Slice Project Report

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Submitted In Partial Fulfillment For The Award Of The Degree Of Bachelor Of Business Administration (BBA) From University Of Rajasthan,Jaipur UNDER SUPERVISION (..)



As an integral part as curriculum all BBA a participant are required to undergo practical summer training in any industry for 5 to 7 weeks period. The main objective of this training is to supplement theoretical knowledge with exposure to practical operator of an organization or industry. Candidate tale much help from this training when he get the job after completed the curriculum in this training candidate get the better opportunity to in meet the Retailer consume, whole seller, dealer by which candidates gain more and more information about the market. By this practical Experience candidate confident level is improved. Consequently we can say this training provide better understanding of all functional areas of management skills.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Words, like the real things are depicting, but have their own handicaps. They shall never beable to pierce the gamut of emotions that are suddenly laid bare, that are suddenly exposed during the routine of our life. They never be able to describe the spirit of cooperation with which we worked together, nor shall they ever be able to express the feeling we feel towards guide. With great pleasure, I extend my deep sense of gratitude towards my project head Mr. ASHWINI KUMAR TIWARY. Under whose valuable guidance, constant interest and encouragement which have devoted his ever precious time from his busy schedule and thus in completing the project. His cooperation is not only useful for this project but will be a constant source of inspiration for me in future life. Last but not the least; I would like to thank the entire staff member VARUN BEVERAGES PRIVATE LIMITED for the help extended by them in the Successful completion of this project.


This is to certify that Mr. ASHWINI KUMAR TIWARY, a student of the BBA has successfully completed his summer project titled Market response of the launch of new slice for the period from MAY 05TH 2012 to July 15TH 2012. This project is submitted to Prof. Mr. Vijay Jariya in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of BBA. The project is submitted following my approval and satisfies the rules and guidelines defined by RAJASTHAN UNIVERSITY for the project.


To Whom It May Concern This is to certify that Mr. ASHWINI KUMAR TIWARY, Roll NO.(.) of BBA is a beneficed regular student of MAHARISHI ARVIND SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, JAIPUR for session 2011-2013. He has complete the summer training project entitled MARKET RESPONSE OF THE LAUNCH OF NEW SLICE In the organization VARUN BEVERAGES LIMITED,GREATER NOIDA for the partial fulfillment for the award of BBA degree under RAJASTHAN UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR . The research report is satisfactory.


The beverage sector is a well established industry in India, but there are only two major players in this industry with so many brand, size and taste. Pepsi is leader in Indian market especially in the areas under my study. Almost in every channel Pepsi has an edge over its one and only competitor, Coca-Cola but still a lot of work needed to capitalize and increase its market share by increasing the stock in outlets. The areas of major concern are improper and untimely supply of products, reluctance of companys officials to visit the market frequency, supply of the brand. But several steps have to be taken to consolidate and increase its market Share in that area. Company should try to increase more and more stocks of Its brand in restaurant and eatery shops because people are very less concern About a particular brand and people drink any soft drink irrespective of their preferred brand and restaurant and eatery shops sell only those brands which is in their stock, so company should encourage them to stock its product more and more by offering them various schemes. Company should go for aggressive marketing campaign because still for the People especially for the children PEPSI means soft drink. At last it can be said that Pepsi is leader in the market but still there are of which have to be taken care of hold its position in the market.

INDEX SR. NO. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 CONTENT Preface Acknowledgement Certificate from faculty Certificate Executive Summary Statement of problem Theoretical Concept -Research Methodology 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 -Sample Design Data collection Scope of the study Limitation Company profile Industry profile Strategic and creative use of SWAT analysis Analysis of data Conclusion Suggestions Bibliography Questionnaire PAGE NO. 2 3 4 5 6


In research process the first and the foremost step happens to be that of selecting and properly defining a research problem. The research problem should be defined in a systematic manner, giving due weight age to all relating points. The technique for the purpose involves the undertaking of the following steps generally one after the other. Statement of the problem in a general way. Understanding the nature of the problem Surveying the available literature Developing the ideas through discussions. Rephrasing the research problem. Therefore the statement of the problem is MARKET RESPONSE OF THE LAUNCH OF NEW SLICE.


