Research Project
Research Project
Research Project
Individual Assignment
I would like to express my gratitude to Mr.Ranjith Ranaweera and Mr.Frank Gunasekara who gave me the possibility to complete this research project and for the guidance and support they gave in preparation of this study. Especially, I would like to give my special thanks to my parents who enabled me to complete this work. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help from my friends. Last but not the least I would like to thank all our peers and staff at I.C.B.T and specially Mr.Dhilum our coordinator who were ready to lend a hand in whatever way they can. I am making this project not only for marks but also to increase my knowledge. Thanks again to all who helped me.
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The purpose of the project is to look into the relationship between advertisements of a firm and buyers behaviour. A multiple number of surveys were carried out in order to do this research, the outcome from this research concludes that advertisements can positively influence costumers loyalty to a market offering and possibly enhance customer commitment. This research studies about the Influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference in the Soft Drinks, which is one of the major competitive markets in Sri lanka. Every Brand in this industry use advertisement as a major tool to overcome the cutthroat competition. There is a large amount of advertisements of different Soft drink brands shown on Television. But, the main thing the marketers want to identify is that, do all these advertisements positively influence the consumers brand preference or is it their own choice? In order to carry on with the research there are three main variables that we have to look in to, such as communication, comprehension and also information. A structured questionnaire was also used to collect some primary data. In this case study we can find that all of the three variables has a high amount to influence of advertisement in consumer brand preference, but having said that the advertiser wants to view the indicators which has low and moderate influence in their upcoming developments of the advertisements to maintain their place in the industry in the long run. Also this research recommends some actions in order to improve the influence of advertisement in consumer brand preference.
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Table of Contents
List of tables, figures and illustrations .................................................................................................... 4 Chapter 01 .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Background of the research ................................................................................................................ 6 Research problem ............................................................................................................................... 7 Research questions ............................................................................................................................. 7 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 7 Brief Literature Review ....................................................................................................................... 8 Methodology....................................................................................................................................... 8 Significance of the study ..................................................................................................................... 9 Scope and limitations........................................................................................................................ 10 Chapter 02 ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Literature Review .............................................................................................................................. 11 Measurement of customer Satisfaction ....................................................................................... 12 Chapter 03 ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Methodology..................................................................................................................................... 14 Secondary research........................................................................................................................... 15 Primary research ............................................................................................................................... 17 Statistical analysis ............................................................................................................................. 18 CHAPTER 04 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Data Presentation and Analysis (Section 1) ...................................................................................... 19 Discussion and Recommendation ..................................................................................................... 19 Brand Preference Distribution .......................................................................................................... 20 Chapter 05 ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Research Information ....................................................................................................................... 22 Overall Variables View .................................................................................................................. 22 Information ................................................................................................................................... 23 Communication ............................................................................................................................. 24 Comprehension ............................................................................................................................. 25 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 26 Appendix............................................................................................................................................... 27
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1. List of figures
2. List of Tables
Table 1 - Decision attributes ................................................................................................................. 19 Table 2 - Brand Preference Distribution ............................................................................................... 20 Table 3 - overall variable view .............................................................................................................. 22
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Chapter 01
Introduction The study of marketing and consumer behavior deals with the factors that affect the purchase and use of goods and services such as availability, advertising, image and consumer characteristics (Engel et al., 1986). The relationship between the consumer and the brand consumer's perception of that brand is the key to brand acceptance. The strength of the relationship between the consumer and the brand will reflect the fit between the consumers own physical and psychological needs and the brand's functional attributes and symbolic values, as perceived by the consumer (Hankinson and Cowking, 1993). Advertising is a part of promotional mix which is one of the Four Ps in the marketing mix which is product, price, place and promotion. As a promotional strategy, advertising plays a main role in creating product awareness and persuade consumers to take eventual purchase decisions. When we talk about advertisements we can see some eye catching advertisements on television, posters, magazines and so on and we can also hear advertisements on radio but the most appropriate way of advertising is through the television where consumers see and get attracted to the product concerned.
