Issue 2

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The Flame

Magen David High School Student Newspaper

November 16th, 2012/ Cheshvan 5773



On Monday, November 5th the school held an in-house debate with tenth and eleventh grade students. Students debated the Presidential Election, acting as representatives of Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. The assembly was held in the Midrash. The panel consisted of ten students, with five sitting on each side of the Midrash. The students on the right side, Raquel Salem, Renee Cohen, Albert Hamowy, Nissim Hazkour, and Teddy Khafif represented President Obama and the five students on the left, Amy Yedid, Orly Yazdi, Chaim Salameh, Aaron Harari, and Irving Betesh represented Governor Mitt Romney. Each eleventh grader prepared a topic for the moderator, Mr. Naftaly, who asked the questions at random. Each student on the debate panel had two minutes to debate against his/her opponent on the topics. Each opponent also had to respond with a rebuttal to further support that whoever they were representing would be the right President for the next four years. There were many highlights of the debate. For example, Raquel Salem discussed how Obama plans to improve the economy, with a specific focus on the middle class. Renee Cohen explained Obamacare in a way that was approachable and easy to understand. Albert Hamowy spoke about Obamas thoughts on foreign policy. Teddy Khafif discussed education and Obamas plan to bring the price down in colleges. Amy Yedid, of Team Romney, spoke of the economy and Romneys Five Point Plan to reduce income taxes. Ms. Netkin, who spent a tremendous amount of time producing such an incredibly wellstructured event, is responsible for organizing the student debates. The younger students had a great time watching the students debate. The debate helped make the election come alive!

Joseph Kassin
Senior, Master of Mandarin
By: Gloria Safdieh and Esther Hanon

Q: So, whats easier to learn, Chinese or Spanish? Q: Why did you decide to A: Spanish is easier because take Mandarin Chinese? its similar to English. Chinese A: I thought that learning is totally different. basic Chinese would help me in business. Also, its always Q: How would learning Mangood to know another lan- darin Chinese benefit you in guage. the future? A: If I do business with China Q: What is the hardest part it will help me speak with about learning a new lan- people who I need to deal guage? with there. Also, if they talk A: You dont know anything about me in Chinese in a about it. Its like youre a baby meeting, I would know what who cant talk, read, or write. they are saying.

words, and there are thousands of characters. Q: Whats easier speaking Chinese or writing it? A: Speaking is much easier writing is almost impossible.

Q: Is learning Chinese what you thought it would be? Would you recommend it? A:I knew it would be hard, but I think the writing is a little too hard. If you just focus on the speaking, which is really what I wanted from the beginning, then you could learn how to Q: Tell us something in Man- Q: What skills are you acquir- say a lot of things. If you think darin Chinese! ing from the class? it would be helpful to learn the A: Tong Xue (pronounced A: I am learning how to speak language then I would recomtong she) means Student another language. mend it! Q: How are you and your classmates enjoying the class? A: We like learning new words and how to speak the language, but reading and writing are very hard to learn. Q. How is Chinese different from other languages you have learned? A: Every word is a picture, or character, and there is nothing that could help you remember it. So, if you memorize 20 pictures, then all you know how to write are 20

Reminders and Announcements

Home School Sports Events For November 16th30th Junior Varsity Basketball: Thursday, November 29th Girls Basketball: Wednesday, November 21st Varsity Hockey: Monday, November 26th 7:00PM Warriors VS Magen Avraham 7:30PM Warriors VS Shulamith 8:45PM Warriors VS Rambam Test Make-Up Dates: Tuesday, November 20th Candle Lighting Times For November 16th30th Friday, November 16th Friday, November 23rd Friday, November 30th 4:19 PM 4:14 PM 4?12 PM Thursday, November 29th Tuesday, December 4th Wednesday, December 19th Thursday, December 27th Reminders from the College Office for November: November 5th November 7th November 20th November 28th 12th Grade Career Breakfast #1 11th Grade College Fair 12th Grade College Trip 12 Grade Y.U. Admissions and Business Birthdates: 11/20 Deborah Chera 11/21 Michael Mamiye 11/25 Mrs. Hararis Husband 11/27 Francine Elo, Dennis Dweck, and Jack Shayo 11/30 Paula Tawil 11/31 Eli Mosseri and Marilyn Terzi

