IS 4995 (Part 2) 1974

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IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974 ( Reaffirmed 1998 )

Indian Standard

(First Revision)
Fifth Reprint JUNE 1996



0 Copyright 1975








September 1975

IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974

Indian Standard

(First Revision)
Criteria for Design of Structures Sectional Committee; BDC 38

Chairman Paox G. S. RAMAEWAMY Members

Represent& Stru~a~~abrgineering Research Centre ( CSIR ),

SH~I M. RAMAIAH (&&mate to Prof G. S. Ramaswamy ) Indian Institute of Technology,_. New Delhi Da B. M. AH~JA PROF K. SEETEARAMULU I Alternalc 1 Chatterjee, Polk, Kukreja, New Delhi SEBI B: K. CEATTERJEE Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Ds Y. C. DAS Da P. DAYARATNAM ( Alternate ) Consultants Pvt Ltd, Calcutta Development SH~I P. C. DAVE . Designs & Standards Organization DyBmzs D~)EOTOB ( STANDARDS) Research ( Ministry of Railways ), Lucknow Central Water & Power Commission, New Delhi DIRRECM~-( TCD ) Atomic Energy Commission, Bombay SEBI V. M. GAD Alokudyog Cement Service, Sawai Madhopur SEEI K. C. GHOEAL Fertilizer Corporation of India, Sindri SHRI A. D. GU~TA National Buildings Organization, New Delhi SHRI V. G. HEODE SHRI A. C. GUPTA ( Af&aate ) Hindustan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay SHRI G. S. IYER SHRI V. S. KAMATH ( Alternate) University of Roorkee, Roorkee DR 0. P. JAIN ( Continued on page 2



This publication is protected under the Indian CopyrightAct (XIV of 1957) and reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission ofthe ., publisher ahall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.

1s : 4995 ( Part n ) - 1974 ( Continued

from loge 1) Members SHRI B. K. JINDAL SERI B. S. GUPTA ( Alternate) SHRI S. B. JOSHI SRRI J. S. GOKHALE ( Attcmatc) SHRI S. P. JOSHI SHRI K. C. KARAMCEANDANI SHRI K. N. SINHA ( Alternate) SHRI M. KUPPUSWAMY SHR~ MAHENDRA RA J Representing Centl;Bdortet$ding Research Institute ( CSIR),

S. B. Joshi & Co Ltd, Bombay Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay Engineers India Limited, New Delhi Ministry of Food & Agriculture (Department of Food ), New Delhi In personal capacity ( Consulting Engineer, 12 E, Dcfencc Colony, New Delhi ) Concrete Association of India, Bombay

SHRI M. A. MERTA SHRI B. T. UNWALLA( Alternate ) LT-COL M. H. S. MU~THY Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch, Army Headquarters SO 2 ( DESIGNS ) ( Alternate ) SHRI K. C. PANDYA Shah 8~ Pandya, Bombay SHRI B. BALWANT RAO Ministry of Transport (Roads Wing) SHRI S. SEETHARAMAN ( Alternate ) The National Industrial Development Corporation SHRI R. A. RAMA RAO Ltd, New Delhi Dn J. K. SRIDHAR RAO National Committee on Science and Technology, New Delhi Gammon India Ltd, Bombay SERI T.N. SIJBBA RAO SHRI P. B. PATIL ( Alternate ) Hindustan Housing Factory, New Delhi SHRI K. G. SALVI SHRI S. K. CHATTERJEE ( Alternate ) Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur DR B. R. SEN DR S. K. MALL~CK ( Alternate ) C. R. Narayana Rao, Madras Sunr C. N. SRINIVASAN SUPERINTENDING SURVEYOR OF Central Public Works Department, New Delhi WORKS ( I ) SHRI V. VENPATESWARU-LU I Aliernate) . Stunindia Ltd. Bombav SHRI M. C. TANDON . SHRIN. CJAI N ( Alternate ) Vakil-Mehta-Sheth, C o n s u 1 t Ian g Engineers, SHRI R. N. VAKIL Ahmedabad Indian Institute of Technolonv. _Madras PROF P. C. VARGHESE ._,, DR S. SRINIVASA RAO ( Alternate ) Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Tiruchirapalli SHRI K. VEERARAGHAVACHARY Director General, IS1 ( Ex-o&o Membn) SHRI D. AJITHA SIMHA, Director ( Civ Engg J

Secretary SHRI V. SIJRESH Assistant Director ( Civ Engg ), IS1

( Continued on page 22 )

IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974

Indian Standard

( First Revision )
0.1 This Indian


Standard ( Part II ) ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 9 December 1974, after the draft finalized by the Criteria for Design of Structures Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council. 0.2 Storage structures like bins ( silos and bunkers ) for storing different materials are one among the important structures coming up in any The necessity to store and contain industrial or organized storage complex. materials like coke, coal, ores, etc, in the various steel plants and other In cement factories industrial establishments cannot be over emphasized. On the as well as in construction projects, cement is stored in large silos. agricultural front the foodgrain storage structures and silos play a vital role Bulk storage in ensuring the supply of foodgrains at all times of the year. of materials in bins has certain advantages over other forms of storage. Therefore, the necessity to formulate criteria for design of such structures has been felt and this standard is aimed at giving the necessary guidelines to arrive at the~structural design of reinforced concrete bins for the storage of various materials of different properties and characteristics. 0.3 IS: 4995-1968* covered the requirements of the structural design for It has been,felt that instead of bringing out foodgrain storage bins ( silos ). one separate standard to cover the requirements of all materials other than foodgrains it would be useful to cover the subject under one standard in which the requirements of different materials could be dealt with adequately. Therefore, the revision of IS : 4995-1968* was taken up to cover the requirements of storage bins for all materials including foodgrains.
*Criteria for design of reinforced concrete bins ( silos ) for bulk foodgrain storage.

IS %4995 ( Part II ) - 1974 0.4 The different stored materials, such as coke, coal, ores, foodgrains, fertilizers, cement, flour etc, can be classified either as granular or powdery materials. Extensive research work all over the world has indicated that assessment of bin loads caused due to a stored material would require different treatment depending upon whether it is a granular or powdery Taking this into consideration this standard is being revised material. and is published in two parts namely, Part I General principles and This standard is a assessment of bin loads and Part II Design criteria. necessary adjunct to Part I. 0.5 In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to the findings of recent research and international coordination amongst the standards and practices prevailing in different countries. This has been met with by referring to the following standards and publications: DIN 1055 : 1964 ( Sheet 6 ) Design loads for buildings -Bin Deutscher Normenausschluss. loads.

BOHM (F). Th e calculation of circular silo cells for the storage of cement. C & CA Library Translation; No. 101. Cement and Concrete Association, London. GRAY ( W S ) and MANNING ( C A ). Concrete water towers, bunkers, silos and other elevated structures. PIEPER ( K ) and WENZEL (F ). -Pressure distribution in bins. 1964. Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, Munchen. REISNER ( W) and ROTHE (&I E ). Bins and bunkers for handling bulk materials. M. E. Trans Tech Publications, Ohio. SAFARIAN ( S S ) and HARRIS ( E C ). Determination of mmimum wall thickness and temperature steel in conventionally reinforced circular concrete silos. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, July 1970; 539-547. Report of AC1 Committee Bin wall design and construction. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, July 1968; 499,506. 3 13. L

0.5.1 In view of the continuing research done on flow charactetirtics of materials, the emphasis in the code is on structural adequacy of bins. However, as regards flow characteristics of the materials, .the designers This code is based would be well advised to consult the relevant literature. on the latest available data and is amenable to review as and when more reliable information on this subject becomes available. 0.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with 4

IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974 IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard ( Part II ) deals with the general design criteria for the design of reinforced concrete bins used for bulk storage of granular and powdery materials. l.f2bzys . 2. TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply. 2.1 Aeration for ventilation. A process in which air ismoved through the stored material standard covers circular, polygonal and interstice bins of a battery

2.2 Arching - A phenomenon in the bin during the emptying of a stored material giving rise to formation of arches of the material across the bin walls. 2.3 Bin - A storage structure circular or polygonal in plan and meant for storing bulk materials in vertical direction. Silo is a bin circular for polygonal in plan. Bunker is a bin whose cross section in plan would be square or rectangular. 2.4 Bin Loads 2.5 Foodgrain Loads exerted by a stored material on the walls of a bin. All cereals, pulses, millets, except oil seeds.

2.6 Granular Materials - All materials having mean particle size more than 0.2 mm. No cohesion between the particles is assumed. that is formed out of the space enclosed by a 2.7 Interstice Bin -Bin battery of interconnected bins. 2.8 Powdery Materials than 006 mm. 3. NOTATIONS All materials having ., mean particle size less

3.1 For the purpose of this standard the following notations shall have the meaning indicated against each: A = Horizontal cross-sectional area of the stored material

Ac = Area of columns, cm2

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( reuised).