The new economy is based on the digital revolution and the managementof information. Information has a number of attributes. It can beinfinitely differentiated, customize and personalized. It can bedispatched to a great no. of people who are on a network and it can reach them with great speed. To the extent that the information in public and accessible, people will be better informed and able to make better choice. Buyers today are only a click away from comparing competitor price and product attributes. They can get answer on the internet in a matter of seconds. They dont need to drive to store, park, wait on line, and hold discussion with salesperson. Todays person can order almost any thing over the internet. People can place orders from home, office or mobile phone and order will be delivered to their home and office quickly.

Todays companies also have a new set of capabilities:

Companies can operate powerful new information and sales channel with augmented geographical reach to inform and permute their business and products. Companies can collect fuller and richer information about markets, customers, prospects and competitors. Companies can facilitated and speed up internal communication among their employees. Companies can have two way communications with customers and prospects, and more efficient transactions Companies can improve purchasing, recruiting training and internal and external communications. All companies are buyer as well seller, they can achieve substantial saving to compare sellers price,and to purchase materials at auction or by posting there own terms



MARKETING CONCEPTS AND TOOLS Here is social definition that serves our purpose: Marketing is societal process by which individual and group obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging product and services of value with other. For a managerial definition marketing as often been described as , the art of selling product, but people are surprised when they hear that the most important part of marketing is not selling! Selling is only the tip of the marketing ice berg. There will always, one can assume, be needed for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to know make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or services fits them and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All that should be needed then is to make the product or service available. Marketing can be further understood defining several of its core concepts.


Target markets and segments

A marketer can rarely satisfy everyone in market. Not everyone likes the same soft drink, hotel room, restaurant, automobile, college and movies. Therefore, marketers start by dividing up the market. They identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who might prefer or require varying product and service mixes. Market segments can be identifying by examining demographic, Psychographic and behavioral differences among buyers.

Marketplace, market space and metal market

Businesspeople often use the term market to cover various grouping of customers. They talk need markets, product markets, demographic markets and geographic markets or they extend the concept to cover other markets, such a voter markets and donor markets. The market place is physical, as when one goes shopping in a store; market place is digital, as when one to goes shopping in a store; market space is digital, as one goes shopping on the internet. Many Observers believe that an increased amount of purchasing will shift in to market place.


Need, want and demand The marketer must try to understand the target markets need, want and demand. Needs arethe basic human requirements. People need food, air, clothing and shelter to survive. People also have strong needs for recreation, education and entertainment. These needs become wants when the are directed to specific object that might satisfy the need. Wants are shaped by ones society. Demands are wants to specific products backed by an ability to pay. Many people want a merceds,only a few are able an willing to buy one.

Product, Offering and Demand Companies adders needs by putting a forth value preposition, a set of benefits They offer to customer to satisfy their needs. The intangible value preposition is made physical by an offering, which can be combination of products, service, information, and experience. a brand is an offering from a known source. A brand carries many association in the mind of people. These association make up the brand image. all companies strive to build brand strength that is a strong favorable brand image.


Value And Satisfaction We can define value as a ratio between what the customers gets and what he gives. The customers benefits and assumes cost. The benefits include functional benefits and motional benefits. The cost includes monetary cost, time cost, energy cost and psychic costs. The marketer can increase the value of the customers offering in several ways:

benefits and reduce costs Raise benefits by more than the raise in costs Lower benefits by less than the reduction costs Raise benefits Reduce costs

Relationship and networks Transaction marketing is part of larger idea called relationship marketing. Relationship has the aim of building mutually satisfying long term relationship with key parties customers, suppliers, distributors in order to earn and retain there business. Marketers accomplish thisby promising and delivering high quality products and service at fair price to the other parties over time. Relationship marketing builds strong economic, technical and social among the parties. It cuts down on transaction costs and time.


Competition Competition includes all the actual and potential rival offering and substitutes that a buyer might consider. We can broaden the picture by distinguishing four levels of competition based on the degree of product substitutability. Brand competition, industry competition, Form competition, and Generic competition

1. Brand competition: A company sees its competitors as other companies Offering similar prices. 2. Industry competition: A company sees its competitors as all companies Making the same product or class of products. 3. Form competition: A company sees its competitors as all companies manufacturing product that supply the same service. 4. Generic competition: A company sees its competitors as all companies that compete for the same customer dollars.


Marketing mix means to collect and mix the resources of marketing in the manner that object of the enterprise may be achieved and maximum satisfaction may be provided to the consumers. The term marketing mix is used to described a combination of four elements- the product, price, physical Distribution and promotion. These are popularly know as Four Ps.

