Global Network Analysis

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Global Network Analysis Memo

Kendal Moss
University of Maryland University College
Spring 2015
EDTC 645
Dr. Blesh

Kris Burgan, Principal, Smithsburg
Elementary School
Kendal Moss, Kindergarten Teacher,
From: Smithsburg Elementary School


Global Network Analysis

As educators in the 21st century, it our responsibility to expose, acclimate, and
successfully prepare our students to a culturally diverse, global economy. It is our duty to
strategically develop and implement authentic lessons through a global lens that effectively
supports and engages student learning. Their future success in a global economy depends on their
education providing all students opportunities to develop global awareness and citizenship.
Crawford and Kirby analyze the value of teaching from a global perspective, students
success in a global society is dependent upon their abilities to collaborate with others, be open to
differences, and think critically, teaching from a global perspective is critical (Crawford &
Kirby, 2008, p. 58).
Smithsburg Elementary School has been the leader and pioneer in the advocacy for
instructional technology in efforts to transform student learning in the Washington County Public
School district. The vision and mission of the faculty and staff at Smithsburg Elementary closely
resembles and aligns with the countys mission statement; Washington County Public Schools,
in partnership with community members, educates and enables all students to fully access
opportunities afforded them in a rapidly, changing, diverse global society (WCPS, 2009). As our
administrator, you have led the way in advocating and supporting innovative practices and
implementation strategies that has put our school in prestigious prospects of acquiring a 1:1
technological implementation plan. As faculty and staff continue advocating and promoting the
effective implementation of instructional technology, we must analyze, and reflect upon
technological software resources such as global networks, in order to make thoughtful decisions
on programs that will appropriately and effectively enhance and support our mission in preparing
our students to be successfully college and career ready in the 21st century.

It is the curricular standards and objectives set forth by the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Maryland State Curriculum, and
the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) that drive instruction. I will use
these standards initiatives in alliance with Kindergarten curricular standards and objectives in
Math, Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts to evaluate three global networks.
After careful review of the following analyses of each network, I encourage you to select the
global network that will most positively benefit our students in the Smithsburg community.
Network Analysis
Below is an analysis of three popular international education networks; Kidlink, iEARN,
and ePals. In addition you will be able to review each network and its applicability to Science
and/or Writing standards and digital citizenship skills.

Kidlink Homepage (Kidlink, 2015)

Kidlink is a global education network that advocates international dialogue through the
use of a various media forms, such as; electronic telecommunications. The Kidlink association
has developed a network that supports and encourages global learning engaging and

connecting students in projects that are educationally beneficial, which promote responsible and
caring citizens in the world (KidLink, 2015). International volunteers develop and create
projects that are offered to schools and organizations around the world at no charge.

Kidlink Project Center (Kidlink, 2015)

Finding the available projects is relatively easy by clicking on Teacher Information tab
from homepage, which will direct you to the Project Center database. The Project Center page
features upcoming projects that have started, or will start within the next couple of months.
Additional links are also provided which displays projects that occur all year round. The projects
that are currently displayed provide the URL for the project, the title; including a description of
project and curricular content, and when the project starts. It is free to participate in a Kidlink
project, the only requirement is to complete a registration form in order to actively participate in
the project. There are options to become a full member which costs $5.00 for the first year,
which is highly cost effective in comparison to other more expensive, global networks. By
becoming a member you are offered additional perks such as attending member meetings, and
receive additional information in regards to the association. Sponsorships are also available for
individuals who would like to donate to support the associations network.
However, there are a few features that are not provided on this network; a search engine
to search for particular projects based on intended audience or grade level, or subject matter is
not accessible on this network. Due to the projects being created by volunteers, there is a limit to
the projects that are available for participation. The projects that are created and displayed on

Kidlink are developed by international volunteers, as opposed to other global networks where
teachers and educators are able to post project ideas. As a result, teachers and educators who
follow specific curricular initiatives such as The Common Core State Standards, have to be
highly reflective in choosing a project that directly supports the curricular content that is being
taught at the given time. Therefore, there is a substantial increased risk that classes may not be
able to participate in the projects offered on Kidlink, due to the scope and sequence of their

