Gas Well Testing - Book

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Chapter 5

Gas Well Testing

Freddy Humberto Escobar

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Modeling liquid flow for well test interpretation considers constant values of both
density and compressibility within the range of dealt pressures. This assumption does
not apply for gas flow case in which the gas compressibility factor is also included for a
better mathematical representation. The gas flow equation is normally linearized to
allow the liquid diffusivity solution to satisfy gas flow behavior. Depending upon the
viscosity-compressibility product, three treatments are considered for the linearization:
square of pressure squared, pseudopressure, or linear pressure. When wellbore storage
conditions are insignificant, drawdown tests are best analyzed using the pseudo-
pressure function. Besides, since the viscosity-compressibility product is highly sensitive
in gas flow; then, pseudotime best captures the gas thermodynamics. Buildup pressure
tests, for example, require linearization of both pseudotime and pseudopressure. The
conventional straight-line method has been customarily used for well test interpretation.
Its disadvantages are the accuracy in determining of the starting and ending of a given
flow regime and the lack of verification. This is not the case of the Tiab’s Direct Synthesis
technique (TDS) which is indifferently applied to either drawdown or buildup tests and
is based on features and intersection points found of the pressure and pressure deriva-
tive log-log plot.

Keywords: TDS technique, pseudotime, pseudopressure, rapid flow, viscosity, rate

transient analysis, pressure transient analysis

1. Introduction

Contrary to liquids, a gas is highly compressible and much less viscous. In general, gas viscosity
is about a 100 times lower than the least viscous crude oil. It is important, however, to try to
provide the same mathematical treatment to oil and gas hydrocarbons, so interpretation meth-
odologies can easily be applied in a more practical way. Then, the gas flow equation is normally
linearized to allow the liquid diffusivity solution to satisfy the gas behavior when analyzing
transient test data of gas reservoirs. Depending on the values of reservoir pressure, viscosity, and

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96 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

gas compressibility factor, the gas flow behavior can be treated as a function of either pressure to
the second power or linear pressure with a region which does not correspond to any of these and
it is better represented by a synthetic function call pseudopressure. Pseudopressure is a function
that integrates pressure, density, and compressibility factor. The gas system’s total compressibil-
ity highly depends on gas compressibility which for ideal gases changes inversely with the
pressure. Then, another artificial function referred as pseudotime is included to further under-
stand the transient behavior of gas flow in porous media. For instance, when wellbore storage
conditions are insignificant, drawdown tests are best analyzed using the pseudopressure func-
tion. On the other hand, buildup pressure tests require linearization of both pseudotime and
This chapter will be devoted to provide both fundamental of gas flow in porous media as well as
interpretation of pressure and rate data in gas reservoirs. The use of the oil flow equations and
interpretation techniques is carefully extended for gas flow so that reservoir permeability, skin
factor, and reservoir area can be easily estimated from a gas pressure or gas rate test by using
conventional analysis and characteristic points found on the pressure derivative plot (TDS
technique). Conventional analysis—the oldest pressure transient test interpretation technique—
is based upon understanding the flow behavior in a given reservoir geometry, so the pressure
versus time function is plotted in such way that a linear trend can be obtained. Both slope and
intercept of such linear tendency are used to characterize the reservoir. Conventional analysis has
two main drawbacks: (1) difficulty of finding a given flow regime and (2) absence of parameter
verification. On the other hand, TDS technique—is strongly based on the log-log plot of pressure
and pressure derivative versus time curves which provide the best way for flow regime identifi-
cation; then, it uses the “fingerprints” or characteristic points found in such plot which are
entered in practical and direct analytical equations to easily find reservoir parameters. Moreover,
the same parameters can be obtained from different sources for verification purposes. Such is the
case, for instance, of the reservoir area in elongated systems which can be estimated five times.
The chapter will include both interpretation techniques TDS and conventional in two cases: (1)
infinite and (2) finite reservoirs. Channels or elongated systems in which reservoir hemilinear,
parabolic or linear flow regimes developed once radial flow regime vanishes are reported in
Refs [8, 13, 14]. This formation of linear flow regime normally occurs in fluvial deposits
(channels), sand lens, parallel faulting, terrace faulting, and carbonate reefs. Then, such sys-
tems are worth of transient pressure analysis characterization. Latest researches on the deter-
mination of drainage area in constant-pressure-bounded systems using either conventional
analysis or TDS technique are also reported by Escobar et al. [10].
It is convenient to mention some other important aspects concerning gas well testing which
have appeared recently. The first case is the transient rate analysis in hydraulically fractured
wells which was presented by [19] for both oil and gas wells. The traditional model for
elliptical flow included the reservoir area as a variable. Handling the interpretation using
TDS Technique may be little difficult for unexperienced interpreters. Therefore, [20] intro-
duced a model excluding the reservoir drainage area and avoiding the necessity of developing
pseudosteady-state regime. When a naturally fractured reservoir is subjected to hydraulic
fracturing, the interpretation should be performed according to the presented by [21]. [35]
Gas Well Testing 97