Product: The product itself is the first element. Products most satisfy consumer needs. The management must. first decide the products to be produced, by knowing the needs of the consumers.

Price: The second element to affect the volume of sales is the price. The market or announced amount of money asked from a buyer is known as basic value placed on a product.

Promotion: The product may be known to the consumers. Firms must undertake promotion work-advertising , publicity , personal selling etc. which are the major activities.


Place: Physical distribution is the delivery of product at the rights time and at the right place. The distribution mix is the combination of decisions relating to marketing channels, storage facility, inventory control, location transportation warehousing etc.







Product Channels

List price

Sales promotion

Product variety Coverage



Quality Assortments


Sales force

Design Locations

Payment period

Public relations

Features Inventory

Credit cards

Direct marketing


PROMOTION MIX Promotion mix a combine the following-sale promotion, advertising, sale force, public relation, direct mailing, telemarketing and internet with the use of above factor a better promotion policy can be framed out.

MARKETING RESEARCH SYSTEM It is the job of marketer researcher to produce customer insight into the problem which is requested by marketing like product preference test, a sale forecast by region or an advertising evaluation etc. marketing research can be defined as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and finding relevant to specific marketing situation facing the company.

MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS Effective marketing research involves six step, they are as following:-

Defining the problem and research application. Developing the research plan. Collect the information. Analysis the information. Present the finding. Make the decision.

Research Methodology


The fundamental way of any successful formal marketing research project is sound research design. In todays scenario, it is very difficult to establish an entire satisfaction classification system but for the sake of simplicity it is necessary that the research project should be fundamental objective. The research design specific method data collection and data analysis. This definition consists of three important teams plan, strategy and structure. The plan is the outline of research scheme on which the researcher is to work. The structure of the research will be carried, specifying the method to be used in collection and analyzing data. Generally there are two types of research method that are used in practice

Exploratory research method Conclusive research method

Exploratory research method: All marketing research projects start with exploratory research. It is a preliminary phase and is absolutely essential. In order to obtain proper definition of problem at hand the major emphasis is on the discovery of ideas and insights. The broad and vague problems are broken in smaller and more precise statements.

Exploratory research is a type of research conducted because a problem 20

has not been clearly defined. Exploratory research helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. Types of exploratory research design are

Literature survey Experience survey

Exploratory research often relies on secondary research such as reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees, management or competitors, and more formal approaches through in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective methods, case studies or pilot studies.

Conclusive research method It involves development of hypothesis and testing of the hypothesis. It is used when the purpose of research to describe the characteristics if group like age, sex, education etc. It is typically concerned with determining the frequency of occurrence. It is considered a rigid and formal type of research.










Sample design is about selecting number of elements (i.e. people) to include in a survey in order to provide a good basis for measuring economic and social phenomena. To the greatest extent possible, the report will encourage researchers to use sampling designs that ensure the generalizability of results. For analysis purposes and in order to draw conclusions about different settings and different professional groups within those settings, we need to consider how many respondents are required per category and hence for the following project it was necessary to survey at least 60 respondents. The proposed sample design includes multiple steps in order to reduce response bias. This sampling design will be carried out in a single stage and involves random sampling method. Random sampling ensures the unbiased outcome and ease in locating the respondents. Now for the type of information desired, a small wisely selected sample of 100 respondents can serve the purpose. We can complete the assignment and analysis on behalf of consumer behavior survey. The sampled population will then be tested through a questionnaire.



There two methods available for data collection one is observational method and second is Survey Method. One the decision in favor of collection of primary data is taken, one has to decide the mode of collection. Observation method suggests that data collected through ones observation and while in survey method field surveys are commonly used to collect the primary data from the respondents. In this research I used both survey and observation method. I have done survey with the help of Direct Personal interviews to get the detailed information about problem of research and for this purpose company has provided us a structured Questionnaire form called EDS format to elicit the necessary data from the respondents.

Collection of primary data The information required for fulfilling the objective was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data was collected using questionnaire and a short interview as also conducted to know various factors from dealers. My research is based on primary data only but while preparing the report secondary data is also used.