1S : 4995 (Part II ) - 1974 A,, = A, = Asc = c, = C, = C, = Concrete area in tension per unit height of bin wall, cm/m Area of rcinforccmcnt in bin wall at the height consideration, cm2/m Area of reinforcement in column, cm2 Surface conductance of concrete to air, kcal/m*hC Thermal conductivity of reinforced concrete, kcal/mh@C to storage material, under

Surface conductance of concrete kcal/m*hC D = Internal diameter of a circular bin Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete

Es = Modulus of elasticity of reinforcing steel h = Height of bin wall I = K= K1 = K, Moment of inertia of bin wall section Coefficient of heat transmission of maximum negative bending moment in ring at the column support of maximum positive bending moment in ring at midway between column supports

Coefficient girder = Cocficient girder

K, == Coefficient of maximum torsional moment in ring girder KS = 1= MA T= nz = n = P = kO = u, = Safety factor for concrete cracking Span of bin wallbetween supports difference A T across the bin Moment due to temperature wall Modular ratio

Concrete shrinkage coefficient Calculated percentage of reinforcement in columns -$--= ct Geometric percentage of tensile reinforcement with respect to concrete area in tension in bin wall

Ih = P, =

Dead load on columns Horizontal pressure on the wall due to stored material Vertical pressure on the horizontal cross-section of the stored material P, = Vertical load transferred to the unit wall area due to friction between material and bin wall P, = Pressure normal to the longitudinal slope of hopper bottom P t = Pressure along the longitudinal slope of hopper bottom R = A/u

IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974

I== rh =

Mean Radius

radius of ring girder of hopper at the plane under consideration inside the bin ( C ) outside the bin (C ) of stored material temperature

Ti = I, t=
Wcr =

Temperature Atmospheric Thickness Total

of bin wall

Crack width in bin wall load on the ring girder. makes with the horizontal in concrete at the age of 28 days Self weight of unit surface area of hopper bottom Angle the hopper bottom Permissible Compressive tensile strength strength

WV =
WY =

a= bet = bcu =

of concrete

Qsa = Actual stress in reinforcing steel QI = Tensile strength of concrete 0= Angular distance from column support to point of maximam
torsional moment in the ring girder

ds p.0 = S= Xf = Ae = P=
I*f =

Diameter Coefficient Pressure Coefficient Coefficient

of column



of wall friction ratio during filling of wall friction of wall friction

during emptying

Angle of wall friction Pressure ratio ~during emptying ( = tan 8) during filling

AT = Temperature difference across the bin wall Et = Coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete

4.1 Generalshall conform 4.2

Dimensions, shape and layout of reinforced concrete to the provisions given under 4 of Part I of this standard.



4.2.1 Cement - Cement used for reinforced concrete bins shall be either ordinary or rapid hardening Portland cement conforming to IS : 269-1967* or blastfurnace slag cement conforming to IS : 455-1967t.
*Specification revision ) . for ordinary, rapid-hardening and low-heat Portland cement (second

tSpecification for Portland blastfurnace slag cement ( revised).

IS : 4995 (Part II) - 1974 shall be either mild steel or medium 42.2 Steel - Steel reinforcement tensile steel bars conforming to IS : 432 ( Part I)-1966* or hard drawn steel wire conforming to IS : 432 ( Part II )-1966t or deformed bars conforming to IS : 1139-1966$ or cold twisted bars conforming to IS : 1786- 1966g. For side walls and bin bottom deformed or cold twisted bars shall be preferred due to their better bond characteristics and thus avoiding large cracks and ensuring more uniform distribution of cracks. 4.2.3 Concrele Mix - Only controlled concrete of grade not leaner than M-150 as specified in IS : 456-196411 and satisfying the relevant provisions shall be used for the construction of reinforced concrete bins. Openings required for manual 4~3 Doors and Openingsbin or for spout inlets, aeration, temperature detection, etc, Breaking the previously laid during the process of concreting. These openings shall this purpose shall strictly be avoided. with airtight covers. access to the shall be left concrete for be provided

43.1 Openings shall preferably be avoided in the zones of critical Small openings of size less than or equal to five times the wall stresses. thickness shall be treated in the same manner as in other conventional Detailed analysis shall be made when large reinforced concrete structures. openings, of size greater than five times the wall thickness, are required. for supporting the walls of a bin shall 4.4 Supports - The arrangements depend upon the layout, the outlet openings, positions of draw off conveyors and type of bin bottom, etc. For polygonal bins, columns shall normally be placed at the junctions of side walls. For circular bins the wall may be either extended up to the foundation level or stopped on a ring beam supported on a group of columns. 4.5 Foundations 45.1 The type of foundation for the storage bin shall be decided taking into account the layout, site conditions, nature of soil and the load transferred. 45.2 The bin structure shall rest on reinforced pile foundations or isolated footings depending concrete raft foundation, upon the soil conditions,

*Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part I Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars (second revikon) . tSpecification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement : Part II Hard-drawn steel wire (second revision). fspecification for hot rolled mild steel and medium tensile steel deformed bars for concrete reinforcement (revised). BSpecification for cold twisted steel bars for concrete reinforcement (rmisrd). l\Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( second revision ). 8

IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974 Site investigations IS : 1892-1962*. for foundation shall be carried out in accordance with

