BAF M2.8 Rescue Equipments Daily Inspection PDF

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OBJECTIVE Learning Outcome 8 Assessment Criteria Perform Rescue Equipments Daily Inspection.


State the purpose and components of rescue equipments. 1.1 1.2 1.3 Power saw. Chain saw. Hydraulic Rescue Kit.

2. 3. 4. REFERENCES 1.

Describe pre-use and post-use inspection procedures. Describe operating procedures. Describe safety precautions.

Essentials of Fire Fighting Fourth Edition, IFSTA.

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RESCUE EQUIPMENTS INTRODUCTION Fire fighters use tools and equipment to perform a wide range of activities. A fire fighter must know how to use tools effectively, efficiently, and safely, even when it is dark or visibility is limited. This session provides an overview of the general functions of the most commonly used tools and equipment during fire suppression and rescue operations. The same tools may be used in different ways during each phase of fire suppression or rescue operations. PURPOSE AND COMPONENTS OF RESCUE EQUIPMENTS 1. Hydraulic Rescue Kit. Hydraulic Rescue Kit is an example of machine-powered rescue tools (Figure 1). The use of hydraulic power enables you to apply several tons of force on a very small area. The hydraulic rescue spreader tool, most often associated with vehicle extrication, has some uses in forcible entry. You need to have special training to operate these machines safely. Functions of this tool are: a. b. c. d. Prying or spreading. Cutting. Pushing or pulling. Multiple use.

Power Unit

High pressure Hoses Chain Hook

Cutting Head Figure 1. The components of a hydraulic rescue kit.

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2. Power Saw. Power saws are the "heavy hitters" of the fire service. These machines make fast and efficient cuts in a variety of materials. However, like any other tool, there are times when these saws should and should not be used. Power saws can be divided into several categories including: a. b. c. d. Rotary (circular) saw (Figure 2). Reciprocating saw (Figure 3). Chain saw (Figure 4). Ventilation saw (Figure 5).

Figure 2. Rotary (circular) saw

Figure 3. Reciprocating saw

Figure 4. Chain saw

Figure 5. Ventilation saw

The design of this device is dependent on the manufacturer. But usually there are two main components: a. The Main Engine parts. It is divided into several types: (1) (2) (3) b. Petrol Engine. Diesel Engine. Motor power.

Cutter Parts. It is also divided into several types: (1) Chain Commonly used to cut wood, particularly trees. Fire fighters often use saws with special chains to cut ventilation openings in roofs constructed of wood, metal, tar, gravel or insulating materials. (2) Blade - The fire service version of this device is most often gasoline powered and has changeable blades. The blades often spin more than 6,000 rpm. Blades range from large-toothed blades for quick rough cuts to fine teeth for a more precise cut. Carbidetipped teeth are available and are far superior to standard blades because they are less prone to dulling with heavy use.

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Blades specifically designed for cutting metal are also available, and these are the types of blades most often used in forcible entry. (3) Reciprocating saw - The reciprocating saw is a very powerful, versatile, and highly controllable saw. It can use a variety of blades for cutting different materials. This saw has a short, straight blade that moves forward and backward with an action similar to that of a handsaw. Its major drawback, however, is that most all reciprocating saw require electricity, which may not be readily available on the fire ground. Do not discard the idea of using this type of saw for only that reason. A reciprocating saw can be very beneficial in a number of forcible entry situations. RE-USE AND POST-USE INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. Pre-use. Tool failure on the fireground may have harsh consequences, including severe injury or death. Always read manufactures maintenance guidelines for all tools, especially power tools. The following section describe some basic inspections for various rescue equipments: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Inspect the handle for cracks, blisters, or splinters. Check the tightness of the tool head. Inspect the cutting edge for nicks, tears or metal spurs. Replace cutting edges when required. File the cutting edges by hand; grinding weakens the tool. Inspect and ensure power tools will start manually. Check blades for completeness and readiness. Replace blades that are worn. Check all electrical components (cords, etc.) for cuts and frays. Ensure that all guards are functional and in place. Ensure that fuel is fresh. A fuel mixture may deteriorate over time.

2. Post- use. All power equipment should be left in a ready state for immediate use at the next incident. This means that: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. All debris should be removed and tool should be clean and dry. All fuel tanks should be filled completely with fresh fuel. Any dull or damaged blades/chains should be replaced. Belts should be inspected to ensure they are tight and undamaged. All guards should be securely in place. All hydraulic hose should be cleaned and inspected. All power cords should be inspected for damage. All hose fittings should be cleaned, inspected, and tested to ensure tight fit. The tools should be started to ensure that they operate properly. Tanks on water vacuums should be emptied, washed, cleaned, and dried.

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k. l.

Hoses and nozzles on water vacuums should be cleaned and dried. It is very important to read the manufacturer's manual and follow all instructions on the care and inspection of power tools and equipment. Keep all manufacturers manuals in a safe and easily accessible location. Refer to them when cleaning and inspecting the tools and equipment. Remember, your safety depends on the quality of your tools and equipment.

OPERATING AND SAFETY PROCEDURES Safety is a prime consideration when using tools and equipment. You need to operate the equipment so that you, fellow fire fighters, victims, and bystanders are not accidentally injured. Personal safety also requires the use of proper personal protective equipment (PPE) that includes: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Approved helmet. Firefighting hood. Eye protection. Approved firefighting gloves. Turnout coat. Bunker pants Boots. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Personal alert safety system.

Safety When Using Power Saws Following a few simple safety rules when using any type of power saw will prevent most typical accidents. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Match the saw to the task and the material to be cut. Never push a saw beyond its design limitations. Wear proper protective equipment always, including gloves and eye protection. Do not use any power saw when working in a flammable atmosphere or near flammable liquids. Keep unprotected and nonessential people out of the work area. Follow manufacturer's guidelines for proper saw operation. Keep blades and chains well sharpened. A dull saw is more likely to cause an accident than a sharp one. Be aware of hidden hazards such as electrical wires, gas lines, and water lines.

Circular Saw Safety The circular saw must be used with extreme care to prevent injury from the highspeed rotary blade. Blades from different manufacturers may look alike, but may not be interchangeable. Always store blades in a clean, dry environment free of hydrocarbon fumes (such as gasoline). Blades should not be stored in any compartment where gasoline fumes

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accumulate (such as where spare saw fuel is kept) because the hydrocarbons will attack the bonding material in the blades and make them subject to sudden disintegration during use.

CONCLUCION On completion of this lesson the students shall be able to identify the various types of rescue equipment tools and perform Daily Inspection.

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