Page 2 The Flame November 16, 2012

When talking politics, I frequently hear people chastise President Obama for his detachment from Israel, and I hear how bad his tenure has been for Israel-American relations. Contrary to popular belief, I believe that relations between Israel and America has thrived, and I believe that the relationship between the two countries has been beneficial for both sides. However, the one major fact we cannot forget is that President Obamas primary focus is America, not Israel. He therefore may not see eye to eye on every issue. If our Presidents views conflict with those of Israels, it does not mean he dislikes Israel, it just means that he is thinking of his country first. A dignitary whose opinion is similar to my own is Israels Minister of Defense and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. When asked what he thinks of IsraelAmerican relations, Ehud is quoted in saying, But I should tell you honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing, in regard to our security, more than anything I can remember in the past. This is a man who has been ensconced in Israeli politics for so many years, a man who knows all the ins and outs of Israel, -American relations, and believes the Obama administration to be the best for Israel since (and including) President Carter. If a man of this caliber believes this about Israel-American relations, then why should we differ in opinion? How can we possibly know as much about Israeli politics as Ehud Barak? Our understanding of Israeli politics is mostly superficial, and if Barak acclaims the Obama administration we have no reason to believe the contrary. Opponents of the Obama administration claim that our President doesnt really have Israels interests at heart, and they use the situation with the settlement freeze in 2009 to support their argument. They say that President Obama favors the Palestinians in peace negotiations, and thats why he put pressure on Israel to freeze settlement building. Although this argument does have some substance to it, we sometimes need to take a step back and look at the big picture. It may not be that President Obama is against Israel. We need to remember that he is the President of America, not Israel, and so he puts Americas interests first. When we reflect on the past four years of his presidency, we see that there have been positive moments in regard to Israeli-American relations. Between the sanctions America placed on Iran to prevent a nuclear weapon crisis, and the billions of dollars America gives Israel a year to improve Israels army and technology, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has reason for stating that this is the best IsraelAmerican relationship he has seen since the start of his political career. I hope that in Obamas next four years as our President, the relationship will continue to improve. Abraham Tobias Last year, I volunteered to take charge of the school-wide project Vote for a Quote. Rabbi Scheinfeld and I put together some thoughtful quotes and worked hard to create bulletin boards with quotes that might inspire other students. This year, we will continue to reach out to others from the Magen David family for help with motivating others through quotes. Everyone has heard a quote before, but how many people have learned from one?
7801 Bay Parkway Brooklyn, New York 11214 Rabbi Harold Sutton Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Saul Zucker Principal Mrs. Sabrina Maleh Associate Principal

Editors: Editing Staff: Abraham Tobias, Paulette Gindi Ceasar Sitt, Raymond Dayan, Jonathan Cohen, Julie Swed, Judah Djmal, Joseph Zalta Jennifer Jemal, Frances Mamiye, Nancy Anteby, Manny Shapir, Shirley Shamah, Eileen Missry Maurice Elbaz, Jack Nasar, Suzy Roubin, Alice Khaski, Daniel Hamowy, Esther Hanon, Gloria Safdieh, Sarah Mamrout, Evana Said, Rachel Faiena, Nathan Has bani, Abie Chabbott, Hannah Cohen, Raquel Salem, Ralph Shalom, Renee Cohen Jack Beyda, Benny Mann, Ally Menasche, Albert Zalta Florence Catton, Dennis Dweck, Lisa Chak kalo, David Zafarani, Frieda Kassab Evana Said, Shoshana Louzia, Rachel Sar dar, Jeffrey Grazi Mrs. Rachel Harari



Sports Staff:

Advice Column:

Creative Staff:

Faculty Advisor:

NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS The Magen David Yeshivah-Celia Esses High School admits student of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school programs.

The past two months at MDYHS have been great. With the excitement of beginning a new year in full swing, the SGO presented a great kick-off trip. The students at MDY had a chance to visit the 9/11 Memorial in NYC, which was an incredible and emotional experience. Some students personally thanked SGO members for the opportunity to see the Memorial. Those who have not yet seen it should definitely visit with us next year. On Rosh Hodesh, the whole Magen David family felt the unity of the school with our amazing Rikkudim followed by HaTikvah. It was so nice to see everyone smiling and participating in the Rikkudim faculty members and students joining together to celebrate Rosh Hodesh. And lets not forget about MDYs Varsity Basketball Team playing against Gilad Shalit and his unit from the IDF. Saying the gym was packed to the gills would be an understatement. It was a beautiful moment seeing MDY unite, and watching the excitement on everyones faces. Later on in the week, members of the MDY Student Body attended two of the boys Varsity pre-season basketball games to

root them on. The SGO hopes to see our School Spirit Squad and the rest of the MDY family at the upcoming games! In other exciting news, the new Instagram account @MagenDavidHS is now up and running as well as the Twitter account @MagenDavidHS. If you want to catch up on any events, pictures, or videos, you could also check out our blog Lastly, the MDY Shop had a blow out sale of last years apparel. We cant wait for our new apparel to arrive! Expect comfortable sweatpants, sweatshirts, hats, and socks with brand new logo designs! Please support our school and show your pride by purchasing something from the shop! We cant wait to surprise you with our exciting, new, upcoming events and we hope to start seeing more of you at our games. If you have any ideas that you would like to share with us at the SGO, please let us know! Your SGO Secretary, Renee Cohen

This Pasuk translates to, Who is wise? One who learns from every man. What is so important about learning from others? Influence. When seeing someone doing Hesed, it is easy to become inspired to join. One step that might help bring about change is introducing everyone to the power of quotes. This past week, Rabbi Scheinfeld suggested a fine quote to add to our project- I looked for myself and I could not find me, I looked for my Gd and I couldnt find thee, I reached out to another and found all three. Some people wont think twice when reading that short quote, not realizing how much is behind those letters. People have difficulty finding who they are meant to be, so they turn to Hashem, but Hashem leaves the responsibility with us, in our hands. When we turn to another for help and they give us wise words of wisdom, we are led to all the answers to our questions. Quotes can bring courage to those who are weak. Quotes can open our minds into a whole new dimension of strength and spirituality. I think this project is am amazing contribution to our school. Just remember: A quote is a diamond in the hand of a wit, and a pebble in the hand of a fool. What is your favorite quote? Email [email protected] Paulette Gindi

A Message from Your SGO

By: Renee Cohen

Thats Team SBH

By: Natalie Segev, Becky Chakkalo, Rebecca Mizrahi, and Marilyn Terzi It was 6:30 in the morning when that aggravating knock rudely woke us up. Reality hit us: We were going to be running a marathon. After all that training, we were finally running a 10K race. After loading the buses, we arrived at the race, Syrian time. When we got there, we took a bunch of pictures, for Instagram of course! We warmed up, and at the sound of the horn our 6.2 mile journey began. As we reached the third mile, our energy slowly started to fade away. The only thing that kept us running was the thought of what we were actually running for. We werent running to lose a couple of extra pounds. We werent running to enjoy a weekend with friends. We werent running to get that one day off from school. We were running because out there, somewhere in this community, are families who need our help. While we were huffing and puffing, our bodies feeling like they would cave in, we thought of the people whose lives are influenced by SBH. So when people come up to us and say, Wow! Youre crazy you actually ran that?! We tell them that its not about how difficult it was to run a 10K. Its about how easy it was to help someone in need. Because thats Team SBH!