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These days as we can see there is a high demand for soft drinks not only in Sri lanka in the entire world and it is also becoming an essential part in the societies life style. In order to satisfy customer wants there are numerous amounts of soft drink brands available in the market. When we take all those brands in to consideration, some brands are so called famous brands and are available globally and other brands are upcoming brands. As for this research project I have selected a few brands namely Elephant, Coca-Cola, Fanta and Ole. The reason for taking these few brands amidst other brands is that these are the main brands that are most preferred by the Sri Lankan consumers. When we take these brands in to consideration there are numbers of amounts of advertisements shown on television promoting their soft drinks. Some brands advertisements are more attractive than other brands and also very creative and it blends with the new generation. The purpose why the brand Pepsi was not taken is because during the research period there werent any advertisements regarding their brand on television in Sri Lanka. Its a hard task to find people who have never consumed any brand of soft drinks. Almost each and every one prefers a particular brand. As we know the companies spend a large amount of money, time and effort on their advertisements to attract new customers and also to keep their present consumers loyal. So when we take all these factors in to consideration, it is very important to identify and also study the influence in consumer brand preference.
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Research problem There is a high amount of advertisements in medias such as television adverts, Radio adverts, Newspaper, Magazines and also on Facebook but the important aspect that we have to look into is do all these advertisements positively influence the consumers brand preference? if the advertisements do not create a positive influence in consumers brand preference and the marketers dont get the feedback from the consumers as they expected then the money, effort and time and all the other resources that they spent on advertising will go in vain. Therefore in order to avoid all the disappointments and the hard work, it is essential for a marketer to identify the extent to which the advertisement is going to create a positive change in preferring the particular brand of the company.
Research questions Do all these advertisements positively influence the consumers brand preference?
Do advertisements have the appropriate techniques to attract their customers or what would they need to adapt?
Research Objectives 1) Identifying the impact of the information in the advertisement in deciding the consumer brand preference. 2) Examining the influence of the method of communication in the advertisement in deciding consumer brand preference. 3) Understanding the influence of comprehension of the advertisement in deciding consumer brand preference.
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Brief Literature Review The role of the advertisement differs from company to company and also with what the company wants them to do. Every Brand in this industry use advertisement as a major tool to survive from the cutthroat competition. Advertisements tend to be highly informative & present the customer with a number of important product attributes or features that will lead to favorable attitudes and can be used as the basis for a rational brand preference. People get information from the advertisement through the attractiveness it holds, and the attention it creates and the awareness it gives. (Arens, 1996) One key concern for the advertiser is whether the advertisement or commercial conveys the meaning intended. The receiver is viewed as very active, involved participant in the communication process whose ability and motivation to attend, comprehend and evaluate messages are high. If the consumer or the audience gets the message and understand it as the advertiser has it in mind, it is a great success for the advertiser. That understanding leads the person to prefer and purchase the brand. (Clow & Back, 2002)
Methodology This study is based on secondary sources of information as well as primary sources of information. Secondary information will be used to begin the research with. The main sources of secondary information are the internet, journals and articles. Internet is a suitable option as most of the organization relies on providing their own website customized to serve the needs of its consumers. Soft drink companies also have its own website which will provide a great amount of information for the needs of this research. Beside these there are numerous amount of authors that have published their own articles online to which others can refer and gather information from it. This can be a valuable source of secondary information for conducting this research. At the end the data will be collected from the primary sources. Here the information is going to be collected through overlook the thoughts of the customers. The information will be collected through letting the customers fill a questionnaire designed to meet the needs of this research.
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Significance of the study Company This research will give the companies a clear picture about their customers and they will be able to plan their future advertisements in order to increase customers and to satisfy customers with their services. It also gives companies the opportunity to identify some statistics on what the majority of the consumers want and set their future strategies according to that in order to increase their customers and also for gaining popularity.
Consumers The consumers will be able to see what the companies have to offer them and with their expectations they will choose the most appropriate brand of their choice. From this study we will be able to identify whether the consumers get the exact message that the company wants them to extract and how they react accordingly. This study will also allow the consumers of different brands to give their own idea and suggestions.
Advertising firms As this research will provide details on factors that should be taken in to consideration when a firm is advertising to Sri Lankan consumers, the advertising firms will be benefited because they will get a clear picture on how they should create a eye catching television advertisement or other sort of advertisements. The main concern of the advertisement firm should be how to deliver a companys message to the consumers in an efficient way so that new consumers will also demand the specific good or service. From the recommendations the advertising firms can improve their overall quality of their advertisements and also meet customer expectations which will satisfy their customers.
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Companies chosen
This research will be conducted only on Elephant, Coca-Cola, Fanta and Ole as it is few best and leading brands in Sri Lanka. Moreover they have really impressive and up-to-date flavors of consumers choice. Also they offer a wide variety to thousands of consumers in Sri Lanka.
Soft drink industry has been chosen to conduct this research as it is an industry where it involves a lot of advertisements between the company and the customer. However it could be noted that the findings will be suitable to most of the companies in other industries.