4.5.3 In case, the reinforced concrete raft is to be laid over the piles, the top of the mat shall be at the plinth level. 4.5.4 Design of foundation shall be carried out according to the provision5 of IS : 456-1964t, IS : 1080-1962$, IS : 2911 ( Part I )-1964$, IS : 2911 (Part III )-I96711 and IS : 2950-19657. 5. DESIGN CRITERIA

5.1 General Requirements of Working Stress Method - Provision shall be made for conditions of stresses that may occur in accordance with the principles of mechanics, recognized ~methods of design and sound engineering practice. In particular, adequate consideration shall be given to the effects of monolithic construction in the assessment of bending moments and shear forces. of a 5.2 Basis of Design - The general basis of design of all components storage bin excepting the walls and bin bottom which are in contact with the stored material shall be in accordance with the recommendations of IS : 456- 1964t. 5.3 Design Loads and Effects

5.3.0 The following loading conditions and effects shall be considered while designing the various components of a storage bin namely, roof, bin walls, ring girder, hopper bottom, supporting columns and foundation:

4 b) 4 4 4 f) d

Dead load of the structure; Superimposed loads machinery, if any; due to material handling and transportation

Bin loads as specified under Part I of this standard; Live load ( for roof only ) recommended Wind Seismic load recommended loads recommended in IS : 875-1964**; in IS : 875-1964**; in IS : 1893-1975tt; variation;

Effect due to temperature

*Code of practice for site investigations for foundations. tCode of practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( second revision). JCode of practice for design and construction of simple spread foundations. OCode of practice for design and construction of pile, foundationsPart I Loadbearing concrete piles. llCode of practice for design and construction of pile foundations-Part III Under reamed pile foundations. f[Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations. **Code of practice for structural safety of buildings-loading standards ( revised). ItCriteria for earthquake resistant design of structures ( third rrririon )$

IS:4995(PartII)-1974 h) Effect due to shrinkage of concrete; and j) Effect of fixity of the bin at the top and bottom edges and with adjoining structures. 5.3.1 While designing a bin structure, worst combinations and effects named under 5.3.0 shall be considered. 5.3.2 Wind and seismic simultaneously. 5.4 Permissible Stresses 5.4.1 Stresses in Concrete - The permissible stresses in tension (direct and due to bending ) and shear shall conform to the values specified in Table 1. The permissible tensile stress due to bending apply to the outside face of the bin. In members less than 225 mm thick and in contact with material on one side, the permissible stresses in bending are also applicable to side in contact with the stored material.

of the loads as acting






(All values in kg/ems)



COMPRESSION ~_--~*__~~~ Direct Bending




(1) M 150 M 200 M250 M300 M 350 M400

(2) 50 70 85 100 115 130

(3) 40 50 60 80 90 100

(4) 5.0 7.0 8.0 90 10.0 11.0

(5) 6.0 8.0 9.0 100 11-o 12.0

(6) 10.0 13.0 15.0 170 18.0 19.0

(7) 30 40 50 60 70 80 *

stress in tension in bending may be taken to be the same as permissible stress in shear ( measured as inclined tension ).

NOTE Permissible -

5.4.2 Stwss in Concrete for Resistance to Buckling - The maximum compressive stress on the net wall section deducting all openings, recesses, etc, shall not exceed 0.25 o,, , where o,, is the compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days. 5.4.3 Slresses in Steel Reinforcement - The permissible stresses in steel reinforcement shall conform to the values specified in Table 2.









PERXISSIBLE STRESSES-IN -kg/cm2 A---_---_~ c--------Mild Nigh Medium TenWelded Steel Bars, sile Steel or Yield Wire Grade I Deformed Strength Fabric or DeMedium Ten( Hot formed sile Steel Bars Rolled Mild or Plain Round and Cold Steel Cold Twisted Twisted ) Bars DeformBars ed Bars (3) (4) (5)


Tension ( o,t ) other than in helical reinforcement in a column, and in shear reinforcement: Up to and including 40 mm



1400 >

Over 40 mm Up to and including 20 mm Over 20 mm Welded wire fabric, all sixes ii) iii) iv) v) Tension in helical reinforcement compression member ( o,h ) Tension in shear reinforcement Compression in a ( ass )

1300 -


Half the guaranteed yield stress subject to a maximum of 1900 -

2 300 2 100 1600 1750 1750

2300 -

1000 1400 1300



in column bars ( o,, )

Compression in bars in a beam or slab when the compressive resistance of the concrete is taken into account Compression in bars in a beam or slab when the compressive resistance of the concrete is not taken into account: Up to and including 40 mm


The calculated compressive stress in the surrounding concrete multiplied by 1.5 times the modular ratio or o,, whichever is lower

1400 1

Over 40 mm 1300

Halfthe guaranteed yield stress subject to a maxim~mofl9OO



NOTE 1 - When mild steel conforming to Grade II of IS : 432 ( Part I)-1966 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement: Part .I Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars ( second revision ) is used, the permissible stresses shall be 90 percent of the permissible stress in co1 3 or if the design details already been worked out on the basis of mild steel conforming to Grade I of IS : 432 (Part I )-1966 the area of reinforcement shall be increased by 10 percent of that required for Grade I steel.
NOTE 2 - For the purpose of this standard, the yield stress of steels for which there is no clearly defined yield point should be taken to be the 0.2 percent proof stress.