November 16, 2012 The Flame Page 3


MDYHS Advice Column E-mail Questions: [email protected]

Dear Dennis and Flo, A teacher keeps picking on me for no reason, and I keep getting in trouble! What should I do? -Frustrated

A Book Review by Amy Yedid
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare depicts the story of sixteen-year-old Clary Fray when her seemingly normal life falls from under her after her mother is kidnapped. She delves into the world of demons, werewolves, vampires, and Shadowhunters (people who protect humans from these creatures), whom only she could see. Clary, the Lightwoods and the snarky, arrogant, but gorgeous Jace Wayland, set off on an exciting and suspenseprovoking adventure as she tries to save her mother. And with each turn of the page, Clare throws in a brilliant twist that is unimaginable and unexpected. When measuring the success of an author, I dont think sophistication of the language or writing skills employed should be a major factor. An author is successful when he/she has captivated the reader of his/her story with such unpredictable twists and turns that the reader is unable to put down the book for even a moment. Clare is a success in that she accomplished just that. Its amazing how Clare was able to take the boisterous city of New York which we are so accustomed to, and create a whole other world beneath the surface with creatures walking around, invisible to our eyes. For those of you who adore a good book filled with fantasy and adventure, City of Bones is a must-read! When youre done, be sure to read the rest of the books in the Mortal Instrument series!

Yo whats up Frustrated? Im sure there is a reason why she is picking on you. The best thing you could do is tell her, Listen. Youve got to stop picking on me. Im really trying to behave but you keep assuming its me who is talking! Let her hear it. If that doesnt work, call Chris and ask him to give her a little scare show her who shes messing with! Ya boy D-eazy!

Dear Frustrated Student, First, dont listen to Dennis. You might get suspended if you do that. The best thing to do is respectfully, quietly, and modestly go over to the teacher and ask him/her what you could do to do better in his/her class. Ask the teacher what you are doing that causes him/her to be upset at you. After that conversation, the relationship between you and your teacher is guaranteed to get better! If that doesnt work, I suggest you speak to your Grade Dean. -Flo

Life as a Freshie
By Rachel Sardar You think being a Senior is hard?! Try being a Freshie all over again, going from the top of school in 8th grade back to the bottom in the snap of a finger. Tell me if any of these scenarios ring a bell: Walking around the cafeteria looking for a lunch table, walking into the wrong Mincha classroom on the 8th week of school, or people calling you Freshies!! as you walk from class to class in between periods. But, as the days go by, we start to realize that being a Freshie is not all that bad. The truth is, coming to school later and eating early lunches is the life! We can also say we are now officially high school students. As every day goes by, we are one day closer to being Sophomores, one day close to getting our drivers licenses, and one day closer to graduation after which we can experience being Freshies again in college! Isnt that great? LOL. As Freshies, we are taking small steps until graduation. Just like first grade. Though we dont learn how to read all over again. That would just be endless torture. We are learning new things. No more long, enduring lectures on why its a Kamatz and not a Patach. No more ridiculous comments about fruits with feelings. Thats all over now. We are starting from the beginning, step by step. And its all good!

Dear Dennis and Flo, I am so sick of getting the same thing for lunch everyday. Do you have any suggestions? -Bored and Hungry

Bored and Hungry, Thats easy! Go out to eat. There is a restaurant over No, wait. Theres one over...Actually, theres a pizza store right over Nah, youre beat. No restaurants in sight!! Best bet is tell your housekeeper to make something for you in the morning. Ya boy D-Eazy!

Dear Bored and Hungry,

You would be surprised! Most people who bring their own lunch are very satisfied with what they bring. They bring food that they like. Its not a bad thing to bring your own lunch. Another benefit to bringing your own lunch is that you save money. Its okay to spend on food, but not if youre buying food that you are sick of! Do yourself a favor, and bring your own lunch.

Gas Problems in New York City and New Jersey

After Hurricane Sandy, many people lost their homes, important belongings, or even family members. Another problem was that many people didnt have gas to put in their cars. A lot of gas stations in New York City and New Jersey had power outages and low fuel supplies due to Hurricane Sandy. When the power did finally return in New York City, Mayor Bloomberg reported that, Not all gas stations would be open at once, only a few at a time. In New York City and New Jersey, people began waiting on line for gas for hours at a time. This meant many days and nights in the freezing cold. Mayor Bloomberg instituted a set of rules that all citizens in NY had to follow: Cars had a $20 gas limit Cars with odd numbers at the end of their license plates could fill up with gas on odd days of the week. Cars with even numbers at the end of their license plates could fill up with gas on even days of the week. Only fire trucks, police cars, and ambulances were allowed to fill up with a full tank of gas.