presented the pressure behavior of finite-conductivity fractured wells in gas composite sys-
tems. As far a horizontal wells, the recent works by [23] and [24] included off-centered wells
for transient-rate or transient-pressure cases, respectively. [29] presented a study of production
performance of horizontal wells when rapid flow conditions are given.
Practical exercises will provide in the chapter provide a better understanding and applicability
of the interpretation techniques.
The purpose of this chapter is two folded: (1) to present the governing equation for gas flow
used in well test interpretation and (2) to use both conventional and TDS Techniques as
valuable tools for well test interpretation in both transient rate and transient pressure analysis.
Some detailed examples will be given for demonstration purposes.

2. Transient pressure analysis

Transient pressure analysis is performed measuring the bottom-hole pressure while the flow
rate is kept constant.

2.1. Fluid flow equations

The gas diffusivity equation in oil-field units is given by:
1∂ P ∂P φ ∂ P
r ¼ (1)
r ∂r μðPÞZðPÞ ∂r 0:0002637 ∂t ZðPÞ

Which can be modified to respond for three-phase flow (oil, water, and gas):
1∂ ∂P φct ∂P
r ¼ (2)
r ∂r ∂r 0:0002637λt ∂t

where, the total compressibility, ct, and total mobility, λt, are given by:

ct ≈ cg sg þ co So þ cw Sw þ cf (3)

kg ko kw
λt ¼ þ þ (4)
μg μo μw

As can be inferred from Eq. (3), the total compressibility varies significantly when dealing with
monophasic gas flow since the gas compressibility varies along with the pressure. Agarwal [1]
introduced the pseudotime function to alleviate such problem. This function accounts for the
time dependence of gas viscosity and total system compressibility:
ta ¼ (5)
μðtÞct ðtÞ
98 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

Pseudotime is better defined as a function of pressure as a new function given in hr psi/cp:

ta ðPÞ ¼ dP (6)
μðPÞct ðPÞ

Notice that μ and ct are now pressure-dependent properties.

As expressed by Eq. (1), viscosity and gas compressibility factor are strong functions of pressure;
then, to account for gas flow behavior, Al-Hussainy et al. [2] introduced the pseudopressure
function which basically includes the variation of gas viscosity and compressibility into a single
function which is given by:
mðPÞ ¼ 2 dP (7)

After replacing Eqs. (6) and (7) into Eq. (1), it yields:
1∂ ∂mðPÞ φ ∂mðPÞ
r ¼ (8)
r ∂r ∂r 0:0002637k ∂ta ðPÞ

Contrary to liquid well testing, rapid gas flow has a strong influence on well testing, [32]. As
the flow rate increases, so does the skin factor, then:

sa ¼ s þ Dq (9)

Eq. (9) shows that the apparent skin factor is a function of the mechanical skin factor—which is
assumed to be constant during the test— and the product of the flow rate with the turbulence
factor or non-Darcy term. This implies that two flow test ought to be run at different flow rates
to find mechanical skin factor and the turbulence factor from:

ðsa Þ1 ¼ s þ Dq1 (10)

ðsa Þ2 ¼ s þ Dq2 (11)

Solving the simultaneous equations:

ðsa Þ1 ðsa Þ2
D¼ (12)
q1 q2

ðsa Þ1 ðsa Þ2
s ¼ ðsa Þ1 q1 (13)
q1 q2

where, the skin factors 1 and 2 are estimated from each pressure test. However, there is a need
of estimating the turbulence factor by empirical correlations for buildup cases or when a single
test exists. Then, the non-Darcy flow coefficient is defined by [26]:
Gas Well Testing 99

γg khβ
D ¼ 2:222  10 (14)
μg rw h2p

The above equation is also applied to partially completed or partially penetrated wells. hp is
the length of the perforated interval. For fully perforated wells, hp = h.
Parameter β is called turbulence factor or inertial factor can be found by correlations. The
correlation proposed by Geertsma [21] is given by:

4:851  104
β¼ pffiffiffi (15)
φ5:5 k

The consideration on the skin factor effect on gas testing was recognized by Fligelman et al.
[25] who provided correction charts to account for apparent skin factor values.

