SAP FIGL Configuration SAP R

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SAP FIGL Configuration SAP R/3 ENTERPRISE 4.

SAP FIGL Configuration SAP R/3 ENTERPRISE 4.7 A) COMPANY CODE CONFIGURATION 1. Creating company code in SAP OX02 SAP Menu - Tools- Customizing- IMG- SPRO - Edit ProjectIMG - Enterprise Structure- Definition - Financial Accounting - Define, copy, delete, check company code 2. Create Chart of accounts in SAP OB13 FOR CREATION OBY7 FOR COPYING IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - G/L Accounts - Master Records - Preparations - Edit Chart of Accounts List 3. Assign Company code to Chart of accounts OBY6 IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - G/L Accounts- Master Records - Preparations - Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts 4. Define Account Group OBD4 IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - G/L Accounts- Master Records - Preparations - Define Account Group In order to organize and manage a large number of G/L accounts better in SAP, they are arranged in account groups. The accounts of an account group normally have similar business functions. You could, for example, have an account group for cash accounts, one for expense accounts, one for revenue accounts, and one for other balance sheet accounts, etc. 5. Define Retained Earnings Account in SAP OB53 IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - G/L Accounts - Master Records- Preparations - Define Retained Earnings Account You assign a retained earnings account to each P&L account by specifying a P&L statement account type in the chart of accounts area of each P&L account in SAP. Enter X in P& L statement

Enter the account code for Retained earnings account. (Always select last account code of liabilities group) Click -> You will get a message Account not created in chart of accounts YCCA, ignore it by pressing enter. Click to save entry. (This retained earnings account is required to carry on the difference between the local reporting and parent reporting. For example:- As per the local law the depreciation is calculated at 10% Straight line method (works out to 10,000 INR) whereas as per the parent companies reporting the depreciation rate is 15% SLM (works out to 15,000 INR). Thus the depreciation calculated will be different for local and parent. Thus the profit reported will be different and the profit carried forward to the balance sheet will be different. In SAP we manage this by creating different GL codes. Example: The local depreciation is posted to GL code 460001 Depreciation Local 10000 INR The depreciation for the parent is posted as a difference between local and parent (15,000 INR 10,000 INR = 5,000 INR) to GL code 460002 Depreciation local parent 5,000 INR The GL code 460001 is mapped to retained earnings account X and the GL code 460002 is mapped to retained earnings account Y in SAP. 6. Maintain Fiscal Year Variant OB29 IMG- Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Fiscal Year- Maintain Fiscal Year Variant

7. Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant OB29 IMG- Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Fiscal Year- Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant

8. Define Posting period Variant OBBO IMG- Financial Accounting- Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Posting Periods - Define Variants for Open Posting Periods (The name of this variant is identical to the company code name. Every company code is allocated to this variant with the same name.) 9. Open and Close Posting Periods OB52

IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Posting Periods - Open and Close Posting Periods Various account types in SAP are:A Assets D Debtors K - Creditors M Material S - GL 10. Assign Posting period Variant to Company code IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Posting Periods - Assign Variants to Company Code The posting period variant 9100 needs to be assigned to company code 9100 Assign 9100 to company code 9100 11. Create document number ranges for company code FBN1/OBH1/OBH2 IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Document Number Ranges - Define Document Number Ranges. 11.1 Copy document number ranges to fiscal year (OBH2) IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Document Number Ranges - Copy to Fiscal Year Every year you need to maintain the number ranges in FI for your company code. This can be done by copying number ranges from earlier fiscal year. This can be done using transaction code OBH2. 12. Define document type and assign document number range - OBA7 IMG- Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Document Header- Define Document Types 13. Enable Fiscal Year Default IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Default Values for Document Processing- Enable Fiscal Year Default 14. Enable Default Value date IMG - Financial Accounting- Financial Accounting Global Settings Document-Default Values for Document Processing- Enable Fiscal Year Default