Collection of secondary data Secondary data means data that are already available. They refer to the data, which have already been collected and analyzed by some one else. When the researcher utilizes secondary data, then he has to look into various sources from where he can obtain them. In this case he is certainly not confronted of original data. Secondary data may either be published data on unpublished data it is mainly through, books, magazines and newspapers: The researcher must be careful while collecting the secondary data, as he must be sure of its reliability , otherwise secondary data may not fulfill the desired objective. For the collection of the secondary data in this repost different information sources were taken as a base. The major source of information was the internet.

PREPARING QUESTIONNAIRE The method of data collection through Questionnaire is very popular. In a questionnaire a number of questions are typed in a define order on a form or set of form. And the researcher fills it by asking the questions with a request to answer by respondents. This method is vastly used in various economy and business surveys. There are various benefits of conducting a survey with the help of a questionnaire and these are as follows25

There is a low cost in conducting a field survey when population is less in number. It is free from the basic of the interviewer; answers are in respondents own words. Respondents have adequate time to give well through out answers. Results that are found from this method are most reliable and dependable.

In the good form of questionnaire there should all type of questions like open Ended, close-ended questions in a right sequence. And number of questions should be 10 to 15. Starting of the questionnaire should be respondent friendly.



In this report we have examined the beverage market carefully and drawn conclusions over it. This report will help up to recognize the benefits of the study. The study can be further enhanced to such an extend where a completely new product line can be launched specially in JB segment as the report express the current as well as the emerging market in the juice based sector. Since we already have the market share which is suppose to be the strongest point plus the consumer behavior analysis that lets us know their mindset; besides the competitors strategy and market knowledge, perhaps product launching will be an excellent idea.

Limitations No method is 100% perfect, every method have its own advantage and limitation. The limitation felt by me during the work are as follows: Shortage of time: the time duration of the survey was very short that was of six weeks and the size of the sample of the retailers and shops was very difficult.


Large no of sample: The sample was very large in my survey. The size of the sample was 60 plus retailers and shops. It is very tough task to collect data from each of them. Lack of coordination and response: When I was collecting the data, I faced the major problems towards the respondent. It is very difficult to know about the mood of the person at the time of interview.



Type Manufacturer Country of origin Introduced

Cola PepsiCo. United States 16 June 1903 Coca-Cola RC Cola Dr. Pepper Inca-Cola

Related products

Pepsi-Cola is a manufactured by







PepsiCo. It is sold in stores, restaurants and from vending machines. The drink was first made in the 1890s by Pharmacist Calen Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina. The brand was trademarked on June 16,1903. There have been many Pepsi variants produced over the years since 1903, including


Diet pepsi, Crystal Pepsi, Pepsi Twist, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Samba, Pepsi Blue, Pepsi Gold, Pepsi Holiday Spice, Pepsi Jazz, Pepsi X (available in Finland and Brazil), Pepsi Next (available in Japan and South Korea), Pepsi Raw, Pepsi. Retro in Mexico, Pepsi One, and Pepsi Ice Cucumber in Japan.

HISTORY Pepsi was first made in New Bern, North Carolina, in the United States in the early 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham. In 1898, "Brad's drink" was changed to "Pepsi-Cola" and later trademarked on June 16, 1903.There are several theories on the origin of the word "pepsi". The only two discussed within the current PepsiCo website are the following: 1. Caleb Bradham bought the name "Pep Kola" from a local 30

competitor and changed it to Pepsi-Cola.

2. "Pepsi-Cola" is an anagram for "Episcopal" - a large church across the street from Bradham's drugstore. There is a plaque at the site of the original drugstore documenting this, though PepsiCo has denied this theory. The word Pepsi comes from the Greek word "pepsi" (), which is a medical term, describing the food dissolving process within one's sto mach. It is also a medical term that describes a problem with one's stomach to dissolve foods properly. Another theory regarding the name's origins is that Caleb Bradham and his customers simply thought the name sounded good and reflected the fact that the drink had some kind of "pep" in it because it was a carbonated drink. It was made of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, rare oils, and kola nuts. Whether the original recipe included the enzyne pepsin is disputed. In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore into a rented warehouse. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce bottles, and sales increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1924, Pepsi received its first logo redesign since the original design of 1905. In 1926, the logo was changed again. In 1929, automobile race pioneer Barney Oldfield endorsed Pepsi-Cola in newspaper ads as "A bully drink...refreshing, invigorating, a fine bracer before a race". 31

In 1929, the Pepsi-Cola Company went bankrupt during the Great Depression in large part due financial losses incurred by speculating on wildly fluctuating sugar prices as a result of World War I. Assets were sold and Roy C. Megargel bought the Pepsi trademark. Eight years later, the company went bankrupt again. Pepsi's assets were then purchased by Charles Guth, the President of Loft Inc. Loft was a candy manufacturer with retail stores that contained soda fountains. He sought to replace Coca-Cola at his stores' fountains after Coke refused to give him a discount on syrup. Goth then had Loft's chemists reformulate the Pepsi-Cola syrup formula.