2.2. Conventional analysis

The solution to the transient diffusivity equation, Eq. (8), is given by:
1 1
mðPÞD ð1, tDa Þ ¼ Ei (16)
2 4tDa

The dimensionless parameters used in this chapter are given below. The rigorous dimension-
less time is:

tD ¼ (17)
φðμct Þr2w

Including the pseudotime function, ta(P), the dimensionless pseudotime is:

tDa ¼ ta ðPÞ (18)

Notice that the viscosity-compressibility product is not seen in Eq. (16) since they are included
in the pseudotime function. However, if we multiply and, then, divide by (μct)i, a similar
equation to the general dimensionless time expression will be obtained.
tDa ¼ ½ðμct Þi  ta ðPފ (19)
φðμct Þi r2w

The dimensionless pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivatives are:

 0 hk½t ΔmðPÞ0 Š
t ΔmðPÞD ¼ (19a)
1422:52qsc T

hk½mðPi Þ mðPފ
mðPÞD ¼ (20)
100 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

hk½ta ðPÞ ΔmðPÞ0 Š

ta ðPÞ ΔmðPÞD 0 ¼ (21)
1422:52qsc T

And the dimensionless wellbore storage coefficient is given by:

CD ¼ C (22)
φhct r2w

The dimensionless radii are given:

rD ¼ (23)
rDe ¼ (24)

For practical purposes, Eq. (16) will end up in a semilog behavior of pseudopressure drops
against time. After replacing the respective dimensionless quantities into the mentioned
straight-line semilog expression, it is obtained [4]:
" ! #
1:422  106 qT kt
mðPi Þ mðPwf Þ ¼ 1:1513log þ s0 þ D (25)
kh 1688φðμg ct Þi rw 2

1:422  106 qT
kta ðPÞ 0
mðPi Þ mðPwf Þ ¼ 1:1513log þs þD (26)
kh 1688φrw 2

The above equations are applied during transient or radial flow regime. They are used to find
reservoir transmissibility and apparent skin factor from the slope and intercept, respectively, of
a semilog plot of well-flowing pressure versus time. After applying the superposition princi-
ple, the above equations for the buildup case are converted into:

1:422  106 qT tp þ Δt
mðPi Þ mðPwf Þ ¼ log (27)
kh Δt
1:422  106 qT ta ðPÞp þ Δta ðPÞ
mðPi Þ mðPwf Þ ¼ log (28)
kh Δta ðPÞ

From a semilog plot of pseudopressure versus time (or pseudotime), its slope allows calculating
the reservoir permeability and the intercept is used to find the pseudoskin factor, respectively:

k¼ (29)
0 mðPi Þ mðP1hr Þ k
s ¼ log 3:227 þ 0:8686 (30)
m φðμct Þi r2w
Gas Well Testing 101

Notice that for the pseudotime case, (µct)i product in the above equation will be set as the unity.
The gas pseudoskin factor is estimated for the buildup case as:

mðP1hr Þ mðPwf Þ
0 k
s ¼ log 3:227 þ 0:8686 (31)
m φðμct Þi r2w

The governing dimensionless pressure equation during pseudosteady-state period is given by [28]:

mðPÞD ¼ þ ln rD 0:75 þ s0 (32)

By replacing the dimensionless quantities, changing the log base, the above equation leads to:

0:2395qTt 3263qT 0:472re
mðPi Þ mðPwf Þ ¼ þ log þ (33)
Ahφ kh rw 2:303

A Cartesian plot of m(Pwf ) versus time or pseudotime during pseudosteady state will yield a
straight line in which slope, m*, is useful to find the well drainage area:

A¼ (34)

Such deliverability tests as backpressure, isochronal, modified isochronal, and flow after flow
are conducted for the purpose of determining the flow exponent n (n = 1 is considered
turbulent flow and 0.5 < n < 1 is considered to be rapid flow) and the performance coefficients.
They assumed that stabilization is reached during the testing which is not true in most of the
cases. Then, they are not included in this chapter but can be found in Chapter 4 of Ref. [4].

2.3. TDS technique

Tiab [33] proposed a revolutionary technique which is very useful to interpret pressure tests
using characteristics points found on the pressure and pressure derivative versus time log-log
plot. He obtained practical analytical solutions for the determination of reservoir parameters.

7:029  10 4 kh mðPi Þ mðPwf Þðtn Þ

mðPÞD r ¼ ¼ ðlntD þ 0:80907 þ 2sÞ (35)
qT qn 2

From a log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative against pseudotime,

Figure 1, several main characteristics are outlined:
1. The early unit-slope line originated by wellbore storage is described by the following equation:
mðPÞD ¼ (36)

Replacing the dimensionless parameters in Eq. (36), a new equation to estimate the wellbore
storage coefficient is obtained:
102 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies


U nit-slope line
Pseudostable-state line
m(P) and t a*m(P)', psi /cp


Infinite-acting line

∆ m( P)
t a * ∆m( P ) '
1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09
ta , psi hr/cp

Figure 1. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative versus pseudotime. After Ref. [7].
ta ðPÞ
C ¼ ð0:419qTct Þ (37)

2. The intersection of the early unit-slope line with the radial horizontal straight line gives:
¼ 0:5 (38)
CD i

From this, an equation to estimate either permeability or wellbore storage is obtained once the
dimensionless parameters are replaced.
As presented by Tiab [33], the governing equation for the well pressure behavior during radial
flow reformulated by Escobar et al. [7] in terms of pseudofunctions is expressed by:
1695ct C
ta ðPÞi ¼ (39)

