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Ardas is the daily prayer recited by Sikhs. It consists of remembering the 10 Gurus and other important figures in Sikh history.

Ardas is the daily prayer recited by Sikhs individually or in congregation in the morning, evening and during religious services.

Ardas consists of three parts - remembering the 10 Gurus and Guru Granth Sahib, reciting deeds of dedication by Sikhs, and improvised words to suit the occasion.


r as
The word 'Ardas' means a pelJ.tlon, a memorial or an
address to a superior aurhority. It is a petition of a soul
before rhe Supreme Lord.
To pray God for uninterrupted fulfillment of every wish is
a custom in Sikhism.
It is rhe hearty prayer which Sikhs, individually or in
congregation, recite morning and evening before launching off
and after completion of any task.
If rhe Parkash of GurU Granrh Sahib is not rhere, rhe
performing of Ardas facing any direction is acceptable.
A Sikh should pray to God before launching off any task,
so rhat one does not feel proud of oneself an'd acquire
When rhe mind bows before rhe All-Powerful Lord
and is dependent on His blessings, rhe said Ardas is
Ardas is a brief manifestation of rhe Sikh history in
which Guru Sahib, five beloved ones, Sikh concepts and
martyred Sikhs are remembered daily.
wom e- 'F.I'a'"e" 3" (UF.r qa(')T)
3' fr, 9'< UF.r qa(')T I tit? <&
aTaT areT fr I
fi:ftf U01f a-rat=r tT y<J3T ffift
a<f3T(f <it qoo tT fr I
It qw a'j:l:i tit tT l.lWF.f or W- fait 1.PR"

fi:ftf <JO fief em qoo 3' u1'<:JW i
fr it <JO a-rat=r am- of.:n..r3" tT 3"

t:R' lfC) llfT1!
1j01:f e- &- mf1'm:r fr

30 'ira fi:ftf fEf3<J
or<RT fr ft:rI:1 qw qw
fi:ftf fH1:rt3+

tit oft
9aT3T tit R<J"l"fu II
9aT3T tit oft l.J'F3F.tIJl 90 II
Ik Oankar Vahigunl ji ki fatahi.
Sri Bhagauti ji sahii.
Var Sri Bhagauti ji ki patshahi 10.
One Universal Creator God; victory belongs
to the Wondrous Destroyer of darkness.
May the might of the Ali-powerful help!
Ode to his might by the Tenth Lord
(Guru Gobind Singh).
Pritham bhagautl simari kai
Gur Nanak laY dhiai.
Having fll'st thought of
the Almighty's prowess,
let us think of Guru Nanak.
fuo ~ qJO 3-
~ ~ 5ir ffiJTfu I
Phir Ailgad Gur te
Amardasu Ramdasai hal sahai.
Then of Guru Ailgad,
Amar Das and Ram Das -
may they be our rescuers!
~ <JFaalFae ~
f'mfa" F[t <J Faa I Fe I
Arjan Harigobind no
sirnarau Sri: Harirai.
Remember then,
Guru Arjan,
Hargobind and
Sri: Har Rai.
tft <Jfaf'ilF.l(,) ~
ftrn" mcs- Hfg ~ ;::r-fu I
Sri Harikrishan dhiaIai
jis 9 i ~ e sabhi dukh jai.
Meditate then on revered
SrI Harkrishan remembering
whom all the suffering vanishes.
~ ~ ~ " .
3:aT a<J'i2a 111111Cl'n
tUO ~ fofu ~ tP"fu I
FI9 ~ 5fu FI<J"'fu I
Tegh Bahadar simariai
ghar nau nidhi avai dhai.
Sabh thaI hoi sahai.
Think then of Guru Tegh Bahadar,
remembrance of whom brings all nine treasures.
He comes to rescue everywhere.
maTO ~ fi:iw J1'1fua" tIT !
... -=
Fl'9 ~ 5fu ~ I
Dasvii patashah
Sri: Guru Gobind Singh Sahib jI
Sabh thal hoi sahai.
Then of the Tenth Lord,
revered Guru Gobind Singh Ji
who comes to rescue everywhere.
~ l.P3 F.l'tlll)fi" eT M3"
F[t qw ~ wfJa" ;:it e-
l.fTO ~ ~ . ~ tJO ~
~ ;:it ~ i f < J d l d !
Dasa patshahia dj joti
SrI Gunl Graiith Sahib ji de
palh dIdar da dhian dhar ke
bolo ji Vahiguru !
The embodiment of the light of
all ten sovereign lordships, the Gunl Granth -
think of its reading and teachings, and say,
'Vahiguru (Wondrous Destroyer of darkness)'!
th=rt fuwfoW,
But Hifuitt:l' FerW,
~ ~ ,
Pafija piaria,
chauha sahibzadia,
chalhia muktia,
The Five Beloved Ones,
Four Sons of the Tenth Gunl,
Forty Liberated Ones,
~ , ~ , ~ .
ft1cJt O'H" ~ . ~ ~ ,
hapua, japfa, tapia,
jinha nam japia, vane;! chhakia,
determined ones,
constant repeaters of the Divine Name,
those given to sincere devotion,
those who repeated the Nam,
shared their fare with others,