15. Maintain Field Status Variants OBC4 IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Line Item- Controls - Maintain Field Status Variants 16. Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Line Item - Controls - Assign Company Code to Field Status Variants 17. Screen variants for document entry IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Line Item- Controls - Screen Variants for Document Entry The screen variant, which you specify for each company code, addresses special screens for documents for several specific functions in SAP. You determine the screen variant dependent on the company code. Example In an Indian company code, for example, a screen with fields for withholding tax is required when entering a vendor item. You therefore have to select a special screen variant for Indian company codes. Select the option, which is required. In our example we will select the standard version only Enter field status variant 9100 SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 36 of 36 SAP 4.7 The screen variant field is already blank, so no need of saving entry. 18. Define Tolerance Groups for Employees in SAP OBA4 IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Line Item- Define Tolerance Groups for Employees 19. Assign User/Tolerance Groups IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Line Item- Assign User/Tolerance Groups 20. Maximum Exchange Rate Difference IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Document- Document Header- Maximum Exchange Rate Difference Define Maximum Exchange Rate Difference per Company Code 21. Check company Code settings in Global parameters IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Company Code- Enter Global Parameters 22. Define Additional Local currencies (Optional) IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings -

Company Code - Multiple Currencies - Define Additional Local Currencies 23. Define Additional Local currencies for Ledgers (Optional) IMG - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings Company Code - Multiple Currencies - Define Additional Local Currencies 24. Define Company IMG - Enterprise Structure - Definition - Financial Accounting Company Code- Define company 25. Assign company code to company IMG - Enterprise Structure - Assignment - Financial Accounting Assign Company code to company Assign company code 9100 to company 9100 in SAP. 27. Check Calculation Procedure IMG - Financial Accounting- Financial Accounting Global Settings - Tax on Sales/Purchases- Basic Settings - Check Calculation Procedure 28. Assign Country to Calculation Procedure IMG - Financial Accounting- Financial Accounting Global Settings - Tax on Sales/Purchases- Basic Settings - Check Calculation Procedure In this step we assign the calculation procedure created in the earlier step to the country. The country is the country of the company code. In our case the country of the company code is India. 29. Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases IMG - Financial Accounting- Financial Accounting Global Settings - Tax on Sales/Purchases- Calculation- Define Tax Codes for Sales and Purchases B) Creating General Ledger (GL) account codes in the Chart of accounts:1) Create GL account in Chart accounts and company code FS00 C) Configuration for GL Automatic clearing: 1. Automatic Clearing IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting- Business Transactions- Open Item Clearing - Prepare Automatic Clearing 2. Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts OBA4 IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting- Business Transactions- Open Item Clearing - Clearing Differences - Define Tolerance Groups for G/L Accounts

3. Assigning accounts for GL Clearing Differences IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting- Business Transactions- Open Item Clearing - Clearing Differences - Create Accounts for Clearing Differences For G/L account clearing, define the limits within which differences are accepted. In this activity you define the accounts to which these differences should be posted. Enter chart of accounts YCCA Click on to save the rules Click on to update the posting keys SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 72 of 72 SAP 4.7 Update the following:Click And update GL code 470706, which is clearing difference account (G/L). It is an expense account SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 73 of 73 SAP 4.7 Click D) Configuration for Foreign currency Valuation In this configuration you define the specifications required for the valuation of foreign currency balances e.g. Bank accounts holding foreign exchange and Open items in foreign currency e.g. Customers and Vendors 1. Define Valuation methods IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting- Business Transactions- Closing - Valuating - Foreign Currency Valuation - Define valuation methods SAP uses exchange rate type M to value all foreign currency items. M is the average rate of any foreign currency. In this step, you define your valuation methods for the open items. With the valuation method, you group specifications together, which you need for the balance and individual valuation. Before every valuation run, you specify the required valuation method. SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 74 of 74 SAP 4.7 SAP provides various valuation methods. You can create your own key starting with Z. SAP provides following valuation methods: Let us create our own valuation methods. Click on Update the following:SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 75 of 75 SAP 4.7 Exchange rate type B is Bank selling and Exchange rate G is bank buying rate.

