material + Cost of 1,250 equivalent units of labour and overhead (Refer to Tables 3 and 4) =2,500 ` 2.6629 + 1,250 ` 0.4812 + 1,250 ` 0.6015 = ` 6657.25 + ` 601.50 + ` 751.88 = ` 8,010.63. bi) This statement is not correct .The value of scrap (as normal loss) received from its sale is credited to the process account. But the value of scrap received from its sale under abnormal conditions should be credited to Abnormal Loss Account. ii) If in a process the actual process loss (which is inherent in a process) is less than the estimated normal loss, the difference is considered as abnormal gain. Abnormal gain is accounted for in the same way as abnormal process loss.

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
The concerned process account is debited with the abnormal gain units and value, and the abnormal gain account is credited. The abnormal gain account is debited with the figure of reduced normal loss (in units) and value. The balance of the abnormal gain account is transferred to the costing profit and loss account. 11a) The input to a purifying process was 16,000 kgs. of basic material purchased @ ` 1.20 per kg. Process wages amounted to `720 and overhead was applied @ 240% of the labour cost. Indirect materials of negligible weight were introduced into the process at a cost of ` 336. The actual output from the process weighed 15,000 kgs. The normal yield of the process is 92%. Any difference in weight between the input of basic material and output of purified material (product) is sold @ Re. 0.50 per kg. The process is operated under a licence which provides for the payment of royalty @ Re.0.15 per kg. of the purified material produced. Prepare: (i) Process Account (ii) Normal Wastage Account (iii) Abnormal Wastage / Yield Account (iv) Royalty Payable Account b)Explain the term equivalent units. Ans: a) Dr. Qty. Rate per kg. ` kg. To Basic material 16,000 1.20

Process Account Cr. Amount ` 19,200 Qty. Rate per kg. ` 0.50 Amount ` 640

By Normal wastage 8% of 1,60,000 Kg. By Purified stock

kg. 1,280

To Wages To Overheads 240% of ` 720 To Indirect materials To Royalty payable on normal yield 14,720 kg 0.15 To Abnormal yield (ii) Dr.

720 1,728 336 2,208




280 16,280


448 ______ ______ 24,640 16,280 Normal Wastage Account Amount ` 640 Particulars Qty. Rate per kg. ` 0.50

______ 24,640 Cr.


Rate per kg. ` 0.50

Amount ` 140

To Purifying process (Normal wastage)

kg. 1,280

____ 1,280 (iii) Dr.

___ 640 Abnormal Yield Account

By Purifying Process (Ab. Yield) reduction By Cash sale of wastage

Kg. 280

1,000 1,280


500 640


Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Qty. Rate per kg. ` 0.50 0.15 Amount ` 140 42 Particulars Qty. Rate per kg. ` 1.60 Amount ` 448

To Normal Wastage A/c To Royalty payable (on abnormal yield) To Balance (Profit & Loss A/c (iv) Dr.

kg. 280

By Purifying Process A/c

kg. 280

___ 280

266 448 Royalty Payable Account Rate per kg. ` 0.15 Amount ` 2,250 Particulars

___ 280

___ 448 Cr. Amount ` 2,208



Rate per kg. ` 0.15

To Balance

kg. 15,000

_____ 15,000

_____ 2,250

By Purifying Process A/c By Abnormal yield A/c

kg. 14,720

280 15,000


42 2,250

b) When opening and closing stocks of work-in-process exist, unit costs cannot be computed by simply dividing the total cost by total number of units still in process. We can convert the work-in-process units into finished units called equivalent units so that the unit cost of these units can be obtained. Equivalent Actual number of Percentage of completed units = units in the process work completed of manufacture It consists of balance of work done on opening work-in-process, current production done fully and part of work done on closing WIP with regard to different elements of costs viz., material, labour and overhead. 12a) XYZ Limited produces four joint products P, Q, R and S, all of which emerge from the processing of one raw material. The following are the relevant data: Production for the period: Joint Product Number of units Selling price per unit ` P 500 18.00 Q 900 8.00 R 400 4.00 S 200 11.00 The company budgets for a profit of 10% of sales value. The other estimated costs are: ` Carriage inwards 1,000 Direct wages 3,000 Manufacturing overhead 2,000 Administration overhead 10% of sales value You are required to: i)Calculate the maximum price that may be paid for the raw material. ii)Prepare a comprehensive cost statement for each of the products allocating the materials and other costs based upon I)Number of units II)Sales value. b) Discuss the treatment of By-product Cost in Cost Accounting. Ans: a) Working Notes: (1)Total Sales Value:

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Joint Products P Q R S No. of Units 500 900 400 200 Selling price per unit ` 18 8 4 11 Total Sales value ` 9,000 7,200 1,600 2,200 20,000

(2)Joint Products Cost: = Total Sales Value Budgeted profit (10% of sales value) = ` 20,000 ` 2,000 = ` 18,000 i) Maximum Price for the Raw Material ` Joint products cost (Refer to Working Notes (1) & (2) Less: Other Costs Carriage inwards Direct Wages Manufacturing Overhead Administration Overhead Maximum price to be paid for the raw material (ii) (I) Comprehensive Cost Statement (Based on Units) Joint products: P Q Units: 500 900 ` ` Raw Material 2,500 4,500 Carriage 250 450 Direct wages 750 1,350 Manufacturing Overhead 500 900 900 Administration Overhead 500 8,100 Total Cost 4,500 (II) Comprehensive Cost Statement (Based on Sales Value) Joint products: P Q ` ` Sales Value 9,000 7,200 Raw Material 4,500 3,600 Carriage 450 360 Direct wages 1,350 1,080 Manufacturing Overhead 900 720 720 Administrative Overhead 900 6,480 Total Cost 8,100 ` 18,000

1,000 3,000 2,000 2,000

8,000 10,000

R 400 ` 2,000 200 600 400 400 3,600

S 200 ` 1,000 100 300 200 200 1,800

Total ` 10,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 18,000

R ` 1,600 800 80 240 160 160 1,440

S ` 2,200 1,100 110 330 220 220 1,980

Total ` 20,000 10,000 1,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 18,000

b) Treatment of By-product cost in Cost Accounting: (i) When they are of small total value, the amount realized from their sale may be dealt as follows: Sales value of the by-product may be credited to Profit and Loss Account and no credit be given in Cost Accounting. The credit to Profit and Loss Account here is treated either as a misce llaneous income or as additional sales revenue. The sale proceeds of the by product may be treated as deduction from the total costs. The sales proceeds should be deducted either from production cost or cost of sales. (ii) When they require further processing: In this case, the net realizable value of the by product at the split -off point may be arrived at by subtracting the further processing cost from realizable value of by products. If the value is small, it may be treated as discussed in (i) above.

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
13a) MC Construction Ltd. obtained a contract No. X-48 for ` 40 lakhs. The following balances and information relate to the contract for the year ended 31st March, 2011: 1.4.2010 31.3.2011 ` ` Work-in-progress: 9,40,000 30,00,000 Work certified 11,200 32,000 Work uncertified 8,000 20,000 Materials at site 5,000 3,000 Accrued wages Additional information relating to the year 2010-2011 are: ` 4,00,000 Materials issued from store 1,50,000 Materials directly purchased 6,00,000 Wages paid 51,000 Architects fees 50,000 Plant hire charges 10,000 Indirect expenses 18,000 Share of general overheads for B-37 25,000 Materials returned to store 15,000 Materials returned to supplier 12,000 Fines and penalties paid The contractee pays 80% of work certified in cash. You are required to prepare: (i) Contract Account showing clearly the amount of profits transferred to Profit and Loss Account. (ii) Contractees Account and (iii) Balance Sheet bi)Explain the term Escalation Clause in relation to Contract Costing. ii) What is Notional profit in Contract costing Ans: a) Books of MC Constructions Ltd. st Contract No. X-48 Account for the year ended 31 March, 2011

To To To To To To To To To To To To

WIP b/d (9,40,000 + 11,200) Stock (materials) b/d Materials issued Materials purchased Wages paid Wages Accrued c/d Architects fees Plant Hire charges Indirect expenses General overheads Notional profit c/d Profit and Loss A/c

By 9,51,200 8,000 4,00,000 1,50,000 6,00,000 3,000 51,000 50,000 10,000 18,000 8,55,800 30,97,000 4,56,427 3,99,373 8,55,800 By By By By

Wages Accrued b/d Materials returned to Store Materials returned to suppliers WIP c/d Work Certified 30,00,000 Uncertified work 32,000 Materials stock c/d

5,000 25,000 15,000

30,32,000 20,000


Notional Profit b/f

________ 30,97,000 8,55,800

2 80 8,55,800 3 100
To WIP Reserve c/d

_______ 8,55,800

Note: Fines and penalties are not shown in contract accounts. Contractees Account

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
To Balance c/d 24,00,000 By Balance b/d (80% of 9,40,000) ________ By Bank 24,00,000 Balance Sheet (Extract) as on 31.3.2011 ` 4,56,427 Materials stock at site 12,000 4,44,427 3,000 Materials stock in store WIP: Work Certified 3000000 Work Uncertified 32,000 3032000 Less: Advance 2400,000 6,32,000 Less: WIP Reserve 3,99,373 7,52,000 16,48,000 24,00,000 ` 20,000 25,000

Profit and Loss A/c Less: Fines Outstanding wages


bi) It is a clause which is always provided in a contract to safeguard the interests of the contractor against any rise in price of materials and rates of labour and their increased utilization. If the prices of materials and rates of labour increases during the period of the contract beyond a certain defined level, the contractor will be compensated to the extent of a portion thereof. The contractor has to satisfy the contractee about his claim for compensation in respect of prices and utilisation of material and labour. ii) Notional Profit represents the difference between the value of work certified and cost of work certified. Notional Profit = Value of work certified (Cost of works to date Cost of work not yet certified) 14a) FBQ Ltd. is considering three alternative proposals for conveyance facilities for its sales personnel who have to do considerable travelling, approximately 20,000 kilometers every year. The proposals are as follows: (i)Purchase and maintain of its own fleet of cars. The average cost of a car is ` 1,00,000. (ii)Allow the executive to use his own car and reimburse expenses at the rate of ` 1.60 paise per kilometre and also bear insurance costs. (iii) Hire cars from an agency at ` 20,000 per year per car. The Company will have to bear costs of petrol, taxes and tyres. The following further details are available: Petrol ` 0.60 per km.; Repairs and maintenance ` 0.20 P per km ; Tyre ` 0.12 P per km ; Insurance ` 1,200 per car per annum; Taxes ` 800 per car per annum; Life of the car: 5 years with annual mileage of 20,000 kms; Resale value : ` 20,000 at the end of the fifth year. Work out the relative costs of three proposals and rank them. b) ABC Club runs a library for its members. As part of club policy, an annual subsidy of upto ` 5 per member including cost of books may be given from the general funds of the club. The management of the club has provided the following figures for its library department. Number of Club members 5,000 Number of Library members 1,000 Library fee per member per month ` 100 Fine for late return of books Re. 1 per book per day Average No. of books returned late per month 500 Average No. of days each book is returned late 5 days Number of available old books 50,000 books Cost of new books ` 300 per book Number of books purchased per year 1,200 books Cost of maintenance per old book per year ` 10 Staff details Librarian No. 01 Per Employee Salary per month (`) 10,000
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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Assistant Librarian 03 7,000 Clerk 01 4,000 You are required to calculate: (i) the cost of maintaining the library per year excluding the cost of new books; (ii) the cost incurred per member per month on the library excluding cost of new books; and (iii) the net income from the library per year. If the club follows a policy that all new books must be purchased out of library revenue (a) What is the maximum number of books that can be purchased per year and (b) How many excess books are being purchased by the library per year? Also, comment on the subsidy policy of the club. Ans:a) I Use of Concern's Car ` Re-imbursement of hire charges (A) Fixed Costs: (B) (Per Car Per Km.) Taxes (P.a.) Depreciation Alternative Proposals II III Use of own Use of hire Car Car Rs, ` 1.60 1 ( 20,000/20,000Km)

800 16,000

0.04 800/20,000 Km.