Us4995 (Part II)-1974 5.4.4

quake Incrense in Permissible Stresses - Where stresses due to wind or earthare combined with those due to dead, live and impact loads and

temperature and shrinkage effects the permissible stress specified under 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 may be exceeded up to a limit of 33.33 percent. 5.5 Design of Bin Walls 3.5.1 Walls of Circular Bins - Walls of circular bins shall be designed essentially for hoop stresses due to bin loads. The walls shall be checked for all loading cases and effects as~specified under 5.3. 5.5.2 Walls of Polygonal Bins - The wall shall be considered as slabs spanning vertically or horizontally or as two-way slabs for horizontal loads and as beams for vertical loads with due consideration to combined co-existing bending and axial forces. They shall be checked for all loading cases and effects as specified under 5.3. Due provisions shall be made for bending moment caused due to temperature variation, restraint at top and bottom edges and wind or seismic loads.
NOTE --If the bins are to be designed as deep beams refer to curves ven in I% ncrete the article Design of Deep Girders Portland Cement Asaocihon, Information Structural Paper ST-66, 1951.


Walls of Battery of Bins In the case of interconnected polygonal bins without interstice, effect on the junction walls shall be considered for worst combinations of itilland empty conditions of the bin under consideration and its adjoining i . In a battery of interconnected circular or polygonal bins with one interstice, the bin walks shall be designed for the following two loading eases: a) Interstice bin empty while adjoining main bins full, and b) Interstice bin full while adjoining main bins empty. In a battery of bins having more-than one interstice bin in or both the directions, due provisions shall be made to strengthen the walls. Loading conditions as under and worst combinations of and empty conditions of the farther bins shall be taken into account determining additional bending moments and forces developed in the

+. one bin full for bin Walls of interstice bins shall be designed with due consideration to structural and loading configurations and interactions with apprch priate boundary conditions.

IS : 4995 ( Part II) - 1974 5.5.4 Thickness of Bin Walls - The minimum
lated from the formula given below:


shall be calcula-


nE, -I- cRa - mot V&t 1000,a cst


n = concrete shrinkage coefficient assumed as 0003; E, = modular of elasticity of reinforcing steel in kg/cm;
es0 = et = (?-,),t = stress in reinforcing ratio; of concrete = 1.19 I/e%; tensile strength
ph/ x +


m = modular

static ring tensile force per unit length of wall and

Phf =

at depth 5 in kg/cm* ); static lateral pressure at depth 5 in kg/cm; of bin, m.

D = inside diameter
Subject to a minimum thickness may be calculated provisions: The thickness

thickness of 10 cm. Alternatively, the minimum by the empirical method given in of bin walls shall be governed by the following

a) The wall thickness for curved walls shall be not less than the larger of the following with a minimum thickness of 10 cm: a) t = 10 + 2.5 (D - 3 )/3 or b) t= 10 +2*5 (h- 6)/12 where t is in cm and D and h are in m. b) The wall thickness of straight walls (in the case of polygonal bins ) shall not be less than the smaller of the following with a minimum thickness of 10 cm: a) t=4hor b) t = 4 1. where t is in cm, h and 1 are in m.

However, where slip from work -is used in construction, thickness shall not be less than 15 cm. 13

the wall

IS-: 4995 ( Part IT) - 1974 The crack width in walls of bins shall not exceed the following: Where water tightness is required = 0.1 mm Otherwise = 0.2 mm This shall be computed as in 5.10 of this standard. 5.6 Ring Girder

5.6.0 When the conical hopper is supported on a ring girder provided at the junction of the wall and the hopper, the girder shall be designed to resist axial force, bending, torsion and shear. 5.6.1 The axial compressive force induced on the girder shall be equal to that resulting from the horizontal component of the inclined pull of the loaded hopper minus that resulting from the outward lateral thrust exerted by the stored material. The girder shall be designed for the net horizontal component obtained when ( a ) the bin is assumed to be full, and ( b ) when the top surface of material is assumed at the ring level, whichever gives the critical value. 5.6.2 The bending and torsional moments in the ring girder simply supported on a number of columns placed equidistant along the circumference of the girder shall be calculated from the following formulae:

4 b)