The gas problem went on for many days with people exhausted from waiting on lines and checking the internet to see which stations had gas available. The gas stations were filled with police officers who tried to prevent arguments that broke out over gas, as a result of frustration and anxiety. The gas problem seems to be a lot better now. We are glad, because many people were not leaving their homes because they were afraid that if they did they would run out of gas!

Page 4 The Flame November 16, 2012

Topic: Should students be allowed to use Wikipedia in their research reports?



think that students should be allowed to use Wikipedia because its a great encyclopedia. It gives us a great variety of information on many different topics. There are very few websites that sum up all of the important information on a topic in one page. Wikipedia gives us the information so quickly and it is so easy to find on the go, which is why students prefer using Wikipedia. Even though practically anyone could edit it, it doesnt matter because Wikipedia reviews it and checks the information. If people write false information on the site, they would most likely get caught. They wouldn't

be able to edit anything again, because once Wikipedia sees that someone writes false information they block that person from editing anything on the site again. Teachers should allow their students to use this site. Because the research is so easy to find and so conveniently summed up on one page, students will be inspired to research more! They will therefore fill their minds with more knowledge, which is great for college! Instead of spending hours on homework assignments, students would be able to easily research Wikipedia and get the information they were looking for in a snap!

The other alternative, which teachers may not realize, is that students are just typing their questions into Google and clicking on the first link or two that shows up thinking it has information that is automatically true. What they dont know, however, is that most sites pay to be the first result on Google, and that some have false information. Dont you think students should be allowed to use a website thats not only convenient and easy to use, but also constantly assessed for accuracy? For these reasons, I am pro using Wikipedia as a research tool! -Rachel Faiena

Of course, there are people constantly checking the pages and correcting any errors, but it may take them a while to find the mistake. Millions of people are on the site at any given time. In the ten minutes it takes a person working for Wikipedia to fix the false inforYes, Wikipedia mation, hundreds of peodoes have a ton of infor- ple may have already read mation on nearly every it! subject, but who knows if it absolutely correct at the Even though you moment you are checking shouldnt believe everyit? Wikipedia is an ency- thing written on the Interclopedia made for the net, there are people who people, by the people. do. Sometimes the most That is what makes Wik- absurd and false pieces of ipedia so great but so information are on a Wikterrible at the same time! ipedia page, and people Anyone has the ability to might believe what they just log on and change read! Not everyone is gowhatever they would like ing to bother double to change. checking all of their information to verify the facts. ven though students think it is very unfair that they cant use Wikipedia as a credible source in their research reports, I think that teachers have a reasonable argument here.

This is because they falsely believe that Wikipedia is a credible source. Wouldnt you rather spend as little time writing a report as possible? Then just spend a few minutes looking at another source that you know has verified, factual information instead of believing what you read on Wikipedia. While it may take longer to find these credible sources, in the end you are saving time by writing your report right the first time. I therefore believe that banning students from Wikipedia in their research papers is very fair. -Evana Said

Who is the winner? Tell us who you think won this debate! E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @MDYFlame

Trading Places
Senior Leon Betesh and Freshman Raymond Arazi Traded Places for a Day! By: Leon Betesh and Raymond Arazi

Raymond Arazi working with Seniors Linda Dayan, Joanie Kraiem, and Danielle Chera in AP English
Leon Last Wednesday, I experienced what it was like to be a Freshie again. It all started last week, while I was walking around school complaining about how much I dislike being a Senior. Mrs. Harari (my favorite English teacher) overheard me complaining and told me, Leon, I am sure a Freshman would kill to be in your place. When I answered that the Freshmen have it so much easier, she asked how I would like to go back to Freshmen year for a day. We came up with the exciting idea that for a full day, Raymond Arazi (a Freshman) and I would trade places with each other. I went to all of his classes for a day, and he unfortunately went to all of mine (hazit). Raymond Last Wednesday, I was eating lunch minding my own business when Mrs. Harari pulled me over and asked me if I would want to be a Senior for a day. I had no idea what she was talking about, so she explained that Leon Betesh and I were going to switch places for a day. I was shocked it took me a while to process what was going on. I decided that I really did want to see what it would be like to be a Senior. I thought it was going to be crazy and fun. It was definitely fun, but not as crazy as I thought. Even though everyone was having a good time, they were learning a lot too. Leon I started off the day in Rabbi Tawils Gemara class. Ironically, Rabbi Tawil was my Gemara teacher when I was a Freshman. In fact, when he taught my class it was his Freshie year too! Boy did that Rabbi change! When I was a Freshie, it was all about sports and how bad the Knicks and Giants were; however, this year it was all about finding out what was bothering Rashi and why the Mishnah left out a word that should have been there. At least the students stayed the same! One of the boys went to the front of the class and started mimicking Obama. I usually dont laugh at a lot of jokes, but it was actually pretty funny. Instead of the Rabbi calling me to bash me about the Nets, he called on me to read parts of the Gemara. Raymond The first class was Rabbi Escavas for Gemara. One student brought in a Barack Obama mask and starting acting like him. It was very different from my normal Gemara class, where everyone is very serious. But, I also learned a lot. The class was able to tone it down and get serious, and we started learning about a lot of laws. Leon Yo estaba realmente mirando hacia delante para la proxima clase. Recuerdo primer ano en la Sra. Cymet/s clase como si fuera ayer. Solo este ano, en lugar de sentarse en la parte posterior y hablar con el Manopla toda la clase, tuve que escribir la fecha en la junts y la respuesta a muchas preguntas. Si hay una clase I miss en primer ano, es clase de espanol. (Basically what I said was: I was really looking forward to the next class. I remember Mrs. Cymets class like it was yesterday. Only this year, instead of sitting in the back and talking to Manopla the entire class, I had to write the date on the board and answer a lot of questions. If there is one