3. According to Ref. [28], another form of Eq. (35) is obtained when wellbore storage and skin
factor are included:
1 tDa 2s
mðPÞD r ¼ ln þ 0:80907 þ lnðCD e Þ (40)
2 CD r

From the above equation, the derivative of pseudopressure with respect to the natural log of
tDa/CD is given by:
tDa 0
mðPÞD ¼ 0:5 (41)
CD r

From Eq. (21), the dimensionless pseudopressure derivative with respect to the natural log of
log tDa/CD gives:
Gas Well Testing 103

tDa kh
mðPÞ0D ¼ 7:029  10 4
½ta ðPÞ  mðPÞ0 Š (42)
CD r qT

Combination of Eqs. (41) and (42) will result into an equation to estimate permeability:

k¼ (43)
h½ta ðPÞ  ΔmðPÞ0 Šr

3. Dividing Eq. (40) by Eq. (41), replacing the dimensionless quantities and, then, solving for
the pseudoskin factor will yield:
2 0 1 3
½ΔmðPފr k ta ðPÞ
s0 ¼ 0:54 ln@ rA
þ 7:43165 (44)
½ta ðPÞ  ΔmðPÞ0 Šr φr2w

Finally, the pressure derivative during the pseudosteady-state flow regime of closed systems is
governed by:

tDa  mðPÞ0D ¼ 2πtDa (45)

The intersection point of the above straight line and the radial flow regime straight line is:

taDARPi ¼ (46)

After substituting the dimensionless pseudotime function into Eq. (46), a new equation for the
well drainage area is presented:

kta ðPÞrpi
A¼ (47)
301:77 φ

Further applications of gas well test can be found in the literature. Escobar et al. [12] intro-
duced the mathematical expressions for interpretation of pressure tests using the pseudo-
pressure and pseudopressure derivative as a function of pseudotime for hydraulically
fractured wells and naturally fractured (heterogeneous) formations. Fligelman [30] presented
an interpretation methodology using TDS technique for finite-conductivity fractured wells.
They used pseudopressure and rigorous time. In 2012, Escobar et al. [16] implemented the
transient pressure analysis on gas fractured wells in bi-zonal reservoirs. Moncada et al. [31]
extended the TDS for oil and gas flow for partially completed and partially penetrated wells.
As far as horizontal wells, it is worth to mention the work performed in Refs. [11] and [15] on
homogeneous and naturally fractured reservoirs.

2.4. Example 1
Chaudhry [4] presented a reservoir limit test for a gas reservoir (example 5-2 of Ref. [4]). However,
once the pressure derivative was taken to the test data, no late pseudosteady state regime was
observed. Then, the input data given below were used to simulate a pressure test given in Table 1.
104 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

Sg = 70% Sw = 30% q = 6184 MSCF/D

h = 41 ft k = 44 md Bg = 0.00102 ft3/STB
rw = 0.4271 ft φ = 10.04% ct = 0.0002561 psi
ωg = 0.0992 md/cp γg = 0.732 Pcr = 380.16 psia
Tcr = 645.06 R T = 710 R re = 2200 ft (349 Ac)
m(Pi) = 340920304.2 psi /cp

t, hr P, psi t, hr P, psi

0 3965 1.2713 3677.2527

0.001 3960.629 1.6005 3670.3779
0.002 3956.4313 2.0148 3663.602
0.003 3952.3774 2.5365 3656.8388
0.004 3948.4516 3.1933 3650.1477
0.005 3944.6431 4.0202 3643.5144
0.006 3940.9438 5.0107 3637.2126
0.007 3937.3469 6.0107 3632.0323
0.008 3933.8466 7.0107 3627.6664
0.009 3930.4382 8.0107 3623.8936
0.0113 3922.8277 9.0107 3620.5718
0.0143 3913.8402 10.0107 3617.6047
0.018 3903.2573 12.0107 3612.4479
0.0226 3891.1325 21.0107 3596.5482
0.0285 3877.5006 30.0107 3586.4447
0.0358 3862.4816 39.0107 3579.0231
0.0451 3846.2054 48.0107 3573.1536
0.0568 3829.2592 57.0107 3568.2967
0.0715 3812.1329 66.0107 3564.1453

0.09 3795.2335 75.0107 3560.4805

0.1133 3779.2686 84.0107 3557.2312
0.1271 3771.7594 93.0107 3554.3136
0.16 3757.7512 102.0107 3551.6672
0.2015 3745.1803 179.5107 3535.5164
0.2537 3734.0438 269.5107 3523.5847
0.3193 3724.1258 359.5107 3514.1663
0.402 3715.1658 449.5107 3505.545
0.5061 3706.8112 539.5107 3497.2804
Gas Well Testing 105

t, hr P, psi t, hr P, psi

0.6372 3698.9669 629.5107 3489.1576

0.8021 3691.489 719.5107 3481.0959
1.0098 3684.2741 809.5107 3473.056

ta(P), psi-hr/cp Δm(P), psi2/cp ta(P)* Δm(P)0 , psi2/cp ta(P), psi-hr/cp Δm(P), psi2/cp ta(P)* Δm(P)0 , psi2/cp