tT cnfTit tT l:Tif a-
tIT ! tIT
degh chahti, tegh vahi,
dekh ke aI)<;li!h kita,
tinM piaria, sachiaria
ill kamaI da dhian dhar ke
Khalsa jI! bolo jI Vahigurii
ran free kitchen, wielded the sword,
overlooked faults and shortcomings -
meditating on the achievement of
such dear and truthful ones,
say 0' Khalsa, 'Vahigurii (Wondrous
estroyer of darkness)'!
fuq+ fi:fur+ ~ i;
QOJ{ ~ JfuT fu3", at at ~ ,
Jinha singha singhar)la ne
dharam het sis dite,
band band karae,
The male and female members of the Khalsa
who laid down their lives in the cause of
dharma (religion and righteousness),
got their bodies dismembered bit by bit,

(')Tg fucrrE are-,
khOparia luMia,
charkharia te charhe,
aria nal chirae gae,
got their skulls sawn off,
got mounted on spiked wheels,
got their bodies sawn,
~ ~ i W ~
(')lw ~ ,
gurudmiria ell sev3. lai
kurbanIa kltla,
made sacrifices in the
service of the shrines (Gurdw3.r3.s),
l:fO}f mfI' <:JTfa>w.
fi::Ilit cmt ~ (')T(? FnaI Jl.
~ tT mfTit ~ fuwo mr a-.
wm:fT tIT ! ij-g tIT <;! 1f<J eM
dharam nahi haria,
sikhI kesa suasa nal nibaru,
tinha ill kam3.i da dhian dhar ke,
Khalsa jt ! bolo jl Vahiguru !
did not betray their faith,
sustained their adherence to the Sikh faith
with sacred unshorn hair uptill their last breath -
meditate on their achievement and say,
0' Khalsa, 'Vahiguru (Wondrous Destroyer
of darknes,s)'!
tft:I+ ~ , FI""a18 ~ tT
1'tPwo l:f a-, ij'g tit ~ if", ilg
Pailja takhra, sarbatt gurduaria da
dhian ciliar ke bolo ji Vahiguru! 1
Thinking of the Five Thrones
(seats of religious authority)
and all Gurdwaras, say,
'Vahiguru (Wondrous Destroyer of darkness)'!
fum{ WffiV tit oft fr tit,
WffiV tit a-