Senior Leon Betesh (far right) learning with Rabbi Shalom in a Freshmen class
class I really miss from Freshman year, its Spanish class. Raymond In AP English, Mrs. Harari split the class into groups and they had to analyze a poem and make their own AP multiple choice questions on the poems. It was fun when everyone was fighting over me because they all wanted to be my partner. I was put in a group with Danielle Chera, Linda Dayan, and Joanie Kraiem. We read a poem about Anorexia. It was very interesting. Leon To make a long day even longer, I had to sit through Mr. Rabinows Biology class. Instead of going to the bathroom ten times and playing a game of hide and seek with Adele Sutton in the hallways, I needed to sit like a Freshie through a 45 minute lecture on sharks. I looked around the class watching all of the kids paying attention and I got a little scared that I was missing the boat. Why were they all listening? And why was I the only one with that question? I am a little embarrassed that I looked like that three years ago. And to top off an amazing day of learning, I was able to see my friends once but all they kept saying was, Freshie, Freshie, Freshie Raymond Rabbi Jacobsohns class was definitely the highlight of the day. He gave me a test on Chumash because he wanted to see what I knew (a few kids even copied my answers Im not going to say who). He said if I got an answer right on the test, but Leon gets it wrong when he takes it, my answer counts for him. I know I got two right, so Leon has at least a 20 on his test! Leon Although I get out 4:45 as a Senior (which to this day is still mind boggling), I am still very happy Im not a Freshie again. To all seniors: Let us enjoy Senior year and lets make this a meaningful and successful year. We should appreciate being seniors and role models to the younger students in the school. Our teachers have done a tremendous job putting us in the position that we are in today, because without them, we would be nowhere. Seniors 13! Raymond All the teachers said they want me to come back again (I think they liked me better than Leon). I cant wait until I am a Senior! As a freshman, I am always called Freshie in the hallways. When youre a Senior, youre a boss. You lead the school. You get to be a role model for the younger students. Seniors are already mature adults (actually, Im not so sure about that). But, I guess the bad part about being a senior is that you have to say goodbye to your teachers after being with them for so many years. I have only been in this school for a few months, and I already feel so close with so many of my teachers. I am excited for the next three years especially now that I had my taste of Senior year! Thanks to all the teachers who participated in Wacky Wednesday!

November 16, 2012 The Flame Page 5

Poetry Exhibit
A Wish By Shoshana Louzia If you could wish for one thing what would it be? But wait! Dont think too fast because you never know when Hashem is taking your words literally. What is a wish? It is something we would all want to have, Not common but rare, and quite hard to ask. It is when our words must be chosen wisely for a mistake is not hard to make, Its one chance you might receive to start fresh and have a clean slate. Its the anticipation you look for in order to have your dreams come true, A simple wish we want to retrieve to be ours to use.

" ! , ,

Meant to Be By Adele Sutton From time to time he would show Every visit full with sorrow To remember the past that doomed his glee When he said goodbye to his meant to be

And finally she faced the death Depressing faces were all over town The streets were empty other than howls He said goodbye to his meant to be And then the crowd began to flee

So the worst problem in your life right now is that Starbucks ran out of Passion Fruit Iced Tea? Cant you see? There is a world out there crumbling down. So many things out there yet to be found. Places with pieces of ancient history, Politicians celebrating their victory, People begging for pennies and dimes, While others just sit there and whine. So many who have nothing at all, Most trying to catch their own fall. But please dont let that stop you from living. Go ahead, beep the horn because the person in front of you wont order

Quickly enough.

There are people out there hiding from war. People who suffer from more. Its not a small world after all, So many problems Yet so little knowledge. Just around the corner there is a homeless man freezing. Another kid in the hospital wheezing. Open your eyes and see whats around, And maybe something will finally be found. -Sofia Safdieh

Black was what filled his eyes The summer began with brimming bliss And silence was what he heard With no doubt in his mind that this would be it His meant to be met her end Until his meant to be shed the news And for he has lost a friend The end for her was beginning to rouse His time in this town was done The words could not enter his mind For he had had enough So the truth continued to be denied The mood his meant to be left The illness was taking his meant to be Was something he couldnt correct Which he was eventually going to see He traveled all around The couple lived happily together But never missed the town Spending each second side by side Where his meant to be was taken So the man could remember his meant to be To show her he hasnt forsaken In his eyes the truth was still not seen The memories had still not stopped Weakness was surely taking over His heart would always drop Day by day the woman sank lower Remembering his meant to be Watching his meant to be cry Was the hardest thing for he Ruined his life right before his eyes He declared on the august morning Frail and fragile he watched her lay His last visit would be a warning Wondering how this day became To all those with a meant to be His eyes burned for his meant to be Hold on tight because they might flee The sights he saw were never to be free Together they spent hours inside Feeling the summers heat arise The light hurt his meant to be The curtains were pulled so this would cease Days and hours would pass them by Feeling as if the time was a fly His meant to be could hardly speak Things began to look very bleak.

, , ? , ?? ?