0 0 0 45802.414 1870739.384 17533667.77

37.7745 270218.7615 265698.0159 57569.7648 1838960.003 17954428.54
75.5167 518758.6126 520866.1041 72365.7851 1815682.598 18369258.28
113.2278 751325.0471 767304.1906 90970.2467 1799003.726 18783428.06
150.9089 968476.5902 1005966.456 114363.6923 1786548.918 19193297.17
188.561 1172014.904 1237504.102 143779.3051 1774358.756 19599754.75
226.185 1362245.214 1462410.249 178978.2667 1766967.699 19986008.75
263.7817 1544967.139 1681099.321 214477.474 1764620.952 20303606.64
301.352 1713052.797 1893921.256 249946.7071 1752899.594 20571329.92
338.8966 1876882.193 2101169.292 285390.4587 1717299.587 20802733.84
426.2923 2225474.894 2563944.683 320812.0523 1692510.182 21006509.26
536.1368 2605002.302 3110507.871 356214.0473 1681851.999 21188553.27
674.1563 3004035.218 3754179.95 426967.5286 1725356.98 21505009.16
847.5255 3404366.431 4491744.317 744772.1706 1759676.341 22480949.29
1065.235 3781729.348 5321159.089 1061858.072 1799660.974 23101515.46
1338.5511 4101068.915 6235191.645 1378463.16 1769298.728 23557564.54
1681.5934 4335396.363 7226023.963 1694705.511 1759287.154 23918367.9
2112.0768 4462372.666 8257991.514 2010656.317 1770713.335 24217012.8
2652.2558 4463511.759 9301323.123 2326363.101 1736601.944 24472345.81
3330.0995 4300906.005 10331215.57 2641858.765 1709368.012 24697796.42
4180.8019 4056795.12 11304325.65 2957168.15 1701504.59 24897723.65
4684.3808 3917486.951 11762181.87 3272311.76 1711704.512 25077261.23
5880.9567 3569692.658 12616571.14 3587306.105 1744436.565 25240114.57
7383.6218 3191507.548 13383609.83 6295436.794 1821464.183 26234973.81
9271.202 2873762.477 14063387.95 9432920.282 2036512.441 26970809.17
11642.9004 2591188.809 14668995.81 12564795.27 2355209.644 27552034.83
14623.503 2366500.199 15216145.54 15691965 2740929.323 28084374.29
18369.9003 2197999.347 15726460.2 18814758.13 3212985.03 28594968.02
23079.3518 2076483.39 16205683.18 21933329.44 3695740.205 29097073.99
28999.9239 1985415.325 16662774.49 25047755.95 4195533.855 29595671.37
36443.5374 1918507.605 17104058.59 28158083.33 4703995.72 30093194.56

Table 1. Pressure, pseudopressure, time, and pseudotime data for example 1.

106 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

Estimate permeability, skin factor, and drainage area by both conventional analysis and TDS

2.4.1. Solution by conventional analysis

Figure 2 presents a semilog pressure of pseudopressure versus pseudotime. The slope and
intercept of the radial flow regime straight line in such plot are given below:

m¼ 3995147:42 ðpsi2 =cpÞ=ðlog hr psi=cpÞ

mðPÞ1 hr ¼ 342125555:5 psi2 =cp

Use of Eqs. (27) and (28) allows finding reservoir permeability and pseudoskin factor, respec-

1637:74qT 1637:74ð6184Þð710Þ
k¼ ¼ ¼ 43:45 md
mh ð3995147:42Þð41Þ

340920304:25 342125555:5
2 3

s0 ¼ 6  3995147:42 
6 7
7 ¼ 0:5172
4 43:45 5
log 2
3:227 þ 0:8686
ð0:1004Þð0:4271 Þ

To find the well drainage area, the Cartesian plot given in Figure 3 was built. Its slope,
m* = 0.0914 (psi2/cp)/(hr psi/cp), is plugged into Eq. (34):

0:23395qT 0:23395ð6184Þð710Þ
A¼ ¼ ¼ 336:4 Ac
φhm ð0:1004Þð41Þð0:0914Þð43560Þ

m(P) 1 hr = 342125556 psi 2/cp

m(P), psi 2 /cp

3.25E+08 951
p si 2
3.20E+08 *hr/
3.15E+08 p


1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
t (P), hr-psi/cp

Figure 2. Semilog plot for example 1.

Gas Well Testing 107



m(P), psi 2 /cp




3.15E+08 m = -0.0914 psi 2 *hr/ psi-hr/cp


0.E+00 5.E+06 1.E+07 2.E+07 2.E+07 3.E+07 3.E+07

Figure 3. Cartesian plot for example 1.

