Grade 10 Lesson Plan Week 2 English

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DATE: September 8-19, 2014

SUBJECT: English

GRADE: 10 (0)

DURATION: 60 mins

NO. IN CLASS: 35 students (approximately)

TOPIC (S): a) Kinds of Sentences b) Sentence and Sentence Fractions

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: students should be able to:

1) review types of sentences.

2) give students the chance to practice how to combine what they have already learned, and to
demonstrate this in written form

3) Demonstrate knowledge by getting ten exercises correctly

PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Simple and Complex sentences

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: marker and whiteboard

TECHNOLOGY UTILIZED: marker, whiteboard


Teacher and students do oral practices followed by written work.



A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea.

Different types of sentences have different purposes.

A sentence can make a statement, ask a question, give a command.

A sentence can also express strong feeling.

All sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.

The punctuation mark depends on the purpose of the sentence.

1. A declarative sentence:
– makes a statement. It ends with a period (full stop) e.g. I go to Porus High School.

2. Interrogative sentence:

-asks a question. It ends with a question mark e.g. Did you see the principal this

3. Imperative sentence: gives a command or makes a request. It ends with a period.

- e.g. Go through the door.

4. An exclamatory sentences: expresses strong feeling. It ends with an exclamation point.

e.g. What a great work you have done!


a) Every sentence has two parts a subject and a predicate.

E.g. John Smith wrote poetry.

Subject Predicate
The subject part of a sentence names whom or what the sentence is about.

The predicate part of a sentence tells what the subject does or has. It can also tell what the
subject is or is like.

A sentence fragment does not express a complete thought. It may also be missing a subject, a
predicate, or both.


The poems What did the poems do? The poems lay in Miss Louise
Bennett’s library for years.
Does it make sense?

The fragment lacks a predicate

Wrote about her emotions Who wrote about her Miss Louise Bennett wrote
emotions? about her emotions..

The fragment lacks a subject

Of meaning The fragment lacks a subject Her poems contain many

and a predicate layers of meaning.


Do all the following. Identify the kinds of sentences

1. We are very excited about the new school year.

2. Have you ever travelled to Kingston?

3. Send me a post card please.

4. Will you take a bus or a taxi tomorrow?

5. What a beautiful beach this is.

6. Bring me those papers on my desk

7. Let me help you with your Mathematics.

8. Can you see the board clearly?

9. That was a great job!

Write 2 declarative sentences, 2 interrogative sentences.

2 imperative sentences and 2 exclamatory sentences.


Write each sentence and underline the subject part once and the predicate part twice. e.g.
My sister and I pitched the tent. (put another line under ‘I pitched the tent’)

1. Mr. Wilson teaches science at the school.

2. The animal lay in anguish after the accident.

3. Mary will join the group later.

4. He failed his examination because he did not study.

5. The student was detained.

6. The principal’s orders were met with defiance.

7. The children decided to leave early for home.

8. I intended to visit my relatives abroad during the summer vacations.


For each fragment add a subject or a predicate or both to make it a sentence.

1. Over the river and through the woods.

2. Showed me a book about History.

3. Am having a good time at summer camp.

4. Everywhere on this planet and through the solar system won the game by just two points.

5. A huge green and white beach umbrella.

6. Let me help you with

7. The boy football team

8. Thirteen pink candles

9. Library book disappear

ENRICHMENT: Students will be given similar activities for homework.

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