The news began to publicize Sadness was taking over the town They begged to visit his meant to be But the man would not comply The morning of that august day So dark and dim the crickets could not sing His meant to be was out of breath

High School Humor

Top Ten Answers You Should Not Use in School: 10. Who discovered the Earth was round? Sir Cumference 9. Explain the concept of homeostasis? It is when you stay home all day and dont go out. 8. State a type of fungus and one of its characteristics? The Boogey Man. He is green. 7. Describe what happened during the Big Bang? A lot of noise. 6. How do you change centimeters into meters? You take out the word centi. 5. Jeff has been asked to collect data about the amount of television his friends watch. What is an appropriate question he can ask? How much TV do you watch? 4. What is meant by forgetting? I cant remember 3. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? At the bottom. 2. How high is Mount Everest? Depends on how much it snowed since the last time they measured it. 1. Upon ascending the throne, what was the first thing Queen Elizabeth did? Sat down. Riddle:

By: Nathan Hasbani As we all know, on October 29th, a devastating hurricane hit NY and NJ. Many students at our school heard of the tragedies that occurred around our community as a result of the storm, and actually got up and did something to help. Not only did Gloria Terzi, Leo Esses, Lauren Kechek, Julia Greenstein, and Frieda Kassab do something, but they inspired all of us, showing us the real meaning behind being a Jew. These students worked during their lunch periods and stayed after school to organize a collection of used or new clothing, blankets, books, toiletries, and toys, with the help of Mrs. Nadjar. I would like to say thank you to all the students and teachers who were involved in collecting these items for the members of our community who needed our help. It is nice to know students at our school can make a difference.

What goes around the world but always stays in one corner?
Last weeks answer: She was walking. Winner: Adam Shayo

E-mail your answer for a $5 lunch card! [email protected]

Page 6 The Flame November 16, 2012

MDYHS Fashion News

Hi everyone! I was so happy looking around school and seeing a lot of you actually taking my fashion advice good job! But, this week I also noticed many people coming to school looking like slobs! Look, you could blame it on being tired, being lazy, Hurricane Sandy, or the snow, but there really should be no reason for wearing a Hanes T-shirt and an American Apparel sweatshirt! I know sometimes its hard to wake up in the morning and pick out a decent looking outfit for the day when your eyes are half closed. So, here is some advice that will make all of this a lot easier for you. Do: Pick out your clothes from the night before

Look back at pictures you have taken in school and wear that same outfit, but with a twist (so people wont think youre repeating an outfit) Dont: Throw on a jacket and wear it all day. I know its cold, but there are a lot other ways to be cool and comfy. Here are three no-brainer looks. They are easy, casual, yet put-together! 1. 2. 3.

Jennifer Harari
Fashion Editor

Wrap-around scarf: This makes everything look that much better.

Jean jacket: Try one with gray, cotton sleeves.

Collared shirt under a sweater: Automatically makes you look preppy

Menswear Spotlight: Interview with Sammy Gabbay

JH: Sammy, where do you shop? SG: All over Zara mostly (better slim shirts), sometimes Urban, H+M (nice cardigans). JH: Who is your inspiration? SG: My cousin-in-law Ally Sutton JH: Do you pick your clothes out from the night before? SG: No, I just think about what to wear before I go to sleep. JH: How long does it usually take you to get dressed? SG: About 5 minutes. JH: Who else would you consider a good dresser? SG: Pardo. JH: Do you agree with Pardos advice from our last issue? SG: Yes, I agree with the colored pants. More of a Springtime thing. JH: Would you wear these school outfits on a non-school day? SG: Sometimes, not with a button down shirt but with a t-shirt with a cardigan instead. JH: Who do you shop with? SG: I shop online only (there is a wider selection). When I get my clothes I ask my mother for advice. But, you should always start off in a store so you know your size. JH: Do you have any advice for our readers? SG: No baggy clothing, be unique, dont try too hard, and DONT wear Uggs! Shoes should be high tops, suede or leather, and funky socks.

School Style Snaps

Enough with listening to the same songs over and over again! If I have to hear Call Me, Maybe or Alive by Krewella one more time I think I am going to go insane! These days the radio is just one big let down. Not only do they play horrible, cheesy music, but they even have the audacity to repeat those songs over and over! Fortunately, I am here to help you create a sick new playlist with the TOP songs of the week!
Our Roving Reporter Asked Our Faculty: What Song is Your Guilty Pleasure?
Mr. Arbesfeld: Dead and Gone by T.I. ft. Justin Timberlake Rabbi Zucker: Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel

Mrs. Maleh: Isnt She Lovely by Stevie Wonder

Dr, Landowne: Till There Was You by The Beatles

Gold Forever by The Wanted: Great song. Listen to this when you are in a chilled mood. Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris: The definition of a party song. Like Ships in the Night by Matt Kearney: Girls, I am warning you that you will soon be obsessed.

Mrs. Shirley Zeitoune: We are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift Mrs. Holly Jacobovitz Lazy Song by Bruno Mars What Doesnt Kill You by Kelly Clarkson

Mr. Rader: Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx

Mr. Bromfeld: Gloria by Laura Branigan

Last, but not least, if you dont have Music is My Religion then I recommend you purchase Lisa Chakkalos CD because this song is a must! Thats all for now, Laruen Shalom

Mrs. Shaindy Steinberg: Born This Way By Lady Gaga

Rabbi Esses: Never Say Never by Justin Bieber

Rabbi Tawil: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor Mrs. Maleh: Dont Wake Me Up by Chris Brown

Dr Tawil: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen Mrs. Mizrahi Call Me Baby by Carly Rae Jepsen

Interested in joining the team at MDYHS Flame? Email Mrs. Harari, Abraham Tobias, or Paulette Gindi [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: @MDYFlame Your article could be featured in our next edition!