In the valuation procedure various configuration options are available Relevant for open items SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 76 of 76 SAP 4.7 The valuation is only displayed if the valuation difference between the local currency amount and the valued amount is negative that is an exchange loss has taken place. The valuation is carried out per item total. The valuation is only displayed if, as a consequence, the new valuation has a greater devaluation and/or a greater revaluation for credit entries than the previous valuation. The valuation is calculated per item total. If you select this procedure, revaluations are also taken into consideration. If you select this method system only does a revaluation if applicable but does not do devaluation where there is exchange loss. If you select this parameter then the open items are valuated at the acquisition price. This way the valuation difference is set to zero. The old valuation method is reset. The account determination is reversed: The revenue that arises is posted to the expense account. Exchange rates are types are attached to the valuation method. If you select this field, the account balance/group balance in the relevant foreign currency is used to determine the exchange rate type. This is relevant for account balance revaluation A document type SA is attached to the valuation method. Let us configure another valuation method for Bank Balance: Click on SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 77 of 77 SAP 4.7 Click SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 78 of 78 SAP 4.7 2. Assign GL accounts for Foreign Currency valuation IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting- Business Transactions- Closing - Valuating - Foreign Currency Valuation Prepare Automatic Postings for Foreign Currency Valuation Exchange rate difference in foreign currency balances e.g. bank accounts held in foreign currency Enter Chart of accounts YCCA Double click on KDB Line SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 79 of 79 SAP 4.7 Here you will enter the following Exchange rate difference key: Can be kept blank or you can enter a key with 4 digit e.g. 0001. In case you create this exchange rate key then the same has to be updated in the GL code of the foreign currency account i.e. control data

tab which has the field exchange rate difference key. Only when it is attached the system will revalue the foreign currency account. Expense account: You need to enter the expense GL code for Unrealized foreign exchange loss. The loss on revaluation is unrealized and will be automatically reversed in the next month e.g. 472002 Unrealized Exchange Gain/Loss Trade E/R gains: You need to enter the revenue GL coded for Unrealized Foreign exchange gain. The loss on revaluation is unrealized and will be automatically reversed in the next month e.g. 472002 Unrealized Exchange Gain/Loss Trade. You can have a separate account or the same account. Exchange rate difference in open items e.g. Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 80 of 80 SAP 4.7 Here you will enter the GL code for Accounts receivable or Accounts Payable (the reconciliation account). You can enter different GL codes for each currency code and currency type. Alternatively if you do not want different GL codes for each currency you can keep them blank Enter chart of accounts YCCA in the pop up Click on and update the following:Double click on KDF Line SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 81 of 81 SAP 4.7 119020 is the GL code for Account Receivables trade 3rd parties Loss: Here you enter the GL code for exchange loss, which is realized Gain: Here you enter the GL code for exchange gain, which is realized. Val. loss 1: Here you enter the GL code for unrealized exchange Loss on revaluation of open items i.e. accounts receivable and accounts payable Val. gain 1: Here you enter the GL code for unrealized exchange gain on revaluation of open items i.e. accounts receivable and accounts payable Bal.sheet adj.1 : Here you enter the GL code to which the receivable and payables adjustment is posted during foreign currency valuation of open items. SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 82 of 82 SAP 4.7 The SAP System supports two valuation areas in parallel. This account is used during valuation of the first valuation area. The first valuation area reflects the local view of the Company code, the second valuation area takes the corporate policy for the valuation into consideration. E) Configuration for regrouping postings 1. Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR clearing IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting- Business Transactions- Closing - Regrouping - Define Adjustment Accounts for GR/IR Clearing The goods receipt/invoice receipt (GR/IR) clearing account is a provision