Geographical Area
Most of the developments in Sri Lanka is centered around Colombo, it is identified that most of the companies are more focused on this region. Furthermore it is seen that most of the customers are mainly from the Colombo district. For this reasons it is decided that this research will be focused on Colombo.
This research will be carried out based on all males and female over the age of 10 since it is important that the population that the research is conducted on are the people who consumes the soft drinks.
This research will be conducted in a period of one months time which is enough to carry out this research project with less number of activities involved.
Most of the information for this research will be based on the secondary sources which will be collected through the internet, articles and magazines. Furthermore the information will also be gathered from a primary source in the form of questionnaires.
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Chapter 02
Literature Review
The role of the advertisement differs from company to company and also with what the company wants them to do. Every Brand in this industry use advertisement as a major tool to survive from the cutthroat competition.
Based on the understanding regarding the advertising, the approach rooted in the organizations search for the right answer on the effects of the competition. Consequently, the accepted basic role of the advertising is to provide the consumers with the right amount of information regarding the product or services, which is related to the objective of the competition and that is to deliver the consumer satisfaction. In this view, the level of advertising affects the consumer who is the focus of the organization (Park, 1996).
Advertisements tend to be highly informative & present the customer with a number of important product attributes or features that will lead to favorable attitudes and can be used as the basis for a rational brand preference. People get information from the advertisement through the attractiveness it holds, and the attention it creates and the awareness it gives. (Arens, 1996)
One key concern for the advertiser is whether the advertisement or commercial conveys the meaning intended. The receiver is viewed as very active, involved participant in the communication process whose ability and motivation to attend, comprehend and evaluate messages are high. If the consumer or the audience gets the message and understand it as the advertiser has it in mind, it is a great success for the advertiser. That understanding leads the person to prefer and purchase the brand. (Clow & Back, 2002)
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Advertising is also a type of communication. It is actually a very structured form of applied communication, employing both verbal and non-verbal elements that are composed to fill specific space and time determined by sponsor. Effective communication through advertisement leads the consumers toward the purchasing of brand. (Belch & Belch, 1998)
Definitely, the marketing activity such as advertising affects both internal and external behavior of the consumer. Most especially, the consumers perceptions are influence through the exposure such as seeing an advertisement; attention which means that the consumer recognizes the advertisement; awareness which is common if the advertisement involves some humor; and the retention that keeps or stays in the mind of the consumer (Chen and Lee 2005).
Advertisements also affect the knowledge by giving information, attitude, personality, lifestyles of the consumers, and the culture of the consumer. The concept of advertising makes it possible to involve the consumers which greatly affect the buying decisions of the consumers (Tsai, Liang, and Liu, 2007).
Measurement of customer Satisfaction According to Peter and Donnelly (2000), satisfied customers can become loyal customers. Service quality and customer satisfaction are of growing concern to business organizations throughout the world, and these topics generally focuses on two issues: 1. 2. Understanding the expectations and requirements of the customer. Determining how well a company and its major competitors are succeeding in satisfying these expectations and requirements. So if an organizations move towards to measuring service quality through Customer satisfaction measurement and successfully implementing programs derived from grades of such studies can show the dissimilarity between success and failure,
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If the researcher is adducing more about the customer satisfaction measurement, it will be very useful to mention some ways to measure the customer satisfaction. Japanese scientist has first time introduced a model for customer satisfaction in 1984 (See Appendix 1). He mainly identified three major characteristics of satisfaction such as basic, performance, and delight (Siskos and Grigoroudis, 2009). And that model classifies customer preferences into five categories as the researcher mention below. Attractive quality These attributes offer satisfaction when achieved fully, but do
not cause dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. They are not normally expected by customer, and thus they may be described as surprise and delight attributes. If the researcher elaborates this factor, quality of the product or service should attract the customers and that will be caused to customer satisfaction. One-dimensional Quality These attributes result in satisfaction when fulfilled and
dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. These are attributes that are spoken of and ones which companies compete for. If the researcher explain this factor as an example, a product shows that, it has more goods been added for the same price. That causes to satisfy customer. But if it hasnt been added any extra goods that reason also causes to customer dissatisfaction. Must-be Quality These attributes are taken for granted when fulfilled but result in
dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. The customer expects these attributes, and thus views them as basics. If the researcher explained this one by using an example, the broken good causes to decrease the customer satisfaction but damage less expected customers product doesnt cause to increase the satisfaction. Indifferent Quality These attributes refer to aspects that are neither bad nor good,
and they do not result in either customer dissatisfaction or customer satisfaction. Reverse Quality These attributes refer to a high degree of achievement resulting in
dissatisfaction and to the fact that not all customers are alike. Actually this can be characterized as the- less- the- better quality attributes. If the researcher explains this as an example, in the market there are high technical products with many features which are not user friendly. So that reason can also be caused to increase customer dissatisfaction.