November 16, 2012 The Flame Page 7

Back on Track: MDY VS YDE

By: Jack Beyda
Thursday, November 8th, 2012 was our first road However, I couldnt help thinking about a game last game of the season against YDE. Although we didnt year in the same building, when we played a different travel far for the game (it was at the Sephardic Com- team. We had a commanding lead in the fourth quarmunity Center), we did wear our dark colored jerseys! ter, but then we were suddenly only up by six points You could feel the crowd waiting, ready for the game with two minutes to go. That game did result in a win, to start against our new rivals, but it was definitely something to think YDE. about going into the fourth quarter. We We began the game playing knew that the lead could be taken back We knew that the well, with Jack Chehebar hitting a easily, and we were not going to let that lead could be taken jump shot in the corner to get us happen. back easily, and we on the board, and from there we We didnt. This time, the fourth just didnt stop. Our energy was quarter in the Sephardic Community Cenwere not going to great and we were really into the ter was not like our last season. We came let that happen. game. We ended the second out strong; we finished and won the game quarter in the lead, up by 21 with a final score of 54-40. The leading points. All we could really say scorers were Joseph Grazi with 13 points, during halftime was, Dont let YDE gain momentum! Leo Esses with 12, and Eddie Levy and Jack CheheThe momentum was on our side and we knew they bar with 8 points each. would try to come out and steal it back. We got our first win on the season on the road In the third quarter, YDE went on a little run, but we against our new rival, YDE. We hope that we always were stronger and didnt let them come back enough come out on top! to cut the lead to single digits. The quarter closed with a buzzer three-pointer from Leo Esses. That really closed the quarter on a high note for us and we were really confident; we had the game in the bag.

WE MDY: Warriors vs Simchas Chaim

By: Benny Mann
The MDY Warriors Varsity Basketball We were off to a slow start, but we beat Team began the preseason with two big losses. The Simchas Chaim 80 to 44. The leading scorers were first loss was in our preseason tournament against Morris Dweck with 18 points, and with 12 points each, the MTA Lions during the finals. The second loss was Marc Sayegh and Fashion Police Pardo. in Memphis, Tennessee where the The team would like to give Warriors were invited to the Cooper a special thanks to Mrs. Mizrahi, Mrs. Invitational Tournament. We lost to Netkin, and Mrs. Falack for coming to In order to show North Shore in the semis by 8 points. the game and supporting us. Its emwe are united with When we got back from Memphis, we barrassing to say that the other team school spirit, we were all down and upset that we had more fans than we did. In order to need you to come started off so badly. But Coach Ike show we are united with school spirit, Dweck told us that success is measwe need you to come cheer us on! We cheer us on! ured by progress by how far somereally hope that all of you could come to one or something moves forward and our home games and support us. Lislearns from mistakes. He also said ten to announcements on the loudthat its up to each and every one of us to look inside speaker from Mr. Bieder, who will tell you when our of ourselves and ask, What could I do to help my next game is. We expect to see a lot of you. team and this season be successful? We would also like to give a shout-out to After realizing that while we did suffer from Aaron Harari. BIG- we miss you and hope you feel a couple of early losses we had to learn from our better and recover as soon as possible. Shabbat mistakes, we approached the first game of the regular Shalom to all and have a great weekend!!! season against Simchas Chaim with a different attitude.

National Sports
The Team to Beat
By Albert Zalta

Lately, everyones been talking about the newly relocated Brooklyn Nets. But the real story is the New York Knicks. The Knicks are having an electrical start to the season, going undefeated in their first four games. Despite All Star power forward Amare Statumire undergoing knee surgery, not expected to come back for another 6-8 weeks, the Knicks seem to be coping well without him. The Knicks havent had the easiest schedule. For starters, the season opener was against last years champions, Miami Heat. The game was both emotional and controversial for many people. Following Hurricane Sandy, Mi-

amis Lebron James and Dwayne Wade both commented that they felt the game should not be played. However, eventually the decision was made that the game would be played. The Knicks won that game by 20, nothing surprising considering how they have been outscoring their opposing teams by an average of 17 points per game. The Knicks wins also included back to back games against the 76ers, and a 10 point victory over the 2011 champions, the Dallas Mavericks. Winning like this requires experience and talent and the Knicks have both. Carmelo Anthony is currently leading the entire NBA in points per game, with an average of over 27. Sixth man J.R. Smith is averaging 17.5, making him fourth in points per game off

the bench. Head Coach Mike Woodson has made great contributions to the hot start by improving the Knicks defense and ball movement two things theyve lacked in the past. Now the test for the Knicks lies on proving that this wasnt a fluke, and their continuing to make the playoffs.