account, and is posted to whenever you receive goods that have not been invoiced yet or whenever you receive invoices for goods that have not been delivered yet. In this activity you define the numbers of the adjustment and target accounts for the automatic postings for the GR/IR clearing account. Transfer postings have to be made at the balance sheet date to reflect the goods invoiced but not delivered and the goods delivered but not invoiced. Transaction code F.19 analyzes the GR/IR clearing account and posts adjustments entries for outstanding amounts to adjustment accounts. It makes the offsetting entry to the account for goods delivered but not invoiced or to the account for goods invoiced but not delivered (target account). SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 83 of 83 SAP 4.7 Update the following:Double click BNG SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 84 of 84 SAP 4.7 Update the following: Reconciliation account: Enter the GL code 219914 i.e. GR/IR clearing account (Goods Receipt/Invoice receipt) Adjustment account: Enter the GL code 219915 i.e. GR/IR correction account Targ. Acct : Enter the GL code 119522 GR/IR Invoiced but goods not yet received Click Save SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 85 of 85 SAP 4.7 Enter chart of accounts YCCA if the pop up comes Double click GNB SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 86 of 86 SAP 4.7 Update the following: Reconciliation account: Enter the GL code 219914 i.e. GR/IR clearing account (Goods Receipt/Invoice receipt) Adjustment account: Enter the GL code 219915 i.e. GR/IR correction account Targ. Acct : Enter the GL code 219916 GR/IR Shipped not invoiced Click Save F) Creating Balance sheet and Profit and Loss account 1. Define Financial Statement Version (FSV) IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting- Business Transactions- Closing - Documenting - Define Financial Statement Versions You define the versions you need to create a balance sheet and profit and loss statement. You can create number of financial statement versions for your chart of accounts one for the local reporting, one for parent reporting. In each version you can group the GL codes differently. You can define versions for a specific chart of accounts, for a group chart of

accounts, or without any specific assignment. You then determine the financial statement items for your version. You assign groups of accounts to the items at the lowest levels of the hierarchy. You can select the criteria that determine which items the accounts are displayed in. For example, accounts or groups of accounts can be assigned to particular items based on their balance. Alternatively, you can also assign functional area intervals at the lowest level of the structure, instead of account intervals. Either account intervals or functional area intervals can be assigned to a financial statement item. You must explicitly define financial statement versions to which functional areas are assigned as such. You do this by setting the "Fun.area allowed" indicator. This financial statement version can then also be used by the notes to financial statement in the G/L account information system. SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 87 of 87 SAP 4.7 Click on or to start creating FSV from scratch. In case you want to copy from existing FSV you need to position the cursor on the FSV as source FSV e.g. and then click on and update the following parameters And then click on We will cover here Creating FSV from scratch. Click on SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 88 of 88 SAP 4.7 Give the code for the FSV e.g. YCCA and name for the version. Give the maintenance language cod e.g EN (for English) If the item keys are required automatically then you need to select, else deselect it. Enter the chart of accounts YCCA Click on Click on SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 89 of 89 SAP 4.7 The above nodes are created automatically:P+L Result gives profit and loss in income statement Net result: profit profit carried forward to balance sheet Net result: loss Loss carried forward to balance sheet Position the cursor on the node YCCA and then Click on Update the following information and click the continue button SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 90 of 90 SAP 4.7 SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 91 of 91 SAP 4.7 Thereafter click and click on and

then click on and click on Reassign Select subordinate Similarly assign the various nodes to the respective elements which should finally look like this. SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 92 of 92 SAP 4.7 Double click on and update the following SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 93 of 93 SAP 4.7 Thereafter change the description of item by double clicking and updating the following information SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 94 of 94 SAP 4.7 Rename everything to look like this SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 95 of 95 SAP 4.7 To create further nodes below Assets proceed as follows:Position the cursor on and click on and update the following information SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 96 of 96 SAP 4.7 After updating your FSV will look like this SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 97 of 97 SAP 4.7 Create further nodes as follow under Current assets SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 98 of 98 SAP 4.7 Under Cash & Cash Equivalents create further nodes 11000 Petty cash and 11100 Bank Current accounts. After creating all the above nodes the FSV configuration will look like this SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 99 of 99 SAP 4.7 Now we will see how to assign GL accounts to the the node Bank current accounts Position the cursor on the node and click on and update the bank GL codes SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 100 of 100 SAP 4.7 D and C are debit and credit balance of the account. After assigning the accounts FSV will look as follows:SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 101 of 101 SAP 4.7 Now if this bank account is an overdraft account i.e. Bank balance can become a debit or credit balance. In case bank balance becomes credit i.e. negative then it should be regrouped to the liabilities side of balance sheet

