1052 Hacking Scada

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The CrISTAL Project

Critical Infrastructures Security Testing & Analysis LAB

SCADA (in)Security:
Hacking Critical Infrastructures

Raoul Chiesa Alessio L.R. Pennasilico


[email protected] [email protected]
$ whois raoul
Founder @ 

OPST, OPSA, Key Contributor for OSSTMM (1.5, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0)

Board of Directors of:

CLUSIT, ISECOM OWASP-Italy, Telecom Security Task Force

CrISTAL, Project Manager for Hacker’s Profiling Project

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$ whois mayhem

Security Evangelist @

Member / Board of Directors:

Olografix, No1984.org, OpenBeer, Sikurezza.org,
Spippolatori, VoIPSA.

CrISTAL, HPP, Recursiva.org

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If you are German may be you’ll hear about

forbidden tools during this speech.
In our opinion StGB §202c will kill security
professionals and disclosure. §202c will finally
contribute to make the world a less secure place.

Please, fight against it!


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What is SCADA?
Going commercial...

Terroristic video spot about SCADA security

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“Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition”.

It’s the monitoring branch of an automated

infrastructure that decides “what to do” on the basis
of “what is happening” (event driven).

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Managing pumps...

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Industrial Automation

It is reality since many years

But market is migrating infrastructures:

from proprietary, obscure and isolated systems

towards standard, documented and connected ones

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SCADA (in)Security

Critical Infrastructures

Many SCADA infrastructures are responsible for:

Power and Nuclear plants, Gas, Oil, Water

distribution, Transports

but true life taught us that lack of communications

crated more panic than huge incidents..

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Parts of SCADA systems

Human Machine Interface (HMI)

Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

Communication infrastructure

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A complex infrastructure: Enel

Enel is the biggest power distributor in Italy

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SCADA Issues
Hackers know about it! :)
A lot of presentations by SCADA people talk about

✴ DefCon, BlackHats and similar events

✴ on-line password and vulnerability databases
✴ legacy IT tools implementing SCADA scanning/
testing/assessing features…

It seems that the outside world is

really worried about hackers :)
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Problems caused by ...

Vendors People


Incidents Customers

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“Shit happens!”
“About 3:28 p.m., Pacific daylight time, on June 10, 1999, a 16-
inch-diameter steel pipeline owned by Olympic Pipe Line
Company ruptured and released about 237,000 gallons of
gasoline into a creek that flowed through Whatcom Falls Park
in Bellingham, Washington. About 1.5 hours after the rupture,
the gasoline ignited and burned approximately 1.5 miles along
the creek. Two 10-year-old boys and an 18-year-old young man
died as a result of the accident. Eight additional injuries were
documented. A single-family residence and the city of
Bellinghamís water treatment plant were severely damaged. As
of January 2002, Olympic estimated that total property
damages were at least $45 million.”

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Tech details
“The Olympic Pipeline SCADA system consisted of
Teledyne Brown Engineering20 SCADA Vector
software, version 3.6.1., running on two Digital
Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX Model 4000-300
computers with VMS operating system Version 7.1. In
addition to the two main SCADA computers
(OLY01 and 02), a similarly configured DEC Alpha
300 computer running Alpha/VMS was used as a host
for the separate Modisette Associates, Inc., pipeline
leak detection system software package.”

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SCADA can save lives...

“5. If the supervisory control and data acquisition

(SC ADA) system computers had remained
responsive to the commands of the Olympic
controllers, the controller operating the accident
pipeline probably would have been able to initiate
actions that would have prevented the pressure
increase that ruptured the pipeline. “


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The explosion...
The accident took place in the early morning of 29 July
1995, at TransCanada PipeLines Limited (TCPL) compressor
Station 30, about three kilometres southeast of Rapid City.
The Board concluded that the initial rupture and fire
occurred on a 42-inch natural gas pipeline (100-4) as a result
of a pre-existing stress corrosion crack (SCC) in a piece of
pipe downstream of the compressor station.
The resulting explosion and fire destroyed much of the
communications system at the compressor station and made
it difficult to shut off the flow of gas in line 100-4. As a
result, natural gas pipeline 100-3, a 36-inch line adjacent to
line 100-4, sustained fire damage that weakened it, and it too
ruptured and caught fire.
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the report...

The TSB investigation also discovered a problem with

the supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) system. This fault in the SCADA system
delayed the shutdown and isolation of lines 100-4
and 100-3


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...and Background...

“The stupid thing that is not in the report is that the

low pressure and temp alarms had been
malfunctioning and an engineer had dialed into the
station with no password and disabled the alarms
because it had been keeping him up with his pager.
This engineer should not have had access but knew
about the back door modem in the compressor
Emerson Anonymous

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Technical problems

SCADA systems need real-time performance.