fu3" w HOl:T Bl:f I

Prithme sarbatt khalsa ii k.i ardas hai ii,

sarbatt khalsa ii ko
Vahigurii, Vahigurii, Vahigurii chit ave,
chit avan ka sadka sarab sukh hove.
Now it is the prayer of the whole Khalsa.
May the conscience of the whole Khalsa
remembers Vahigurii, Vahigurii, Vahigurii
and in consequence of such remembrance,
_ may total well-being be bestowed.
~ ~ J:r17iFIT tit ~ .
3<JT 3<JT CJfsw ~ .
Jaha jaha khalsa j1 sahib,
taM taha rachhia riait,
Wherever there are communities of the Khalsa,
may there be Divine protection and grace,
degh tegh fateh,
birad ki paij,
the pervelance of the basic needs
and of the holy sword,
protection of the tradition of grace,
thf cit ;:ITa-,
l:fTffit ,:IT fu?
aE" ,:IT
panth kJ: jit,
sri sahib ji sahai,
Khilse ji ke bol bale,
bolo jl Vahiguru !
victory of the Pal'ith,
the protection of the holy sword,
the rise of the Khalsa, say, 'Vahiguru (Wondrous
Destroyer of darkness)'!
fi:n:rt ~ fihit tTO, mr tTO,
crf'<r3" tTO, ~ tTO,
Sikhi nu sikhi dan, kes dan,
rahit dan, bibek dan,
Unto the Sikhs the gift of the Sikh faith,
the gift of the untrimmed hair,
the gift of the discipline of their faith,
the gift of sense of wisdom,
visah dan, bharosa dan,
dana sir dan nam dan,
the gift of trust, the gift of confidence,
above all, the gift of meditation of the Divine,
F{t ~ tit ~ fuf.1(')'(') ,
_ ~ , ~ , dl tldl BOT ~ .
([O)f ~ ~ , iffi" tit ~ I f<J <!Ig !!!
Sri Arnritsar ji de ishnan,
chaunkia, jhanQe, bUlJge jugo jug aral,
dharam ka jaikar, bolo ji Vahiguru.!!!
bath in Sri Arnritsar (holy tank at Arnritsar),
may hymns-singing missionary parties, the flags,
the mansions, abide from age to age;
may righteousness reign supreme, say, 'Vahiguru
(Wondrous Destroyer of darkness)'!!!
fi:Nt tT HO ~ ,
H 3 " ~ ,
H3" tT 0'l:fT
>H'l.f ~ I FuqJg
Sikha da man nlva,
. mat uchchi,
mat da rilla
ap Vahigunl !
May the Sikhs be imbued with
humility and high wisdom,
may Vahigunl guard its understanding!
Fit (')(')6( I(! I wf<:ra" 3" 50
3' mr ?i fuTw fro
3" H<P F\'grg
lfTCW m?i mffi I
Rei akal purakh apal).e paiith de sada sahai datar jIo!
SrI Nankfu)a Sahib te hor gurduaria gurdhama de,
jinha ton paiith nil vichhoria gia hai,
khullhe darshan didar te seva sambhal da dan
Khalsa jI nil bakhsho.
0' Immortal Being, eternal helper of His Paiith,
benevolent Lord ! bestow on the Khalsa the
beneficence of unobstructed visit to and
free management of Nankfu)a Sahib and
other shrines and places of the Guru
from which the Paiith has been seperated.
e- F(,)d' FctllfT e-
F(')F<::1lfT t!t c, mr fu3r, !
fTl.[ e- t!t >;f(R111 fr ;:IT I
Hei nimilJia de mil:l, nitil:lia de tiiI),
ill oat, sachche pita, Vahiguru !
Ap de hazllr ill Ardas hai ji.
0' Lord, the honour of the humble,
the strength of the weak,
aid unto those who have none to rely on,
True Father, Wondrous Destroyer of darkness
we humbly render to you .
~ ~ urrcr "tPi -.jq ~ CJOT I
~ ~ ~ C J T F f ~ 1
Akhar vadha ghara bhull chukk maf karn:l;
Sarbatt de karaj ras karne.
Pardon any impermissible additions,
omissions, errors, mistakes.
Fulfil the purposes of all.
m f t ~ ~ ,
fffi)t fHfW>p- 30r (')Tlf fu3" ~ I
Sel piare mel,
jina milia ted nam crutt ave.
Grant us the aSSOClatlOn of those dear ones,
on meeting whom one is
reminded of Your Narne.
mak nim charhdI kala,
tere bhfu:).e sarbatt da bhala.
0' Nmak, may the Nim (Holy)
be ever Un ascendance !
In His will may the good of all prevail.
Ardas, supplication and recollection, is the rimal prayer
which Sikhs, inclividually or in congregation, recite morning
and evening and in fact whenever they perform a religious
service and at the beginning and conclusion of family, public
or religious functions.
Ardas is not inscribed in the Guru Granth Sahib. It is an
evolute of the community's heart in prayer over the cenmries.
BroaclJy, Ardas consists of three parts. It starts with the
rememberance of the Ten Masters and the Eternal Guru, Srj
Guru Granth Sahib, in which resides the spirit of all the Ten
Gurus (Prophet-Teacher). The second part is a recital of Sikhs'
deeds of dedication and sacrifice. Thus, Ardas encapsulates the
Sikh history, but transcending the time and space setting. The
third part comprises words improvised to suit any given
After the initial invocation, Ardas goes on to recowlt and
reflect upon the memorable acts of the community's martyrs
and heroes - men of unanswering resolution and fortimde,
who upheld their faith with their sacred hair Wlto their last
History has been continually contributing to Ardas with
the result that, along with the martyrs of the Gurus period and
of the periods of persecution following, it recalls those of the
Gurdwara reform movement of the 1920's and those who laid
down their lives for the sake of their faith at the time of the
partition of the country in 1947.
The prayer for the privilege of a dip in the sacred
pool at Amritsar as well as for the preservation of the
Panth's choirs, banners and mansions has historical
echoes. These lines in Ardas bears witness to the Sikh's
deep anachment to their places of worship.
It also asks for the specific boons of holy
discipleship, a life of restraint, fine judgement and faith
and a firm and confident anitude of mind aspired by the
holy Name.
Ardas enshrines in its text the community's aspirations at
various periods of its history and enables the devotees to unite
in a brotherhood of faith over the centuries, transcending time.
These aspirations are couched in expressions coined by minds
saturated in faith. After recounting the deeds of faith and
sacrifice over the expanse of time, the congregation recounts
Sikh places of worship over the expanse of space. Thereafter,
prayer is made for and on behalf of the whole communiry,
seeking the Lord's protection and grace for the entire Khalsa,
ending with a supplication for universal well being.

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