under current liabilities. We will similarly create the various nodes under liabilities which appear as shown below:SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 102 of 102 SAP 4.7 Now to regroup the balance from Bank Current assets node to the current liabilities node we proceed as follows:Position the cursor on item in Bank -Current accounts on Current asset side and click on Select , the bank accounts get highlighted as follows:Thereafter position the cursor on the in bank overdraft under current liabilities and then click on Edit - Debit/credit shift - Define SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 103 of 103 SAP 4.7 Click since 114500 should be debit and 2114500 node should be credit The display will appear as follows:The item should be placed under Shareholder's Equity. To do so proceed as follows:Position the cursor on and click on Select and position the cursor on and click on Select . Thereafter click on the item and click on Reassign and select subordinate SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 104 of 104 SAP 4.7 Likewise you need to create various node under Income statement and assign GL account codes to each of the lowest level node. Finally after assigning GL code to each node, you need check the non assignment of GL codes to your company code. Proceed as follows:Click on And update company code 9100 This step will give you list of accounts not assigned to the various nodes After assigning the non assigned GL codes to various nodes your FSV is ready to be used by company code 9100 SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 105 of 105 SAP 4.7 G) FI Integration with other modules 1. Integration with Overhead Cost Controlling When a reconciliation ledger is implemented in the CO, you need to define this account. Postings will happen from the controlling module to the FI in order to balance FI. Scenario:Lets assume controlling allocations has happened between 2 company codes. Since allocation has taken place in the controlling module, there will be no

corresponding posting in FI in both the company codes. In order that posting happens in both the company codes in FI, you need to configure this setting. IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Business Transactions - Integration - Overhead Cost Controlling - Define Accounts for Overhead Cost Controlling Enter chart of accounts YCCA and Click on Save Enter GL code 450020 Reconciliation Ledger Adjustment Account Click SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 106 of 106 SAP 4.7 2. Integration with Materials Management In this topic we will learn how the integration within FI MM, and SD takes place .We will also learn how accounting entries are posted automatically and how do we configure them? There are certain simple things you need to understand to know how this integration happens. First all Materials in SAP should have a material master. This material master has various views right from Basic views to Purchasing views, production, sales and distribution and accounting and controlling views. We will not get into the detail of Material master at this stage but it would suffice for us to understand that Material Master is the heart of all integration. In the accounting view of Material master amongst other values we have a Valuation Class field. This Valuation class is the vital link which ensures that Accounting documents are posted automatically. Every material will have a valuation class field. You can go to transaction code mm03 put any material no and click on Accounting 1 view on which you will find the Valuation Class field. Examples of Valuation Class could be Finished Goods,Semi Finished goods, Raw Material etc The combination of this Valuation Class+ the Movement Type(which I have defined below) helps in determining the Gl accounts. Read this statement twice to understand how gl accounts are automatically updated What is a Movement Type? All Material movements in MM happen with respect to a Movement Type. For eg Goods receipt is defined with movement type 101 Goods issue to production order is defined with movement type 261 Scrapping of goods is defined with movement type 551 Goods delivered to the customer with movement type 601 Initial upload of stock is defined with movement type 561 SAP helps us to have different gl accounts for the various movements for the same material by linking this movement type to a transaction key. So where do we do we go and fit in all the different Gl accounts which we require? SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 107 of 107 SAP 4.7 Before we get into that let us take an example of a movement type and see