(Rs.1,00,000 Rs.20,000) 5
Insurance 12,000 _____ 18,000 ___ 0.90 0.06 (1200/20,000 Km) 1.06 ___ 1.04

Total (` 18,000/20,000 Km.) Running & Maintenance Cost per car per km. (C) Petrol Repairs and maintenance Tyre Total cost: per km. (A + B + C) Cost for 2,000 Kms. Ranking of alternative proposals

0.60 0.20 0.12 1.82 `36,400 (20,000`1.82) III

1.66 ` 33,200 (20,000`1.66) I

0.60 0.12 1.76 ` 35,200 (20,000`1.76) II

Decision: Use of own car by Sales Executives will be the most economical proposal from the Concern's point of view. Hiring of car, for the use of Sales Executives will be the IInd best choice and maintaining a fleet of cars for its executives will be the costliest alternative. b) Computation of total revenue No. of library members No. 1,000 ` Library fees per month 1,00,000 ` 2,500 Late fees per month (500 5 1) ` Total Revenue per month 1,02,500 ` 12,30,000 Total Revenue per annum (1,02,500 12) Computation of total cost Staff details No. Salary per month Total cost

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Librarian Assistant Librarian Clerk Total Staff cost per month Total Staff cost per year (35,000 1 3 1 12) No. 50,000 Cost per book ` 10 10,000 7,000 4,000 10,000 21,000 4,000 35,000 4,20,000 5,00,000 9,20,000 ` ` ` ` ` ` No. No. No. ` ` `

Books maintenance cost Total maintenance cost per annum excluding cost of new books (4,20,000 + 5,00,000)

Cost incurred per library member per annum (` 9,20,000/1,000) Cost incurred per member per month on the library excluding cost of new books (920/12) Cost incurred per club member per annum (9,20,000/5,000) Cost incurred per club member per month (184/12) Net income from the library per annum (12,30,000 9,20,000) Cost per new book Maximum number of new books per annum (3,10,000/300) Present number of books purchased Excess books purchased (1200 1033.333) Subsidy being given per annum Subsidy per library member per annum (50,000/1,000) Subsidy per club member per annum (50,000/5,000)

920 76.67 184 15.33 3,10,000 300 1033.333 1200 166.6667 50,000 50 10

Comment: The club is exceeding its subsidy target to members by ` 45 (` 50 5) per library member and ` 5 (` 10 5) per club member. 15a) PQR Limited has collected the following data for its two activities. It calculates activity cost rates based on cost driver capacity. Activity Cost Driver Capacity Cost Power Kilowatt hours 50,000 kilowatt hours ` 2,00,000 Quality Inspections Number of 10,000 Inspections ` 3,00,000 Inspections The company makes three products P,Q and T. For the year ended March 31, 2012, the following consumption of cost drivers was reported: Product Kilowatt hours Quality Inspections P 10,000 3,500 Q 20,000 2,500 R 15,000 3,000 Required: (i)Compute the costs allocated to each product from each activity. (ii)Calculate the cost of unused capacity for each activity. (iii)Discuss the factors the management considers in choosing a capacity level to compute the budgeted fixed overhead cost rate. b) Explain briefly each of the following categories in Activity based Costing by giving at least two examples: (i) Batch level activities (ii) Product level activities (iii) Facility level activities. Ans: ai) Statement of cost allocation to each product from each activity Product
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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
P ` Q ` R ` Total ` 1,80,000

Power 40,000 80,000 60,000 (Refer to (10,000 kwh x `4) (20,000 kwh x `4) (15,000 kwh x `4) working note) Quality 1,05,000 75,000 90,000 2,70,000 Inspections (3,500 inspections (2,500 inspections (3,000 inspections (Refer to x ` 30) x ` 30) x ` 30) working note) Working note: Rate per unit of cost driver: Power Quality Inspection : (` 3,00,000 / 10,000 inspections) = ` 30 per inspection (i) Computation of cost of unused capacity for each activity:

Power 20,000 (` 2,00,000 ` 1,80,000) Quality Inspections 30,000 (` 3,00,000 ` 2,70,000) Total cost of unused capacity 50,000 (ii) Factors management consider in choosing a capacity level to compute the budgeted fixed overhead cost rate: -Effect on product costing & capacity management -Effect on pricing decisions. -Effect on performance evaluation -Effect on financial statements -Regulatory requirements. -Difficulties in forecasting chosen capacity level concepts. b) (i) Batch level activities The cost of some activities (mainly manufacturing support activities) are driven by the number of batches of units produced. These activities are known as Batch level activities. Examples are: (I) Material ordering. (II) Machine set up cost. (III) Inspection of products - like first item of every batch. (ii) Product level activities The cost of some activities are driven by the creation of a new product line and its maintenance. These activities are known as Product level activities. Examples are: (I) Designing the product. (II) Producing parts to a certain specified limit. (III) Advertising cost, if advertisement is for individual products. (iii) Facility level activities The cost of some activities cannot be related to a particular product line, instead they are related to maintaining the building and facilities. These activities are known as Facility level activities. Examples are: (I) Maintenance of buildings. (II) Plant security. (III) Production managers salary. (IV) Advertising campaigns promoting the company. 16) ABC Ltd. produces and sells sophisticated glass items X and Y. In connection with both the products the following information are revealed from the cost records for the month February, 2012: Product X Y Output (in units) 60,000 15,000 Sales (`) 37,80,000 20,55,000 Cost structure: Direct material (` per unit) 18.75 45.00 Direct Wages (` per unit) 10.00 13.00 Direct labour hours 30,000 hours 9,750 hours
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240 50 2 hours 5 hours The Indirect costs for the month are as under: ` Cleaning and maintenance wages 2,70,000 Designing Costs 4,50,000 Set up costs 3,00,000 Manufacturing operations costs 6,37,500 Shipment costs 81,000 Distribution costs 3,91,500 Factory administration costs 2,55,000 At present the company adopts the policy to absorb indirect costs applying direct labour hour basis and enjoying a good position in the market with regard to Product Y, but facing a stiff price competition with regard to Product X. The Cost Accountant of the company, after making a rigorous analysis of the data, decided to shift from the absorption technique based on direct labour hours to activity cost driver basis and also to treat cleaning and maintenance wages as direct cost. The cost accountant identified ` 1,20,000 for product X and the balance of cleaning and maintenance wages for Product Y. The data relevant to activities and products are as follows: Product Product Activity Cost driver X Y Designing: Square feet 30 sq. ft. 70 sq. ft. Manufacturing operations: Moulding machine hours 9,000 hrs. 3,750 hrs. Shipment: Number of Shipments 100 100 Distribution: Cubic feet 45,000 cu. ft. 22,500 cu. ft. Setup of moulding Setup hours machine: Factory administration: Direct labour hours You are required: (i)to compute the total manufacturing cost and profits of both the products by applying direct labour basis of absorption, assuming cleaning and maintenance cost as indirect, (ii)to compute the total manufacturing cost and profits of both the products by applying activity based costing, assuming cleaning and maintenance cost as indirect (iii) to compare the results obtained from (i) and (ii) and give your opinion on the decision of cost accountant. Ans: Working: Calculation of Direct Labour hours: Total Indirect Costs (`)* Total Direct labour hours (30,000 + 9,750) Overhead absorption rate (i) ` 23,85,000 39,750 No. of quantity produced per batch Setup time per batch

Rs. 23,85,000 Rs. 60 per hour 39,750hours

Statement showing total manufacturing costs and profits Product X (60,000 units) Per unit Amount (`) 18.75 11,25,000 10.00 28.75 30.00 (18,00,000/ 60,000 units) 6,00,000 17,25,000 18,00,000 (30,000 hours @ ` 60 per hour) Product Y (15,000 units) Per unit Amount (`) 45.00 6,75,000 13.00 58.00 39.00 (5,85,000/ 15,000 units) 1,95,000 8,70,000 5,85,000 (9,750 hours @ ` 60 per hour) Total (`)

Direct materials Direct labour Prime cost Indirect costs (absorbed on the basis of direct labour

18,00,000 7,95,000 25,95,000 23,85,000

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hours) Total cost 58.75 Sales 63.00 Profit 4.25 (Sales Total cost) * Calculation of total Indirect Cost: Cleaning and maintenance wages Designing costs Set-up costs Manufacturing operations cost Shipment costs Distribution costs Factory Administration Costs Indirect cost allocation to products A and B: Direct labour hours Direct labour hour rate: Indirect costs Output (units) Cost per unit of output Product X 30,000 ` 60 ` 18,00,000 60,000 ` 30 Product Y 9,750 `60 Rs 5,85,000 15,000 `39

35,25,000 37,80,000 2,55,000

97.00 137.00 40.00

14,55,000 20,55,000 6,00,000

49,80,000 58,35,000 8,55,000

` 2,70,000 4,50,000 3,00,000 6,37,500 81,000 3,91,500 2,55,000 23,85,000

Statement showing the total manufacturing costs and profits using direct labour hour basis of absorption and treating cleaning and maintenance cost as indirect cost: Product X Product Y Total `/unit Amount `/unit Amount Output (units) 60,000 15,000 ` ` ` Sales 63.00 37,80,000 137.00 20,55,000 58,35,000 Direct Materials 18.75 11,25,000 45.00 6,75,000 18,00,000 Direct Labour 10.00 6,00,000 13.00 1,95,000 7,95,000 Prime Cost 28.75 17,25,000 58.00 8,70,000 25,95,000 Indirect costs 30.00 18,00,000 39.00 5,85,000 23,85,000 97.00 14,55,000 49,80,000 Total costs 58.75 35,25,000 2,55,000 40.00 6,00,000 8,55,000 Profit 4.25 (ii) Calculation of Setup hours Product X Product Y Total Output (in units) 60,000 15,000 No. of quantity produced per 240 50 batch Setup time per batch 2 hours 5 hours Setup hours (Total) 60,000 15,000 2 = 500 5 = 1,500 (No. of batches set up time per batch)



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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Calculation of Cost Driver, Rates and summary of indirect cost relating to Product X & Y: Activity and Cost Drivers Amount Cost Drivers for Product Activity Cost Rates (`) X Y (Amount / total of cost driver) Cleaning & Maintenance 2,70,000 30,000 9,750 39,750 6.7925 per Direct (Direct Labour hours) labour hour Designing costs (square 4,50,000 30 sq. feet 70 sq. feet 100 4,500 per sq. feet feet) Setup costs (setup hours) 3,00,000 500 hours 1,500 hours 2,000 150 per setup hour Manufacturing operations 6,37,500 9,000 3,750 12,750 50 per molding hours costs (molding machine hours) Shipment costs (No. of 81,000 100 100 200 405 per shipment shipments) Distribution costs (area in 3,91,500 45,000 cft 22,500 cft 67,500 5.80 per cft cubic feet) Factory administration costs 2,55,000 30,000 9,750 39,750 6.4151 per labour (direct labour hours) hour Production (units)