Kidlink- Describe and Draw Project (Kidlink, 2015)

Once a project has been chosen, additional features are provided such as language
translation, time scheduling and allotments, and additional information regarding the project.
Educators need to be mindful of the timeline and availability for registration. Kidlink continues
to display projects that are currently closed for registration, as a result, teachers have to be
conscientious of the timeline and registration constraints. Additional links are also provided for
educators and teachers to learn more about a particular project; where teachers are able to access
additional teach resources such as handouts, student examples, and tutorials, registration for the
project, and even provides links to social media platforms such as Facebook, to give
opportunities for teachers and educators to contact the managers who are overseeing the project,
and teachers who are collaborating in the project.

Kidlink- Learn more about Describe and Draw Project (Kidlink, 2015)
Projects found on Kidlink provide teachers and educators links to additional information
regarding the project they have chosen. Describe and Draw is a sample project that targets any
age group. Therefore, the entire elementary school could take part in this project. Describe and
Draw is a multicultural art project that by using observation, description, and drawing,
enhances writing and descriptive skills (Kidlink, 2015). Students publish their written
descriptions which are then read by their collaborating partner. The collaborating student then
draws a picture based on the descriptions that were given. This project aims to connect students
around the world, promoting global awareness and expose students to cultural diversity through
written communication.
In Kindergarten, students are learning about the world around them. Students become
exposed to cultural diversity; traditions and customs of individuals in their school, community,
and the world around them. This project will propel student understanding of customs and
culture by extending, and broadening their exposure of culture through a global lens. Students
will be exposed to global awareness and engage in understanding cultural diversity at a deeper,
more authentic level. Students will be able to learn about their peers culture and traditions around
the world through descriptive written communication. Below are standards that associate, and
directly support this project.
Maryland State Curriculum: Social Studies Standards (Maryland State Department of Education,

2.A.1.b: Give examples of qualities such as customs, interests, skills, and experiences that
make individuals and families in their immediate environment unique.

English and Language Arts Common Core State Standards Initiative (National Governors
Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010):

W.K.2: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose

informative/explanatory texts.

W.K.6: With guidance and support from adults, explore a variety of digital tools to
produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

SL.K.4: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and
support, provide additional detail.

International Society for Technology in Education Standards (International Society for

Technology in Education, 2007):

2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to

communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
o c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners
of other cultures


iEarn Homepage (International Education and Resource Network, 2015)

The International Education and Resource Network (iEARN) is a non-profit
organization made up of over 30,000 schools and youth organizations in more than 140
countries (International Education and Resource Network, 2015). iEARN prides itself on
empowering global communication and collaboration through online communication
technologies. iEARN promotes a safe and structured network where students around the world
are able to communicate and work together to build upon, and extend knowledge through
curriculum-based, global collaborative projects. The iEarn Collaboration Centre empowers
students to learn with the world, not just about it (International Education and Resource
Network, 2015).

iEARN Search (International Education and Resource Network, 2015)

The iEARN network provides over 200 projects offering collaborative opportunities for
all ages, in a multitude of languages, and in a vast variety of curricular subject areas. iEARN
provides a search engine that allows teachers the opportunity to easily search for projects to join.
Through the iEARN search engine, teachers and educators are able to search available projects
by typing keywords, age range, preferred language, and subject area. However, it should be
noted that due to projects being created and developed by teachers, it is up to the educators
discretion as to how much teacher resources and information are provided for each project. This
causes a range in the quality of projects; there are projects available that provide a sufficient
amount of teacher resources such as handouts, related websites or articles, student examples,
videos, and lessons/activities with corresponding accommodations and adaptations, while other
projects provide the bare minimum of resources needed in order to participate in the project.

