Pressure Derivative Analysis With Type Curves For

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Journal of Petroleum and Gas Exploration Research (ISSN 2276-6510) Vol. 2(7) pp.

139-143, July, 2012 Available online Copyright 2012 International Research Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Pressure derivative analysis with type curves for reservoir parameters estimation of Kailastila gas field
Arifur Rahman
Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +88-01717265093
Accepted 23 July, 2012

Modern type curve analysis involves matching the pressures and their semi log derivative on a set of dimensionless type curves, and selecting a match point. Using this point and a specified matching curve, reservoir parameters such as permeability, skin factor, wellbore storage, areal extent etc. can be calculated. This paper shows that the same parameters can be obtained by using derivative analysis and type curve analysis. There are many graphical techniques that can be used to analyze well test data. These techniques include Cartesian, semi-log, and log-log plots of pressure and pressure drop functions. The particular analysis technique to be used depends uniquely on the reservoir flow model. In this paper first, semi-log plot of pressure versus the logarithm of some time function is used. Log-log plots are used, as a diagnostic tool to determine the reservoir model and to identify analogous data trends. In fact only the semi log derivative of the data is needed on log-log coordinates. Finally, pressure derivative and type curve values are used to construct a vertical model of the reservoir. In addition to the semi log derivative data, it is advisable to superimpose a plot of PPD (primary pressure derivative). This enables the analyst to differentiate between reservoir and wellbore effects. Keywords: Pressure derivative, type curve analysis, skin factor and wellbore storage, primary pressure derivative. INTRODUCTION Gas well test analysis is a branch of petroleum engineering. Information derived from flow and pressure transient tests about in-situ reservoir conditions is important in many phases of petroleum engineering. The reservoir engineer must have sufficient information about the reservoir/well conditions and characteristics to adequately analyze reservoir performance and forecast future production under various modes of operation. Pressures are most valuable and useful data in reservoir engineering. Directly or indirectly, they enter into all phases of reservoir engineering calculations. Therefore accurate determination of reservoir parameters is very important. Type Curve Analysis A type curve is a graphic representation of the theoretical response during a test of an interpretation model that represents the reservoir being tested. For a constant pressure test, the response is the change in production rate; for a constant rate test, the response is the change in pressure at the bottom of the well. Other types of response are also used, such as the time derivative of the bottom hole pressure. Type curves are derived from solutions to the flow equations under specific initial and boundary conditions. For the sake of the generality, type curves are usually presented in dimensionless terms, such as dimensionless pressure vs. a dimensionless time. A given interpretation model may yield a single type curves, depending on the complexity of the model. Type curves are very useful in well-test analysis, particularly when used with semi log analysis techniques. Type curves can help identify the appropriate reservoir model, identify the appropriate flow regimes for analysis, and estimate reservoir properties. They are especially helpful for analyzing gas-well tests when the data are distorted by wellbore storage.

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Figure 1. Pressure derivative, PPD, type curve, Dietz_MBH during build up test.

Derivative Analysis This new method of analysis has it basis in the published literature, and is rooted in the recognition and behavior of various flow regimes. Recently, the quality of well test interpretations has improved considerably because of the availability of accurate pressure data and the development of new software for computer- aided analysis. The interpretation method based on the analysis of the derivative of pressure with respect to appropriate time function. Use of the derivative of pressure vs. time is mathematically satisfying because the derivative is directly represented in one term of the diffusivity equation, which is the governing equation for the models of transient-pressure behavior used in welltest analysis (Figure 1). Primary pressure derivative When analyzing data, it is imperative that the data represent reservoir transient and not wellbore transient. Reservoir effects cannot cause an increase in PPD. Therefore an increase in PPD indicates a non-reservoir effect. The PPD curve is usually plotted along with the derivative (Figure 2), to identify portions of the data that are wellbore dynamics but are often mistaken to be reservoir effects. Objectives The objectives of this study are to analyze the well test data to estimate the following parameters and finally

these estimated parameters are matched by vertical modeling. I. The formation permeability II. The skin effect III. Average reservoir pressure IV. Wellbore storage effects V. Reservoir areal extend METHODOLOGY AND STUDY PROCEDURE There are several methods may be used to estimate reservoir parameters. The pressure build-up test, type curve analysis, Dietz_MBH method, vertical modeling and flow after flow test are used to complete this study. Permeability and skin due to damage are estimated by build-up test of radial analysis by developing semi log and derivative type curves. The values of permeability, skin, and average pressure are estimated from the Dietz_MBH method. These values are used as an input for vertical modeling. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The results presented here are obtained from pressure semi log plot, pressure derivative type curves and Dietz_MBH analysis of buildup test. The outputs of diagnostic analysis are used as input for Dietz_MBH analysis to estimate average reservoir pressure. The results from all analysis means semi log and derivative type curves are obtained similar. This section presents the discussion on parameters obtained from analytical (conventional) analysis, vertical model analysis.