how Gl accounts are automatically updated. If you are with me till now lets move ahead. If not I suggest you read the above page once again. All right lets get going dear friends. Quick recap. Material Master->Valuation Class--Movement Type-Transaction key. Stick in all the gl accounts at this place. How we do this will see very shortly. Let us now understand a few MM transactions and its accounting integration:1) Goods Receipt of Raw Material against a purchase order:Movement type for goods receipt against purchase order is 101. The accounting entry posted is as follows:Inventory of Raw Material Debit GR/IR (Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt) Credit The GR/IR is a provision account in SAP. The configuration to be done for this entry is as follows:IMG - Materials Management - Valuation and Account Assignment Account Determination - Account Determination Without Wizard Configure Automatic Postings (OMWB) Or Type in transaction code OBYC SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 108 of 108 SAP 4.7 As you see above the second column contains all the Transaction keys where you need to stick the Gl accounts. So lets see for the goods receipt transaction what do we do. You need to update the BSX transaction key with the GL code Inventory of Raw material account. Double click BSX and select Valuation modif. and valuation class. Valuation modif. - Should be selected if the valuation grouping code is active in the Materials Management module and if separate GL codes are desired plantwise. Even if it is not required currently, still it is a better option to select. SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 109 of 109 SAP 4.7 For the GR/IR account you need to update the WRX transaction key with the GL code GR/IR account. A very important point from now on. Every accounting entry with respect to a material will have a impact on the inventory. So one side of the posting (either a debit or a credit) will always be taken from the BSX field you have defined above. The second side of the posting will be determined based on your movement type which in the above case was a GR/IR. If you understood example 1 you will understand all the other examples. As the methodology of finding Gl accounts is the same. So dear friends if you want to learn SAP quickly you should learn how the things are integrated and not go through reams of material and keep on studying. Understand those vital areas and you will learn quickly. Alright lets move on We will go through more examples below: 2) When Raw material is issued to the production order.

Movement type used for posting the above transaction is 261 Goods issue to order The accounting entry generated in the system is:SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 110 of 110 SAP 4.7 Raw material consumption Debit Inventory of Raw Material Credit The transaction Key GBB needs to be updated. GBB key is used for various offsetting posting entries. Within GBB transaction there are various account grouping (general modification). In this case you need to update general modification VBR with the Raw Material consumption account. Click on SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 111 of 111 SAP 4.7 Click on 3) When Initial stock is uploaded for Raw Material Movement type used for posting 561 (Initial stock upload) The accounting entry generated is as follows:Inventory of Raw Material Debit Stock data takeover account Credit The transaction key GBB needs to be updated. General modification Key BSA needs to be updated with the GL code Stock data takeover account . 4) When goods receipt is made for finished goods against a production order Movement type used for posting 101(GR agst prod order) The accounting entry generated is as follows:Finished goods Debit SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 112 of 112 SAP 4.7 Change in Finished goods Credit In transaction key BSX for the valuation class finished goods we attach the Finished goods GL code. For change in Finished goods we update transaction key GBB and general modification key AUF. 5) When goods issues are posted for sales:Movement type used for posting 601 Accounting entry posted:Cost of goods sold Debit Inventory of Finished goods Credit For cost of goods sold transaction key GBB is updated with general modification key VAX 6) When goods are scrapped:Movement type use for posting 551 Accounting entry posted:Raw material scrapped Debit

Inventory of Raw Material Credit The Raw Material scrapped account is attached to transaction key GBB and general modification key VNG 7) When goods issued to sampling for Quality Movement type used is 331 Raw Material consumption Debit Inventory raw material Credit Raw Material consumption account is attached to GBB and general modification key VQP is used. SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 113 of 113 SAP 4.7 If you noticed lot of account modifiers in transaction key GBB are used in various movement type. It is difficult to remember the standard account modifiers. In that case we can also use the Simulation mode. This helps us in identifying what are the general modification (account modifiers) used in GBB:Use the following path:IMG - Materials Management - Valuation and Account Assignment Account Determination - Account Determination Without Wizard Configure Automatic Postings or Transaction code: OMWB You can select the application area as follows:SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 114 of 114 SAP 4.7 Thus you can do a simulation for Inventory management movements or also a simulation for invoice verification transactions. Let us do a simulation for Inventory management movements. Now we select the input mode SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 115 of 115 SAP 4.7 Here we can select the input of material number or input of valuation class. We will select the input of valuation class, as it easier to enter valuation class rather than material number. But if you want to be more specific you can select the input of material number. Click Further we will also select Account check Here we select, whether we want check of referenced G/L accounts in the company code. Currently we will not select this. Click SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 116 of 116 SAP 4.7 Click Update the following:SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 117 of 117 SAP 4.7 Double click so that it becomes blue

SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 118 of 118 SAP 4.7 Click Now here it shows the offsetting entry posting and the required account modifier. In this case the general modification required is VBR. SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 119 of 119 SAP 4.7 Thus simulation helps us in finding the general modification required for transaction key GBB and the general modification for transaction key PRD (price difference). Let us now check the general modification key required for movement type 601 for finished goods. Update the following:SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 120 of 120 SAP 4.7 Double click SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 121 of 121 SAP 4.7 Click Here we notice that general modification key required for 601 is VAX SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 122 of 122 SAP 4.7 SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 123 of 123 SAP 4.7 3 Integration with Sales and Distribution FI SD account determination:All Billing transactions happening in the Sales and distribution module will result in FI postings. All accounting entries with respect to the billing will have one side of the account as a Customer or receivable and the other side to be a revenue account Eg Customer Dr To Revenue Account- Cr You have to bear in mind that the customer account gets picked up from the customer master data . All we need to do is to configure the revenue account or the discounts and surcharges Where and how do we do this? You make the allocation for each of these through access sequences. Access sequence is nothing but SAP terminology of determining the s Gl accounts. SAP provides the following six ways of determining the Gl accounts in SD. Application (key for the Sales and Distribution application) Account determination type Chart of accounts (from the FI System Customer account assignment group

Materials account assignment group Account key The allocated accounts are used to post revenues, surcharges and discounts automatically. IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Business Transactions - Integration - Sales and Distribution- Prepare Revenue Account Determination or SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 124 of 124 SAP 4.7 IMG - Sales and Distribution - Basic Functions - Account Assignment/Costing- Revenue Account Determination - Assign G/L Accounts or The transaction can also be accessed by typing in transaction code VKOA from SAP Easy Access screen. The account determination in SD happens through an access sequence which can be seen in the below table. The system goes about checking for the gl account(which we will stick in here you will see more of that later) from more specific criteria to less specific criteria. Thus you can maintain different GL codes for each combination of the above table entry. This is how SAP will determine the revenue account: SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 125 of 125 SAP 4.7 It will go through first table entry CustGrp/Material grp/ account key. If any Gl account is maintained here the system will then go to the transaction data of the particular billing document and see whether such a combination of Customer group and material group exists if it does it will pick that relevant Revenue account and post the accounting document . Iif it does not it moves to the next combination in the table which is Customer group/account key and so on and so forth Customer grp is maintained in the Sales view of the customer master. Material grp is maintained in the Sales view of the material master. Account key is maintained in the pricing procedure for that condition type. The last option it checks is account key entry We will now maintain the Gl account for the combination of Material Grp/account key Double Click AAG is the material grp. We maintain this since we want it to post to a different GL code as Sales 3rd parties. Click on Click on SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 126 of 126 SAP 4.7 Thats it . The system will look into this table see this combination and if the relevant combination exists in the transaction it will debit the customer

account and credit this account 800000. As simple as it is. So basically the FI-Sd integration is for picking up the revenue accounts or the discounts and surcharges. The account key determines whether it is a revenue or a surcharge or discount. Examples of some are given down below: Various account keys are available Let us now maintain for the table entry account key. And post to a different GL code. Click on And update the following information App : V (Sales/distribution) Cond type: KOFI (Account determination) Chrt/accounts: YCCA SOrg: Sales organization ActKey : ERL GL account no: 810203 SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 127 of 127 SAP 4.7 Click on Save So you are done. It is also useful to know a bit of the configuration of the Sales and Distribution. The account keys are attached to the condition type in the sales pricing procedure. Let us see the sales pricing procedure. IMG - Sales and Distribution - Basic Functions - Pricing -Pricing Control - Define And Assign Pricing Procedures SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 128 of 128 SAP 4.7 Double click Select Double click Here we see that account key ERL and ERS is attached to various condition types. SAP FI GL CONFIG SAP ENTERPRISE 4.7 SAP FI GL Page 129 of 129 SAP 4.7 So thats it then my dear friends. I hope you enjoyed reading it and it is my sincere advice that you absorb the technique with which SAP performs the transaction and the method rather then going through it in a hurry. Good luck and take care.

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