Indirect Costs Product X 2,03,775 1,35,000 75,000 4,50,000 Product Y 66,227 3,15,000 2,25,000 1,87,500

40,500 2,61,000 1,92,453 13,57,728 60,000 22.63

40,500 1,30,500 62,547 10,27,274 15,000 68.48


Sales Direct Cost Direct Materials Direct Labour Total Indirect costs Total costs Profit (iii)

Cost Sheet based on Activity Based Costing system: Product X Product Y Total cost Per unit Total cost Per unit ` ` ` ` 37,80,000 63.00 20,55,000 137.00 11,25,000 6,00,000 17,25,000 13,57,728 30,82,728 6,97,272 18.75 10.00 28.75 22.63 51.38 11.62 6,75,000 1,95,000 8,70,000 10,27,274 18,97,274 1,57,726 45.00 13.00 58.00 68.48 126.48 10.52

Comparison of results: Description Traditional Costing System

Product X Activity Based System

Traditional Costing System

Product Y Activity Based System

Selling Price Direct costs Indirect costs Total cost per unit Profit per unit

63.00 28.75 30.00 58.75 4.25

63.00 28.75 22.63 51.38 11.62

137.00 58.00 39.00 97.00 40.00

137.00 58.00 68.48 126.48 10.52

Opinion: In the traditional costing system, Product Y appears to be more profitable than Product X whereas under the activity based costing system, Product X appears to be more profitable than product Y. The activities like designing, set up, manufacturing operation cost, shipment and distribution are support service activities and the consumption of resources relating to these activities are not dependent on direct labour hours. The quantum of consumption of resource of each support service activity is different in respect of the two products manufactured and hence activity based costing presents a true view of cost of production. Moreover, the suggestion to treat cleaning and maintenance activity as a direct cost pool is commendable because costs should be charged direct wherever possible. The results reveal that the company should concentrate upon product Y.

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
17a) The financial books of KP Ltd. reveal the following data for the year ended 31 March, 2012: ` Opening Stock: Finished goods 875 units 74,375 Work-in-process 32,000 1.4.01 to 31.3.12 Raw materials consumed 7,80,000 Direct Labour 4,50,000 Factory overheads 3,00,000 Goodwill 1,00,000 Administration overheads 2,95,000 Dividend paid 85,000 Bad Debts 12,000 Selling and Distribution Overheads 61,000 Interest received 45,000 Rent received 18,000 Sales 14,500 units 20,80,000 Closing Stock: Finished goods 375 units 41,250 Work-in-process 38,667 The cost records provide as under: Factory overheads are absorbed at 60% of direct wages. Administration overheads are recovered at 20% of factory cost. Selling and distribution overheads are charged at ` 4 per unit sold. Opening Stock of finished goods is valued at ` 104 per unit. The company values work-in-process at factory cost for both Financial and Cost Profit Reporting. Required: st (a) Prepare statements for the year ended 31 March, 2012 show the profit as per financial records and the profit as per costing records. (ii)Present a statement reconciling the profit as per costing records with the profit as per Financial Records. b) What are the essential pre-requisites of integrated accounting system? Ans: a) To Opening stock of Finished goods To Work-in-process Profit & Loss Account of KP Ltd.for the year ended March 31, 2012 ` ` 74,375 By Sales 20,80,000 32,000 By Closing stock of finished goods By Work-in-Process By Rent received By Interest received 41250

To Raw materials consumed To Direct labour To Factory overheads To Goodwill To Administration overheads To Selling & distribution overheads To Dividend paid To Bad debts To Profit

7,80,000 38,667 4,50,000 18,000 3,00,000 45,000 1,00,000 2,95,000 61,000 85,000 12,000 33,542 ________ 22,22,917 22,22,917 Statement of Profit as per Costing Records, for the year ended March 31,2012 ` Sales revenue (A) 20,80,000 (14,500 units) Cost of sales: Opening stock 91,000 (875 units x ` 104) Add: Cost of production of 14,000 units 17,92,000 (Refer to working note 2) Less: Closing stock 48,000

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
Rs. 17,92,000 375 units 14,000 units
Production cost of goods sold (14,500 units) Selling & distribution overheads (14,500 units x ` 4) Cost of sales: (B) Profit: {(A) (B)} (iii)

_______ 18,35,000 58,000 ________ 18,93,000 1,87,000

Statement of Reconciliation of profit as per Costing Records with the profit as per Financial Records ` ` Profit as per Cost Accounts 1,87,000 Add: Administration overheads over absorbed 3,667 (` 2,98,667 ` 2,95,000) Opening stock overvalued 16,625 (` 91,000 ` 74,375) Interest received 45,000 83,292 Rent received 18,000 2,70,292 Less: Factory overheads under recovery 30,000 (` 3,00,000 ` 2,70,000) Selling & distribution overheads under recovery 3,000 (` 61,000 ` 58,000) Closing stock overvalued 6,750 (` 48,000 ` 41,250) Goodwill 1,00,000 Dividend 85,000 2,36,750 Bad debts 12,000 Profit as per financial accounts 33,542 Working notes: 1. Number of units produced Units Sales 14,500 Add: Closing stock 375 Total 14,875 Less: Opening stock 875 Number of units produced 14,000 2. Cost Sheet Raw materials consumed Direct labour Prime cost Factory overheads (60% of direct wages) Factory cost Add: Opening wori-in-process Less: Closing work-in-process Factory cost of goods produced Administration overheads (20% of factory cost) Cost of production of 14,000 units (Refer to working note 1) Cost of production per unit: ` 7,80,000 4,50,000 12,30,000 2,70,000 15,00,000 32,000 38,667 14,93,333 2,98,667 17,92,000

Total Cost of Production No.of units produced

Rs.17,92,000 14,000 units

Rs. 128

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012

b) The essential pre-requisites of integrated accounting system include the following: 1. The managements decision about the extent of integration of the two sets of books. Some concerns find it useful to integrate upto the stage of primary cost or factory cost while other prefer full integration of the entire accounting records. 2. A suitable coding system must be made available so as to serve the accounting purposes of financial and cost accounts. 3. An agreed routine, with regard to the treatment of provision for accruals, prepaid expenses, other adjustment necessary for preparation of interim accounts. 4. Perfect coordination should exist between the staff responsible for the financial and cost aspects of the accounts and an efficient processing of accounting documents should be ensured. Under this system there is no need for a separate cost ledger. Of course, there will be a number of subsidiary ledgers; in addition to the useful Customers Ledger and the Bought Ledger, there will be : (a) Stores Ledger; (b) Stock Ledger and (c) Job Ledger. 18a) Pass journal entries in the cost books, maintained on non-integrated system, for the following: (i) Issue of materials: Direct ` 5,50,000; Indirect ` 1,50,000 (ii) Allocation of wages: Direct ` 2,00,000; Indirect ` 40,000 (iii) Under/Over absorbed overheads: Factory (over) ` 20,000; Administration (under) ` 10,000 b) ORS Ltd. operates separate cost accounting and financial accounting systems. The following is the list of Opening balances as on 1.04.2011 in the Cost Ledger. Debit ` 53,375 1,04,595 30,780 Credit ` ---1,88,750

Stores Ledger Control Account WIP Control Account Finished Goods Control Account General Ledger Adjustment Account Transactions for the quarter ended 30.06.2011 are as under:

` Materials purchased 26,700 Materials issued to production 40,000 Materials issued for factory repairs 900 Factory wages paid (including indirect wages ` 23,000) 77,500 Production overheads incurred 95,200 Production overheads under-absorbed and written-off 3,200 Sales 2,56,000 The Companys gross profit is 25% on Factory Cost. At the end of the quarter, WIP stocks increased by ` 7,500. Prepare the relevant Control Accounts, Costing Profit and Loss Account and General Ledger Adjustment Account to record the above transactions for the quarter ended 30.06.2011. Ans: a) Journal Entries in Cost Books (Maintained on non-integrated system) ` ` (i) Work-in-Progress Ledger Control A/c Dr. 5,50,000 Factory Overhead Control A/c Dr. 1,50,000 To Stores Ledger Control A/c 7,00,000 (Being issue of materials) (ii) Work-in Progress Ledger Control A/c Factory Overhead control A/c To Wages Control A/c (Being allocation of wages and salaries) (iii) Factory Overhead Control A/c Dr. Dr. 2,00,000 40,000 2,40,000


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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
To Costing Profit & Loss A/c (Being transfer of over absorption of overhead) Costing Profit & Loss A/c Dr. 10,000 To Administration Overhead Control A/c (Being transfer of under absorption of overhead) b) General Ledger Adjustment Account Dr. ` Particulars Particulars To Sales 2,56,000 By Balance b/d To Balance c/d 1,80,150 By Stores ledger control A/c By Wages control A/c By Overheads control A/c _______ By Costing Profit & Loss A/c 4,36,150 Stores Ledger Control Account Dr. ` Particulars Particulars To Balance b/d 53,375 By WIP control A/c To General ledger adj. A/c 26,700 By Factory overhead control A/c _____ By Balance c/d 80,075 Dr. Work-In-Progress Ledger Control Account Dr. ` Particulars Particulars To Balance b/d 1,04,595 By Finished goods control A/c To Stores ledger control A/c 40,000 By Balance c/d To Wages control A/c 54,500 To Factory, O/H control A/c 1,15,900 3,14,995 Finished Goods Ledger Control Account Dr. Particulars To Balance b/d To WIP control A/c 20,000


Cr. ` 1,88,750 26,700 77,500 95,200 48,000 4,36,150 Cr. ` 40,000 900 39,175 80,075 Cr. ` 2,02,900 1,12,095 _______ 3,14,995

30,780 2,02,900 2,33,680

Cr. Particulars By Cost of sales A/c (Refer to note) By Balance c/d

2,04,800 28,880 2,33,680

Note: Gross profit is 25% of Factory cost or 20% on sales. Hence cost of sales = ` 2,56,000 20% of ` 2,56,000 = ` 2,04,800 Factory Overhead Control Account Dr. ` Particulars Particulars To Stores ledger control A/c 900 By Costing & profit loss A/c To Wages control A/c 23,000 By WIP control A/c To General ledger adj. A/c 95,200 1,19,100 Cost of Sales Account Dr. ` Particulars Particulars To Finished goods control A/c 2,04,800 By Costing Profit & Loss A/c

Cr. ` 3,200 1,15,900 _______ 1,19,100 Cr. ` 2,04,800

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Sales Account Dr. Particulars To Costing Profit & Loss A/c Dr. Particulars To General ledger adj. A/c ` Particulars 2,56,000 By GLA A/c Wages Control Account ` 77,500 _____ 77,500 Particulars By Factory overhead control A/c By WIP control A/c Cr. ` 2,56,000 Cr. ` 23,000 54,500 77,500

Costing Profit & Loss Account Dr. Particulars To Factory O H Control A/c To Cost of sales A/c To General ledger adj. A/c (Profit) Cr. ` Particulars 3,200 By Sales A/c 2,04,800 48,000 _______ 2,56,000 Trial Balance as on 30.6.2011 Dr. Balance ` 2,56,000

_______ 2,56,000 Cr.Balance

Stores ledger control A/c WIP control A/c Finished goods control A/c To General ledger adjustment A/c

39,175 1,12,095 28,880 ______ 1,80,150

1,80,150 1,80,150

19a) DEF Ltd operates a system of standard costing in respect of one of its products which is manufactured within a single cost centre. The Standard Cost Card of a product is as under: Standard Unit cost (`) Direct material 5 kgs @ ` 4.20 21.00 Direct labour 3 hours @ ` 3.00 9.00 Factory overhead ` 1.20 per labour hour 3.60 Total manufacturing cost 33.60 The production schedule for the month of August, 2010 required completion of 40,000 units. However, 40,960 units were completed during the month without opening and closing work-in-process inventories. Purchases during the month of August, 2010, 2,25,000 kgs of material at the rate of ` 4.50 per kg.Production and Sales records for the month showed the following actual results. Material used 2,05,600 kgs.; Direct labour 1,21,200 hours; cost incurred ` 3,87,840; Total factory overhead cost incurred ` 1,00,000 ; Sales 40,000 units Selling price to be so fixed as to allow a mark-up of 20 per cent on selling price. Required: (i) Calculate material variances based on consumption of material. (ii) Calculate labour variances and the total variance for factory overhead. (iii) Prepare Income statement for August , 2010 showing actual gross margin. (iv) An incentive scheme is in operation in the company whereby employees are paid a bonus of 50% of direct labour hour saved at standard direct labour hour rate. Calculate the Bonus amount. b)Compute the missing data , indicated by question marks in the following table. Particulars Product X Standard Sales Quantity(SQ)(units) ? Actual Sales Quantity (AQ)(units) 500 Standard Price (SP) per unit(Rs) 12 Actual Price(AP) per unit (Rs) 15

Product Y 400 ? 15 20

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Sales Price Variance ? Sales Volume Variance ` 1200(Favourable) Sales Value Variance ? Sales Mix variance for both the products was `450/- Favourable. Ans: a) (i) Material variances: (I) Direct material cost variance ? ? ?