We Want Phil!
By Allen Menasche

after 5 games was just unfair; and Mike Dunleavy. Sources Angeles he this wasnt even given a say, however, that these can-

The headlines,

Los and

Lakers are known for making chance to succeed. However, didates are alternative plans if past even Kobes words couldnt they fail to bring back Phil Later that night, the weekend they did it again. get the Lakers to stick with Jackson. After the Lakers signed Steve Coach Brown. After the firing, Howard from Magic, many Nash and acquired Dwight some of the players, such as Lakers still had a game to the Orlando Dwight Howard, said that they play despite all of the chaos. thought the would like to have Phil Jack- They went on to beat the

Lakers would breeze through son as a Head Coach, whom Golden State Warriors for most of the season. However, the Lakers have been target- their second win of the seathe Lakers went 0-8 in the ing earlier than expected. son. During the game, the preseason and 1-4 in the The news broke out fans made it known they

Response to Last Weeks Article on the Brooklyn Nets

By Eli Azrak

The Brooklyn Nets are only getting a lot of attention around the NBA because they are the newest team, not because of how good they are. Questions are being asked if the Nets are going to improve, but so far the answers look like a no they have improved, but not much. The Nets were the laughing stock of the NBA last year, and this year is going to be different! This is a quote that I have heard for the past three years already. I want to see what will make this year different, and with a 3-2 start I dont think anything different is going to happen. The Knicks, on the other hand, are the only team in the NBA who are still undefeated, blowing out teams in the 4-0 start. The Nets did build a newer and better roster, but the Knicks added many key players this offseason who are playing unbelievably. The Nets are going to be the second team in New York for a very long time. Nets fans think that the Nets are going to be different just because they moved from New Jersey to Brooklyn, but I had enough of their talking and I am waiting for the proof.

regular season thus far. As a on Friday, November 9th, but would like to have Coach result, they fired head coach sources say that the Lakers Jackson back by chanting, Mike Brown after just 5 contacted former Laker coach We want Phill! games. Phil Jackson about a possible Sources say the LakSome members of the return a week ago. Phil Jack- ers have a deal on the table Lakers organization felt that son retired before last season and it is now up to Jackson to Mike Brown was not the right due to health issues, but the accept the job. This will likely guy to begin with. Other play- Lakers are prepared to do ers, such as Kobe Bryant, whatever it takes to bring had his back the whole way back the future Hall of Fame and said that Coach Brown coach. The Lakers are also get done sooner rather than later, and it may be only a matter of time before we see

Phil Jackson on the sidelines would make it work. Some expected to meet with former coaching the Lakers. also felt that firing Mike Brown Knicks coach Mike DAntoni,

Page 8 The Flame November 16, 2012 We asked Twitter: How is the gas shortage affecting you? @Adelesutt: It doesnt affect me. @Dshamz: Missing sbux and makes me nervous every time I hit the gas pedal. @JenJemal: It doesnt affect @Adelesutt bc her boyfriend doesnt drive anyway. I have half a tank, so Im ok, but Starbucks is closed, so... @SaHarari: Didnt go to school today bc of it. My car got stuck last night while waiting in line. Many negative affects. @RaqSab: Its not. Thats what I have my dad for. Personal chauffeur. @Gmmusiclover1: More reading time! Reading The Crucible! Obvss!! @JackAvidan: I waited outside with a canteen from 8pm to 12pm only 3gal. I cant tell you how many times a fight was about to break out. @LeoSorcher: I have to take Mexicana everywhere.
By Esther Cohen EC: What is this all about? JB: I am being inducted on March 17th into the NYS Basketball Hall of Fame. EC: Please give me some background information about yourself. JB: I used to play college basketball from 1964 1968. Also, I coached basketball for 34 years at Long Island City, Murray Bergtraum, and South Shore, and four years at Hunter College and at various high schools. EC: Why are you being recognized in the Hall of Fame now? JB: After my coaching career was over, they looked at how I did. They saw that I won 543 games and I had a 77 percent chance of winning a game. My team won 3 NYC High School Championships, and I won 3 NYC Coach of the Year Awards. In 2002, I was named Man of the Year by the NYC Coaches Association. Also, I was the winner of the prestigious Gatorade Coaches Care Award as one of the top scholastic coaches in the nation. EC: Why did you decide to work at Magen David? JB: I retired from Public School in 2002. I was not ready to just sit home and relax all day. Ten years ago, I was offered this job by Magen David. Now, I am currently the Athletic Director at Magen David High School. EC: When did you start playing basketball? JB: I grew up in Brooklyn and I just loved playing basketball from a young age. Also, I played basketball in high school and college and enjoyed it very much. EC: When did you start teaching? JB: I taught in 1968 and this is my forty-fourth in sports education. I enjoy working here at MDY!

Mr. Jeff Bieder

Mr. Bieder Earns Hall of Fame Honor

Tweet Us! @MDYFlame

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Message Board:
Happy birthday Maya!! We love you!! Love the new jacket!
-Berta Allaham and Noy Yatcha

Happy birthday to the best teacher Mrs. Harari!!

-Raymond Dayan

Happy birthday David Harari (September 23), just a little late...

-Joey Harari

Dear Levy twin (I dont know which one): STOP CALLING ME A FRESHIE! You were one too 5 months ago!!!
-All freshies

We like candy too.

-Frances, Flo, Samantha, Nicole, Lisa, Joyce, Michelle

Sandy Yedid caused a big mess.

-Leo Sorcher

Cant wait for my riz and hamed on Friday night.

-The 12th Grade Boats

Happy birthday Michael C! Its about time you can drive!!

-The boyz

Student Art Showcase

Jennifer Jemal, Drawing from National Geographic photograph, pencil and charcoal on paper

Lynn Menasche Guitars Pencil on paper

Carol Missry Hands and Feet Paper, charcoal, and pencil on paper

Laurie Mossery Still Life Pencil and charcoal on paper

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