Antivirus would degrade performances enough to

make the system useless or dangerous.

Although SCADA systems are vulnerable to viruses!

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“In August 2003 Slammer infected a
private computer network at the idled
Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in Oak
Harbor, Ohio, disabling a safety
monitoring system for nearly five hours.”
NIST, Guide to SCADA

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Patching systems is a known problem in the IT world

Changing anything is a nightmare in the SCADA world.

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SLA :)

“Our service contractor

provides us patches once a year.”
CSO of a power distribution company

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PenTesting old, small, very simple, projected-to-be-

isolated devices may lead to service disruption.

The market is trying to provide a useful, but mainly

“assured” method to assess SCADA networks

Although periodical security testing is a need, and

cannot be simply ignored.

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“While a ping sweep was being performed on
an active SCADA network that controlled 9-
foot robotic arms, it was noticed that one arm
became active and swung around 180 degrees.
The controller for the arm was in standby
mode before the ping sweep was initiated.”

NIST, Guide to SCADA

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Physical separation

Because of all these reasons, SCADA networks

must be strongly protected from
a perimeter point of view:
VLANs, DMZs, filtering, content filtering, IDS...

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Vendor Live witness

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Insecure by default?

Traffic in clear text

No data encryption
No authentication
No accounting

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Modbus Hacking video

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Customer live witness
(no disclosure agreement)

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Common mistakes

Merged IT and SCADA network

(no physical or logical separation)
RAS/VPNs provide too much simple remote access
Default configurations
No backups at all
No tested disaster recovery plan

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...were used to ...

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“The power plant monitoring system was

unresponsive. When emergency services
arrived, they found the operator watching
a DVD on the HMI system”.

CSO of a power distribution company

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D.A. Norman
“The design of
everyday things”
ISBN 8809210271

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Disgruntled employee

Vitek Boden, in 2000, was arrested, convicted and

jailed because he released millions of liters of
untreated sewage using his wireless laptop. It
happened in Maroochy Shire, Queensland, may be as
a revenge against his last former employer.


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Thomas C. Reed, Ronald Regan’s Secretary, described in his book “At the
abyss” how the U.S. arranged for the Soviets to receive intentionally
flawed SCADA software to manage their natural gas pipelines.

"The pipeline software that was to run the pumps, turbines, and values
was programmed to go haywire, after a decent interval, to reset pump
speeds and valve settings to produce pressures far beyond those
acceptable to pipeline joints and welds."

A 3 kiloton explosion was the result, in 1982 in Siberia.


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Newspaper call them “Hackers”

“Russian authorities revealed this week that

Gazprom, a state-run gas utility, came under the
control of malicious hackers last year. […]
The report said hackers used a trojan horse
program, which stashes lines of harmful computer
code in a benign-looking program.”


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Lagos, Nigeria - “At least 40 people died because of
fire injuries coming from a pipeline they were trying
to open to steal petroleum.”
“One year ago more than 250 people died in the
same circumstances near Lagos.”


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“On August 2007 Anti Imperialist Team placed a

complex and powerful home-made bomb at the
pipeline in Vicenza, North of Italy, the one that take
kerosene from the NATO base in Aviano to the
Vicenza’s one”.


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Security Standards
The IT 5-10 years ago ...
“The present state of security for SCADA is not
commensurate with the threat or potential consequences. The
industry has generated a large base of relatively insecure
systems, with chronic and pervasive vulnerabilities that have
been observed during security assessments. Arbitrary
applications of technology, informal security, and the fluid
vulnerability environment lead to unacceptable risk. […]
Security for SCADA is typically five to ten years behind typical
information technology (IT) systems because of its historically
isolated stovepipe organization.”


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Which future?

SCADA security evolution is at the same point IT

security was 5 years ago.

Differences are to be understood, and a similar

approach and security path has to be done

Does exists any SCADA Security Standard?

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SCADA Security Standards
BS7799-ISO27000 Information sec. management systems – Specification with guidance for use

ISO/IEC 17799:2005 Information Technology – Code of practice for information sec. management

ANSI/ISA S.99.1 Security for Manufacturing and Control Systems

ANSI/ISA SP99 TR2 Integrating Electronic Sec. into Manufacturing and Control Systems Env.

ISO/IEC 15408 Common Criteria

NIST System Protection Profile for Industrial Control Systems (SPP-ICS)

CIDX Chemical Industry Data Exchange - Vulnerability Assessment Methodology (VAM) Guidance

ISPE/GAMP4 – Good Automated Manufacturing Practices

PCSF Process Control System Forum ; NERC standards ; AGA standards ; NISCC Guidelines

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IS027000 vs. ISA-99.00.0I
Traditional IT Manufactoring
systems and Control System

Confidentiality Availability

Integrity Integrity

Availability Confidentiality

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The CrISTAL Project


Critical Infrastructures Security Test & Analysis Lab

was born in 2007 from some everyday-working-on-
security and often-working-on-scada professionals, to
inform the world about SCADA issues.