It can be said with absolute certainty that the RKJ Group has carved out a special niche for itself. Our services touch different aspects of commercial and civilian domains like those of Bottling, Food Chain and Education. Headed by Mr. R. K. Jaipuria, the group as on today can lay claim to expertise and leadership in the fields of education, food and beverages. 32

The business of the company was started in 1991 with a tie-up with Pepsi Foods Limited to manufacture and market Pepsi brand of beverages in geographically pre-defined territories in which brand and technical support was provided by the Principals viz., Pepsi Foods Limited. The manufacturing facilities were restricted at Agra Plant only.



(diagram 1 shows the company hierarchy)



Multi Unit Manager: Lead in the analysis and presentation of market, industry and geography research combining internal data with external sources on Firm strategic initiatives. Perform ad hoc analysis and research on client, practice and office developmental opportunities.

Independently scope, manage and lead projects from start to finish, in a dynamic environment with limited direction.

Conduct Peer firm analysis such as league table rankings, international activities and client relationships to support various practice and office initiatives.

Prepare company profiles including background information, advisory relationships, and market intelligence and connect to the Firm experiences and relationships.

Responsible for developing, coordinating and executing domestic and international practice and office business development efforts and initiatives.

Analyze, summarize and present analysis on capital markets (public equity and debt offerings) deals and M&A transactions by company, region, industry or peer firms. 35

Develop knowledge and understanding of external data sources for use in Business Development projects.

Monitor and track news developments across industries and geographic regions as it relates to Firm practice and offices.

Unit manager: Get acquainted with, and leverage the business model.

Carry a full due diligence, and revisit the current market segmentation, distribution channels and sales organization.

Set up a sales planning system, and cascade it down to the lowest sales echelon.

Conduct a market survey to identify potential by region and product, and realign sales and market strategy accordingly.

Implement a performance management system, which will boost sales results in a sustainable manner.

Build a sales information system, which will help monitor results, and anticipate market changes.

Review the strategic options at stake, and recommend courses of action (e.g. manufacturing v/s trading).


Motivate and coach the sales force in order to drive superior performance in terms of sales objectives, collection target, and customer risk management.

Maintain smooth coordination with product managers

Participate in preparation of marketing strategies

F/U with logistic department orders status

Recruit and disseminate new blood throughout the sales organization in order to alleviate performance by bolstering internal emulation.

Territory development manager:

1. Territory Management Maintain an appropriate coverage discipline to ensure that plans are achieved.


Achieve new product distribution goals, and 100% authorized distribution levels in all stores

Sell displays against all customer programs and corporate promotions.

On a timely basis, accurately report in-store results through the computer tools and processes

Monitor and report competitive activity.

Attend new store sets, remodels or major plan-o-gram changes where selling "on-site" can be done

Develop new selling materials for retail to be shared with other Territory Development Managers

2. Category Management/ Business Planning Understand and execute category business plans and merchandising activities for each customer. Sustain comprehensive knowledge of products features and benefits, including their nutritional key attributes. Understand role of products within their respective categories. Sell category business plans and merchandising as communicated in retail selling priorities.


Utilize category management principles in presentations to sell base and incremental activities at key customers.

Continue to build an understanding and expertise of category and brand dynamics

3. Customer Development

Understand the customer's retail systems, objectives and strategies; develop strong relationships with store management and where possible with Store Operation account managers

Accurately report sales controllable actions at store level to Customer Teams Where applicable, manage Direct Accounts (Volume & Trade Spend).

4. Administration/ Budgets Manage applicable budgets effectively and operate within regional spending guidelines Submit Sales Call Reports, Weekly Planners and necessary trackers to Retail Development Managers on a timely basis.