Maximum negative moment at supports Maximum positive moment at midway between supports Maximum torsional moment at angular distance of 0 from support an =

where located along the central line of the beam, r = mean radius of the ring girder, K;, K2, KS = coefficients of bending and torsional moments specified in Table 3,
Wr = total load on the ring girder including its self-weight


0 = angular distance from support to point of maximum torsional moment as specified in Table 3. 5.7 Bin J3ottom 5.7.1 The vertical load for the design of bin bottom shall be as indicated in (a) and (b) of Part I of the standard subject to the condition that in the case of (a), the vertical loading shall not be less than that Reference is also made to the provisions of 6.3.2 indicated in of Part I of the standard, 14

IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974



(3) 0.062 9 0.034 2 0.021 5 0014 8 O*OlO8 0.008 2 0.006 5 0.005 3 0.004 4 0.003 7

(4) 0.033 3 0.017 6 0~010 7 0.007 5 0.005 5 0.004 2 ofKJ3 3 0.002 6 0.002 2 0.001 8

(5) OS013 2 0.005 3 0.002 6 0.001 5 0.000 9 O*OOO 6 0.000 4 0.000 3 o*ooo 2 0000 2

(6) 25 - 47.5 19 15 12 18.1

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


WrP4 Wr/16 W,/lS W,P Wrl22 ~124

12 - 44 10 - 54.1 9 - 32 8 6 28.1 55.5 7O - 37.2 6 - 20.8 Level Bottom - The design of a supported bin bottom shall be carried out in the same manner as that of any horizontal structural slab cast monolithically with the supporting structure. The weight of any conveying machinery, including impact, suspended from the slab shall be added to the bin bottom load and to the dead load of the slab to arrive at the total effective load.
5.7.2 Hopper Bottom Bin bottoms of special shapes shall be ~analyzed with care an@ytical methods, such as finite element technique. by sophisticated De&n pressures on hopper bottom-Normal tangential pressure P, at any point on the hopper bottom as follows: P93 = P, Pt where wa = self weight of hopper u. = angle the hopper per unit area, and bottom = coszcz + Ph sinsa + + wI cosa ws sina ( P, A Ph ) sina cosa

pressure P,, and for design shall be


makes with the horizontal. Conical hoppers - Gonical hoppers are subjected essentially to meridional and hoop tensions. Local bending due to effect of continuity at the edges or due to external superimposed loads due to machinery, etc, if 15

IS t 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974

any, shall also be taken into account in the design. The total meridional tension at any horizontal plane passing through the hopper shall be such that its vertical component is equal to total vertical pressure on that plane plus the self weight of the hopper and its contents below the plane. The meridional reinforcement shall extend sufficiently into the vertical wall to secure adequate bond. The hoop tension at any level of the conical hopper shall be determined as follows: Hoop tension = rhPn coseca where
rh =

radius of hopper at the plane under consideration, and as

P,, = normal design pressure at the plane under consideration in Pyramidal hoppers - Pyramidal hoppers are subjected to bending moments and direct tension besides meridional tension along the slope. The hopper of a polygonal bin shall be analyzed by considering each horizontal strip as a continuous frame subjected to the normal design The meridional tension shall be pressure P, calculated as in calculated in the same way as for conical hoppers ( see ). Bottoms of other shapes - Bin bottoms of other shapes such as bottoms with one or more sloping sides with the remaining sides vertical, bottoms provided with special emptying arrangements, etc,shall be designed The design for the loads specified under 5.3.0 and of this standard. shall be based on the principles of mechanics and sound engineering practice. 5.7.3 Special Requirements for Columns - In the design of columns it shall be necessary to ensure that the percentage of reinforcement should not exceed the percentage calculated by the formula given below, subject to the condition that the numerical value should not exceed 25 percent in the case of mild steel round bars and 4 percent-in the case of cold formed bars:

where Pd E dead load on columns, Ac = area of columns, X8 = safety factor for concrete cracking assumed as 1.2, Qct = permissible tensile stress in concrete, 16

calculated percentage of reinforcement in column,

IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974

bshr =


d+l -

stress in reinforcement due to shrinkage of concrete assumed as 300 kg/cm, stress in reinforcement due to dead and live loads ( elastic deformation of concrete ) P(a+r! x ma__ x&7z-l)+Ac

A,, = m( csS) d =

area of reinforcement modular ratio, and stress in reinforcement Pa x m A,c(m-l)+Ac

in column, due to dead load alone

5.8 Effect of Temperature Variation - Bins containing hot materials are subjected to temperature stresses. The thermal stresses and the corresponding additional reinforcement shall be calculated and added to the reinforcement of the bin walls. The following assumptions are made for computing the temperature stresses and the additional reinforcement: a) The tensile strength of concrete is neglected, and b) Bin wall temperature vary only radially or on the horizontal plane ( temperature difference between shady and sunny side and between points of different elevations and the effect of wind on temperature may be neglected ). 5.8.1 Computation of Temperature Change Through Bin Wall - The temperature difference AT ( after the steady state sets in ) through the bin walls is determined as follows:
AT = +