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Chapter 03
This study is based on secondary sources of information as well as primary sources of information. Secondary information will be used to begin the research with. The main sources of secondary information are the internet, journals and articles. Internet is a suitable option as most of the organization relies on providing their own website customized to serve the needs of its consumers. Soft drink companies also have its own website which will provide a great amount of information for the needs of this research. Beside these there are numerous amount of authors that have published their own articles online to which others can refer and gather information from it. This can be a valuable source of secondary information for conducting this research. At the end the data will be collected from the primary sources. Here the information is going to be collected through overlook the thoughts of the customers. The information will be collected through letting the customers fill a questionnaire designed to meet the needs of this research. Primary research enables us in collecting a variety of data in less amount of time. It is cost effective due to advancements in technology that made these procedures cheap, and a primary research allows the collection of more relevant data for the research being conducted. The primary research can be expensive and hard to collect as these data have never been gathered before. However, this data is more reliable, accurate and the integrity of the data is certain. So this is preferred by stakeholders for decision making. The questionnaire for this research was distributed to and filled by 30 respondents according to the sampling. The data gathered would be organized into spreadsheet to be analyzed. The selected techniques are the most efficient methods usable for this research due to a variety of reasons. Usage of these techniques allows collecting reliable and suitable data that is accurate. Hence it enables to conclude the research better. Lets look at the techniques and identify the use and significance of these techniques.
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Secondary research The technique of secondary research that I used is internet sources. The internet sources were used to gain information about the organization that this research is based on and also to collect information regarding the research problem. The main reason for choosing internet as a median for secondary research is because it enables to collect vital amount of information accessible 24 hours a day, and continuously is being updated and renewed with new information. Many researchers have already conducted their own research and study, and have written articles and journals on the subject influence of advertisement on consumer brand preference. These give information regarding the research problem that I have identified, that is the relationship between customer preference and advertisements. The use of online search engines allows finding only the relevant information and type of information from different internet sources. One of the remarkable facts of internet sources is the availability of all the different kind of secondary information. From business articles to government statistical records are uploaded and available online for public access. Different secondary data sources are available on internet: Some authors have written journals and research articles based on their own studies. Books are also sometimes available to be read online. These could help to properly understand the research problem and help with literature review.
Some external sources to the organization collect information and present it online. For example, Microsoft owned website , puts together a vast amount of information regarding the financial statuses, investment, stock exchange, financial statements, tax and interests articles etc. Other examples include news or media organizations that collect and present information online.
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The use of internet as a secondary research technique is very beneficial as it is a very cheap form of gathering information from secondary sources. This information is available at any time needed. Furthermore we can gather a vast amount of information within a short period of time. The development of search engines allows finding only the most relevant information to suit our needs. Multimedia and graphical contents like pictures sound and video makes it easier to understand some concepts. Also interactive media contents allow a more personal experience to gaining information. Another advantage of using internet as a source of secondary information is, some information such as government records are highly accurate, reliable and the integrity of data is certain. This information is always kept up-todate. However it should also be noted that internet sources are sometimes unreliable and inaccurate when the individual who writes down the information works for their own benefits and enjoyment by presenting false information. And the integrity of data is not certain in some cases where author is not knowledgeable and experienced enough or where authors name is not mentioned. And some information is outdated.
But it should be noted that this can be easily avoided by referring only to reliable and well known web sites where the integrity of data is certain. Always have to make sure the author is clearly identified and refer to the date that the article was published on. Little steps like this could help to avoid collection of false information from internet.
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Primary research
The technique or the survey methodology that I used for primary research is the use of questionnaires to gain information required to conclude this research. The questionnaire is a very common primary research technique where a series of questions are written down on paper, which are then handed over to the respondents to be filled. There are two types of questions in a questionnaire. That is open ended and close ended questions. Open ended questions are questions that allows respondent to provide any answer in a blank space provided. o Descriptive questions: Questions require respondent to describe or write a detail explanation Close ended questions are questions that provide several options for the respondent to mark that is most near to his own answer. Yes or no: Questions require answers only in the form of yes or no.
True or false: The respondents have to mark whether a given statement is true or false.