Distributor Management:

Sourcing and Appointment of Distributors as and when required Motivating and Coaching the Distributor Team and handholding where required Handling distributor issues with regard to claims and ROI Building of good rapport as well as controlling the distributor Team Taking care of route operations, market scheming and breakages at the Godown Manage stock levels to ensure continuous availability and regular rotation 3. Driving Volume and Growth in the given Territory:

Managing Primary and Secondary sales Operation of trade schemes within the allotted budget


Appropriate distribution across the territory Taking care of High Volume Accounts (Top Customers) Recognizing Selling opportunities

Identify and target new accounts Striving for channel growth like Eatery and Grocery Effectively communicating the strategies through gate meetings Proposing for discount to the Accounts as necessary. Driving of Marketing and Growth initiatives Dealing with consumer complaints effectively upholding Pepsi Co values and integrity

Merchandising and Promotion Manage stock levels to ensure continuous availability and regular rotation


Fill and rotate all shelf, displays and equipment to Pepsi-Cola Company standards Properly price product Utilize point of purchase material

System Compliance: Maintenance of Sales Tools including Execution Planner, Coaching Calendar, Territory Score Board, One-With-One, Work-With and Blue Book 18 days of Work With in the market

Channel Management

Awareness of various channels like grocery, eateries etc Awareness of upcoming channels like Modern Trade & how to tap effectively On boarding of particular channels to our existing channel-specific schemes


5. Managing/ developing his team

Coaching of DAs

Effective guidance and handholding to the merchandisers Allotting clear responsibilities to team members- assigning targets etc. Ensuring TSB completion and mid month target evaluation. BUDGETING-claims, financial control, check & bal

Marketing development manager:

F/U with logistic department orders status Recruit and disseminate new blood throughout the sales organization in order to alleviate performance by bolstering internal emulation. Ensure delivery of advertising materials to appropriate vendors/publishers in a timely manner. Coordinate with internal Creative department, as well as external ad agencies on creation of advertising materials Coordinate with Business Development on media assets derived from partnership. Reconcile and submit all invoices to accounting for prompt payment. Coordinate event calendar, keeping media and corporate partners current with advertising materials. 43

The primary duties of the Marketing Coordinator also include working with Marketing Managers and Project Managers to prepare proposals and presentations. Maintain our marketing database, to coordinate conference attendance/sponsorships.

Area development manager:

Knowledge of development activities, Supervisory Lead role in recruiting, organizing, and/or managing volunteers Public relations coordinating events


Distribution Channel

A company is "a corporationor, less commonly, an association, partnership, or union that carries on a commercial or industrial 45

enterprise." Company is sited at the top of the business flow diagram which is in constant touch with the CFA i.e. clearing and forwarding agent. CFA is at the head of distribution and sales. All the work related to sales is done by CFA agents. Under the guidelines given by the CFA, distributors handle the delivering part of stock at the outlets. Outlets can be the retail chains as well as the dealers.


Varun Beverages Ltd. is the flagship company of the group. The group also became the first franchisee for Yum Restaurants International [formerly PepsiCo Restaurants (India) Private Limited] in India. It has exclusive franchise rights for Northern & Eastern India. It has total 46 Pizza Hut Restaurants & 1 KFC Restaurant under its company. They diversified into education by opening our first school in Gurgaon under management of Delhi Public School Society. The schools of the group are run under a Registered Trust namely Champa Devi Jaipuria Charitable Trust. Companies are medium sized, professionally managed, unlisted and 46

closely held between Indian Promoters and foreign collaborators. The group added another feather to its cap when the prestigious PepsiCo International Bottler of the Year award was presented to Mr. R. K. Jaipuria for the year 1998 at a glittering award ceremony at PepsiCos centennial year celebrations at Hawaii, USA. The award was presented by Mr. Donald M. Kendall, founder of PepsiCo Inc. in the presence of Mr. George Bush, the 41st President of USA, Mr. Roger A.

Enrico, Chairman of the Board & C.E.O., PepsiCo Inc. and Mr. Craig Weatherup, President of Pepsi Cola Company.

Vision Being the best in everything we touch and handle. Mission Continuously excel to achieve and maintain leadership position in the chosen businesses; and delight all stakeholders by making economic value additions in all corporate functions.

Our Success


Production of innovative, high quality retail branded beverages combined with world-class packaging. Driven by a management team with a relentless focus on achieving superior customer service, driving earnings improvement and increasing shareholder value.