The cost of a one year membership for unlimited access to the iEARN Collaboration
Centre for an individual teacher is $100. To acquire a one year membership to the iEARN global
network for the entire school; unlimited amount of teachers is $400.00. In comparison to the
Kidlink network, there is an increase in expenditures. However, once an iEARN member,
teachers and educators will have unlimited access to teacher resources such as handouts,
tutorials, student examples, and accessibility to all project options. This global network also
provides members opportunities for online professional development courses, and access to
hundreds of global collaboration projects. iEARN members are able to create and display their
own project ideas, join in other projects, or even have the opportunity to collaborate with other
educators from around the world to modify and develop a project together.

iEARN- Weather Around the World (International Education and Resource Network, 2015)

After using the search engine to research various projects in the guidelines that an
educator is looking for, a results list will display the available projects that align with your
requirements. Weather Around the World is a project that was available for primary students ages
5-11, English language preference, and in the curricular area of science. Once a project has been
chosen, iEARN displays a brief description of the project, a gallery that provides uploaded video
and picture images of finished student work. The group facilitator is also mentioned for contact
regarding the particular project. The homepage of the project is organized, which allows for easy
navigation through the provided links to additional resources/information regarding the project,
related news, the gallery, and participating countries.

Within the additional resources link, a more detailed description of the chosen project is
provided. In this particular project, educators will find possible class activities that align with the
projects goals and vision. Expected outcomes, group contribution, and targeted curriculum areas,
are all provided within the additional resources tab. This information is imperative to an educator
in order to effectively and successfully implement the collaborative project which directly
supports the curricular standards and objectives.


iEARN- Weather Around the World Project (International Education and Resource Network,

The iEARN Weather Around the World Project is a collaborative project that encourages
primary students (ages 5-11), from around the world to create a pictorial weather chart
showing the weather each day of the month (International Education and Resource Network,
2015). The project will be active for the duration of the 2014-2015 school year. At the end of
each month, the weather char will then be uploaded and shared in the provided project space.
This will provide opportunities for students to communicate similarities and differences in
weather patterns around the world. This project promotes the development of communication
skills to better understand and develop a sense of global awareness and weather around the


In Kindergarten, identifying weather, and weather patterns are taught in both science, and
math. This lesson would directly support our kindergarteners during the weather unit.
Kindergarteners are taught the roles and responsibilities of a meteorologists. Students learn about
basic tools meteorologists use in order to predict the weather, and the responsibilities
meteorologists have in communicating their weather predictions to the community. Students also
learn to identify, and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over
time. Below you will find standards and lessons that associate and support this project.

Washington County Public Schools Observing Weather Lesson Seed (WCPS, 2009)

Next Generation Science Standards (Achieve, Inc., 2011)


K.ESS2.1: Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns
over time.

Mathematics Common Core State Standards Initiative (National Governors Association Center
for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010):

K.MD.2: Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see
which object has more of/less of the attribute, and describe the difference.

K.MD.3: Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each
category and sort the categories by count.

International Society for Technology in Education Standards (International Society for

Technology in Education, 2007):

2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to

communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual
learning and contribute to the learning of others.
o b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats



ePals Homepage (ePals, 2015)

ePals is a global network that encourages student communication and collaboration
through transformational learning experiences. ePals is a global network that allows teachers
to create real world, culturally- enriching learning experiences for their students (ePals, 2015).
ePals promotes student engagement and motivation to build upon and extend learning through
experiences that are authentic, purposeful, and boundless at no cost. ePals prides itself on
creating a positive learning environment for teachers and students to be able to easily connect
and interact with individuals all over the world through a safe and protected platform.


ePals Search (ePals, 2015)

Joining in the ePals community is easy and free. In order to become a member, teachers
and educators must submit a registration form for approval in order to create and publish a
member profile. An ePal profile provides educators the opportunity to search for various
classrooms, projects, and collaborative opportunities. Once the teacher profile is approved, ePals
also offers student accounts for each individual child in your classroom. Educators are also
provided an email account to that exchanges and communication can all be completed through
the ePals network. Additional platforms such as a project workspace or communication tools
such as skype can also be used at the educators discretion. As a teacher in the ePals community,
ePals offers teachers the rights to manage and monitor your students interactivities at no
additional cost. Additionally as a member, teachers and educators are able to find classrooms,
and projects that are available for global collaboration. ePals also provides a learning center to
the members of the ePal global network. Teachers, educators, and even parents are able to
explore the learning center for additional resources such as; educational games, and the writing
The ePals global network provides teachers the opportunity to create their own project to
publish to the public, or teachers can search through hundreds of active and available projects
through the project database. ePals displays all projects, including an option for your project to
be a part of the featured projects list. ePals uses the featured project list as a way to promote
projects that have been developed in order to expose and give further collaboration opportunities
for classrooms to participate in the project. The ePals global network also provides teachers and
educators an intricate search engine that allows individuals to narrow down their search. Similar
to iEARNs search engine, ePals provides options for educators to search for projects through