Likert questions: A scale is provided from which the respondent has to choose the degree of agreement.
From these different types of questions, the Likert questions are used for gathering primary data for this research. These questions are easy to understand and respondent can easily and quickly choose the answers. Further, the analyzing and evaluating the results of respondents for these questions are easier because they are in scales.
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Use of questionnaire is a popular way of collecting primary data. That is due to a variety of benefits of using a questionnaire. The questionnaire is an easy and low cost technique for primary research when compared to other sources like direct observation or interview, which is more difficult and expensive. Questionnaires can be used to gain information from a huge amount of people as it can be mailed via post or via internet as e-mails. The questionnaires have to be set once, and it can be copied and forwarded to all respondents in the sample. The questionnaire makes it possible to obtain reliable, accurate data that is suitable to the research as it is predetermined questions. However some of the demerits of using a questionnaire include less accurate data where respondent fills the data wrong or inaccurate because of various reasons like illiteracy, poor sight, mistakes, incomplete questionnaires, interrupts, etc. The questionnaires are sometimes not returned back within the allocated response time limit and so reminders might have to be sent. These demerits could be avoided by keeping the questionnaire as simple and user friendly as possible. The questionnaire for this research will be filled by 200 respondents according to the sampling. This is a fair amount for this research due to variety of reasons like time constraints, complexity; length etc 200 respondents for the primary research enables to keep the research simple yet able to collect enough information to successfully conclude the research.
Statistical analysis Once the responses for the questionnaires have been collected, they would be entered into a table in Microsoft excel. This spreadsheet will enable me to make calculations that are necessary to conclude this research. The first phase of this research would be just entering the data into a table for easy reference. This table would make the basis for the rest of the statistical analysis.
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Data Presentation and Analysis (Section 1) Simplest way to measure the variable considered in this research study was the use of questionnaires with five point Likert scale. Univariate measures such as Mean, and standard deviation used to analyse the data. The obtained data presented through SPSS Package. Based on the value indicated in the Questionnaire, mean value may lie in the range between 1-5, that is, strongly disagree to strongly agree. Xi indicates the variables that considered in the statement with five point likert scale measure. The obtained mean value categorized in the following manner:
1 Xi 2.5 2.5 < Xi 3.5
Decision Attributes
Low influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference Moderate influence of Advertisement in Consumer Brand Preference
3.5 < Xi 5
Discussion and Recommendation Personal Information This part mainly discusses some data related to the personal information of the respondents such as, Brand preference distribution, gender, age distribution, family income distribution, and educational qualification.
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79 33 46 42 200
40 16 23 21 100
Brand preference
Coca-cola Elephant Fanta Ole
There are several soft drink brands available in the market. Within these brands Coca-Cola, Fanta, Elephant and Ole are the products selected for the research purpose. From the 30 respondents 50% of consumers prefer Coca-Cola, 34% prefer Elephant, 13% respondents prefer Fanta and 3% of the respondents prefer Ole. According to the analysed data, CocaCola has the highest influence in all three variables when compare it with others.Elephant has high influence of Advertisement in Communication and Comprehension but that is lower than the mean values of other soft drinks. In the sample, about 52% represents male and remaining 48% represents female respondents who resides in colombo. Both gender shows high influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference. However, in overall view, females have the highest mean value than males.
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In the age distribution, about 17% respondents are below 18 years, 34% represents the age group 18 28, 25% represents the age group 29- 40 and remaining 24% respondents are above 40 years. All three variables indicate their high influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference. In this, high influence the age group below 18 has the highest mean value in all three variables than other age groups. Next to that, age group between 18 and 28 has the higher influence in all three variables. Other two age groups 29 - 40 and above 40 show their high influence on all three variables but, their mean value is less than the teens and youths. In the income range, about 13% of the respondents are receiving below Rs.7000 as income per month, and 25% are having the income Rs.7000 to 15000 per month, and 41% of the respondents are receiving income above Rs.15000 to 30000, and remaining 21% people receiving above Rs.30000 as monthly family income. All income groups are highly influenced by Advertisement in their brand Preference. When considering the variable Information, according to data, people who earn below Rs. 7000 and people who earn above Rs.30000 have higher mean value than other income groups. Respondents who earns below Rs.7000, give more importance to Information provided in the Advertisement even though they earn low income. In Communication, income group, which earn more than Rs. 30000 have the highest mean value than others. In the case of Comprehension, earners of above Rs.30000 have the highest mean value. Nearly 44% are with G.C.E O/L and 21 % are up to G.C.E.A/L. Next 22% respondents are graduates and the remaining 13 % have Postgraduate educational level. Variables; Information, Communication and Comprehension are indicated high influence of Advertisement in different Educational Qualification. Variable of Information indicates that Post Graduates have the highest mean value (3.78). In the case of Communication, Post Graduates have the highest mean value (3.85) than others. However, in the Comprehension, Post Graduates and Ordinary level People have high mean value (3.76) than others. In overall view, Post Graduates have the highest mean value in all three variables than other groups. Even though the frequency of postgraduates is lower than other groups, their mean values are high.