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Project Objectives

๏ talk with people, as many people as possible

๏ exchanging experiences related to SCADA security
๏ perform more technical research
๏ measure the SCADA’s market real security level
๏ write documents / white papers
๏ write necessary tools
๏ create a FDL methodology to pentest SCADA

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Team - Key People

Elisa Bortolani
Raoul Chiesa
Alessio L.R. Pennasilico
Enzo M. Tieghi

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Technical Organizational

Analysis Measurement

Security Testing Education

Hardening Ergonomics

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Team - Organizations

AIPSI, ISSA Italian Chapter

AIP, Italian Association of IT Professionals
University of Verona ( I.T. Science Dpt, Robotic Dpt, Psycho Dpt)
UNICRI, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

Alba S.T. - implements and hardens infrastructures

@Mediaservice.net - security testing
Servitecno - designs and implements SCADA products
Trilance - GAS & Electrical Company Software House

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First Steps

✓ released a paper for CLUSIT

✓ workshops at different events in Italy and Europe
✓ workshops for students at universities
✓ a first public case history, chosen among our
available references and research partner

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Airliquide.com (Cryogenics, Industrial and Medical Gas Distribution)
Mil Mil (Healthcare)
Mirato (Healthcare)
Sovema (Manufacturing)
Multiutility (Power & Gas)
Sant Luis (Manufactoring)
Others (NDA signed) written DA required

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Sovema case history video

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Case History:

“… is the world leader committed with the

manufacturing of battery making equipment ...”

Established 38 years ago

average 30 MLN US Dollars sales/year
Italy: about 100 employees, 10.000 sq
Offices in Europe, Asia and U.S.A.

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Profibus towards ethernet

Sovema always used SIEMENS Profibus technologies

then some customers demanded for Ethernet
and they implemented a new solution...

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Infrastructure details

A new internal test-bed

A PLC with expansion card
An operator panel
Visual alert about PLC operations

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The Testbed

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I P)

in/ s
w bu
ra ofi

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brain - always needed!

nmap - let’s meet ...
nessus - just to be sure about stupid things :)
wireshark - do you feel the net inside yourself? :)
custom scripts/commands/hacks/test/experience

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.160 Open ports
# rockwell-encap (44818/tcp)
# http (80/tcp)
# snmp (161/udp)
# rockwell-csp2 (2222/udp)
# rockwell-encap (44818/udp)

No access to PLC functions trough HTTP or SNMP /

No parameters can be changed trough HTTP /
No HTTP authentication / Remote monitor via CIP

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.161 Open ports
# rockwell-encap (44818/tcp)
# streetperfect (1330/tcp)
# intersan (1331/tcp)
# netbios-ns (137/udp)

Managed trough the display / Monitored via CIP by a HMI /

Honours the source-route option / File server available

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ClearText Traffic

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➡ nmap -sV / -O
➡ ping -f
➡ ping -s > 56200
➡ Traffic > 10 Mb/s

All conditions that make both devices unresponsive

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- ping -f, ping -s 56200, nmap -sV/-O
- xss, no auth, but no parameters to change
- cleartext, easily forgeable
- snmp, but useless on SCADA, only IP

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Very simple device (both HW&SW), very tailored:

‣ very simple to DoS

‣ some “silliness”, but nothing terrible
‣ no huge bugs
‣ emerged the need for specific tools ...

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๏ involve more people

๏ release a periodic bulletin about market status
๏ write more tech&org articles/white papers
๏ create a larger pool of public case histories
๏ write some tools (i.e. CIP injector)
๏ release a PenTesting methodology under FDL

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Best Practices /I

✓ Split into VLANs/DMZs

✓ Firewall / Content Filtering / IDS
✓ Implement device redundancy
✓ Take care about physical security
✓ Update and verify documentation
✓ ... and apply policies

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Best Practices /II
✓ Disable unused services
✓ Adopt AAA solutions
✓ Use encryption (i.e. VPN)
✓ Implement Quality of Service
✓ Use test-bed for simulations/security tests
✓ periodically run security tests (with a declared and
common methodology)

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Bibliography /I










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Bibliography /II








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Visual Credits

For graphics, video and ideas thanks to

Studio Miliani
[email protected]

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These slides are written by Alessio L.R. Pennasilico aka mayhem. They are subjected to Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 2.5 version; you can copy, modify, or sell them. “Please” cite your source and use the same licence :)

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The CrISTAL Project
Critical Infrastructures Security Testing & Analysis LAB

Thank You!
Raoul Chiesa Alessio L.R. Pennasilico

[email protected] [email protected]

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