= Standard cost Actual cost = (40,960 x 21) (2,05,600 x 4.50) = 8,60,160 9,25,200 = 65,040 (Adverse) = Actual Quantity (Standard Price Actual Price) = 2,05,600 (4.20 4.50) = 61,680 (Adverse)

(II) Material price variance

(III) Material usages variance

= Standard Price (Standard Quantity Actual Quantity) = 4.20 [(40,960 x 5) 2,05,600] = 3,360 (Adverse ) (ii) Labour variances and overhead variances: (I) Labour cost variance = Standard cost Actual cost = (40,960 x 9) 3,87,840 = 19,200 (Adverse) (II) Labour rate variance = Actual Hours (Standard Rate Actual Rate) =1,21,200 (3 3.20) = 24,240 (Adverse)

= Standard Rate (Standard Hours Actual Hours) = 3 (40,960 * 3 1,21,200) = 5,040 (Favourable) (IV) Total factory overhead variance = Factory overhead absorbed factory overhead incurred = (40,960 x 3 x 1.20) 1,00,000 = 47,456 (Favourable) (iii) (I)Preparation of income statement Calculation of unit selling price Direct material Direct labour Factory overhead Factory cost Margin 25% on factory cost Selling price (II) Income statement Sales 40,000 units * 42 Less: Standard cost of goods sold (40,000 units x 33.60) Less: Variances adverse Material price variance Material quantity variance Labour rate variance Add: Favourable variance Labour efficiency variance Factory overhead Actual gross margin (iv) Labour hour saved ` 16,80,000 13,44,000 3,36,000 ` 21.00 9.00 3.60 33.60 8.40 42.00

(III) Labour efficiency variance

61,680 3,360 24,240

89,280 2,46,720

5,040 47,456

52,496 2,99,216 ` 1,22,880 1,21,200 1,680 = .50 (1,680 * 3) = 2,520.

Standard labour hours (40,960 x 3) Actual labour hour worked Labour hour saved Bonus for saved labour b)i)Sales Volume Variance for X=(SQ*SP)-(AQ*AP)= Rs 1200(F)

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or, (SQ*12)-(500*`12)=-1200 or, 12 SQ =4800 Or, SQ= 400units. ii)Standard Mix between X and Y = 400: 400, i.e 1: 1 iii)Sales Mix Variance for X and Y =(RAQ*SP)-(AQ*SP)=Rs 450(F) Let AQ of X be x units. Hence, Total AQ=(X+Y)=500+ x Rewriting in budgeted mix(1:1), RAQ for X and Y are each (500+x)/2 Since Sales Mix Variance is Rs 450(F), [(500+x)/2*12]+(500+x)/2*15]-(500*12+x*15)=(-)450 On simplifying, we get, 6750+13.5x-6000-15Q=(-)450 On solving the equation, 1.5x=1200 Or, x=800 units. AQ for Y =800 units. (iv)Revised Actual Quantity(RAQ) =500+800=1300 units rewritten in ration of 1:1 ie. 650 units each. (v)Variance Computation Chart: Particulars SQ*SP(COL.1) RAQ*SP(COL.2) AQ*SP(COL.3) AQ*AP(COL.4) X 400units(i)*Rs 12 650 units(iv)*Rs12 500units*Rs12 500units*Rs15 =Rs4800. =Rs7800 =Rs6000. =Rs7500 Y 400 units*Rs15 650units*Rs15 800units(iii)*Rs15 800units(iii)*Rs20 =`6000. =Rs9750. =Rs12000 =Rs16000 Particulars Standard Sales Quantity(units Actual Sales Quantity(units) Standard Price per unit Actual Price per unit Sales price Variance=COL.(3)- COL.(4) Sales volume Variance=COL.(1)-COL.(3) Sales value Variance=COL.(1)-COL.(4) X 400(i) 500 ` 12 `15 `1500(F) ` 1200(F) `2700(F) Y 400 800(iii) `15 ` 20 `4000(F) `6000(F) ` 10000(F)

20a) MDX Chemicals Ltd. produces CDE. The standard ingredients of 1 kg. of CDE are : 0.65 kg. of ingredient C@ ` 4.00 per kg. 0.30 kg. of ingredient D @ ` 6.00 per kg. 0.20 kg. of ingredient E @ ` 2.50 per kg. 1.15 kg. Production of 4,000 kg. of CDE was budgeted for September,2011. The production of CDE is entirely automated and production costs attributed to CDE production comprise only direct materials and overheads. The CDE production operation works on a JIT basis and no ingredient of CDE inventories are held. Overheads were budgeted for September, 2011 for the CDE production operation as follows : Activity Total amount Receipt of deliveries from suppliers (standard delivery qty. is 460 kg.) ` 4,000 Despatch of goods to customers (standard dispatch qty. is 100 kg.) ` 8,000 `12,000 In September, 2011, 4,200 kg. of CDE were produced and cost details were as follows : Materials used : 2,840 kg. of C, 1,210 kg. of D and 860 kg of E Total cost ` ` 20,380 Actual overhead costs : 12 Supplier deliveries (cost ` 4,800) were made, and 38 customer dispatches (cost ` 7,800) were processed. Prepare a variance analysis for CDE production costs in September,2011: separate the material cost variance into price, mixture and yield components; separate the overhead cost variance into expenditure, capacity and efficiency components using consumption of ingredient C as the overhead absorption base.
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b) Calculate Efficiency and Capacity ratio from the following figures: Budgeted production 80 units Actual production 60 units Standard time per unit 8 hours Actual hours worked 500 Ans: a) Standard costs of material per kg. of output (0.65 kg. x ` 4) + (0.3 kg x ` 6) + (0.2 kg x ` 2.50) = ` 4.90 Standard overhead rate = ` 12,000/ Budgeted standard qty. of ingredient C(4,000 x 0.65) = ` 4.6154 per kg. of ingredient C Standard overhead rate per kg of output of CDE = ` 0.65 kg x ` 4.6154 = ` 3 ` Standard cost of actual output : Materials (4,200 x ` 4.90) 20,580 Overheads (4,200 x ` 3) 12,600 33,180 Actual cost of output : Materials Overheads (` 7,800 + ` 4,800) Variance calculations : Materials price variance 20,380 12,600 32,980

= (Standard price Actual price ) x Actual quantity = (Standard price x Actual quantity) Actual cost = (` 4 x 2,840) + (` 6 x 1,210) + (` 2.50 x 860) ` 20,380 = ` 20,770 ` 20,380 = ` 390 F

Material yield variance = (Actual yield Standard yield) x Standard materials cost per unit of output = (4,200 4,910 materials used / 1.15) x ` 4.90 = ` 341 A Material mix variance = (Actual quantity in actual mix at standard prices) (Actual quantity in standard mix at standard prices) C (4,910 x 0.65/1.15 = 2,775 2,840) x ` 4 =260 (A) D (4,910 x 0.30/1.15 = 1,281 1210) x ` 6 =426 (F) E(4,910 x 0.20/1.15 = 854 860) x ` 2.50 =15 (A ) 151 (F) Overhead efficiency variance = (Standard quantity of ingredient F Actual quantity) x Standard overhead rate per kg. of ingredient C = [(4200 x 0.65) 2840] x ` 4.6154 = 508 (Adverse) Overhead capacity variance = (Budgeted input of ingredient F Actual input) x standard overhead rate per kg of ingredient C = [(4000 x 0.65) 2,840] x ` 4.6154 = 1,108 (Favourable) Overhead expenditure variance = Budgeted cost Actual cost = ` 12,000 ` 12,600 = 600 (Adverse) Reconciliation of standard cost and actual cost of output : ` ` Standard cost of actual production 33,180 Material variances : Material price variance 390 (F) Material yield variance 341 (A) 200 (F) Materials mix variance 151 (F ) Overhead variances : Overhead efficiency variance 508 (A)
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Overhead capacity variance Overhead expenditure variance Actual cost 1,108 (F) 600 (A ) 32,980


b) Efficiency Ratio = [(Actual hour worked in terms of standard hours/ Actual Hours worked)] x 100 =[480/500] x 100 = 96% Capacity Ratio= [(Actual Hours worked/Budgeted hours) x 100] Workings: Actual hour worked in terms of standard hours= (Actual production x Standard Time per unit) =( 60 units x 8hours) =480 hours Budgeted hours=Budgeted production* Standard Time per unit =(80 units x 8 hours) =640 units. 21a) Product K has a profit-volume ratio of 28%. Fixed operating costs directly attributable to product K during the quarter III of the financial year 2011-12 will be `2,80,000. Calculate the sales revenue required to achieve a quarterly profit of ` 70,000. b) A retail dealer in garments is currently selling 24,000 shirts annually. He supplies the following details for the year ended 31st March 2012. Selling price per shirt: ` 800 ; Variable cost per shirt: ` 600 ; Fixed Cost:Staff salaries: ` 24,00,000;General Office Cost : ` 8,00,000 and Advertising Cost: ` 8,00,000 You are required to answer the following each part independently: i)Calculate Break Even Point and margin of safety in sales revenue and number of shirts sold. ii)Assume that 30,000 shirts were sold during the year, find out the net profit of the firm. iii)Assuming that in the coming year, an additional staff salary of ` 10,00,000 is anticipated, and price of shirt is likely to be increased by 15%, what should be the break- even point in number of shirts and sales?