Our People At RKJ we are creating an environment where our employees enjoy a greater degree of empowerment - both individually and in their work teams. Domestic firms in India, which once enjoyed the benefit of sheltered markets, are increasingly facing competition from global giants in the 1990s. sheltered markets had once allowed Indian entrepreneurs to develop strong brands that have held their own against the onslaught of MNCs. Soft Drink Production area The market preference is highly regional based. While cola drinks have main markets in metro cities and northern states of UP, Punjab, Haryana etc. Orange flavored drinks are popular in southern states. Sodas too are sold largely in southern states besides sale through bars. Western markets have preference towards mango flavored drinks. Diet coke presently constitutes just 0.7% of the total carbonated beverage market. Growth promotional activities 48

The government has adopted liberalized policies for the soft drink trade to give the industry a boast and promote the Indian brands

internationally. Although the import and manufacture of international brands like Pepsi and Coke is enhanced in India the local brands are being stabilized by advertisements, good quality and low cost. The soft drinks market till early 1990s was in hands of domestic players like campa, thumps up, Limca etc but with opening up of economy and coming of MNC players Pepsi and Coke the market has come totally under their control. The distribution network of Coca cola had 6.5 lakh outlets across the country in FY00, with the current network more than double of its previous. On the other hand Pepsi Co's distribution network had 6 lakh outlets across the country during FY00 which is now competent to that of Coca cola.



Strategic use: Orienting swats to an Objective:If swot analysis does not start with defining a desired end state or objective, it runs the risk of being useless. A swot analysis may be incorporated into the strategic planning model. An example of a strategic planning technique that Attributes of the organization that are helpful to achieving the objective. incorporates an objective driven swot analysis is scan analysis. Strategic Attributes of the organization that are helpful to achieving the objective. planning, including swot and scan analysis, has been the subject of must research. If a clear objective has been identified, swot analysis can be used to help in the pursuit of that objective. In this case, swats are: Strengths: Attributes of the organization that are helpful to achieving the objective. Weakness: Attributes of the organization that are harmful to achieving the objective. Opportunities: External conditions that are harmful to achieving the objective. Threats: External conditions that are harmful to achieving the Objective

Avoiding Errors 50

Conducting a Swot analysis before defining and agreeing upon an objective (a desired end state).Swats should not exist in the abstract. They can exist only with reference to an objective. If the desired and state is not openly defined and agreed upon the participants may have different end states in mind and the results will be ineffective.

Opportunities external to the company are often confused with strengths internal to the company. They should be kept separate. Swats are sometimes confused with possible strategies. Swats are description of condition, while possible strategies define actions. This error is made especially with reference to opportunity analysis. To avoid this error, it may be useful to think of opportunity as auspicious conditions.

Strengths and weakness Resource: Financial, intellectual, location Cost advantages from proprietary know how Exclusive access to high grade natural resourses Favorable access to distribution networks Governments rules and regulation regarding the business Ability to develop new products Product range and diversity Valuable intangible assets Cooperative ventures Competitive capabilities

Opportunities and threats 51

Takeovers Market trends Economic conditions Mergers Joint ventures Strategic alliances Expectation of stakeholders Technology Public expectations Competitors and competitive actions Poor Public Relations Development Criticism(Editorial) Global Markets Environmental conditions

Use of SWOT Analysis:The usefulness of SWOT analysis is not limited to profit-seeking organizations. SWOTanalysis may be used in any decision-making situation when a desired end-state(objective) has been defined. Examples include: non-profit organizations, governmental units, and individuals.SWOT analysis may also be used in pre-crisis planning and preventive crisis management


Q-1:- Do you drink juice based drinks? 53

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes no 30% 70% yes no

Inference: According to the study a large ratio of customer prefer to juice Based drinks.

Q-2;- What kind of juice based drinks do you like?


35% s lic e m aaza 65%

Inference: Among juice based drinks SLICE is the most preferred by the responder compare to MAAZA.

Q-3:- Have you ever used new slice?


80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes no 20% 80% yes c no

Inference: The researcher has found that 80% persons like to new slice.

Q-4:- How would you differentiate b/w old slice and new slice?



A 10% 60% 10% B C D

Inference: Almost half of the ratio of the responders think that new slice is different than old slice.

Q-5:- Do you feel the new the new slice taste is better than old one?



yes no


Inference: The researcher has found that the 90% of the consumers agreed that the taste of new slice is better than old one.

Q-6:- How much do you feel any change in fragnance the new slice?


60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 25% 10% 5% 0% poor b e tter 10% m u c h b e tte r s a m e 60% poor b e tte r m u c h b e tte r sam e

Inference: A good ratio recognized much better fragnance in new slice.