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Chapter 05
Research Information Overall Variables View
Table 3 - overall variable view
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Information Information is the first variable in the study of influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference. It indicates the high influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference, which has the mean value of 3.62. The standard deviation is 0.39. A 56% of the respondents indicate high influence of information in Advertisement, 39% of the respondents indicate moderate influence of information in Advertisement and remaining 5% indicates low influence of information in Advertisement in the brand preference. Information measured through three dimensions. They are Attractiveness, Attention, and Awareness. A 56% of the respondents are highly influenced by information in the Advertisement. It is measured by the above three dimensions. A 69% respondent say Attractiveness has the High influence in the Information of Advertisement. A 56% respondent is highly influenced by Attention. Awareness moderately influences the 48% respondents.
Following are some recommendations to attract and retain the people through information: Soft drink brands especially Ole, Fanta and Elephant have to create their Jingles in most attractive way according to the current expectation of the market. Use new technological instruments in the composition of background music of the Advertisements are essential. Develop interesting stories and documentaries in Advertisement. Expose the Advertisements in time, which is convenient to all people in the market. Include more information about the products benefits in the Advertisement. Explain about the different situations in which, the brand can be consumed.
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Communication The next variable is the Communication. The influence of Communication in the advertisement indicates the high influence in consumer brand preference (mean value 3.73) with the standard Deviation of 0.52. From 200 respondents 66% express their high influence, 28% express their moderate influence and 6% express their low influence in consumer brand preference. Message, Source and Media considered as main dimensions to measure the influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference of Soft drink brands regarding Communication. A 66% of the respondents are highly influenced by the Communication of the Advertisement. It is measured by the above three dimensions. A 79% respondent say Message has High influence in the Information of Advertisement. A 45% respondent is moderately influenced by Source. Media highly influences 77% respondents.
These are some recommendations to attract and retain the people through Communication: Conclusion of the message presented in the Advertisement must design in a way, which is acceptable by all people. Developing the message in a proper sequential order is a must selecting reliable sources when presenting the message is very much important. The story or documentary must be true and attractive. A clear similarity must expose in the Advertisement between the source and the audience in their needs, goals or interests. Frequent Advertisement is essential to attract more customers. To reach the mass-market exposure of Advertisement must be enough.
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Comprehension Final variable is Comprehension. The Comprehension in the Advertisement indicates the high influence of Advertisement in consumer brand preference (mean value 3.67) with the standard Deviation of 0.52. From 200 respondents 63% express their high influence, 33% express their moderate influence and 4% express their low influence in consumer brand preference. It measured through the dimensions recall, link and attitude. Recall has 71% of the High influence in Comprehension with the mean of 3.83. Link indicates 49% Moderate influence and Attitude shows 73% of High influence.
Following are some recommendations to attract and retain the people through Comprehension: Give true information about the brand in the Advertisement and maintain the good will of the brand in the market. Develop attractive and interesting Advertisements, which make the consumers to remember the brand and Advertisement. Maintain the integration with Advertisement and brand is important. The Advertisement must expose the day-to-day life of the audience. Advertisement should be believable and it has to make the brand believable. Advertisement must well organized and present the right message to the audience, which creates a positive feeling toward the Advertisement.
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Arens, W.F. (2002). Contemporary Advertising, 8th ed., Pearson Education Inc, India. Belch, G.E. and M. A. Belch. (1998). Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 4th ed., Irwin/McGraw-Hill, New York. Clow,K.E. and R. Back. (2002). Integrated Advertising & Marketing Communication, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, India. Engel.LP. Blackwell. R.D. and Milliard.P.W. (1986), Consumer Behavior, 5th ed. Dryden Press, Chicago. IL.
Hankinson, G. and Cowking, P. (1993), Branding in Action, McGraw-Hill, London. Kotler, P. (1996). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, 9th ed., Prentice-Hall International Editions, USA.
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Appendix 1
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