keywords, language preference, and target age. Additionally, the ePals search engine also
provides individuals the opportunity to choose projects based on; region, project type (art,
science, math, etc.), time duration, and collaboration methods (email, skype, project workspace).
The amount of available projects is substantial, therefore, ePals has found an effective way for
teachers to narrow their search through the use of a search engine that provides more than
enough options to refine ones search.
Similarly to iEARN, all projects are developed and published by teachers and educators,
as a result, projects may range in overall quality; there are projects available that provide a
sufficient amount of teacher resources such as objectives, standards, culminating activity, lesson
plans with corresponding accommodations and adaptations, and additional related resources
(materials or handouts), while other projects provide the bare minimum of resources needed in
order to participate in the project. Depending on the projects that have been submitted by other
educators and teachers, the amount of projects that are available in the content area, or age range
will vary. As a result, ePals encourages teachers to create their own projects to publish, and/or
have educators work collaboratively to modify, change, or create a project to fit the needs of each

ePals- Outside My Classroom Windows (ePals, 2015)

The ePals project database provides a list of projects that are available for participation.
Each project displayed in the database has information regarding a brief description about the
project, project type (curricular area), and target age range. Once a project has been chosen,
further details are provided. This particular project; Outside My Classroom Windows is an open
ended project that allows teachers to make modifications and adaptations in order for the project
to appropriately support curricular goals and objectives. ePals organizes information effectively
through the use of tabs. Once a project has been chosen, teachers and educators are able to
explore more information regarding the project; objectives and standards that have been
established by the creator, culminating activities, lesson plans, additional resources, and timeline.


ePals- Outside My Classroom Windows Project (ePals, 2015)

Outside My Classroom Windows is a global collaborative project encouraging early
childhood students to communicate and discuss through visual art and digital images about
where they live. This project promotes global awareness and citizenship by asking students to
swap these with other schools so that we can see the similarities and differences at schools
around the world (ePals, 2015). This project provides opportunities for teachers and educators
to adapat and modify this project to appropriately support curricular goals and objectives in each
classroom. Students are being encourage to broaden their perspectives and become exposed to,
and be inspired and motivated to learn about the world around them.
In Kindergarten, it is imperative for students to gain an understanding of global
awareness and citizenship at an early age. Throughout the school year, Kindergarteners are
taught the appropriate social skills necessary for working in a collaborative group and the
importance of being kind and respectful to others. Global projects such as; the Outside My
Classroom Windows project, provides students opportunities to develop and strengthen these
skills in a real world, authentic learning environment. Students are expected to use the
appropriate social skills necessary to effectively communicate and collaborate with their peers.
This project will not only provide the young students an opportunity to develop, strengthen, and
apply appropriate social skills, but will also be gaining experience and exposure in global
awareness. Below are a list of standards that associate and support this project.
Maryland State Curriculum: Social Studies Standards (Maryland State Department of Education,
2.C.1.a: Describe, discuss, and demonstrate appropriate social skills necessary for
working in a collaborative group, such as sharing concern, care, and respect among group


3.A.1.d: Identify pictures and photographs that represent places on a map such as a
playground or a fire station.