Ans: a) P/V ratio = 28% Quarterly fixed Cost = `2,80,000 Desired Profit = `70,000 Sales revenue required to achieve desired profit = (Fixed Cost +Desired Profit) / ( P / V ratio) =(2,80,000+70,000)/ (28%) = `12,50,000 b) (i) Break Even Point : [units] = Fixed Cost / Contribution Per Unit = `40, 00, 000/`200 = 20,000 number of shirts Note: Contribution per units =selling price variable cost per unit = ` 800 ` 600 = ` 200 Break Even Point [sales value] = 20000 units ` 800 = `1,60,00,000 = Actual Sales Break Even Sales = (24, 000 shirts ` 800) ` 1,60,00,000 = ` 1,92,00,000 ` 1,60,00,000 = ` 32, 00, 000 Margin of safety [units] = 24,000 shirts 20,000 shirts = 4000 shirts (ii) Amount of profit if 30,000 shirts are sold : Sales [units] = Fixed Cost + (Profit / Contribution Per Unit) Or, 30, 000 = `40, 00, 000 + (Profit /`200) Or, Profit = `20, 00, 000 Margin of safety

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(c) Revised Break Even Point if fixed cost rise by `10, 00, 000 and selling price increase by 15% : New selling price = ` 800 + 15% of 800 = ` 920, New fixed cost = `40, 00, 000 + ` 10,00,000 = ` 50,00,000 Revised Break Even Point [number of shirts] = ` 50,00,000 / (` 920 ` 600) = 15,625 shirts Break Even Point (`) = 15,625 x ` 920 = ` 1,43,75,000 22a). MC Engineering Ltd has unit costs on a normal costing basis as under: ` Direct material 4 kg @ `4 = 16.00 Direct labour 3 hrs @ `18 = 54.00 Variable overhead 3 hrs @ `4 = 12.00 Fixed overhead 3 hrs @ `6 = 18.00 100.00 Selling and administrative costs: Variable `20 per unit Fixed `7,60,000 During the year the company has the following activity: Units produced = 24,000 Units sold = 21,500 Unit selling price = `168 Direct labour hours worked = 72,000 Actual fixed overhead was `48,000 less than the budgeted fixed overhead. Budgeted variable overhead was `20,000 less than the actual variable overhead. The company used an expected actual activity level of 72,000 direct labour hours to compute the predetermine overhead rates. Required : (i) Compute the unit cost and total income under: (A) Absorption costing (B) Marginal costing (ii) Under or over absorption of overhead. (iii) Reconcile the difference between the total income under absorption and marginal costing. b)Write short note on applications of Marginal Costing. Ans: a) Computation of Unit Cost & Total Income Unit Cost Absorption Costing(`) Direct Material 16.00 Direct Labour 54.00 Variable Overhead 12.00 Fixed Overhead 18.00 Unit Cost 100.00 Income Statements Absorption Costing Rs Sales (21500*`168) Less: Cost of Goods sold(21500*100) Less: Over Absorption Less: Selling & Distribution Expenses Profit 36,12,000 2150000 28000

Marginal Costing(`) 16.00 54.00 12.00 82.00

21,22,000 14,90,000 11,90,000 3,00,000

Marginal Costing Sales

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` 36,12,000
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Less: Cost of goods sold(21500*82) Less: Under Absorption Less: Selling & Distribution Expenses Contribution Less: Fixed Factory and Selling & Distribution OH(384000+760000) Profit ii) Under or over absorption of overhead: Budgeted Fixed Overhead 72,000 Hrs. `6 Less: Actual Overhead was less than Budgeted Fixed Overhead Actual Fixed Overhead Budgeted Variable Overhead 72,000 Hrs. `4 Add: Actual Overhead was higher than Budgeted Budgeted Both Fixed & Variable Overhead applied 72,000 Hrs ` 10 Actual Overhead (3,84,000 + 3,08,000) Over Absorption 17,63,000 20000

17,83,000 18,29,000 4,30,000 13,99,000 11,44,000 255000

` 4,32,000 48,000 3,84,000

2,88,000 20,000 3,08,000

7,20,000 6,92,000 28,000

(iii) Reconciliation of Profit Difference in Profit: `3,00,000 ` 2,55,000 = `45,000 Due to Fixed Factory Overhead being included in Closing Stock in Absorption Costing not in Marginal Costing. Therefore, Difference in Profit = Fixed Overhead Rate (Production Sale) = ` 18 (24,000 21,500) = `45,000 b) Marginal costing is a very useful technique of costing and has great potential for management in various managerial tasks and decision- making process. The applications of marginal costing are discussed as follows: 1) Cost Control: One of the important challenges in front of the management is the control of cost. In the modern competitive environment, increase in the selling price for improving the profit margin can be dangerous as it may lead to loss of market share. The other way to improve the profit is cost reduction and cost control. Cost control aims at not allowing the cost to rise beyond the present level. Marginal costing technique helps in this task by segregating the costs between variable and fixed. While fixed costs remain unchanged irrespective of the production volume, variable costs vary according to the production volume. Certain items of fixed costs are not controllable at the middle management or lower management level. In such situation it will be more advisable to focus on the variable costs for cost control purpose. Since the segregation of costs between fixed and variable is done in the marginal costing, concentration can be made on variable costs rather than fixed cost and in this way unnecessary efforts to control fixed costs can be avoided. 2) Profit Planning: Another important application of marginal costing is the area of profit planning. Profit planning, generally known as budget or plan of operation may be defined as the planning of future operations to attain a defined profit goal. The marginal costing technique helps to generate data required for profit planning and decision-making. For example, computation of profit if there is a change in the product mix, impact on profit if there is a change in the selling price, change in profit if one of the product is discontinued or if there is a introduction of new product, decision regarding the change in the sales mix are some of the areas of profit planning in which necessary information can be generated by marginal costing for decision making. The segregation of costs between fixed and variable is thus extremely useful in profit planning.

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3) Key Factor Analysis: The management has to prepare a plan after taking into consideration the constraints, if any, on the various resources. These constraints are also known as limiting factors or principal budget factors as discussed in the topic of Budgets and Budgetary Control. These key factors may be availability of raw material, availability of skilled labour, machine hours availability, or the market demand of the product. Marginal costing helps the management to decide the best production plan by using the scarce resources in the most beneficial manner and thus optimize the profits. For example, if raw material is the key factor and its availability is limited to a particular quantity and the company is manufacturing three products, A, B and C. In such cases marginal costing technique helps to prepare a statement, which shows the amount of contribution per kg of material. The product, which yields highest contribution per kg of raw material, is given the priority and produced to the maximum possible extent. Then the other products are taken up in the order of priority. Thus the resultant product mix will yield highest amount of profit in the given situation 4) Decision Making: Managerial decision-making is a very crucial function in any organization. Decision making should be on the basis of the relevant information. Through the marginal costing technique, information about the cost behaviour is made available in the form of fixed and variable costs. The segregation of costs between fixed and variable helps the management in predicting the cost behaviour in various alternatives. Thus it becomes easy to take decisions. Some of the decisions are to be taken on the basis of comparative cost analysis while in some decisions the resulting income is the deciding factor. Marginal costing helps in generating both the types of information and thus the decision making becomes rational and based on facts rather than based on intuition. Some of the crucial areas of decision-making are mentioned below. Make or buy decisions Accepting or rejecting an export offer Variation in selling price Variation in product mix Variation in sales mix Key factor analysis Evaluation of different alternatives regarding profit improvement Closing down/continuation of a division Capital expenditure decisions. 23a) SP Ltd. manufactures and sells a single product and has estimated a sales revenue of Rs 126 lacs this year based on a 20% profit on selling price. Each unit of the product requires 3 Kg of material X and 1 Kg. of material Y for manufacture as well as a processing time of 7 hours in the Machine Shop and 2 hours in the Assembly Section. Overheads are absorbed at a blanket rate of 33-1/3% on Direct Labour. The factory works 5 days of 8 hours a week in a normal 52 weeks a year. On an average statutory holidays, leave and absenteeism and idle time amount to 96 hours, 80 hours and 64 hours respectively, in a year. The other details are as under Purchase price Material X ` 6 per Kg Material Y Rs 4 per Kg Comprehensive Labour rate Machine shop Rs 4 per hour Assembly Rs 3.20 per hour No. of Employees Machine shop 600 Assembly 180 Finished Goods Material X Material Y Opening stock 20,000 units 54,000 Kg 33,000 Kg Closing stock (Estimated) 25,000 units 30,000 Kg 66,000 Kg. You are required to calculate: i)The number of units of the product proposed to be sold. ii)Purchased to be made of materials X and Y during the year in Rupees. iii)Capacity utilization of machine shop and Assembly section, along with your comments.

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bi)What do you understand by the term Zero Base Budgeting? ii)What are the components of Budgetary Control System? Ans: a1) Statement of selling price per unit of the product Material cost ` X: 3 lbs x `6 = ` 18 24 Y: 1.5 lbs x `4 = ` 6 Labour cost Machine shop 7 hrs x ` 4 = ` 28 Assembly shop 2.5 hrs x `3.20 = ` 8 Overheads 33-1/3% of Direct Labour Cost Cost (per unit) Add: Profit 20% of selling price or 25% on cost Selling price (per unit) 2. (i)

36 12 72 18 90

The comprehensive labour rate has been assumed as direct labour. The number of units of the product proposed to be sold Selling price (per unit) ` 90 Total sales revenue ` 1,26,00,000 Number of units of the product proposed to be sold 1,40,000 Units

Rs. 1,26,00,00 0 Rs. 90

(ii) Statement of material X and Y to be purchased during the year in Rupees Materials Material Closing Opening Material to be Purchase Amount Consumption balance of balance of purchased price material material ` ` (lbs) (Kg) (lbs) (Kg) (1) (2) (3) (4) (2)+(3)(6) (5)x(6)=(7) (4)=(5) X *1,45,0000 x 3 = 4,35,000 30,000 54,000 4,11,000 6 24,66,000 Y 1,45,000x1.5 66,000 33,000 2,50,500 4 10,02,000 = 2,17,500 Total 34,68,000 Working Note: Number of units of finished goods to be manufactured during the year = Sales (units) during the year + Closing balance Opening stock = 1,40,000 units +25,000 units 20,000 units = 1,45,000 units (iii) Capacity Utilisation Statement of Machine shop and Assembly Section Machine shop Assembly Section Hours available during the year 600 persons x 1,840 hrs. 180 Persons x 1,840 hrs. (See working note) =11,04,000 = 3,31,200 Hours required to manufacture 1,45,000 x 7 hrs. 1,45,000 x 2.5 hrs. 1,45,000 units =10,15,000 =3,62,500 Surplus/(Deficit) hours 89,000 (31,300) Capacity utilisation 91.94% 109.45% Working note: Hours available during the year: 5 days x 8 hrs x 52 weeks = 2,080 hrs. Less: Statutory holidays, leave and absenteeism & idle time (96 hrs. + 80 hrs. + 64 hrs.) 240 hrs. 1,840 hrs. Comments: From the statement of hours required to manufacture 1,45,000 units of the product, it is apparent that the total hours required in machine shop and assembly section would be 10,15,000 and 3,62,500 respectively. Whereas the available hours in machine shop and assembly section are 11,04,000 and 3,31,200