( Ti - To )

and where

1 - = K t thickness of bin wall in m, co E surface conductance of concrete to air = 15 in kcal/mshC, cc = thermal conductivity of reinforced concrete = I.75 to 20 in kcal/mhC, c, = surface conductance of concrete to stored material s 2 kcal/m~hC for cement and 7.5 kcal/mshC for other materials, 17

IS : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974 KTi = T0 = coefficient of heat transmission in kcal/mshC, temperature of hot material inside the bin in C, lowest anticipated outside sol-air temperature in C.

NOTE - Values of C,, Cc and C, given above are to be verified from heat transfer characteristics of various materials and should not be adopted without due consideration.

5.8.2 Stresses due to Change in Temperature - Bending moment across the bin wall due to change in temperature may be computed according to the following expression:
MAP = % AT Ec I/t

where Et = =
Ec = I =

coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 11 x 10Ve/per degree per cm, modulus of elasticity of concrete ( 18000 VE; and moment of inertia of the bin wall section. kg/cm ),

Thermal stresses in concrete and steel due to the bending moment MA T shall be calculated according to the~principles of mechanics. 5.9 Effect of Shrinkage - The influence of drying shrinkage in concrete may be considered as being equivalent to a drop in temperature of 15% ( in a structure with more than O-5 percent reinforcement ). The effect of shrinkage may be ignored in all parts of the bin that are not affected by the disturbance due to restraints at the edges. The effect of shrinkage stresses in the region of disturbance due to restraints at the edges shall be considered and addirional vertical reinforcement shall be provided to take care of the same. 5.10 Check for Crack-Width 5.10.0 Permissible Crack-Width - Crack-width in bin walls shall not exceed a permissible value given in This shall be computed for circular as well as rectangular bins either as in 5.10.1 or 5.10.2. 5.10.1 Determination of Crack-Width walls shall be calculated as follows:
Wcr =

The maximum

crack width in bin


(4+G3+-(*)s~ crack-width in cm,

where wcr =
P =

maximum ( 95 percent probability)

a factor depending on the bond characteristics of steels ( 0.09 for plain bars and 005 for deformed bars ) , 18

diameter of reinforcing bar in cm,

= geometric percentage of the tensile reinforce&t ment with respect to the concrete area in tension,
A, =

A, __

area of tensile reinforcement cm/m,

per unit height of wall

Act = concrete area in tension per unit height of wall cma/m

[ sectional area of unit height of wall for tension members ( entire section under tension ) or half the sectional area below the neutral axis of unit height of wall forfIGxura1 members ( neutral axis within the section) 1, acting loads in

093 = actual steel stress under permanently

5.10.2 Sim/&jed Check for Crack- Width

5.X0.2.1 The crack-width check can be deemed to have been satisfied without any explicit calculation as given in 5.10.1, if one or both of the following conditions are satisfied:

a) if the geometrical percentage of reinforcement p0 Q 04 percent

as defined in 5.10.1

b) if the maximum diameters used for the reinforcement bar are equal to or less than the bar diameters indicated in Table 4.

0.1 mm ~____~_____~ 1000 1400 1800 (1) i) ii) (2)

For plain bars For deformed bars

2300 (6) 6

r---m 1000 (7) 30 -

0.2 mm .h---__, 1400 1800 (8) 18 26 (9) 16

2300 (10) 12

(3) 14 -

(4) 6 16

(5) 10

5.X0.2.2 In cases which are not covered by the crack-widths will be satisfactory if the diameters of the bars are chosen according to the following formula:

$ < Bpo where g has the values given in Table 5. 19

fS I 4995( Part II ) - 1974



STEEL STREWSb,, IN kg/cm FOR MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CRAOK-WIDTH OF ~_-___--.-A-----I___ 0.1 mm O-2 mm r_-_-A_----~ ~-----*_---~ 1000 1400 1800 2300 1000 1400 1800


2300 P)

(1) i)

For plain bars For deformed bars

65 -

35 65



180 -

115 200


5.11 Check for Stability - The bin walls shall under the fofiowing two loading cases:
is a>When Binwall frictional

be examined

for stability


FullAll possible vertical loads ( including the load) and lateral loads due to wind or earthquake ( whichever is critical ) shall be considered in this case. loads When Bin is EmpQ - In this case all the possible vertical except that due to the stored material ( that is, the frictional wall load ), and the maximum lateral load due to wind or earthquake shall be considered.



