Refrigeration and Airconditioning Quiz

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Quiz -1 Q.

In an air cycle refrigeration system, low temperatures are produced due to: a) Evaporation of liquid air b) Throttling of air c) Expansion of air in turbine d) None of the above Ans. c) Q. Air cycle refrigeration systems are most commonly used in: a) Domestic refrigerators b) Aircraft air conditioning systems c) Cold storages d) Car air conditioning systems Ans. b) Q. The required input to the steam jet refrigeration systems is in the form of: a) Mechanical energy b) Thermal energy c) High pressure, motive steam d) Both mechanical and thermal energy Ans. c) Q. A nozzle is used in steam jet refrigeration systems to: a) To convert the high pressure motive steam into high velocity steam b) To reduce energy consumption c) To improve safety aspects d) All of the above Ans. a) Q. The materials used in thermoelectric refrigeration systems should have: a) High electrical and thermal conductivity b) High electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity c) Low electrical conductivity and high thermal conductivity c) Low electrical and thermal conductivity Ans. b) Q. A thermoelectric refrigeration systems requires: a) A high voltage AC (alternating current) input b) A low voltage AC input c) A high voltage DC (direct current) input d) A low voltage DC input Ans. d).

Quiz - 2 1. When the temperature lift of a single stage vapour compression refrigeration system increases: a) Refrigeration effect increases b) Work of compression increases c) Compressor discharge temperature decreases d) Volumetric efficiency of compressor increases Ans.: b) 2. Multi-stage vapour compression refrigeration systems are used when: a) Required temperature lift increases b) Required temperature lift decreases c) Refrigeration is required at different temperatures

d) Required refrigeration capacity is large Ans.: a) and c) 3. Using a flash tank: a) Flash gas formed during expansion can be removed at an intermediate pressure b) Quality of refrigerant at the evaporator inlet can be increased c) Temperature of refrigerant vapour at the inlet to higher stage compressor can be reduced d) Pressure drop in evaporator can be reduced Ans.: a) , c) and d) 4. Using intercooling in multi-stage compression systems: a) Refrigeration effect can be increased b) Work of compression in higher stage compressor can be reduced c) Maximum cycle temperature can be increased d) All of the above Ans.: b) 5. External intercooling of refrigerant vapour: a) Is feasible for ammonia based systems b) Commonly used in air compressors c) Commonly used for halocarbon refrigerants d) Depends on availability of cold external water Ans.: a) and b) 6. Assuming the refrigerant vapour to behave as an ideal gas and with perfect in tercooling, the optimum intermediate pressure of a refrigeration system that ope rates between 4 bar and 16 bar is equal to: a) 10 bar b) 8 bar c) 6 bar d) 12 bar Ans.: b) 7. Refrigeration system with liquid subcooler is used to: a) Prevent the entry of liquid into compressor b) Prevent flashing of refrigerant liquid ahead of low stage expansion device c) Reduce work of compression d) All of the above Ans. b)

Quiz - 3 1. In an ammonia-water system a rectification column is used mainly to: a) To improve the COP of the system b) To reduce the operating pressures c) To minimize the concentration of water in refrigeration circuit d) All of the above Ans.: c) 2. In a reflux condenser: a) Heat is extracted so that the vapour leaving is rich in ammonia b) Heat is supplied so that the vapour leaving is rich in ammonia c) Heat is extracted so that the vapour leaving is rich in water d) Heat is supplied so that the vapour leaving is rich in ammonia Ans.: a) 3. Due to the requirement of rectification: a) The required generator pressure increases b) The required generator temperature increases c) The required generator heat input increases d) All of the above Ans.: c) 4. In pumpless vapour absorption refrigeration systems: a) The evaporation process is non-isothermal

b) The system pressure is almost same everywhere c) A pressure equalizing fluid is required to increase condenser pressure d) A pressure equalizing fluid is required to increase evaporator pressure Ans.: a), b) and d) 5. Which of the following statements regarding pumpless systems are TRUE: a) Pumpless systems can use a wide variety of heat sources b) Pumpless systems are silent, reliable and rugged c) Pumpless systems offer high COPs d) Pumpless systems operate at very low pressures Ans.: a) and b) 6. Compared to compression systems, the performance of absorption systems: a) Is very sensitive to evaporator temperature b) Is not sensitive to load variations c) Does not depend very much on evaporator superheat d) All of the above Ans.: b) and c) 7. Compared to compression systems, absorption systems: a) Contain very few moving parts b) Require regular maintenance c) Offer less noise and vibration d) Are compact for large capacities Ans.: a), c) and d)

Quiz -4 1. Which of the following statements concerning fixed vane, rotary compressors a re true? a) These compressors are used in small capacity systems (less than 2 kW) b) They require suction valve, but do not require discharge valve c) Refrigerant leakage is minimized by hydrodynamic lubrication d) Compared to reciprocating compressors, the re-expansion losses are high in ro tary vane compressor Ans.: a) and c) 2. Which of the following statements concerning multiple vane, rotary compressor s are true? a) Compared to fixed vane compressors, the leakage losses are less in multiple v ane compressors b) Multiple vane compressors do not require suction and discharge valves c) A non-return, check valve is used on suction side of the compressor to minimi ze cycling losses d) All of the above Ans.: d) 3. Which of the following statements concerning centrifugal compressors are true ? a) Centrifugal compressors with vaneless diffusers are compact compared to vaned diffusers b) In multi-stage centrifugal compressors, the width of the blades reduces rogre ssively in the direction of flow c) In multi-stage centrifugal compressors, the width of the blades increases pro gressively in the direction of flow d) Multi-staging in centrifugal compressors is commonly used for high refrigeran t capacity applications Ans.: b)

Quiz - 5 1. Which of the following statements are TRUE? a) During sensible cooling of air, both dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures decre ase b) During sensible cooling of air, dry bulb temperature decreases but wet bulb t emperature remains constant c) During sensible cooling of air, dry and wet bulb temperatures decrease but de w point temperature remains constant d) During sensible cooling of air, dry bulb, wet bulb and dew point temperatures decrease Ans.: a) and c) 2. Which of the following statements are TRUE? a) The sensible heat factor for a sensible heating process is 1.0 b) The sensible heat factor for a sensible cooling process is 0.0 c) Sensible heat factor always lies between 0.0 and 1.0 d) Sensible heat factor is low for air conditioning plants operating in humid cl imates Ans.: a) and d) 3. Which of the following statements are TRUE? a) As the by-pass factor (BPF) of the cooling coil increases, temperature differ ence between air at the outlet of the coil and coil ADP decreases b) The BPF of the coil increases as the velocity of air through the coil increas es c) The BPF of the coil increases as the fin pitch increases d) The BPF of the coil decreases as the number of rows in the flow direction inc rease Ans.: b), c) and d) 4. Which of the following statements are TRUE? a) During cooling and humidification process, the enthalpy of air decreases b) During cooling and humidification process, the enthalpy of air increases c) During cooling and humidification process, the enthalpy of air remains consta nt d) During cooling and humidification process, the enthalpy of air may increase, decrease or remain constant depending upon the temperature of the wet surface Ans.: d) 5. An air stream at a flow rate of 1 kg/s and a DBT of 30oC mixes adiabatically with another air stream flowing with a mass flow rate of 2 kg/s and at a DBT of 15oC. Assuming no condensation to take place, the temperature of the mixture is approximately equal to: a) 20oC

b) 22.5oC c) 25oC d) Cannot be found Ans.: a)

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