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respectively. In this way there are 89,000 surplus hours in the machine shop and also a deficit of 31,300 hours in the assembly section. To resolve the problem of deficit in assembly section, following suggestions are made: 1. If the workers can be interchangeable then the assembly section utilize the services of workers which may be transferred from the machine shop to meet the production target of 1,45,000 units. 2. If the workers are not interchangeable then the assembly section may either resort to overtime or increase the strength of workers to catch up the budgeted production. Under both the ways i.e resorting to overtime or increasing the strength in assembly section, the profit of the concern will be reduced. bi) Zero Base Budgeting is method of budgeting whereby all activities are revaluated each time budget is formulated and every item of expenditure in the budget is fully justified. Thus the Zero Base Budgeting involves from scratch or zero. Zero based budgeting [also known as priority based budgeting] actually emerged in the late 1960s as an attempt to overcome the limitations of incremental budgeting. This approach requires that all activities are justified and prioritized before decisions are taken relating to the amount of resources allocated to each activity. In incremental budgeting or traditional budgeting, previous years figures are taken as base and based on the same the budgeted figures for the next year are worked out. Thus the previous year is taken as the base for preparation of the budget. However the main limitation of this system of budgeting is that an activity is continued in the future only because it is being continued in the past. Hence in Zero Based Budgeting, the beginning is made from scratch and each activity and function is reviewed thoroughly before sanctioning the same and all expenditures are analyzed and sanctioned only if they are justified. Besides adopting a Zero Based approach, the Zero Based Budgeting also focuses on programs or activities instead of functional departments based on line items, which is a feature of traditional budgeting. It is an extension of program budgeting. In program budgeting, programs are identified and goals are developed for the organization for the particular program. By inserting decision packages in the system and ranking the packages, the analysis is strengthened and priorities are determined. ii) Components of budgetary control system The policy of a business for a defined period is represented by the master budget the details of which are given in a number of individual budgets called functional budgets. The functional budgets are broadly grouped under the following heads: (A) Physical Budgets Sales Qty, Product Qty., Inventory, Manpower budget. (B) Cost Budgets Manufacturing Cost, Administration Cost, sales & distribution cost, R & D Cost. (C) Profit Budget 24a) A company has established the following relationship of costs with sales at 100% capacity utilization : Factory cost 66.67 % of sales Prime cost 75% of factory cost Selling cost (75% is variable) 20% of sales The factory overhead at different capacity levels are estimated as under : Capacity utilization Factory overheads (`) 120% 2,50,000 100% 2,00,000 80% 1,80,000 60% 1,65,000 Presently the company operates at 60% capacity utilization and the sales value at this level is ` 7,20,000 per annum. The management receives an offer at a sales value of ` 1,65,000 per annum from a Government department. This offer will occupy 40% of the companys capacity. The prime cost of this order is ` 1,00,000 and there will be an increase of selling costs of ` 8,000 only per annum on account of this order. The sales department claims that the companys own sales will increase to 80% of capacity by the time the aforesaid Government departments order materializes. Required : (i) Present statements to show the profitability of the company at 60% and 80% operating levels. (ii) Show the calculation of the profitability of the order of the Government department and advise whether it should be accepted or not.

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b) X Ltd. manufactures two products E and F .The manufacturing division consists of two production departments P1and P2 and two services S1 and S2. Budgeted overhead rates are used in the production departments to absorb factory overheads to the products. The rate of Department P1 is based on direct machine hours, while the rate of Department P2 is based on direct labour hours. In applying overheads, the pre-determined rates are multiplied by actual hours. For allocating the service department costs to production departments, the basis adopted is as follow: (i) Cost of Department S1 to Department P1 and P2 equally, and (ii) Cost of Department S2 to Department P1 and P2 in the ratio 2:1 respectively. The following budgeted and actual data are available: Annual profit plan data: Factory overhead budgeted for the year: ` ` Departments P1 25,50,000 S1 6,00,000 P2 21,75,000 S2 4,50,000 Budgeted output in units: Product E 50,000; F 30,000. Budgeted raw material cost per unit: Product E ` 120 ; Product F` 150. Budgeted time required for production per unit: Department P1: Product E: 1.5 machine hours Product F: 1.0 machine hour Department P2: Product E: 2 Direct labour hours Product F: 2.5 Direct labour hours Average wage rates budgeted in Department P2 are: Product E Rs72 per hour and Product F ` 75 per hour. All materials are used in Department P1 only. Actual data (for the month of December ,2011) Units actually produced: Product E: 4,000 units; Product F: 3,000 units Actual direct machine hours worked in Department P1 On product E 6,100 hours, Product F-4,150 hours Actual direct labour hours worked in Department P2 On product E 8,200 hours, Product F-7,400 hours Cost actually incurred: Product E Product F Raw materials: ` 4,89,000 ` 4,56,000 Wages: ` 5,91,900 ` 5,52,000 ` ` Overheads: Department P1 ` 231,000 S1 ` 60,000 P2 ` 2,04,000 S2 ` 48,000 You are required to: (i) Compute the predetermined overhead rate for each production department. (ii) Prepare a performance report for December 2011 that will reflect the budgeted costs and actual costs. = ` 7,20,000 = `720000/60*100 = ` 12,00,000

Ans: a) Present sales at 60% operating capacity Total sales at 100% capacity

Costs at 100% capacity : Factory cost (66.67% of sales) = ` 12,00,000 x 66.67/100 = ` 8,00,000 Prime cost (75% of Factory cost) = ` 8,00,000 x 75/100 = ` 6,00,000 Selling cost (20% of sales) = ` 12,00,000 x 20/100 Profitability Statement Prime cost Add : Factory overheads (balancing figure) Factory cost = ` 2,40,000 ` 6,00,000 2,00,000 8,00,000
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Add : Selling cost Variable (75%) 1,80,000 Fixed 60,000 Total cost Profit Sales Variable selling overhead at 100% capacity At 100% capacity = At 60% capacity `180000/100*60 = At 80% capacity `180000/100*80 =

2,40,000 10,40,000 1,60,000 12,00,000 ` 1,80,000 ` 108000 `144000

i) Profitability Statement at 60% and 80% operating levels Capacity level Sales (I) (`) Costs : (`) Prime Cost(50% of Sales) Factory overhead (`) Add: Selling cost (`) Variable Fixed Total cost (II) (`) Profit (I)- (II) (`) (iv) Profitability statement of special order

60% 7,20,000 3,60,000 1,65,000 5,25,000 1,08,000 60,000 6,93,000 27,000

80% 9,60,000 4,80,000 1,80,000 6,60,000 1,44,000 6,00,00 8,64,000 96,000

Sales (I) Prime cost Factory overheads (Rs 250000-`180000) Factory cost Add : Selling cost Total cost (II) Loss (I)- (II)

` 1,65,000 1,00,000 70,000 1,70,000 8,000 1,78,000 13,000

Analysis : There is an incremental loss of ` 13,000 by accepting special order. Hence it is suggested to reject the special order. b) (i) Computation of predetermined overhead rate for each production department from budgeted data Production Deptts. Service Deptts. P1 P2 S1 S2 Budgeted factory overheads for the 25,50,000 21,75,000 6,00,000 4,50,000 year in (`) Allocation of service department S1s 3,00,000 3,00,000 - 6,00,000 _ costs to production departments P1 and P2 equally in (`) Allocation of service department S2s 3,00,000 1,50,000 _ - 4,50,000 costs to production department P1 and P2 in ratio of 2:1 in (`) Total (`) 31,50,000 26,25,000 Nil Nil Budgeted machine hours in 1,05,000 department P1 (Refer to working Note1) Budgeted machine hours in 1,75,000 department P2 (Refer to working Note 1)

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Budgeted machine hour rate ` 30 (` 31,50,000/1,05,000) Budgeted machine hour rate ` 15 (` 26,25,000/1,75,000) (ii) Performance report for December, 2011 (When 4,000 and 3,000 units of products E and F respectively were actually produced) Budgeted Actual ` ` Raw material used in department P1 E: 4,000 units ` 120 4,80,000 4,89,000 F : 3,000 units ` 150 4,50,000 4,56,000 Direct Labour Cost on the basis of labour hours worked in department P2 E:4,000 2 hrs. `72 5,76,000 5,91,900 F:3,000 2.5 hrs. `75 5,62,500 5,52,000 Overhead absorbed On machine hour basis in department P1 E: 4,000 1.5 hrs. `30 1,80,000 1,74,400* F. 3,000 1 hr. `30 90,000 1,18,649 Overhead absorbed On machine hour basis in department P2 E: 4,000 2 hrs. `15 1,20,000 1,31,364** F: 3,000 2.5 hrs. `15 1,12,500 1,18,548 25,71,000 26,31,861 * (Refer to working Note 4) **(Refer to Working Note 5) Working Notes: Product E Product F Total 1. Budgeted output 50,000 30,000 (in units) Budgeted machine hours 75,000 30,000 1,05,000 In department P1 (50,000 1.5 hrs.) (30,000 1 hrs.) Budgeted labour hours 1,00,000 75,000 1,75,000 In department P2 (50,000 2 hrs.) (30,000 2.5 hrs.) Product E 4,000 Product F 3,000 Total

2. Actual output (in units) Actual machine hours utilised in department P1 Actual labour hours utilised in department P2 3.

6,100 8,200

4,150 7,400

10,250 15,600

Computation of actual overhead rate for each production department from actual data Production Deptts. Service Deptts. P1 P2 S1 S2 Actual factory overheads for the 2,31,000 2,04,000 60,000 48,000 month of December,2011in (`) Allocation of service department 30,000 30,000 60,000 S1s costs in (`) over production departments P1 and P2 equally. Allocation of service department 32,000 16,000 48,000 S2s costs in (`) over production departments P1 and P2 in the ratio
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of 2:1 _______ _______ Total (`) 2,93,000 2,50,000 Actual machine hours in 10,250 department P1 (Refer to Working Note 2) Actual labour hours in 15,600 department P2 (Refer to Working Note 2) Machine hour rate ` 28.59 (` 2,93,000/10,250) Labour hour/ rate ` 16.02 (` 2,50,000/15,600) 4. Actual overheads absorbed (based on machine hours): E: 6,100 hrs. ` 28.59 = ` 1,74,400 (say) F: 4,150 hrs. ` 28.59 = ` 1,18,649 (say) 5. Actual overheads absorbed (based on labour hours): E: 8,200 hrs. ` 16.02 = ` 1,31,364 F: 7,400 hrs. ` 16.02 = ` 1,18,548 ___ Nil ___ Nil

25a)DEF Ltd is tendering for a six months contract which would require the use of specialized machine. The Machine was purchased 4 years ago for ` 90000 whose net book value as on date is ` 35000. The Company was about to sell the Machine for ` 40000 but if it is used in the given contract, it may be sold after 6 months for ` 25000. The variable operating cost of the machine for 6 months would be ` 45000. Identify the relevant cost of using the machine on contract.(Ignore interest costs.) b)PQR Ltd. engaged in manufacturing activities has received a request from one of its customers to supply a product F which would require conversion of Material M, a non-moving item. Details of material M are as follows: Book Value of material M Rs 600 Realisable value of Material M `800 Replacement cost of Material M ` 1000 It is estimated that conversion of one unit of M into one unit of the Finished Product will require 1 Labour Hour. At present Labour is paid at the rate of ` 20 per hour. Other Costs are as follows: Out of pocket expenses ` 300 per unit Allocated Overheads ` 100 per unit. The Labour will be redeployed from other activities. It is estimated that the temporary redeployment will not result in loss of contribution.. The employees redeployed are permanent employees of the Company. Estimate the Minimum Price to be charged from customer so that the Company is not worse off by executing the order. c)Fixed Costs are irrelevant in decision making. List out the exceptions. d)Mr. H , the Sales manager of WBD Ltd. Has been asked by a potential customer to sell 10,000 units of a certain Gear for Rs 1000 per unit. WBD Ltd normally sells this item for ` 1500/- per unit, but it is having some excess manufacturing capacity in recent months. It is anticipated that this would be one time order of the customer. The unit cost of the product is as under. ` Particulars Direct Materials 300 Direct Labour 250 Variable Factory OH 125 Fixed Factory OH 250 Variable Selling and Administrative Expense 175 Fixed Selling and Administrative Expense 225 Total per unit cost 1325 The Sales Manger is of the opinion that accepting the order would amount to loss of `132/- per unit. In this context , decidei)The relevant costs to the decision to sell at Special Price. ii)Amount of relevant costs.