2.4.2. Solution by TDS technique

Figure 4 presents the pseudopressure and pressure derivative versus pseudotime log-log plot
in which wellbore storage, radial flow regime, and late pseudosteady-state regimes are clearly
observed. The following characteristic points were read from Figure 4:

ta(P)r = 1694705.5 psi hr/cp ∆m(P)r = 23918367.9 psi2/cp

ta(P)*∆m(P)’r = 1735066.96 psi2/cp ta(P)rpi = 10113641.48 psi hr/cp

m( P) r = 23918367.9 psi /cp2 state
∆m(P) & t a (P)*∆m(P)', psi 2/cp

ta ( P) rpi = 1694705.5

1.E+06 [ta ( P) * m( P) ']r = 1735066.96 psi 2 /cp

Radial flow
storage ta ( P) r = 1694705.5 hr-psi/cp

1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
ta (P), hr-psi/cp

Figure 4. Pseudopressure drop and pseudopressure derivative versus time log-log plot for example 1.
108 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

Permeability and pseudoskin factor are respectively estimated from Eqs. (42) and (44),

711:26qT 711:26ð6184Þð710Þ
k¼ 0 ¼ ¼ 43:9 md
h½ta ðPÞ  ΔmðPÞ Šr ð41Þð1735066:96Þ
0 23918367:9 43:9ð1694705:5Þ
s ¼ 0:5 ln þ 7:4316 ¼ 0:454
1735066:96 ð0:1004Þð0:42712 Þ

and well drainage area is found with Eq. (47):

kta ðPÞrpi ð43:9Þð10113641:48Þ

A¼ ¼ ¼ 336:4 Ac
301:77 φ 301:77 ð0:1004Þ

Finally, the inertial factor and the non-Darcy flow coefficient are estimated with Eqs. (14) and (15):

4:851  104 4:851  104 1

β¼ p ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 2265091235:63 ft
φ5:5 k

ð0:1004Þ 43:9

15 ð0:732Þð41Þð43:9Þð2265091235:63Þ 5
D ¼ 2:222  10 ¼ 9  10 D=Mscf
ð0:0992Þð0:4271Þð412 Þ

The true skin factor is found with Eq. (9):

sa ¼ s þ Dq ¼ 0:454 þ 9  10 ð6184Þ ¼ 1:42

It can be seen that the simulated parameters closely match the results obtained from the examples.

3. Transient rate analysis

Transient rate analysis is performed by recording the continuous changing flow rate under a
constant bottom-hole pressure condition. This procedure is normally achieved in very low gas
formations and shale gas systems.

3.1. Basic flow and dimensional equations

The Laplace domain, the rate of solution for a well producing against a constant bottom-hole
well-flowing pressure was given by [34]:

qD ¼ pffiffiffi (48)
uK0 ð uÞ

The solution for a bounded reservoir was presented by [5]:

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
I 1 ðreD uÞK1 ð uÞ K1 ðreD uÞI 1 ð uÞ
qD ¼ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi (49)
u½I 0 ð uÞK1 ðreD uÞ þ K0 ð uÞI 1 ðreD uފ
Gas Well Testing 109

For considerable longer times, Ref. [27] showed that the qD function in Eq. (48) may be
approximated by:

1 1
¼ ½ln tD þ 0:80907Š (50)
qD 2

where the dimensionless reciprocal rate and reciprocal rate derivative are given by:

k h ΔmðPÞ
1=qD ¼ (51)
1422:52 Tq

k h ½t  ΔmðPÞ0 Š
tD  ð1=qD Þ0 ¼ (52)
1422:52 Tq

Including pseudoskin effects in Eq. (49),

1 1
¼ ½ln tD þ 0:80907 þ 2s0 Š (53)
qD 2

3.2. Conventional analysis

After replacing the dimensionless quantities and changing the logarithm base, it yields:

1 1:422  106 qT
kta ðPÞ 0
¼ 1:1513log þs (54)
q khΔmðPÞ 1688φrw 2

As for the case of pressure transient analysis, from a semilog plot of pseudopressure versus
time (or pseudotime), its slope allows calculating the reservoir permeability and the intercept
is used to find the pseudoskin factor, respectively:

k¼ (55)
mh ΔmðPÞ
0 ð1=qÞ1hr k
s ¼ log 3:227 þ 0:8686 (56)
m φðμct Þi r2w

Considering approximation for large time to the analytical Laplace inversion of Eq. (49), the
following expression is obtained:
1 2tD
qD ¼ exp 2 (57)
ln reD 0:75 reD ðln reD 0:75Þ

For tD ≥ tDpss, this flow period is known as the exponential decline period. tDpss is the time
required for the development of true pseudosteady state at the producing well for constant
rate production case. Eq. (57) concerns only the circular reservoir. The solution can be general-
ized for other reservoir shapes by using the Dietz shape factor [6], CA,
110 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