Q7:- Is there any change in colour you observe ?



yes no


Inference: Maximum persons observe that there are no change in the colour of New slice.

Q-:8- Do you think price is resonable of the new slice?



yes no


Inference: A healthy no.of customers considered the price of new slice is genuine And up to profit of the costomes.

Q-9:- What do you think about the new packing of the new slice?


50% 40%


35% 30% 20% 10% 0% v e r y n ic e av erage 5% 10% S1 s ame o ld o n e w a s b e tte r v e r y n ic e av erage s ame o ld o n e w a s b e tte r

Inference: looking As figure dipicit 50% of user found new packing is better Compare to old packing.

Q-10:- Why the new slice do you more like?


50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%


25% 15% 10% tas te kaitreena s af e kaif promote S1 other

tas te kaitreena kaif promote s af e other

Inference: According to the servey most of the customers think that the taste Of the new Slice is better than to other brands.

Q-11:- Have you seen the advertisement of new slice?


80 % 70 % 60 % 50 % 40 % 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% y es no 20 % 8 0% y es no

Inference: The figure shows that a big no. of the customers has seen the advertisement of new slice.

Q-12:- Do you feel new slice are safe for health?


80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% yes no 25% 75% yes no

Inference: According to the survey the researcher found that most of the customer observe that the new slice is safe for health.



I have studied and analyzed the slice & new slice at different aspect of the market . The survey was conducted in various areas of noida city With great enthusiasm . This report concludes that Pepsi `s brands are easily available in various part of noida . there are many brands of juice base brand available in the market like that maaza , real juice etc .in current time Pepsi launch its new brand new slice its attract people in a large no. towards it because its test is much better then its old variety .thats why people who taste new slice there are 1st choice is new slice as they know .There are so increase in volume of new slice to make a good add &with shine board on the road & shop so thus more people will be attract towards that brand .Due to this publicity stunt there will be a good stock near to hall sale distributer & shop, honour , restaurants and they fulfills the customer demand.

According to the study a large ratio of customer prefer to juice based drinks.

According to the study a large ratio of customer prefer to juice based drinks.

The researcher has found that 80% persons like to new slice.


Almost half of the ratio of the responders think that new slice is different than old slice.

A good ratio recognized much better fragrance in new slice.

Maximum persons observe that there are no change in the co lour of new slice.

A healthy no. of customers considered the price of new slice is genuineand up to profit of the customers.

As figure depict 50% of user found new packing is better looking compare to old packing

According to the survey most of the customers think that the taste of the new Slice is better than to other brands.

The figure shows that a big no. of the customers has seen the advertisement of new slice.

According to the survey the researcher found that most of the customer observe that the new slice is safe for health.

The researcher has found that the 90% of the consumers agreed that the taste of new slice is better than old one



Company should pay a little more attention for the sales promotion in various areas. Facilities like dispenser, icebox & banner etc. should be made easily available where as Company should go on with its various schemes. Supply: Supply should be made in time, moreover supply of pet jars should be made wider. Quality: Company should insure that there should be no impurities while packing a bottle. Price: Price should not be too high that consumer has first thought over it. It should Compete with other product. Attractive: Packaging should be made so attractive that every one likes to once purchase .It & make it a brand royal.


A. Books

(1) Research Methodology

- C.R. Kothari

(2) Marketing Management

-Phillip Kotler


B. Websites


Q-1:- Do you drink juice based drinks? Yes No

Q-2;- What kind of juice based drinks do you like? Slice Tropicana Maaza Real juice

Q-3:- Have you ever used new slice? Yes NO 69

Q-4:- How would you differentiate b/w old slice and new slice? Taste Flavour Packing All

Q-5:- Do you feel the new the new slice taste is better than old one? Yes NO

Q-6:- How much do you feel any change in fragrance the new slice? Poor Much better Better Same

Q-7:- Is there any change in color you observe? Yes No

Q-:8- Do you think price is reasonable of the new slice? 70



Q-9:- What do you think about the new packing of the new slice? Very nice Same Average Old one was better

Q-10:- Why the new slice do you more like? It tastes good It is safe for health Katreena kaif promote it other reason, pls specify_______

Q-11:- Have you seen the advertisement of new slice? Yes No

Q-12:- Do you feel new slices are safe for health? Yes No


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