Study of Leak Detection, Evacuation and Charging of Refrigerant
Study of Leak Detection, Evacuation and Charging of Refrigerant
Study of Leak Detection, Evacuation and Charging of Refrigerant
EXPERIMENT TITLE: Study of Leak Detection, Evaluation and Charging Procedure for
To study different methods used for detection of leakage of different types of
refrigerants, to study effects of non condensable on the system and to study the procedure
for charging the refrigerant into the system,
Different types of commonly used refrigerants along with their properties (i.e. physical,
chemical and thermodynamic), the effect of undercharge or overcharge of refrigerant, the
effect of non-condensable on the performance of the system.
It is well known that the moisture, air and other non-condensable are very harmful
for the refrigeration system. The moisture present may choke capillary tube and also if
moisture is combined with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids they are having ill effects on
the system. The presence of air and non-condensable increases the head pressure of the
system. As the head pressure goes higher, the compressor motor draws more current. Also
higher head pressure reduces the refrigeration capacity of the unit appreciably. The
temperature rise of the compressor accelerates the chemical action inside the system.
From above points it is clear that moisture, air and non-condensable should be
removed from the refrigeration system to the maximum possible extent. Hence before
system can be charged with a refrigerant it should be thoroughly evacuated and dehydratedby
drawing a high vacuum. If this is not done at the initial stage itself, a clean system can
near be attained.
After the completion of erection the plant should be checked and the refrigerant
should be charged into the system.
During working also there is chance of leakage in a refrigeration system. Finding a
leakage is the job of patience. The approach should be to find leak rather then concluding
that there are no leaks on a cursory check. Apart from the cost of charging refrigerant into a
leaky system, a shortage of refrigerant can cause real danger to the plant.
Therefore leak testing should be done periodically without fail in all seriousness and
with full concentration.
Soap solution, Halogen leak detector, Halide torch and Electronic leak detectors are
the methods used to trace leaks in halogenated refrigerants
A halogen torch can detect minute leaks, which are not possible to trace with soap
solution. The presence of trace of refrigerant can change the light blue colour of the
detector flame to green or deep blue. The end of the explorer tube of the detector is
carefully passed over the joints and suspected leakage points.
If there is a leak, the refrigerant can be drained in with the suction effect at the end
of the explorer tube to the hot copper or brass portion of the burning torch. The refrigerant
reacts with the metal to form copper chloride, which produces the color change in the
A well maintained halogen torch is claimed to detect leaks of the order of about 15
gram per year.
ii) Electronic Leak Detector:
This is an electrical instrument. In this also an explorer tube is used to suck the
refrigerant from the leaky points to an instrument. A vibrator is provided to suck the
refrigerant through the explorer tube. A filter is also provided at the tip of the tube to
prevent atmospheric dert entering the instrument. A heating element in the tube heats the
refrigerant drawn in and the refrigerant creates a variation in the current flow of the
instrument. The extent of variation of the current is an indication of the amount of leak. The
current variation is read on the dial of the instrument. The change of current actuates a relay
which operates an indicating light.
These detectors are capable of detecting refrigerant leaks of the order of about 0.3
gm per year. The electronic leak detector is a very sensitive instrument and should be
handled and stored carefully.
The refrigeration system must be free from non-condensable and correct quantity of
refrigerant must be there in the system for good performance.
At the time of charging of refrigerant the lubricating oil of required grade must be
added to the compressor.