2 3
2 4πtD
qD ¼ exp 4 5 (58)
ln γCA AD ln γCA

where, AD (dimensionless area) and reD (dimensionless radius) are given by:
AD ¼ (59)
re re
reD ¼ s
¼ (60)
rw e rwef f

Eq. (58) suggests that a plot of log(q) versus time will yield a straight line with negative slope

Mdecline ¼ (61)
r2eD ðln reD 0:75Þφμct r2w

and intercept at (t = 0):

qint ¼ (62)
1637:74Bμðln reD 0:75Þ

The reservoir area can be determined by solving the Eq. (62) for reD:
reD ¼ exp q þ 0:75 (63)
khΔmðPÞðln reD 0:75Þ int

3.3. TDS technique

Escobar et al. [9] extended the TDS Technique for gas well in homogeneous and naturally
fractured formations using rigorous time. The equations they presented for wellbore storage
coefficient and permeability are given below:
Tq tN T t
C ¼ 0:4196 ¼ 0:4198 (64)
μ ΔmðPÞN μ ΔmðPÞ t  ð1=qÞ0 N

k ¼ 711:5817 (65)
h ΔmðPÞ½t  ð1=qÞ0 Šr

Using a procedure similar to the pressure transient case, Escobar et al. [9] found an expression
to estimate the pseudoskin factor:
(   )
ð1=qÞ ktr
s0 ¼ 0:5 r
ln þ 7:43 (66)
½t  ð1=qÞ0 Šr φ μ ct rw 2

For the estimation of reservoir area, Escobar et al. [9] also presented an equation that uses the
starting time of the pseudosteady-state period, tspss.
Gas Well Testing 111

0:0015k tspss 1=2

re ¼ (67)
φμ ct

As treated in pressure transient analysis, Eq. (41), the reciprocal rate derivative takes a value of 0.5
during radial flow. The intercept of this with the reciprocal rate derivative of Eq. (57) will provide:

tDrpi ¼ reD 2 ½lnðreD Þ 0:75Š (68)

in which numerical solution gives:

reD ¼ 1:0292 t0:4627

Drpi (69)

After replacing the dimensionless quantities, we obtain:

3 k
re ¼ 22:727  10 rwef f trpi 0:4627 (70)
φ μ ct rwef f 2

Refs. [13] and [14] presented rate transient analysis for long homogeneous and naturally
fractured oil reservoirs using TDS technique and conventional analysis, respectively. Equations
can be easily translated to gas flow.

3.4. Example 2
Escobar et al. [9] presented an example for a homogeneous bounded reservoir. Figure 5 and
Table 2 present the reciprocal rate and reciprocal rate derivative versus rigorous time for this
exercise. Other relevant data for this example are given below:

1.E -01

1.E -02
1/q and t *(1/q )', 1/MSCF

1.E -03

1.E -04 (1/ qD ) r = 5.76 ×10-5 MSCF–1

1.E -05 [t D *(1/ qD ) ']r = 7.293 ×10-6 MSCF –1

tr = 0.0472 hr trpi = 0.6 hr

1.E -06
1.E -04 1.E -03 1.E -02 1.E -01 1.E + 00 1.E + 01
t, hr

Figure 5. Reciprocal rate and reciprocal rate derivative for example 2—homogeneous bounded reservoir. After Ref. [9].
112 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

h = 80 ft k = 25 md rw = 0.3 ft
φ = 25% ct = 0.00187 psi μg = 0.0122 md/cp
γg = 0.85 T = 670 R re = 30 ft (0.065 Ac)
Δm(P) = 340920304.2 psi /cp ΔP = 580 psi

Find reservoir permeability, skin factor, and drainage radius for this example using the TDS

