sm8 117

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PROBLEM 8.117 KNOWN: Diameters and length of three microchannels machined in a copper block.

Inlet temperature of water flowing through the channels, copper block temperature, pressure difference from inlet to outlet of the channels. FIND: (a) Mass flow rate and outlet temperature in each channel, (b) Average flow rate through
each channel and average, mixed temperature of water collected from all three channels, (c) Comparison between average flow rates and average heat transfer rates based upon experiment to that calculated based upon a single microchannel diameter of 50 m.

Tcu = 310 K Copper block

. m1 Water Tm,i = 300 K

. m2

. m3

L = 20 mm p = 2.5x106 Pa

D1 = 45 m D2 = 50 m D3 = 55 m

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Constant properties and steady-state conditions, (2) Incompressible

liquid and negligible viscous dissipation, (3) Negligible microscale or nanoscale effects, (4) Negligible entrance or exit losses in the microchannels, (5) Fully developed flow for purposes of calculating the mass flow rate in each channel, (6) Isothermal copper block.

PROPERTIES: Table A.6, water: ( Tm = 305 K): k = 0.620 W/mK, cp = 4178 J/kgK, = 769
10-6 Ns/m2, = 7.728 10-7 m2/s, Pr = 5.2, = 995 kg/m3.

ANALYSIS: (a) For the D = 50 m channel, from Equation 8.22a,

p = fu 2 L / 2D = f 995kg / m3 u 2 20 103 m /(2 50 106 m) m m where the friction factor may be evaluated using the Petukhov expression, f = (0.790lnReD-1.64)-2 The Reynolds number may be expressed as
Re D = u m D u m 50 106 m = 7.728 107 m 2 / s (3) Continued



PROBLEM 8.117 (Cont.)

Simultaneous solution of Equations (1) through (3) yields, for the D = 50 m channel, ReD = 845, um = 13.06 m/s. The mass flow rate is

& m = u m D 2 / 4 = 995kg / m3 13.06m / s (50 106 m) 2 / 4 = 2.55 105 kg / s


The thermal entrance length is xfd,t = 0.05ReDPrD = 0.05 845 5.2 50 10-6 m = 11.0 10-3 m = 11.0 mm. From the Hausen correlation,

Nu D = 3.66 + Hence,

0.0668 (50 106 m / 20 103 m) 845 5.2 1 + 0.04 (50 106 m / 20 103 m) 845 5.2

= 4.27

Nu D k 4.27 0.62W / m K = = 5.29 104 W / m 2 K 6 D 50 10 m

From Equation 8.42,

PL Tm (x = L) = Ts Ts Tm,i exp mc p & h

50 106 m = 310K [310K 300K ] exp 5.29 104 W / m 2 K 2.55 105 kg / s 4178J / kg K = 307.9K = 34.9C = Tm,o

Results for the three different channels are shown in the table below.
D = 45 m (case 1) ReD um (m/s) 690 11.85 1.88 10-5 8.1 4.12 D = 50 m (case 2) 845 13.06 2.55 10-5 11.0 4.27
5.29 104 307.9

< <

D = 55 m (case 3) 1012 14.23 3.36 10-5 14.5 4.44

5.01 104 307.1 Continued

& m (kg/s)
xfd,t (mm)
Nu D

h(W / m 2 K) 5.68 104 Tm,o (K) 308.7

PROBLEM 8.117 (Cont.)

(b) The average mass flow rate is

& & & & m = (m1 + m 2 + m3 ) / 3 = (1.88 105 + 2.55 105 + 3.36 105 )kg / s / 3 = 2.60 105 kg / s
(c) The average, mixed outlet temperature is


& & & & & & Tm,o = (m1Tm,o,1 + m 2 Tm,o,2 + m3Tm,o,3 ) /(m1 + m 2 + m3 ) = (1.88 105 kg / s 308.7K + 2.55 105 kg / s 307.9K + 3.36 105 kg / s 307.1K) (1.88 105 + 2.55 105 + 3.36 105 )kg / s = 307.7K

(d) Equation 8.42 may be re-arranged to

Ts Tm,o ln PL Ts Tm,L 2.60 105 kg / s 4178J / kg K 310 307.7 2 ln = = 50,800W / m K 50 106 m 20 103 m 310 300


& mc p

Thus, the inferred value of the mass flow rate is 2% greater than the predicted value for a 50 m diameter channel. The inferred value of the convection coefficient (50,800 W/m2K) is 4% less than the predicted value for a 50 m diameter channel. The experimenter must carefully assess his or her claims since the differences are small and might be attributed to variations in the channel dimensions that occur during their manufacture.

COMMENTS: (1) Experimentation at the microscale is challenging. Misinterpretation of the experimental results might occur unless the experimental system is designed very carefully. For example, the diameters of the channels might need to be measured after their manufacture. (2) When boring holes, the hole diameter is always greater than the diameter of the tool. If the experimentalist assumes that the actual hole size is the same as the tool size, what (inappropriate) conclusions might he or she make regarding possible microscale fluid flow and heat transfer effects when analyzing the measured results?

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