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iii)Differential income(Loss) if this order is accepted. iv)Non financial factors relevant in this decision. Ans: a)Relevant Cost of operating the Machine on contract for six months: Variable operating costs Reduction in realizable Value during use(`40000-`25000) Total relevant cost Note: The original cost of `90000 and Net Book Value are irrelevant Sunk Costs. b) For a slow moving material , Realizable Value is relevant opportunity cost. So realizable value of M is relevant. Labour is permanent. Assuming that there is no retrenchment policy, this cost is committed and irrelevant Out of pocket cost specifically incurred. Hence relevant Allocated OH is not specifically incurred. Hence irrelevant. Minimum price to be charged 800 300 1100

`45000 `15000 `60000

c)In the following circumstances , Fixed Costs become relevant in decision making: i) Fixed Costs are specifically incurred for any Contract; ii)When Fixed costs are incremental in nature; iii)When fixed portion of semi variable costs increases due to change in level of activity consequent to acceptance of a contract; iv)When Fixed Costs are avoidable or discretionary; v)When Fixed cost are such that one cost is incurred in lieu of the another. di)The relevant cost of the Special Order are those which will change if the order is accepted, i.e(1) Direct Material, (2)Direct Labour, (3)Variable factory OH and (4) Variable Selling and Administrative Expenses. ii)Relevant Cost per unit= Direct Material, +Direct Labour, +Variable factory OH + Variable Selling and Administrative Expenses. =Rs 300+Rs 250+Rs 125+Rs 175=` 850/iii)Differential Income/(Loss) on acceptance of Special Order=10000 units*(Rs 1000-Rs850)=` 1500,000 iv)Non- Financial factors to be considered include: A)Availability of sufficient Excess Capacity to produce 10000 units without reducing present sales are `1500/p.u B) Effect of Special Order price on regular customers who may demand similar lowering of prices. C)Possibility of repeat orders and effect of such lower price in long run. 26a)HAD is engaged in the manufacture of Sunflower Oil. The three divisions are : Harvesting it produces Oilseeds and transports the same to Oil Mill, Oil Mill- process Oilseeds and manufactures Edible Oil, Marketing Division- packs Edible Oil in 2 Kg containers for sale at `150 per container. The Oil Mill has a yield of 1000 kg of oil from 2000 kg of Oilseeds during a period. The Marketing Division has a yield of 500 cans of Edible Oil of 2 Kg of Oil. rd The cost data for each division for the 3 Quarter of 2011 are as underHarvesting Division: Variable Cost per kg of Oilseed `2.50 Fixed cost per Kg of Oilseed `5.00 Oil Mill Division: Variable Cost of Processed Edible Oil ` 10 per Kg Fixed Cost of Processed Edible Oil `7.50 per Kg Marketing Division: Variable Cost per Can of 2 Kg of Oil Fixed Cost per Can of 2 Kg of Oil `3.75 `8.75

Fixed Costs are calculated on the basis of estimated quantity of 2000 kg of Oilseeds harvested, 1000 kg of processed oil and 500 cans of Edible Oil packed by the aforesaid divisions respectively during the period under review.The other oil mills buy the oilseeds of same quantity at Rs 12.50 per Kg in the market. The market price of Edible oil processed by the Oil Mill, if sold without being packed by Marketing Division is `62.50 per Kg.
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i) Compute the Overall Profit of the Company of harvesting 2000 kg of Oilseeds, processing it into edible oil and selling the same in 2 cans as estimated for the period under review. ii) Compute transfer prices using Shared Contribution Method in relation to Variable Costs and Market Pricing Method from (I) Harvesting Division to Oil Mill Division(II) Oil Mill Division to Marketing Division. iii)Which method is preferable. Advice the divisional Manager. bi)Explain the concept of Goal Congurence. ii) Write short note on Negotiated Transfer Pricing. Ans: ai) Statement of Companys Profit: Harvesting A) Sales(150*500) B)Production(Qty) 2000Kg(oilseeds) C) Variable Cost (VC) ` 2.50 per unit D)Total VC ` 5,000 E)Contribution(A-D) F)Total Fixed Cost `10,000 G)Profit(E-F)

Oil Mill 1000 kg(oil) ` 10.00 `10,000 ` 7,500

Marketing 500 Cans ` 3.75 `1,875 `4,375

Total(Rs) 75,000

16,875 58,125 21,875 36,250

ii)Computation of Transfer prices under different methods: Harvesting Oil Mill A) Shared Contribution in `17,222 ` 34,444 relation to Variable Cost, i.e Rs 58125 shared in ratio of 5000:10000:1875 B)Own Variable Costs ` 5,000 ` 10,000 C) Transfer in Variable ` 22,222 Costs D)Transfer Price under ` 22,222 ` 66,666 shared Contribution method(A+B+C) E)Transfer Price under Rs 12.50 *2000=` 25,000 ` 62.50 *1,000=` 62,500 Market Price Method

Marketing `6,459

` 1,875 ` 66,666 ` 75,000(market price)

MP=` 75,000

iii) Computation of Divisional Profits under different Transfer Pricing Methods: Harvesting Oil Mill Marketing (1) Shared ` 22,222 ` 66,666 ` 75,000 Contribution Method(WN ii) Less:Own Variable ` 5,000 ` 10,000 ` 1,875 Costs Less: Transfer in ` 22,222 ` 66,666 Costs Less:Fixed Costs ` 10,000 ` 7,500 ` 4,375 Profits ` 7,222 ` 26,944 ` 2,084 (2) Market Price Method Transfer Price(WN ` 25,000 ` 62,500 MP=` 75,000 ii) Less: Own Variable ` 5,000 ` 10,000 ` 1,875 Costs Less: Transfer in ` 25,000 ` 62,500 Costs Less: Fixed Costs ` 10,000 ` 7,500 ` 4,375 Profits ` 10,000 ` 20,000 ` 6,250


` 36,250

Rs 36250

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Preferences Market Price Shared Contribution Market Price

bi)Division functioning as profit centers strive to achieve maximum divisional profits, either by internal transfers or from outside purchase. This may not match with the organizations objective of maximum overall profits. Divisions may be commercial to advice overall objects objectives , where divisional decisions are in line with the overall best for the company , and this is goal congruence. Divisions at a disadvantage may be given due weightage while appraising their performance. Goal incongruence defeats the purpose of divisional profit centre system. ii) The transfer prices may be fixed on the basis of Negotiated Prices which are fixed through negotiations between the selling and the buying division. Sometimes it may happen that the concerned product may be available in the market at a cheaper price than charged by the selling division. In this situation the buying division may be tempted to purchase the product from outside sellers rather than the selling division. Alternatively the selling division may notice that in the outside market, the product is sold at a higher price but the buying division is not ready to pay the market price. Here, the selling division may be reluctant to sell the product to the buying division at a price, which is less than the market price. In all these conflicts, the overall profitability of the firm may be affected adversely. Therefore it becomes beneficial for both the divisions to negotiate the prices and arrive at a price, which is mutually beneficial to both the divisions. Such prices are called as Negotiated Prices. In order to make these prices effective care should be taken that both, the buyers and sellers should have access to the available data including about the alternatives available if any. Similarly buyers and sellers should be free to deal outside the company, but care should be taken that the overall interest of the organization is not jeopardized. The main limitation of this method is that lot of time is spent by both the negotiating parties in fixation of the negotiated prices. Negotiating skills are required for the managers for arriving at a mutually acceptable price, otherwise there is a possibility of conflicts between the divisions. 27a)AW Ltd. manufactures and sells 15000 units of a product . The Full Cost per unit is Rs 200/- The Company fixed its price so as to earn a 20% return on investment of Rs 18,00,000. Required: i)Calculate the Selling Price per unit from the above. Also, calculate the Mark-up % on the Full Cost per unit. ii)If the Selling Price as calculated above represents a Mark-up % of 40% on Variable Cost per unit. iii)Calculate the Companys Income if it had increased the selling price to Rs 230/- At this price , the Company would have sold 13500 units. Should the Company increase Selling Price to Rs 230/-? iv) In response to competitive pressures, the company must reduce the price to Rs 210 next year, in order to achieve sales of 15000 units. The Company plans to reduce its investment to Rs 16,50,000. If a 20% Return on Investment should be maintained, what is the Target Cost per unit for next year? b)Discuss the scope of Cost Reduction in area of Works Services. Ans: a) A) Target Sale Price per unit =Full Cost + target Profit=Rs 200+Rs 1800000/15000 Rs .224 units*20% So, mark up on full cost =Rs 24/Rs 200 12% B) Sale Price =Rs 224= VC+ 40% i.e 140% on VC. Hence Variable Cost =Rs ` 160 224/140% C)Present Contribution at 15000 units =(Rs 224- Rs 160)*15000 units= Rs 960,000 Revised Contribution at 13500 units=(Rs 230- Rs 160)*13500 units= Rs 945,000 Hence , Increase in Sale Price is not beneficial, due to reduction in Rs 15000 Contribution by D)Target Profit for next year=Rs 1650000/15000*20%=Rs 22 So Target Cost for next year= New Sale Price less Target Profit= Rs210-Rs 22 Rs 188

b) The scope of cost reduction in the area of Works Services arei) Keeping records of consumption and fuel to analyze the potential cost reduction.

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ii) Study of the influence of Power Factor and maximum demand upon electricity charges and avoidance of waste by power generation etc. iii) Boiler House Instrumentation as an aid to efficient utilization of energy resources. iv) Preventive maintenance plans to avoid frequent breakdown and consequent production losses. v)Comparison of Maintenance cost bill vis--vis Plant replacement cost bill to effect long run economies. vi) Quality Control techniques to ensure quality of products. vii)Study and review of procedures and systems to avoid duplication of work, elimination of unnecessary reports and making effective use of information recorded for formulating policies, planning and control. 28a) A company has the option to procure a particular material from two sources: Source I assures that defectives will not be more than 2% of supplied quantity. Source II does not give any assurance, but on the basis of past experience of supplies received from it, it is observed that defective percentage is 2.8%. The material is supplied in lots of 1,000 units. Source II supplies the lot at a price, which is lower by ` 100 as compared to Source I. The defective units of material can be rectified for use at a cost of ` 5 per unit. Advice which of the two sources is more economical? b) ABC Limited uses a small casting in one of its finished products. The castings are purchased from a foundry. ABC Limited purchases 54,000 castings per year at a cost of ` 800 per casting. The castings are used evenly throughout the year in the production process on a 360-day-per-year basis. The company estimates that it costs `9,000 to place a single purchase order and about `300 to carry one casting in inventory for a year. The high carrying costs result from the need to keep the castings in carefully controlled temperature and humidity conditions, and from the high cost of insurance. Delivery from the foundry generally takes 6 days, but it can take as much as 10 days. The days of delivery time and percentage of their occurrence are shown in the following tabulation: Delivery time (days) : 6 7 8 9 10 Percentage of occurrence : 75 10 5 5 5 Required: (I) Compute the economic order quantity (EOQ). (ii) Assume the company is willing to assume a 15% risk of being out of stock. What would be the safety stock? The re-order point? (iii) Assume the company is willing to assume a 5% risk of being out of stock. What would be the safety stock? The re-order point? (iv) Assume 5% stock-out risk. What would be the total cost of ordering and carrying inventory for one year? (v) Refer to the original data. Assume that using process re-engineering the company reduces its cost of placing a purchase order to only `600. In addition company estimates that when the waste and inefficiency caused by inventories are considered, the true cost of carrying a unit in stock is ` 720 per year. (I)Compute the new EOQ. (II) How frequently would the company be placing an order, as compared to the old purchasing policy? Ans:a) Comparative Statement of procuring material from two sources Material source Material source I II Defective (in %) 2 2.8 (Future estimate) (Past experience) Units supplied (in one lot) 1,000 1,000 Total defective units in a lot 20 28 (1,000 units 2%) (1,000 units 2.8%) Additional price paid per lot (`) (A) 100 Rectification cost of defect (`) (B) 100 140 (20 units ` 5) (28 units ` 5) Total additional cost per lot (`): [(A)+(B)] 200 140 Decision: On comparing the total additional cost incurred per lot of 1,000 units, we observe that it is more economical, if the required material units are procured from material source II.