1 1 1 1
t, hr 1/q, MSCF t*(1/q)0 , MSCF t, hr 1/q, MSCF t*(1/q)0 , MSCF

3.11E-04 43189.24959 179751.1071 4.72E-02 17360.95346 135561.954

3.89E-04 40834.91569 162199.4397 6.09E-02 16811.48278 135417.1412
4.67E-04 39060.52002 163534.7645 7.58E-02 16365.45213 135450.8332
5.45E-04 37655.94848 160065.4877 0.094767643 15935.44127 134654.7122
7.01E-04 35537.19664 157149.8777 0.122175588 15464.07533 130033.9989
8.72E-04 33849.9472 154708.1815 0.152075165 15058.4209 120446.6934
1.07E-03 32361.46026 152593.8776 0.176991479 14766.60107 110524.7186
1.35E-03 30871.32659 150543.0499 0.224830802 14266.98732 91414.11215
1.66E-03 29601.36073 148839.1511 0.284629956 13699.34978 71972.81156
1.97E-03 28617.55908 147555.5061 0.354395635 13079.44168 55862.58323
2.36E-03 27646.46771 146325.5009 0.450074281 12279.66271 41400.85561
2.80E-03 26785.03603 145257.0868 0.569672588 11348.65545 30197.97654
3.42E-03 25823.21027 144105.0598 0.709203946 10349.64392 22079.63438
4.04E-03 25068.84401 143224.7896 0.900561238 9119.41797 15300.5905
4.73E-03 24398.17164 142461.4954 1.139757852 7783.903591 10316.16432
5.54E-03 23753.19888 141745.6607 1.315168702 6930.721305 7965.441894
6.63E-03 23056.85049 140996.5214 1.522472435 6043.090594 6009.327954
7.87E-03 22423.58559 140330.625 1.801535152 5027.292996 4239.056471
9.12E-03 21908.28203 139803.0353 2.120463971 4077.321632 2935.619806
1.15E-02 21141.51732 139045.8455 2.630750081 2923.310968 1712.191843
1.49E-02 20332.18915 138280.5426 3.28455416 1917.14852 909.5234175
1.86E-02 19683.45322 137688.6861 4.241340618 1040.993708 385.7970016
2.34E-02 19065.59817 137131.4759 5.261912839 543.216581 162.6885651
3.02E-02 18406.42719 136508.2532 6.569520997 230.4829168 41.88651512
3.77E-02 17872.96521 135981.9447 9.12095155 27.98082076 0.548915189

Table 2. Reciprocal rate, reciprocal rate derivative versus time data for example 2.

3.4.1. Solution
The following characteristic points were read from Figure 5:
Gas Well Testing 113

2 6
tr = 4.72  10 hr [t*(1/q)’]r = 7.293  10 D/Mscf
(1/q)r = 5.76  10 D/Mscf trpi = 0.06 hr

Eqs. (65), (66), and (70) are used to obtain permeability, skin factor, and drainage.

711:5817T 711:5817ð670Þ
k¼ 0 ¼ ¼ 26:37 md
h ΔmðPÞ½t  ð1=qÞ Šr ð80Þð30976300Þð7:293  10 6 Þ
( ! )
ð5:76  10 5 Þ ð25Þð0:0472Þ
s0 ¼ 0:5 ln þ 7:43 ¼ 0:68
ð7:293  10 6 Þ ð0:25Þð0:0122Þð0:00187Þð0:3Þ2
re ¼ 22:727  10 3 ð0:3Þ ð0:6Þ0:4627 ¼ 19:5 ft
ð0:25Þð0:0122Þ ð0:00187Þð0:3Þ2

Notice that the results closely match the permeability and external reservoir radius as
presented by Ref. [9].

Finally, it is worth to mention that nowadays, conventional shale-gas reservoirs have become
very attractive in the oil industry. Then, their characterization via well test analysis is very
important. Shale-gas reservoir is normally tested under constant well-flowing pressure condi-
tions—transient rate analysis—then, the recent studies performed in Refs. [17] and [22] should
be read. If such wells are tested under constant rate conditions—pressure transient analysis—
then the reader should refer to the works by Bernal et al. [3] and Escobar et al. [18].


A Well drainage area, ft2 and Ac

B Volumetric factor, rb/MSCF
C Wellbore storage coefficient, bbl/psi
ct Total compressibility, 1/psi
D Turbulent flow factor, Mscf/D
h Formation thickness, ft
hp Perforated interval, ft
I0, I1 Bessel function
k Permeability, md
K0,K1 Bessel function
m Semilog slope
m* Cartesian slope
m(P) Pseudopropressure function, psi2/cp
Mdecline Slope of plot of log(q) versus time
n Flow exponent
P Pressure, psi
114 Advances in Natural Gas Emerging Technologies

PD Dimensionless pressure
Pwf Well-flowing pressure, psi
q Gas flow rate, MSCF
1/q Reciprocal of the flow rate, D/Mscf
r Radius, ft
re External reservoir radius, ft
rw Radio del pozo, ft
rweff Effective wellbore radius, rwe s, ft
s’ Apparent or pseudoskin factor
sa Total skin factor
t Time, hr
tD*PD’ Dimensionless pressure derivative
tDpss Exponential decline period
t*(1/q)’ Reciprocal rate derivative, D/Mscf
tD*(1/qD)’ Dimensionless reciprocal rate derivative
tp Horner or producing time
tpss Exponential decline period, hr
tspss Time to initiate pseudosteady state, hr
u Argument for a Bessel function
Z Gas supercompressibility factor


α Turbulence factor or inertial factor

Δ Change, drop
φ Porosity, fraction
γ Euler’s constant—1.781 or e0.5772
γ gGas gravity
λ Mobility, md/cp
μ Viscosity, cp


1 hr One hour
cr Condition at critical point
DA Dimensionless referred to drainage area
Da Dimensionless referred to pseudotime
D Dimensionless
De Dimensionless referred to external
e External
eff Effective
g Gas
Gas Well Testing 115

i Initial or intercept
pss Pseudosteady state
r Radial flow
ref Reference
rpi Intercept radial-pseudosteady
t Total
ta(P) Pseudotime, psi-hr/cp
w Well

Author details

Freddy Humberto Escobar

Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia


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