International Society for Technology in Education Standards (International Society for

Technology in Education, 2007):

5. Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and
practice legal and ethical behavior.
o b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration,
learning, and productivity
o d. Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship

After through research and investigation, here is my ranking and recommendations on
each global network using a 5 star scale; 5 being the best suited for the Smithsburg community.
Kidlink had several strengths and areas in need of improvement. Kidlink is a cost
effective network that provides educators and their students the opportunities to participate in
global collaborative projects. However, at this time, Kidlink does not provide opportunities for
teachers or educators to create and display their own project ideas. As a result, this limits the
amount of projects that are available for participation. Additionally, due to the Kidlink
international volunteers creating and developing the projects, educators are limited in variety;
age range, and content area, and related teacher resources (materials, handouts,
lessons/activities). I would recommend the Kidlink network to teachers who are looking to only
introduce themselves to a global communication forum. Due to the technological experience,
accessibility, and population size of the Smithsburg community, our teachers and students would
greatly benefit from a global network that is a bit more established, and provides additional
features such as; a wider range in project choices, the opportunity to create and start their own
projects, and teacher resources.
iEARN is an effective global network platform that encourages global awareness and
citizenship through engaging, authentic learning environments. The iEARN global network is
organized and well maintained allowing users around the world to easily navigate in order to find
teacher resources and available collaborative projects of interest. A particular feature that


distinguishes this particular global network is the online professional development courses that
are available for members. This feature provides educators the opportunity to learn more about
effective implementation strategies and gain additional opportunities for professional growth.
The iEARN search engine is an effective and organized way for educators to refine their search
to efficiently find projects that support specific curricular standards and objectives. However,
iEARN is a bit costly in regards to the other global networks that were researched. iEARN does
provide a great deal of resources and educational opportunities, however the expenditure to join
this community for a one year subscription is a noteworthy apprehension to consider.
ePals has encouraged, inspired, and advocated for global collaboration and
communication. ePals provides teachers, educators, and parents the opportunity to join in the
ePals community at no cost. ePals provides features that allow both teachers and students the
opportunity to effectively interact with peers around the globe. Teachers are provided ePal email
accounts to encourage instant accessibility to communicate and collaborate with teachers at a
global level. The ePals community encourages not only teacher collaborations, but also provides
students their own accounts to support student interactivities. ePals prides itself in the safe and
secure platform that is provided to our students, and provides teachers with the features of being
able to manage and monitor student interactions. The ePals search engine also provides
additional options that more effectively refine an educators search to more closely fit the needs
of the teachers vision and interests. At this time, even though ePals does not offer professional
development trainings to members, ePals provides other features that directly support student
learning, such as; an ePal writing center, educational games, and a book clubhouse. The ePals
global networks provides teachers not only the opportunity to join available projects, but the
opportunity to develop and publish their own projects, and even foster opportunities for
collaboration with multiple teachers to modify, adapt, change new and/or existing global
In conclusion, it is apparent that all three global networks have noteworthy strengths, and
areas in need of improvement. However, it is my recommendation that ePals is the best suited
global network for the Smithsburg community. ePals is a free global network that provides
teachers, educators, and parents, the effective tools and resources needed to foster and support
transformational student learning. It is the responsibility of our educators that we promote and
expose students to global awareness and citizenship in order for students to be successful in a
technologically advanced society. The ePals project database provides educators with substantial
opportunities for students to build upon, extend, and apply learning in transformational ways that
promote global collaboration, technological skills/applications, higher ordered, and critical
thinking skills in a real world, authentic learning environment. ePals goes above and beyond


expectations to advocate global awareness, citizenship, and collaboration that effectively support
our school and countys mission to support and prepare all students in becoming college and
career ready in the 21st century.


Crawford, E., & Kirby, M. (2008). Fostering students global awareness: Technology
applications in socials studies teaching and learning. Journal of Curriculum and
Instruction, 2(1), 56-73. doi: 10.3776/joci.2008.v2n1p56-73

ePals. (2015). ePals. Retrieved March 7, 2015 from: ePals:!/main

International Education and Resource Network. (2015). iEARN. Retrieved March 7, 2015 from
International Society for Technology in Education. (2007). NETS for Students. Retrieved from:

Kidlink. (2015). Kidlink. Retrieved March 8, 2015 from:

Maryland State Department of Education. (2006). School Improvement in Maryland. Retrieved

March 8, 2015 from:

National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School
Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards Initiative. Retrieved March 6, 2015

Next Generation Science Standards. (2013). Retrieved March 5, 2015 from:


Washington County Public Schools. (2009). Retrieved March 5, 2015 from:


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