6.1 Reinforcement 6.1.1 Circumferential Reinforcement - The minimum circumferential reinforcement shall -be 025 percent of cross-sectional area of the bin wall when deformed bars are used. When mild steel bars are used this shall be 03 percent of the cross-sectional area of the bin wall. Splices in bars shall be well staggcrcd. The bars shall be at least 8 mm in diameter. Spacing of circumfcrcntial reinforcement shall not exceed 200 mm and bar diameter shall not be less than 8 mm when deformed bars are used and 10 mm when mild steel bars are used. reinforcement shall not be less 6.1.2 Vertical Reinforcement - Vertical than 0.2 percent of cross-sectional area of the wall for single bins or exterior walls of battery of bins, when deformed bars are used. For interior walls of battery of bins its minimum value shall be 015 percent of the crosssectional area when deformed bars are used. When mild steel bars are used the vertical reinforcement shall be taken as 025 percent and 0.20 bar diameter shall percent :-espectively for the above cases. The minimum be 10 mm when deformed bars are used and 12 mm when mild steel bars 20

1s : 4995 ( Part II ) - 1974

are used. The vertical reinforcement shall preferably be provided in two layers, half near the inside and half near the outside face of the wall. If the reinforcement is provided in one layer, the spacing shall not exceed 225 mm and 300 mm depending upon the two cases of single bins or internal walls of -battery of bins and if the reinforcement is provided in two layers, the corresponding spacing shall be 450 and 600 mm. 6.1.3 Deformed bars or cold twisted bars shall preferably be used for the reinforcement in bin walls to facilitate fixing of horizontal bars and operation of sliding form-work. 6.1.4 Sire of Bars, Sacing, rtc -Details regarding reinforcement such as size of bars, spacing laps, etc, shall be in conformity with the provisions of IS : 456-1964* and IS : 2502-I 963t. In case of bin walls the minimum requirements regarding the size and spacing of bars shall be as under 6.1.1, 6.1.2 and 6.1.3. 6.2 Construction Joints - Vertical construction joint shall notbe allowed in the wall. Horizontal construction joints shall be maintained at suitable spacing throughout as far as possible. 6.3 Cover - A minimum clear concrete cover of 30 mm shall be provided for the reinforcement.

-__*Code of practice for p:ain and reinforced concrete ( secondrevtsion). *Code~of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement.


IS : 4995 ( Part-II ) - 1974

( Continued from page 2 )

Panel for Reinforced


Concrete Bins and Silos, BDC 38 : k?

Representing Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Tiruchirapalli


Members Development Consultants Pvt Ltd, Calcutta Snn~ P. C. DAVE SHICI A. K. BHATTACHARYYA ( Alternate ) Struct;t~3;~gineering Research Centre ( CSIR), Snnr S. GOPALAKRISHNAN Ministry of Food & Agriculture ( Department of Food ), New Delhi Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur DR S. K. MALLI~ Engineering Construction Corporation Ltd, Madras SHRI S. NAHAROY SARI A. RAMAI~I~ISHNA ( Atern& ) Gammon India Ltd, Bombay SH~I P. B. PATH. SHRI G. R. l&RInAS ( Akrnflfe )




Headquarters : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones : 33101 31 331 13 75 371 9492 Telegrams : Manaksanstha (Common to all Dffices)


331 6617 335 3841 37 86 62 603843 235 2315 832 92 95

: Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002

*Eastern : l/l4 CIT Scheme VII M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054 Northern : SC0 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 TWestern : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East), BOMBAY 400093

301348 Pushpak, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMADABAD 380001 *Peenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, 839 49 55 BANGALORE 560058 Gangotri Compiex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 554021 Plot No. 21 Satyanagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751007 40 36 27 Kalaikathir Building, 6/48 Avanashi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 21 01 41 Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 8-28 88 01 8-71 19 96 Savitri Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201901 53/5 Ward No. 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781003 54 1137 201083 5-8-56C L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 R 14, Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 381374 117/418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208905 21 68 76 Seth Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 23 89 23 LUCKNOW 226001 Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 26 23 05 T.C. No. 14/1421, University P.O., Palayam, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695034 6 21 17 Ctspecfion Offices (With Sale Point)

52 51 71 32 36 35

Pushpanjali, 1st floor, 205-A, West High Court Road, Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010 Institution of Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 Sales Office is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P.O. Princep Street, CALCUTTA 700072 TSales Office is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, BOMBAY 400007 *Sales Office is at F Block, Unity Building, Narasimharaja Square, BANGALORE 560002

271085 309 65 28 222 39 71

Printed at Simco Printing Press, D&


1 TO




(First Revision) Corrigenda (Page 13, ctause 5.5.4, against ezptaKation of n) - Substitute '0.000 for 0.003. (P.gge 16, ciattse 5.7.3, line 4) Substitute '2.5 percent' for 25 percent 3



Printed at Simco Printing Press, Delhi, India

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