Customizing The Lot Expiration Date
Customizing The Lot Expiration Date
Customizing The Lot Expiration Date
This document covers the Lot Expiration Date calculation using a custom PL/SQL routine in the Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution. This chapter covers the following topics: Customizing the Lot Expiration Date To calculate a custom lot expiration date and update lot attributes:
Calculate the lot expiration date in Oracle Inventory and Purchase Order (PO)
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Update the following lot attributes in the Lot Master window in OPM Process Execution: Expiration Date Hold Date Retest Date Expiration Action Code Expiration Action Date Lot Attributes DFF
Ensure that the Lot onhand quantity is zero, and that the Lot Origination date is Null. This lets you update lot attributes when the lot is yielded for the first time.
Oracle Inventory Production Supervisor
Navigate to the Lot Master window to define a lot. Select Shelf-Life Days for Lot Expiration control. Define the lot expiration date, in the INV_CUST_CALC_EXP_DATE.get_custom_lot_expiration_date procedure by editing the PL/SQL routine. Use the appropriate date calculation logic for your implementation. This procedure appears as follows prior to editing and recompilation:
PROCEDURE get_custom_lot_expiration_date (p_lot_rec IN MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP%ROWTYPE, p_mtl_trx_line_rec IN MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP%ROWTYPE, x_lot_expiration_date OUT NOCOPY DATE, x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS; /* Put the custom code here to calculate the lot expiration date. If custom logic is not required for the calculating lot expiration date then return lot expiration date as NULL */ END get_custom_lot_expiration_date;
If the custom API returns Null, then the lot expiration date is calculated by adding the shelf life days to the origination date.
Refer bug 5209065 for additional information.
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