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Figure 2. Pressure derivative, PPD, type curve during build up and vertical model.

Table 1. (Results from diagnostic and model analysis).

Studied reservoir Well Reservoir Boundary Reservoir parameters K(md) Kh(md.ft) Pi(psia) * P (psia) P(avg.)(psia) P(syn)(psia) Xe(ft) Ye(ft) Xw(ft) Yw(ft) Selected model Well Reservoir Boundary Main Model Parameters K(md) Kh(md.ft) CD Sd Pi(psia) P*(psia) P(avg.)(psia) P(syn)(psia) Well and Wellbore storage parameters CD Sd

Vertical Homogeneous Elongated rectangular reservoir Value Remarks 46.0842 Average permeability 2995.47 Total permeability-thickness product -5.557 Initial reservoir pressure 3503.8 Extrapolated pressure 3499.3 Average reservoir pressure 3658.7 Synthetic pressure 12736.735 Reservoir length 2188.818 Reservoir width 6368.367 Well location in X-direction measured from boundary 1094.409 Well location in Y-direction measured from boundary Vertical Homogeneous Elongated rectangular reservoir Value Remarks 129.480 Average permeability 8416.22 Total permeability-thickness product 678444.583 Dimensionless storage coefficient -2.300 Skin due to damage 3515 Initial reservoir pressure 3505.3 Extrapolated pressure 3505.2 Average reservoir pressure 3516 Synthetic pressure Value Remarks 678444.583 -2.334 Dimensionless storage coefficient Skin due to damage

From Table 1, it is obtained that the total skin effect ( ) are negative. But it is tough to conclude that the wells

are stimulated as all the skin components have not been analyzed here.

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The average reservoir pressure, Pavg (3499.3psia) from Dietz_MBH analysis is closer to initial reservoir pressure indicates that the reservoir is at its early stage of production. The areal extents indicate the reservoir is rectangular in shape which is consistent with assumption. The results are tabulated here from pressure semi log plots, pressure derivative type curve and dimensionless type curve. The resultant values of a specific parameter obtained from all analysis methods are same. For this reason, the specific method has not been mentioned in table containing results. Though, all the estimated parameters are well matched with actual reservoir pressure provided by gas fields company but from the Table1 (Comparison among diagnostic analysis parameters and vertical model parameters) it is obtained that, the estimated pressure response and reservoir extends of radial analysis do not fit the vertical model. It is general case for most of the time, because all the models are developed based on the theoretical background. Therefore, the vertical model can no longer be used to extract the reservoir parameters in the conventional manner. Other perturbing influences that may cause measured pressure data to deviate significantly from the basic theory include well stimulation, formation damage, perforations, fractures and a host of other formation and fluid heterogeneities. Another reason is that, some PVT properties were not available in collected PVT data table from field. For this reason the PVT data are assumed here. CONCLUSION Derivative analysis can be used for drawdown or build up data in the same manner, provided the appropriate time functions are used. The derivative approach improves the definition of the analysis plots and therefore the quality of the interpretation. The differentiation of actual data has to be conducted with care to remove noise without affecting the signal. The derivative approach does not produce errors or noise but only reveals them. Type curve describe the entire behavior of the interpretation model corresponding to the well and the reservoir and include various flow regimes that successively dominate during the test. As a result, type curve analysis provides the entire well and reservoir parameters that can be obtained from well testing With the help of dimensionless type curve the estimated parameters are matched with diagnostic analysis. Type curve is a old way to estimate and pressure derivative is a new way to estimate the reservoir parameters. With the help of this two procedure the estimated parameters were validated.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank petrobangla for providing me the required data for the analysis. I also like to thank assistant professor Mohammad Shahedul Hossain department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh, for his kind cooperation and inspiration to complete this work. Last but not the least, my friends and family for their kind support.
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Parameters Well radius (inches) Net drained thickness (ft) Effective porosity (%) Gas gravity Primary separator pressure (Psia) 0 Primary separator temperature ( F) Dew point CO2 component (mol % ) H2S component (mol %) N2 component Water Salinity (ppm) Initial Reservoir Pressure (Psia) Initial Reservoir Temp (F) Rock Compressibility (psi-1) GOR bbl/MMscf WGR bbl/MMscf Connate water saturation (%) Value 3.5 40 0.16 0.586 1000 70 N/A 0.139 Nil N/A 10000 3221 145.11 N/A Varying Varying 15

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