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
b) (i) Computation of economic order quantity (EOQ) (A)Annual requirement = (C) Cost per casting = (O)Ordering cost (c i)Carrying cost per casting p.a EOQ = (ii) = = =

54,000 castings ` 800 ` 9,000 / order ` 300 1800 casting

2 AO = c i

2 54000 9000 300


(iv) (v)

Safety stock (Assuming a 15% risk of being out of stock) Safety stock for one day = 54,000/360 days = 150 castings Re-order point = Minimum stock level + Average lead time Average consumption = 150 + 6 150 = 1,050 castings. Safety stocks (Assuming a 5% risk of being out of stock) Safety stock for three days = 150 3 days = 450 castings Re-order point = 450 casting + 900 castings = 1,350 castings Total cost of ordering = (54,000/1,800) ` 9,000 = ` 2,70,000 Total cost of carrying = (450 + 1,800) ` 300 = ` 4,05,000 (I) Computation of new EOQ: EOQ =

2 54,000 600 720

300 castings

(II)Total number of orders to be placed in a year are 180. Each order is to be placed after 2 days (1 year = 360 days). Under old purchasing policy each order is placed after 12 days. 29a) What do you understand by Uniform Costing? State the essential pre-requisites for the installation of uniform costing system in an industry. b) What is meant by Inter-firm comparison? State the prerequisites and limitations of such system. Ans: a) Uniform Costing is not a distinct method of costing, In fact when several undertaking start using the same costing principles and / or practices, they are said to be following uniform costing. The basic idea behind uniform costing is that the different concerns in an industry should adopt a common method of costing and apply uniformly the same principles and techniques for better cost comparison and common good. The principles and methods of compilation, analysis, apportionment and absorption of overheads differ from one concern to the other in the same industry, but if a common or uniform pattern is adopted by all, it helps mutually in cost control and cost reduction. The essential requisites for the installation of uniform costing system A successful system of uniform costing requires the following essential requisites for its installation: 1. The firms in the industry should be willing to share /furnish relevant data /information. 2. A spirit of co-operation and mutual trust should prevail among the participating firms. 3. Mutual exchange of ideas, methods used, special achievements made, research and know-how etc. should be frequent. 4. Bigger firms should take the lead towards sharing their experience and know -how with the smaller firms to enable the latter to improve their performance. 5. Uniformity must be established with regard to several points before the introduction of uniform costing in an industry. In fact, uniformity should be with regard to following points : i)Size of the various units covered by uniform costing. ii)Production methods. iii)Accounting methods, principles and procedures used. b) Inter-firm comparison is the technique of evaluating the performance efficiency, costs and profits of firms in an industry. It consists of voluntary exchange of information/data concerning costs, prices, profits, productivity and overall efficiency among firms engaged in similar type of operations for the purpose of bringing improvement in efficiency and indicating the weaknesses. Such a comparison will be possible where uniform costing is in operation.
Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament Page 50

Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
An inter-firm comparison indicates the efficiency of production and selling, adequacy of profits, weak spots in the organisation, etc and thus demands from the firms management an immediate suitable action. Inter-firm comparison may enable the management to challenge the standards which it has set for itself and to improve upon them in the light of the current information gathered from more efficient units. Such a comparison may be pharmaceuticals, cycle manufacturing, etc. The following requisites should be considered while installing a system of inter-firm comparison: 1. Centre for Inter-firm Comparison: For collection and analysing data received from member units for doing a comparative study and for dissemination of the results of study a Central body is necessary. The functions of such a bo dy may be: i)Collection of data and information from its members; ii)Dissemination of results to its members; iii)Undertaking research and development for common and individual benefit of its members; organising training programmes and publishing magazines. 2. Membership: Another requirement for the success of inter-firm comparison is that firms of different sizes should become members of the Centre entrusted with the task of carrying out inter -firm comparison. 3. Nature of information to be collected Although there is no limit to information, yet the following information, useful to the management is in general collected by the center for inter firm comparison. i)Information regarding costs and cost structures. ii)Raw material consumption iii)Stock of raw material, wastage of materials etc. iv)Labour efficiency and labour utilisation. v)Machine utilisation and machine efficiency. vi)Capital employed and return on capital vii)Liquidity of the organisation. viii)Reserve and appropriation of profit. ix)Creditors and debtors. x)Methods of production and technical aspects. 4. Method of Collection and presentation of information: The centre collects information at fixed intervals in a prescribed form from its membe rs. Sometimes a questionnaire is sent to each member, the replies of the questionnaire received by the Centre constitute the information/data. The information is generally collected at the end of the year as it is mostly related with final accounts and Balance Sheet. The information supplied by firms is genera lly in the form of ratios and not in absolute figures. The information collected as above is stored and presented to its members in the form of a report. Such reports are not made available to non -members. The following are the limitations in the implementation of a scheme of inter-firm comparison: 1. Top management feels that secrecy will be lost. 2. Middle management is usually not convinced with the utility of such a comparison. 3. In the absence of a suitable cost accounting system, the figures supplied may not reliable for the purpose of comparison. 4. Suitable basis of comparison may not be available 30a) FEG Bank is examining the profitability of its Subidha Account, a combined Savings and Current account. Depositors receive a 7% annual interest on their average deposit. ABC Bank earns an interest rate spread of 3% (the difference between the rate at which it lends money and rate it pays to depositors) by lending money for home loan purpose at 10%. The Subidha Account allows depositors unlimited use of services such as deposits, withdrawals, cheque facility, and foreign currency drafts. Depositors with Subidha Account balances of ` 50,000 or more receive unlimited free use of services. Depositors with minimum balance of less than ` 50,000 pay ` 1,000-a-month service fee for their Subidha Account. FEG Bank recently conducted an activity-based costing study of its services. The use of these services in 2011-12 by three customers is as follows:

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
ActivityBased Cost Per Transaction Deposits/withdrawal with teller Deposits/withdrawal with automatic teller machine (ATM) Deposits/withdrawal on pre-arranged monthly basis Bank Cheques written Foreign Currency drafts Inquiries about Account balance Average Premier Account balance for 2011-12 ` 125 ` 40 ` 25 ` 400 ` 600 ` 75 Account Usage Customer C

Customer A

Customer B

40 10

50 20

5 16

0 9 4 10 ` 55,000

12 3 1 18 ` 40,000

60 2 6 9 ` 12,50,000

Assume Customer A and C always maintains a balance above ` 50,000, whereas Customer B always has a balance below ` 50,000. Required: (i) Compute the 2011-12 profitability of the customers A, B and C Premier Account at FEG Bank. (ii) What evidence is there of cross-subsidisation among the three Premier Accounts? Why might ABC Bank worry about this Cross-subsidisation, if the Premier Account product offering is Profitable as a whole? (iii) What changes would you recommend for ABC Banks Subidha Account? b) HGB Ltd. has an installed capacity of 1,50,000 units per annum. Its cost structure is given below: ` Variable cost per unit Materials 10 Labour (subject to a minimum of ` 1,00,000 per month) 10 Overheads 4 (ii) Fixed overheads per annum 1,92,300 (iii) Semi-variable overheads per annum at 75% capacity (It will increase by ` 4,000 per annum for increase of every 5% of the capacity utilisation or any part thereof) 60,000 The capacity utilisation for the next year is budgeted at 75% for first three months, 80% for the next six months and 90% for the remaining three months. Required: If the company is planning to have a profit of 20% on the selling price, calculate the selling price per unit for the 2012-13. (i)

Ans: a) Customer Profitability Analysis FEG Bank Subidha Account Activity Activity based cost ` Deposits/withdraw al with teller 125 Customers

A ` 5,000

B ` 6,250

C ` 625
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Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012
(40 125) Deposits/withdraw al with ATM Deposits/withdraw al on prearranged monthly basis Bank cheques written Foreign currency drafts Inquiries about Account balance Customer cost (I) Spread on Average balance maintained Service fee Customer benefit(II) 40 400 (10 40) (40 125) 800 (20 40) (5 125) 640 (16 40)


0 (0 25) 3,600 (9 400) 2,400 (4 600) 750 (10 75) 12,150

300 (12 25) 1,200 (3 400) 600 (1 600) 1,350 (18 75) 10,500

1,500 (60 25) 800 (2 400) 3,600 (6 600) 675 (9 75) 7,840




3% ` 1,000 p.m.

1,650 (3% 55,000)

1,200 (3% 40,000) 12,000 13,200

37,500 (3% 12,50,000)



Customers A Customer Profitability (Benefits Costs) ` (10,500)

B ` 2,700

C ` 29,660

(ii) Customer C is most profitable and is cross-subsidising the most demanding customer A. Customer B is paying for the services used, because of not being able to maintain minimum balance. No doubt, Subidha Account product offering is profitable as a whole, but the worry is of not finding customers like customer C who will maintain a balance higher than the stipulated minimum. It appears, the minimum balance stipulated is inadequate considering the services availed by depositors in Subidha Account. (iii) The changes suggested to FEG Banks Subidha Account are as follows: Increase the requirement of minimum balance from ` 50,000 to ` 1,00,000. Charge for value added services like Foreign Currency Drafts. Do not allow deposits/withdrawal below ` 10,000 at the teller. Only ATM machine withdrawal be allowed. Inquiries about account balance to be entertained only through Phone Banking/ATM.

b) Working Notes: (i) (ii) Installed capacity per month Capacity utilisation Production per month (units) Total production (units) Total

1,50,000 =12,500 units 12

80% 10,000 10,000 6 = 60,000 1,21,875 units 90% 11,250 11,250 3 = 33,750

75% 9,375 3 9,375 = 28,125

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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Revisionary Test Paper : Paper 8- Cost & Management Accounting June 2012


Calculation of labour cost: Capacity 75% Production per month 9,375 (units) Labour @ 10 (subject to 93,750 i.e. minimum minimum 1,00,000) 1,00,000 Total labour cost 3 1,00,000 = 3,00,000 Total

80% 10,000 1,00,000 6 1,00,000 = 6,00,000 Rs 12,37,500

90% 11,250 1,12,500 3 1,12,500 = 3,37,500


Calculation of semi variable overheads: 75% 80% 90% Semi variable 60,000 60,000 + 4,000 60,000 + 12,000 = 5,000 = 5333.66 = 6,000 Overhead per 12 12 12 month Total Semivariable 3 5,000 = 15,000 6 5333.66 = 32,000 3 6,000 = 18,000

Total overhead ` 65,000 Calculation of selling price per unit: Material costs 1,21,875 @ 10 Labour cost Overheads 1,21,875 @ 4 Semi-variable Overheads Fixed Overheads Total cost Profit 20% on selling price i.e., 25% on cost Sales Selling price/unit = ` 12,18,750 12,37,500 4,87,500 65,000 1,92,300 32,01,050 8,00,262.50 40,01,312.50 ` 32.83

40,01,312.50 1,21,875

Directorate of Studies, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament

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